Sure, Let’s All Unify…Around Donald Trump

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Sure, Let’s All Unify...Around Donald Trump

In these troubled times, so many of our betters in our beloved and respected elite have cried out that Americans must put aside our petty differences and come together, and I agree. Let’s unify around the conservative agenda of the guy we elected president, Donald Trump.

Now, we have to unify around something, right? So, if we’re going to unify around something, shouldn’t we do it around the policies of the guy who won the presidency? Around the party that currently holds both houses of Congress? Around the side that holds the majority on the Supreme Court?

Ouch. Too soon?

Look, I mean, I could be cynical. I could doubt the sincerity of our moral superiors. I could engage in nutty conspiracy theories to the effect that the leftist whackos on CNNMSNBC and their Fredocon pals really mean we should unify around them and their preferred policies.

Which, of course, also means we would have to give up on our preferred policies, the ones that serve our interests instead of the interests of the useless elite. But that’s crazy talk.

No, when they talk about unity, they totally mean that they intend to come around to our way of thinking. Because it’s the right thing to do – unifying and stuff.

Right? Chet, you agree, don’t you?

Chet is my unicorn.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, Normal people are perfectly willing to unify, when unity isn’t a fraud designed to cover the elite’s massive grift. But, and I know this sounds kooky, a lot of Normals don’t trust our elite when it says “Trust us.” 

Those darn regular Americans, always remembering all the ways that the elite has screwed up and failed. Iraq. The 2008 meltdown. The last couple seasons of The Walking Dead. But the elite’s done so many good things recently. There’s … uh … well … ummm … shut up, hate criminal!

Normals’ stubborn insistence on holding the elite accountable for its utter incompetence is definitely racist, sexist and…uh…transphobic. Yeah, that too, for some reason.

The simple truth is that these shrill demands for unity are really demands for our surrender. The elitists who are howling that we have to come together have no intention of coming together with us. Rather, they want us to come together around them and the very same policies, initiatives, and weird taboos that we’ve spent the last few election cycles repudiating.

What, exactly, do these people propose to give up to help close America’s divide? Their campaigns against our free speech? Our religions? Our guns? Our desire for people to use the right bathroom?

Nothing, nada, zip. They intend to give up nothing. We’re supposed to give up what’s ours. Why? We just are.

Most of all, what’s supposed to bring us together in this glorious frenzy of united unity is our relinquishment of our bad attitude, the uppity urge that leads us to embrace disruptors like Donald Trump and reject the hierarchy our betters desperately seek to reestablish – with themselves at the top and us toiling down below.

Don’t call it unity. Call it “unity.”

“Unity” means rejecting mean old Trump and his feisty ilk and re-embracing reasonable, rational, submissive GOP puffballs like Jeb! and Mitt. You know, Classic Republicans who understand their job is to lose like gentlemen and to talk bad about us members of the uncouth GOP base to their liberal buddies at cocktail parties.

“Unity” means not insisting on conservative judges.

“Unity” means not demanding respect.

“Unity” certainly means not blaspheming the Holy Sacraments of Elitism, like the climate change grift, the idea of the perpetual perfidy of patriarchy, and the need to utterly disarm the peasantry.

“Unity” means losing.

Enough of the quotation marks.

We can have unity, all right. We just need to do everything they want and we’ll have unity. Like ants have unity. Like the Red Chinese have unity. Like liberal college campuses have unity. Sweet, warm, huggy unity, under the benevolent guidance and iron rule of our elite betters.

Hard pass.

If they want unity, then they can unify around the Constitution – not what they try to shoehorn into it but what’s already in there.

If they want unity, they can unify around the radical idea that every American has the God-given right to say what he pleases, to pray how he pleases, and to pack the heat he pleases for the defense of himself, his family, his community, and his Constitution.

If they want unity, they can unify around the principle that we Normal Americans can and will rule ourselves, and that we do not need, do not want, and will not accept that anyone has the right to judge us, disrespect us, or dictate to us.

Unity means ending the re-litigation of the last election via the Mueller charade.

Unity means no more calling conservative dissenters “traitors” and yelling “Treason!” every time they get beat at the ballot box.

Unity means not calling for getting in their opponents’ faces to try to intimidate them into silence and acquiescence to liberal rule.

Unity means not whining about how the Constitution is unfair every time they lose a fight.

Unity means not just accepting that Donald Trump is our president but the fact that he has a moral right to pursue the policies that he promised the people who elected him.

Unity means our elite not being jerks, and that’s why unity’s not in the cards anytime soon.

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November 1, 2018 7:14 am

so who are these “elites”? (and no, I’m not going to buy your book to find out)

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 1, 2018 8:15 am

Marsh Rabbit must be nearly blind and deaf living alone in a hole in a deep cave in a black forest. Partial Answer: Some of the Elite live in a berg that was just attacked by an insane jerk who violently took out his political frustrations on them. When Trump and family came to commiserate with them, those Elites blamed Trump and Whites for the MSM/Democrat and Elite induced hatred and violence in America. The Elite are the Rich Headinass Tribe.

  robert h siddell jr
November 1, 2018 8:45 am

so the denizens of Pittsburgh are “elites”, but a wealthy Manhattanite is not??? wow

  robert h siddell jr
November 1, 2018 10:49 am

If the Demoncraps win back the House …. look no further than dickheads like MarshAsshole.

What do Dims stand for, other than hating Trump, opening up the country to everyone and anyone, and paying off their voters with Free Shit?? How can so many people vote for this shit?

This is the most important election in American history …. a chance to destroy the Demon Party forever and ever.

Yet, because of the MarshAssholes of the world ….. America might be toast.

November 1, 2018 9:10 am

The Elites are everything TBPers despise.
The Robert Dinero’s “F*Trump” though the little people are the ones who made him rich.
The Nancy’s with her $30M net worth (not including her rich husbands $$) who, BTW have a wall and bodyguards, as is the same with Harry Reid but push open borders.
The Elites are the Leonardo DeCaprio’s that insist we peasants drive electric cars to stop global warming (what a farce!) while he flies around the WORLD in his 747.
The Elites are Jerry Browns who tax the peasants into poverty while benefiting from their “contributions”
The Elites are Barry insisting “you didn’t build that”
The Elites are Michelle standing before a crowd blasting “Finally I can be proud of my Country”
The Elites are Billionaire George Soros paying to put Anti-Fa crowds at Trump rallies.

Need I go on??? The “elites” are despised by every citizen of the fly-over states that actually MAKE something, support their family with the fruits of their labor, and at the end of the day, can hang their hat and say, “this is what life’s about”.

November 1, 2018 9:55 am

so are the Trump family elites?

November 1, 2018 10:24 am

Sure they are, I mean, just because he gives away his Presidential salary, keeps his campaign promises to the voters, and puts major stress on his family by being the whipping boy for every neo-Marxist journalist and whack-job in the country is no reason to not consider him and his family elites.

November 1, 2018 10:42 am

sounds like you don’t have an operational definition for “elite”. It’s just a label you arbitrarily apply to anyone you disagree with.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 1, 2018 11:47 am

Your definition of “elite” appears to be: “the rich”. Ours is “rich people who want to control everybody else and run the country in a manner contrary to what normal people want”. Open borders, mostly.

  Iska Waran
November 1, 2018 11:55 am

Iska , Trump has lined the pocket of his cronies since day one. Elites remain elites by stacking the deck in their favor and putting the club member in the oval office who will make sure THEY are taken care of, not us. Your appologist attitude won’t hide that ugly truth.

November 1, 2018 3:51 pm

Oh stop, the flattery will not work. I disagree with a lot of folks, just not arbitrarily. I personally dislike folks that keep running circular arguments and clichés so that they run their comments up, but that’s just me.

November 1, 2018 11:11 am



Beto Dinero
Beto Dinero
November 1, 2018 11:10 am

Whut you talkin’ about, Willis? I ain’t nowhere near rich, I live 75 miles from Beverly Hills it might as well be a million miles from rich.

November 1, 2018 11:10 am

“Need I go on??_____________Out With Libs

Please do, just don’t leave out the multitude of billionaire ELITES in the Trump administration , which is a pretty much most of the cabinet members. And the president and family members.

Be truthful here.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 1, 2018 11:53 am

People like Wilbur Ross don’t dream of confiscating arms from the People, don’t make us pretend that biological sex is a spectrum, don’t demand that we commit to a global scheme of redistributing our wealth because of climate change and aren’t insistent that we leave the border wide open. Rich guys like Ross don’t bother me in the least. He’s not the elite. Anderson Cooper is more the elite than Wilbur Ross.

  Iska Waran
November 1, 2018 12:18 pm

Iska-Wilbur Ross? Are you serious??? Biggest crook that ever came down the pike. I could put up 30 links that would curdle the cream in your coffee, here are a couple:

Ross was Vice-Chairman at the bank of Cyprus, known for Russian money laundering, in 2015.

  Iska Waran
November 1, 2018 3:32 pm

“Pretend biological Sex is a spectrum” spells out real clear how uninformed you are. I’m going to suggest you educate yourself a bit before making such a statement. Any book on biological evolution will do and will clearly show your lack of any knowledge on such matters. But if I am right, your on the narcissist spectrum, which means you will never accept a better answer than your own un-informed opinion. I am not gay or transgender. I say that because the first thing you will say is something like “you faggots blah blah blah”. Typical narcissist response. If you truely want to educate yourself on these matters, watch Dr Sapolsky’s you tube video’s on evolutionary biological behavior. Much better use of your time than educating yourself on blog material with people of like minded un-informed opinions.

November 1, 2018 7:07 pm

Males have penises and females have vaginas. Males have sperm. Females produce eggs. Reproduction happens when a mans sperm fertilizes the egg of a female. Biological science bro

  Iska Waran
November 1, 2018 4:52 pm

“People like Wilbur Ross don’t dream of confiscating arms….” Those most outspoken about protecting Second Amendment rights will ultimately be the ones who order confiscation.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
November 1, 2018 11:28 am

Turn on the Asshat Bolshevik Conference (ABC), Communist Broadcast System (CBS), Clinton News Network (CNN), Nothing But Coquesuqueres (NBC), just to name a few. Look at the people doing all the talking and their guests. There they are.

November 1, 2018 11:42 am

These “elites” are really not elite at all. They are arrogant ,narrow minded ,self righteously self important assholes with a great deal of money which they enjoy investing in the corruption of law, society, and government.

November 1, 2018 3:24 pm

I had heard there was no such thing as a stupid question, but I stand corrected . what really needs fixed is below , not stupid word games

man in caravan admits he was convicted of attempted murder and deported ,

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 1, 2018 7:48 am

Praise the Lord and please give us that unity! Personally though, no unity or peace ever with Communist, especially until TPTB stops discriminating against White males, the Constitution and Christians. PS: The Communist have given Trump a full plate even before he was sworn in and since then, his cup runneth over with their filth. Please pray for Trump to have understanding and strength, to Drain the Swamp and to restore America to God’s Grace, then it will become great again.

  robert h siddell jr
November 1, 2018 8:26 am

Amen… Chip

  robert h siddell jr
November 1, 2018 11:01 am

When does that swamp draining start Robert?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
November 1, 2018 1:20 pm

It started 1/20 17.

  Harrington Richardson
November 1, 2018 1:50 pm

No it did not Harrington.

  robert h siddell jr
November 1, 2018 5:46 pm

where are you guys finding all these communists you mention? I haven’t encountered a communist since 2009.

November 1, 2018 7:16 pm

Don’t get out much, do you?

November 1, 2018 8:27 am

A most excellent post Kurt… Chip

November 1, 2018 8:28 am

I still don’t understand why this so hard to imagine. DT came along and started with all the things on the list people with common sense have been complaining about. Corruption, education, vaccines, abortion immigration,etc. and a host of other things that were going against common sense hardcore. Unite the right was a big part of this effort. Taking in remnants of the left as well, leaving basically hardcore socialist progressive liberal types for opposition. The media, Hollywood and Politicians to fan the flames. This coming election is just more of the same. Common sense here, and invading army of unvetted diseased criminals turned loose on society. Vote here!! This will to me just more of the same. The voter fraud exposed from last time points in the direction of a huge red landside, but media exposure would blow (but hilly won the popular vote) out of the water, and expose more corruption.
To me every bit of this charade seems scripted. I mean the Simpson’s show exact pictures of current events years ago. DT saying mental health, take the guns first points me to the conclusion that all that will be needed is call something a mental disease and we take the guns, Bibles, and institutionalize! Toxic masculinity, nationalism, morals, read right wing media, civil rights. Mental condition!! SEEYA. GREAT POST FM

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 1, 2018 9:01 am

You know , FM, I watched a debate between Missouri’s Democrat Senate incumbent Clair McCaskill and challenger Josh Hawley and guess what? They both agreed that people with mental health issues should not own guns and I thought, crap, we are so screwed.

“Mental” health is subjective. What guide lines would they use? My neighbor next door who I believe is the crazy person but he beats me to the sheriff’s office to file a complaint?

My ex-husband’s word?

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
  Mary Christine
November 1, 2018 12:28 pm

Obviously, “Deplorables” are unhinged and must be disarmed (/sarc off). We all know that’s the game if the Lunatics remain in charge of the asylum.

  Mary Christine
November 1, 2018 12:54 pm

MC, Hawley is a RINO very slightly better than McCain. However, he is not a dedicated leftist like Claire. He is just a finger in the wind self serving corrupt politician. He can be bought.Let’s make sure we are doing the buying.

Matt. 4:8-10 who rules this world?
Matt. 4:8-10 who rules this world?
November 1, 2018 9:24 am

“It is absurd to detach yourself from civil society by ignoring laws and ordinances and then seek recourse from the same system you disregard. Not that I agree with any of the actions or have no sympathy, only that their logic is flawed when it comes to seeking a redress of their grievance.” – HSF

Seeking to change the SYSTEM by participating in the SYSTEM is a fool’s errand. Unite around tRump? Are you kidding ? Look who is in his cabinet, Goldman Sucks demons, and Neo-Conned warmongering archons.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
November 1, 2018 9:41 am

No point in uniting around an individual if as a country we are not united about basic principles. Like individual liberty.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 1, 2018 9:52 am

“The simple truth is that these shrill demands for unity are really demands for our surrender.”

Exactly. But I too am not buying Kurt’s book. It it really a “democracy” he wants to reclaim? Seems like that’s what we now have, when we ought to have a republic united under equal application of just laws.

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
November 1, 2018 10:06 am

Without a doubt, political conservatives have a legitimate complaint regarding behavior from their counterparts on the left. The problem with the writer’s approach to the problem is that it is an escalation of the polarization of these two factions. It appears that too many otherwise smart people have no idea just how horrible and counterproductive a real civil war would be.

We need leaders who are at one time courageous and polite, strong but patient, wise and compassionate; leaders who will stand fast regarding their principles, but at the same time showing humility. The current escalation of rhetoric plays into the hands of the elite. They want you at each other’s throat.

I understand the writer’s emotion, but we had better stop emoting and start thinking in terms of defusing this bomb.

  Darrell Dullnig
November 1, 2018 10:55 am

I agree on the defusing, if the Globalists can’t completely overwhelm and neutralize U.S. demographically through the Southern Hemisphere pouring in with the duel power to eventually crash the system while voting Democratic (Cloward–Piven strategy) Civil War 2 is just another path to the same goal.

Of course there is always the Everything Bubble and or WAR waiting in the wings.

November 1, 2018 10:59 am

I’m worried about what Kanye knows, he’s been in the WH, he’s seen the shenanigans up close and personal. Maybe he’ll write an expose’ detailing the dirty tricks that led to his change of heart. He was an early adopter who has recently denounced the abuse, claiming he’d been used.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
November 1, 2018 11:36 am

His last “album” only sold 60,000. Strange days indeed.

November 1, 2018 11:28 am

By now people on the right, even those most moderate with their heads in the sand including the idealist Ron Paul types are figuring out that politics isn’t about the issues.

These nut bags you see in the street will continue in one form or another. They are in complete self denial and are looking to throw in to the cause. Any group cause. And they have plenty of bumper stickers and political signs to virtue signal to others that they are “with her”

And don’t poo the idea , that these peoples self denial isn’t the product of illegitimatacy as well as sky rocketing divorce.

Nothing Trump or anyone else can do to alter this likely growing trend other than stymie the hoard of invaders on the souther border who will compete with the young for reproductive resources. And thus , increase illegitimatacy and further hasten the trend.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
November 1, 2018 12:33 pm

The USA we all knew and loved (Mayberry RFD) was fatally wounded by the end of the 19th century. The mid-1960’s simply accelerated the decline.

Sooner or later states or regions will go their own way. I doubt it will be a peaceful process, but it will mostly occur when the ability of Congress to issue debt dries up. As times get tougher for the declining minority of US residents who actually PAY taxes, the tolerance for showering benefits on invaders and parasites will evaporate.

We’ll have the parasite party vs the tax-paying party. In the end, the tax-paying party will win because each battle they lose simply means there’s less loot for the parasites to steal and reward their supporters.

For 50 years people have been taught to be dependent. Soon, being a useless dependent will be suicidal (just as Nature intended.)