Know a Man by Knowing his Enemies

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Like his father Ron, Senator Rand Paul has earned the right kind of enemies.

Ironically, many of them happen to be Republicans – the ones who cannot abide Paul’s principled defense of liberty – because it often conflicts with the business (and power) of these inside-the-Beltway apparatchiks.

Just as they tried to marginalize the elder Paul – some will recall the despicable treatment meted out to this gentle and decent man during the 2012 presidential primary by his fellow Republicans – so also the long knives are now glinting in the moonlight for his son.

The younger Paul is coming under fire for supporting the nomination to the Supreme Court of Brett Kavanaugh by President Trump.

But why would Paul be attacked for supporting the president’s nominee?

Kavanaugh’s nomination apparently worries Swamp Thing Republicans because he may be in favor not merely of “replacing” Obamacare with some other government-run program but of repealing it outright – something establishment GOP’ers such as Mitt Romney as one for-instance very much oppose.

Romney and others of his bent support government-run (and government-mandated) “health care.” They just prefer your are forced to submit to their “plan” rather than a plan crafted by Democrats.

A difference without much distinction – like the establishment Republicans themselves and the reason for their repudiation by the voters.

Kavanaugh could also be the vote which returns to the states – and thus, one step closer to the people – the power to decide whether taxpayers should be forced to fund abortions (as distinct from the deceitful argument peddled by the “choice” crowd that Kavanaugh is champing at the bit to outlaw abortion).

Heaven forbid the people ever get to decide anything!

The Swamp Thing Republicans may prefer someone more like the agreeable Chief Justice John Roberts – who somehow found Obamacare – the Affordable Care Act – “constitutional” and even empowered the IRS to apply a tax as punishment for failing to purchase health insurance.

This breathtaking expansion of federal power has already been undermined by President Trump, who rescinded the so-called “individual mandate.” But the real threat is a Supreme Court reversal of the constitutionality of the ACA – and that could very well happen if Brett Kavanaugh becomes Justice Kavanaugh.

Hence the need to delay a vote on his nomination for as long as possible – ideally until after the midterms, in order (so the Swamp Things hope) that more Democrats and more Establishment Republicans will be voted in, so as to vote Kavanaugh out.

Attacking Paul and other Kavanaugh supporters such as Utah Senator Mike Lee is a key element of this strategy.

Several pieces have appeared in the establishment conservative media, including The Washington Examiner, essentially accusing Paul of supporting Kavanaugh for the sake of currying favor with President Trump.

This has been amen’d by by those on the political left – who as it turns out are simpatico with the Swamp Things. Which says something (not good) about both the left and the Swamp Thing Republicans.

The suggestion that Paul is somehow Trump’s poodle (as alleged by both) for supporting Kavanaugh just because Trump supports Kavanaugh is as risible and insulting as the suggestion – also made by the Swamp Things and their felloe travelers of the left  – that Trump is Putin’s poodle for attempting to talk with the Russian leader and for questioning the need for American taxpayers to finance the defense of Western European nations.

What really nettles the Swamp Things is that Rand – like his father Ron – isn’t a party man.

His principles – and his voting record – often put him at loggerheads with the party.

Examples include his opposition to the extension of the loathsome-to-liberty Patriot Act; in particular its authorization of warrantless mass wiretaps of the American people. While Paul was filibustering in defense of the Fourth Amendment’s requirement that searches (including wiretaps) be specific, based upon probable cause and only permissible when a warrant has been issued by a judge, establishment Republicans were defending the government’s near unlimited and unchecked authority under the Patriot Act.

Paul also rose to defend Americans against the proposed use of killer drones to murder them upon mere say-so of whomever happens to be the Decider in Washington.

This outrage was supported by the establishment Swamp Things.

That Paul is much less a friend of Trump’s than an enemy of Swamp Thing Republicans like Majority Mitch McConnell can also be gleaned from Pauls’ fight over McConnell’s midnight vote to expand federal spending by $300 billion.

McConnell and the other Swamp Things proceeded to blame Paul for “shutting down the government” – rather than praise (and better yet, support him) for defending the pockets of American taxpayers. 

McConnell, McCain and Romney, et al are the ossified embodiments of what’s wrong with DC – and what was rejected by the election of President Trump. None of them have Straight A ratings from liberty watchdogs such as the American Conservative Union (96 percent favorable for Paul) or Freedom works (98 percent favorable for Paul).

And none of them ever let a Libertarian-leaning word cross their lips . . . until after they were forced to do so first by the success of Ron Paul in conveying these ideas to the people and lately by the success of his son, Rand.

There is an old saying that you can divine the character of a man by knowing the character of his enemies. 

The enemies Paul has made speak volumes.

And that’s worth more than every penny.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 3, 2018 9:01 am

Peters should stick to lamenting that he’s not allowed to drive 100 mph. I see no evidence that McConnell isn’t planning on a vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination before the midterm elections, nor that any Republican senator – with the possible exception of Murkowski – will vote against Kavanaugh. Even Susan Collins has hinted at supporting him. Dems Manchin and Heitkamp will vote for him, too. Hopefully McCain will have died and been replaced by someone solid who will vote for Kavanaugh.

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
August 3, 2018 9:25 am

The individuals pictured are neither republicans or dems. They’re self serving whores.

  whiskey tango foxtrot
August 3, 2018 1:47 pm

Right now I know not who are all the patriots and traitors that are fighting each other, but I am sure that this quote is always true: ” Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. “

August 4, 2018 5:54 pm

Some people have a problem with this quote. I left the name of its sayer off and on purpose just to see what would happen. Jesus Christ said this quote. Got a problem with Jesus? Sounds like you have a problem with what Jesus said, but so did everyone else. Those people are all dead and forgotten. Boo hoo hoo.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
August 3, 2018 9:32 am

Judge Kavanaugh and a return to the actual words and their meaning, as the actual intent of the “Original ” Constitution… is just what the Doctor (We The People) ordered. 1 8 6

Since 1871, the US has been fraudulently entered into a “Corporate Indenture” to the City of London and all the DC Filth know it.

I used to refer to the Pauls as Pappy and Slappy as too old and not of sufficient gravitas to reinstall loyalty in a rudderless DC Corruption currentlessly drifting the Republican slave ship. Frankly, DC oughta’ be lined in front of a firing squad beginning with the Democrats as so much glaring Criminality tantamount to Treason

Hand-Job Romney had some notion of loyalty, once in all likelihood; that portion got wise to itself and ran, to end in the drain, or dried in the bed sheets, trying to escape. The subsequent buffoon that has emerged is suitable for execution as fully cognizant of decades planned and presently operable in REMIC Fraud- 1200 trillions counterfeit.

Please visit Romney unbagged the cat in Las Vegas as regards the DC Corruption and their plans to rob American homes in foreclosure fraud.

  Michael Keane
August 3, 2018 5:04 pm

“a return to the actual words and their meaning, as the actual intent of the “Original ” Constitution…”
So what does “speedy trial” mean? 24 hours, 30 days, 1 year?
(Sixth Amendment: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial…”)

August 3, 2018 10:39 pm

My comment encompasses “1 8 6”: Article One, Section Eight, Paragraph six, as follows: “The Congress shall have the power … To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current quoin of the United States…”.

Insofar as my understanding of History allows, as regards “speedy trials”… It was the habit of arbitrary and capricious courts to allow the untried to linger overlong in the absence of due process.

In my personal experience, the corruption in my state court house is so extreme, I have yet to gain a hearing on the facts as regards two Wrongful Foreclosures I have endured, as has my family, for over 6 years… we were paying the mortgage when placed in foreclosure.

Given the context of my personal experience, I believe “speedy trials” were intended as a remedy to debtor’s prison, while Wrongful Foreclosure is likely the reason why 28,000 sealed indictment s are soon to take down any number of state courts.

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
August 3, 2018 10:52 am

Know a controlled-opposition figure by his supposed enemies.

There, I fixed your title.

August 3, 2018 11:52 am

Kavanaugh’s biggest problem is his poor record on the Fourth Amendment.

August 3, 2018 3:33 pm

Kavanaugh is an establishment boy. He’ll support them on all matters that keep them in power.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 4, 2018 10:44 am

I tell you, that’s one of the creepiest books I’ve ever read (Weird Scenes). And this from one who knows all the words to all of those songs. I adored that music… very disturbing.