Don’t Laugh — It’s Giving Putin What He Wants

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

The BBC has published an article titled “How Putin’s Russia turned humour into a weapon” about the Kremlin’s latest addition to its horrifying deadly hybrid warfare arsenal: comedy.

The article is authored by Olga Robinson, whom the BBC, unhindered by any trace of self-awareness, has titled “Senior Journalist (Disinformation)”. Robinson demonstrates the qualifications and acumen which earned her that title by warning the BBC’s audience that the Kremlin has been using humor to dismiss and ridicule accusations that have been leveled against it by western governments, a “form of trolling” that she reports is designed to “deliberately lower the level of discussion”.

“Russia’s move towards using humour to influence its campaigns is a relatively recent phenomenon,” Robinson explains, without speculating as to why Russians might have suddenly begun laughing at their western accusers. She gives no consideration to the possibility that the tightly knit alliance of western nations who suddenly began hysterically shrieking about Russia two years ago have simply gotten much more ridiculous and easier to make fun of during that time.

Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the emergence of a demented media environment wherein everything around the world from French protests to American culture wars to British discontent with the European Union gets blamed on Russia without any facts or evidence. Wherein BBC reporters now correct guests and caution them against voicing skepticism of anti-Russia narratives because the UK is in “an information war” with that nation. Wherein the same cable news Russiagate pundit can claim that both Rex Tillerson’s hiring and his later firing were the result of a Russian conspiracy to benefit the Kremlin. Wherein mainstream outlets can circulate blatantly false information about Julian Assange and unnamed “Russians” and then blame the falseness of that reporting on Russian disinformation. Wherein Pokemon Go, cutesy Facebook memes and $4,700 in Google ads are sincerely cited as methods by which Hillary Clinton’s $1.2 billion presidential campaign was outdone. Wherein conspiracy theories that Putin has infiltrated the highest levels of the US government have been blaring on mainstream headline news for two years with absolutely nothing to show for it to this day.

Nope, the only possibility is that the Kremlin suddenly figured out that humor is a thing.

The fact of the matter is that humorous lampooning of western establishment Russia narratives writes itself. The hypocrisy is so cartoonish, the emotions are so breathlessly over-the-top, the stories so riddled with plot holes and the agendas underlying them so glaringly obvious that they translate very easily into laughs. I myself recently authored a satire piece that a lot of people loved and which got picked up by numerous alternative media outlets, and all I did was write down all the various escalations this administration has made against Russia as though they were commands being given to Trump by Putin. It was extremely easy to write, and it was pretty damn funny if I do say so myself. And it didn’t take any Kremlin rubles or dezinformatsiya from St Petersburg to figure out how to write it.

“Ben Nimmo, an Atlantic Council researcher on Russian disinformation, told the BBC that attempts to create funny memes were part of the strategy as ‘disinformation for the information age’,” the article warns. Nimmo, ironically, is himself intimately involved with the British domestic disinformation firm Integrity Initiative, whose shady government-sponsored psyops against the Labour Party have sparked a national scandal that is likely far from reaching peak intensity.

“Most comedy programmes on Russian state television these days are anodyne affairs which either do not touch on political topics, or direct humour at the Kremlin’s perceived enemies abroad,” Robinson writes, which I found funny since I’d just recently read an excellent essay by Michael Tracey titled “Why has late night swapped laughs for lusting after Mueller?”

“If the late night ‘comedy’ of the Trump era has something resembling a ‘message,’ it’s that large segments of the nation’s liberal TV viewership are nervously tracking every Russia development with a passion that cannot be conducive to mental health — or for that matter, political efficacy,” Tracey writes, documenting numerous examples of the ways late night comedy now has audiences cheering for a US intelligence insider and Bush appointee instead of challenging power-serving media orthodoxies as programs like The Daily Show once did.

If you wanted the opposite of “anodyne affairs”, it would be comedians ridiculing the way all the establishment talking heads are manipulating their audiences into supporting the US intelligence community and FBI insiders. It would be excoriating the media environment in which unfathomably powerful world-dominating government agencies are subject to less scrutiny and criticism than a man trapped in an embassy who published inconvenient facts about those agencies. It certainly wouldn’t be the cast of Saturday Night Live singing “All I Want for Christmas Is You” to a framed portrait if Robert Mueller wearing a Santa hat. It doesn’t get much more anodyne than that.

Russia makes fun of western establishment narratives about it because those narratives are so incredibly easy to make fun of that they are essentially asking for it, and the nerdy way empire loyalists are suddenly crying victim about it is itself more comedy. When Guardian writer Carole Cadwalladr began insinuating that RT covering standard newsworthy people like Julian Assange and Nigel Farage was a conspiracy to “boost” those people for the advancement of Russian agendas instead of a news outlet doing the thing that news reporting is, RT rightly made fun of her for it. Cadwalladr reacted to RT’s mockery with a claim that she was a victim of “attacks”, instead of the recipient of perfectly justified ridicule for circulating an intensely moronic conspiracy theory.

Ah well. People are nuts and we’re hurtling toward a direct confrontation with a nuclear superpower. Sometimes there’s nothing else to do but laugh. As Wavy Gravy said, “Keep your sense of humor, my friend; if you don’t have a sense of humor it just isn’t funny anymore.”

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December 16, 2018 2:04 pm

I agree the BBC has become nothing but propaganda and if you want ‘news’ RT is a better source but I have no illusions about Putin’s Russia. When political opposition leaders are found shot to death on the sidewalk outside the Kremlin or GRU agents are seen walking around Salisbury, England to ‘see the cathedral at the same time a ex Russian GRU colonel is poisoned with a Russian nerve agent it ain’t no joke.

The sad thing is Russian people deserve better. No reason they should not enjoy a Western standard of living but between the oligarchs skimming the wealth of the nation so they can buy 300 foot yachts, sports teams and mansions in the West while Russia, mired in recession for several years after oil and gas prices collapse still staggers around with a sub 2% growth rate. In any normal democracy such pitiful figures would have Putin on the ropes but he doesn’t have any opposition party.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
December 16, 2018 2:48 pm

Unit472, very clever trolling technique. First you admit BBC is full of shit to show you agree with most TBP readers, then you start introducing tons of bullshit such as:

1. GRU agents seen walking around Salisbury. I must have missed the proof that those two guys where GRU agents. Did CNN report that?

2. Poisoned with a Russian nerve agent. You must be talking about the chemical that Russian had decades ago but no one has found evidence of it laying around Russia in decades. However, it was probably laying around a British chemical lab not too far from Salisbury. An unusual coincidence, I’m sure.

3. No reason the Russian people should not enjoy a Western standard of living. Have you been to Russia lately and compared it to US cities. I think Russians are doing very well for themselves. But maybe Russians want what we have like tent cities of homeless and opioid crisis among our citizens.

4. Russian oligarchs with 300′ yachts, sport terms, and mansions. Are talking about Jeff Bezos, the Walton family, Sheldon Adelson, etc. etc. We all know they only use their wealth to help the lower half of US society.

5. In any normal democracy Putin would be on the ropes. Of course any leader with approval ratings between 70-80% are susceptible being tossed out.

Here is an idea, maybe if we stopped blaming Russia and worrying about Putin for a couple years, we might be able to at least talk about our own problems and how to solve them.

Fuck that idea, blaming Russia is so much easier then solving problems.

No Thanks I Just Ate
No Thanks I Just Ate
December 16, 2018 2:11 pm

Breaking News: U.S. Major News Media Claim American Public Failing to Take Sober Warnings of Russian Threats Seriously

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December 16, 2018 4:10 pm

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December 16, 2018 4:10 pm

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No Thanks I Just Ate
No Thanks I Just Ate
December 16, 2018 9:43 pm

BOMBSHELL: Alec Baldwin Secretly Thanks Donald Trump for Reviving Sagging Career, “If Not for Donny I’d STILL be Unemployed, Homeless & Eating Out of Dumpsters.”

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December 16, 2018 5:25 pm

The propaganda Main Stream Media in the west is more than a sick joke…it has evolved into the enemy of the people. One of the greatest services provided by Trump is to label the MSM as “Fake News” and argue they are the enemy of the people. Both are correct.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
December 16, 2018 7:24 pm

““Ben Nimmo, an Atlantic Council researcher on Russian disinformation, told the BBC that attempts to create funny memes were part of the strategy as ‘disinformation for the information age’,” the article warns. ”

Yo mentioned we were in a meme war 4(?) years ago.