An Idiot’s Guide To The Federal Reserve SCAM

Guest Post by Mark M.

In the past four years since my retirement I have sent countless e-mails to family and friends about the history and the future of what the international Banksters and their spawn, our own national wealth vampire blood suckers the FED, have wrought and the circling economic EVERYTHING BUBBLE drain hole they are intentionally swirling U.S. and the rest of the world around!

I often threw in the history of the all the other hydria headed Luciferian tentacles.

I saw myself as an internet Paul Revere to those closest to me and usually sent an image of that famous patriot’s ride with my warnings. I’m sure because of the number of e-mails some of them saw me more as a right wing nut…coming lose in his 6th decade…reaching an aging tipping point, but I always backed up my warnings with confirmed documented history, data and or hard facts.

Both my Father and my Grandfather warned me and intentionally trained me to prepare for and fight the three major villains in life:

1. Bullies

2. Banksters

3. Communists

I listened hard and never forgot their warnings or their advice on how to react to all three.

I especially remember my Father staring hard into my eyes and telling me. “After you shake hands with a Banker…always count your fingers.”

As a boy, a teenager, a young man, a middle aged man and now an old man (still standing straight, steely eyed, armed to the teeth and still pissing copious amounts of vinegar) I have been a voracious reader of History all my life, favoring the study of the recent American Nation State Republic and it’s Constitutional explosion of light into the long global tyrannical darkness. However, the darkness is closing back in, led in part by the domestic traitors of the FED since 1913.

It’s time to ride once again and shout the warning.

I believe “We the People” are approaching the greatest challenge and clash in this 4th Turning of our collective His–Story.

Recently, I posted an essay on TBP from a friend about the history of the FED and while researching a sentence in it I discovered the amazing website below.

WOW…There it was! The most comprehensive single splash of historical truth, text and graphics a modern day Paul Revere could possibly want to pass on and proclaim.

I realize most on TBP are well aware of what is in this website. I sent it to Admin because I thought if those who feel like I do, that we have to engage and inform and wake up as many Americans as possible, this is one of the most powerful single clicks I have found to pass on to do that.

An Idiot’s Guide To The Federal Reserve SCAM

By Quinton Figueroa

This system requires that we go deeper into debt every month than we were the previous month. We have to always borrow more currency into existence than we are extinguishing every single month or the whole thing starts to collapse.

Mike Maloney 

Although listed as part of the Treasury Department, the IRS is actually a private collection agency for the Federal Reserve System. It originated as the Black Hand in mediaeval Italy, collectors of debt by force and extortion for the ruling Italian mob families. All personal income taxes collected by the IRS are required by law to be deposited in the nearest Federal Reserve Bank, under Sec. 15 of the Federal Reserve Act, “The moneys held in the general fund of the Treasury may be ….deposited in Federal reserve banks, which banks, when required by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall act as fiscal agents of the United States.”

Eustace Mullins Secrets of the Federal Reserve

If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash, or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless situation is almost incredible – but there it is.

Irving Fisher

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

Henry Ford
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January 8, 2019 4:33 pm

Here’s hoping.
Maybe the ripple this pebble makes in the ocean will reach someone in the Seychelles who uses it to slay Darth Vader.

January 8, 2019 5:01 pm


You never know…I’ll never forget the look on the face in the mirror after the light went on for me.

This website appears to me to be the shortest reading/visual distance in-between being an uneducated serf and an educated American.

If I had the ability I’d put this in every in-box in the country. (Then I’d stay out of convertables and motorcades.)

I have been outside their greedy gasp with most of what mine a for a while now (still have all my fingers thanks to my Dad) hope to be 99% out ASAP. (1% to pay bills until their controlled demolation turns the 4th corner).

January 8, 2019 5:56 pm

Me too. My meager retirement check is all they’ll get in a money grab.
I have an eclectic stash of tradable items that will be worth more than gold if we get the Full Monte Zombie Apocalypse.
Here’s an investment tip for a homesteader like you.
Cattle Salt blocks and Vet Antibiotics from Cal Labs.

January 8, 2019 6:10 pm


Good Tip!

Me and my neighbor (he has 34 acres I have 14, but he has horses and the fencing) have discussed going partners on meat and milk on the hoof.

I keep a dozen bags of chicken feed and pecking blocks (in big plastic tubs) and rotate them.

Turned my hayloft into BarnMart all kinds of racks of barter goodies stashed.

Sam Dennis
Sam Dennis
January 8, 2019 6:24 pm

And when the hungry mobs are at the gate seeking all you got, you won’t have enough weapons and bullets to stop them.

  Sam Dennis
January 8, 2019 6:46 pm

The hungry mobs have to survive each other and disease first. Then they have a long walk to Mark’s place and even longer to mine and mine doesn’t have any water for 50 miles except a wind powered stock tank guarded by pissed off Nam vet hermits with peace decals and spit on each bullet.

January 9, 2019 12:59 am


If you haven’t already get yourself enough 2×6’s to surround your place, pepper them with long thin finishing nails and when the SHTF lay’em under all windows and in front of all door and porch approaches at night.

I have pine straw everywhere to cover mine.

You remenber the punji drill…sleep tight until you hear the desperate shrill screaming.

  Sam Dennis
January 8, 2019 9:51 pm

Shit Sam don’t be a defeatist…all that will do is get you defeated.

I hope to have and have planned and prepped for my immediate family to gather and live on my Farm when TSHTF. Plenty of housing, self-sufficiency and vast extensive preps, two of the five men are grunt combat veterans and I have a network of neighbors and Church brothers and sisters who will stand together.

Like Flea said further down, “We will be entering the Warrior era of honesty, integrity and decency” for some. If and when the starving Golden Horde shows up, I have plans on how to deal with them too. That contingency won’t catch me by surprise.

January 8, 2019 10:53 pm

P.R. Sakar was an Indian scholar who developed the theory of the 4 stages of civilizations or empires.
I begins with the Warrior stage of stong honest warrior types and moves gradually through the religious or intellectual stage to the aquisitor or banker stage and degenerates into the Laborer or me me stage of rampant greed, degeneracy, extreme self centered or Narcissistic rot. This is a short stage for obvious reasons and requires a return of the honest strong kick ass and take names later type to straighten it out.
You can find the condensed version on pdf in Ravi Batra’s book “the coming depression of 1990” at the beginning. He used it to explain the coming depression. His mistake was not believing markets can remain irrational longer than investors can remain solvent.

January 8, 2019 11:07 pm


Just ordered it!

January 8, 2019 11:34 pm

Ok, see you tomorrow. Need my beauty rest. Not trying to get pretty, just don’t want to lose any more ground.

  Sam Dennis
January 9, 2019 1:22 pm


You might find this interesting.

Defending a Venezuelan Homestead: “Eventually people will come for what you have”

Defending a Venezuelan Homestead: “Eventually people will come for what you have”

mark branham
mark branham
January 8, 2019 4:55 pm

YES!!! The facts are damning enough… but it’s the consequences of debt-money that is the sizzle. When you ponder long enough, you’ll see why Damon Vrabel called this the civil rights issue of the 21st century. This time, it’s truly do or die.

Uh, oh-oh. Just went to the site. The first point(the FED creates all the money we have) is wrong. Even saying that commercial banks create the money, while technically correct, misses the critical fact – someone has to “borrow” the money before the commercial bank can create it. Only when YOU “borrow” is money created. But no one creates the interest. That must be captured by YOU. Capitalism survives by creating competition between “borrowers” to earn the principle PLUS the interest. So is it capitalism that creates progress or competition? If an honest monetary system is ever created, where’s the competition that pushes us forward? Awakening to the truth presents interesting dialog.

  mark branham
January 8, 2019 5:46 pm

Mark B ..
Gold and silver are honest money systems. Coin shaving and lead additives not withstanding.
Fed apologists will tell you it’s not practical to carry etc. or that Crypto is the way. Both are false statements.

mark branham
mark branham
January 8, 2019 6:10 pm

We’ve tried them, they don’t work, plus, they do not empower the people to control the congress. The function of money must be redefined… not simply a medium of exchange/store of value… honest money must exert control over the issuer.

  mark branham
January 8, 2019 6:50 pm

Gold doesn’t have an issuer. We humans used gold and silver for millennium before Gotleib.

January 8, 2019 7:13 pm

Flea I know you know this but it connected some dots for me. It was written by a friend of mine on the evolution of our collective screwing. Its long but so is the explanation…and the screwing:


Down through the centuries, under normal circumstances, it has always been observed that only a tiny percentage of depositors will claim their actual wealth at any one time. Thus the temptation is for bankers to “lend” more funds than they actually possess; they are “lending” what does not even exist. This is “fractional-reserve banking” – the ultimate euphemism of banking and fraud.

Money is a medium of exchange and the study of its use is called economics. In days gone by, bartering was the order of the day. If you had corn and wanted wheat, and I had wheat and wanted corn, we would decide how much of one commodity was equivalent to the other and make an exchange on this basis. However, bartering is an awkward process because of the unwieldy items involved. Obviously, exchanges of goods would be facilitated if people used something less cumbersome as a medium of exchange such as gold or silver. If I grow wheat, by exchanging my wheat for gold this permits me to obtain other things conveniently when I want them.

Thus hard to find metals like gold and silver became widely used mediums of exchange. Once people started using precious metals to trade goods, the need to transform these metals into standardized amounts became necessary. This led to the development of rudimentary coins; whereby a ruling authority would weigh out various amounts of these precious metals and stamp them as to purity and weight.

Once this practice became common, it was only a matter of time before coins took on their characteristic disc shape and were impressed with a mint date and the likenesses of important officials. With the development of coinage, a person could exchange the fruits of their labor for coins and use them to obtain other things when convenient. During good times, some people ended up with more coins than they needed. Thus they had to find a safe place to keep them. This brought the goldsmith into the picture. Goldsmiths worked with precious metals and as a result, needed a safe or strongbox within which they would keep their supplies. Having this capability made sense for people to take their excess coins to the goldsmith for safekeeping. Upon doing so, the goldsmith gave them a written receipt for the amount of coins being stored. Soon people realized that instead of trading coins for the things they needed they could conveniently trade the receipts instead. Thus, paper currency was born and this blessing freed people from carrying bags of bulky coins.

This rudimentary monetary system worked well in small agrarian economies, but as villages turned into towns and towns into cities, a need to borrow money developed and who was better positioned to loan money than the goldsmith. Not only did he have his own money on hand, but he also held other people’s money which was sitting in his coffers doing nothing. Of course, if the goldsmith was going to loan other people’s money, he needed to share some of the interest he earned with them. This was the start of modern banking.

The goldsmiths were our first bankers. People would entrust their money to the banker/goldsmith and instead of paying for this service, he would pay them a share of the interest he received from loaning their money to other people. From a depositor’s or borrower’s perspective this made sense, was beneficial, and appeared reasonable. However, appearances can be deceiving and just how deceiving will soon be addressed.

If people are going to borrow money from a goldsmith, for obvious reasons, it would be far more convenient if the loan was made in paper demand notes instead of coins. However, the demand notes presently in circulation were for all the coins held by the goldsmith. How could the goldsmith issue demand notes on coins which he did not have? Being a clever fellow, the goldsmith solved his quandary by reasoning as follows: It was a rare occurrence when someone retrieved all the coins they deposited with me. Therefore, if I issued demand notes for more coins than I had, the chances are that I would always have sufficient money on hand to cover the notes which were redeemed by one or even several of my depositors.

This line of reasoning made sense, so our enterprising goldsmith went out on the limb and adopted this practice. Upon so doing, fractional banking was born. No one would be injured or hurt by this practice unless there was a run on the goldsmith’s strongbox. Aside from this possibility, this development was a blessing to society. However, unknown to everyone else, it was a greater blessing to the goldsmith. In fact, it was so much greater that the goldsmiths became far wealthier than an average citizen.

For every loan made by the goldsmith, the borrower had to pay the goldsmith not only the interest accrued by the loan, but also the total amount originally borrowed and this was true for every loan the goldsmith made. The borrower was happy because he was able to obtain something he wanted before he earned the money to buy it. The fact that this privilege also cost him the interest he agreed to pay did not dampen his enthusiasm. On the other hand, the goldsmith was far happier than the borrower. He was reaping huge returns from his loans and he was loaning money to every borrower in town. This state of affairs made the goldsmith very wealthy and it was this unconscionable wealth which positioned the goldsmith to hold sway over the institutions of society and in time, even over governments.

It is not right for one person to reap huge returns from someone else’s labor while doing virtually nothing themselves to earn the money they receive. This is why usury was considered a crime for many early societies. In some places, the punishment for usury was death. While it is true that the borrower benefited from his loan, it is also true that until the loan is paid off, the borrower was an indentured servant to the lender. The lender owned a piece of the borrower’s time and efforts. In effect, this made the borrower a part time slave to the lender. In olden days, such a state of affairs was considered to be wrong and immoral.

The Bible condemned usury: “If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.” -(Exodus 22:25).

You will find nearly a hundred verses that speak to the evil issue of usury.

The Roman Catholic Church had a problem with this, and chose to franchise money-lending to the Jewish House of Rothschild in 1823/24, by commissioning the House of Rothschild to be their “Fiduciary Agent”.

Throughout history, knowledge about the nature of debt and its creation was a mystery to most everyone. The bankers took great pains to keep things this way. They knew what a tremendously good thing they had going. Therefore, their first order of business was to insure nothing upset this applecart. This is why most governments have never addressed or come to grips with this extremely unfair situation. The bankers were always there and more than willing to use their great wealth to persuade those in positions of authority to help keep their secret. Thus, concurrent with the advent of modern banking, we also have the advent of government corruption. These two things are inseparable and you cannot have one without the other.

No one can honestly postulate that central banking by a private bank is a good thing for the citizens of a nation. However, many people do and because they do, it necessarily follows that either they are complete fools or feathering their own nest. There are no other possibilities.

January 8, 2019 8:41 pm

Corrupt Government ebbs and flows thus 4turnings or my preference of 4 stages of society by Sakhar. We are leaving the 4th or the me me society and entering the Warrior era of honesty, integrity and decency.
The Hydra is more than fractional reserve banking. With it are the other 3 horsemen of compounding interest, inflated currency and a worldwide Banking Monopoly.
There was a time when banks issued notes on a user beware system but they were separated from Govt. just as an example. There were ideas floated for a PayPal type of system based on PM’s. You deposit something of agreed value like iron ingots or somebody else’s wife and you are accredited x amount of gold at the closing price in London.
Doesn’t matter if it was Ahabs wife or camel or whether he was in Mongolia or Qatar. The point of it was no Govt. Aand no Central Banking Monopoly. There will always be scammers but removing the Nefarious (and yes I know what word I’m using) Zionist banking Cabal will remove the leach from humanities neck. Even returning to a time when all governments issued independent currency is preferable but inferior to PM’s.
Buying governments and using them to buy or conquer other countries and installing banking monopolies is how we got here. Undoing that is how we get out barring Armageddon.

January 8, 2019 9:29 pm


“We are leaving the 4th or the me me society and entering the Warrior era of honesty, integrity and decency:

That’s an intriguing statement in your usual striped down staccato images and an adapt description about the “twilight” we are living in…in-between the me me society and the gritty conflict that seems right around the corner.

Sometimes, I feel like the future is a hot LZ (especially after the DEW videos) and I’m hunched down in a viberating Chinook taking hits… sitting on my helmet, praying a round doesn’t blow off one of my balls before we hit the ground in tomorrow land.

Well Flea, I guess we both know: “It don’t mean noth’in.”

January 8, 2019 9:53 pm

Markus, have you ever read The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Clason?
Check it out.
I doubt you need to learn anything from it, but it is a good gift to give to those you care about, who are struggling financially.
The premise:
If we’re stuck in the system, certain things will help you navigate through it to become wise about real money.
Getting out and staying out of debt is primary, and paying yourself first and foremost from your wages earned with a percentage (10% minimum), to be put aside / saved; never to be touched for spending purposes, but for investment and further growth opportunities.
As it reads, now one might think all your wages are yours to keep.
Not true, if you’re paying for rent, food, clothing, etc.
When you have debts, most will take earnings and proceed to pay a portion to as many lenders we might be indebted to, and then try and thrive on what’s left over, and it never seems to be enough. Hence, never getting ahead.

It’s a good quick read, with Bible speak, based in ancient Babylon, as interpreted by an Englishman who unearthed tablets that needed translation to understand. Him being quite indebted himself, the closing chapters are how he puts the lessons of the tablets to work in his own life, with extraordinary success.
It’s available in paperback, is about 1/2 inch thick, about $15 bucks.

I recommend it, if you haven’t seen it already.
I’ve given numerous copies to young adults starting out in the working world, to hopefully get them on the right path toward wealth management, and correctly learning some wise, old habits that too few are habitually practicing. Send feedback, if new to you, you get it, and devour it.

January 8, 2019 10:41 pm

Thanks Augee!

It sounds right up my alley.

I will buy it as it sounds like (after I have read it) a worthy pass along.

I’m big on passing on the right books to people I care about.

January 9, 2019 8:15 am
January 9, 2019 10:48 am

Stacking Stock strikes again!

Good One!

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 1:29 pm

“The Ascent of Money” can be found on Youtube.

mark branham
mark branham
January 9, 2019 12:03 am

As long as you people continue to look backwards, that’s just how long you’ll continue to be debt-serfs.

  mark branham
January 9, 2019 12:29 am

WHOA there arrogant assuming one…just who are these “debt serfs” and “you people” you are attempting to lecture?

I don’t like broad brush condescending comments the spouter is usually a flannel mouth.

First, without a detailed and accurate knowledge of history and how we got in this Ponzi scam and who put us in it, we won’t know how to get out of it.

This link was intended as educational for the TBPers interested to share with the masses (read my intro) most here are well aware of the financial tyranny they were born into. You’re the one who seems not to be able to grasp some foundational truths in past related posts.

Second, I’m no one’s serf, I’m a debt free, stacked, prepped, hard asset/cash flush, significantly self-sufficient, heavily armed wrong man to poke with a sharp stick or a dull wit…so watch your step mb…your snark added nothing to the discussion.

mark branham
mark branham
January 9, 2019 4:11 am

Go Fuck Yourself with your threats asshole.

I know more about money and debt than you ever will. That site you send people to is WRONG. But you wouldn’t know that because your a fucking asshole with shit for brains. Your a part of the debt system whether you know it or not.

HISTORY proves gold and silver are subject to the same manipulation as what you call fiat money. But you wouldn’t know that either because your a self absorbed moron. Dig a hole and craw into it mf’er, you deserve what’s coming.

  mark branham
January 9, 2019 10:00 am

Tisk…tisk tisk…arrogant, condescending and touchy!!! I have had about enough of your smug blather and pissy attitude branham.

You said: “I know more about money and debt than you ever will.”

If you want to debate facts have at it…if you just want to toss out “know it all blurbs” with no details I’m not taking you serious, I doubt anyone else will, prove your statement above. PROVE IT flannel mouth!

You said; “HISTORY proves gold and silver are subject to the same manipulation as what you call fiat money.”

First, “fiat” is what it is called not what I call it. Next in my book it is a “debt instrument” after that “future toilet paper” works for me. I will take PMs in my hands with no records over digital promises issued by thieves all day long. Between 1999 and 2010 I made a small fortune in PMs…but that is nothing to what is coming after the EVERYTHING BUBBLE the Banksters have inflated pops

You said: “Your a part of the debt system whether you know it or not.”

I told you oh condescending one I am and have been for a long time intentionally debt free and mostly out of the grip of the greedy, parasitical Banksters. I cannot control the corrupt system I was born into but once I investigated and understood it I got out of it as fast and far as I could.

You said: “HISTORY proves gold and silver are subject to the same
manipulation as what you call fiat money.”

First, “fiat” is what it is called not what I call it. Next in my book it is a “debt instrument” after that “future toilet paper” works for me. I will take PMs in my hands with no records over digital promises issued by thieves all day long. Between 1999 and 2010 I made a small fortun in PMs…but that is nothing to what is coming after the EVERYTHING BUBBLE the Banksters and their Monopoly has inflated pops!

You said: “your a self absorbed moron.”

Stick and stones will break my bones but flannel mouths will never hurt me.

You said: “Dig a hole and craw into it mf’er, you deserve what’s coming.”

Well I do already have an unground combo root cellar, ammo bunker, and tornado shelter we spent a scary 30 minutes in as a twister passed by so there is that, but neither I nor any American deserves a cabal of Luciferian Banksters and their corrupt government lackeys plundering our wealth, driving U.S. into hopeless debt and stealing our children’s and grandchildren’s future, no matter how much an idiot like you wishes them upon U.S.

I asked you this once before on another post and you never answered: Do you work for the FED??? Or a bank???

January 9, 2019 10:32 am

He’s a paid Soros troll. Knows less about money than Ocasio Cortez.

January 9, 2019 10:46 am


Thanks Flea…the thought has crossed my mind.

I wonder if he can dance???

Sam Dennis
Sam Dennis
January 8, 2019 6:30 pm

In coin form, yes. As bullion – impracticable.

Sam Dennis
Sam Dennis
  mark branham
January 8, 2019 6:28 pm

“Only when YOU “borrow” is money created.”

Not correct. Banks can and do INVEST in marketable securities – stocks and bonds and real estate.

mark branham
mark branham
  Sam Dennis
January 9, 2019 4:18 am

The stupid, it burns.

You’re part of the problem because you have no idea what you’re talking about. And I’ll not make the effort to inform you because you’re too stupid to learn… well, just this once. There are ONLY two ways money is created, cash and coins issued by the treasury, and “borrowed” into existence. So the only money you have is coins and paper. EVERYTHING else is debt. Debt spends like money until it doesn’t… and when it doesn’t, we’re fucked.

  mark branham
January 9, 2019 12:45 pm

I’ll ask you for the third time: Do you work for the FED??? Or a bank??? Simple question.

So now your condesending vauge insult to everyone here calling them “you people” and “debt serfs” who foolishly (according to you) are wasting their time investigating and understanding the historical facts of the greatest Ponzi scam in history make us too stupid to learn insight that you alone possess???

Your arrogrance knows no limits.

“Debt spends like money until it doesn’t… and when it doesn’t, we’re fucked.”

No shit Sherlock. Gee, thanks for the blinding flash of the obvious. Get yourself some PMs hockey puck, your gonna need’em.

January 8, 2019 5:26 pm

Here is a link to the FED’s Puppet Masters:



Who ever is behind these sites has highly polished HUGE brass balls.

no one
no one
January 8, 2019 8:20 pm

finally found it…

January 8, 2019 5:28 pm

Everyone should recall that, way back in 1963, JFK wanted to make some “adjustments” to the System.
Once the reforms were made public and printed, it is said he received a series of three phone calls. They were from the secretary of the assistant manager of North American operations for the Evil Fuckers.
Twice the voice on the other end delivered a terse message saying: ” Johnny, remember, don’t fuck with the money.”
The last time the caller said: “Johnny, DO NOT FUCK WITH THE MONEY.”
To which Kennedy said: ” Don’t you know you are talking to the President of the United States of America? Don’t you dare tell me what to do.” and he hung up.
A few weeks later in Dallas, Texas, John F. Kennedy got his Zapruder therapy alright.
Ever since then the Evil Fuckers have gone about their business without interference, just like they like it.

It’s nothing personal; just business.

Sam Dennis
Sam Dennis
January 8, 2019 6:32 pm

your story reads as a fable.

  Sam Dennis
January 8, 2019 7:16 pm

A cautionary tale for sure.

January 8, 2019 9:40 pm

links ?

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 8, 2019 5:29 pm

No paddle ?? This country’s so far up shit creek we’re steppin’ on turds ! The Jekyll Island monster is just one, although a big one.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum………who is it that approves this undertaking?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
January 8, 2019 9:12 pm

Isaiah 14:12 KJV… “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”

January 8, 2019 7:18 pm

I was going to print this out today from the link from last night, I was super busy today. I’ll do it tomorrow in color also and discreetly place it in the break room . Thanks for posting it Mark. Wish me luck!!!!

January 8, 2019 8:07 pm

StackingStock my hero!

Let us know your feedback.

I carefully explained the FED once (starting with the 1st American Centeral Bank, step by step to today) to an 85 year old once. When I was done he looked at me in utter and complete astonisment as if I had two heads. Now, this is an intelligent man…not a clue.

I had a conversation later with his 50 something son and he brought up being worried about his 401k that held his life savings. I asked him how it was allocated…he didn’t know.

January 9, 2019 12:27 pm

Update, I printed it out 35 pages full color, three hole punched and put in a nice notebook.

I went above and beyond on this project. A coworker is reading now and I haven’t even made it to the break room. I’ll do that deed later today.

Mark, thanks again for posting this piece.

January 8, 2019 9:17 pm

Nice link. Sort of like a cliff’s notes version of “Creature From Jekyll Island” but with nice pictures. Thanks for posting it.

Looks like he’s got an equivalent video on yootoobe for those who prefer video:

January 8, 2019 9:53 pm

Outstanding! Thanks!!

January 8, 2019 9:26 pm

good post mark–
a bit off topic but since this subject is related to taxes i’ll put it here–
over on armstrong economics i saw a story that will piss you off–
the rate of grown kids living w/mom & dad is the highest it’s been since the end of ww2–
behind the scenes,the dems are considering forcing all adult incomes in a home to be combined for income tax purposes,which would raise the rate for most families–

January 8, 2019 10:08 pm

Thanks Big T,

Nothing in relation to sucking our blood by the Federal, State and Local Vampires would surprise me, especially taxes form the Jackass Party.

I’ll keep an eye out.


Use this page to browse bills in the U.S. Congress related to the subject Taxation, as determined by the Library of Congress.

Taxation has 17 sub-categories that you can use to track a more targeted set of legislation:

• Capital gains tax
• Employment taxes
• General taxation matters
• Income tax credits
• Income tax deductions
• Income tax deferral
• Income tax exclusion
• Income tax rates
• Sales and excise taxes
• State and local taxation
• Tax administration and collection, taxpayers
• Tax reform and tax simplification
• Tax treatment of families
• Tax-exempt organizations
• Taxation of foreign income
• Transfer and inheritance taxes
• Property tax

Eco Nomist
Eco Nomist
January 8, 2019 9:51 pm

Article content does not match the Headline Promise.

  Eco Nomist
January 8, 2019 10:43 pm

Not sure what you mean Eco…a little more detail…

ursel doran
ursel doran
January 9, 2019 12:29 am

“The Money Masters”, video by Bill Still, explains how the syndicate came into being and just how evil it is.
The original treatise was six hours long in meticulous detail, but now has been reduced to several three hour clips, and this 1.5 hour clip. The quotations from several prominent purveyors of truth at the beginning are quite telling. Interested inquiring minds can get the longer more detailed versions on you tube if interested. Spread the word.

  ursel doran
January 9, 2019 12:42 am

Excellent ursel! Thanks.

I highly regard Mr. Still and I’m a subscriber.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 9, 2019 5:39 pm

Crash crash crash and jump you fuckers….
This time when the Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol pull that rip cord expecting a bail out parachute to open the only tug they should feel is that Nuremberg style noose around their necks !

ursel doran
ursel doran
January 10, 2019 12:47 pm
  ursel doran
January 10, 2019 11:06 pm


I believe the FED and their puppet masters are doing everything they can for a controlled demolition of the international economy not a massive explosion of the EVERYTHING BUBBLE…at least not yet…but soon.

The IMF will rush in with their SDRs.

The destruction of the Dollar, the dollar as the international reserve currency and the US removed from standing in the way of the New World Order is all wrapped up together in their plans.

Bottom line for this post and the reason I sent it to Admin was to give as many TBPers as possible a single link/click to pass on to open as many eyes as possible.

Fleabaggs’ first comment said it all.