Trump Tells 7-Year-Old Boy That Santa Isn’t Real

Via ZeroHedge

The White House had already easily met its Christmas controversy quota by shuttering the government, pulling out of Syria and browbeating the chairman of the Federal Reserve during the runup to the holiday. But amid all of the outrage and virtue-signaling backlash to his latest string of policy decisions, President Trump apparently committed an unforgivable violation in the eyes of many liberals on Christmas Eve: Telling a child that Santa isn’t real.

During what has become a White House tradition, President Trump and the First Lady joined NORAD in its tradition of tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. The president even took calls from children who were hoping to speak with Santa directly. In response to a request from a seven-year-old boy named Coleman, Trump asked whether the boy was “still a believer” in Santa “because at seven it’s marginal, right?”

Though the news broke late on Christmas Eve, it swiftly stirred up outrage on Twitter. After reading the pool report, one Washington Post columnist was rendered incredulous by the audacity displayed by the president to dare joke with a young child about such a serious subject.

Some laughed off the comment as just another example of Trump being Trump…

…At least one person on twitter accused the president of “ruining Christmas” and demanded he resign.

And others simply seized on the opportunity to mock Trump.

For what it’s worth, Trump and Melania tweeted that helping children track Santa had become one of their favorite traditions.

But angry liberals should be able to find a silver lining in all of this: at least Trump didn’t insist that Santa was white and/or a man.

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Old Toad of Green Acres
Old Toad of Green Acres
December 25, 2018 10:37 am

Many years ago, after the now ex-wife told the kids Santa was not real, my son was reading a Yankee magazine while on the terlet. I was in the nearby tub, soaking.
He stated quite firmly while tapping the printed page, “Scientific evidence, says right here, Reindeer Fly.”
The spirit of Christmas is alive.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
  Old Toad of Green Acres
December 25, 2018 12:17 pm

You were soaking in the tub?

December 25, 2018 11:49 am

Merry Dies Natalis Solis Invictus

Translated; ‘Day Of The Unconquered Sun’

Both the sun and Christ were said to be born anew on December 25. The Dies Natalis Invicti was first celebrated in Rome by order of the Emperor Aurelian (270-5), an ardent worshipper of the Syrian sun-god Baal. With the Sol Invictus was identified the figure of Mithra, that strange eastern god whose cult resembled in so many ways the worship of Jesus, and who was at one time a serious rival of the Christ in the minds of thoughtful men.

Mithraism resembled Christianity in its monotheistic tendencies, its sacraments, its comparatively high morality, its doctrine of an Intercessor and Redeemer, and its vivid belief in a future life and judgment to come. Moreover Sunday was its holy-day dedicated to the Sun.

The winter solstice celebration that developed throughout much of the inhabited world has been handed down as “Christmas,” i.e., December 25th, the birthday of the “sun of God.” “Christmas” is thus an extremely ancient celebration, predating the Christian era by many millennia.

Have a Happy Solstice!

December 25, 2018 12:03 pm

Another headline might have read:

Trump won’t Lie to Children on Christmas

no one
no one
December 25, 2018 7:14 pm

A friend of mine tried telling her son Santa was not real when he was 8… he wouldn’t buy it. “You expect me to believe you and Dad buy me all that stuff?”

December 25, 2018 1:01 pm

Never too young to red pill.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 25, 2018 1:31 pm

I’ve never understood how you can teach your children that God exists if you start by talking about Santa and then tell them a while later that it was all a bunch of bullshit. So we never indulged the Santa fantasy.

  Iska Waran
December 25, 2018 8:50 pm

We started with the standard Santa Claus/Easter Bunny crap with our children. I got to thinking that by the time they are 8-10 years old they’re going to figure it out for themselves and get to thinking that mom and dad probably lied to us about that Jesus guy too. We came clean with them. Tossed the tree and ornaments etc. They didn’t turn out half bad.

December 25, 2018 1:35 pm

Finally, a legimate reason for democrats to seek impeachment.

December 25, 2018 3:27 pm

For little Colman Santa has existed everyday since he was born

One day he’s going to get a lump of coal

December 25, 2018 3:59 pm

So he’s in trouble AGAIN for not bullshitting a deplorable flyoverlander? May wonders never cease.