Reasoning About Race

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

Reasoning About Race

So much of our reasoning about race is both emotional and faulty. In ordinary, as well as professional, conversation, we use terms such as discrimination, prejudice, racial preferences and racism interchangeably, as if they referred to the same behavior. We can avoid many pitfalls of misguided thinking about race by establishing operational definitions so as to not confuse one behavior with another.

Discrimination can be operationally defined as an act of choice. Our entire lives are spent choosing to do or not to do thousands of activities. Choosing requires non-choosing. When you chose to read this column, you discriminated against other possible uses of your time. When you chose a spouse, you discriminated against other people. When I chose Mrs. Williams, I systematically discriminated against other women. Much of it was racial. Namely, I discriminated against white women, Asian women, fat women and women with criminal backgrounds. In a word, I didn’t offer every woman an equal opportunity, and they didn’t offer me an equal opportunity.

One might be tempted to argue that racial discrimination in marriage is trivial and does not have important social consequences, but it does. When high-IQ and high-income people marry other high-IQ and high-income people, and to the extent there is a racial correlation between these characteristics, racial discrimination in mate selection enhances the inequality in the population’s intelligence and income distribution. There would be greater income equality if high-IQ and high-income people married low-IQ and low-income people. But I imagine that most people would be horrified by the suggestion of a mandate to require the same.

Prejudice is a perfectly useful term, but it is used improperly. Its Latin root is praejudicium — meaning prejudgment. Prejudice can be operationally defined as making decisions on the basis of incomplete information. Because the acquisition of information entails costs, we all seek to economize on information cost. Sometimes we use cheap-to-observe physical attributes as proxies for some other attribute more costlier to observe. The cheaply observed fact that a person is a male or female can serve as a proxy for an unobserved attribute such as strength, aggressiveness or speed in running.

In the late 1990s, a black taxi commissioner in Washington, D.C., warned cabbies against going into low-income black neighborhoods and picking up “dangerous-looking” passengers whom she described as young black males dressed a certain way. Some pizza deliverers in St. Louis who were black complained about delivering pizzas to black neighborhoods for fear of being assaulted or robbed. In 1993, the Rev. Jesse Jackson was reported as saying that he is relieved when he learns that youthful footsteps walking behind him at night are white and not black.

Here’s the question: Does the wariness of Washington’s predominantly black cabbies to pick up “dangerous-looking” black males or black pizza deliverers’ not wanting to deliver to some black neighborhoods or Rev. Jackson’s feeling a sense of relief when the youthful footsteps behind him are those of white youngsters instead of black say anything unambiguous about whether cabbies, pizza deliverers and Jackson like or dislike blacks? It’s a vital and often overlooked point — namely, that watching a person’s prejudicial (prejudging) behavior alone can tell us nothing unambiguous about that person’s racial tastes or preferences.

Consider policing. Suppose a chief of police is trying to capture culprits who break in to autos to steal electronic equipment. Suppose further that you see him focusing most of his investigative resources on young males between the ages of 15 and 25. He spends none of his investigative resources on females of any age and very few on men who are 40 or older. By watching his “profiling” behavior — prejudging behavior — would you conclude that he likes females and older males and dislikes males between the ages of 15 and 25? I think that it would take outright idiocy to reach such a conclusion. The police chief is simply playing the odds based on the evidence he has gathered through experience that breaking in to autos tends to be a young man’s fancy.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 19, 2018 2:19 pm

Walter Williams and Tom Sowell have common sense – which is uncommon. They both grew up in difficult circumstances 70 years ago but what the hell would they know about anything (according to today’s college-indoctrinated SJW’s)?

September 19, 2018 2:47 pm

I am reasoning over how many donuts that cow in the purple shirt has eaten in the last week. I guess I’m not a racist since I would pick the black woman (I think its a woman?) next to her before I picked the cow.

September 19, 2018 3:33 pm

LMAO…she wouldn’t have you, even if you or I were desperate, Icon.
Sure she prefers other cows, or if rejected there, redirects her affections for a latex covered apparatus that uses 4 D cell Energizers, with 10 different settings, and a heating element.
Dark complexion, probably.

September 19, 2018 3:31 pm
robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 19, 2018 4:18 pm

I’d rather be called a racist than get mugged.

  robert h siddell jr
September 20, 2018 3:28 am

Obviously you’re not a liberal.

Shame on you.

September 19, 2018 9:31 pm
September 19, 2018 9:31 pm

I think we’re kidding ourselves when we treat racism as a yes/no question. Like many other human attributes, I envision it more like a thermometer.

September 19, 2018 10:22 pm

So what is your point? Everyone see things in their own point of view. So how do you reconcile that?

September 19, 2018 11:20 pm

Blacks ignore so many truths that could pull them out of the gutter of life. Black adults are 9% of the population but commit 50% of the murders and robberies. It is because of those numbers that they are disproportionately incarcerated . It is also why they encounter the police at a greater frequency.

Their family unit is in tatters. The illegitimacy rate is 78%. Kids growing up with out an intact family structure have one strike against them . The gooberment is in part to blame by rewarding irresponsible behavior in the form of welfare. No one in the gooberment will come forward and state the obvious… don’t stop irresponsible behavior by subsidizing the behavior.

Blacks seem to shun education. The graduation rate is abysmal in the black community across the country.That coupled with the Demorats fighting the idea of school choice and vouchers means that they will be stuck in under-performing schools for the foreseeable future.

There are some many more factors including “The Man Is Keeping Me Down ” or we are still feeling the effects of slavery and Jim Crow. I don’t have time to list them all. Alas the only way to change behavior is to take away the trough !

September 20, 2018 3:31 am

I propose that all white people who claim they are not racist should move to South Africa.

Any seconds?