The Three-headed Monster

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The faction that used to be the Democratic party can be described with some precision these days as a three-headed monster driving the nation toward danger, darkness, and incoherence. Anyone interested in defending what remains of the sane center of American politics take heed:

The first head is the one infected with the toxic shock of losing the 2016 election. The illness took hold during the campaign that year when the bureaucracy under President Obama sent its lymphocytes and microphages in the “intel community” — especially the leadership of the FBI — to attack the perceived disease that the election of Donald Trump represented. The “doctors” of this Deep State diagnosed the condition as “Russian collusion.” An overdue second opinion by doctors outside the Deep State adduced later that the malady was actually an auto-immune disease.

The agents actually threatening the health of the state came from the intel community itself: Mr. Brennan, Mr. Clapper, Mr. Comey, Mr. Strzok, Mr. McCabe, Mr. Ohr, Ms. Yates. Ms. Page, et. al. who colluded with pathogens in the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the British intel service to chew up and spit out Mr. Trump as expeditiously as possible. With the disease now revealed by hard evidence, the chief surgeon called into the case, Robert Mueller, is left looking ridiculous — and perhaps subject to malpractice charges — for trying to remove an appendix-like organ called the Manifort from the body politic instead of attending to the cancerous mess all around him. Meanwhile, the Deep State can’t stop running its mouth — The New York Times, CNN, WashPo, et al — in an evermore hysterical reaction to the truth of the matter: the Deep State itself colluded with Russia (and perhaps hates itself for it, a sure recipe for mental illness).

The second head of this monster is a matrix of sinister interests seeking to ramp up conflict with Russia in order to support arms manufacturers, black box “security” companies, congressmen-on-the-take, and an army of obscenely-rewarded Washington lobbyists in concert with the military and a rabid neocon intellectual think-tank camp wishing to replay the cold war and perhaps even turn up the temperature with some nuclear fire. They are apparently in deep confab with the first head and its Russia collusion storyline. Note all the current talk about Russia already meddling in the 2018 midterm election, a full-fledged pathogenic hallucination.

This second head functions by way of a displacement-projection dynamic. We hold war games on the Russian border and accuse them of “aggression.” We engineer and pay for a coup against the elected government of Ukraine, and accuse Russia of aggression. We bust up one nation after another in Middle East and complain indignantly when Russia acts to keep Syria from becoming the latest failed state. We disrupt the Russian economy with sanctions, and the Russian banking system with a cut-off of SWIFT international currency clearing privileges, and accuse them aggression. This mode of behavior used to be known as “poking the bear,” a foolish and hazardous endeavor. The sane center never would have stood for this arrant recklessness. The world community is not fooled, though. More and more, they recognize the USA as a national borderline personality, capable of any monstrous act.

The third head of this monster is the one aflame with identity politics. It arises from a crypto-gnostic wish to change human nature to escape the woes and sorrows of the human condition — for example, the terrible tensions of sexuality. Hence, the multiplication of new sexual categories as a work-around for the fundamental terrors of human reproduction as represented by the differences between men and women. Those differences must be abolished, and replaced with chimeras that enable a childish game of pretend, men pretending to be women and vice-versa in one way or another: LBGTQetc. Anything BUT the dreaded “cis-hetero” purgatory of men and women acting like men and women. The horror….

Its companion is the race hustle and its multicultural operating system. The objective has become transparent over the past year, with rising calls to punish white people for the supposed “privilege” of being Caucasian and pay “reparations” in one way or another to underprivileged  “people of color.” This comes partly from the infantile refusal to understand that life is difficult for everybody, and that the woes and sorrows of being in this world require fortitude and intelligence to get through — with the final reward being absolutely the same for everybody.

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August 17, 2018 10:06 am

Pretty much says it all, very concisely…Bravo JK!

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
August 17, 2018 10:07 am

Someone’s about to be deplatformed/shadowbanned.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
August 17, 2018 10:37 am

It will be a lot harder to get him. He does have the usual social media tab on the left side of the page, he could just drop that. There might be potential damage if they cut off his RSS feed or if Amazon dropped his books. It just might be too big a bridge to burn, even for the 18 year old SJW okaying the algo, to burn this decades long liberal writer.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 17, 2018 10:16 am

Nice piece.

We have met the enemy and he is us.

I’m not necessarily talking about your friendly neighbor down the street, I’m saying you don’t need to set one foot outside of CONUS to find all the enemies of freedom and peace in the world. Perhaps you could carpet bomb the Vatican and City of London for good measure.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 17, 2018 10:21 am

The disease is liberalism, it’s victims are Useless Idiots, and it is fatal if they don’t get a dose of reality. When all of a societies’ paid talking head experts are liberal Witch Doctors spreading Cultural Communist lies and fake info, the Sheeple are following Judas Goats and Kapos to slaughter.

August 17, 2018 10:21 am

Kunstler is the last of the intellectual Left. He is eulogizing the death of the Democratic Party that he supported for 40 years. I’ve been reading his work for about 10 years and that he would arrive at this station speaks volumes about the rabid left in this country.

August 17, 2018 11:35 am

I was introduced to Kunstler while researching for a term paper on urban planning in college – late 90’s. Read all of his non-fiction and as of about 15-20 years ago you could email him and he’d respond within hours. Always liked the guy, sans maybe his politics, but as the collective goes further down the spiral I think we’re finally on the same page in more than the catastrophe of suburbia.

August 17, 2018 10:24 am

Through my childhood, my best friend’s mother would to say, “Life’s not fair, but it’s not fair for everyone, and that makes it fair.”

But as far as reparations go, I have been paying those out of every paycheck for more than 40 years. I’m all paid up current. Now what did that buy? A free s**t army that wants more. Just like it said at the entrance to Jellystone Park. Don’t feed the animals.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
August 17, 2018 10:31 am

You are describing symptoms. The original illness is counterfeiting. The original illness is Greed. The divergence into an unhealthy condition began in “Derivatives” trades, sanctioned as the FTPA (1992) under Bush Sr.; thereafter codified (1993) by Clinton and then amplified by Clinton(2000) in CMFA.

Eric Schneiderman ignored NY Trust Law for over a decade and millions of Americans were thus defrauded in counterfeiting… American Families defrauded through the MERS. Simply put: “TRUSTEES DO NOT INITIATE OR MANAGE FORECLOSURES”.




The US is under attack. The international elites are imposters in the US Treasury. Those international elites designed the soft coup and the weapon is counterfeiting. The targets of this counterfeiting are what the elites WISH everyone to believe are: “US Currencys” (actual “dollars” and real estate (pools of American Mortgage Loans called “MBS- Mortgage-Backed Securities”)… They are NOT “US Currencys”; as COUNTERFEIT BY CRIMINAL IMPOSTERS, THEY CAN NEVER BE “US CURRENCYS”.

The international elites fear a resurgent Russia. Russia has now allied in finance with Brazil, (Russia), India, China, and South Africa-Spain. This is the “BRICS “clearinghouse” for international central banking… As such, BRICS is a direct threat to the parasites in the American Treasury… the impossibly corrupt, intentionally mislabeled, “Federal Reserve”.

The elites realized— too late, as it turns out, Clinton would fail and be exposed… the back-up plan, inherent to their soft coup, was a “Hard Brexit”. The elites realized— too late, as it turns out, Theresa Mays lost her majority in England…

A “Hard Brexit” is now impossible and the victims in Europe that thought they were partners with England, now understand the imposters in the American Treasury deliberately targeted the European Union to FAIL. England cooked this whole scam up, with the Swiss to elevate their own currency: the English “Pound”.

The “EURO” a type of money that was crafted to join roughly 50 different European countries— each with different languages, personalities, customs, finances, etc, was targeted by England in the run-up to the LIE that is the “War in Iraq”. England concocted the LIE using “yellow cake”. Anus Powell used the yellow cake to deceive the UN. England used the FBI to conceal English Banks funding terror money that kills American and Coalition Forces.

The money funding deaths of American Soldiers, also happens to be linked to the poisoning deaths of children in Flint, Michigan. The terror money is laundered through the MERS.

Eric Holder’s Law Firm, an English Outfit, created the MERS. The English used English spies to compel American Law Enforcement to commit TREASON… the urine dossier is fake and it was used by the English and Clintons to provoke the bogus Russia Narrative. The Treason is directed against P Trump and it is designed to conceal the original coup murdering American children and American Soldiers.


The phony Narrative created by Real Progressives and MMT, “Modern Money Theory”, is an attempt to conceal the fact the intentionally mislabeled “Federal Reserve” is owned and operated by English and Swiss imposters, parasites and criminal bankers.

England never surrendered the sole ownership of their currency, the Pound. England intended to bankrupt the US through counterfeit pools of mortgage “securities”. England intended to bankrupt the US through counterfeit American Currency.

England intended to elevate their currency after destroying everyone else.

International “Bets” Americans will lose their homes through English and Swiss interference of counterfeiting, are now in excess of 1200 trillion counterfeit American Dollars.

The number itself, proves the counterfeiting.
The number itself, proves “Fed Notes”:


These “BETS” exist, as “Credit Default Swaps-CDS” and they are hidden in criminal, shadow banking “Bucket Shops” in places like the Cayman Islands- controlled by English Criminals..

Please visit “”.

Please spread the word. ~ Michael Keane 8/16/18

1200 TRILLIONS:…/this-is-how-much-money-exists…

A great “lead-in” to the original attack, now, full-blown Treason against the elected President of the United States:

  Michael Keane
August 17, 2018 11:31 am

What is a “Hard Brexit”? Keep posting, I’m trying to follow what you’re saying.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
August 17, 2018 12:01 pm

In its simplest form, an explanation of “Hard Brexit” essentially defines “BR”itain “EXIT”ing the European Union and leaving Germany and to a lesser extent France, holding the bag for financial chaos that ensues.

BR itain EXIT ing = “BREXIT”. A “HARD BREXIT” describes England leaving their former partners and fellow Europeans, in the lurch, financially.

Germany was placed on the hook, for the most part as “guarantor” and bank of “last resort (for lack of a better analogy)” for the failed “EURO” “Currency” experiment. France also.

The assets are found as the collateral in the “EURO” experiment, as those assets exist primarily among German and French bondholders in the rapidly disintegrating “European Union”.

Had Theresa Mays held her majority- a Conservative, HARD BREXIT would have gone forward in the absence of any English cooperation in sorting through the financial wreckage.

So… England is fixing to do a Greece Job on the rest of the planet.

The US Marine Corps should be sent to England yesterday to clean out the English Treasury and bitch slap the English back into the Stonehenge Era.

  Michael Keane
August 17, 2018 8:47 pm

I do not doubt what you are saying. It’s just a bit over my head. I do believe those at the top of the pyramid think large scale. Larger than I can realitically imagine.

I saw a John Deer sign today. I thought about a great American company. A farmer probably looks at that company as a partner and wall street looks at it as a brand to be exploited any way possible. I don’t know how or if that thought falls into this conversation…it was a simple moment that made me think how different people/groups view “getting” vs. “making” money. There is definitely a difference between the two.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
August 18, 2018 10:56 am

I assume you can decipher between lies and truth. I also assume you can identify criminal behavior. My original post explains counterfeiting. It is quite simple really.

Insofar as a “Hard Brexit”, “those at the top” of the pyramid, “wall street” and “exploitation”? Stop being so hard on yourself… You have grasped the terrain and you didn’t need a tractor to dig the furrows. The banking field is corrupted, bankrupt and barren: it is blighted in counterfeiting.

I will hazard an analysis: “You are at a loss on how to make a difference”.

The answer is: “counterfeiting the currency and securities” of the US is criminal exploitation. It is against the Law. The Constitution is quite plain: 1 8 6

  Michael Keane
August 17, 2018 12:06 pm

“You are describing symptoms. The original illness is …” Infancy. Born into communism, totally dependent on HUGE authority figures. Programmed by giant parents to worship larger than life authority figures who rule by violent domination, feeding you swill, and taking away your stuff. No wonder “we” give those folks legitimacy. 🙂

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
August 18, 2018 11:21 am

I am sorry your parents beat you and misled you about the origin of treats: Christmas, Easter, etc. They are still your parents. If you have differences, understand at least this much: they kept you safe, fed and watered, long enough to be able to articulate your thoughts and communicate same.

This also implies they provided you shelter and I have to assume plumbing and running water. You are here manifesting your dissatisfaction with your parents and up-bringing, on a computer, tied to a larger electrical infrastructure— so I assume you must also have used their roads and monetary system.

I was born in the US- a Constitutional Republic. Like most Americans, “We The People”, as it relates to our rights and contract with “elected representatives”, has been taken for granted, for too long. Lately, I notice some portion of the American People whining about the treats their parents handed them on a silver platter also.

Possibly, some day you may decide to visit the US. If so, please feel free to describe Communism as a failed ideology. Insofar as criticizing your parents, most Americans with any system of values accept their parents have already provided the tools and only fools whine and moan they should have provided more treats.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
August 17, 2018 10:41 am

No. Old Jim doesn’t say anything. If I didn’t know better I would say he was weeded up. As it is, I will go with more than a little drunk. Nothing he rants is new. Nothing he peddles is useful. None of you learned anything. None of you have a new focus and none of you will be inspired to action. All of the awful things that he rails against as he shouts into the hurricane have come into being because of your inaction. They are your fault. It is you who have caused this for it is you who have allowed it to happen.

  Hollywood Rob
August 17, 2018 11:56 am

But we like the way he says it! 🙂
And he’s “semi-retired” to his garden paradise. Also 🙂

August 17, 2018 10:51 am

Nice ending. Yes, it’s the oldest story in the Bible. Caine and Abel . Steinbecks wonderful rendition of it staring James Dean in East of Eden. The true prize of life is a paradox. It is the acceptance that you can’t change human nature that the ultimate wisdom and love is found.

August 17, 2018 10:57 am

“The second head of this monster is a matrix of sinister interests seeking to ramp up conflict with Russia ..”

JK is correct, partially. We’re demonizing Russia (and, China) because a near Trillion Dollar military budget REQUIRES a Trillion Dollar Enemy. Even dumbfuk Amerikans would be up in arms if the USA!USA!USA! claimed it needed a trillion Trump-bucks to fight Austria.

We also need a super strong military to fight …………………. Americans! Yessiree, that time IS coming. I don’t know when but, probably sooner than you think.

There is NOT ONE COUNTRY in the world who can cross either ocean and attack America on its own soil. And that includes Russia and China. As such, we absolutely do not need to spend more on our military than Russia, China, France, England, Germany, and Liechtenstein combined! If our military truly was a Dept. of DEFENSE, then we could reduce our budget at least by half, if not more.

But, everyone in America — including every member of Congress, and every political member in each of the 50 States — knows that we have a Dept. Of Offense. But, damn, these Whores For War are Masters of Pretending Otherwise.

August 17, 2018 11:03 am

This is how Fucked Up Beyond Belief the Demoncraps are becoming.

Poca-cunt-ass just introduced The Accountable Capitalism Act. Really. In a nutshell, she is calling for every company in Amerika with revenues over a Billion Wampums to be ……. wait for it ………. NATIONALIZED, and taken over by the US Gooberment. Really.

And lest you think she just a Lone Kooky Injun Wannabe the article below thinks this is a swell idea!!

August 17, 2018 11:42 am

I think the situation is beyond dire, Stucky. Most of us don’t talk with young children on a regular basis, because, well, let’s face it… they are kids and don’t know shit. Hell, since the majority of U.S. children attend public school where “teachers” babysit them between their trips to the break room to get away from those damn kids, I doubt many of them can discuss things on any level I’d care to engage.

Now, with that preface in mind, here is the jist of a conversation I had with a teenager (male) who attends public high school in Arkansas while he was visiting his grandmother, nearby

I asked him if he was looking at trade school, hoping to steer him away from college unless he has a professional goal which requires that particular worthless diploma. He informed me most of his peers think the government will be forgiving all that student loan debt soon, so he hopes to max out his loans for college before that “forgiveness” happens.

So, I met a kid hoping to max out his debt BEFORE the government rushes in to forgive that debt.

That is a three-headed monster eating its own tail.

August 17, 2018 12:04 pm

Hey, that kid has a LOT of career choices ahead of him; attorney, financial planner, accountant, anything in politics.

I’ve been thinking … ONLY thinking, for now … that Ms Freud and I should do something similar. That is, that we apply for AS MUCH FREE SHIT AS POSSIBLE from Uncle Sam. Why not? Half the population is getting some sort of free shit. Now it’s my turn. If I help crash the system, that’s a bonus.

August 17, 2018 11:47 am

I could be convinced companies with over a billion in revenue BE BROKEN UP.

August 17, 2018 11:57 am

Seriously? Go see a doctor, now!! I could be convinced you are experiencing a brain aneurysm. heh

August 17, 2018 4:20 pm

Stucky, there will be a time when the only career choice will be to either work for the government or Acme. But one is the same as the other actually. And remember, corporations are people too. SMH

August 17, 2018 4:22 pm

Come on, Stucknzedoitch, watch “The Corporation”.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
August 17, 2018 12:11 pm

The derivatives are in excess of 1200 trillions. The English FSB and Swiss BIS are the enemy. The Corporations are the enemy. The original “Indians” in the original Tea Party clearly identified the ENEMY: CORPORATIONS.

August 17, 2018 11:14 am

I going to keep his last sentence:

This comes partly from the infantile refusal to understand that life is difficult for everybody, and that the woes and sorrows of being in this world require fortitude and intelligence to get through — with the final reward being absolutely the same for everybody

This is brilliant.

August 17, 2018 12:01 pm

Agreed. Communism is infancy. Socialism is toddlerhood. Fascism is adolescence.
Adulthood would be capitalism, but … they can’t get there from here.
Nobody gets out of here alive.

August 17, 2018 11:18 am

Politics, corporate greed and a population fixated on demanding a new entitlement. Three heads on Monster Zero.

Call Godzilla.

August 17, 2018 1:27 pm

Yeah, and tell me how the Republicans are such great small government fiscal conservatives, defenders of the Bill of Rights, pure capitalists, defenders of the border and culture, and non-interventionists.

August 17, 2018 6:31 pm

S’funny how JHK (and every comment thus far) avoid mentioning that the ‘Deep State” and the intelligence communities, not to mention the entertainment industry and the ass media, etc. are the (((Tr*be’s))) bitches and Russia is the sweet prize.

August 17, 2018 8:45 pm

Took you awhile to get to the joos. Glad to see your true colors finally.