Facebook Loses the Public’s Trust

Infographic: Facebook Loses the Public's Trust | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Out of the major tech companies, people trust Facebook the least with their personal information. Amazon and Twitter come in a distant second and third, with 8 percent of people saying they trust these companies the least with their personal information. Five times more people place Facebook as the least trustworthy company to handle their personal information when compared to Amazon and Twitter.

Reports recently revealed that Facebook had hired a communications firm to do opposition research against George Soros to traffic anti-Semitic attacks against the progressive philanthropist after he made disparaging remarks against the company.

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December 15, 2018 8:38 pm

I notice that the government is NOT included in the survey. But why would they be? I have a CHOICE not to give my information to all of these others, while I can’t even exist as a legal citizen in the US without giving the worthless government all of my information. And how well to THEY secure it? Horribly, of course. And of course as we know from Wikileaks, Snowden, and others, the NSA (and others) are tapped in 100% to ALL of these other corporations (those that are not basically “subsidiaries” of the NSA), so they end up will all of THAT information as well.