Darwin’s Vigilantes, Reichard Sternberg, and Conventional Pseudoscience

Guest Post by Fred Reed

I am sorry. I admit it: I am a bad person. I promise I will never write about this again. Well, sort of never. It’s just too much fun. Anyway, it’s not my fault. My childhood makes me do it. Maybe I ate lead  paint.

Science is supposed to be objective study of nature, impelled by a willingness to follow the evidence impartially wherever it leads. For the most part it works this way. In the case of emotionally charged topics, it does not. For example, racial intelligence, cognitive differences between the sexes, and weaknesses in Darwinian evolution.  Scientists who do perfectly good research in these fields, but arrive at forbidden conclusions, will be hounded out of their fields, fired from academic and research positions, blackballed from employment, and have their careers destroyed.

A prime example is Richard  Sternberg, a Ph.D. in biology (Molecular Evolution) from Florida International University and a Ph.D. in Systems Science (Theoretical Biology) from Binghamton University. He is not a lightweight. From 2001-2007 he was staff scientist at the National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2001-2007 a Research Associate at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.

Hell broke loose when he authorized in 2004 the publication, in the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, an organ of the Smithsonian Institution, of a peer-reviewed article, The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher taxonomic Categories by Stephen Meyer. It dealt with the possibility of intelligent design as an explanation of aspects of  Darwinism not explainable by the conventional  theory. This is a serious no-no among the guardians of conventional Darwinism, the political correctness of science.

At the Smithsonian, he was demoted, denied access to specimens he needed in his work, transferred to work under a hostile supervisor, and lost his office space. In the ensuring storm of hatred, two separate federal investigations concluded that he had been made the target of malicious treatment.

Predictably, the establishment dismisses Meyer’s  idea ass “pseudoscience”:

Wikipedia:  The Sternberg peer review controversy concerns the conflict arising from the publication of an article supporting the pseudo-scientific concept of intelligent design in a scientific journal, and the subsequent questions of whether proper editorial procedures had been followed and whether it was properly peer reviewed.

Pseudoscience? Does not Darwinism itself qualify as pseudoscience?  It is firmly based on no evidence. For most readers this assertion will seem as delusional as saying that the sun revolves around the earth. This is because we have been indoctrinated since birth in the Darwinian myth. But look at the facts.

We are told that life arose by chance in the primeval oceans. Do we know of what those oceans consisted? (Know, not speculate, hope, it stands to reason, must have been, everybody says so). No, we do not. Do we know of what those oceans would have had to consist to bring about life? No. Do we even know what we think evolved? No. Has the chance appearance of life been replicated in the laboratory? No. Has a metabolizing, reproducing chemical complex been constructed in the laboratory, showing that it might be possible? No. Can the chance appearance be shown to be mathematically probable? No.  Can Darwinism explain the existence of irreducibly complex structures? No. Does the fossil record, particularly of the Ediacaran and Cambrian, support Darwin? No.

Darwinism was a clever metaphysical idea formed when almost nothing was known about the matter, and imposed by impassioned supporters on a near-total lack of evidence. Should not intensely believing in something that you cannot support by observation or experiment be called pseudoscience?

The ardent of evolution, like Christians, base their creation myth from a sacred book, The Origin of Species, both resting on about as much evidence. Thereafter they assume what is to be proved. Since Darwinists posit the unchallengeable truth of their version of creation, no reason exists for questioning it. If you know it happened, then obviously it was mathematically possible. The math can be discovered later. If you know that life originated in ancient seas, then how it originated becomes a mere detail. If you know the theory is correct, then anyone who doubts must necessarily be at least wrong, and thus ignorable, and perhaps a crank or fool or lunatic.

A classic example of starting from certainty is Darwinism’s reaction to the apparent irreducible complexity of the bacterial flagellum, though hundreds of others could be adduced. This is an immensely complex cellular organelle which would cease to function of any of its parts were removed. It could not have evolved by Darwin’s gradual changes. The Darwinians say, “Well, we aren’t sure just at the moment, but is possible that we will figure out later how it could have happened.” Yes, and it is possible that I will win three Irish Sweepstakes in a row. They are, again,  saying that they know that Darwinism is correct, and therefore the evidence will be forthcoming. This is called “faith,” the belief in the unestablishable.

As a friend has written in another context, “When utterly astonishing claims of an extremely controversial nature are made over a period of many years by numerous seemingly reputable academics and other experts, and they are entirely ignored or suppressed but never effectively refuted, reasonable conclusions seem to point in an obvious direction.”

Just so. A lot of highly credentialed researchers express doubts about doctrinaire Darwinism, asserting that it cannot explain many aspects of nature. What does explain them is a separate question. Why is wondering about this a firing offense?

A difficulty in conveying doubts about Neo-Darwinism (the correct name of the current theory) is that very few people, including the highly intelligent, know anything about the issue. The world is full of esoteric specialities from the decipherment of ancient Sumerian inscriptions to the neural anatomy of squids. Few will have chosen Darwin’s defects for careful study.

This is convenient for Darwinists as the dim will believe whatever they hear on television and the bright usually have other things to do with their brains. As the case of Mr. Sternberg shows, scientists who doubt Darwin–again, there are many–know better than to say anything.

The fury is telling. If the Darwinists could prove the many highly credentialed proponents of ID wrong, they would do so, and that would be that. If they could prove their own propositions correct, they would, and that would also be that. But they can’t (or they would have).

If you follow the controversy, you quickly see patterns. One is that the Darwinists are fiercely defensive, suggesying doubt of their own position.   People seldom become infuriated at doubts of something that they believe with genuine certainty. If a physicist at CalTech expressed doubts about general relativity, he would certainly be challenged to prove his theory. He would not be hounded, belittled, forced to resign, charged with pseudoscience, and banned from publication.

Unfortunately for NeoDarwinism, the likelihood of confirmation diminishes with time. Year by year, the fossil record becomes less incomplete, and still the intermediates are not found. As molecular biology repidly advances, the failure to find a chemically  possible chain of events that might produce life leads ever more convincingly to a simple concluseion: There isn’t one.

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Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse
September 24, 2018 2:27 pm

The atheist Richard Dawkins wrote books about how feathers evolved from scales. What a dumbfuck. Some people will put their faith in anything. The more important question is why they do it.

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Junior Samples
Junior Samples
  Mickey Mouse
September 24, 2018 2:41 pm

Anything. Anything. Anything. ANYTHING to avoid having to admit there may be a Creator, and admitting that, be required to find out if he wants anything from us.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
  Junior Samples
September 25, 2018 2:33 pm

BR 459

  Mickey Mouse
September 24, 2018 2:50 pm

Iirc, didnt Dawkins say: “Keynesian economics, like evolutionary biology, has an outstanding record of success, and has become the foundation for a vast amount of productive work in its field.” If by “success” and “productive work” he’s referencing Marxist/Regressives’ ultimate goal in life – – to cause the utter destruction of as many peoples’ lives and souls as possible – – well then, he’s right.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 25, 2018 12:35 am

Which is why I agree with Austrian economics, not the Keynesians.

  Mickey Mouse
September 24, 2018 2:55 pm

Oops, i think that was PZ meyers that said that, but those 2 are in the same nutty philosophical boat

  Mickey Mouse
September 24, 2018 9:03 pm

Jimmy Swaggert had faith in Jesus Christ so he could break the commandments of God and screw hookers for the rush he got on the sin of screwing hookers whilst duping his tv parish membership of the donations to Christ in support of his hooker addiction?

Jimmy Swaggert had faith in his acting ability and not that of a Christian God. His crocodile tears were made for tv.

Swaggert liked fucking hookers just like the Catholic Church priests do too.


September 24, 2018 2:41 pm

It continually amazes me just how unscientific professional “scientists” and science-fetishists can be when it comes to completely untestable notions like evolution -vs- intelligent design and global warming. Methinks they need to spend a few months going back to beginning science classes and learn about how the scientific method is supposed to work, and what the differences are between philosophy, religion, and science (I mean real science, not what these over-credentialed paid shills have turned it into).

September 24, 2018 2:48 pm

Darwinism, like much of history, is bunk.

Darwin set several criteria of certain things, that if ever found would disprove his evolutional theory–many examples ( like flagella) have been found. Also inter-dependent species that cannot exist without a separate species which allows it to live. Darwin said we would need the discovery of transitional species–one creature evolving into another–for his theory to be valid. One hundred+ years later their are NONE. The “Cambrian explosion” is unexplainable by evolution, there are no mammal bones and then all of a sudden 50,000+ mammals are crawling around on the planet..etc etc

Many scientists are well aware that it is bunk but can’t let it be known.

Look at how humans are portrayed as stupid, brutes in the antediluvian period–yet there is massive amounts of evidence that humans had advancements thousands of years ago that we still can’t understand. Archeologist ( the Smithsonian is reknowned for this) bury all evidence of certain finds that don’t fit the narrative.

Are we all even truly the same species? There are variances in DNA and genetic codes among humans that cannot be explained with evolution or even adaptation– heck, we can’t even explain why 20% of white people ( and rarely any other race) have Rh- blood types. It is not consistent with human genetics ( some have theorized “Neanderthal strains” some whacky “ancient alien theorists” think it is manipulation by little green men.

Pyramids on every continent, 6 foot femurs found by the hundreds, hundreds of non-homo sapien, elongated skulls with completely different skull bones and 50% more brain volume, monolithic stone structures that even modern day crains couldn’t build, a stegosaurus picture on Ankar Wat temple, seashells on Mt Everest, fishermen catching species “extinct” for 50 million years, dinosaur bones recovered that still have flesh on them— all kinds of weird stuff gets buried. My mind is naturally curious and I want to know the truth. Much of what I am told to accept does not add up.

We are being fed a narrative. When evidence is found that is contradictory or proves the falsity of the narrative, it is buried or some lame reasoning is given. Why are TPTB so intent on hiding the truth of historical origins from us?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 24, 2018 3:26 pm

“Why are TPTB so intent on hiding the truth of historical origins from us?”

Because the alternative shines light on the plan of evil in the world. Light destroys darkness and darkness wants to live. Look up a gentleman named Mike Hoggard on the youtube. Check out his 3-part “giants” presentation. There is a great beginning for you. Go from there…

  grace country pastor
September 24, 2018 5:12 pm

Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out. I already have no doubts that there were “giants” at one point on our planet. There is a preponderance of evidence from written records, depictions throughout the world on monoliths and ancient structures, strong “mythos” in every culture from zeus to shiva to goliath even in Mayan texts. There is also physical evidence which I have seen with my own eyes–extra sets of teeth, jawbones twice that of a man, femurs 6 feet long– the evidence is there for the open-minded.

Who knows what or who they were. There is biological evidence that the earth’s atmosphere had much greater concentrations of O2…. one great biological piece I read demonstrates how the dinosaurs could not even live today or grow to their giant size because of the insufficient O2 for the cell structures.

I don’t know the answers–all I know for certain is that what they tell us is “fact” is anything but fact.

Was man advanced before the separation of the continents? Is this civilization’s second go around?

PS: I actually got my first degree in biology before getting my doctorate in neuro-muscular pathology so although not an “expert”, I am a bit more than a layman.

PPS: I also can tell you that one of the big myths that we accept as fact is carbon dating. Obviously they start with the parameters of x< infinity and Y must be greater than zero… but then they create a function of an equation, calculate points on the logarithm depending on the orbital decay of radioactive isotopes.. THEN they add the numbers on the X/Y whatever they presume them to be. There are so many variables affecting carbon decay but NONE are even considered– one could almost say it is 90% made-up with only the actual plotting of existing carbon levels being accurate. Decay rates, date of prime origin and environmental variables are not even in the equation.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 24, 2018 6:01 pm

You’re most welcome javelin.

“the evidence is there for the open-minded.”

It is “hidden” in plain sight. Creation itself declares the glory of God to these eyes.

Literally everything we have been taught throughout our lives (throughout human history) has been with a single goal in mind… obscure the truth of Gods word. It is the last place people (myself included for 47 years…) tend to look for answers to such questions as these, but it is where the answers are located. “Science” these days is anything but. Trying to carbon date is like entering a room with a burning candle in it. The candle is measured to be 6″ in height. How tall was the candle before it was lit?

Have you explored plutonium halos in granite? Makes for very interesting albeit somewhat dry reading. No way this “planet” was ever in a molten state as pictured in school.gov textbooks. Another excellent resource is “The Evolution Handbook”.

“I actually got my first degree in biology before getting my doctorate in neuro-muscular pathology so although not an “expert”, I am a bit more than a layman.”

Wow, I would think so…! Do you express such thoughts to your peers and if so, how do most react? From what I gather, doubting the official narrative is not conducive to keeping ones career on the proper track…

  grace country pastor
September 24, 2018 6:47 pm

Most of the doctors I work with are actually believers in intelligent design–surprised? Once the complexity of the human mind is studied in depth, and the various physiological functions of the human body in general, it takes a great atheistic faith to continue to believe that we humans “evolved”–there simply aren’t enough quadrillions of years in time for it to happen.
Heck, the lowly earthworm, with it’s “simple” DNA pairings would take billions and billions of years to evolve–and this doesn’t even take into account the initial formation of the amino acids, their deployment in perfect pairing ladders ( and then the elephant in the room–how did those DNA strands, when formed, get their programming to their specific function and then turn from inert protein sequences into LIFE.)

I learned my lesson about personal views at university–you keep it to yourself if you want to graduate and/or work. I’ll give an example of what happened when I broke this rule….

Some here may remember the Pfiesteria outbreak in the coastal Carolinas and Maryland a few decades ago appx. I was working as a biologist then–and most research is done on grants. We were essentially told to link the increased pfiesteria outbreak ( coincidentally a dinoflagellate which could not have “evolved.”) with global warming. That’s right, we were given a grant to study the issue but told to make the results support a narrative.

I worked with several honorable guys at the time and we came to the same conclusion. The flagellate increase was due to an increase in algae bloom. Areas with high areas of nitrogen per part were causing algae bloom ( which also creates red/brown tides as the natural sea grass underneath dies and O2 levels within the water are lowered)–anyhow, we determined the cause was–farmers growing corn for ethanol were adding large amts of nitrates to the soil. The run-off was getting in the Chesapeake and areas around the outer banks and inter-coastal areas.

We reported what we found–and of course our grant and research were cancelled. We weren’t even allowed to publish our findings ( I have been very wary about even mentioning this anywhere as TPTB don’t like dissemination of the truth which doesn’t fit their agenda or narrative.)

Anyhow, I don’t know all of the answers, as I said, but I do know that what the official line is, simply isn’t true most often. It’s full of supposition at best, and outright deceit at worst.

September 24, 2018 8:51 pm

Gregor Mendel founded modern genetics with the study of maise/corn & peas. Mendel was an Austrian Monk. Mendel never assumed that genetic science could empirically prove the existence of that which is unobservable.

Christianity rests upon the premise of faith that is dogmatically institutionalized whereas Science is about observation & observable facts.
Acceptance of a belief system is prerequisite to faith in a so-called God or intelligent pattern that resembled something along that order of thinking.


grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 24, 2018 9:41 pm

“Most of the doctors I work with are actually believers in intelligent design–surprised?”

Very… and pleasantly I might add! That’s step one. Next, is to ask yourself if there is an intelligent designer (there of course is), who might He be and why did He design us?

That’s when stuff gets real good… 🙂

“Heck, the lowly earthworm, with it’s “simple” DNA pairings would take billions and billions of years to evolve–and this doesn’t even take into account the initial formation of the amino acids, their deployment in perfect pairing ladders ( and then the elephant in the room–how did those DNA strands, when formed, get their programming to their specific function and then turn from inert protein sequences into LIFE.)”

Man, I just think of a single organelle inside a single celled critter like an amoeba, say a mitochondria. The stunning complexity of just that one functioning body is mind blowing! The proteins themselves are tiny functioning biological machines. Stuff is WAY over my head as to HOW they function but THAT they function and WHY I now understand well thanks to a single book.

And there are billions of people (myself included not all that many years ago) who literally believed life came from an inanimate rock. Doh…!

You have a real nice evening sir!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 25, 2018 12:45 am

That’s the same thing that happens with global warming grants everywhere. I remember reading that the scientists tasked with studying global warming were supposed to show “man made” global warming was the cause, and the sun’s part in climate could not be considered.

September 24, 2018 3:00 pm

Creationists vs Darwinism. Oh goody, that’s never been discussed before.

September 24, 2018 3:58 pm

Stucky ,I believe you and I have at least once.Maybe twice .
There is no objective evidence what so ever for Evolutionary biology .Not the kind supposedly found in a laboratory. It’s all to hide any evidence of God. As long as people believe in the Christian Christ then it will be harder for them to impose their one world Luciferian controlled government on us.
Now for the kicker . The sun does revolve around the earth . The earth is Flat , fixed , non moving supported by pillars. Outer space does not exist . We never have been to the moon and never will go because nothing can punch through the firmament including nuclear weapons. They tried that in the late 50s and early 60s. That’s the reason NASA was formed. They needed to come up with something fast to deceive our nation. There is a video I will try to find about them using nuclear weapons. I shall return , Stucky .

September 24, 2018 4:08 pm

Here it is ” Sending Thor to Smash the Firmament ” It only about 30 minutes. Google operation High Jump on YouTube. Also watch ” A funny thing happened on the way to the Moon”. Now Stucky I command you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to watch these. You know the saying ” Free your mind your ass will follow “.

September 24, 2018 4:31 pm

“no objective evidence what so ever for Evolutionary biology” Really, why don’t you iterate the list of books you have read recently on evolutionary biology that made you make such a stance. I’m taking a course now in evolutionary biological behavior. Absolutely love it. Stick with maybe giving advise on what kind of oil to use in your rear transmission. (sorry, knew you were a truck driver, not a low blow, just something you know a lot more than me)

September 25, 2018 11:55 am

When did you decide to become the Village Idiot once again??

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 25, 2018 12:03 pm

Biebers, I think Stuck was being sarcastic.

September 24, 2018 6:19 pm

Right? Yawn.

September 24, 2018 4:06 pm

I will just lob this in the mix… We do not know what we do not know.


“Until recently, the central tenets of Darwin’s theory of evolution, from how heredity works to the gradual variation in species, had been regarded as settled and beyond challenge. But as David Quammen, a National Geographic contributing writer, explains in his new book The Tangled Tree, new discoveries in human biology in the last few decades have led scientists to radically alter the story of the origins of life, with powerful implications for our health—and even our very nature.”

September 24, 2018 4:30 pm

Stucky ,I now command you” Again “in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to watch this. YouTube Admiral Richard E Byrd . Watch all the videos about him . Especially the one where he is on TV in the late 1950s and listen carefully to what he says.
Another one ” What did Admiral Richard Byrd really Find: Antarctica Conspiracy . Another is Hollow Earth : Admiral Richard Byrd.
This guy was a real Indiana Jones of his time. Stucky you will enjoy these and hopefully learn something .I know I did. I begin to see how much our government and the governments of the world will lie in order to hide evidence of God from us including the Russians.
Stucky think about this why would the governments of the world get together in 1961 and ban all future travel to Antarctica . Citizens of said nation’s can only go so far or the will be shot down or put on the bottom of the ocean. What are the world’s largest governments hiding ? I think they found the dome or the bottom of the Firmament. Or they found The Holy mountain of the North ( God’s holy Mountain ) spoken about in the scriptures . You have alot of viewing to do so chop ,chop ,chop.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 25, 2018 12:52 am

I’ve watched the Admiral Byrd interviews on Antarctica and the lands beyond it. It’s interesting, to say the least. But it can’t be verified because, as you say, the governments won’t let anybody except them go there. I wonder why world government big wheels have been making visits to Antarctica recently.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Vixen Vic
September 25, 2018 9:07 am

That’s a very, very interesting question…

September 24, 2018 4:35 pm

Thanks that is a really interesting read

September 24, 2018 6:02 pm

Intelligence is a man made construct that originated via studies of Phrenology & Gestalt Psychology. Lomroso C. was a Eugenicist and one of the originators of that pseudo-scientific era of clap-trap. Christian Eugenics has been prevalent for many centuries. Today, so-called ‘Intelligent Design’ is known the world over in academia as code for ‘God & Christ’ promulgated racism & hatred if anyone takes the perspectives of those in society that have no belief in Christ or God. Secular Science is driven by hypothesis testing and Theory driven research that is empirically verifiable. Science does not support notions of that which is supernatural as everything under the rubric of Science proper is fully explainable via the laws of Empirical Scientific scrutiny if applied correctly with respect to methodological validity & efficacy of experimental design in research.

Intelligent Design is wholeheartedly known throughout all of academia as pure bunk within the orthodoxy of scientific empirical assessment as defined by our Peer-Review process of publication.

One cannot practice Science & Theology without great difficulty given that Empiricism enlightened our discipline to analyse that which is observable.

When you can offer up God for empirical assessment in the Social Science or Behavioural Science tradition of peer-review we will all certainly take a look at your proof.


September 24, 2018 7:25 pm

Wow, all of that to say nothing.

September 25, 2018 2:08 pm

so much bs just to say “i am not intelligent”? You should go to a echo chamber site where you can impress the other sheeple with your bs.. Every statement you made are utter bs or direct lies that all average intelligent people see trough.

September 24, 2018 7:46 pm

Seriously? By definition science is never settled. That being said, evolution is real, and I can prove it in a lab. A real-time example of evolution is bacterial resistance to antibiotics. For those people hell-bent on insisting on the presence of God, pun intended, one could still believe that God created the fundamental processes that allow evolution to exist.

September 24, 2018 8:22 pm

General, in the article I linked above, ‘they’ discovered penn resistance from bacteria sequestered since 1919, 30 years before the discovery and common use of penicillin. So the genetics of bacterial resistance is embedded already in the genome and epigenetics of bacterial life?, as one would expect because the aspergillus mold co evolved ? So your example is a bit weak imo, though not totally incorrect. I am asking questions mostly here.

I am not denying evolution via your example, just saying I found it interesting what was presented in the link. As a biology major in college I drink the kool aid of evolution and maintain a belief in some kind of indecipherable cause behind it all.

I agree it ain’t ever settled…but we get close sometimes and it often proves to be very predictive and useful.

September 24, 2018 9:04 pm

Antibiotic resistance is not speciation.

September 24, 2018 9:53 pm

Much of what is called “evolution” is simply adaptation or genetic pre-disposition. Your bacterial resistance is a perfect example. Humans who take too much of certain drugs–heroin for example, have the effects of that drug become less effective. This is not evolution.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 25, 2018 12:55 am

Bacterial resistance is a far cry from mutating into a so-called higher life form, like a whale to a hippo or a fish to a human.

September 25, 2018 9:26 am

Yeah, if evolution were a viable concept, scientists would have succeeded in creating new life from raw materials by now, in the perfectly controlled environment of the lab. But they cant even make a a lowly bacterium. Even a simple virus? How about a cell with a tiny, precise sequence of self-replicating genetic code? But they cant even do that. And yet we are expected to buy into the “millions and billions of years” handwaving of supposed evolution that mythically happened in the tremendously harsh environment of the early Earth (the UV radiation alone would have killed any developing cells). Frankly the odds are so astronomical against spontaneous development of life, let alone the even greater odds against speciation, it’s amazing any rational human being still believes in this crap.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 24, 2018 9:27 pm

1Cor13:2 We see through a glass darkly… Supernatural things happen (I know first hand) but skeptics refuse to believe it. Every religion has a Creation Story but has any one been proven True? Almost everything in America is Controlled by TPTB like the MSM and can’t be trusted (all Science esp Anthropology, Economics, Finance, Foreign Relations, UFOs/Aliens, GMOs, Vaccines, Global Warming/Cooling, Chem Spraying, Satanist & Child Sacrifices, Health Care, Race, etc). BB: You joke a lot, right.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 25, 2018 12:33 am

Thanks for this article. I agree with it 100 percent.
I recently wrote in a comment that both Christianity and Evolution are based on a miracle. Christians believe a miracle by God created life. Darwinists believe that life comes from non-life, which is scientifically impossible. I was down voted for that. Yet, you’re saying the same thing here.