Can America Ever Come Together Again?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Can America Ever Come Together Again?

If ex-CIA Director John Brennan did to Andrew Jackson what he did to Donald Trump, he would have lost a lot more than his security clearance.

He would have been challenged to a duel and shot.

“Trump’s … performance in Helsinki,” Brennan had said, “exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was … treasonous.”

Why should the president not strip from a CIA director who calls him a traitor the honor and privilege of a security clearance? Or is a top-secret clearance an entitlement like Social Security?

CIA directors retain clearances because they are seen as national assets, individuals whose unique experience, knowledge and judgment may be called upon to assist a president in a national crisis.

Not so long ago, this was a bipartisan tradition.

Who trashed this tradition?

Was it not the former heads of the security agencies — CIA, FBI, director of national intelligence — who have been leveling the kind of savage attacks on the chief of state one might expect from antifa?

Are ex-security officials entitled to retain the high privileges of the offices they held, if they descend into cable-TV hatred and hostility?

Former CIA chief Mike Hayden, in attacking Trump for separating families of detained illegal immigrants at the border, tweeted a photo of the train tracks leading into Auschwitz.

“Other governments have separated mothers and children” was Hayden’s caption.

Is that fair criticism from an ex-CIA director?

Thursday, The New York Times decried Trump’s accusation that the media are “the enemy of the people.”

“Insisting that truths you don’t like are ‘fake news’ is dangerous to the lifeblood of democracy. And calling journalists ‘the enemy of the people’ is dangerous, period,” said the Times.

Fair enough, but is it not dangerous for a free press to be using First Amendment rights to endlessly bash a president as a racist, fascist, sexist, neo-Nazi, liar, tyrant and traitor?

The message of journalists who use such terms may be to convey their detestation of Trump. But what is the message received in the sick minds of people like that leftist who tried to massacre Republican congressmen practicing for their annual softball game with Democrats?

And does Trump not have a point when he says the Boston Globe-organized national attack on him, joined in by the Times and 300 other newspapers, was journalistic “collusion” against him?

If Trump believes that CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post are mortal enemies who want to see him ousted or impeached, is he wrong?

We are an irreconcilable us-against-them nation today, and given the rancor across the ideological, social and cultural chasm that divides us, it is hard to see how, even post-Trump, we can ever come together again.

Speaking at a New York LGBT gala in 2016, Hillary Clinton said: “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables … racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic … Some of those folks … are irredeemable, but … they are not America.”

When Clinton’s reflections on Middle America made it into print, she amended her remarks. Just as Gov. Andrew Cuomo rushed to amend his comments yesterday when he blurted at a bill-signing ceremony:

“We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.” America was “never that great”?

Cuomo’s press secretary hastened to explain, “When the president speaks about making America great again … he ignores the pain so many endured and that we suffered from slavery, discrimination, segregation, sexism and marginalized women’s contributions.”

Clinton and Cuomo committed gaffes of the kind Michael Kinsley described as the blurting out of truths the speaker believes but desperately does not want a wider audience to know.

In San Francisco in 2008, Barack Obama committed such a gaffe.

Asked why blue-collar workers in industrial towns decimated by job losses were not responding to his message, Obama trashed these folks as the unhappy losers of our emerging brave new world:

“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

These clingers to their Bibles, bigotries and guns are the people the mainstream media, 10 years later, deride and dismiss as “Trump’s base.”

What Clinton, Cuomo and Obama spilled out reveals what is really behind the cultural and ideological wars of America today.

Most media elites accept the historic indictment — that before the Progressives came, this country was mired in racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia, and that its history had been a long catalog of crimes against indigenous peoples, Africans brought here in bondage, Mexicans whose lands we stole, migrants, and women and gays who were denied equality.

The people who cheer Trump believe the country they inherited from their fathers was a great, good and glorious country, and that the media who detest Trump also despise them.

For such as these, Trump cannot scourge the media often enough.

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August 17, 2018 7:59 am

Great points, Mr Buchanan, however, for us “deplorables”, I believe those truths were already known. There is no civility on the other side of the isle. Anyone against their open border, NWO, equality for all, big government agenda is free game to humiliate, lie about, accuse of, and physically attack to control the minds of their dumbed down followers.

The deep state is in a snake hole so deep no creature other than another belly crawler could find the den.

Prepare for turmoil, stock supplies, get ready to defend what is yours….This will not end until only one side is standing.

August 17, 2018 8:36 am

Out,agree,and when it ends I may not be standing but know what side I am on,even when lying in a cold/prone state.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 17, 2018 9:50 am

Well put.

Buchanan’s writing makes me wonder if Pat is just another plant in the American political deep swamp who now writes in ways that get you 90% of the way there, never 100%.

Call me what you will, but isn’t Buchanan a Jew?

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot

He’s a conservative Roman Catholic.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  whiskey tango foxtrot
August 17, 2018 4:44 pm

…in Jewish media pundit clothing?

Israel’s most celebrated spy lived and worshiped as a Muslim for years in Syria, and it’s permissible under their “religion”.


Pat’s a Catholic, but he can’t go too far in his column or the syndicate will drop it…

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 17, 2018 4:48 pm

Like pretty much every other paycheck collecting journalist.

Israel’s most celebrated spy lived and worshiped as a Muslim for years in Syria, and it’s permissible under their “religion”.


Irish descent, I doubt anything is in the woodpile out back.

August 17, 2018 8:58 am

“hard to see how, even post-Trump, we can ever come together again”…

Thing is, I already thought that post-Obama, we could never come together again. Trump is the result of the eight years of Obama… Chip

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
August 17, 2018 9:48 am

Assuming this will go hot I hope people remember first and foremost those that turned on their own race, sold out their own blood and made this madness possible.

August 17, 2018 9:53 am

Us normal people get up, go to work, get married, support our families, pay our bills, pay taxes, mind our own business, want to be left alone. For this we are labeled conservatives.

In order to gain power Clinton / Cuomo / Obama use twisted logic to blame/punish us normal people for being normal. Doing the right thing is discriminatory.

If the Left stopped with their incessant protests / rants , maybe then we could come back together.

August 17, 2018 10:00 am

Those communist bastards sold us out and thank you founders for the 2cnd amendment, we are going to need it!

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 17, 2018 10:10 am

I’ve had enough Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul COLUMN WRITINGS to last me a lifetime.

They’ve been around for decades, and nothing seems to change much.

When the next ghost-written Revolutionary Pamphlet is printed and spreads like wildfire, I want a copy.


.22,perhaps nothing in big picture changes but on a smaller scale these articles reach a few new minds and they think it through and change,gonna need all the help we can get!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic

Don’t blame Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan. Blame the people that don’t listen to them.

August 17, 2018 10:13 am

“CIA directors retain clearances because they are seen as national assets, individuals whose unique experience, knowledge and judgment may be called upon to assist a president in a national crisis.”

Total BS…Name one ex-CIA director who wasn’t a treasonous weasel with his own anti-American agenda….

Taxation is Theft
Taxation is Theft
August 17, 2018 10:17 am

I welcome all “threats to democracy” if it means that we can end this shitstorm already and reform some semblance of a republic–but that seems highly unlikely. No nation here to see, AIN’T MY AMERICA.

August 17, 2018 10:37 am

Pat is stuck in the 1980’s . He means well but should read Fred Reed’s article. We won’t be coming together any time soon.

August 17, 2018 11:44 am

No. Multiculturalism ended any chance.

August 17, 2018 12:39 pm

Hmmmmm … maybe America can come together if we follow the Russian model; spread the true Gospel, end abortion, get rid of homos. Oh … and fuck more (in the confines of marriage). What’s not to like?


“We will continue upholding our original mission, telling the amazing story of Christianity’s unprecedented growth and revival in Russia. At a time when Christianity is being viciously attacked in both America and western Europe, and when anti-Russian propaganda is at an all-time high, we believe this is an important story that needs to be told.

Over the past 25 years, Russia has been building three churches a day, for a total of over 25,000 new Orthodox churches. During the same period of time, Russian society has increased its opposition to the homosexual movement, abortion rates have plummeted, and today, Russia’s population is rising. The faith of a nation influences the destiny of a nation. Russia is doing a lot of things right, and we need to learn from them.

Another goal is to share the Orthodox Christian Faith with people throughout the world,whether in America, western Europe, or elsewhere. Orthodoxy is the true, original European form of Christianity, and we need to bring it back to the broader masses of people in western society. ”

i forget
i forget
August 17, 2018 3:18 pm

Cool tune. A boy & his instrument. (Applies girls, too.)

Countries? Citizen is the instrument played. That ain’t even muzak. But it is a delevator ride. (Elevator & simultaneous orgasm, all facing forward & face-to-face, respectively, sounds more optimistic, sells better, tho.)

Weebles is on a blues brothers mission from god. Oh…god! OH-OH-OH-I-I-I-O!!! Player, please.

Dave Braga
Dave Braga
August 17, 2018 8:48 pm

Can’t happen. But the liberals will spend as much (of our) money as they can in a failed attempt at trying to make this a multi-cultural utopia that, in reality, only exists in fictional novels and political whitepapers. Hard-working people, for some reason, resent paying full-tilt tuition for their kids only to see immigrants and ‘disadvantaged’ getting feebies.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 19, 2018 2:15 am

No, they can’t come together again. Sane people find it hard to live with loonys.