The Weak Leading The Crazy

Guest Post by The Zman

The fake news phenomenon is nothing new. It’s been a part of the business since William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer invented it in the United States. They are the two credited with inventing yellow journalism and using it to get the US to declare war on Spain at the end of the 19th century. It probably goes back further, but it was these two who figured out how to make it work in the age of mass media. It’s not an accident that the two men who created fake news have journalism awards named after them.

More recently, the gold standard of fake news is the fake human interest story. This is where the fake reporter would find some fake people to write about, placing them into a canned narrative. Sometimes the people would be real, but their story was fictionalized and their quotes created by the fake reporters. Mike Barnacle had a long career at the Boston Globe writing fake human interest stories. He was eventually found out and fired, but people always knew he was a faker. He’s now a regular on MSNBC as a fake guest.

Another variation on this is the Stephen Glass example. He was a “journalist” for the New Republic, who wrote eye catching first person stories about outlandish things supposedly happening in Washington. Of course, his subjects were almost always conservatives acting in a way that titillated Progressives. For example, he did a piece on CPAC in which he described conservatives carrying on like a Roman orgy. He was eventually found out by someone at Forbes magazine and the New Republic fired him.

Despite that rather famous event, Progressive publications have done little to address the wholesale fraud that goes on in the business. If anything, it is worse now that ever. It’s rare to find a named source in a story,. All sources are now “unnamed sources” by which they mean imaginary. Even sports has succumbed to this habit. It’s so egregious, it has to be assumed that everyone knows it is all fake. When someone reports on something that only two people could know, and neither is named in the story, the report has to be fake.

This week we may be seeing fake news merge with mass hysteria to set off a panic among the Cloud People. First we have fiction writer Bob Woodward out with his latest collection of ghost stories. Woodward is the guy who used former CIA director Bill Casey as a source, while Casey was in a coma. That’s right, he claimed to have spoken to a man while he was in a coma. His Watergate writing was similarly full of fabrications. There is a great book on that topic and all else related to Watergate called Silent Coup.

Anyway, Woodward has a book out on Trump in which he strokes every single fear and hatred of the NeverTrump loons. Totally a coincidence, no doubt. Perhaps sensing it was too obvious or hoping to piggyback on the release, the New York Times has an op-ed up that is supposedly written by a White House insider. Reading the thing, it feels as if it was written by a couple of clever college boys pulling a prank. The only thing missing from it is a picture of Sam Hyde. Judging from the reaction, even liberals suspect it is fake.

Of course, all of this is a coordinated effort by the mass media to damage Trump in the run up to the midterm elections. We know this is a coordinated effort because they did their organizing in public view. Someone needs to explain to the media that conspiracies work best when  done in private. Someone should also tell the media that the point is to scare the public, not scare yourselves. All of these whoppers they are producing read like the stuff pink pussy hat wearing gals tell one another after too many gulps of chardonnay.

All of this is amusing, but it is also revealing. On a daily basis the mass media tells us that there is no reason for the Dirt People to bother voting this fall. The blue wave is coming in November and the House will soon be stuffed with exotic brown people, sporting funny names and a long list of grievances against whitey. Yet, they are in a full panic, carrying on as if they expect the opposite. The grotesque theater that was the McCain funeral is another example that suggests these people feel the heat of the setting sun.

Another amusing aspect to this is the Prog loonies will no doubt have their panties in a twist when the truth is revealed. If it is a real person in the White House, the media will suddenly be outraged by the doxxing of this brave hero. Meanwhile, Darren Beattie will remain unemployed. If it turns out the writer is Jayson Blair, the whole thing will be thrown down the memory hole along with all the other hoaxes. Of course, regardless of the outcome, the Progs will consider the contents to be gospel for the next six years.

Journalism  has always been about shaping public opinion. It has always been fake news, which is why their top awards are named after the inventors of yellow journalism. It worked for a long time because the guys who used to run the media were smart and they hired smart people. They also had a feel for their audience. Today, the typical journalist is a hormonal girl, with a head full of feminist nonsense. Alternatively, it is a foppish male with no useful skills and no useful experience in the world.

Compounding it is the the management class of these news organizations have never done real reporting. Many came out of politics, never having covered a fire or reported on a court case. They don’t know the basics of the news business, so they are easily fooled by their obsequious underlings. The result is the typical news organization is the weak leading the crazy. In an age where facts are easily verified and groups of volunteers can crowd-source a response, fake news needs to be smart. Instead it is stupid and childish.

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Rocky Raccoon
Rocky Raccoon
September 6, 2018 1:20 pm

Stupid and childish news, meet stupid and childish population. A perfect match.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
  Rocky Raccoon
September 6, 2018 4:52 pm

Hey Rocky, I read a riveting story about your demise, yet, here you are.

Rocky Raccoon
Rocky Raccoon
  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 6:39 pm

Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated

K Vizzle
K Vizzle
September 6, 2018 1:42 pm

Hearst also spearheaded the criminalization of hemp/marijuana to get rid of the competition to the timber industry, in which he was a heavy part of.

  K Vizzle
September 6, 2018 5:08 pm

Its not important but Hearst’s father was a mining engineer who found huge deposits of gold and silver in California and Nevada. Timber for him was something to shore up mineshafts with not newsprint.

William Randolph was already as rich as Croesus when he built his newspaper empire. Built that modest little house called San Simeon on his 240,000 acre California ranch.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 6, 2018 1:50 pm

Yepper. Even my 93 year old mother in law knows that msm is dead.

  Hollywood Rob
September 6, 2018 4:41 pm

Sadly my 84 year old aunt does not. Which amazes me because she is not a stupid person. She ran a successful insurance company for 40+ years, invested wisely in stable stocks, and owns multiple properties outright. Yet she thinks these articles are “in the interest of the American people”. She cannot fathom that journalists or MSM has any agenda of their own at all, to her they are all selfless front-line warriors telling the truth. The mind boggles

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 5:02 pm

“The mind boggles”

Not even a period after that gem of prosaic nonsense. Is it also correct to say – the mind squirms? Does the mind boggle at the slightest provocation? How exactly does the mind boggle; do you see colors, feel the earth move, have an attack of the squirts?

Steve C
Steve C
September 6, 2018 2:04 pm

“…If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed…”— Mark Twain

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 6, 2018 2:33 pm

Nightly News of Useless Idiots, by the Useful Idiots, for Stupid Idiots.

September 6, 2018 5:25 pm

The American media used to have correspondents who ‘reported’ the news from the scene. It was expensive to have a correspondent with the troops in Vietnam or wearing a Burberry trenchcoat in a European capital though so foreign bureaus were dispensed with. If there was a big story someplace, rather than rely on local reporters who knew the situation TV news decided all they had to do was fly in their anchor person and have them report on location. Thus the Dan Rather, Brian Williams and Chris Cuomo school of news reporting was born.

Now Brian Williams or Chris Cuomo might be able to report with authority on the best hotels and restaurants in Paris, Dubai or wherever but as far as knowing the players or situation they may as well have stayed back in the network HQ.

Print newspapers can’t even afford to send reporters overseas anymore so they rely on stringers with foreign names and agendas to write their stories. Now half their domestic reporters are foreigners with weird names who will work for peanuts and a visa.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 5:35 pm

Like unit472 is not a weird name. Is that your robot sex doll serial?