Pentagon Warned President Bush Global Warming Was Bigger Threat Than Terrorism

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

A secret report by the US defense chiefs warned President Bush that Global Warming was such a great threat that it would destroy the United States and major European cities. They told the President that cities would sink beneath rising seas and Britain would be plunged into a “Siberian” climate by 2020. They warned that mega-droughts, famine, and widespread rioting will erupt across the world. The document warned that the planet would fall into anarchy and the nuclear threat would rise as countries then sought to defend themselves in the face of declining food, water, and energy supplies. Of course, the entire theory was that the ice caps melt and this the seas have to rise. NEVER did anyone ever do any historical investigation and they reduced everything to a single cause and effect. Evaporation or how ice ages were even created was NEVER a consideration.

I remember as a child going to Washington with my father when he would report at the Pentagon for some reason I never knew. I do remember walking down the halls with my father when I was less than 10 years old. I do remember people running around all serious with stacks of papers. After this report was leaked and published back in 2004 by the Guardian, it makes you wonder about how these people conduct long-range forecasts. I do not think London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, or Sydney will sink below the waves. It is just another example of how one-dimensional analysis is our doom. We are now only two-years from 2020 when Britain was supposed to be the new Siberia. Get going! Your behind schedule!

The Washington Post tells everyone Climate Change is real because of Hurricane Florence – a Category 1 event. You really have to wonder why these newspapers put out such propaganda and make no effort to do any research. The list of North Carolina hurricanes where Florence hit prior to 1900 yields a list of 139 tropical cyclones/hurricanes. In fact, North Carolina was hit by 7 storms during 1893 ALONE!!!!! During 1893, BEFORE the combustion engine, that remains the record for the most hurricanes to hit North Carolina in a single season. On August 27th, 1893, a major hurricane which came to be known as the Sea Islands Hurricane that hit Georgia turned up through North Caroline killing they believe around 2,000 people. There was the category 3 Charleston Hurricane of 1893 and it came ashore near McClellanville, SC with maximum sustained winds near 120 mph.

It really does not take much of an effort to report the truth just for once. The worst hurricane season on record still remains 1893 before Global Warming. The 1893 Atlantic hurricane season had 12 tropical storms of which 10 became hurricanes. Then of the 10 hurricanes, FIVE became major hurricanes. Two of those storms kill over 2,000 people each. The 1893 season remains the most deadly storm season in American history. The second season on the list was the 1998 Atlantic hurricane season, where there were 4 Atlantic hurricanes that were active on the same day. The hurricane season is at its peak in August to October. Records before 1851 are really spotty. We do know that the Spanish Treasure Fleet of 11 ships were sunk in a hurricane during 1715, which is believed to be a category 4+.

Running this data through our system revealed a 4.3-year cycle of intensity. In other words, where there were 4 or more major hurricanes in that season. Then the pattern which emerges shows that there are typically back to back years of intensity.This was the case for 1893-1894, 1915-1916, 1932-1933, 1995-1996, 2004-2005, 2010-2011, and 2016-2017. It does strangely forecast that worst back-to-back hurricane season will be 2031-2032. That lines up with the peak in the Economic Confidence Model. Hm?

In fact, one of the major theories that may explain the disappearance of Roanoke Colony points to a major hurricane that completely destroyed the village. There is no evidence to prove the theory. In 1587, Raleigh dispatched a new group of 115 colonists to establish a colony on the Chesapeake Bay. Some argued that they were massacred by the Indians, but no bodies were ever found. It may be that a major storm approached and they took shelter with the Indians. Nobody has ever solved this mystery.

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September 19, 2018 9:00 am

After Obama took office the CINCPAC announced that climate change was the biggest threat to the Pacific fleet over that of the Chinese or the Koreans. As a retired Air Force intelligence officer, I knew it was political BS. When I asked my friend who is a retired Army intelligence officer and who spent two tours in Korea to call BS on it, she surprised me by saying that the Admiral knows more than we do. She ended our almost 30 year friendship during that phone call because I do not “believe” in the religion of climate change. I should have known when I stayed with her in DC when I marched with the Tea Party against Obamacare and she told me that I just didn’t want poor people to have “free” healthcare like what I get from the VA. I told her that if they spent 22 years in the military they could have NOT FREE VA health care too. I told her it was not free: it cost me 22 years of my life. These lib loons are unhinged.

September 19, 2018 9:33 am

Given that virtually every so-called “act” of terrorism on US soil has been the product of FBI-provoked/FBI-assisted behavior and escalation (other than the home-grown stuff that also has highly questionable origins and stories (OKC bombing, etc.), and given that virtually every foreign terrorist has been created by our foreign policy towards Israel, our stationing of troops in Saudi Arabia, our endless murders of innocents with drone warfare, our overthrowing of democratically-elected governments, the millions who have died because of our immoral sanctions, the millions that have died because of our illegal and immoral invasions, destructions, and occupations of sovereign countries that have never harmed or attacked us, they were probably right on the money….regardless of your feeling on the actual threat of “global warming” or “climate change.”

September 19, 2018 9:47 am

2005 was a worse hurricane season than that. 28 named storms, 15 hurricanes, 6 hitting the United States, including four out of seven major storms (cat 3 and up). 2004 was pretty bad too. I never saw Al Gore’s movie, but I believe he used those years to illustrate that global warming was real, and that’s what our future was going to look like.

September 19, 2018 10:40 am

When anyone–family and close friends included–begins talking about “global warming” or “climate change”, I nod and raise my eyebrows while inwardly cringing, knowing that it’s time to offer them an extended viewing of photos and videos of my grandchildren in the hope that they’ll find an excuse to leave before I do.

September 19, 2018 10:44 am

Whether the climate is changing or not, whether it is just a cyclical thing or something human are causing, whether volcanoes, the sun, or some other natural phenomena is a greater contributor, or whatever you think or the evidence might actually show, one thing is certain – GOVERNMENT is the last group of people on earth that we should give any more power, any more money, or any more support to in their “efforts” to “address” the problem (f there actually is one). Government ONLY creates politically-motivated solutions – like the carbon-credit scheme that has made Al Gore and Elon Musk billionaires, while doing absolutely NOTHING to address anything (other than then the lack of billions in their bank accounts). Wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear fusion, and god knows what else, might all be alternatives to the traditional fossil fuel technologies of the day, but as we are never allowed to see all of their REAL costs presented side-by-side on one page, we are never able as consumers or voters to understand the REAL costs of any of it.

Free military security is never a line item when considering the costs of middle east oil (nor the fact that the US military is one of the greatest consumers of fossil fuels on the planet, and their equipment never has to meet stringent pollution controls), same with the extraction of lithium from countries like Afghanistan. Taxpayer paid “disposal” of nuclear waste is never a known or declared cost, nor are the costs of “accidents” like Three Mile Island, Fukushima, or Chernobyl. Environmental damage from massive strip mining for rare earth metals needed in wind and solar technologies, nor the consumption of fossil fuels in all of the manufacturing processes, etc. are never talked about, nor are the massive government subsidies to these industries. ALL of these costs are REAL, whether we are able to see them all in one place or not.

That is what political “solutions” ALWAYS breed – corruption, political favors, hidden agendas, murder, destruction, and worse.

So wherever you stand on the issue of “climate change” or whatever more-palatable catch phrase they come up with next, ALWAYS stand firm on the rejection of government’s role in both creating the problem (they are one of the largest polluters on the planet), or “solving” the problem. Get the government OUT of the energy manipulation business and the market will go a long way on their own in a manner that is actually sustainable.

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
September 19, 2018 11:46 am

Americans hate immigrants, but what if the immigrants paid sales taxes that funded welfare for Americans?

  Free Speech Forum
September 19, 2018 1:05 pm

Americans don’t hate immigrants. They hate illegal immigrants who sidestep the legal process for entering this country properly. They also hate folks who come to this country SIMPLY to exploit the welfare system (including the socialist government schooling system) and those who come to this country to spread THEIR misguided and un-American value system of property, economy, and family. And as it is NOT the role of government to steal from some to give to others (something our government USED to understand and respect), NO money should be taken by ANY means to fund government welfare of any kind, so it is irrelevant who is paying.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
September 19, 2018 5:01 pm


Was he dumb enough to believe it?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 19, 2018 5:21 pm

The Modern Grand Solar Minimum (The Eddy Minimum) will blow away the Globalist Warming Conspiracy this Winter; but possibly within our lives, The North American Ice Sheet will bury the NYC MSM, the WDC Climate “Scientist & Expert” Bureaucrats will be hiking south on Chesapeake Bay, and both will be blaming Trump and CO2, you betcha.

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