Russian Hysteria

Guest Post by Southern Sage

Allow me to make a few comments before I continue into the body of this article.  I noticed a couple of readers responded to my article on John Brennan by scoffing at the theory (and it is, of course, just a theory, but a plausible one) I put forth to explain his increasingly deranged public behavior, behavior utterly unknown in any previous CIA Director.  One uninformed reader brought up the old Joseph McCarthy bugbear, smirking at the idea of Communists or Red sympathizers in our government.

As Admin has commented, this is not a kumbaya session and TBP’ers will say whatever they want, which is fine with me.  When they make idiotic comments based in ignorance, however, I will answer them.

Without going into too much detail, let me give you a bit of background.  I served for almost 30 years in the CIA, virtually all of it overseas.  I was usually in senior management posts.   Don’t bother hurling insults at me for that; I am proud to have served in the Agency and never did a single thing I could not explain and justify to the American people.   As for criticism of the Agency, I bow to nobody in my disgust and anger at certain aspects of our operations and leadership, but I still did my job as best I could.  I am also a former military officer.  I have a master’s degree in Political Science from a respected university.  Since my retirement I have worked in private industry with great success.  I know what it means to make a payroll and, let me add, deal with far tougher stuff.  I lived for two years in a Communist shithole, so I understand that criminal cult.  I travel frequently all over the world.

I have no real hobbies except reading.  Other than reading, I work.  Needless to say, in view of my background and career, my reading is mainly history, international affairs, politics, with an emphasis on military history and the history of the Communist movement in all of its manifestations.  I have so many damn books that my wife has threatened to throw me out of the house.   A word to anybody who cares to tangle with me on the facts when I present them in these areas:  Don’t.  I do not suffer fools gladly and I will expose you for the know nothing you are.  I am a professional in these areas, you are probably not.

I have no time for beer-bellied gasbags with a high opinion of their own intellect, sitting in front of their computers in their skid-marked shorts tut-tutting at me.  I don’t brag or address issues I am not familiar with.  You won’t ever see me commenting on complex economic or financial matters, healthcare, or the North Dakota state government.  If I say something it is because I know what I am talking about.   Let me add that during my career I was absolutely appalled at the general level of ignorance of these key areas of study among my own fellow officers.  I can’t say it made me popular when I told them they were full of shit but I didn’t care then and do not care now.   I am not a “credentialist” and it irritates to no end to have to list my life achievements and explain, word by word, why I know what I know.

As for Brennan, I have no idea if he is under hostile control, though I would not be one bit surprised if he was.  That said, his manic and bizarre antics are hard to explain in any other way.   His behavior is so different from all, repeat all, other former CIA directors that there has to be an explanation.  CIA directors are sophisticated, well-informed (duh!), politically-aware men.  Many of them hold strong opinions and they are not afraid to voice them, but in a professional, balanced way.  What Brennan has done is several degrees of magnitude beyond anything seen before.  He is placing himself in serious personal danger.  Trump is no fool and he is vindictive as hell.  He knows that Brennan is up to his neck in the Deep State coup attempt and fully intends to make him pay.  Brennan knows that he either comes out on the winning side or he will die in a Federal prison.  He did not take this risk on a personal whim, of that I am sure.

To illustrate my point, let’s compare Brennan to Mike Morell, like Brennan a career analyst in the Directorate of Intelligence, and, like Brennan, a man who rose in the Agency mainly because he was involved in preparing and presenting the Presidential Daily Brief; in his case it was George Bush rather than Clinton.  Morell is no Trump supporter and has said he does not believe he is qualified to be president (our Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, did not leave such decisions up to anybody but the American people).  He claims to be apolitical or at least neither a Republican or a Democrat.  I don’t believe it.  He is a liberal Democrat in my book, but he is, unlike Brennan, a professional.  Morell served twice as Acting DCIA.  Compare his public behavior to that of Brennan.  Believe me, there is something wrong with Brennan.  He is a raving lunatic or he is under some kind of outside compulsion to act as he does.  I have recruited and run many, many agents.  I know how it is done.  Brennan is not right, OK?

Let me address the skepticism about the possibility that the Russkies have Brennan by the balls (they surely have nothing on Trump).

The Soviets and later the Russians regularly recruited CIA officers, U.S. military officers, State Department officials, FBI agents, members of Congress and congressional staffs, as well as literally thousands of others around the world and in the United States.  Leaving aside the known cases, such as Aldrich Ames, a significant number of CIA officers and other U.S. government employees in sensitive positions have been forced out without prosecution; espionage is notoriously difficult to prove in court.  If Brennan had been recruited by the Russians it would be disturbing but hardly an earth-shaking event.  Angleton may have been a paranoid nut, but he was not entirely wrong.  Don’t forget that he fell into his paranoid phase after one of his best friends, Kim Philby, one of the most senior British intelligence officials, was revealed to be a Soviet spy and secret Communist.  It is interesting that it was Bill Harvey, a hard-boiled ex-cop and FBI agent turned CIA officer who immediately sniffed out the rat that Philby was.  Angleton was completely fooled.

As for doubting that he is or was a Communist or fellow traveler (as the Communists themselves referred to the dupes who sympathized with them), why the doubt?  A CIA Director crazy enough to admit in public that he voted for Gus Hall, the CPUSA presidential candidate in 1976, is surely crazy enough to actually be a Red, don’t you think?

As for so-called “McCarthyism”, I am afraid the reader who mentioned that needs to flush out his headgear and do a little reading.  Recent scholarship on the alleged misdeed of McCarthy and the terrible persecution supposedly suffered by his victims (and others of the period) has shown that not only was McCarthy absolutely spot on with his accusations, he underestimated Soviet penetration of the U.S. government to an astonishing degree.  Of course, at the time he did not have access to the facts, but others did.

Sorry to burst your bubble, whoever made a fool of himself by mentioning McCarthyism, but Joe McCarthy was an ordinary, patriotic American who stumbled on a vast net of Communist subversion and tried to do something about.  True, he was at times crude and made some understandable errors of fact.  He also played hardball.  That does not change the fact that hundreds of U.S. government employees and others in senior positions deserved to hang for their crimes against out country.  It is pity only the Rosenberg’s got the hot seat.

I will not belabor this point but I will tell you to get thee to Amazon and read up on the Venona papers and Blacklisted by History, the best biography of McCarthy.  After that, if you still want to lose an argument with me, be my guest.

On to Moscow!

The United States is currently one of its increasingly frequent moments of mass hysteria manufactured by the media and other interested parties.  The object of this latest burst of nuttiness is Russia.

Listening to the mainstream media, most of our politicians, “pundits” of all stripes, Maxine Waters and – I must assume – Miley Cyrus, we are on the verge of total annihilation or at least endless slavery.  In 2016 we narrowly missed having a Russian-designed Vulcan mind meld forced upon our helpless citizens.  Indeed, it was successful enough that an orange-faced, wild-haired, pussy-grabbing real estate developer from Queens was foisted upon a disbelieving and powerless nation as president.  Yea verily, he squats now in the Lincoln bedroom, surrounded by Big Mac wrappers and no doubt grabbing random pussy as it flounces by.

The merciless Mongol behind the evil plot is one Vlad Putin, sometime KGB officer and now Poisoner-in-Chief of the reborn empire of the Czar!

As we sit there today the Russian hordes await only the order to pour over the entire world in a flood.  The poor, doomed peoples of Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia (Stalin Georgia, not goober peas Georgia).  Next come Western Europe and, of course, Ohio.

And what fate awaits the pathetic good folk of USA!, USA!, USA!  Why, first the Russkies will rape everyone between 8 and 80, make ugly faces at queers and transgenders, turn Detroit into a ghastly post-industrial wasteland populated by drug addicts and muggers, and then -what else? – they will haul off our precious bodily fluids back to their grim, gloomy homeland.  We are powerless to stop this, our $800 billion “defense” budget being mainly spent on diversity training, breast-feeding lessons for the 82nd Airborne, and protein bars.  These damn Russians are so sneaky, so devoid of decency, so violent, so crazed, that they have dared to put their country right smack dab in the middle of our overseas military bases!  Words fail me.  We will show those Red bastards!

Now, on a more serious note, Russia is a big country and the only one that can (for the moment) turn us into an ashtray in about 20 minutes.   These facts argue for it to be taken seriously.  As far as military affairs are concerned, Russia is a potential threat.  This being the case it is common sense for our own military to keep a close eye on its capabilities, weapons systems, and, if possible, intentions.  Other places which bear similar watching are China, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Israel, this last not because they are likely to directly attack us (again) but because they may try to involve us in their tribal wars.

Russia in 2018 is not, not, not the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  That monster died decades ago.  Out of that crack up came new states and old ones.  Russia was, of course, the core of the old USSR, but Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, the ‘Stans in Central Asia and the Baltic States all broke away and are now independent.  The Communist system collapsed in ignominious fashion.  How pitiful that a regime that had seen fit to murder tens of millions could not, at the moment of truth, muster a platoon in its defense.

The end of the USSR was not pretty.  It was chaotic and it ruined lives.  Whole industries which had been propped up by an irrational economic system, simply imploded.  The armed forces of the old USSR virtually disintegrated.  It was so bad that the U.S. government had to send in emergency aid to ensure that the Soviet nuclear stockpile, at least, was still under armed guard.

Say what you will of the Russians, they are a proud people and whatever they thought of the Soviet government, its collapse thrust them into poverty, humiliation and wounded pride comparable to what happened in the American South after the Civil war or Nazi Germany after 1945.

Oh, but that was not the worst.  As the great beast fell to the ground the vultures were not slow in coming and a great many were Americans wishing to pick the bones of the dead country.  They were gleefully joined by so-called “Russians”, each of them with an Israeli passport in his pocket.  They set about stripping the corpse and what a job they made of it!  Read Professor Stephen Cohen’s books if you want to know just what a disgusting role the United States played in robbing a defenseless former enemy.

Yes, indeed.  We had great plans.  After stealing everything movable that survived the USSR (metal stockpiles, oil and natural gas stocks, timber, you name it) we went for the big play, total control of the Russian economy and all of its natural resources.   Russia (and the other components of the former USSR) would be booty for our finance capitalists, to hell with the Russian people.  And millions did go to hell, or some such place, as the death rate in Russia skyrocketed due to poverty, disappearing medical services, alcoholism and despair.  Russian women were seen as whores to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

The political and financial leaders of the United States, in their boundless ignorance and lack of compassion, understanding or even plain self-interest, saw to it that Russia drank its ruin to the dregs.   They should have known it could not last.  A great nation does not allow itself to be destroyed.  It will fight back, a point the leftists and Democrats trying to “fundamentally transform” our own country would be well to remember.

Putin, a relatively junior First Chief Directorate (foreign intelligence) officer of the KGB, resigned and went to work for the municipal government of St. Petersburg, his home town.  The rest is history.

In a remarkably short time Putin managed to stop the rot and begin the rebirth of his country, Russia.  I will not go into the details of his amazing success, but he has once again given the Russian people hope, the chance for a decent life, and a position of respect in much of the world, the U.S. and Western Europe largely excepted.  Russia is once again a power to be reckoned with, though its economy is about the size of Italy’s and its military can hardly compare to ours.

Putin moved against the so-called “oligarch’s, a mainly Jewish gang of ex-Communists who were in the forefront of looting the country.  Those he did not chase off to London (where you can see their greasy mugs swilling in the best restaurants, hookers on each arm) he placed under firm control.  He reorganized the economy for Russia’s benefit, not ours.  Meddling?  The United States and various European countries sent in armies of international do-gooders and busy bodies to undermine the Russian government and, among other things, promote the homosexual agenda and corrupt Russian youth.  Loudmouth journalists, the Russian equivalents of Bill Maher, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Trevor Noah and similar troublemakers (“pro-democracy” activists, all of them) were put on a leash.  Most surprisingly for me, and effectively for Putin, he restored the Russian Orthodox Church to its former importance and influence, a very Russian thing to do.  Is Putin a real Christian?  I don’t know.  Go ask him.  If it is merely a cynical ploy it has worked.  I might add that I admire the Russian Orthodox Church.  It is one of the few Christian churches that has rejected the filth and garbage of the modern world and remains focused on its real job, saving souls.  There are no faggot priests in it, I can tell you that.  Orthodox priests marry.

Putin shrewdly decided to focus on quality rather than quantity in his rebuilding of the Russian military.  If news reports are accurate (and I sure as hell hope they are not) the Russians have developed new generations of weapons against which we have no real defense.  China has done exactly the same thing.

There is no reason at all to believe that Russia has any intention of actually using those weapons against us in some new Pearl Harbor.  That being the case, Putin has made it crystal clear that he will not allow Russia to be pushed around.  Where is his redline?  Who knows?  I don’t want to find out.

The sight of a rejuvenated Russia, proud, controlling its own economy, conducting its won foreign policy in what it believes to be its own interests, throwing pedophiles and other perverts in jail, running foreign subversives out of the place, arresting or exiling Jewish gangsters, well, all of this is just too much for the globalists and the Neo-Con’s to take.

Then comes Trump!  Who woulda thunk it?  I seriously doubt if a single senior Russian ever imagined that Trump would emerge as a presidential candidate.  Did you?

This man, seen by the self-proclaimed elites of the U.S. and Europe as a turd in their punchbowl, is by any measure the most extraordinary person ever to occupy the White House.

Trump is not a Russian agent, he has not been blackmailed, he is not selling out the U.S., his interest in improving ties with Russia has nothing to do with his personal business empire, he did not have two Russian whores do pee-pee on Obama’s mattress.   Any person who claims to believe any of these things should be immediately marked down as either a fool, a Jew with an irrational ancestral hatred of Russia, a globalist, a Neo-Con, a leftist angry that Putin and Trump are both standing up for traditional culture (though neither are saints themselves), or somebody who either lost out on the Great Russia Piñata of the early 1990’s or fears that Russia will in some way hit them in the pocketbook, directly or indirectly.

There are several interest groups desperate to stop the building of a rational, normal, civilized relationship between the United States and Russia.  They include:

–The so-called “military-industrial complex”.  Many of its members are still stuck in a fly blown Cold War mentality and sincerely believe the nonsense they spout about Russia being a direct threat to the U.S.  Others are happy to humor the saps but their real goal is to keep the “defense” gravy train going.  Included are the blabbermouths from hundreds of think tanks and Beltway Bandits who enjoy a cushy lifestyle.  Many of them would be assistant managers in KFC if they did not have the Russian boogeyman.  Our country needs a strong defense and we must take seriously all potential and likely enemies.  Unfortunately, the defense circus of today has little to do with defending us.

–A certain part of the Jewish community.  Believe it or not, there are quite a few Jews who have a visceral hatred of Russia, caused by the oppression their ancestors claim to have suffered at the hands of the Czarist government.  Now, I get this.  Under the Czar Russian cops would greet each other with the catchy slogan, “Long live the Czar and beat the Jews!”  It is not hard to imagine that Jews in general felt unloved.  After the first couple of decades of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Russians began to return to type.  Jews lost much of the influence they had in the early years of the revolution, though they always, to the very end of the USSR, were in a favored position in comparison with ordinary Russians.  The wave of Jewish Russian “refugees” who came to the U.S. and Israel in the 1970’s and 1980’s were the smart ones who knew that the monstrous regime they did so much to create was about to go under and payback from ordinary Russians was likely to be a bitch.  They did the usual Hebrew thing and packed their suitcases.

–Trotskyites and Neo-Trotskyites, also known as Neo-Con’s.  This mostly secular Jewish gang is descended from the faction that followed Leon Trotsky and embraced his vision of a world revolution right now, rather than Joseph Stalin’s more cautious Socialism in One Country path, which correctly recognized that the USSR had to be turned into a powerful state before it could go openly mucking about beyond its borders.  Stalin emphasized his stance by having a Spanish Communist drive an ice hammer into Trotsky’s brain.  These folks have always resented being pushed aside in favor of what would eventually become a largely Russian and Ukrainian Soviet ruling class.

–Stupid people.  Americans are notorious for their lack of interest in the outside world, their poor reading habits, and their apparent inability to understand that the mainstream media is nothing but a collection of shallow, semi-educated, brain-washed nebbishes, employed by a handful of largely Zionist Jewish mega-billionaires.  Like parrots they repeat what they are told to repeat, over and over again.  The average American has no idea who Putin really is, they know nothing about Russia, couldn’t find Crimea if you shoved up their butts, but they are all too ready to waste our soldier’s lives and their treasure to ensure that Khrushchev’s whimsical decision to transfer it to Ukraine from Russia will be upheld.

–Democrats and leftists.  Most Congressional Democrats care no more about Russia than they do about Frau Merkel’s hemorrhoids.   It is merely a handy stick to make these unpatriotic, unprincipled, witless bastards look like they have some tattered shreds of patriotism left.  I am particularly amused to see some inner-city clown babbling on about Putin, Trump and Russia and how awful it all is.  I am sure Chuck Schumer keeps busy running around and giving them their talking points.  As for the leftists, they are genuinely enraged at both Trump and Putin.  Both men have cried out a great “Halt!” to the left’s schemes in the cultural area.  Putting poofters in their place and restoring Christianity are two big no-no’s for the left.

–Globalists.  Now we get to the rub.  Since the early years of the 20th century, if not earlier, there has been a movement to create “One World”.  The creation of the Federal Reserve was a major step in this; foreign bankers were essentially given control of our money.  The movement went by many names, adopted many tactics, covered its tracks and lied about its real objectives.  Many kindly, well-meaning people were suckered into the globalist plot.  John Lennon’s Imagine says it all about these folks.  Needless to say, globalism is not about peace and love.  It is about power, money and control.  The Wizards of Oz behind the globalist curtain want it all and they intend to get it.  Putin, Trump, and the Chinese, not necessarily in that order, are spitting in the globalist soup.  All three believe in strong, sovereign national states – their own.  Don’t be fooled by Trump’s sometimes crude delivery of his lines and his bull-in-a-china shop style.  Trump knows the score and so does Putin.  He is not about to allow his country, our country, to be turned into a dumping ground for every low IQ, primitive, hostile outlander on the planet.  Ain’t gonna happen.  The globalists want all of us – except them – to be quiet wage slaves living in a world designed by and for them, whether we like it or not.  No country, no history, no traditions and, most of all, no self-aware pride among whites in Europe and the United States.   They understand perfectly well that the only people capable of putting the kibosh on their plans are those very people.  Thus their fury at Trump’s efforts to slow the flood of foreign paupers into the U.S. and his success in opening the eyes of the American people to what is happening.

This subject could easily fill many books but as I have a real job and limited time I will end it here.  If you think my analysis of things is wrong, that is OK with me.  Read Stephen Cohen on Russia and you will be ahead of the game.

I do not think Russia is a “friend” in any real sense and I fully support taking adequate measures, economic, military, and diplomatic, to ensure that Russia does not trample on our true interests.  Russia is Russia.  Russia. Under Putin or somebody else, will always see to its own business and seek to secure its own interests.  That is the way of the world.  It is not, however, cause for a wild-eyed crusade against Russia that may well end in disaster for us all.

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July 21, 2018 6:22 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 21, 2018 6:41 pm

Murrow’s comments apply perfectly to Mueller’s witch hunt.

  Iska Waran
July 21, 2018 7:40 pm

watch & wait

old white guy
old white guy
July 22, 2018 8:17 am

after being told that I could not possibly know more than the author I did not bother to read any further. that sure is an arrogant assumption on your part. your opinion is just that, an opinion.

  old white guy
July 22, 2018 11:29 am

Your loss.

  old white guy
July 22, 2018 1:22 pm

“The authoritarian personality describes a type of person who prefers a social system with a strong ruler— the authoritarian person is comfortable being the strong ruler but if the individual is not the strong ruler then he or she will demonstrate complete obedience to another strong authority figure. In both cases, there is little tolerance toward nonconservative ways of thinking. People whose personalities are structured in the manner of an authoritarian personality tend to conform to authority and believe that complete obedience to rules and regulations is completely necessary; any deviation from rules is to be treated harshly. The authoritarian personality often results in people harboring antagonistic feelings towards minority groups, whether religious, ethnic, or otherwise”

Authoritarian Personality

July 22, 2018 5:30 pm

I stopped reading Psychology today when they started leaning Left, and although I haven’t paid attention to them in years, what little I have seen makes me believe they may actually be in danger of falling over, if they haven’t already.

The second article is written from a far-Left position as well, running the same “Right=Fascism” nonsense that proves the author is unable to grasp the fact that fascism, started by Mussolini and then Hitler, was a staunchly socialist ideology, to whit:

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler, May 1, 1927

Consequently, I am going to dismiss the value of those two articles. Besides, the Left is up to its transgender Adam’s Apple in trashing the DSMVI, e.g. wanting to normalize pedophilia, removing it from the list of mental disorders and making it legal. It has long been a part of their agenda to brainwash our culture into believing that there is no sexual perversion that can’t be apologized for, or forced down our throats by the “Hate Speech Police”.

Obviously, the Left has _always_ enjoy fawning upon strong authoritarian figures. Look at how many on the Left worshipped Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and more recently, Obama. Obama isn’t really a strong authoritarian, but he could hum a few bars while Soros and others pulled on his strings to make him appear to be authoritarian.

It surprises me that so few people appear to understand that the Left is playing its usual “let’s redefine the English language to mean what we want it to mean” when it ascribes fascism to the Right. Of course, it has been over fifty years since I graduated from high school, and God only knows what they are teaching children now, besides the lie that whites were (and still are) the scourge of an otherwise peaceful and “equal” world. They certainly aren’t teaching them that whites created Western Civilization. It certainly wasn’t muslims, islam who brought it about. They are operating as if it still is the 7th century – and they didn’t invent “arabic numerals”. They stole credit for that from India.

July 22, 2018 6:34 pm

Well said.

Col. B. Bunny
Col. B. Bunny
July 23, 2018 9:46 pm

Outstanding comment.

Derk Norman
Derk Norman
  old white guy
July 23, 2018 4:31 pm

Cut the ‘white’ part; you’re just old, dude.

Fifth Disciple
Fifth Disciple
  old white guy
July 24, 2018 4:13 pm

“A man’s got to know his limitations.” Glad to see you know yours.

July 21, 2018 6:27 pm



and REMEMBER those 2 JESUITS who were Murdered in Moscow in December 2006 ?

The Role of the Jesuits in the Politics of Russian Education, 1801-1820
by JT Flynn – ‎1970 – ‎Cited by 14 – ‎Related articles
The reasons for the expulsion of the Jesuits from Russia in 1820 are well ….
in Russia is Eduard Winter, “Die Jesuiten in Russland 1772 bis 1820,” Forschen.

The Survival of the Jesuits in White Russia – jstor
by G O’Brien – ‎1914
Jesuits of White Russia were torn between the desire to save this remnant of their Order …
teachers, and when, in 1820, Tsar Alexander yielded to their enemies and ….
They were then to expel the Jesuits and take possession of the houses …

Category: Russia – Jesuit Restoration 1814
Apr 15, 2014 – He approved, canonically, the existence of the Jesuits in Russia. ….
Feb 5 1820 Death of Fr.Gen Brzozowski – buried in Polatsk Belarus …
led to a growing resentment of the Society in Russia and ultimately their expulsion.

Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/The Jesuits After the Restoration (1814 ……/The_Jesuits_After_the_Restoration_(1814-1912)
Apr 21, 2013 – ←Jesuit Generals Prior to the Suppression of the Society (1541-1773) …
5 Feb., 1820, the Russians, who had banished the Jesuits from St. Petersburg in …
At the present time, however, another expulsion is threatened (1912).

The Western Christian Presence in the Russias and Qājār Persia, …
Thomas O Flynn – 2017 – ‎Religion
The Suppression of the Jesuits in Imperial Russia
An imperial ukase dated 13 March 1820 ordered the
expulsion of the Jesuits from the Russian dominions.

The Jesuits II: Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540-1773
John W. O’Malley, ‎Johann Bernhard Staudt, ‎Gauvin Alexander Bailey – 2006 – ‎History
constant financial problems.65 The arrival of Jesuits from the ‘Russian’ Society, … In1820 the Society was expelled from the rest of the empire, not to return to …

The Suppression and Restoration of the Jesuits | Jesuits in Britain
Expulsion of the Jesuits from colonies and home territories gave their …
Some of those who refused found refuge in Catherine the Great’s Russia (which then …

The Jesuits in Russian education from the 17th to the 19th centuries ……/297994633_The_Jesuits_in_Russian_education_from_th…
Feb 16, 2018 – Request PDF on ResearchGate | The Jesuits in Russian education from … the Jesuit school there and the reasons for the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1815. …
gained the status of an Academy in 1813 and functioned until 1820.
Conflict, Conquest, and Conversion: Two Thousand Years of Christian …
Eleanor H. Tejirian, ‎Reeva Spector Simon – 2012 – ‎History
however, opposition by the Orthodox clergy forced the expulsion of the Jesuits from Russia (1820),
the elimination of freemasonry (1822), and the dismantling of …

The Catholic Church and Russia: Popes, Patriarchs, Tsars and Commissars
Dennis J. Dunn – 2017 – ‎Religion
The establishment of the university system in Russia in the nineteenth century is outlined …
the expulsion of the Jesuits, see James T. Flynn, 1970, ‘The Role of the Jesuits in the Politics of Russian Education, 1801–1820,’ The Catholic …

The Anti-Gospel: The Perversion of Christ’s Grace Gospel
Edward Hendrie – 2011 – ‎Religion
For example, the Jesuits were expelled from Russia (1820), Belgium, Portugal (1834),
the Italian states (1859), Spain (three times-1820, 1835, and 1868), …


John O. Brennan
AKA John Owen Brennan

Born: 22-Sep-1955
Birthplace: Jersey City, NJ

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Government

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: CIA Director

Father: Owen Vincent Brennan (b. 2-Apr-1920)
Mother: Dorothy Helen Dunn (b. 1921, d.)
Sister: Kathleen Mary Zukowski (b. 8-Oct-1953)
Brother: Thomas Gerard Brennan (b. 13-Feb-1959)
Wife: Katherine Pokluda Brennan (m. 13-Aug-1978, two daughters, one son)
Son: Kyle Owen Brennan (b. 30-Apr-1986)
Daughter: Jaclyn Ann Brennan (b. 4-May-1988)
Daughter: Kelly Marie Brennan (b. 4-May-1988)

High School: Saint Joseph of the Palisades High School, West New York, NJ
University: American University in Cairo (1975-76)
University: BA Political Science, Fordham University (1977)
University: MA Government, University of Texas at Austin (1980)

CIA Director (2013-)
US National Security Council Depy. Adv. for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (2009-13)
The Analysis Corporation CEO (2005-13)
CIA employee Director, National Counterterrorism Center (2004-05)
CIA employee Director, Terrorist Threat Integration Center (2003-04)
CIA employee Deputy Executive Director (2001-03)
CIA employee Chief of Staff to DCI George Tenet (1999-2001)
CIA employee Station Chief, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1996-99)
CIA employee Exec. Asst. to DDCI George Tenet (1995-96)
White House Staff Daily Intelligence Briefer (1994-95)
CIA employee Terrorism Analyst, Counterterrorist Center (1990-92)
CIA employee Office of Near Eastern and South Asian Analysis (1984-89)
US State Department Political Officer, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (1982-84)
CIA employee (1980-2005)
Member of the Board of Global Strategies Group
Intelligence and National Security Alliance Chairman (2007-08)
CIA Career Intelligence Medal
Distinguished Intelligence Medal
National Security Medal
Irish Ancestry

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
July 22, 2018 7:04 am

The bullshit is so deep in the CIA you need wings to stay above it.


Like the work of the Sage very much. However, satire is not his strong suit and the middle section sounds like it was written by Fred Reed. Keep hitting them hard Sage.

Derk Norman
Derk Norman
July 23, 2018 4:51 pm

Where is the evidence of Brennan’s being Jesuit-trained or a ‘muslim convert’. Do you really think placing two groups of information within the same physical space constitutes a sort of establishment of a connection between the two groups?

July 21, 2018 6:31 pm

“In a remarkably short time Putin managed to stop the rot and begin the rebirth of his country…he has once again given the Russian people hope, the chance for a decent life, and a position of respect in much of the world….”

no, he didn’t:

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 21, 2018 6:37 pm

So the LGBTQXYZ’s don’t like Putin. That’s supposed to sway us?

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
July 23, 2018 10:49 am

Marsh Rabbit can be our new troll.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Robert (QSLV)

July 21, 2018 6:34 pm

Brennan, is a career Criminal State, fully-compromised piece of semi-animate detritus – and a Moozie to boot. I suspect that – similar to “its” peers – is becoming increasingly DESPERATE as reflected in the Coasters/CitYzens/Unproductive/gov-agent Takers who thought that a Hildabeast dictatorship was “a done deal”. As for “Rus”, I increasingly suspect that what “Merkaa” WAS, Russia is becoming . Is it too “naive” to consider that “Vlad” simply seeks a”quid pro quo” with the Trumpster: “Make Russia Great Again” also?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 21, 2018 6:44 pm

Great piece, Sage. Thanks for detailing your bona fides. Id like to hear your take on William Colby’s demise.

July 21, 2018 7:10 pm

Great, fact-based read with plentiful reasonable insights.

Seems to me that the Russian people have more in common with Americans (the real ones) than do the English (the foolish ones, for one. Is steadily more cooperation in the stars?

July 22, 2018 10:13 pm

I heard this somewhere before

“The rulers of each country have more in common with each other than they do with any of us”…
Thus occams razor suggests most of them are part of the same oligarchy….eveeything else is kabuki theater and perception management tactics to use the pawns against one another to thin the herd.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
July 21, 2018 7:43 pm

So right on Joe McCarthy. One of the finest men ever to grace American soil. He was destroyed by the subhuman communist jews he worked so hard to shed light on. Problem is we still are plagued with those slim bags.

Captain America
Captain America
  Jack Lovett
July 23, 2018 9:38 pm

Post ‘o the Day, and kudos to the author as well, for (((naming))) the insidious beast that heads all of our ills, including debt and degeneracy. Kicked out of 109 nations/nation states, and they are not done yet.

July 21, 2018 7:54 pm

A republican citizenry’s greatest, last-resort duty is to kill those seeking to impose tyranny
Posted on July 14, 2018 by Mike Scheuer

As this week’s end, it seems likely that it is quite near time for killing those involved in the multiple and clearly delineated attempts to stage a coup d’état against the legitimately elected Trump government and thereby kill our republic.

–The week saw the alternative media document nearly 300 incidents of violence against loyal U.S. citizens that have been perpetrated by Democrats and the domestic terrorists that the party and its financial supporters keep on their payrolls. The Americans they are abusing and attacking – even those using concealed carry — have so far held their fire and sucked up the pain, trying to give Trump time to forever eliminate their violent tormentors. The well-armed patriot’s patience does not, and must not, last forever.

–The week saw FBI agent Strzok brazenly lie to the Congress, show his own detestation for everyday Americans – it’s their smell, he says — and display facial and other physical quirks that appeared very reminiscent of a demented beaver, a drug addict, or a loyal Democrat.

–The week saw that the FBI, in the person of Strzok, had refused to investigate a foreign address to which 30,000 e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s unsecured server were delivered. It was made clear that foreign address was not Russian, which surely means that the address was that of the Beijing tyrants who have paid the Democrats to surrender to China U.S. manufacturing industries, intellectual property, and much of its technical military prowess.

–The week saw Strzok describe the sacred FBI practice of briefing the leaders of any U.S. presidential campaign that is threatened by foreign influence/interference. The practice was ignored regarding Trump’s campaign, while the FBI — led by Strzok — assisted the British intelligence service’s (MI6) effort to try to ruin the campaign and then the Trump presidency.

–The week saw, on Friday the 13th, Special Counsel Mueller and his Democratic-apparatchik lawyers indict 12 supposed Russian intelligence officers with a laughable amount of evidence pertaining to their purported involvement in the 2016 election. Mueller’s action is a clear and undeniable effort to ruin President Trump’s coming meeting with Putin. It also ensures the continuation of the drive toward war with Russia that Obama and the EU started in 2013 with their direct and multi-pronged intervention in Ukrainian politics and their subsequent overthrow of the country’s pro-Russian government.

–It is worth noting that Mueller has zero chance of ever getting the Russian GRU officers into court, and that the FBI’s files — as well as those of other components of the intelligence community — are packed with the names of GRU officers. This reality leaves open the likelihood that Mueller’s pro-Hillary posse made up the list by randomly picking names, just as they did with the last list of indicted Russians.

–The week saw FBI’s Strzok make it clear under oath that the so-called “Trump Dossier” was available in the FBI and the Department of Justice in multiple copies, each with differing content. He described, in other words, nothing less than an in-process movie script that showed work of the hands of many notoriously anti-Trump writers, each trying to outdo the other in their lying and treasonous intent.

–This week saw DoJ’s Rod Rosenstein request the country’s 93 U.S. Attorneys to select three “federal prosecutors” for his use in vetting Supreme Court-nominee Brett Cavanaugh. Clearly, Rosenstein intends to use the prosecutors to invent a “crime” – as he did with Mueller’s investigation — that can be used to delay or stop Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, and ruin his reputation and career in either event.

–This week saw Strzok admit that he and his paramour used their personal communication devices for government business and that the FBI allowed them to decide which of the messages thereon dealt with official business and which dealt with their sexual adventures (Good God, let there be no videos of that greasy swamp fest.) This is precisely the same biased-for-Democrats discretion that Strzok and the FBI – including weasel-boys Comey and McCabe — allowed Hillary Clinton and her reptilian coterie, before affording them the opportunity to destroy the remainder by smashing computers and mobile phones.

–This week saw Strzok again demonstrate that the FBI is not corrupt, lawless, and deceitful only at the top, but from top to bottom. Strzok repeatedly emphasized the large number of his colleagues who were involved in the Clinton and Russian investigations, noted that they were of one mind with him, and how they were — as he said he is — honorable, truth-telling, and law-abiding. Since no whistle-blower of any consequence has ever come forward from the FBI’s rank-and-file to disclose and describe to Americans what clearly is the dark, anti-constitutional, and fascist heart of the FBI, it can only be concluded that the entire FBI is in need of rapid and merciless eradication

Finally, this week saw a significant and quickening advance toward the moment when those millions of well-armed citizens who voted for Trump, and who have been abused or wounded by Democrats, their Antifa-thugs, and their thug-civil servants for exercising their franchise to elect Trump, cannot be, in good conscience, patient for much longer.

Fortunately, they have in hand a long and very precise list of the names and photographs of those who hate and threaten them, their families, their way-of-life, their liberty, their livelihoods and their republic. No self-respecting and determined-to-remain-independent citizenry can let themselves forever be held hostage by thug-civil-servants like Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Page, and Rosenstein; worshipers of tyranny, like the Democratic members of Congress, the Clintons, the FBI, and the Obamas; apparent traitors like Brennan, Hayden, and Clapper; all of the mainstream media; and the tens of thousands of government-admitted-and-protected, violent, criminal, and illegal immigrants.

American patriots have so far, praise God, been remarkably disciplined in not responding to tyranny and violence with violence. For now they must remain so, armed but steady. But the time for such patience is fast slipping away; indeed, that patience is quickly becoming an obviously rank and self-destructive foolishness. If Trump does not act soon to erase the above noted tyranny and tyrants, the armed citizenry must step in and eliminate them.

It is, of course, far better if Trump does so, and I pray and believe he will. That said, the sheer, nay, utter joy and satisfaction to be derived from beholding great piles of dead U.S.-citizen tyrants is not one that will be missed if Trump does not soon do the necessary to save the republic. But if he fails, the citizenry must act to ensure that Hillary’s predictive words are proven correct. “If Trump wins,” she apparently said, “we will all hang.”

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July 22, 2018 7:44 am

“lighten up Francis”

(Warren Oates, in Stripes)

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 22, 2018 1:36 pm, Scheuer’s website has been taken down! Don’t know if it is by glitch or by Progtard decree but it has gone pffft.
If the shitheads have gotten him booted perhaps he could move here? I do NOT agree with him on everything but he certainly has plenty of “bona fides” and as one who could have prevented 9/11 had President Clinton listened to him, he has a right to say whatever the heck he wants. SCREW ALL CENSORING BASTARDS!

July 21, 2018 7:55 pm

“His behavior is so different from all, repeat all, other former CIA directors that there has to be an explanation. CIA directors are sophisticated, well-informed (duh!), politically-aware men.”

Brennan has HIMSELF by the balls. HE knows he’s a treasonous traitor and criminal PIECE OF SHIT and along with many others, he never expected Felonia to lose. She was his stay out of jail free card. With Trump in the drivers seat, Brennan knows he’s fucked and a death sentence awaits him UNLESS the deep state can impeach Trump, assassinate Trump or wrest control of Congress in November or win the WH in 2020 (provided the D’s can stall that long). He has nothing to lose by going full retard. In fact, his only hope is that his antics along with the delay and obfuscate techniques of the democrat party succeeds. He’s literally fighting for his life. He KNOWS he’s dirty. He KNOWS he committed treason. He KNOWS that is a death penalty offense and he KNOWS the good guys in the US Intel agencies HAVE the dirt. He KNOWS that in order for him to remain alive, Trump has to go.

I believe it really is that simple. I’m sure Brennan will have been legally executed by the end of Trumps second term if he doesn’t suicide first. He’s a coward and a traitor so I’m betting on suicide.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 22, 2018 4:10 am

That was great.

william williams
william williams
July 22, 2018 4:58 pm

Brennan is the ideal patsy for Team Clinton-Obama-and-above: high enough up the food chain to be a plausible instigator, low enough down to be thrown to the wolves, particularly if his reliable silence can be purchased by steering a discreet gratuity into Brennan family control in a friendly-enough jurisdiction. $10 or so million would probably do the trick.

I expect that Brennan will ultimately be criminally charged and convicted, though he may escape doing actual hard time in a serious prison. By his high position and his actions, however, Brennan deserves the death penalty.

July 22, 2018 11:16 pm

No, Brennan and many others like him will not remain alive if Trump is taken out.
If anything happens to Trump, this country is going into a full blast “kill all commies” mode, and everyone one of us has our own list of who we will take out in our own AO.
Brennan unfortunately isn’t in my area, but I’d bet there are way more than a dozen that are.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
July 21, 2018 9:23 pm

Hey Stuck!
I think Sage is vying for top dog TBP’er.
Not that I think you guys shouldn’t get along.
We need you both. Oh, and Maggie. and Holly O. and Admin. and….

July 21, 2018 9:26 pm

I thought I smelled bullshit. What do we owe the honors to have a resident 30 year “retired” spook adding content to TBP…im sure not the first nor the last to do so.
And now, of course, works in the private sector…i wonder what lodge you’re a member of?

I’m sure my time on this site learning and lurking years back under Bush admin and Obama admin brought unwarranted attention my way. My life the past 5 years has been turned upside down, mistakes were made, things were done that cannot be undone, only able to move on and let time heal those affected…at least this way those I care about are safer, away from the nail standing above the rest awaiting the inevitable hammering down. All for trying to educate my fellow man or woman about our current state of affairs and what I and many others see happening in the short term and long term future . In this information war with underhanded tricks and misinformation and perception management strategies coming from all angles, the mockingbirds in the MSM and now in the alternative media, to our government funded trolls to private sector shills and CON men shysters trying to make a buck while the Titanic sinks…just trying to cut through the chemtrail haze, this fog of confusion, apathy and this current destabilization campaign full of hate…
Still having to have this conversation with people like we have had with kool aid drinkers who followed blindly Bush, Clinton, Obama and now Trump gets old…get us fight over brands that we are sold with clever marketing and data mining research and nothing ever gets accomplished for the majority of Americans who really just want to be left the fuck alone!!!

The McCarthy comment triggered him and then he needed to tell us of his credentials even though he hates doing so….
I mentioned McCarthy in his most understood conception…the red scare and witch hunts that invariably happen like Robespierre and the French revolution and Salem witch trial… to point out the hysteria you mention.
I will say that this article has many points I agree with unlike the last.

Taken from Southern Sages previous thread

John Brennan, Nobody

I’ll give you that, Southern Sages narrative IS very creative and well written.
The mockingbird shills on the legacy media outlets put out such horseshit all the time and you have no problem loathing and berating them?

I’m pretty sure this is THE BURNING PLATFORM where ideas are held to the fire to see if they hold substance and more importantly Truth…

Do I agree with Southern Sages speculation….absolutely not…

Take this for instance,

“Trump knows that the “collusion” claims are rubbish and that the alleged Russian meddling in our elections was more of a farce than a threat. ”

Then later Southern Sage implies that Brennan was a communist soviet spy….

Which is it? Russian collusion or not?

The U.S. did meddle in the election in Ukraine multiple times as well as Georgia and Montenegro and countless other countries so why is it a shock if aspects of the Russian government did the same here?

July 21, 2018 11:23 pm

You beat me to it. With those credentials one aught to have their own site on par with PCR or the Saker who still has me blocked for holding him accountable for his totally unprofessional foray into the Trevon Martin mess. He has since abstained and stuck to his forte.
I only looked in here to see what us pot bellied unwashed hillbillies are being told to believe and get my list of who to vote for in Nov. but didn’t want you to feel like the lone ranger.
As for my creds, I don’t have a ged but I can tell you more than you want to know about the CIA drug business from Nam to Colombia to Afghanistan because it’s a very incestuous system and therefore easily traced. The point being to point out their willingness do more evil than the evil they purport to fight. And I was just a nobody and still am.

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
July 22, 2018 9:55 am

This guy (SS)may be some sort of genius; I admit I am not well enough informed to challenge anything he has to say, but one thing I know; I would follow anyone with an ego that big absolutely nowhere.

Why isn’t he king of the universe by now? Simple; he has always thought he should be.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
July 21, 2018 9:33 pm

Brennan reminds me of a cornered rat.
Nice article, thanks.
Yes, the crowd here is full spectrum, imbecile to enlightened, entertaining to boot. You will toughen up a bit if you spend enough time here.
My C.V. almost as long as the authors, 15 hard years of special education to gain enough seniority to obtain the probationary title of “Short BUS dOOR gUNNER”.
I interviewed for the CIA in crawledge, the guy made my skin crawl.

July 21, 2018 10:17 pm

Very well said, though Brennan is a hardcore communist to the core and always has been in my opinion. Incredible how a country that was so against communism 30 some odd years ago would actually appoint a communist to head this organization to usurp the democratic process. And not one bleep out of a former CIA director.

The CIA, I may add, has plenty of people with serious mental health issues that are as likely to get us into a war with Russia as prevent it. This is based of course on the LBJ / Kennedy assassination book I am reading right now. Of course, we sponsored the modern day coup in the Ukraine which blew up in our faces and are now demanding the Russians to play nice. I respect Putin for holding his ground on this and rightfully keeping Crimea, which was pretty much always theirs.

I compare the intelligence agencies to Jewish Hollywood, which has become completely incestual in the modern era. Too much incest produces a bad product which is why Hollywood has been failing as well as our intelligence agencies. However, greed is the basis in this. I have never known anyone to be employed by these agencies as of late unless they were born into it (greed). Very good recipe for disaster and I disagree on Brennan going to prison. If he were, we would have already seen some senior level intelligence agency heads go to prison already for numerous felonies that don’t fly in the face of counter-intelligence activities. Especially for trying to usurp a democratically elected president in this country. Most of our congress, RINOs included, are hell bent on taking us down the socialist / communist path. They could care less about carrying out the law as it was suppose to apply to “all” Americans.

July 21, 2018 10:17 pm


Speaking of…

…new generations of weapons against which we have no real defense.

I do still wonder, at times, if the Dark Powers may have unknown technologies and unimaginable wizardries all bought and paid for by trillions from black budgets past? Either way, I hope we don’t find out real soon.

When you say…

Brennan is not right, OK?

I get that, but it’s definitely not just Brennan.

An author by the name of Tim Wiener, who won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for reporting and writing on American intelligence, wrote the following in a Reuters commentary just three days ago:

The foundations of American national security are under assault. The battle lines are drawn. On one side stand the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency. On the other: the commander-in-chief of the United States.

Donald Trump’s appalling performance in Helsinki was a subversive act. He rejected the conclusion of American intelligence that his election was aided by a hydra-headed act of political warfare controlled by the Kremlin. He did so with a wink and a smile for the smirking autocrat who led the attack.

That is some very, very, strong language. And, those were just the first two paragraphs.

It get’s worse:

But they [U.S. Intelligence Agents] have the power to strike back. For two years now, high-ranking veterans of American intelligence have sounded the alarm about Trump in the starkest language possible…

Intelligence officers already have provided reams of information to Mueller under the ambit of the law. In little more than a year, Mueller has brought to court overwhelming evidence that Russian military intelligence carried out the covert operation. While Trump emphatically denies “collusion,” signs suggest that Mueller can and will show that the Russians were aided and abetted by Americans.

Mueller has won guilty pleas and cooperation from Trump’s first national security adviser and his deputy campaign manager. In coming months, a noose around Trump – whose lawyers keep setting new conditions for an interview with the president – will likely tighten as the special counsel closes in on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

These cases never could have been made without the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA. If the House of Representatives flips from Republican to Democrat in November, impeachment hearings may open in January. Again, American intelligence officials will provide the information fueling these investigations.

That seems like some pretty serious, and unprecedented, threats right there; and the author, who says he has been “reporting and writing about intelligence and national security for three decades”, closes with these final words:

Even paranoids have enemies, and Trump has made real enemies in the realm of American national security. He has struck blows against their empire. One way or another, the empire will strike back.

That, to me, sounds like a war of aggression, Southern.

My only question now would be this one:

Who has the power?

July 21, 2018 11:58 pm

Also – ironically – the aforementioned author, Tim Weiner, received his Pulitzer for writing about “The Pentagon’s Black Budget”.

Wild, huh?

He probably wrote his book for the purposes of misdirection and subterfuge because this Weiner guy seems like a real dick.

July 22, 2018 10:46 am

What has American intelligence given US other than one lie after another leading directly from one armed conflict to another ?
Doubting the Intelligence of the Intelligence Community
Ilana Mercer

July 22, 2018 7:59 pm

Uncola- from your post: “On one side stand the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency. On the other: the commander-in-chief of the United States.”

It seems clear Tim Wiener is badly misinformed, Trump has traction because he has bad ass benefactors, namely DoD and by extension NSA. For Tim to missplace NSA in this, he is either ignorant or a shill or probably both.
Its about time to pick a side, CIA and elements of FBI or DoD and NSA, he does have that right and he clearly has picked his.

July 22, 2018 12:23 am

It would be nice if information came out that would put some Democrats in the hot seat for a change. Maybe WikiLeaks will do something. Trump is a breath of fresh air compared to years of stale retards who get little done.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 22, 2018 12:28 pm

How can the democrats ever be in the hot seat when the entire media complex AND “search” (Google) AND all of the social media companies are on their side and censor and shadow-ban anyone who doesn’t stick to the approved narratives? And if your speech is too unacceptable, they’ll boycott and protest your very internet provider or target you for DoS attacks – as with this site. I’m no Stormfront guy, but I find the attacks on Stormfront scarier than Stormfront itself. Thank God for the Man With No Name. Do I recall hearing that he is Jewish? He’s a fucken mensch in any case.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Iska Waran
July 22, 2018 2:11 pm

One of the sites quoted in this thread, has just been zapped.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
July 22, 2018 1:55 am
Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 22, 2018 4:21 am

That was a great article, Southern.

Yoseph Goybbels
Yoseph Goybbels
July 22, 2018 4:45 am

Is Trump a Zionist for moving the embassy to Jerusalem and being the only U.S. President to stand at the Western Wall while sporting a yarmulke?

[imgcomment image[/img]

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  Yoseph Goybbels
July 22, 2018 7:06 am


  Yoseph Goybbels
July 22, 2018 12:49 pm

That’s a foreskin beanie carefully handcrafted from black Ethiopian Jew foreskins. Pet them and they turn into Hasidic top hats.

July 22, 2018 8:04 am

“Yes, indeed. We had great plans. After stealing everything movable that survived the US (metal stockpiles, oil and natural gas stocks, timber, you name it) we went for the big play, total control of the us economy and all of its natural resources. USA (and the other components of the former US) would be booty for our finance capitalists, to hell with the US people. And millions did go to hell, or some such place, as the death rate in US skyrocketed due to poverty, disappearing medical services, alcoholism and despair. US women (Congressmen, Governors and .gov agency heads) were seen as whores to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.”

Delete the R and the sian and the story begins to sound familiar. Have a great day and thanks for the post. Entropy can be a bitch sometimes, this is one of them.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
July 22, 2018 8:23 am

Thank you for telling the truth and for going on the offensive to do so.

July 22, 2018 8:28 am

I will not pretend to be as well read as the author but have read most of the books mentioned, except for those by Stephen Cohen. I plan on looking for them and adding to my library and knowledge base. What has been said is some of the most concisely stated information that I have most recently read. There are several books out there that speak to his comments and they have power in that they were written in the early 60’s and 70’s. They predict that of which he speaks and support the same. I have noted the “detractors” in the comments but implore those that read this information take it at face value. We all (myself included) keep in mind that Homo sapiens is: 1) Not nice, 2) opportunistic. If we overlook these characteristics, we are fooling ourselves. This is especially the reason Our Forefathers have left our Freedom to the Individual. It is the “cross” we must bear in order to be FREE! It is the same reason the “Divide and Conquer” approach being used, as we write, can be successful if we do not take our responsibilities seriously. “Blow past the detractors” and take the responsibility that is needed to keep the Freedom we have come to live but may not be appreciating. We are on a very “sharp edge” and need to be careful that we care for what we have inherited.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
July 22, 2018 11:21 am

Thank you! Great points, including, “McCarthy underestimated Soviet penetration of the U.S. government to an astonishing degree.”

July 22, 2018 11:36 am

Spot on analysis and very timely considering the word out this morning that some in the inner circle are now turning on the president, including his generals, Mattis and Kelly.

Time now, Mr President to unsheathe your sword and do as Alexander once did, and cut this modern day Gordian Knot.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 22, 2018 2:18 pm

Every day some news outlet has Kelly and Mattis ready to resign. After the 100th time I just take it as more BS from the enemy. Trump’s Twitter feed is about the only reliable source of news about Trump.
They will not stop crying “wolf” until Trump is gone or they are crushed. I’m all for the crushing part.

July 22, 2018 1:27 pm

Only one error ..

2016 vs 2106 [sic] ..
In 2106 we narrowly missed having a Russian-designed Vulcan mind meld forced upon our helpless citizens.

Otherwise .. I agree and I never worked for the CIA .. just an old ex navy submarine nuke & airline pilot.

Dear readers .. If you don’t respect Poo-Tan .. I fear for your intelligence.

July 22, 2018 2:25 pm

This is probably the best article Southern Sage has written, to date. Very interesting.

As I have said in the past, McCarthy’s only real error was in grossly underestimating the scope of the problem.

July 22, 2018 5:14 pm

SS My humble thanks for your courage in reporting your experience and opinions. Your words ring true to me. I welcome and value your thoughts. As I do to all commenters.
As I put about 300 miles on the salt waters this last week, I am now almost caught up on my TBP reading. Plus my white witch is back in town and I am angling to see her by plying her with toothsome words with little hope to see her Poo-Tan, respectfully.

July 22, 2018 5:27 pm

Southern,you are the Sage.”The one who knows” I just knew you worked in some type of ” Intelligent Outfit ” .I thought maybe the Army. I would like to ask you about a thousand questions but as usual I’m in a hurry to get to my next load . God Bless.

July 22, 2018 7:19 pm

McCarthy so underestimated the problem that there was not even a scratch to it’s surface even to this day! Twenty thousand should have been executed and we got how many?
Yeah, I thought so.

July 22, 2018 7:28 pm

There’s something off about a guy who feels it necessary to incessantly trumpet his credentials and then make it a point to let us know that he is not a “credentialist.” Bullet points explaining all the life experiences and accomplishments that underpin one’s self-described expertise inspires no confidence in me that could not be garnered by simply laying out a coherent, honest pattern of thought or opinion.

After the chest beating comes the brow beating. The potential audience is informed of their own ignorance prior to being enlightened. This sort of behavior has a sociopathic flavor to it. It almost smacks of a sort of gaslighting. “Before I explain the truth to you slack-jawed yokels out there, let me first preemptively tell you what a bunch of uninformed idiots you are!”

I make no judgment about the veracity of anything this guy says. I stopped reading after the opening cascade of abuse directed at potential readers. I just get a knot in my gut when I read the words of a man who feels it necessary to denigrate and insult the very people he wishes to inform with his, apparently, hard won wisdom. There is a deep insecurity of some sort embedded in those words. Visceral disrespect is not a particularly effective opening salvo in any battle of ideas. The verbal chain shot which always seems to precede his expositions dismasts what follows.

Southern Sage may be everything he says he is and done everything he says he’s done. On the other hand, he may be just a lying sack of shit who reads a lot. How would any of us know?

Will the real “beer-bellied gasbag” please stand up.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 22, 2018 11:01 pm

Thank you X. I was going to make a quite similar comment to this, but you said it so much better than I could have. Even if what he says is true, an ex-spook who’s proud of having been a spook is not someone whom I would respect, admire, or much less, trust.

  Grizzly Bare
July 23, 2018 1:48 pm

Me 2 but ahm just an unwashed Mountain William what could I no.

July 22, 2018 11:12 pm

Sage, I’m pretty sure X just said you are full of shit, but he did it soooooooooooo well.

July 24, 2018 9:35 am

He lost me at skid-mark.

July 22, 2018 8:18 pm

SS- Well written and compelling. Thanks for sharing your experiences and perceptions, as well as your bonifieds. I am extremely leery of the CIA, to put it mildly, in my humble understanding, I feel it is probable elements of this agency were the executors of JFK and the coup that occurred right before our eyes and never addressed. Elements of this agency probably run most of the narcotic operations on the planet. Further elements seem to be neck deep in 911 and all of the glorious power grabs occurring as a result. Its likely I will never trust this organization, ever.
I pick Trump and the DoD, if it is binary. The fact Brennan and others have squared up is reminiscent of the tit for tat between JFK and the Agency in the early sixties.
Shit is about to get real.
Thanks again, it was a great piece.

RJ Morgan
RJ Morgan
July 22, 2018 9:15 pm

Great insights and perspective, much appreciated. I have yet, however, seen anyone address the enormous disconnect between the a) seeming catastrophe for Russia following Perestroika/Glastnost as highlighted in this article, and b) the evident success in the West (Europe/America) of exactly what Anatoliy Golitsyn, Soviet defector (1961), who convinced Angleton of a grand deception. The Marxist infiltration of media, Hollywood, academia, parts of the IC, etc. cannot be denied. We are clearly seeing the dark fruit of this infiltration, corruption, and deception in real time. BHO, HRC, Brennan, Comey, etc. are now in the open, as many of the RINO’s. The wedge appears to be nearing the splitting of the log, with potentially horrifying results.

July 22, 2018 10:01 pm

I’ll try and post today after taking the day to enjoy the beautiful day here in sunny California.

Too many aw snaps and lost thoughts again yesterday after I failed to write in Samsung notes yet again…

It seems Southern Sage has had to change tactics…again thanks for sharing…

July 22, 2018 10:56 pm

@ Fleabaggs et al

Thanks for the support… most might wonder about the timing of my foray back into the blogosphere…summer vacation is really nice…i get time to do some of what I enjoy and love, read and write.

Having been lurking the past few months again, I noticed Southern Sages articles and the narratives presented seemed to fall in line with what I see are the trends of Brand Trump and overall geo political trends, particularly the devaluation of the U.S. dollar within the currency race to the bottom and global hot potato of FRNs…which will come home to roost and be squarely placed on the back of each U.S. CITIZEN…this is why I say a liquidation is in the cards…on ALL levels…

The active measures being conducted on us by aspects of our own government is shameful and enraging…this is not to say that what Southern Sage mentioned about communists/Marxists in our governmental and educational institutions isn’t true….of course it is, this is part of the overall demoralization and destabilization campaigns that have been going on for generations…now Americans teach Americans this stuff, it has built upon itself very effectively.

Now Southern Sage has changed it up a bit with new tactics…offering his expertise…i am no expert, just read alot and have been using open source information since the beginning of Google before it would even attempt to guess what you were trying to type…my bachelor’s from a Cal State university was in sociology…unfortunately I can’t say I have a master’s in psychology yet, master’s thesis are daunting while working and attention focused on family and this foreboding economic climate we live in ever since the system flatlined in 2008…too big to fail indeed! Until it does.

When we talk as though countries rule the world instead of groups of individuals it is very easy to get caught up in nationalistic hubris and let our pre programming elicit certain emotional responses that often cloud our rational judgments.

The aww…snaps are becoming tedious to say the least…will I stop? Nope.

I’m sure some think I’m paranoid, do I care?
Nope…here is just a few of the litany of coincidences I an dealing with lately…

I have been locked completely out of my “bought and paid for” HP laptop by Microsoft, when I try to enter my password I get a message that says I need to sign into my Microsoft live account which I haven’t done probably since I first purchased it… so I call Microsoft support and ask them ehat my e mail address or if we can reset it someway and I’ve been told that they don’t have access to it…thats what I get for not using the cloud eh? Years of master’s degree papers and family photos inaccessible…i was told I should factory reset my laptop…

I ran across an article saying the FBI has put out a list of infected personal routers (not corporate) who have been infected with malicious phishing cookies, I looked my router model up and it was at the top of the list…
Missing text messages, phone calls that go straight to voicemail,
Every few months my bank cards are compromised….

Even my bank account has been tagged since a few years back I had to borrow some money from a few different sources and one of the 100s I tried to deposit was supposedly counterfeit, and sent to the secret service …of course I was out a hundred, doesn’t seem like alot for many of the TBPers who I am sure are upper middle class…but to me, it was and is a big deal.

Oh and more importantly, my yahoo account was hacked twice….Yahoo didn’t even tell me about the 1st hack until 2 years later when the second hack occurred.
According to emails from yahoo, their investigation suggests that it was hacked by “state sponsored actors”… there is a class action lawsuit happening but I’m not sure I want to be part of that,

Very interesting times we live in though,
I made a point years back to fight the system with out violence the best way I could and for that, I am apparently suspect and targeted…my niavety like most of ours in some manner, used against me…. hahahaha….

The land of the free??
Home of the brave??

Time will tell.

Again thanks for the support.
Good luck and God Bless!

July 23, 2018 2:27 pm

Woke up this morning to an internet outage in my area…
Gotta love it! Hahaha

July 22, 2018 11:35 pm

Russia would only be prudent to prepare for the worst. When the world’s last Super power, is constantly demonizing and calling your nation their biggest threat, and due to internal politics, even calling their leader a traitor and a puppet, I would arm up to the gills. If the rhetoric gets much stronger, perhaps even a first strike, since it appears the U.S. will soon attack the homeland. The Russians may even feel the current American leadership would attack, just to prove they were not puppets. This madness needs to end, before things get ugly.

July 23, 2018 12:51 am

The CIA controllers in Iranistan t’aint ‘gon be happy ’bout dis!

!!!!!!! ER MAH GERD !!!!!!!!

Well, I guess we can move on from Muh Helsinki Russkie hysteria to Muh Iranian hysteria! Enjoy the show!

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July 23, 2018 2:40 am

Oh my! We’ve got a double header for tomorrow. It could be a quadruple but I’ll bet MSM buries the pedos being outed in Pedowood over the weekend. That’s hittin’ a little too close to home for some MSM personalities.

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July 23, 2018 10:37 am

Sage can’t win for losing.

His first mistake was an appeal to conjecture spiced with a faith in a theory. Geeze Sage you be treading some shaky ground by doing that.Best leave that one to the Thumpers and the Preachers. Still that said it was as good read to make a fella think. But hardly rises to the levels of High crimes and misdemeanours. And yet TBP wouldn’t be what it was without a dogpile or two or three. And so it was.. Then today in his defense he decides to stretch the argument with an appeal from authority.

His second mistake with his detractors.

Anyways that said I liked this essay as well. I don’t see the problem in dealing in a little speculation. We all do it. We can’t know all the unknowns before expressing an opinion. If that was the standard this place would be very uninteresting indeed..

Maybe Don Rumsfeld was right after all…

July 23, 2018 10:54 am

A bit off topic but here is Hilary in a mumu-style top.

She looks terrible.
and an escapee from a hospital.

What in the fuck is she wearing.

And yeah I do wonder what the fuck she is doing out and about dressed like that. Dare I engage in a bit of conjecture and say she is unwell and hiding something under that tarp….

July 23, 2018 1:44 pm

Comrade Saint Trumpski will heal the land.

[imgcomment image?itok=XUcSjDWX[/img]

July 23, 2018 3:13 pm

Very, very well done, SS.

I disagree on one main point: the American people are not “stupid” (though more and more are born such) but ignorant. Stupidity is innate and can’t be remedied, but ignorance can be if the intellectual capacity is present.

Were I “Dr. Wake-up”, I’d be prescribing that anyone with the capability, wish and will to understand the overall workings of our world read the late Carroll Quigley’s “Tragedy and Hope”, perhaps the best text on historical reality written in the 20th century.

July 23, 2018 4:39 pm

A well reasoned article with only a few suspicious tone shifts for me. Enjoyed and worth the read.

IMO it is laughable that SS readily admits to being intelligence swine in several of his articles, as if that gives him any authority or means much to anyone on this site. A man who spent 3 decades working in one of the most evil parts of the warfare state with seemingly no regrets is not a man I would spend any time with. Call me an old fashioned good person. I long for the day to come when having any, any, any association with American evil like the CIA or NSA will be an automatic death sentence. You will live in fear for yourself and your family that no one discovers you had anything to do with them. Very Peter-like.

As for the line “I am proud to have served in the Agency and never did a single thing I could not explain and justify to the American people,” well most of this readership is American. And the present is always a good time for catharsis. Explain and justify away.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
July 23, 2018 7:48 pm

SS doesn’t sound like most agency guys I met in my travels as a carpetbagger in the 1990s in the FSU, Former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe. His vocabulary and sentence are less arcane and jargon-laden than the typical US Government employee CIA, State Dept, USAID etc. Not saying he is a fake, he could simply be dumbing it down content/verbiage wise on purpose. Whatever. I can say that Americans are completely unique and in no way similar in “soul” to Russians or Euro-Trash. Americans expect freedom and will act as if they are free while Russians expect to pay the State for their rights with cash, ass or a share of whatever they accomplish. Government is always part of their calculus. Czars, Commissars, Putin its all the same to the average Russian.

Despite the best efforts Mr. Brennan and his deep state predecessors, the MIC warned about by Eisenhower, Americans still don’t have a cultural genuflection to the State. 2016 was a turning point and luckily Trump won and the civil war has been on ever since.

Mr. Brennan will be an offering by the losing Deep State but Trump I hear is out for blood after the threats and involvement of his children… any grizzly momma.

I always look for the misdirection, the negative space…..what is hiding in plain sight? Two major categories which SS didn’t really focus on with Brennan et al. Mueller is there to protect the Clintons by keeping the heat and focus on Trump but more subtly on those who have connections to the Clinton’s….The Podesta’s get immunity in the Manafort case as a reward but also control.

The second negative space is China….China has traditionally been xenophobic and therefore not an expansionary power…..we are not worth conquering as we are heathens. The Globalists, however, wanted China to be the political model and world factory and Panda Boy Xi is their guy, not a Chinese nationalist. Orders of magnitude spying from China and interference from China…Just ask Harry Reid and the Bundy Ranch guys.

It just gets crazier from here. Brennan will go Kamakazie before he goes home. Same for the rest of the Deep State coup plotters including Barry Soetero.

July 23, 2018 10:53 pm

Now SGT Report has been terminated!

I didn’t agree with everything he said but he DID have some great interviews!!

Unbelievable censorship

July 24, 2018 12:35 am

He was on strike 2, so he created a back up channel like others have done for years….

daboo7 comes to mind

Taxation is Theft
Taxation is Theft
July 24, 2018 10:51 am

TFW you’re so woke AF that you’re brow beating the morAns on TBF with your years of experience collecting welfare at the CIA and ruining the world…

July 24, 2018 12:41 pm

SS, awesome post and spot on IMO… Chip

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 24, 2018 1:01 pm

I have been listening to Stephen DeNoon lately and he has some interesting things to say about Israel and Syria.

He doesn’t support the Israeli government most of the time and he definitely does not think that Syria is the enemy we are led to believe by the MSM. It seems to be fairly well balanced to me. But you can judge for yourself if you are so inclined,

It sounds like a major war between the two is about to explode over there.

Oh, and 100.

July 24, 2018 1:51 pm

Interesting article – I find much to agree with but then I’m never in the room when any of this gets decided.

All I can really do is read the “credentialists” and “non-credentialists” pundints and try to piece a few things together.

I had bought “Blacklisted by History” years ago and never read it. I have pulled it off the bookshelf and started it.

Warren Shafer
Warren Shafer
August 4, 2018 1:24 pm

Well written. I never read any of Steven Cohen’s books, but heard him on various interviews. I very brilliant mind. With regard to Putin, he is a very clever and perhaps cunning person. He is trying to restore the Russian’s people pride in their country. I do not like the idea of war with them. the war hawks of today almost remind me of those wanting war in England which become the War of 1812.