Guest Post by CCRider

I offer here an idea to drive a stake into the heart of the ruling elite while requiring no effort, no rallies, no demonstrations and no violence.  It can be done sitting on our asses, in fact that’s a requirement.  We hijack the non voting majority.  There are many well reasoned articles for not voting.  One of my favorites is by Doug Casey  https://internationalman.com/articles/doug-caseys-top-five-reasons-not-to-vote/

I stopped voting after Reagan grew the government by 30%.  If he couldn’t stem the malignant growth of the federal government I reasoned, no one could.  Like any parasite government would grow until it killed off the host.  I did vote for Ron Paul in the two republican primaries but I knew it was merely symbolic.  Not only was he not allowed to win, if he came close they would have killed him, like Jack Kennedy, another reason I gave up on the evil that is voting in a corrupt democracy.

It was sort of hard sticking to it early on, not getting sucked into the red/blue bullshit hype.  In time I grew to love my non voting status.  It gave me a perspective that wound up being refreshing and enlightening.  I became a spectator in the bleachers emotionally detached from the outcome which I could not affect in any case.  I became bullet proof to nitwits like W Bush.  I could see through the dapper, skin rash deep facade of Obama and the horny carnival barker who followed him.  I wasn’t being played.  The big picture came gradually into focus.  I could see through the ruling elite’s machinations and tricks to lead the voting wildebeests down their desired path.  I became a proud non voter.  It’s not a fashionable position I know but that can change.

There is a new paradigm perhaps worth developing which could radically reset the equation.  In the last presidential election out of 230 million eligible voters, almost half, 97 million did not vote.  That left 130 million who did.  Split that number in half to represent the 2016 percentages of democratic and republican voters and you have about 65 million each.  So the vast majority of eligible voters stayed home rather than join the red-blue circle jerk.

The establishment press, ever the teacher’s pets, labeled non voters lazy and apathetic giving them cover to ignore the other obvious reason; that the abstainers regard voting as a hopeless and pointless exercise, two paths to the same cage.  Is my confirmation bias showing or are disillusioned trumpsters getting wise to the democracy scam in increasing numbers?  Consider what would happen if we take the republican voters off the table.  That would give the democratic party 65 million votes and the “None Of The Above” party 162 million.

Of course that’s unrealistic because the real apathetic people are the brain dead automatic Repo voters-think John McCain.  But even if we could convince half of them, say 33 million to stay home on election day, that would still overwhelm the Dummos 65 million to 130 million.  One third joining the movement and it’s 120 million to 65 million-twice their number.  What would our masters do?  I have no idea but those relying on the bogus concept of “consent of the governed” would be made a laughing stock-something they can’t stand-humiliation.  That’s what all that “The Honorable” bullshit is about.  Like we owe Rashida Tlaib respect.

If you believe in Liberty and cherish your American birthright to be a sovereign individual there is no good reason to reject this wonderful form of completely nonviolent and legal civil disobedience.  Even if Trump builds his partial wall/fence/barrier/whatever, unless chain migration is stopped (which he could have done on day one) that alone will be enough to push Texas, Georgia and Florida over the blue wall in short order.  At that point we have one party rule.  See what John Adams had to say about the fate of all democracies .  We’re there.  What’s left to save?  Why play in a rigged game?  Let’s go in a different direction.  The irreverent, ‘Blow Me’ attitude of TBP seems a great vehicle to sponsor such an effort.

Think of the fun we could have driving the non voting bandwagon.  Maybe we could call ourselves the Former Unionists or FU Party.  Lets do what the ruling elite would fear and loathe:  Give the ‘None of the Above’ majority a persona.  Brand the movement.  Hand out “I Didn’t Vote” stickers.  Or “Hope is for dopes” ball caps.  Maybe our anthem could be a rewrite of the lyrics  “Take This Job( Vote) and Shove it”.  If it caught fire it could ignite the decentralized explosion of creative fire of the Ron Paul presidential campaigns.

Think of the phonies; Biden, Harris, Graham, Rubio, etc. voicing outrage at the very idea of rejecting their ‘leadership’.  Think of the Chris Cuomos and Hannitys begging you to once again  fall for the regularly scheduled “Most Important Election Of Our Lifetimes” scam.  Many Dummos may even join in.  Think of Bernie followers after he was screwed out of the nomination by the DNC.  Might they not join in?  And the best part is that this movement requires no leaders.  No political positions. No campaign promises.  No quorums.  No conventions.  We have no platform, offer no issue statements and no legislative agendas.  We don’t give a shit about the fucking deficit or ‘regime change’ .  We stay home and mind our own business.  We’re sick and tired of the game and we no longer wish to participate in our own destruction.  We’ve shrugged.

Vote, my ass.

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January 11, 2019 3:18 pm

I’ve been talking about that to anybody interested (or not) SINCE 1971. Tricky Dick! None Of The Above!.

The reason we can’t build legitimacy is that the other side – the enemy! – has Full Spectrum Dominance. Even with Billion$ on our side, we haven’t even scratched the surface of the organization of school, college, HolyWood, the financial establishment, the lawmakers Writers of the Written Whim – or even our fookin’ MOTHERS – and now even the Evil Corporations; already have centuries of practice in verbally abusing us. And kicking around those of us who just want to be left alone.

Heck, we thought when Atlas Shrugged was published, collectivism would be dead in a year. Nevertheless, I keep at it, even trying to get friends and acquaintances to be ashamed of voting. Doesn’t work. It’s always earlier than we think.

Forced Public School is the key. Read Gatto’s Underground History if you haven’t. Then for the not-faint-of-heart, pick up The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution and read the Comprachios chapter. This muck is FAR DEEPER than a few votes. Or even an electoral majority!

But the thing that heartens me, in a perverse Polack way, is someone else’s failure. The Research Department of Totalitarianism, the ‘brilliant young’ Marxists who planned the ‘long march thru the institutions’ at the Frankfurt school just assumed they would stage their communist take over and retain societies as civil and productive as the late 19th century Germany – “the land of poets and philosophers”. In their most fevered dreams they could not have conceived their ‘strategies’ inexorably leading to San Franshitsco or Lagos on the Chesapeake. And they too, like socio/psychos since the beginning of time, would blame the victims. Same as it ever was.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
January 11, 2019 3:31 pm

I didn’t even vote in the Ron Paul primaries. I just sent lots of money. In that context, of course , the money spoke louder than votes. So, I’m with you CCR. FU Forever!

January 11, 2019 3:32 pm

“an idea to drive a stake into the heart of the ruling elite” Have you totally lost your mind?

If votes are not important why does the left go to such extravagant lengths for fraudulent votes and illegal voters.
The leftist libtards and commie pinko bastards would love nothing better than to have all of us right minded, conservative voters just stay home on voting day. The more we don’t vote the sooner they take full control.

I can’t wait to see how that turns out.

January 11, 2019 3:41 pm

Like the ArchDruid writes: “Collapse Now And Avoid The Rush“. 🙂

We all know that’s baked into the cake. But there’s no reason to believe that’s ever turned out well for freedom.

January 11, 2019 4:41 pm

The left is dedicated heart and soul to the vote because they win at it-all the time-including when the repos are in office. The government always grows. Always. And it will under the Orange Crusader. That’s not a prediction. It’s fact-if you’re at all interested in facts.

Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill
January 12, 2019 8:29 pm

I’m sorry to say Wolverine, you are watching a dog and pony show and believing it. Everything they do is a performance and you need to learn what is REALLY happening behind the scenes!

We are screwed
We are screwed
January 12, 2019 10:49 pm

If voting mattered they wouldnt allow it……

January 11, 2019 4:00 pm

Why is it the nihilists are typically non-religious?

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 11, 2019 4:00 pm

As a patriotic non-voter (last vote was for Uncle Ronnie in ’80) I can say that the current situation in tvland is that gringos have abandoned the major networks and their primary viewers are black and browns. This is the constituency of elected officials. They pander to these groups and today we have AOC, BHO and others leading the charge into communism.

That might sound like an argument for voting but looking back at the results of voting for these people shows that votes don’t matter where it really counts; Uncle Ronnie put the kibbosh on unions after Carter deregulated the airlines. Bush brought down the Berlin wall calling for a new world order. Clinton expanded the welfare system, the police state and the decline of the military.

Bush 2 expanded the surveillance state and police power. Obama oversaw the pillaging of the state treasury and indebted the people further. Trump is trying to build a wall to keep taxpaying gringos in. Pretty soon we shall have universal identification to make sure everybody who owes pays into the American system.

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 11, 2019 7:42 pm

Deception is the name of the game, would give you 2 thumbs up if I could.

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 11, 2019 10:57 pm

What constitutes a “gringo” to you?

EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
January 11, 2019 11:41 pm

Glad you asked. I use it as a synonym for white or interchangeably with American. It can mean American or it can mean Caucasian. It depends on the context. It can refer to North Americans in general or Whites in particular.

I use it the way Iska uses the word Mexican as a general appellation to brown people everywhere or those from Latin America in general or from Mexico in particular.

A girl in Hondo land spoke of black gringos (gringos negros) but referred to whites as “cheles” (phonetically: Che Less)

  EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
January 12, 2019 12:04 am

Thanks for that clarification. We are on the same page, I believe. North American Anglo Saxon is gringo. Which is not to say that some Hispanics could not be referred to as gringos, just like some whites can be niggers.

So “Trump is trying to build a wall to keep taxpaying gringos in.”

Really? I wasn’t aware that gringos were forming caravans and heading south of the border. Most gringos I know will get a passport and an airplane ticket. That seems to be the fare. A wall is going to keep gringos in? Really?

If they want to keep the illegals in for taxes? Good luck. They send over 2 billion back to Mexico every year via Cisco, Western Union and other monetary exchange systems..There went your taxes…

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 12, 2019 2:47 am

That’s a hairy topic. I’m familiar with the buy local meme here. At one time, the DMV was fining people for out of state vehicles. I got a $300 refund from Gray Davis for a van I purchased through the company (GE). I came from Georgia so Cali fined me $300 to register an out-of-state vehicle. They didn’t call it a fine, that would have been restraint of trade.

As for sending money abroad. We do that all the time when we buy Chinese goods or any foreign made goods. What logic is there in keeping folks from sending a few bucks home when they have earned the money? Sure, it makes great political hay to claim they are sending our money to Mexico but so does talking about a wall and saving Syria from ISIS and all kinds of stuff that get voters riled up. It just doesn’t make sense if we consider the freedom aspect.

The government likes to take over things; education, healthcare, welfare. Now they want to restrict remittances so they can dole out the money in the form of foreign aid to their preferred agents (cronies). With the right approach, they can convince the public that this is necessary and patriotic.

Both sides want to brainwash the public. It is the public’s job, as LBJ warned, to be alert and informed. It is the public’s job to keep a sharp eye out for the bullshit that serves the politicos and the state more than it serves the public welfare. There was a reason the artist Goya spelled it out on his etching – the sleep of reason produces monsters.

  EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
January 12, 2019 9:16 am

In Argentina, anyone of obviously Euro ancestry is called a “gringo”, native Argentine or not. If someone has slightly darker skin than gringo siblings, the family will likely give them the pet name “negro”. It took me a while to understand that, given that in North America and Europe (Spain included), a negro is someone of African descent. There are very few such folk in Argentina.

EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
January 12, 2019 3:50 pm

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask’d, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks; – Sonnet 130, Uncola (it’s satire, moron)

Negro is also used in Mexico as a term of endearment.

January 11, 2019 4:03 pm

Don’t vote, Don’t complain about what’s going on either. Usually, it’s people born here that never vote and complain a lot.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 11, 2019 4:23 pm

Let’s start a movement – White Votes Matter.

Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill
  EL Coyote (EC)
January 12, 2019 8:40 pm

The problem is, NO VOTES MATTER !

January 11, 2019 4:40 pm

Sorry, it’s quite the opposite. You voted so you agree the system is legit and you participated in it … no complaint allowed.

I don’t vote because it’s not legit … therefore I can complain.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 12, 2019 1:14 am

By not voting, I’m not playing. You vote for a psycho, it’s on you, but you’re making me live with it, and it’s your fault.

Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill
January 12, 2019 8:38 pm

Oh you poor thing. Are you really buying into that whole “If you don’t vote, don’t complain” thing? Anyone who is allowed to make it to the point of being a candidate of either of the two major parties is a playing in this sick game so don’t fall for that crap.

January 11, 2019 4:21 pm

CCRider, I thought your position on voting was full of shit. No more. Participating in voting just gives the uniparty political cover. I have lost all patience with the Republifuks. That I’m sure bothers almost nobody.

January 11, 2019 4:24 pm

I was blocked from TBP this am. Did anyone else experience that? I think it was a cyber attack on TBP. I’m not important enough for that kind of treatment.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
January 11, 2019 5:05 pm

If the system was working s designed, voting and elections would not be important to anyone. There would be very few laws, very few regulations, and very few government employees or contractors. The Government would not own anything that anyone much wanted. We would all go about our business pretty much unmolested. If we pushed too hard on a drunk in a bar, we might get our ass kicked, or not. No cops need be involved. If we show up to work drunk or obnoxious, the boss might fire us. No lawsuit. If we smash into someone else’s car, we pay for it, or (lacking funds or insurance voluntarily purchased) maybe become indentured for a spell. If you see a doctor, pay the doctor. If we make a bunch of money being a good business man or innovator, we don’t have to give half of it to the rest of society right off the bat.

Soon voting won’t matter because every swinging dick, dickette, or dickless tranny will impose the same shit sandwich on all of us at every meal until we choke them all to death. That will happen, it just might take a while.

I still vote, butonly for the entertainment.

Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill
  Brian Reilly
January 12, 2019 8:50 pm

I love your way of thinking Brian. Go look at the Declaration of Independence and you will not see the term “United States” anywhere. It says “united States of America. Notice the difference? The “United States” in a noun. A corporate fallacy created by the Congress to pay for all the mistakes they make. The real Declaration say “united states” with a little “u” because it is an adjective used to declare our unification of the States as a country called “AMERICA” not the United States!

EoP MILED Clerk aka Andrea Muhrrteyn
EoP MILED Clerk aka Andrea Muhrrteyn
January 11, 2019 5:18 pm

Boycott / Veto Swamp Elections [veto-swamp-elec.tygae.org.za] might be of interest.

A copy of this comment is posted to EoP Legal Submissions [eop-leg-sub.tygae.org.za].

January 11, 2019 5:31 pm

What if everyone, Democrat and republican alike went down to their local board of elections and registered as an independent and left all of the parties henchmen twisting in the breeze. What a wonderful day for this country! It would be worth it to watch the party bosses loose their mind.

January 12, 2019 8:51 pm

Very cool idea !!!!!!

Steve in PA
Steve in PA
January 11, 2019 6:12 pm

I quit after the 2000 election. I held my nose for that one because I wanted to take my young son with me and let him pull the levers. Not liking Gore was enough to get me there, but never again.

“It’s not a fashionable position I know but that can change.”

I don’t know how unfashionable it is. According to the 2016 PA stats, just over 60% voted. So 4 in 10 people felt it wasn’t worth the effort. A little math shows that only ~29% of registered voters voted for Trump and he won.

I try to explain to my peers that only half vote and of that half the winner is usually around 50%, so in reality only 25% support the winner. Most still think it is their duty and their vote matters.

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

This ceased to be the case a long time ago. The charade is now over however. The best way I can show they don’t have my consent is to not play their silly little game called elections.

We are screwed
We are screwed
  Steve in PA
January 12, 2019 11:04 pm

People wake up. Did you ever think maybe 17% of the population is under age and not allowed to vote. That 10% are so damn old or sick they cannot vote or dont remember their own name. That 2% are too sick either temporary or cancerlike. That 2% allowed the severe weather to deter them from voting. That 3% are too drugged up or too poor and no means of travel to vote. Thats approx 34% of the 40% that didnt vote with a 3% margin of error thats damn close to full voting. Thats why the dems are voting for these people using their social security cards to rgister in multi states as well as dead peoples votes.

forged plastic
forged plastic
January 11, 2019 7:01 pm

america is a communist country. the party always wins. always.

  forged plastic
January 11, 2019 8:39 pm

Not a Communist country. No.
I think the formula is more like this:

Corporatocracy X Kakistocracy = Unckle Sam

But yes, I completely agree with you, the PArty always wins. Always.

January 11, 2019 7:39 pm

They don’t mind you not voting if your productive, they do mind not getting there cut, starving the beast by non generation of tax revenue, ie living as a illegal alien in your own country… almost have to cut your own throat to take a stand and they still wouldn’t care.
But at least you wouldn’t be complicit directly in there evil by funding it, just indirectly by suffering it to continue.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 12, 2019 1:19 am

Because the politicians need legitimacy, if not enough people vote, they could make it a required act. It’s been done in other countries.

  Vixen Vic
January 12, 2019 9:31 am

And there is the rub, they can demand we quietly go along with there evil or not, choose for yourself if you wish to comply. All they have now is the threat of, or use of violence to force compliance, ie terrorism sponsored by the State.

January 11, 2019 7:45 pm

Elections are the illusion of choice, voting is participation.

If either changed anything it would be outlawed.

January 11, 2019 8:31 pm

The problem with not voting is that it doesn’t actually tell TPTB that you’re pissed. In fact they just assume you don’t give a shit about being fucked daily by the system, like most of the rest of the country. Much better to vote, but vote 3rd party or write-in a fictional character. Can you image if “Bozo the Clown” got 2/3 of the popular vote?

David Erickson
David Erickson
January 12, 2019 1:04 am

I agree with TC. By not voting at all you are conveying that you don’t care who wins. By voting for a third party candidate you are conveying that you don’t want either the worthless Republican or the worthless Democrat to win. And who knows, if enough disillusioned people start voting third party, some of the third party candidates might start winning, which would probably help matters some (it certainly wouldn’t make them worse). I usually vote Libertarian Party or Constitution Party (American Independent Party in California) if they are on the ballot, but if not, I will vote for whatever third party candidate is on the ballot.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  David Erickson
January 12, 2019 1:33 am

That’s absurd. A third-party candidate could never win in the U.S. Look at what happened after Ross Perot ran. A third-party candidate isn’t even allowed in the debates because the 2-party system controls them and won’t let them in anymore. (George H.W. Bush thought Perot killed his chance for a second term and the Democrats went along with it – just in case.) Third-party candidates have to get people out to canvass for them to get the signatures of thousands of registered voters in each state just to be on the ballot, which Republicans and Democrats don’t have to do. And if you make headway, like Ron Paul, who actually ran as a Republican, they simply cheat and you’re out. Then, when it gets to the Repubs and Dems, the best cheater wins.

  Vixen Vic
January 12, 2019 9:22 am

Let me see if I’ve got your logic straight: don’t throw away your vote on a 3rd party; instead throw away your vote on a Democrat or Republican? Or stay at home and not vote at all? Aren’t you just throwing away you vote in all of the above cases?

David Erickson
David Erickson
January 12, 2019 12:51 pm

TC is right again. The “third-party candidate could never win” mentality is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If everyone who is disillusioned with both of the major party candidates (i.e., those who don’t vote at all, and those who hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two evils) would forget about their (erroneous) belief that a third party candidate could never win, and just go vote for their favorite third party candidate, some of the third party candidates would start winning.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  David Erickson
February 18, 2019 1:38 pm

My take is for someone to get on the ballot in every state named NONE OF THE ABOVE – I. It would require one person in every state to legally change their name and run for each federal office available. For example, President and Senate and what ever Congressional district they lived in. On second thought, you’d need enough people to legally change their name to NONE OF THE ABOVE – I for each Congressional District. In any case you get the idea. Each ballot would offer a choice of NONE OF THE ABOVE, which I believe most people would choose. Now that would mind fuck TPTB and both wings of the bird of prey, Uniparty!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 12, 2019 1:20 am

No, not Bozo, because that vote will be flipped to the candidate of choice.

January 11, 2019 8:34 pm

I’m with you on this one. I’m done participating in the bullshit scam.

January 11, 2019 10:14 pm
Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 12, 2019 1:02 am

I’ve been a non-voter for years now. Since voting machines came into play, it’s too easy to cheat or hack, so what’s the point? If they go back to paper ballots, which I can personally watch being counted, maybe I’ll try again.

Edit: But I doubt it.

January 12, 2019 6:52 am

My concern is the sagacity of simply rolling over and playing dead to a pack of hungry, rabid wolves. Lusty totalitarians everywhere know that simple constitutionalists/conservatives/libertarians/independent minded folks are what really stand between them and total control, one hundred billion dollars and the sharks with lasers in their heads as the rule of law is in practical terms dead and has been for some time. While the elite may hate being mocked, they will not hate finally usurping the last vestiges that officially complete their stranglehold on humanity. Yet the truth remains, the current “two party circle jerk” ain’t working. And likely won’t without a significant reformation of human character and civilization.

January 12, 2019 7:40 am

I certainly don’t regard not participating in a game you have no chance of winning as ‘playing dead’. I think it’s not allowing yourself to be played as a sucker. Proud and dignified people respect themselves. But your point, albeit thoroughly depressing, has merit. Maybe as a specie we just haven’t crawled far enough out of the primordial swamp. The herd instinct is a powerful force. I don’t think anyone who disagreed with my position actually contested my points. It’s more a gut reaction. How could something pounded into our heads since birth like ‘democracy’ be wrong? It challenges one’s basic instincts: Did daddy and mommy lie to me? And THEY know that and play it for all their worth. There’s good reason why 7 of the 9 richest counties surround d.c.

This is the 1st time I’ve offered an article exposing my radical views in public. It gave me renewed respect for those who do so here continually. It takes balls-or ovaries-to hang your ass in the air like that but I’m glad I did. It was fun and I appreciate all your comments.

Happy voting guys.

January 12, 2019 3:33 pm

I’m glad you wrote also. I’ve voted only in local elections with exception of outsider campaigns for president, Perot in’92 and Trump in ’16

January 12, 2019 9:34 am

Just remember kiddo’s, when the state says it wants to do something “for you” now, ie build a wall to keep illegals out, it really means is they are going to do something “to you” later, a nationwide prison camp with walls along the border doesn’t seem too farfetched at this stage.

EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
January 12, 2019 3:45 pm

nkit did not get that when I said it. It’s only after a decade or two that the big pic comes into focus.

January 12, 2019 9:07 pm

Actually monger is correct. There are plans for 52 concentration camps and 37 of them are completed. Each one will hold between 35 and 67 thousand people each. Who do you think they are for? There was even a lawsuit filed when they were discovered, against the United States. The federal government said they are being built to be used as prison camps in case we have to go to war. Really? Do they really think we are that dumb?

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
February 18, 2019 2:40 pm

Yes, they do!

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
February 18, 2019 2:39 pm

Fuckin A

January 12, 2019 8:02 pm

Nope, this is exactly what the parties want. The purpose of all rhetoric and advertising is to ELIMINATE non-mechanical voters, leaving only the mechanical reliable partybots.

Voting doesn’t help, refusing doesn’t help. It’s a pointless question.

In sane countries, new parties rise up and overwhelm the duopoly, but this can’t happen in USA. The duopoly always destroys strong outsiders, as it did with Wallace and Perot.

Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill
January 12, 2019 8:22 pm

I could not agree with the above article more as far as his claim about this all being a sham. The only problem with his solution is that you all will be sitting on your couches not voting while Homeland security and FEMA are knocking your door down and hauling you away. Yes FEMA. I bet you did not know that one of their missions is to deal with civil disturbance. When you start advocating your so called solution to the problem is not voting, and doing that on a large enough scale, they will declare YOU a disturbance and lock you away. I also bet you did not know Homeland Security has purchased over 6 billion, yes billion rounds of hollow point ammunition in the last 6 years did you? There was a man named Edward Burke who coined the phrase “For evil to triumph, good men need only do nothing”. Nothing has ever been accomplished by people sitting on their asses doing nothing. I wondered if the author of the article even owns a gun. If he does not, he better buy one because that day is coming when he is going to need one. Well maybe not him because he sounds more like the “go along to get along” type to me. Or maybe he is the proverbial ostrich who has his head buried in the ground hoping the problem will go away. It will not. I will say this as simply as I can. Until there is a violent and bloody revolution to overthrow those who have brought us to this point, nothing is going to change. If that scares you, then you better get ready for captivity or death because that is what is going to happen to you. They have the guns and the so called “Law” on their side. I have spent the the majority of my time since 1992 learning to understand what has happened to our country and its ideals. I also learned we are not the only country whose people feel this way. So I will say to you and the “No voting crowd”, your time is coming. By the way, I have never voted either because it IS rigged and a total sham. I will also say that until we change our monetary system, as in the Federal Reserve System, nothing will change and I just do not see that happening. So get ready folks, there are those who are poised and ready to shatter every dream you ever had. GET READY!

We are screwed
We are screwed
  Mr. Bill
January 12, 2019 11:17 pm

Read the Geneva Convention and you will find that hollow point bullets cannot be used in war or other country conflicts. That means our own govt is buying up hollow points to be used on its own citizens while raising the price of them so us sheepdogs buying them must pay more. I do believe any actions govt takes it is for the opposite reasons they state publicly. I have always believed they are fighting for /against the wall so once its built it would have been “our idea”. Walls keep people in too, dumbasses. Just like a prison does. All we need to do is turn down people that come here outside of the legal immigration policy. Tough shit. You should not have walk through the desert. Now turn your ass around and walk back. Within a week it would stop. But dems want catch and release then amnesty and chain migration for votes.

David Erickson
David Erickson
  We are screwed
January 14, 2019 12:37 pm

Good points We. See the following for similar points about the wall.


We are screwed
We are screwed
January 12, 2019 10:41 pm

I am starting to believe Trump was allowed to win to be the distraction theater while they finalize their deed. If Hitlery won ahe would have caused a bloody violent revolution and they knew it. Trump allows cogntive Dissonance and more time ti button things up for our near future enslavement.

James A Johnson
James A Johnson
January 12, 2019 10:57 pm

Ya know this has to be the stupidest idea I ever heard. Lets give up. Let the dims take over. I’ll bet when the schoolyard bullies took the ball you went home crying. So lets throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Ya there’s a lot of bad candidates but they’re not all bad.

January 13, 2019 3:41 am

They dont care if you dont vote. Macron only had 25% of electorate in first round. And he wont disappear now dispite 80% people completely against him (we hate this guy). All they want is their puppet in place. Only solution is to have as much honnest people as possible to become active politically as suggested by Ed Griffin with Freedom force International. Exact opposite of your suggestion. Doug casey is sometime also suspiciously full of shit.

Larry Morse
Larry Morse
February 3, 2019 11:48 pm

You know, I’ll admit that frequently voting is a choice between the lesser of two evils, but not voting is an abdication of your responsibility as a US citizen. And…not just voting for the President…you’ve got to campaign and vote for the County Board Chairman who’ll go on to be a state Senator, or your mayor who’ll go on to be a Representative. At least some of you non-voters saw the light with Trump.