Comparing China and America: Economies Diverge, Police States Converge

Guest Post by Fred Reed

I have followed China’s development, its stunning advance in forty years from impoverished Third World to a huge economy, its rapid scientific progress. Coming from nowhere it now runs neck and neck with the US in supercomputers, does world-class work in genetic engineering and genomics (the Beijing Genomics Institutes), quantum computing and quantum radar, in scientific publications. It lags in many things, but the speed of advance, the intense focus on progress, is remarkable.

Recently, after twelve years away, I returned for a couple of weeks to Chungdu and Chong Quing, which I found amazing. American patriots of the lightly read but growly sort will bristle at the thought that the Chinese may have political and economic systems superior to ours, but, well, China rises while the US flounders. They must be doing something right.

In terms of economic systems, the Chinese are clearly superior. China runs a large economic surplus, allowing it to invest heavily in infrastructure and in resources abroad. America runs a large deficit. China invests in China, America in the military. China’s infrastructure is new, of high quality, and growing. America’s slowly deteriorates. China has an adult government that gets things done. America has an essentially absentee Congress and a kaleidoscopically shifting cast of pathologically aggressive curiosities in the White House.

America cannot compete with a country far more populous of more-intelligent people with competent leadership and the geographic advantage of being in Eurasia. Washington’s choices are either to start a major war while it can, perhaps force the world to submit through sanctions, or resign itself to America’s becoming just another country. Given the goiterous egos inside the Beltway Bubbble, this is not encouraging.

To compare the two countries,  look at them as they are, not as we are told  they are. We are told that dictatorships, which China is, are nightmarish, brutal, do not allow the practice of religion or freedom of expression and so on. The usual examples are Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and North Korea, of whom the criticisms are true. By contrast, we are told, America is envied by the world for its democracy, freedom of speech,  free press, high moral values, and freedom of religion.

This is nonsense. In fact the two countries are more similar than we might like to believe, with America converging fast on the Chinese model.

The US is at best barely democratic. Yes, every four years we have a hotly contested presidential election, full of sound and fury signifying nothing. The public has no influence over anything of importance: the wars, the military budget, immigration, offshoring of jobs, what our children are taught in school, or foreign or racial policy

We do not really have freedom of speech. Say “nigger” once and you can lose a  job of thirty years. Or criticize Jews, Israel, blacks, homosexuals, Muslims, feminists, or transexuals. The  media strictly prohibit any criticism of these groups, or anything against abortion or in favor of gun rights, or any coverage of highly profitable wars that might turn the public against them, or corruption in Congress or Wall Street, or research on the genetics of intelligence.

Religion? Christianity is not illegal, but heavily repressed under the Constitutionally nonexistent doctrine of separation of church and state. Surveillance? monitoring of the population is intense in China and getting worse. It is hard to say just how much NSA monitors us, but America is now a land of cameras, electronic readers of license plates, recording of emails and telephone conversations. The tech giants increasingly censor political sites, and surveillance in our homes appears about to get much worse.

Here we might contemplate Lincoln’s famous dictum, “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Being a politician, he did not add a final clause that is the bedrock of American government, “But you can fool enough of the people enough of the time.” You don’t have to keep websites of low circulation from being politically incorrect. You just have to tell the majority, via the mass media, over and over  and over, what you wnat them to believe.

The dictatorship in China is somewhat onerous, but has little in common with the sadistic lunacy of Pol Pot’s Cambodia. In China you do not buck the government, propaganda is heavy, and communications monitored. If people accept this, as most do, they are free to start businesses, bar hop, smoke dope (which a friend there tells me is common though illegal) engage in such consumerism as they increasingly can afford and lead what an American would call normal lives. A hellhole it is not.

Socially China has a great advantage over America in that, except for the Muslims of Xinjiang, it is pretty much a Han monoculture. Lacking America’s racial diversity, its cities do not burn, no pressure exists to infantilize the schools for the benefit of incompetent minorities, racial mobs do not loot stores, and there is very little street crime.

America’s huge urban pockets of illiteracy do not exist. There is not the virulent political division that has gangs of uncontrolled Antifa  hoodlums stalking public officials. China takes education seriously, as America does not. Students study, behave as maturely as their age would suggest, and do not engage in middle-school politics.

In short, China does not appear to be in irremediable decadence. America does.

An intelligent dictatorship has crucial advantages over a chaotic pseudo-democracy. One is stability of policy. In America, we look to the next election in two, four, or six years. Businesses focus on the next quarter’s bottom line. Consequently policy flipflops. One administration has no interest in national health care, the next administration institutes it, and the third wants to eliminate it. Because policies are pulled and hauled in different directions by  special interests–in this case Big Pharma, insurance companies, the American Medical Association, and so on–the result is an automobile with five wheels, an electric motor but no batteries, and a catalytic converter that doesn’t work. After twenty-four years, from Bush II until  Trump leaves, we will neither have nor not have national health care.

China’s approach to empire is primarily commercial, America’s military.  The former turns a profit without firing a shot, and the latter generates a huge loss as the US tries to garrison the world. Always favoring coercion, Washington now tries to batter the planet into submission via tariffs, sanctions, embargoes, and so on. Whether it will work, or force the rest of the world to band together against America, remains to be seen. Meanwhile the Chinese economy grows.

America builds aircraft carriers. China builds railroads, this one in Laos.

A dictatorship can simply do things. It can plan twenty, or fifty,  years down the road.  If some massive engineering project will produce great advantages in thirty years, but be a dead loss until then, China can just do it. And often has. When I was in Chengdu, Beijing opened the Hongkong–Zhuhai-Macau oceanic bridge, thirty-our miles long.

The bridge. The US would take longer to decide to build it than the Chinese took actually to build it.

In the US? California wants high-speed rail from LA to San Fran. It has talked and wrangled for years without issue. The price keeps rising. The state can’t get rights of way because too many private owners have title to the land. Eminent domain? Conservatives would scream about sacred rights to property, liberals that Hispanic families were in the path, and airlines would bribe Congress to block it. America does  not know how to build high-speed rail and hiring China would arouse howling about national security, balance of payments, and the danger to motherhood and virginity. There will be no high speed rail, there or, probably,  anywhere else.

Wreckage from the 8.0 earthquake. This is not unrepaired devastation but, weirdly, is kept as a tourist attraction and actually propped up so it won’t collapse further. Phredfoto.

China has a government that can do things: In 2008 an 8.0 quake devastated the region near the Tibetan border, killing, according to the Chinese government, some 100,000 people. Buildings put up long before simply collapsed. Some years ago everything–the town, the local dam, and roads and houses–had been completely rebuilt, with structural steel so as, says the government, to withstand another such quake. Compare this with the unremedied wreckage in New Orleans due to Katrina.

Here we come to an important cultural or philosophical difference between the two countries. Many Orientals, to include the Chinese, view society as a collective instead of as a Wild West of individuals. In the East, one hears sayings like, “The nail that stands up is hammered down,” or “The high-standing flower is cut.” Americans who teach school in China report that students will not question a professor, even if he spouts arrant nonsense to see how they will react. They are not stupid. They know that the Neanderthals did not build a moon base in the early Triassic. But they say nothing.

This collectivism, highly disagreeable to Westerners (me, for example) has pros and cons. It makes for domestic tranquility and ability to work together, and probably accounts in large part for China’s stunning advances. On the other hand, it is said to reduce inventiveness.

There may be something to this. If you look at centuries of Chinese painting, you will see that each generation largely made copies of earlier masters. As nearly as I, a nonexpert, can tell, there is more variety and imagination in the Corcoran Gallery’s annual exhibition of high-school artists than in all of  of Chinese paining.

People alarmed at China’s growth point out hopefully that the Chinese in America have not founded Googles or Microsofts. No, though certainly have founded huge companies: Alibaba, Baidu, Tiensen for example. However, the distinction between inventiveness and really good engineering is not always clear, and the Chinese are fine engineers. With American education crashing under the attacks of Social Justice Warriors, basing the future on a lack of Chinese imagination seems may be a bit too adventurous.

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Bob P
Bob P
December 1, 2018 1:58 pm

Interesting article. One vital point was missed IMO. Much of China’s economic miracle, at least in the last decade, is due to money printing and debt. Of course, the same can be said of the West, and we have much less to show for it because of the warfare and welfare boondoggles. So China has more wisely spent its counterfeited money than we have, ghost cities notwithstanding, but they still have more debt than they can possibly repay. Is there no comeuppance for such irresponsibility? And, if so, will a billion-plus Chinese remain docile when their economy implodes?

December 1, 2018 4:22 pm

Fred makes some valid points but leads with this whopper,” China runs a large economic surplus…”

Not true as they’re just as close to their debt bomb going off as we are, maybe closer. As President Trump attempts to even the trade imbalance, their stock market has dropped off the edge of the table. But Like Fred notes, a dictatorship can turn on a dime if need be. In some cases a huge advantage.

The nature of our culture is in fact markedly different than China. When our country was 90%+ white, we were untouchable. Now? A much distant & contrasting situation.

And a situation that will only worsen. I hope to hell he’s wrong about a war though.

December 1, 2018 4:35 pm

“Not true as they’re just as close to their debt bomb going off as we are,”

Maybe. Maybe, not. (Although I suspect you are correct.)

My point is that I’m not sure anyone knows the fiscal situation in China …. not even the Chinese. EVERY LAYER — and there are many layers — in the bureaucracy LIES THROUGH THEIR TEETH regarding gains/losses.

December 1, 2018 5:57 pm

Same here, no?

December 1, 2018 4:47 pm

Absolutely one of Fred’s worst articles ever.

Why? Because is is so One-Sided. I felt like I was reading a Chinese Government Propaganda Travel Brochure.

Why didn’t he just say “America sucks in every way possible”? Cuz I think that was really the goal of this article.

Don’t get me wrong … the Chinese miracle is truly spectacular. But, this one-sided article totally avoids some of their HUGE problems. Environmental degradation is enormous …. which is to be expected when you stick 1.3 BILLION people in a land mass virtually identical to the USA. They graduate 25 MILLION high school students every year …. meaning, they’ll need economic miracles every year for as far as the eye can see. Their Surveillance State makes every other country look like amateurs.

That’s just for starters. Maybe Fred should take his Beaner wife and just move there since it’s so fucken wunderbar?

December 2, 2018 6:13 am

I agree, China clearly has done some things better than the US, which is no surprise since so many elites here don’t seem to give a shit about the US. China has some clear advantages, but he seems to find the communist style gov’t a big plus for “getting things done”. Well they have created some nice high speed rail, but they also have destroyed a ton of communities, created fake towns etc. just to create “growth”. China has been spending money like crazy as well. Their pollution problems are epic, and no way they can continue any real economic growth to support the masses. They also need ALOT of FOOD and ideally ‘clean’ water and these are big issues as well.

It’s just too easy to pick on the US, but the US is a strange balkanized country of extreme diversity. Some areas of the US look amazing, others look like they are the remains of an old war. Having met people that have left China, the US freedoms may be on a severe decline, but they pale in comparison to China. For me, I think high speed rail is completely overated and mostly useless for passengers anyway. In the internet era do we really need tons of folks moving from place to place constantly. Very few places in the US could even begin to truly use such a thing. Now improving our railroad system for moving food, goods, etc, from its archaic days would be nice though. Upgrading our crappy electric grid and our horrible internet would also be useful. But having Amtrak 2.0 or building an uber expensive train for some commuters in a few places in America is a waste of money, or at least a waste of investment in nearly every place in America outside a few. The US should focus on the fundamentals that really make the world move, food, water, energy, making i-phones isn’t the future, the future will resemble the past as populations go up and our food production continues to struggle on dead soil propped up by chemicals and massive inputs of oil.

December 2, 2018 10:52 am

America does suck in every way possible. That is why so few people want to relocate here. Fred being the exception he gave up his citizenship to live in Mexico, right? (sarc off).
Problem is the Chinese,Mexicans and Europeans have to many Representatives in Congress.

December 1, 2018 5:01 pm

Try publishing a newspaper in China critical of the Central Committee! It sounds as though you favor dictatorship. If so, then emigrate!

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 1, 2018 5:19 pm

Just because a black South African now uses the wheel to get to his office while wearing a suit and tie with shined shoes does not mean he had anything whatsoever to do with any of it other than his ability to adapt. China stole technology from the West or took it via policy where western corporations could do business in China but only own 49% of that business while turning over all the technology to run that business. Such a deal.

As for debt as bad as it is in the U.S., China is in far worse shape. Furthermore, all those empty cities China built are sitting there decaying. The building of them went into the growth figures for China’s economy.

Fred is out of his freaking mind to say that liberty is less important to economic prosperity than a benevolent dictatorship. Ants don’t do much but what they have already done. When all is said and done, innovation comes from free exploration. We used to have a lot more of that in this country, but that doesn’t mean it was not important to the industrial revolution and the ongoing technological advances that have improved the lives of millions, including those people in China who today would be still be the shithole it was all the time it had dictators that didn’t have the sense to steal from the West.

What is wrong in this country is the decline in freedom, not that it doesn’t have the very best dictator running things. Socialists are the problem. In that system things get done whether you can afford them or not and while you screw your trading partners at every opportunity. China will find that out in due time. In the meantime the fight for our lives goes on here and we are losing, not for want of more coercion in our daily lives, but that it is overwhelming us.

December 2, 2018 10:30 am

The European people are the most inventive people on the planet which has been well documented by Charles Murray in his book “Human Accomplishment : The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950”. Europeans invented the modern world and that includes China, Japan and South Korea. The threat to Western Civilization does not come from China or Japan but from mass immigration from the third world which is helping to corrupt the political process, lower our standards in universities and institutions, and divert critical wealth to maintain a growing third-world underclass that now represents over 25% of the US population. Our greatest asset is not the landmass and its resources but the European people – the gene pool shaped and moulded over 100,000 years since the great migration out of Africa. Sadly, this genetic history that sustains western man that is in many respects unique is being diluted and degraded by immigration and maladaptive child-bearing practices within the White community which entails regressive evolution. The sad fact is that throughout the European world, western man is getting dumber and less able to sustain let alone build Western Civilization. The US and all western nations must shut the door to non-European immigration now and stop funding births from the left side of the IQ bell curve….as a modest start. The ultimate outcome is a very limited government with most services such as education and health care delivered locally within small communities. As an aside, I toured China in the later 1980s, carried out joint research projects with Chinese scientists and lectured at Beijing University…and my sense is that the future is not China despite the remarkable progress since then and not withstanding the decline of western nations for the reasons noted above. The European world is in the throes of a great awakening that will shake Christian Western Civilization to its foundations to be followed by a renewal which has happened before, for example, after the collapse of the Roman Empire. I don’t think western man is about to go silently into that dark night despite Fred’s forecast but there will be major upheaval and the times will be harsh and perhaps cruel during this necessary rebirth of the European people and their Civilization.

December 9, 2018 9:04 am
