Let’s Have a War with Russia!: I’d Rather Be Ruled by Autistic Hamsters

Guest Post by Fred Reed

The current state of the American Army. Troops learn the hardships of pregnancy.

The United States seems to be contemplating war with Russia, Iran, China, or all three Washington pushes NATO ever closer to Russia, leaves the nuclear-missile treaty and tries to destroy both countries and China economically. Why the push for war?

Simple. Asia is awakening. China (from which I have just returned) grows economically at a scorching pace–and all power rests on economic power. China is a large country, America a medium-sized one. America’s roughly two hundred million whites do virtually all of the scientific work on which national power depends. China has a billion increasingly educated Han Chinese, a five-to-one advantage. China’s stated aim is to united Eurasia among other places in one vast commercial union. Washington’s pugnacity has pushed China, Ira, and Russia together. The chain of nations, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey all totter between looking east and looking west. If Washington doesn’t stop this growth, the American Empire will be marginalized within decades.

This doesn’t threaten the American public. It threatens the Empire and Israel.

What would a war with Russia look like, even assuming that it didn’t go nuclear? A great military thinker–me, actually–once said that military stupidity comes in three levels: normally stupid; really really stupid; and invading Russia. From Chuck XII to Adolf I it has proved a poor career move.

The US military has not won a war since 1945, with the exception of the First Gulf War, which the LAPD could have won. It lost decisively in Vietnam. It got run out of Lebanon with 241 dead Marines as its only accomplishment. After seventeen years it shows no signs of defeating barely armed Afghan peasants. Iraq has been a complete botch, achieving none of its goals, control of the oil, permanent bases, and a puppet government. Just now the military is losing in Syria.

Nothing short of genius can account for losing so consistently given the enormous resources available to American forces. In light of this very low level of military competence, maybe wars are not our best choice of hobby.

What sort of war is envisaged? The United States cannot fight a sizable land war. Iran can. Russia can. The American military means air power and little else.   The Army hasn’t fought a serious war since 1973, the fleet since 1945. In long periods of inaction, things deteriorate because they do not seem important. Crucial supplies cease to exist, spare parts aren’t there, the logistics train quietly becomes inoperable.  Money goes instead to pricey weapons of little practical use.

The Army recruits from a soft millennial population. America is no longer a country of tough rural kids. Social engineering has rotted the ranks. The military has suffered years of feminization, SJW appeasement,  affirmative action, lowered physical standards, and LGBTQ insertion. Conscription is politically impossible. The Army cannot defeat Afghans even with the advantages of unlimited air power, artillery, gun ships, medevac, helicopters, and drones, It would last a very short time if it had to fight the Afghans or Iranians, on even terms.  Muslims are more virile than today’s Americans and have proven tenacious.

A military that never fights a war that it has to win, that never encounters an enemy that can dangerously hit back, inevitably deteriorates.

Militaries come to believe their own propaganda. So, apparently, do  the feral mollycoddles in the White House and New York. The American military’s normal procedure is to overestimate American power, underestimate the enemy, and misunderstand the kind of war it is getting into. Should Washington decide on war with Iran, or Russia (unless by a surprise nuclear strike) there will be the  usual talk of the most powerful, best trained, best equipped etc., and how the Ivans and towelheads will melt away in days, a cakewalk. Bet me.

Militaries have a very poor record of predicting outcomes of wars. This might provoke thought. The American Civil War was expected to be over in an afternoon; this was wrong by 650,000 dead and four years. When Napoleon invaded Russia, he did not expect Russians to occupy Paris. Germany thought that WWI would be a war of movement over in weeks; in fact a ghastly war of attrition lasting four years. When Japan attacked Pearl, it was not intentionally inviting GIs to the geisha houses of Tokyo. When Germany invaded Poland, occupation of Germany by Russia and America was low on its list of expectations. When France re-invaded Vietnam, it did not foresee Dien Bien Dien Phu and utter defeat by les jaunes. When America invaded Vietnam, it did not expect a decade-long losing war. When Russia invaded Afghanistan it did not expect to lose to Afghans in sandals. When America invaded Afghanistan, having seen what had happened to Russia, it did not expect the same result.

We do not know what a war with Iran, or Russia, or China  would look like or what the Iranians might do. An overconfident military and an inexperienced government in Washington will predictably predict a short war and speak of precision weapons and surgical strikes. The Navy will guarantee that it can keep the Straits open, and speak of its advanced technology. The expectation will be that there will be nothing unexpected. The white House will believe that  Iran will lie there and be bombed without response. Russia? The nukes will fall on the European countries from which the attack came. Germany might ponder this carefully.

America could of course destroy much of Iran and kill millions of the defenseless. This is what America now calls “war.” It would be amusing to see what would happen if the Air Force had to fight an enemy that could fight back, but this would mean only Russia or, perhaps, just possibly, barely, to some extent, China. It is a coward’s way of war and, to judge by South Vietnam and Afghanistan, not very effective. Killing lots of people and winning a war are not the same thing.

What if Iran did stop petroleum traffic in the Persian Gulf with, say, missiles mounted on pickup trucks. Is this possible? I don’t know. Neither, I suspect, does the Navy–which will insist that it can handle mere pickup trucks with its superb this and that, its best trained, best equipped, the only hyper-power, and so on. But tankers are not going to run even a small risk of going up in flames.

How long would the Straits have to be closed with the world screaming for oil before Washington, desperate, its vanity bruised,  full of huge egos, would have to do something stupid to save face?

Further, American leadership is of dangerously low quality. An essentially absentee Congress, the sordidness and criminality of the Clintons, Trump’s utter crassness and shady past, the submission to Israel, the widespread and never punished corruption. In this sorry brew no one seems interested in the well being of the county, only unseemly grasping at benefits for the arms industry, big oil, Wall Street, Tel Aviv, and the Empire. Note that wars generate huge profits for the arms makers and the longer the war can be kept going, neither winning nor losing, the greater the profits. War against Iran would be a magnificent profit center. Since American casualties are extremely low , permanent war has few downsides.

At the top of government we have an unprepossessing bunch that would make Kaiser Wilhelm’s court seem wholesome. Their chief characteristics are pathological aggressiveness and a severe case of Beltway Bubble Syndrome. There is Trump with his weird eruptions. The ever-combative Nikki Haley. Steve Bannon, prophesying and hoping for war with China. Mike Pompeo, threatening Iran, threatening, Venezuela, threatening North Korea. John  Bolton of the codiece mustaches, always counseling a war he won’t fight in, like Trump a drat dodger with something to prove.

The life of millions depends on this freak show? I need a drink.

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Steve C
Steve C
November 5, 2018 3:21 pm

American Hubris 1941

“…We can wipe the Japanese off the map in three months…” – Navy Secretary Frank Knox – 1941

American Hubris 2012

U.S. Central Command believes it can destroy or significantly degrade Iran’s conventional armed forces in about three weeks using air and sea strikes, according to a defense source familiar with the discussions. – The Washington Times – May 1, 2012

Anonymous arm chair squadron commando
Anonymous arm chair squadron commando
November 5, 2018 3:39 pm

I don’t think Trump wants to be a war president, that train left with G.W and “mission accomplished”.
in other words, everybody already knows we can’t win, even when we hold all the cards.
It really is sad when the strategy is controlled by civilians

That leaves the neocons with covert ops, to create chaos, and pin the blame on some dissidents in country.
in other words, more false flag operations to create new enemies.

November 5, 2018 4:05 pm

Outstanding article. Hey all you proudly voting engaged citizens I know it’s a trifling issue but just who do I vote for to stop this insane push for war with Russia? Certainly not the Orange Crusader who just backed out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and brags on how much he has pushed the Ruskies into a corner. And Old Vlad has made it clear, he won’t back down. In fact according to credible sources he’s actively planning for war. Like all the other important issues you can vote your asses off but understand that you have no fucking say. Not on immigration, the 1% or your precious fucking wall.

If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.

Emma Goldman

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
November 5, 2018 4:21 pm

I wish I could write as clearly as Fred and his unicorn Chet.

22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
November 5, 2018 4:31 pm

Do any of you dumbasses remember the “Single Soldier Initiative” circa 1991?

Before the SSI, females were absolutely forbidden on base overseas unless she was your wife. Single soliders didn’t get drivers licenses or much freedom either.

The day the SSI took effect, ever KNEEGROW in the battalion (and even a few white guys) had a mudshark blond German SLUTS naked and getting fucked in the shower stalls and the barracks!

Now that’s permissiveness!

Oh yeah, and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” worked well back then. Nobody really cared to ask, and anyone who really wanted to tell was a radical gay asswipe who didn’t belong in the military- and everybody knew it.

  22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
November 6, 2018 11:42 am

I don’t know what Army you were in, but I joined the US Army in 1981 as an infantryman and paratrooper, and went overseas to Europe in 1985. We all had drivers licenses, there were no restrictions on women on base, although you couldn’t have them in the barracks unless it was a unit that had females in it – and then they had separate barracks from the men. In the infantry, in fact in our entire airborne battalion combat team we didn’t have any women back then. You couldn’t throw a rock without hitting a US Soldier in Europe in those days, and they usually had a German or Italian babe on their arm if they were worth a shit. Maybe you are referring to the Soviet Army?

November 5, 2018 5:13 pm

I have no confidence that our soy boys,queers ,niggers and transsexuals will prevail. They also have outstanding leadership who are not willing to do what it takes to win (kill the hell out of the enemy). We had best stay out of future wars until we get our house in order.

November 5, 2018 6:27 pm

Land in Panama, secure the Darien and work Northwards. That is a war the US can win because everybody in Central America wants to be a US citizen already. Stops the caravans, makes the US look good militarily since their win in Grenada, satisfies the need for war from the MIC if they can use all their Tomahawks demolishing Tegucigalpa…
I guess they could invade Tonga from Guam as well. Maybe Tuvalu? Doubt the US could take Kiribati, all the soldiers would be afraid of getting wet.

November 5, 2018 6:32 pm

Fred makes some good points, like this one: “America’s roughly two hundred million whites do virtually all of the scientific work on which national power depends. China has a billion increasingly educated Han Chinese, a five-to-one advantage.”

Now where have I heard that before? Oh, right, from me! China graduates more engineers each year than the US has in total. Uhoh. And their population is not jam packed with pussy boys. This cannot end well.

November 5, 2018 7:24 pm

Yet again you are wrong Llpoop. There is actually a crisis of male masculinity right now.


They have almost one billion more people, so they would most likely graduate more of just about every job classification than we. You should read more and talk less.

November 5, 2018 9:18 pm

Ninny – you are an imbecile. China graduates more engineers EACH year than the US has total in its population. China is eating our lunch on that front. The point was that the US is not concentrating on the fields it should. And that by concentrating in engineering, sciences, etc.m especially given its mass, China is a force to be reckoned with.

November 5, 2018 10:44 pm

Fukwit- I did not say China was not a force to be reckoned with in the future, you said they were not packed with pussy boys, and you would be wrong. Own it Llpoop.

November 6, 2018 6:59 am

Because NBC news never spews propaganda against the non-globalist conformers like Russia, China, Iran etc

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 5, 2018 7:33 pm

With 70% of American males 18 to 24 are unfit mentally , emotionally and physically for military service add to this the fact that “NO” the young women are also not ready to fill that gap either , sorry ladies !
Add an executive , legaslative and judicial branches of our government being one huge cluster fuck after another !
I’ll join you regarding the severe need for a stiff drink too !

Big Ed
Big Ed
November 5, 2018 11:30 pm

We are so f%%%ked

Taras 77
Taras 77
November 5, 2018 11:54 pm

Very good article, Fred Reed!

The tragic conclusion I have derived from a few weeks to months to years concerning the post-Vietnam military is all of the stupid wars we start are not supposed to be won-it is perpetual war with the insanity levels of civilian populations and countries destroyed (hey, it is over there, not here), the trillions spent to the war profiteers, and the ziocons/neocons (no distinction) furiously looking to start something with Russia and/or China and/or Iran.

From a group thinking establishment point of view, what is not to like. No risk, much loot.

I have long been astonished at the urge to take on Russia-it is closely akin to a death wish. Have any of these clowns ever seen any wwII eastern front footage, ever seen the professionalism and pride of the Russian military, ever observed the pride and soul of the Russian people (narod)? The answer my friends, is written in the winds-they know absolutely nothing about the Russians and the huge risk of war-it is a fatal death wish.

The Russians can and will fight to defend their mother, their homeland!

November 6, 2018 9:41 am

The most unspoken result of war: the millions of “collaterally” injured, killed and DISPLACED from homes/homelands. Personally experienced it in SE Asia, ’69-’71. Especially haunting was the displacement of the Meo tribesman from the mountains in Laos due to the incessant bombing. Both sad and enraging for me to this very day. And individuals wonder why I refer to the “Feral” Gov as the “United Snakes Corp”, D[e]C[eit]. “Deep State” – LMAO. It’s a CRIMINAL cabal that long ago hi-jacked the CONstitutionally-mandated Federal Gov for “THESE” united States.

November 6, 2018 12:03 pm

Fuck you, Fred! Why didn’t you mention the ultimate game changer …. the F-35???

This fighter jet …. the bestest in the world (hence, it’s cost of $1 trillion each) …. can fly at 8,000 mph, accelerates from 0-60 in .00000001 seconds, can fly around the globe on one tank of gas, is totally invisible to every radar known to man, and if necessary, can fly to the moon to escape enemy fighters.

So, yeah, we CAN take on Russia, China, Norks, and Iran … all at the same time, ya maroon!