Self-Governance in an Unreasonable Age

Part IV: A Conclave of Reptiles

Once again, the country descends into the fetid morass of double-talk, obfuscation, and contemptible cacophony known as election season. Right on cue, every slithering incumbent and mucilaginous political rookie is crisscrossing his/her/its respective area of operations in the hope of bamboozling the required number of dolts into scratching an “X” in their favor. It is a perfectly ridiculous exercise, founded in fanciful expectations, false hopes, and dreams of remembered greatness.

This biennial exercise in national self-delusion will take place across a vast, arid political landscape bereft of any cooling breeze of intelligent debate and denied even the barest sprinkling of intellectual honesty to settle the duplicitous dust of what passes for political discourse in this ghost of a country. Instead, the voting populace will get its usual entrée of verbal offal dressed up with the emotional condiments of their choice. Then, the farce will come to its emotional apogee on election day (oh, blessed day) when the electorate will once again squeeze out a collective turd that looks pretty much identical to the deuce they dropped two and four years earlier. The product of this national bowel movement will smell the same and you wouldn’t want to step in it, but at least it’s out of the system for a few months. At least until the sibilant whisperings of our reptilian ruling class begin to tickle our ears once again…, and again…, and again. Welcome to scatological Ground Hog Day on the Potomac.

The Definition of Insanity

As usual, the voters will return some ridiculous percentage of Senators and Representatives back to the very Congress, which they ostensibly hold in utter contempt. Every election cycle, the ruling class sinks lower into the primordial ooze of public opinion, yet every two years a phalanx of incumbents return once again to interfere in our lives with an intensity that would be admirable if it were not so destructive of liberty. The astonishing disconnect between the general opinion of congress on the part of the public versus the actions of voters in specific districts and states would be a puzzlement to me if I didn’t already know its cause. To wit, every voter thinks that everyone else is the problem.

But…but…but…the average American knucklehead sputters, “Your guy certainly is a worthless, useless, nutless, gutless, meatsack, but my guy is a paragon of patriotic virtue whose sole purpose in seeking or holding office is to look after my best interests.” “I know because he told me.” Cue the cancerous visage of John McCain.

Or, if you prefer, “Your gal is obviously a screeching, grasping third wave feminist termagant with withered dugs and a dusty vagina, but my gal is the soul of charity and tolerance who only wants to suckle the nation at her ample breasts. Now imagine Maxine Waters’ craggy mug slapped onto a voluptuous feminine form. That’s a photo shop of horrors right there.

This schizophrenic break between what one believes regionally and what is true nationally is a clear illustration of intellectual dishonesty in action. Then again, dishonesty of every conceivable variety is the nation’s stock in trade these days.

The Barnhardt Axiom

Heartfelt thanks to Ann Barnhardt for the following cuttingly clear indictment of national office holders:

“The fact that a given person is holding or seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office.”

Corollary to the Axiom, also courtesy of Ms. Barnhardt:

“Remember, the only thing that actually WANTS to be in a cesspit is a PIECE OF SHIT.”

Our ruling class has become anathema to any hope of a return to healthy self-governance. Common sense would indicate that the Founders predicated our experiment in self-government on the idea that those so inclined would suffer themselves to serve as legislators for a term or two and then go home to live under the laws they themselves promulgated.

It bears repeating. Elected officials were to serve for a term or two and then go f***ing home and do something productive. Now these jack-a-napes hold on to power with the intensity of an alcoholic looking for an open tavern at 8:00 AM on a Sunday morning. I see no material difference between a Senator or Representative who spends a lifetime sucking on the government teat while making the laws and a generational welfare queen living under those same laws with lips firmly affixed to the next nipple down the line.

Finally, when one of these busybodies retires after a lifetime of peering in everybody else’s windows, they are feted as some kind of munificent benefactor who “sacrificed” so much to public service. With absolutely no due respect, spending your working years sticking your nose into other people’s business and then going home with pensions and perks paid for by those same people is not an honorable life. It should not be a source of personal pride for them or national pride for us. It’s like giving lifetime achievement awards to a gaggle of Gladys Kravitz’s clones. It is evidence of fundamental failure. Even the ones who don’t stay long enough to wind up pissing themselves in committee stick around far too long for our good. It’s the rare one who is so good (or so bad) that they go home after a single term or two. Apparently, the system selects for medium megalomania only.

Words cannot adequately express the visceral contempt I feel for those who presume to set the rules that I should live by. The current state of the nation should speak volumes to the voting public about the general “accomplishments” of our ruling class versus the parochial “achievements” of any of its constituent members.

They have bankrupted the country. In twin orgies of profligate paternalism and military mindlessness, they have fostered dependency at home and sown chaos abroad. They have tolerated, then supported, and now celebrate levels of deviancy unimaginable even twenty years ago. They accept the lunatic notion that “diversity is our strength” with alacrity but without regard for its destructive outcomes. They deny the reality they themselves have created. They foist upon the productive the burdensome cost of the dependent. They are dogmatic, self-serving, and narcissistic. They rule without integrity, legislate without knowledge, and pontificate without end. They blather on from the bastions of their respective orthodoxies while the nervous breakdown of the country continues apace. When they’ve done enough damage, the scum retire on our dime. The only thing more disturbing than the state of the governing class is the inescapable fact that we put them there.

The Road Ahead

In the hiatus after part III of this series, I thought a lot about what should come next. There are so many things malfunctioning in this country that finding a way to end this series of rants on a positive note has been impossible. I believe in my gut two things: First, that significant portions of the people of this nation have collectively reached levels of corrosive stupidity, mental instability, and invincible ignorance so utterly astonishing in breadth and depth that they would be hard-pressed to spell self-governance, let alone practice it. Second, that the ophidian denizens of D.C. are an accurate reflection of the mindset of those who place them in power.

It can come as no surprise to any reasonable person that the putrefaction of the American body politic is matched only by the decay of its ruling class. Governance on the national level is no longer beneficial to the productive segment of the population. Self-governance at that level may no longer even be possible. The venal lead the corrupt in a Pied Piper’s parade toward national suicide. The former convinced of their indispensability and the latter convinced that more of the same every two years is surely the answer. I believe the debilitating effects of such a near universal desire to avoid the truth are terminal to the United States as a nation-state. Further, I am convinced that its continuance is certain death to the idea of ordered liberty as a way of organizing human society in general. A population of nitwits ruled over by a cadre of sociopaths is not a recipe for anything approaching rational self-governance.

The American experiment is failing spectacularly and we as a people can only await the disposition of the damned. A Hobbesian maelstrom of epic intensity awaits us and in it, the American ship of state will founder. If there is any hope, it lies with those states that may choose to fight to regain the sovereignty they have relinquished to the federal leviathan. Only the destruction of the whole holds any hope for the salvation of its parts.

“… I believe that the maintenance of the rights and authority reserved to the states and to the people … are the safeguard to the continuance of a free government … whereas the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it.”
General Robert E. Lee

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June 11, 2018 8:47 am

OMG!!! LMFAO!!!!

“Then, the farce will come to its emotional apogee on election day (oh, blessed day) when the electorate will once again squeeze out a collective turd that looks pretty much identical to the deuce they dropped two and four years earlier. ”

That’s one of the greatest lines EVER! Chip

June 11, 2018 9:09 am

What a great post! Just look at national figures like Maxine Waters, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck U Schumer, Mitch McConnel, Hillary & Bill Clinton, GWB, et al, then read this post and tell me it’s not spot on… Chip

June 11, 2018 2:52 pm

It has to compete with this one, which I already copied to bring here. I brought the whole paragraph for context, but the last sentence is a nice little metaphorical comparison, although the complete lack of societal moral code makes the need for an open tavern Sunday morning a moot one. They probably sell cheap booze at the gift shop beside the church. Or, for that matter, at the secret and luxurious shopping complex underneath the Halls of Congress.

“It bears repeating. Elected officials were to serve for a term or two and then go f***ing home and do something productive. [Now these jack-a-napes hold on to power with the intensity of an alcoholic looking for an open tavern at 8:00 AM on a Sunday morning. ]”

Bat Guano
Bat Guano
June 11, 2018 9:07 am

Nailed it xrugger. Great piece.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2018 9:09 am

Wow. Just wow. I can’t disagree and yet, somebody somewhere must eventually come up with a solution to the current awful situation that we have allowed to fester for so long. I still think that “Once and done” is a better alternative but I can’t seem to get any takers.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2018 10:49 am

Term limits are the lazy man’s way of keeping people from making a career out of politics. The only real way is for merkin people to take matters into their own hands and vote out every incumbent every time there is an election. Given the insanely high number of stupid people in merika it is difficult to see how giving them real information is likely to help. The source of the real information is most likely polluted, and those receiving the information do not have the capacity to understand and act upon it. So I offer up a simple rubric. Never vote for an incumbent. It does not matter whether you are a democrat or a republican, black or white, stupid or smart. We can all remember this one thing. There is nothing more toxic than a person who returns to Washington to do his service to the country. All that person is going to do is corrupt the system as long as he is there, which, as you point out, is likely to be until he pisses himself in the hallowed halls of freedom. So you don’t send anybody back.

The confusion that this will create is bound to be better than the corruption that the current system of professional politicians. It can’t be worse. It’s not like you could possibly make the merkin government any less efficient than it already is. You won’t empower the deep state any more than they already are empowered. And if we as a people are truly blessed by your god, we might just stumble onto a few truly gifted people who can, for once in our lives, fucking do the right thing. At least most of them won’t be smart enough to do the wrong thing. That takes years of practice which most of them get because most of us are too stupid to see through the lies that you so eloquently point out.

  Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2018 3:02 pm

There was a brief movement online called the Kick Them All Out movement and the guy had a really amazing collection of articles and videos that seemed like they would have put people in jail (political types) for the scheming and bribery and thievery and sexual misconduct et cetera and ad infinitum and so on.

Is it still online? I don’t know. I do know this: the average voter believes his or her elected official is not as bad as those other bastards up there. Which is why incumbency almost guarantees re-election. It is a variant of the NIMBY attitude. Not In My Representative Of Democracy… NIMROD… there, how’s that for the reason people vote incumbents back into office: NIMROD.

June 11, 2018 9:23 am

Great rant, X. Thanks.

The money shot right here:

A population of nitwits ruled over by a cadre of sociopaths is not a recipe for anything approaching rational self-governance.

June 11, 2018 12:41 pm

The historical reality is that all countries and civilizations eventually commit suicide, always fueled by greedy elites who have lost all touch with reality, dysgenic breeding/immigration, and resource depletion or natural disaster.
America was special initially because the central government had little power. Now it is just another crazed and declining empire.

June 11, 2018 2:02 pm

On that note; and just as an addendum here on this thread:

This month my commenting will be sporadic due to travel. I’ve been on the road and back again and going out again soon.

A while back one of my liberal “Breakfast Club” members told the group his stepson and the kid’s gay lover were not allowed to share a bedroom in the (“breakfast acquaintance’s”) house because they were “not married”. I believe he actually considered that to be the moral decision. No shit. Even so, as I imagined the young lovers anally consummating their “marriage”, I lost my appetite and pushed my plate away.

Today, while getting a haircut, the person cutting my hair told me about their transgendered son. Then another dude getting his hair cut next to me overheard and began talking about how he was worried about HIS transgendered “son” going to college out of state.

Just to clarify, both of these “transgenders” were formally daughters who are now in the process of becoming sons; one in high school and one in college

The dude (next to me) said he, personally, would never be “mugged” because he was over 6 foot tall and weighed in excess of 200 pounds (paraphrased) – but he lamented that his “son”, no matter how much testosterone “he” ingested, would NEVER have broad shoulders.

Partially, because I was in shock, I just stared at them all through the mirror in front of me and stayed quiet.

But, in my mind, I remembered when my Dad and I used to go to the barbershop together in our small town; and the conversations we had back then.

It’s a new world, folks.

As time “progresses”, moves “forward”, and society “transitions” – the reason we are doomed (perhaps more than any other reason) will likely be due to the changing demographics.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 11, 2018 11:03 pm

Blame starbucks and that damned soy latte.

June 12, 2018 12:22 pm

I have little rabbits which are growing large enough to try to mate. With each other, not by my bucks. They are only about 12 weeks old, but already with the humpy humpy business. All bunnies try to hump the other bunnies for a while, but I have only females in one crate and males in the other, and now that they are “interested” eventually there will be only one male worth keeping for breeding, if I were keeping them for breeding.. The males try to hump the other males and the other male will turn and try to bite off the attacker’s testicles. That’s how I ended up with my current buck… he was the largest male rabbit in the cast-off cage. He still had his genitalia intact.

Females just get tired of one another and stop humping.

Hopefully, that will be true of the current state of gender bending tendencies.

June 13, 2018 1:34 am

A triumph of Monsanto/Bayer?

June 12, 2018 12:27 am

Ya that was my favorite line, too. An instant classic. And very apt. The dumbest among us elect the worst among us, who then rule over us all. So, in essence, the dumbest people in the country are allowed to be in charge. This current set up works great for the sociopaths on top and the dregs of society on the bottom. For those of us stuck in the middle, it sucks. And what sucks even worse is that there are more of us than there are of them, but far too many otherwise productive and intelligent people remain ignorant to the situation, many of them choosing to remain this way simply because its easier.

Another problem thats manifested itself with far too many of the ‘usually smart’ people out there is that they are far too relaxed with Trump in office compared to how they were in the months leading up to the election. Now is not the time to relax or let your guard down. The shitstorm everyone was sure was approaching just a couple years ago is still brewing just over the horizon. It’ll arrive one day.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
June 11, 2018 9:28 am

The answer is simple, the solution, however, is not easy. Fire the bureaucracy, like all of them. Repeal the 16th amendment, the power to tax is the power to destroy. Taxes are the engine that drives the redistributive state and grows government into the colossus it is today. Stop helping!

Most on the left are well-intentioned but the true power on the left knows that government dependence is the best way to secure and maintain power over any group. Thus Bill Mahr is hoping for a recession to help Dems win power back.

The RINO’s like semi-crappy economic times as it typically helps their big business donors keep wages down.

Seems like short of armed revolution and civil war the Article V Convention of States to Amend the constitution is the most direct way to cut the Federal government back to size. Wouldn’t it be nice to not have an IRS, Dept of Education, EPA, Housing, Health and Human Services, Agriculture and on and on. Parasites sucking the lifeblood out of our country.

Without government handouts we wouldn’t need a border fence, only those seeking freedom would come, not those seeking free shit.

June 11, 2018 10:30 am

“It’s like giving lifetime achievement awards to a gaggle of Gladys Kravitz’s clones”.

Great piece Xrugger. Those who remember BEWITCHED are laughing their asses off.

June 11, 2018 11:41 am

“The fact that a given person is holding or seeking high-level public office is, in and of itself, proof that said person is morally and/or psychologically UNFIT to hold public office.”

that is one hell off a truthbomb ..

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
June 12, 2018 3:11 pm

This could change, but it probably won’t.
It would change if enough people who are competent get pissed enough at being ruled by the incompetent, and choose one of their own to run. It would have to be a “loser’s lottery” kind of thing, where the loser runs because he doesn’t want the job; sort of like having the company pick a victim to stay behind on shore leave. Someone who wants it isn’t fit, and anyone fit wouldn’t want it, so you have to pick a victim. This, originally, was the system ;Congresscritters weren’t paid diddly, so that between leaving your own affairs behind and not getting paid much for the “privilege”, no one really wanted to be a Congresscritter. They have now voted themselves sufficient raises and learned enough corrupt tricks to pad their pockets that someone like Nancy Pelosi comes to Congress mildly well-off and leaves a multi-millionaire. And of course, I’m picking on Pelosi here, nearly ALL of them manage it – by selling SOMETHING someone else wants, even if it’s not theirs to sell or honorable to sell it.
More likely the competent will keep tending to their own affairs until the Crunch, and as many of them survive will rebuild without any help from D.C. – which might be a smoking crater at that point, we can only hope.

June 11, 2018 11:50 am

The entire modus operandi that governs everything and what will happen was best summed up in 1729 by Voltaire:
” Paper money returns to its intrinsic value-ZERO.”
Nothing will happen until the Dollar dies, until then society and what it believes in gets crazier and crazier, and time only adds to this. When the money becomes worthless is when blood will run in the streets and the Beautiful People are hanged from lampposts.

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
June 11, 2018 11:56 am

I agree with everything written in this article, and strongly encourage its dissemination far and wide.
This line in particular should be held in everyone’s mind: “Only the destruction of the whole holds any hope for the salvation of its parts.”

It cannot be said or stressed too much. It is only in the destruction of the whole that we have ***ANY*** hope whatsoever. Said hope is not guaranteed, but it is possible only through said destruction.

June 11, 2018 11:58 am

So many lines to love, not enough time to do them justice.

This I liked…

The venal lead the corrupt in a Pied Piper’s parade toward national suicide.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Xrugger, great rant.

June 11, 2018 12:32 pm

I have little to add that others haven’t already said. That was a terrific read with vivid images that make me want to laugh and/or puke (meant as a compliment). Just a couple notes;

1. Please please tell me you used a thesaurus to come up with “mucilaginous”. Because if you knew that word without looking it up, well, sad to say it, but then I hate you.

2. Elections matter! Otherwise the MSM wouldn’t focus on it so much. For 2 full years before the Presidential election at least 80% of their time was spent on it. After the election it’s still about 80% because, you know, Russian collusion. When are the midterms? November? And already election stories take up about 50% of available time, or so it seems. ALL cable news, even OANN, is a fucking waste of time. As if elections mattered …

3. I am DELIGHTED that you didn’t necessarily end your series of rants on a “positive note”. Really. Fuck that shit. There’s nothing positive that will come of all this. It’s too late. All but the most cockeyed optimist can see that. All the suggestions above about to fix this shitpile? Oh, they are so sweet and logical …. with just about ZERO chance of happening, at least peacefully. IMHO there’s only one solution. I see dead people. Lots of ’em.

What a great read for the beginning of the week.

Joe Bauers, AKA Not Sure
Joe Bauers, AKA Not Sure
June 11, 2018 1:47 pm

So if the Federal leviathan collapses and state governments fight to regain their sovereignty, how will we be able to amass the resources required to keep dropping bombs on all the third world brown people? Because, you know, they threaten not only our way of life, but our very existence.

Right on X. That’s pretty good when you can make someone laugh about the tragedy of their circumstances. Can’t find anything in the article that doesn’t ring true.

June 11, 2018 8:04 pm

As Uncommon said ” changing demographics ” will be our DOOM. I’m out in Denver right now and walk into a Walmart to get Meds .I saw two other white people in the whole store .I then went to get something to eat and was the only white person in the place.I just sit there wondering how white people could be so damn stupid. Denver is gone . Probably the whole state. Given over without a shot being fired.

June 11, 2018 11:04 pm

I enjoyed the article very much…nice to make this shit-mess into
something to laugh at. Certainly I had to look up ophidian…and the descriptor
is most apt. The first image that comes to mind is that of Chucky Schumer/NY.

Great writing xrugger, and you wisely left out the narcotics and the satanic ritual
killing of children. I added those two as the ones that most sicken me. The country
has gone to the jackals. The jackals have sold their collective souls to the devil.

June 12, 2018 7:04 am

Brutally accurate……a fun read in a very sad way.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 12, 2018 7:15 am

IF the people who managed to get their hands on the levers of power actually believed in the concept of Civic Nationalism/Equality- and they clearly do not- then the solution would be self-evident. In order to remove the influence peddling of the Corporations and Special Interests Groups and even Party Politics all you’d have to do is hold a lottery to fill offices. Just like jury duty. If you are qualified to vote, then you are qualified to hold office. We’re all the same, right? No one is better than anyone else, right? IQ has no meaning, people are inherently good, all you have to do is live within the borders to be “An American” then what possible argument could anyone put forth to undermine this concept?

One term per office holder, completely random selection via computer drawing from voter registration roles and boom, you get a government “of the people, by the people and for the people” to quote an icon of the “all men are equal” school of political thought.

But then the people in charge don’t actually believe that. They think they are uniquely suited to rule by their credentials and inclusion within a certain hierarchy. They are hypocrites and they think we are too stupid to realize this. And they are right.

June 12, 2018 9:51 pm

It was an entertaining read but it missed the point…and all of you missed it as well.


Point #1: A long long time ago, when the Republic was strong because the FED GOV was weak, white male property owners were the only ones who could vote. Over time, as more and more stoopid peeple were marking ballots, the system gradually coalesced and became the turd pool it is today. This alteration of the voting pool is what led to the situation all of you dweebs bemoan.

A nice little Skittle sized thought for your pee-brains to wallow in for a moment: The first incumbents were those who altered the voting pool. As you let more of ’em vote they vote for you because you let them vote. They are your minions. Deplorables.

Altering the voting rolls gives you power. Lots of it.

Point #2: Modern China has a big problem, many people, many stoopid peeple. The problem is neatly alleviated by not letting the stoopid peeple vote. You are deluded into giving it names like Communism, etc. That is nothing more than a palliative. Fact is the majority of Chinese have a much better life than ever before. Yet only a small portion of mostly male Han can vote.

While Americans wallow in thoughtless wonderment about their addadicktome daughters and takeadickoffofme sons, the rest of the world (except maybe for impotent Justin T) is getting ready to eat America’s proverbial shorts.

Conclusion: The problem is not who is being elected, it is who is doing the electing.

Solution: There are many ways to fix this. Some are more palatable than others. None of them are quick. All of them involve real sacrifice.

Start with the fact there are Presidential term limits. If the President can only serve 2 terms it should be the same for Senate and House members. Then force retirement after 10 years on rank and file government employees. (No One EVER talks about that.)

Time, however, is running, may have run, or has already run, out.

Question: Why are you still feeding the monster? Starving the Beast is probably one of the best solutions available. All of them involve personal sacrifice. Are you willing to sacrifice something you hold dear? Can you wind down?


June 13, 2018 9:55 am

And even Lemonhead in all that hubris and arrogantly condescending derision still fell short of the target: That is, the underlying morality of the voters.

In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no form of government, but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and believe further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.

– Benjamin Franklin

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

– John Adams

Changing demographics are hardly a novel concept, Lemonhead. And, as Xrugger has so aptly stated above – one that is discussed here often; let alone over the centuries.