John Brennan, Nobody

Guest Post by Southern Sage

Following Trump’s much-needed meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, a host of vermin emerged from the rotting carcass of America to hurl thunderbolts of criticism.  Trump was called a traitor, a threat to America, a vile creature who has exiled himself from the human race into the nether darkness, a man who groveled before the New Hitler, the Enemy of All Mankind, the Madman from the Steppes, Vlad himself.

Of course, Trump was entirely correct in meeting with Putin and should have had such a meeting long ago.  Trump did not say or do anything that should have surprised anybody with even the most basic understanding of history and current events.

Trump knows that the “collusion” claims are rubbish and that the alleged Russian meddling in our elections was more of a farce than a threat.  Russia is no military threat to us at all – unless we invite an attack by our own foolish antics on the world stage.  The Crimea is and always has been Russian, its brief Ukraine interlude a mere administrative flick of the pen by that delightful madcap Nikita Khruschev.

As for Ukraine, it was never an independent country in modern times (except for a few German-dominated months after the Russian Revolution).  Perhaps it should have been, but it wasn’t.  It was a bogus “Soviet Republic” and actually had a seat in the UN, because Roosevelt and Truman did not have the guts to stand up to Stalin, but a real country?  No.  Now it is but its borders are, to say the least, artificial.  Nobody on this planet knows where Ukraine’s real borders should be (Stalin having moved them westward by several hundred kilometers after WWII).  This issue of Ukraine is simply a loose end left over from the collapse of the Soviet Union.  For the U.S. to go to war over a secession movement in Ukraine is rank insanity.

Is it necessary for me to mention the idiocy of George Bush in goading the tiny country of Georgia into a war with Russia, which ended with them getting their asses handed to them (and fortunate not have gotten much more).

The Syrian mess is entirely a creation of the U.S. government and Israel (the Benghazi incident, by the way, was directly related to the highly illegal looting of Libyan arms depots with the aim of shipping these sophisticated weapons through Turkey to the so-called “moderate” Islamist rebels who we organized and tossed into the meat grinder; most of the weapons went straight to ISIS).  It took Putin to sort out ISIS, and a damn good thing it was that he did.

One of the loudest gasbags spewing bile over Trump has been John Brennan, one of Obama’s CIA Directors.   His status as the former director has been used by Brennan to gain a plush post as a talking head on TV and to convince uninformed Americans that he speaks with “authority” on international and national security affairs.

What is the back story on this?  Is Brennan’s opinion worth anything?  Decide for yourself.

Brennan is a leftist crackpot who voted for Gus Hall, the Communist Party USA candidate, in 1976.  Evidently Jimmy Carter wasn’t doofus enough for him.  In 1980 Brennan had to admit this outrageous act during his polygraph to get into the CIA.  He was hired anyway, which in and of itself calls for a full-scale investigation.  Nobody with even a whiff of such behavior should have gotten through the security clearance process.  That he does strongly suggests that Brennan may well have been a Soviet agent even then, who was helped into the Agency by fellow traitors already inside.  Don’t fall for any “youthful indiscretion” crap.  Voting for the Communists in 1976 was, of course, a show stopper if you wanted an Agency security clearance (by definition, all professional CIA employees have Top Secret SCI clearances that include an extremely intensive background check – I can guarantee that some hidden hand got this creep in the door).

After he got in, Brennan failed to pass muster to gain entry into the elite of the Agency (and the U.S. national security apparatus), the Directorate of Operations, the real spymasters and overseas officers of the CIA.  He nursed a burning resentment of this during his entire career.

As is usual with such cases, he was shuffled off to the Directorate of Intelligence as an analyst.  Now, analysis is a key part of what the Agency does and many analysts are solid professionals, experts in their respective fields.  That said, a certain percentage of the people in the DI are really DO wannabe’s who just did not pack the gear to be DO officers.  Analysts spend their careers in Washington with occasional trips overseas or posts in foreign countries where they sit in the secure embassies and process reports written by the DO officers.

In Brennan’s case these modest achievements are lacking.  He was deskbound his entire career, a cubicle monkey, reading the newspaper and paper pushing reports collected by the real officers in the field.

How, you might ask, did Brennan rise so high, even in the DI?  Some fool decided he would make a good briefer at the White House.  Every day, early in the morning, some hapless slug from the DI trudges over to the White House with the President Daily Brief, a compilation of the most important recent intelligence reports produced at the Agency.

Brennan made lemonade out of this lemon by forming a bond with Bill Clinton.  He did this, of course, by presenting the reports to Clinton as if he himself had a hand in collecting all of this exotic information from the four corners of the world.  Clinton, who had little use for the CIA in any case, was probably glad that they had sent this ass-kissing know it all (Brennan is notorious for thinking he is smartest guy in the room) rather than a real Agency officer who might have challenged some of his mistaken assumptions (like that it was a good idea to bomb Kosovo on behalf of a gang of Albanian Muslim criminals, and drive Serbs out of their ancestral homeland).

In any event, Brennan, with Clinton as his patron, quickly climbed the greasy pole in the Agency.  This rise continued under the George Bush regime, as this incredible dolt actually kept on his predecessor’s CIA Director, George Tenet (who famously brought us 9/11 and the “slam dunk” of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction).  Think about that for a minute.  You are the newly elected president of the USA and you fail to put your own man in as the director of the CIA.  The mind reels at the vast empty space that must be the brain of Bush.  That drooling idiot didn’t even fire Tenet after 9/11!  Him and his whole gang of liberal Democrats in the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service (the top ranked men in the Agency) should have marched out and shot in the headquarters courtyard by 1000 hours on September 11.

Needless to say, Brennan’s fortune rose even higher under Obama.  He was finally able to wheedle an overseas assignment in “an important Arab oil-producing country”, where he promptly destroyed the local CIA office.  He did, however, form an excellent relationship with the political appointee ambassador, probably a used car salesman from New Jersey.  Oh, and he is alleged to have converted to Sunni Islam.  Even I find this hard to believe, but you never know.  Brennan is a confirmed head case.

Brennan recognized the Trump “threat” early on and, I believe, was the prime mover behind the Pissgate forgery.  He was also almost certainly who nudged the British SIS (MI-6) into collaborating with his illegal and treasonous scheme to overturn the Constitution.  Brennan drew the all-too-willing Obama men at the FBI into his little game, a fact that will no doubt be fully established in the fullness of time.

I have a theory about Brennan.  His increasingly hysterical anti-Trump tirades are obviously the product of some great fear.  It should be obvious what that fear is.

It is reasonable to assume that Brennan was recruited in college by the Soviets, probably unwittingly.  A friendly college professor (who WAS a witting Soviet agent) recognized in the young Brennan that classic trait that is for the professional spymaster the most crucial element in recruiting somebody as a spy – vanity.  Much more than women, money or even revenge, vanity is the chink in a person’s psychological armor that can be most effectively exploited by a good operations officer.  Brennan towers over even a kook like Peter Strzok in the vanity department.  He is a bloated windbag of self-esteem and always has been.  It would have been child’s play draw this guy into the web.  The fact that he was already disloyal enough to the United States to vote for a Communist in the middle of the Cold War was merely icing on the cake.

His entry into the Agency would have been smoothed by traitors already in place and, believe me, they have always been there.

Once safely aboard Brennan would have been groomed and helped along the way by both Soviet spies in the Agency ranks and the hordes of silly, muddle-headed liberals who infest the Directorate of Intelligence, who shared his schoolboy politics.

At some point, though, Brennan would have been confronted by his true Soviet handlers.  In view of his expressed leftist beliefs, it might not have been the trauma it would be for a hoodwinked by more or less loyal American.  In any case Brennan would have been shrewd enough to know that it didn’t matter.  He could not back out if he tried.  He was now a fully witting Soviet (or Russian) agent.

When the Berlin Wall came down he must have sweated in his bed for months on end, terrified that the new Russian government would open its archives and expose him.  Ture, some archives were opened and many former KGB and GRU officers passed on valuable information about their agents to Western intelligence services.  Intelligence services are compartmented, though, and no single officer knows everything.

The First Chief Directorate of the KGB (the KGB’s Directorate of Operations) became the SVR.  Mr. Putin was a veteran of both organizations.  These are the organs that would have handled a spy like Brennan.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was not pretty or neat.  For several years – until Putin took over – everything was in chaos or at least a state of flux.  If Brennan was a spy the new SVR would have seen him as one of their crown jewels and he would have been fiercely protected from exposure.  True, the ideological basis for his recruitment had disappeared but by then it did not matter.  You do not simply walk away when you are a CIA officer who has betrayed your country to the Russians.

Soon enough, Obama appointed this creature as the Director of the CIA, who is in fact (if not now in theory) the head of the entire U.S. intelligence community.  Putin must have had a smile a mile wide.  He could play with Brennan like a cat with a three-legged mouse.

Put in had the best of both worlds.  If things worked out with Trump and whatever his other plans are, he could destroy Brennan in an instant.  On the other hand, he could use Brennan to help sow discord and disorder in the United States, as he has been busily doing.

We have not heard the last of John Brennan.  There are surprises ahead.

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July 20, 2018 5:03 pm

The next time that traitorous piece of shit Brennan is in an interview before a room full of people someone ought to smear a great big wad of bacon grease all over that motherfucker. Watching the reaction of that muslim coming into involuntary contact with something from a pig would be well worth a trip to jail!

July 20, 2018 5:22 pm

I knew I hated this commie bastard. Now I know why. Great piece.

July 20, 2018 6:06 pm

That is one of the most excellent op-eds I read in quite some time. I realize the conjecture at play here but it does make a lot of sense. Maybe that is the game a foot and why Putin gave Trump that soccer ball.

It just might be the message in the bottle meant for Brennan and all his co-conspirators in the swamp.

Looking at pictures I cant but notice the smirk on Vlad’s face..

I wonder

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
July 20, 2018 6:06 pm

Drip, drip, drip, the story keeps getting weirder and yet it makes sense in a Kafka kind of way.
Something has to give.
John Brennan is one strange critter, makes me believe in demons and Satan here on earth.

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
July 20, 2018 6:30 pm

Brennan is a slimy swamp creature, for sure, but a confirmed foreign agent?

Too much conjecture in this piece. I would not have run it. The readers of this site need harder evidence, not unsupported speculation.

  Darrell Dullnig
July 21, 2018 12:26 am

@ Darrell
+1000 ?

Couldn’t agree more with your assessment of this drivel.
Trump this, Putin that, GEEBUS!!!!
Horseshit speculation. I wonder if the author writes for Hollywoodland??

F@%k Trump, Putin and Brennan!

July 21, 2018 10:37 am

“Horseshit speculation. I wonder if the author writes for Hollywoodland??”

The author is Southern Sage. He is a long time regular on TBP. You think it’s OK to shit on a regular TBPer who took the time and made the effort to write an original piece?? That’s shameful.

So what if it’s speculation!!! My God, half our OPINIONS here are speculation. This was a fine article made all the more interesting BECAUSE of the speculation …. which was interesting and creative, if not plausible.

July 21, 2018 11:59 am

@ Stucky

I’ll give you that, Southern Sages narrative IS very creative and well written.
The mockingbird shills on the legacy media outlets put out such horseshit all the time and you have no problem loathing and berating them?

I’m pretty sure this is THE BURNING PLATFORM where ideas are held to the fire to see if they hold substance and more importantly Truth…

Do I agree with Southern Sages speculation….absolutely not…

Take this for instance,

“Trump knows that the “collusion” claims are rubbish and that the alleged Russian meddling in our elections was more of a farce than a threat. ”

Then later Southern Sage implies that Brennan was a communist soviet spy….

Which is it? Russian collusion or not?

The U.S. did meddle in the election in Ukraine multiple times as well as Georgia and Montenegro and countless other countries so why is it a shock if aspects of the Russian government did the same here?

July 21, 2018 12:22 pm

“Do I agree with Southern Sages speculation….absolutely not…” ——– Plato

And that’s 100% A-OK, of course! That’s what TBP is all about. I’m not at all suggesting we all agree with each other. What a fucken bore that would be.

But, look. Writing original pieces can be time consuming. and sometimes hard. So, when a TBPer undertakes such a task, I prefer not to shit on that person. That’s all. A little respect in a world where there’s hardly any respect anywhere anymore. Maybe I’m too sensitive and should mind my own fucken business.

July 21, 2018 12:32 pm

@ Stucky
I respect that. Duly noted.
Writing original pieces is very time consuming.

I’ll keep it in mind…


  Darrell Dullnig
July 21, 2018 10:31 am

“The readers of this site need harder evidence, not unsupported speculation.” —- Dullnig

What we need are fewer dull niggers.

Have a nice day.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  Darrell Dullnig
July 21, 2018 1:24 pm

I think I made it quite clear that this was speculation, but based on Brennan’s true career path. If the press runs literally tens of thousands of articles on unverified bullshit directed at Trump we are certainly entitled to speculate on the motives of a lunatic like Brennan.

July 20, 2018 8:30 pm

“How, you might ask, did Brennan rise so high, even in the DI?”

His career really took off right after that photo shoot at the daycare orgy.

July 20, 2018 8:48 pm

If we can accept SS’s version, then Angleton was right about CIA moles.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 21, 2018 1:25 pm

His career took off after he became Bill Clinton’s briefer, if you are interested.

July 20, 2018 11:53 pm

Scary thing is he did manage to rise that high in the CIA. Just think how many other dangerous pieces of shit like him are in high positions in government. Another reason why I will never give up my guns.

Not Sure
Not Sure
July 21, 2018 6:37 am

The article is solid on two levels. The first level of known facts are put together in clear and concise terms in such a way that I am comfortable with SS moving onto the second level of conjecture that is to me reasonable, having a pretty good portrait of the man from all the venom he has spewed about Trump since he won the election.
And the icing on the cake is how quickly the MSM danced him into center stage with all of his experience at the top of the IC pyramid. You can tell he was a pencil pusher by all his criticisms of Trump coming across with a pompous, holier than thou writing prose that would be the envy of any high school valadictoratian speech writer….. “and furthermore….blah blah blah.”

It would be comical if it weren’t for the fact that our survival as a nation hangs in the balance.

July 21, 2018 5:23 pm

I like what the Sage points out in facts and ties them to a conclusion. I would be surprised if any agent carried a Top Secret clearance after leaving the government. I thought there was an out-briefing where They were told to keep classified information quiet. Obviously, he would have a wealth of secret information but he would not have the “need to know” to add to his base of security knowledge. Stroke probably still has the clearance as he works for the Bureau. Strange that he would be allowed to retain it if he failed a lie detector exam. I never heard that a clearance was like both right citizenship, that is once you have it you retain it for life.

July 21, 2018 12:08 pm

Southern Sage narrated this,

“I have a theory about Brennan. His increasingly hysterical anti-Trump tirades are obviously the product of some great fear. It should be obvious what that fear is.”

S.S. suggests the reason Brennan is acting the way he is has to do with him supposedly being a closet communist…Mccarthy would be so proud….who cares if he was…
I’m sure ANY former director of the CIA would be scared shitless if the things they signed off on came out…

And to dismiss everything George Bush did during his time as president as him being intellectually challenged dismisses the fact that daddy Bush, sorta like Putin, had been running the show in this country as CIA director under Ford, vice president under Reagan who had an assassination attempt on him, who later was president and later yet his son was president…this doesn’t even include good ol Jebby…

DUBYA may have been a yale graduate moron but his handlers were anything but.

Taras 77
Taras 77
July 21, 2018 1:07 pm

What is mind numbing to me is how this creature got to where he was as director and he still has his security clearance!
The fix had to be in, first acceptance in the CIA with all of their alleged background checks, and then eventually climbing up to ultimate director of cia under obama. It has been pretty much accepted that puppet obama did as he was told and placed the designated actors in their designated positions.

The question of course is who was the fixer in brennan’s case.

July 21, 2018 7:49 pm

good article sage–
voted communist in 1976,converted to islam 30+ years later,frothes at the mouth when talking about his political enemies–
he is similar to a couple of commenters on this thread–