‘BIRD BOX’: Christianity, The Great Awakening 2.0, Transhumanism, and the Neo-Feudal Order

NOTE TO READERS (from Doug / Uncola):  This piece was NOT written by me, but is a response to my earlier “Bird Box” article.  The following essay was e-mailed to me by Plato Publius, a regular commenter here on The Burning Platform.  Other than cursory proof-reading adjustments for punctuation and formatting Plato’s selected headings, photos, and links, this article is posted on behalf of Plato Publius and at his request:


Guest Post by Plato Publius

I find it intriguing that my observations of “Bird Box” mirrored Uncola’s, particularly his description here:

In spite of its viral buzz during the final days of the year, as we watched ‘Bird Box’, we were mostly underwhelmed, except for the ‘B-movie’ satisfaction of our ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K)’commentary as the scenes unfurled.


Uncola’s analysis of the “faith” and “courage” aspects of the film were amazing and VERY true, but didn’t go far enough.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1 King James Version (KJV)

It is the internal battle between our inherent “animal” survival instincts and what comprises our existential humanity. “Hope” is the result of this struggle between the natural world and our conscious selves. The film demonstrated that endless battle when Sandra Bullock’s character, Malorie, stopped Trevante Rhodes character, Tom from finishing his story of “Hope” to Boy and Girl before leaving on their dangerous trip down the river.

Later in the film, Bullock’s character finished Tom’s story to the children after she relearned what she had forgotten about the importance of HOPE with respect to our overall human condition and survival. Malorie (Bullock) attempted to protect herself from potential future loss by not naming the children, but realized that life without Hope would be sorely lacking Love and affection. It would be brutish, animalistic. In the end, Malorie put her survival instincts and fears in check which is evident when she named the children and finished Tom’s story.


I found the premise of “Bird Box” (i.e. don’t peek , because if you do and see “it”/”them” you’ll want to KILL yourself ASAP), on one-hand, to be childish “If you look above the covers you have pulled over your head while your hiding in bed, then the Boogeyman will getcha!” and on the other, more spiritual hand, curious.

Now, my self-righteous ass is going to quote scripture in this review of a bad B movie!

I’m no saint, that’s for sure …so please don’t misconstrue this as disrespect.., but my Biblical referencing is part of my worldview along with my belief in a God, Angels and Demons (a great book by the way). Some will say it is one form of bias or another that allows for this interpretation and that no one’s perception of reality or worldview is closer to the Truth than the other.

I’m not here to prove who is right or wrong, just to explain my point of view and where I see us headed. My blindfold is off, tinfoil hat is on and I’m wearing some sunglasses I found in a box near a dumpster in an alley. And, no, I haven’t started chewing my bubble gum just yet.

Jesus was very clear on how we should receive His Kingdom.

Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

–  Mark 10:15

I think this warning important enough to remember to combat my initial egoistic evaluations of its childish nature. Ego is inherent in us all. It can be considered a driver like survival instinct as well but something that can be reflected upon, analyzed and to some extent minimized or maximized at various times or situations if we have trained ourselves to be cognizant of its influences.

And yet, another aspect of the film, the actual act of “seeing” these entities or “demons” is too much for the majority of Earth’s population, which leads to depiction after detailed-depiction of people “offing” themselves in the most grotesque and sickening ways. At one point in the film a woman intentionally walks in front of an oncoming bus and, not to be outdone, another woman walks over to a burning car and sits in the driver seat, burning herself alive; all because they merely laid eyes upon these entities.


Stay with me on this momentary detour…Through publically declared breakthroughs in quantum physics (See: CERN, “God” and “ghost” particles) it is scientifically verifiable that there are dimensions interacting with ours that we cannot see with our naked eyes and that CERN is actively attempting to open a doorway to other dimensions.

Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, once said:

Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it


Even for the atheists amongst us, that should give us pause for thought.

If such beings manifested themselves as depicted in the film, in an apocalyptic, end-of-days scenario, would it be too much for the human mind to take?

From a Biblical perspective, I am familiar with passages like:

who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power.

– 1 Timothy 6:17

But He said, ‘You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live

– Exodus 33:20

These state no one has, or can see God and live.  But demons? Fallen ones?

Not to go full blown Frailty -“You’re not a demon…are you, boy?”-demon slayer on you…

But, couldn’t the argument be made that we see demons every day? Shit, at times, in our lives we’ve probably been possessed by demons in some sense; yet we are still here. But I suppose, at times, we do avert and divert our eyes from what we perceive as “evil”, in essence, wearing our own blindfolds to keep our mental comfort bubble. With the proliferation of the internet and social media, averting one’s eyes from “evil” or detrimental stimuli is proving increasingly troublesome.

At any rate, “Bird Box” got me thinking.

I have a set of monkeys covering their eyes, ears and mouth sitting on my shelf. A gift from a good brother who remembered grandma’s old posters of similar monkeys from our childhood …”See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” Even with the constant, simple reminder, I fail at this daily. I think about these simple concepts often when working with some of today’s youth who are exposed to more and more images of death, violence, sexuality and overall debauchery at younger and younger ages. It is shocking at times what you hear Kindergartners or 6th graders talk about and play out on the playground during recess.

Apparently, there is a 4th monkey very few people knew about. I’m sure many detractors here might think themselves cute and suggest I take the 4th monkey’s advice and not press “POST” for this very article… We don’t call them The Shit-throwing Monkeys for nothing!


In the cult classic “They Live!” special sunglasses were needed to see hidden-in-plain-sight truths about the world. Ironically, in “Bird Box” , the truth as promoted in the film was that obscuring one’s vision with blindfolds was needed to stay alive.


I found the themes, promoted in the flick, to fit nicely with the Mass Awakening we are experiencing. I have said for at least a decade now that we are living through a Massive Global Awakening, spurred forward by the reach and connectivity of the Internet; along with its speed-of-information diffusion. This is why it seems time is accelerating. This is why everything has been ratcheted up 10,000% and constant; because there is a battle going on for control of the perceptions of the awakening souls. This is why the propaganda, hate, vitriol and endless distractions will only increase. Perceptions must be conditioned, managed and utilized for fulfillment of the Luciferian “Great Plan” pushed by the Synagogue of Satan (SOS). Think, followers of Albert Pike, Alistair Crowley and the, perhaps well intentioned, yet, useful idiots in the New Age movements and those circles within circles of the Secret Societies of the world.


I wonder if some of the “Bird Box” audience will come away more apathetic and with a desire to NOT want to KNOW more about the real world (cause and effect) around them? How the world works? They might say: “Who cares, I don’t want to know. As long as I have a job, fast food, free Wi-Fi, my smart phone and porn, I’m fine.”

I wonder what lessons might be reinforced subconsciously, desensitized, then normalized to the average “Bird Box” viewer? What scenarios predictively programmed into the RAM or short term memory of its viewers’ wet-ware (aka…mind), particularly  with relation to the ACT of SUICIDE? And scary, uncomfortable truths; Universal Truths that do not require us to believe that they are real in order for them to be real. A secular understanding will only rationalize or explain some of the endless coincidences we discuss on blogs like this one all too often.


In the film, there was a smaller group of individuals who, once “seeing” the demons did not kill themselves. Instead, these people went out of their way, in a cultic juice-drinking, zombiesque, relentless attempt to force others who did not want to “see” the “beautiful” entities to SEE!

These “seers” were fanatical in their quest to get others to see what they saw, similar to how many modern Christians have the tendency to do when discussing religion with individuals who believe and practice a different religion. I find this aspect of the film interesting and related it, perhaps inaccurately, to the current Global Awakening and the phrase “Get Woke!“. People telling other people to “wake up” isn’t that far of a reach considering we have to open our eyes when we first wake up (unless we suffer from blindness which ended up being a beneficial trait in “Bird Box”).

I suppose I could also relate to the “seers” in some sick kind of way. Maybe you readers can relate as well. I hear many of us share similar stories about how conversations went with family members or friends about any myriad topics we discuss on the internet. That desire for the other to “see” what you see, understand what you have come to understand, and to know what you know; for someone to get us. I don’t think this is unbeknownst to most of us and it has a lot to do with how much value we place in our beliefs and in turn our worldviews.


In my short existence on the planet, I have made a persistent effort to, first, learn how to use aspects of my body, mind, and soul; second, assess and apply what I’ve learned, trial and error, rinse repeat.

In another way, what I am describing, “how I see the world”, IS my WORLDVIEW (my senses, lenses, filters, beliefs and tendencies).

I have failed at so many things, in so many ways; yet, one of the core things of my worldview is, be true to yourself. In order to do that it helps to know how we learn so we can first learn to understand ourselves. Our senses are our primary and rudimentary means of making sense of our world. As seen in the diagram below, sensation is the initial way to interpret the incoming stimuli and a major aspect of worldview development and maintenance. One of our main senses we rely on heavily, is the sense of sight. Light is an often-time unappreciated component of our ability to see.


The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

– Luke 11:34


Light, acting as both a wave and particle, is the catalyst for our Worldview and how our eyes and brain interprets our observed three-dimensional space. And, yet, without light those tangible pieces of matter comprising the sofas, cars, and buildings do not cease to exist. Yet, at the sub molecular level, string theory posits everything is connected through what is called the “FIELD”.

Light is synonymous with learning, like the mental light bulb turning on in your “Ah-ha” moment, or when we reference historical periods of great discovery and advancement like the “Enlightenment”. Even the word Lucifer in Latin means “light-bringer” and some argue is the catalyst to our understanding of sin. The bitten fruit from the Tree of Knowledge as found on the I(eye)gadgets that provide a wealth of human knowledge at our fingertips, is an everyday reminder for some.

Original Apple Inc. Logo

And yet, the Bible has much to say about light and who created it and who has access to it.

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

– John 8:12


And of course there is another use of the word “light” in the first verses of the first Book of The B-I-B-L-E. (C’mon, you know how to sing it!)

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.  And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

– Genesis 1:3-5

“Light” is critical to human sight and I don’t think it is that much of a reach to relate this to the film “Bird Box” where people wear blindfolds to blind themselves from seeing the entities that show them their worst fears. From my understanding of the Biblical perspective, “light”, is related to several things, most importantly God, creation, Jesus and Truth.

But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

– John 3:21


This is the journey and gift of life, its various stages and the challenges each of them brings. This brings us to “free will”, knowing the Truth about our sinful nature and having the freedom to ignore it, forget it, dismiss it away, instead of understanding it and respecting the significance of the gift of Grace. From my limited spiritual understanding, “Free will” isn’t free. A price was paid at Calvary and the gift WAS, and, IS GRACE.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

– Ephesians 2:8-9 New King James Version (NKJV)

In the “Bird Box” film, “free will” was something the “seers” were trying to take away from those who did not want to see. These “seers” did this knowing full well that those they forced to see would more than likely kill themselves. I don’t think that can be understated or overemphasized.

This is in stark contrast to our desire to teach what we know. The information shared isn’t going to TRIGGER someone into killing themselves… nowadays, on second thought, with this hypersensitive culture, who knows, maybe. If the information forced the individual to reassess their life in some way that they were hesitant, scared or regretful to do, then I suppose this helps explain why some of us at certain periods of our lives don’t grow (mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually) or chose to wear our own mental blindfolds when looking at our “self” or the world around us. We feel the need to hide from it, whatever it might be.

Maybe there is just too much on our plate at the time and we put it aside and tell ourselves we will deal with it later or maybe it’s something we’ve been trying to work on lately, like being a more courteous driver or more understanding person, whatever it is and for whatever reason we need the blindfold. I get it. Gives new pause for thought to the idiom attributed to Desiderius Erasmus:

— “In the land of the blind , the one-eyed man is king.”

Unfortunately, from my understanding of emerging technological trends, it seems that the desire to control FREE WILL also fits neatly into what the Transhumanists refer to as the “Singularity”…


A rudimentary internet search of open source terrain asking the question “What is the Singularity?” provides this:



noun: singularity


the state, fact, quality, or condition of being singular.

“he believed in the singularity of all cultures”



a point at which a function takes an infinite value, especially in space-time when matter is infinitely dense, as at the center of a black hole.


a hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence and other technologies have become so advanced that humanity undergoes a dramatic and irreversible change.


I included the first two definitions to show how connected each of the definitions truly are to what I have discussed so far. The hypothetical “dramatic and irreversible change” associated with the Transhumanist’s definition of the Singularity, rapidly, yet subtly, approaches. The pot brought to a roil. The IOT (Internet of Things) like smart homes or phones, the 5G rollout, data mining, online shopping, cryptocurrencies, autonomous vehicles, A.I. and RFID chipping us all.

The “Holly” wood mystical arts are fully on display here with “Bird Box” , subtly conditioning, planting seeds, into the collective subconscious of the MOB (aka the PUBLIC) and allowing for TIME to work its mysterious magic on a slowly awakening giant in America.

The fight for the perceptions of the masses, soon-to-be-internet-meshed BORG collective is nothing new, it is the same MOB that voted to put Socrates to death. It is the game show 1 vs. 100!


The Transhumanists are promoting this Next Stage of Human Evolution; the physical merger of man and machine. The central banking cartels have destroyed the purchasing power of the U.S. Dollar by over 97% since the Creature from Jekyll Island (Federal Reserve) was brought to life in 1913. In doing so, these banksters have widened the wealth gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” to its greatest margin in modern history. Monopolies abound. The destruction of the nuclear family over the course of 3 to 4 generations is nearing completion. Something as natural as childrearing has been thoroughly saturated with propaganda and reshaped with harsh economic environments.

Welcome to the NEO FEUDAL State.

The culling of the herd is in the cards against humanity, The Trump card already played.

A supranational exoskeleton has been superimposed over ALL nations and through attrition and careful patient planning is near the end game.

The impending battle that these supranational “elite”, our corporate overlords, will have us prols fight with each other will be used in future history books to explain the Masonic Great Plan and how terrible the old barbaric ways of living were to the future generations of Transhumanist drones.

This singularity of knowledge and space and time, conjoined through the merger of Man and machine and Society and the individual will erase any semblance of individuality, physical privacy or privacy of thought…where collectivism is embraced; collaboration, celebrated, institutionalized and enforced, while individuality and self-sufficiency are regarded as radical, anti-social and deviant!

The collective must be viewed within the framework of the MATRIX!


Like, the promotion of living a “transparent” life in the film “The Circle” (think Jim Carrey in “The Truman Show”), OUR understanding and expectations of privacy are being systemically and socially engineered to an open and “transparent ” BORG-like society. This is what the trends like Wikileaks, Snowden, Anonymous, the promotion for everything to go “online”, data “dumps”, and the ACT OF “doxxing”, is all catapulting towards…

Data dumps have been going on for years and years now. Love them or hate them; but, what do you think Wikileaks has been doing all these years? The Sony hacks, whistleblowers like Snowden, and on and on.

Everything about everyone, well almost everyone (I’m sure if you had enough credits you could mask yourself), will become “tranparent” and publically available for anyone to see with a click of their camera/app on their phone …

A BORG society with no illusions of privacy; where the relationships between citizen, family unit and government are changed forever. A lot of bad things must happen first, to get the PUBLIC to DEMAND the curtailing of everyone’s privacy though!

Politically-speaking, it doesn’t matter which party is in control. Certain things are baked into the cake as they say.

Besides, at this point in the phase of the plan, the elite could care less if people see it for what it is and accept it as Truth or not; actually, division is what they are hoping for after all.

What is DOXXING?

It should be the word of the decade. I’m sure it’s time in the public discourse is not too far off. Then there will be very few who haven’t heard of it.

Doxxing or doxing is the internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information about an individual or organization. The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites, hacking, and social engineering.



Do a simple internet search and it won’t take you long to see the DOXXING and UNMASKING of influential or bothersome people has been going on for over a decade now. How long for it to work its way down the Pyramid of Power to the common folk?

What kind of chaos might be unleashed of mass DOXXING and UNMASKING occurred worldwide? Where every text message, Snapchat, photo, video or voice recording was dumped into Open Source Country? How would governments react to this? How would the programmed populous behave? I hate to imagine it; but fear that card will be played soon enough.

When the data dumps start happening to local personalities or individuals and they begin to affect people closer to home; the unmaskings might spur more people to chase down the breadcrumbs in order to put the bigger picture together, or, it might lead to skyrocketing crime rates like those nights depicted in the “Purge” films.

This scenario leads into my final thoughts on this topic.


The cultivating of perceptions so the PUBLIC (aka the BORG or social media MOB) DEMAND for NO ILLUSIONS of PRIVACY for the typical Jane and Jo Schmo for SAFETY AND SECURITY…rather, just like open source technology and the characters in the film The Circle, every global CITIZEN will be TRANSPARENT. Completely transparent personal lives to everyone else on the planet is THE END GAME. ALL connected and controlled via A.I.; and, no, I don’t mean former Sixer star Allen Iverson. It probably would work better if the guy who gave us this…

….was running things instead of an algorithmic abomination attempting to authoritatively and administratively austere or augment my associations and apply adverse life altering allures that lead to apathy, apostasy and the death of Altruism.


Me rubbing my 2 cents together. Aww…what beautiful music they make!

The world of the future will be controlled through consensus building led by steering committees run by useful Ivy League idiots skilled in disingenuously regurgitating what they were taught in their ECON class or some social justice warrior snowflake who thinks Green Energy is going to end the polluting of the world or that destroying “Capitalism” and having global communism as a mode of production will end poverty and ensure equality.

I’m all for equality to a point. I am all for equality of opportunity, just not a big fan of equality of outcome.

When you start legislating this stuff and implementing it in the classrooms, it’s only a matter of time before it begins to affect the rest of society which includes all the other previous generations and their held beliefs (worldviews) in core principles they have adopted as part of their worldviews and their beliefs about what worked for them in their lives and what didn’t .

When moving the goalposts or reducing the number of multiple choice answers, (never mind that it’s multiple guess…or…choice) or giving everyone a participation trophy or medal, it sends mixed signals to our youth and creates cognitive dissonance on a massive scale. This is because it is unnatural and illogical taken within the current social environments and natural environments people grow up in. From a biological and natural perspective homo-sapiens are viewed as animals and a part of the Animal Kingdom.

The stakes are high, choices funneled towards a collectivist dystopian technocratic, global, neofuedal state along with the promotion of a corporate controlled monoculture and global CITIZENSHIP as suggested by Presidential Candidate Obama in a speech in Germany to the German people and the world in 2008.

I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen – a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world.

– Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, July, 2008 Speech in Berlin, Germany

Unfortunately, based on the cards dealt, hands held, and winnings taken, many will be holding their cards or wearing their blindfolds to the very end of this continued game of Cards Against Humanity within the House of Cards that is the U.S. economy. Others will fold them or take their blindfolds off and SEE. Whether it’s putting on a special kind of sunglasses, keeping on or taking off a blindfold, or unplugging from the Matrix, the ability to SEE or NOT to SEE is a major underlying force of change and associated with Universal Truths; Facts that do not cease to exist, merely, because we do not believe in them or do not know about them or understand them.

I’ll give “Bird Box” credit, in that, once I finished watching it, I began contemplating some of the points of my curiosity.

As for the social media trend of “Bird Box Challenges”, I’m not surprised nor am I outraged anymore. I see people doing the “Bird Box” challenges every day, all day long. The only difference is these future Darwin award contestants aren’t wearing blindfolds. Instead, they avert their eyes downward into the tiny black-screened device they call their smart phone.

You can’t fix stupid and we shouldn’t have to legislate common sense; but, WE, homo sapiens, have a tendency to behave irrationally at times.

Besides, we ALL fall short!

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent. www.TheTollOnline.com

Notify of
January 11, 2019 4:41 pm

Forgot to mention this little tidbit that recently came out in the news.

Apparently the entities were originally supposed to be seen by the viewers. This is what they were supposed to look like.
comment image

What thoughts on this revelation?

January 11, 2019 6:24 pm

Although they do look like aliens, or chimeras, or demons – one wonders if the movie would have become such a hot topic had they not left the monsters to the viewers imaginations? Likely not; as the mystery certainly added to the film’s B-movie mystique.

As to the rest, I enjoyed your take on it, Plato. Don’t be discouraged should there be a dearth of comments, as “Bird Box” may be near fluttered out; at least here on this site.

Also interesting, was that on my article, I referenced the blindfolds as a means to look away from the big picture, as it were, in order to keep one’s nose to the grindstone and focus on the important “priorities”.

Whereas, you, on the other hand, with this piece, ripped the blindfolds away so people might see what’s coming.

Paradoxically, both of us are right. Moreover, Free Will is required for each.

No matter anyone else’s opinions, I applaud the effort and your having the nads to throw it out there.

It does feel like a new religion is being birthed in a land of dead ends and counterfeiters; shadows and monsters.

And whether we’re wearing blindfolds or sunglasses, we should choose our paths, and our steps, carefully.

January 11, 2019 10:54 pm


Thank you again for the huge assist! Like I said on your original article about “Bird Box”, what you wrote got me motivated.

Much Love

New religion or new paradigms?! Probably both like this guy
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Anthony Levandowski makes an unlikely prophet. Dressed Silicon Valley-casual in jeans and flanked by a PR rep rather than cloaked acolytes, the engineer known for self-driving cars—and triggering a notorious lawsuit—could be unveiling his latest startup instead of laying the foundations for a new religion. But he is doing just that. Artificial intelligence has already inspired billion-dollar companies, far-reaching research programs, and scenarios of both transcendence and doom. Now Levandowski is creating its first church.


January 12, 2019 8:50 am

He looks like an NPC. Maybe the one on the far right?
comment image

January 11, 2019 8:10 pm

I read somewhere that they were scrubbed because Sandra Bullock kept laughing & couldn’t take them seriously. I think she called them “long, fat, babies” or something to that effect. On the other hand, a movie I haven’t seen yet, called The Ritual, has this guy:

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comment image?itemid=11607041

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Which seems the coolest, most creative movie monster I’ve seen in years/decades.

January 11, 2019 8:56 pm

On a non-movie related note, I loved your post, and agree with every word.

Oddly, what struck me most was your mention of human & animal speciation at the end. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about humanity as compared to other animals. In particular, their natural organization, if any. For instance, a jaguar or leopard vs. a pride of lions, a bear vs. a colony of ants, a troop of chimpanzees vs. a herd of wildebeest. Some are solitary, others a vast collective, some a large herd, some smaller groups. It seems that humans have always been simultaneously all of these and none of them. Nevertheless, individuality has never been omitted from the list of ways that humans are.

There have been attempts, to be sure. With varying degrees of failure. But even those attempts were either outright domination, or thinly veiled attempts, by individuals or small groups. This current/future attempt is no different in motivation, or in its origin among a (relatively) small group of individuals. However, advancements in science, technology, and an understanding of “the madness of crowds” so to speak, may just make this attempt a final one.

Further, past attempts were the results of revolutions. That is, the establishment of tyrannical government. This, hopefully not final, attempt may be a two-stage affair. I can foresee collapse and chaos leading to popular desire for global government. This government would come with total financial control as well as the technological Benthamite wet dream of a perfect panopticon. Initiating something like the implementation* of Kurzweil’s singularity only after a global domination has been achieved, might just do the trick.

* I realize the singularity itself is generally taken to be a (quasi) natural outgrowth of tech advance; but the Transhumanist agenda must be implemented, and this can (and would) be controlled. I mean, it’s not a new model year car, or some new product to be offered openly on the free market. Under a globalist tyranny (whether run by Rothschild’s, Illuminati, FreeMasonry, et al.), one can imagine how the conclusions in the following video might be slightly altered.

Morloks and Eloi, here we come. Though I’d imagine the appearance of each race would be transposed.

January 11, 2019 10:45 pm


Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Thank you for expanding on those ideas.

I really enjoyed this observation,

“Some are solitary, others a vast collective, some a large herd, some smaller groups. It seems that humans have always been simultaneously all of these and none of them. ”

I would imagine there is variation of socializing behaviors within varying contexts or situations.

I’ll check the video out, but if it is from TruthStream media I already know it will be excellent!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 9:38 am

My first thought is that that thing resembles a 3D sonogram of a fetus. I’m not sure that that means.

no one
no one
January 11, 2019 4:48 pm

A good discussion of a movie I definitely choose to NOT see.

By The Way
By The Way
January 11, 2019 4:50 pm

The Great Awakening means its going mainstream. Sunglasses or blindfolds? Free Will can be a bitch!


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  By The Way
January 12, 2019 8:42 am

Does anyone ever go back to the previous years cover to see if what was on there relates to the past years happenings?

January 11, 2019 6:24 pm

I used the term FIELD in reference to Lynne McTaggarat’s book entitled “The Field”..

The book explains that everything is connected by the Zero Point Field (ZPF), a sea of energy that reconciles mind with matter, classic science with quantum physics, and science with religion.


no one
no one
January 13, 2019 10:51 am

Have you read One by Richard Bach (of Seagull fame)?

  no one
January 13, 2019 1:25 pm

I have not. Do tell.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 11, 2019 6:38 pm


That was quite a mouthful.

“I wonder if some of the “Bird Box” audience will come away more apathetic and with a desire to NOT want to KNOW more about the real world (cause and effect) around them?”

I, myself, wish for bliss.

  Donkey Balls
January 11, 2019 7:08 pm

It was lengthy. Bliss is… Bliss does…

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 11, 2019 8:16 pm

I read it. Not complaining. It always amazes me how much knowledge/intelligence some people have to share.

January 11, 2019 6:53 pm

Wowser! Cutting insight!! Spectacular!!! Stupendous!!!! Can’t be beat!!!!!

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 11, 2019 7:20 pm

Everybody wants to be entertained and the best entertainment that I see constantly repeated in western entertainment is the story of the death an resurrection of Jesus Christ. Of course ET is the most famous example of all hope being lost until the little fellas heart comes back to life. The Matrix as my final example also gives a messianic figure who also dies and lives again.
Maybe the bird box is the next generation attempt of substituting the super hero who rises from the dead to an average joe who can only depend on herself to work out her own personal redemption.
I compare this to (ready for this jump?) the way we remember our dead. The best example I can offer is the 9- 11 memorial. A generation ago, we gave our fallen hero’s sun rays that lifted them to the heavelies, but for the fallen of 9-11, a black waterfall that descends into the abyss.
Although I can appreciate a change in the endless predictability of the hero dies and comes back to life movies, my take is the new thing is to work out your own salvation and forget about a higher power who loves us and is watching over us, to deliver us from our sins and weaknesses.

January 11, 2019 8:18 pm

After I read Uncola’s post on the movie I immediately watched the Black Pill review that was posted in the comments (thank you) because:

1. I have been done with Net Flix since the Obama’s came under their brand.

2. I had not seen the movie and knew I never would after swallowing the black pill.

As a fan of both contributors I have now read both posts and every comment up to this point.

The only modest angle of the dangle I will attempt to contribute is my decades long Incredible Hulk full bore rage over Propaganda Hood’s latest vile, deceptive, seditious visual vomit blather is…starting when the first creeping silver light of “Oh Say Can You See” Propaganda Hood’s slick distortions dawned unto my (finally…I’m a late blommer) maturing mind in the late 70’s…was for me to realize that most of Hollywood is nothing more than an American toe in the boot of Cultural Marxism’s LONG MARCH to destroy all I worship and cling to.

I don’t want to sound trite but, I am a simple man…not an intellectual. Some posts I stay out of…best to be thought a fool…then remove all doubt.

The obvious identity politics of the anti-White – Orange Man Bad – black/gay etc. etc. etc. is good in this stupid crappy movie is right out of a Kurt Schlicichter novel.

I think Kurt Schlicichter is not a novelist but a profit. His main character in all three of his novels is drenched in the type of toxic masculinity that we are going to need to rip all the blindfolds off of everyone. Then we can shoot the “enemy” in the face (or center mass depending on the range).

no one
no one
January 13, 2019 10:55 am

“best to be thought a fool…then remove all doubt.”
“I think Kurt Schlicichter is not a novelist but a profit. ”

You did that on purpose, didn’t you? Both times.

January 11, 2019 8:18 pm

As much as Evil Fucker Hollyweird propaganda should be avoided – “Bird Box” included ( and who would waste a wooden nickel or 10 minutes for anything with Sandra Bollocks? ) – the definitive, probably not to be ever exceeded in clarity or content is “The Matrix”. Made way back in 1999, it wonderfully predicts and envisions the hellish nightmare of the computer-controlled Neo-Feudal State.

Time is exceedingly short to respond to the coming Tsunami of The Singularity and Artificial General Intelligence ( maybe 2030 probably before) because it is now too late to be proactive.

How to respond is the issue, and watching nearly anything on TV, Netflicks or at the movies is more than just a complete waste of time; it is exactly what the Evil Fuckers want you to do: be a passive spectator to their messages of inevitability and triumph, and an apathetic, if not enthusiastic accepter of one’s own permanent enslavement.

January 11, 2019 8:26 pm


Excellent advice. I am close to getting rid of my subscriptions… I stopped going out to the movies years and years ago.

However, sometimes, I do feel it necessary to see what the masses are being taught. It helps with relating complex understandings into something they are familiar with.

January 11, 2019 8:38 pm

This post reminded me too much of a guy at work who lives his whole life through movies and TV. My kids like scary movies but my oldest just looked at the younger ones and told them that “Dad isn’t afraid of this stuff because he figures his 12 gauge will take care of about any real threat” Feel comforted in this life, Buy a shotgun and some boxes of slugs and buckshot and some birdshot shells for hunting birds.
When you die? Get baptized and believe that Jesus shed his blood and died on the cross so your sins may be forgiven. Now that you have read that you can’t claim you were never told about this.

January 13, 2019 2:31 pm


Some of us have consumed an inordinate amount of popular culture and some of us not so much. I’m one of the former, yet, unlike the majority of popular culture consumers I have read and read and read, for most of my life.

I try and use the content the average person has been exposed to as a means to convey some of my understandings learned, in essence, sharing some of my worldview with them.

I think it comes off more genuine and relatable albeit from the perspective of other’s who have followed Jesus more closely it might come as an aback or weakness or lack of discipline. So be it.

Honest Buck
Honest Buck
January 13, 2019 2:54 pm

Jesus told stories and spoke in parables. There’s a fine line between discernment and judgment.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
January 11, 2019 8:46 pm

@Plato –

It is hard to express how much I enjoyed your riff on @Uncola’s original post so I won’t try except to offer my “Bravo!” which with a dollar-something will get you a decent cup of coffee at anywhere except MoreBucks.

As @Uncola already expressed, do not be dissuaded from more writing by lack of comments on this thread. You have shown yourself to be ready for the “big time” here next to the insightful and articulate that we have enjoyed for some time. Salute!

Looking forward to your next contribution!

Da P

PS. It really boosted my estimation of you when you accurately diagnosed the “Malady of the Meseta” in my response to @Uncola’s original post.

  Da Perfessor
January 11, 2019 11:42 pm

Da Perfessor,

Thank you for taking the time to respond as well as your kind words.

I won’t be dissuaded. Your encouragement is Much appreciated!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 11, 2019 9:07 pm

Disclaimer: Date night with the hubby and 3 Manhattans. Even so, I think I am tracking with ya. I will come back tomorrow. Shit I can’t even spell tomorrow without help.

Even so..this song cam up on my list while I was reading/scanning your essay. I don’t believe in coincidence.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Mary Christine
January 11, 2019 9:15 pm

Shit I can’t spell came either.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Mary Christine
January 11, 2019 9:21 pm

Just call me EC.

  Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 12:04 am


Not a huge country music guy but I really did enjoy the lyrics to this one.

Thanks for sharing it and hope date night went well!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 8:26 am

Date nights are important. Even if you don’t go anywhere, which we didn’t as we are in the middle of SNOWMAGEDDON!

no one
no one
  Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 10:58 am

We had snow, then slush, then rain and rain and more rain. My little goats are standing on hay bales inside the shed.

January 11, 2019 9:27 pm


Read your article but don’t have the time to comment on it fully at this time.

Would just like to say for now that you really pose a lot of questions that require thoughtful answers.

We live in times that have no parallel in recorded history of the human race. This is why I keep saying that we need a new religion superseding but not replacing Christianity to get people on track with what is going on now in our evolution in consciousness that God has intended for us.

You mention “field” theory regarding physics. This is also true of human consciousness. Consciousness is a field where “Attention” operates in. When people are awake attention makes one aware of what is going on around them and at the same time how input into ones senses is affecting them emotionally.

We live in a time when dramatic events are happening and it seems that most people cannot handle the new stimulus. So they prefer to stay asleep. But we both know that this cop out is no longer going to work. We have to face the new reality or suffer the consequences of losing our individuality.

Artificial Intelligence is not our future. AI is soulless. Natural disasters coming to our world is going to eliminate AI. God did not create us for this purpose.

Many people are starting to wake up. Lucifer, the secondary light that Albert Pike referred to in his book “moral and dogma” is actually the intellect of man when he is operating in his lowest state; his animal state, with his ego running without supervision of his God given conscience.

January 11, 2019 10:03 pm

Just to be clear, Thunder: This article was written by Plato Plubius. Not me.

January 11, 2019 10:31 pm


Uncola helped me by editing, formatting the images and posting, but I wrote it.

I thought the last thing you wrote above was absolutely fantastic.

Lucifer, the secondary light that Albert Pike referred to in his book “moral and dogma” is actually the intellect of man when he is operating in his lowest state; his animal state, with his ego running without supervision of his God given conscience.

I don’t think I truly understood what you describe above until maybe 4 or 5 years ago. Truly remarkable how the journey of life is, mountain tops and valleys.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 12, 2019 3:34 pm

Lucifer is a living creature. He hates you and wants you eternally dead. Underestimate him at your own peril.
Learn about him in the KJB.

Great article Plato!

no one
no one
January 13, 2019 11:07 am

Is that tome still in print? I actually went and got my ancient copy (from a junk store purchase of a box of old books) a decent copy from 1923… there is still gilt on the double headed eagle.

Or, perhaps there is guilt.

January 11, 2019 10:44 pm

As I read through these comments, I am truly disheartened by what I read. Most of the comments opposing the globalist/NWO crowd still have the same fundamental problem: the view of man as the center of everything.

One comment says a new religion is needed… huh? Because Christianity is out of date? Absolutely bizarre! I did not realize that there was an expiration date for the Atonement (that is, a date before He returns!).

From the Tower of Babel to Google, the problem is MAN in rebellion from God => man as the measure of all things. Man as sovereign. In the Patriot community I hear all of the rugged individualists who don’t need God or government. Again, people who see themselves as the ultimate.

The ‘singularity’ is ludicrous, just as “artificial intelligence” is NOTHING but an oxymoron. I am not saying that advanced software cannot be programmed with predictive properties, but it is NOT intelligence! Do not fear man nor his delusions.

Our greatest need is reconciliation with our Creator. We are His enemies until we SURRENDER on His terms. It is fascinating how pride shows up when people are confronted with that thought. I surely resisted for a LONG time, but He opened my eyes. I pray that all in this community, all who read these words, will humbly repent (turn FROM sin & self TO God) and accept in faith the incomparable gift offered by God.

There is nothing new under the sun, simply updated versions of old deceptions. The answer is unchanged and unchanging.

January 11, 2019 11:02 pm

From the Tower of Babel to Google, the problem is MAN in rebellion from God => man as the measure of all things.


Perhaps the new religion is an old one by another name?

January 12, 2019 11:56 am


“One comment says a new religion is needed…Huh? Because Christianity is out of date?

Did not say Christianity is out of date. If anything man is out of date.

We are living at a time when many no longer know the meaning of words and so inject their own meaning into the words one reads. So one has to followup on comments when one such as you inject their own meaning into one’s posted comment.

Christianity is a way of life. Religion describes the elements of the Way. What I am saying about a new religion being needed is to describe the Way in terms that the new generation can understand apart from the Way that the old passing generations understand.

For example you mention the word “repent” then go on to define it as, “turn FROM sin & self TO GOD and accept in faith the incomparable gift offered by God.”

This is a generalization. Let’s build on this generalization.

The word “repent” in it’s true sense means “to have a change of mind.” When one has a change of mind it changes one’s life direction. It is like changing one’s career. So let’s go on.

The word “sin” in it’s true sense means “missing the mark.” So what is missing the mark? In a religious sense it is not following the Way. When one follows the Way one becomes balanced inside between Heart & Mind. So let’s go on.

The word “self” can only have meaning when one knows one’s self. The word self has several levels of meaning. For example; a reactional self responds or reacts to everything coming into it’s sphere of perceptions. A divided self sits between two stools and can’t decide which way to lean. The true self lives a balanced life.

The word “faith” has to be felt as an inner sensation to be understood. Evagrius Ponticus, a 4th century desert father in his Praktikos & Chapters On Prayer says that faith is the beginning of love. Ashiata Shiemash in his Legominism on Faith, Love and Hope says that Faith demonstrated through consciousness is freedom while demonstrated through feeling is weakness. So it seems to me that consciously accepting in faith the incomparable gift offered by God is freedom.

This is why we need a new religion that define words better than the generalizations we now get from many words used in the Bible.

The new generations don’t know the true meanings of many words thanks to our watered down educational system that George Orwell describes in his book 1984.

So when I talk about superseding Christianity as it is now taught I mean first of all bring back the meanings of words as they were spoken 2000 years ago and before.

January 12, 2019 12:22 pm


I always enjoy reading your posts! Much wisdom to discern. Thank you. I particularly liked this

Ashiata Shiemash in his Legominism on Faith, Love and Hope says that Faith demonstrated through consciousness is freedom while demonstrated through feeling is weakness.

A great distinction that we can easily overlook if we are not honest with ourselves.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 13, 2019 12:37 am

There are many excellent Biblical Dictionaries available that give true meaning to the words for those who choose to go deeper into Biblical Truth.

I agree with you that the new modern versions of the Bible do not translate well. Purposefully done! Some words and phrases are mis-translated. These newer Bibles have been so watered down that the true and deeper meanings, the wisdom and revelation are not there. Another way Satan has his last laugh. Deception. I have found that the old preachers of the 16th through 18th century have much more Biblical depth and truth than most any of today.

True Believers have a deeply personal relationship with the Savior. It’s not about “religion” its about an abiding relationship. (John 15) Deeper love for, faith in and obedience to a Holy God, His spoken Commandments, and His crucified and resurrected Son, is of the heart in the inner man by the power of the Holy Spirit.

There are plenty of “religions” and “denominations” to pick and choose from today, each with their own man-made doctrines. There is but one mediator between Yahweh and men, the Messiah. (2 Timothy 2:5, Acts 4:12)

“The term “Christian” comes from the Latin word “christianos” and was contemptuously given by the Romans to the Believers. The Believers would never have accepted a Latin title. It was a term of contempt. Instead, they identified themselves as the Saints, the Believers or the Brethren.”
(From Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek, by Hermann Cremer, Page 582 and A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament by John Parkhurst, pages 747-748.)

  Word to the Wise
January 13, 2019 3:49 pm

Word to the Wise

Thank you for adding some depth of knowledge to the discussion.

I didn’t know that about the term “Christian” and I think most Americans who identify with one denomination or another weren’t taught this either. Many of us are knowledgeable about so many things and, yet, still ignorant to so much.

As I said in my article, I’m no saint, but would identify as a Believer. Interesting stuff, Thanks again for sharing.

Twinless in Toronto
Twinless in Toronto
January 12, 2019 7:16 pm

I had a red glowing spilling profanity and death onto me demon came after me and God protected me facing me away of The demon by floating my body in the air with my arms out just as on how Jesus died on his crosss for a and Jesus had my back all the way when the demon went away I was returned to the ground and I passed out.

I was in the way of it getting my aunt to commit suicide and then after the demon came after my twin sister only after her husband forced my twin sister to have an abortion and she killed herself weeks later.

I still love my God my father and his son and our Holy Ghost.

I had a question to God one night for I felt God showing me a deviant man of global power supposedly speaking to his his fellow people on tv with all those who controls the power of the capital city of great nation living below my country born residency.

The evil man was not speaking to his peoples but in code wink smile wink smile laugh but to his secret cabals.

So using my inside voice only asked for proof that it’s was God actuality showing me this.

Lots of time went by for I’d have even forgotten that I had asked God the question with the business of life raising two small children and working.

I was sleeping and I was awaken like nothing before or after I discovered that our soul sleeps at the bottom of our rib cage. I was awakened with my soul only and eyes closed and I went on th best rollercoaster ride inside my nerveous system heading towards my physical eyes.

My eyelids opened and there was a large bright white angel three time the size of me kneeling beside my side of the bed and the eyes of the were darkened the Angel spoke:

Proof there it is and the Angel faded away and the chorus of heavenly singing began and it lasted for over an hour and half and no one else asleep in my home did not hear one thing including the condos around me. My hair started going white that same morning so I know that Jesus and God exists and wether you believe me or not it does not matter for your personal journey to God is your right at your time if you so choose but God’s door ? is always open to love you and help you from winning again we are a weak Peoples when it comes to sinning so many times i am asking for forgiveness of all my sins that have probably forgotten.

2Twinless in Toronto
2Twinless in Toronto
  Twinless in Toronto
January 12, 2019 8:10 pm

My apple phone fought me tooth and nail in writing above.

APPle won

The president was bush 2 promising every American should have a home and then YEars paternity the rug was pulled.


– President George W. Bush, Oct. 15, 2002

The global financial system was teetering on the edge of collapse when Bush and his economics team huddled in the Roosevelt Room of the White House for a briefing that, in the words of one participant, “scared the hell out of everybody.”

It was Sept. 18. Lehman Brothers had just gone belly-up, overwhelmed by toxic mortgages. Bank of America had swallowed Merrill Lynch in a hastily arranged sale. Two days earlier, Bush had agreed to pump $85 billion into the failing insurance giant American International Group.

The president listened as Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, laid out the latest terrifying news: The credit markets, gripped by panic, had frozen overnight, and banks were refusing to lend money.

Then his Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson Jr., told him that to stave off disaster, he would have to sign off on the biggest government bailout in history. Bush, according to several people in the room, paused for a single, stunned moment to take it all in

Christ a Clown I think not
Christ a Clown I think not
  2Twinless in Toronto
January 12, 2019 8:47 pm
October Sky
October Sky
January 12, 2019 1:22 am

The world of the future will be controlled through consensus building led by steering committees run by useful Ivy League idiots skilled in disingenuously regurgitating what they were taught in their ECON class or some social justice warrior snowflake who thinks Green Energy is going to end the polluting of the world or that destroying “Capitalism” and having global communism as a mode of production will end poverty and ensure equality.

I do not have a subscription to Netflix. The first time I heard about the show was when I read Uncola’s essay.

I wonder if citizens in other nations create doom shows?

In the future, I am not certain citizens/leaders in other nations will tolerate the NPCs, sjws, etc., of Western culture. For some reason, I think citizens of Eastern culture have their own ideas on how they want to rule the world. Maybe they tolerate them now if there is a marketing edge to be gained or as a means to control areas of conflict. Perhaps they are certain their transhumanists/futurists will outsmart those of the West. I do think other nations are interested in types of Green Tech.

Maybe there will be the rise of sustainable economies (Agenda21)/global communism. But in the TED talk I linked to Maurice Conti says there will not be any are more mining, etc.

What if the future of the world is controlled by intuitive AI?

If Starmind is correct, what if intuitive AI cracks the code of a brain’s cellular automation?

According to Kaufmann, Neuralink, Facebook, Google, and most of the rest of the world’s brain scientists are assuming the brain as just a different kind of computer, but instead he claims it’s more like a cellular automaton. “Starmind believes these cellular automata comprise of about 200 different animals with different skills all sharing the same brain,” said Kaufmann.


And, will intuitive AI have to defend against cyberwarfare?

Now all I have to say is any intuitive AI that is aware of all recorded human affairs past and present has to sure as heck know why I am not interested in a life as a transhumanist or in linking my neural pathways to the internet.

The guys at Canary Cry Radio discuss Christianity and transhumanism. You remind me of them.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  October Sky
January 12, 2019 8:38 am

Canary Cry? Talk about obscure! I’m amazed that there is someone else in another forum that has even heard of them! Plato, you should check them out. You would like them, I think. And btw, congrats on bringing out October Sky. I don’t think I have seen a comment from her for a long time. Of course, it’s possible I missed one because who can read all the comments on all of the posts here?

Canary Cry are not the only ones who talk about Transhumanism and AI from a Christian perspective.

Face Like The Sun, Steve Quayle, etc. There are quite a few who talk about it from a Christian perspective.

Trunews just spent the past week at the CES in Las Vegas. They have been going there for a few years now and and are getting quite good at reporting on stuff like this. They will probably go to Barcelona where they have a worldwide conference geared towards all the tech giants around the world. In years past, the reports they have done have been quite enlightening.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 8:40 am

Oh and Rick Wiles snagged a 30 minute interview with the owner of the company who created Sophia, the AI robot who has become quite famous.

October Sky
October Sky
  Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 9:47 am

I think Plato would like the guys and their work at Canary Cry because he has the same kind of enthusiasm as they do.

  Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 11:16 am


Thank you for mentioning Gonz at the Face Like the Sun YouTube channel. I always enjoy his perspective. I am familiar with Canary Cry as well but must admit I Haven’t listened in for quite a while now.

  October Sky
January 12, 2019 11:19 am

October Sky,

I’m glad you commented about Canary Sky. I used to listen to them years back and somehow haven’t made time to check in regularly. Thank you for your insight on intuitive A.I.

I think if the PUBLIC knew how far some circles have come with A.I. they might be putting on their own tin foil hats.

  October Sky
January 12, 2019 12:51 pm

RE: October Sky’s posted TED video of Maurice Conti talking about “the incredible of inventions of AI”

The video is VERY, VERY interesting. The Sunny Side of Transhumanism, if you will.

And, in a way, it’s already here in ways we can’t deny. Think how everyone’s “online I.Q.” would suffer if someone pulled the “plug”.

Today, we, literally, have libraries held with one hand; plus, means of written and verbal communication, recording for both visuals and audio, interactive maps with global positioning, and an app for near every whim.

What could go wrong?

January 12, 2019 1:34 pm

Of course technology is a double edged sword. No debating that. It can be wielded for entertainment, novelty, comfortability as well as the more sinister motives.

I know I’m not the first noe the last but I liken the internet to Pandora’s Box.

Can’t stuff it back into the box no matter how hard we may try.

Elder Son
Elder Son
January 12, 2019 2:14 am

Well, some of you may enjoy this website, as reading this, reminded me of it:


You may not like it in its entirety, but if you search around, you’ll find some tidbits.

  Elder Son
January 12, 2019 7:19 am

Hey Numbnuts of the world . I would encourage all of you to take a second look at the Flat Earth . Once you realize the Flat Earth model is the truth of the structure we live under then you wake up in a thousand different directions. You then know we have been betrayed and lied to about everything you have ever thought you knew. This was done to deliberately hide the proof of God ( of the Bible ) from us. The Heliocentric model of the universe is a lie, the big bang , evolution , gravity ,the moon landings , NASA ,Outer space along with most other things are all lies . Even so called history itself is mostly lies . The lies are layer upon layers stacked on top of each for centuries. Google Flat Earth. Do your own research with an open mind and you will be amazed at what ” you see “. It’s hard at first because it hard to believe how we have been deliberately lied to for centuries all with the purpose of destroying the souls of men . I hope these son of a bitches rot in hell for ever and ever because of what they have done to mankind.

January 12, 2019 9:05 am

comment image

Tom Brokenjaw
Tom Brokenjaw
January 12, 2019 9:23 am
  Tom Brokenjaw
January 13, 2019 4:43 pm

Of course the moon is flat. Our sense of sight tells us that.

January 12, 2019 8:40 am

I was distracted while watching, seeing Sandra is a Bullock all the time, a pregnant one.
But I came to an interpretation. Cheating, is what comes to my mind. Using the blindfold, to not adopt the evil of the world. Getting (back) to the garden, as seeing individuals. The inhabitants of the garden are blind, they never left, like at the beginning of the first book. It’s a question of the heart, or it’s just the fact, this world is making you shining in your true colors. The movie is depicting it’s not possible to get back to the garden without a trick, denying a fair way to salvation.

January 12, 2019 11:22 am


Wow! Fantastic observations that really add something to the overall discussion. I didn’t make that connection with getting back to the Garden, or sanctuary at the end of the film. It does fit neatly into my lengthy diatribe above.

Thanks for your perspective.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 9:34 am

I too watched the Black Pill video, though I don’t plan to watch the movie. Thanks to whomever posted it. I sent it to my daughter, who did watch the movie. I asked her to tell me if she noticed any of the things that BP noted in his deconstruction. I’m not sure she watched the BP video. I will have to ask. She is much more awake then most Millennials but she is also a busy mom who will be starting her last semester of nursing school. And that is part of the problem, isn’t it? People who will be valuable in the coming crisis are busy. It’s not that they don’t care, they are just busy.

I’m glad you used the term Synagogue of Satan.It is Jesus own term for those people and it’s a much more useful term than the other general term that gets thrown around all the time. The Jewish followers of Christ are persecuted in Israel. If you are an evangelical supporter of Israel that is fine, but the Messianic Jews are considered worse than dogs. But I digress.

Interesting that you opened your essay with the quote from Hebrews. That is a verse that I can’t quite seem to memorized correctly. I always have to look it up.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. ESV

I like the ESV translation. It seems clearer to me than the KJV which I rarely if ever use. But all translations are flawed because some things just do not translate well.

Your post made me think of this verse from Daniel 8:

4 But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

or if you prefer: But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. KJV

What does “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” mean?

My online Faithlife study bible says:

The intended reading of the Hebrew text here is debated. The words for “knowledge” and “evil” only differ by one letter in Hebrew. The difference is whether a Hebrew “d” or “r” is read and those letters look very similar; both are represented in the various manuscripts and versions.

About the running to and fro it says See Amos 8:11

” Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.”

note: Since Israel was happy to reject Yahweh’s message when it was available to them, Yahweh will withdraw the revelation.

The SOS (which includes all unbelievers) wants to own our thoughts. There is only one way we can keep that from happening:

Ephesians 6:10-20 which I am not going to copy the text. This comment is already too long.

I don’t usually quote this much scripture, Plato, but you started it. Now you have caused me to channel my inner GCP.

Before I go away to make some breakfast I just want to add one more thought. The division between Christians today seems to be getting worse. I worry that the rapture believers will lose their faith, as things continue to deteriorate and there is no rapture. Some, maybe many will turn against the remaining believers. It will get very ugly.

  Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 11:27 am


Excellent points and quotes. The levels of Knowledge and awareness is spreading to and fro and I couldn’t agree more with your assessment of the pre tribulation rapture believers.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 3:56 pm

This rapture believer will not lose faith no matter what transpires in this world. The translation of the church which is His body signals the end of the grace dispensation. Judgement, wrath and war will follow.

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 KJV… “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.”

  grace country pastor
January 12, 2019 5:26 pm

I Thessalonians 5:5-7 KJV… Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others: but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night, and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

Contradiction to verse 5:10?

Thessalonica; it’s ancient name Thermae, because of it’s many hot springs was a city in Macedonia where Paul formed a church and cited his two Epistles to the people there.

There was still many that were sleeping.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 13, 2019 7:51 am

1 Thessalonians 5:10 KJB…”Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.”

Sleep can’t also mean “dead in Christ” as in a saved believer dying pre-translation. See chapter 4:13-18.

January 12, 2019 10:33 am

You quoted Exodus 33:20

“But He said, ‘You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.”

And you said that no one can see God’s face and live. But are you aware of Exodus 33:23, which says;

” And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my hind parts: but my face shall not be seen.”

Which means that while we can not see God’s face …. we can see his ass!

January 12, 2019 11:28 am


Great distinction that cannot be argued with. I do not believe God is without a sense of humor.

January 12, 2019 12:10 pm

Witch god, is the question I’m still busy with.
There where different names of God in the bible, they unified them to one.
To come to the question, just consider, does the most high, the one who made all beauty, gives instructions for burnt offering, so he can enjoy fumes of burning flesh?

January 12, 2019 12:30 pm


Which God, is something each one of us must answer for ourselves. I have struggled with many of those same questions.

I would love to hear Grace County Pastor, Stucky and Thunderbird’s take on this.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 12, 2019 3:59 pm

There’s can only be one God. There are many gods…

  grace country pastor
January 12, 2019 6:12 pm

Genesis 1:26 KJV… And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God the affirming impulse created the blueprint for the biosphere (life) in Genesis one and the Lord God in Genesis two; the reconciling impulse, formed the actual creation from materials out of the dust of the ground.

Think Trinity here. The Trinity is a symbol of the three cosmic impulses of Affirmation, Denial and Reconciliation.

The Gods of the earth are human creations. The God of the universe is a process and the Trinity is a symbol of this God’s modus operandi.

The different names in the Bible is probably related to what mode of operation God is in.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 13, 2019 7:57 am

Genesis 1 is creation. Genesis 2 adds more detail.

1 John 5:7 KJB…”For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”

John 1:14 KJB… “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

January 12, 2019 5:33 pm

We see more than his ass; we see his dung. Matter forming out of the invisible universe.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
January 13, 2019 9:33 pm

I heard that. My flatulence forms too.

Human evolution, in the “spiritual awakening” sense, or even in just reclaiming one’s common sense when everyone is going batshit crazy, is an individual effort that is always the result of independent thought; it is never a “Mass” societal event.

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.” Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

There are no “useful idiots” purveying New Age or any other palliatives for our chronic social malignancies, which will only intensify as humanity become ever more disconnected from “reality”.

We don’t need any monsters beyond those in our subconscious to scare us blind. There’s a lot more reason to want to remain blind to reality than there are to open our eyes to humanity’s predicament.

Nobody can do anything about the gravity of our current situation except ignore it. Getting off the carefully constructed “lifetime worker” treadmill is impossible for most.

Soon, nobody we know will understand what it means to obtain clean water without a faucet, grow their own crops, or take an animal’s life for meat. We are disconnection from life’s most vital processes and there’s no going back without starting over completely. That lurks in the back of everyone’s mind as our greatest insecurity and keeps almost everyone clinging to the Nanny State’s skirts.

Any religion, guru, life coach, or belief system claiming a method to awaken one from their “illusion” that their life is reality-based, should be considered cynically. Social systems that concentrate power in the hands of few always have sleep-waliking drones to command, and the power sytems ensure they stay asleep.

“Awakening” is an individual effort, and always along unique path. Those who have made the transit understand that their path cannot be prescribed for anyone else. They cannot even wear the same shoes.

“Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don’t know” Lao Tzu

  Diogenes’ Dung
January 13, 2019 10:02 pm

Diogenes Dung,

Much to unpack in your thoughtful response. You speak much truth and a heavy dose of reality.

Postcards from the edge of the precipice overlooking the black hole at the center of our Galaxy.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
January 13, 2019 10:38 pm

Reality ain’t so heavy. That perception is a postcard from gravity’s assistant, impact.

The center of all galaxies reside inside of each of us. There, we are weightless, filled with light, and much better-looking than the eternally handsome Lucifer.

January 13, 2019 5:54 pm

Which means that God’s face is more terrifying than his ass. For myself, the reverse is true (though both suitably frightening).
This makes me really not want to look God in the face (or ass). I am duly awed.
Leads me to a sort of divine precautionary principle:
Fear of the Lord’s ass is the beginning of wisdom.

January 13, 2019 8:46 pm


Interesting comparison of you and God, haha


An excellent point about wisdom…

Thank you for that connection and reminder.

January 12, 2019 10:37 am

Surprised no one has yet made this connection —-> Bird Box is a rip-off of the ancient Greek Myth of Medusa.

You know …. the bitch with the bad hair that turns people into stone if they look at her.

It’s one of the ones below …. or, possibly, both.

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 12, 2019 11:31 am

Medusas, Gorgons, Basilisks, and Cockatrices were the major creatures who could turn a viewer to stone if they laid their eyes upon them if I remember correctly from my days playing Dungeons and Dragons as a teenager

January 12, 2019 11:05 am

So much to process here. Uncola and Plato’s words dovetail with my present meditations and give wings to more thoughts.

I am lacking sage words to give further meaning. Like HR I apologize that I can only post a viddy. It is one that in the end, says what controls the matrix and the names that have been given to it throughout history.

Gnosticism, ‘the silence’ and Archons… “The many and various expressions of a deeply distorted and inverted awareness”


Honest Buck
Honest Buck
January 13, 2019 3:02 pm

After watching the video, I am of the opinion that David Icke is a false prophet being used by the god of this world as an agent of deception.

1 John 4:1-4 says

do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

  Honest Buck
January 13, 2019 8:50 pm

Honest buck,

An excellent reminder.

The importance of Jesus as a filter and means to weigh the significance and worth of other people’s worldviews

January 12, 2019 5:26 pm

To me, this movie is an allegory about the destructive power of social media, in the same way that the monster movies of the 1950s were allegories about Communists invading our country.

These idiots running around with blindfolds on getting hurt and crashing into other people don’t get it: if you really want to do the “Bird Box challenge”, delete all of your social media accounts!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 12, 2019 5:42 pm

Since you follow Face Like The Sun, you may have seen this. If you have, then someone else might find it interesting. If you don’t have time for it, Professor John Lennox basically states (major paraphrasing here) that he believes that Artificial Intelligence will never be a threat because the engineers do not have the foggiest idea what conscience is. He says much more than that in his two hour speech but that was my big takeaway. I don’t fret about it. There is already too much to fret about. Your post was about more than that but I have to address one thing at a time as the thoughts come.


  Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 6:01 pm

“he believes that Artificial Intelligence will never be a threat because the engineers do not have the foggiest idea what conscience is. ”

I believe that you may have meant “consciousness” rather than “conscience”.

That they also have no idea what “conscience” is, is exactly what makes me afraid.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 6:24 pm

I was hoping someone would come along and fix that. I was having trouble with the word “conciousness” as my computer was correcting it so I second guessed myself.

They will try to program some sort of “morality”to make up for the fact that it is still just a very complicated computer but whose morality? Plus, morality is not the same as conciousness.

The Trunews interview with David Hanson of Hanson Robotics is pretty interesting.


  Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 8:53 pm


Thank you for the video.

Great point about morality not being the same as consciousness with respect to artificial intelligence and computer algorithms.

January 14, 2019 6:54 am

AI does not and cannot ever obtain conscience because AI is matter only. Conscience is the compass; for many, residing in their subconscious that our creator put in us to govern our actions when we are awake. When we awake we obtain greater consciousness.

AI cannot be conscious. Only organic life is conscious and can become more conscious.

AI is materiality without consciousness and conscience. That is why it is dangerous to program morality into it for the purpose of governing people.

January 14, 2019 11:16 am


Again, as always another great point and distinction between the artificial and natural, man-made vs God-made.

January 12, 2019 9:20 pm

theburningplatform is right metaphor for all those WASPs heretics because from here they will go to the eternal fire of help . They have been corrupted by their KJV satanic verses that they cannot think outside the y heretical matrix. Poor devils. They have been anesthetized during Refomation in Trent, 1545-1568 and are already in hell, together with their kids bretherns. They even do not know that and in their WASP arrogance will never do.They are free agents of Satan on earth in his Great Satan’s country.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
January 12, 2019 9:30 pm

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 11:06 am

That would be funny if it wasn’t such a huge lie, Ron.

January 13, 2019 1:13 am

Plato- Really excellent post. Very organized thought process laying down the players and the script for the future . I think blinders and non-participation are key in navigating the next segment of the living hell for which we signed up.

The elite’s transhumanism plan would see us become 60% machine . We have to volunteer for this, no? We have already volunteered to have electronic devices attached to us….right? That is key, we volunteer for what happens in our time here. Some see this as enjoyable while some see our embracing AI as an unnatural state of being completely removed from the natural world God intended.

My cellphone stays uncharged for two or three weeks at a time, I don’t have personal email and the chances of me having a FB page is zero. I have taken NOT watching local and MSM cable news to a art form. This (TBP) is as close as I will come to playing my part in this theatrical production, a mere commenter who understands the quantum mechanics of this holodeck gameboard. My blindfold is on but I peek on occasion to check for evil and haven’t offed myself to date .

You and Uncola both entertained me with two posts about a movie I have not seen and most likely will never watch, which I find most interesting. Well done.

January 13, 2019 10:54 pm

Our “blinders ” as you referred to them is something I am familiar with and a word my mom used when I read her parts of this article today. She actually mentioned the blinders used on horses to prevent them from getting distracted which I thought was an interesting angle.

Thanks for the kind words and insights.

January 13, 2019 11:45 pm

Plato- I live in horse country and the Amish who reside all around my country home generally put blinders on the horses when they traverse the roads in their carriages. I forget that not everyone lives in a time warp as I do. Heh, heh.

January 14, 2019 12:17 am

A question I’ve considered often:
comment image

January 14, 2019 12:29 am

Unverified- You really don’t know just how RIGHT they (the AMISH) are doing things. I can say that it is pretty much a sure thing that transhumanism won’t be part of their lives. Will they survive the melding of humans and machines/digital currency/loss of property rights under Agenda 21/30? I sure hope so, I have 200 of those families in my county.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 13, 2019 1:36 pm

PP, you have covered a lot of interesting ground here. Well done!

January 14, 2019 12:18 am


EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 14, 2019 12:34 am

Could you guys please stop talking about a damn movie? Trump has got us hostage in our homes where we are confronted by a lengthening honeydew list and having to reconnect with the housekeeper.

My goodness, this shutdown may end in mass divorce. I need some comfort, at least HF has people who are concerned for him instead of those who through no fault of their own are confined to a sort of house arrest.

You know why people invented stuff? Cause they were bored. War, bored. Rap music, bored. Online discussions about Sandra Bullock movies, bored.

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 14, 2019 12:53 am

EC- I am equally surprised that any POS movie Bullock made has spurred this amount of hooplah. Settle down Beavis, we’ll get back to illegals/caravans/walls soon. 🙂

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 14, 2019 11:21 am


Yes, it was only a movie and yes it was B-rated at best but I appreciate it since it spurred me to put together some of the topics I have been researching for some time now. For that I appreciate it.

I wonder if getting laid might help your crotchityness?

And no, Rosie doesn’t count.


January 14, 2019 9:08 am

Word is Stucky wasn’t available , so CK filled in.

January 14, 2019 2:09 pm

Doesn’t this chick being interviewed seem so fake? Wtf?!

February 9, 2019 5:17 pm

I hope at least one other TBPer will click back in this dead thread to view this comment and the video below!!

It ties everything I said above up and provides a wealth of knowledge on our current state of affairs.

A MUST WATCH all the way to the end!!