The Yellow Vests Get it Right

Financial nuclear warheads.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

The mainstream media has degenerated irreparably. Here’s a reliable rule of thumb: if it’s important it’s not covered; if it’s covered it’s not important. Stories in the American mainstream press about Yellow Vest protests have been few. One aspect of the protests, transcendently important, has received scant coverage.

The Yellow Vest protestors have called for a coordinated run on French banks. Whether they realize it or not, they’re playing with nuclear warheads that could annihilate not just the French, but Europe’s and the entire world’s financial system. Because inextricably linked to the ends of contemporary governments―how much they can screw up the lives of those who must live under them—is the question of means―how do they fund their misrule? The short answer is taxes and debt.

Since 1971, when President Nixon 
“temporarily” suspended international convertibility of dollars for gold (it’s never been reinstated), the monetary basis of the global economy has been fiat debt. Neither government or central bank debt nor currencies are tethered to any real constraint, like precious metals (see “Real Money,” SLL). Thus, politicians and monetary officials can create as much debt as they want: debt by fiat.

Government and central bank debt is at the apex of the global debt pyramid. The next tier is commercial banks that have accounts at central banks. Those accounts are bank assets and central bank liabilities, or debts. Central banks expand their fiat liabilities to banks in exchange for banks’ fiat government debt, an exchange called debt monetization, which is a bit of a misnomer since no “Real Money” is involved. The “monetization” is the central bank’s fiat expansion of banks’ accounts with the central bank in exchange for fiat government debt, which expands banks’ assets available for loans to governments, businesses, and individuals.

In “Real Money,” money was defined, in part, as that which has intrinsic value and is not a liability of an individual or entity. This part of the definition is controversial; it invalidates everything we currently think of as money. Popularly accepted definitions are essentially: money is as money does, anything that serves as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account (the other parts of the SLL definition) is money.

However, just because something has monetary functions doesn’t mean it’s money, anymore than using a hairbrush to brush your teeth makes it a toothbrush. While there are some metaphysical questions about the notion of intrinsic value (that term was chosen because it’s shorter and more convenient than saying, “Something to which most people would assign a value apart from its potential value as money,” every time) the important point is that by SLL’s definition, using debt as money, including the debt in your wallet known as Federal Reserve Notes, doesn’t make it money.

Except for the relatively few instances when gold, silver, or other tangible value is used as a medium of exchange in private transactions, everything that is currently used is debt, including currencies. When individuals and businesses make deposits in a bank, they are exchanging one form of debt, usually currency or endorsed checks, for another—the bank’s promise, under a specified set of conditions, to return either currency or a check drawn on the bank.

The depositor is a creditor and the bank is free to loan out the funds deposited. This is the basis of fractional reserve banking, the banking system’s ability to create debt in multiples of amounts deposited. For every $10 deposited, a bank will loan out perhaps $9 and keep $1 in reserve to meet withdrawal requests. The fraction that can be lent out and the fraction that must be kept in reserve are generally specified by government or central bank regulations.

The amount lent out usually finds its way back to the banking system, where it serves as the basis for further lending. For analytical simplicity, introductory economics classes say that within the banking system, any autonomous increase in bank deposits will expand the total loans by the reciprocal of the reserve requirement. If the reserve requirement is 5 percent of bank deposits, an increase in bank deposits will lead to a 20 times expansion of bank loans. Real life is not quite that simple, but it’s a decent approximation.

An important implication is that within the banking system, most of the deposits have been lent out, they’re not in the system. Thus, if all depositors want to exercise their claims against the system at the same time, it cannot meet those requests. The same is true for individual banks.

How does a run on an individual bank turn into a loose yarn that once pulled, unravels the whole sweater? The bank tries to increase its liquid funds, drawing on whatever lines of emergency credit it may have, and to convert it’s illiquid assets into liquid assets, calling in loans. This pressures other banks and financial institutions, who draw on their lines of credit and call their loans and so on until the system collapses.

Central banks are supposed to prevent runs from becoming systemic crises by providing an emergency backstop of fiat debt secured by banks‘ “high quality” but illiquid collateral. A further backstop is deposit insurance, a New Deal innovation that is now common across developed countries. In the US, the deposit insurance fund would cover only a small percentage of deposits in the event of a system-wide run.

The more indebted the system, the more vulnerable it is to such crises. We saw that in the 2008-2009, when problems in one segment of one credit market―US subprime mortgage lending―led to a global financial crisis that was only stanched by massive injections of government and central bank fiat debt. Since that crisis, government, central bank, corporate, and individual debts have all increased, leaving the global financial system and economy more vulnerable now than it was then.

The stated nominal global debt is around $250 trillion, or over three times world GDP. Add in unfunded pension and medical care promises by governments and corporations and a huge pile of derivatives, the amount of which can only be guessed (ranging from $250 to $750 trillion), and total claims on present assets and future production are probably well in excess of $1 quadrillion, a thousand trillions, over twelve times world GDP. Fiat debt has enabled to world to become more indebted than it has ever been, with the temporary increase in “wealth” that comes with any borrowing binge, but with the inevitable bankruptcy pending.

Bankruptcy is a when, not an if. One question is whether it starts in a random corner of the world’s financial system, or at the behest of its putative victims. Which gets us back to the Yellow Vests’ attempted bank run. In the present overly indebted age, any financial crisis worth its salt will result in bank runs, with depositors losing most or all of their deposits. Debt is the Achilles heel of the world’s governments. A widespread run on financial institutions will dramatically reduce credit availability and raise interest rates, and it will shut off credit entirely for some of them. Under those circumstances, tax revenues will shrink as well.

As argued in “Revolution in America,” (SLL) anyone truly interested in upending those systems should try, like the Yellow Vests, to initiate the mass withdrawal of funds from the tottering financial system. It’s effective, nonviolent, currently legal, gets those funds out before they’re frozen and then confiscated by rapacious governments, and initiates the inevitable crisis to the advantage of those who initiate it. For more particulars and supporting arguments see “Revolution.”

As noted in that article, the probability of mass recognition of the inevitable and coordinated action against it is small. Instead, we’ll have the crisis. Governments will freeze accounts and then confiscate what’s left in them. With central banks they’ll drive the value of their own fiat debts to zero. We’ll see further moves towards global governance and centralization of economic activity and finance, supposedly to address the crises created by past and present governance and centralization. Anyone advocating for individual rights and against government will be demonized, ostracized, and probably criminalized. Fiat electronic debt will replace paper fiat notes to lock the increasingly worthless fiat medium of exchange within the insolvent financial system. “Legitimate” economic activity will grind to a halt and black markets will flourish. The private ownership of precious metals and perhaps barter will be outlawed. There will be insufficient real resources for governments to pay and equip their praetorians, who will reject fiat scrip. Unprotected, the vestiges of the old order will crumble. Battle-hardened survivors will emerge and begin building decentralized enclaves. Those will have to rest on a more enduring set of principles if they are to survive.

…On present course the government will go bankrupt. The one option for those of us who have provided so much of its ill-gotten and ill-spent loot—and received so little in return—is to seize the initiative, strike at its weakest point, extract a small percentage of what has been taken, hasten the inevitable crash, and then rebuild America into the great nation it once was


…the only defense against what is surely to come is a strong offense, before our capacity to launch an offensive is stolen from us.

Revolution in America, SLL.

The Yellow Vests are to be commended for seizing the initiative and launching the offensive.

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Captain Willard
Captain Willard
January 13, 2019 2:33 pm

The surest way for the Gilets Jaunes to get themselves shot in the streets is to advocate a bank run. You can burn cars, break storefront windows and punch cops. But messing with the banks is a whole different ballgame.

Think people
Think people
  Captain Willard
January 13, 2019 3:13 pm

Banks can limit how much anyone can get out per day, there can never be a bank run period.

  Think people
January 13, 2019 6:35 pm

Not sure why you got voted down. There must be some folks who still think there is freedom in this country. Or that the ATMs just spit out all the money in your account if you ask nicely. Or that the ATMs are loaded with an infinite supply of money. Or that the banks don’t make ALL the rules when it comes to money and who REALLY owns your deposits.

January 13, 2019 6:52 pm

They may be able to limit,but,there is no limit to the anger at those who run the banks and those who allowed these laws to come into place,lists folks.

The best thing to do is limit your exposure to this bullshit,just what you need monthly to pay bills.

It’s in your hand these folks have to face you to steal it,then,sadly things get interesting.

January 13, 2019 7:45 pm

you’re correct–
i rarely use the atm anymore but it used to limit you to between $400-600/day,depending upon the bank–

January 13, 2019 10:19 pm

Banks even have limits of how much you can withdraw in person per day.

We are screwed
We are screwed
January 14, 2019 8:17 am

I recently bought a car. I tried to pay using my check card. I called my bank went through 3 supervisors and the maximum my debit card would allow me to spend was $20,000. I beat them at their own game when I was able to increase my wifes debit card to $20,000 per day also. We paid the $26,000 in 2 transactions. Their are rules but you can work within them. I just screamed at them asking why I could not get to all my money at once and nobody had any answers other than thats all they have been allowed to approve. Reminded me of military saying “just following orders”. This is why you have multiple banking relationships with multiple accounts. Play their game within the system they created but ultimately you can have control. Unless you are a billionaire you probably need 2 banks and a few accounts and you can be fully liquid within a few days.

  We are screwed
January 14, 2019 12:47 pm

You Bad Boy! You’re Structuring!

  We are screwed
January 16, 2019 10:27 am

My wife and I do the same at the ATM. Max withdrawal is $500. We each have a card for the same debit account. I take hers with me and knowing her pin withdraw $500 on her card and $500 on mine. $1,000 per day… Chip

January 13, 2019 10:17 pm

Who knows, maybe the coordinated attempts of runs on banks will be used by TBTP to demonize cash further and go solely digital, banning cash transactions.

January 14, 2019 12:11 am

Plato- Cash or digital don’t mean Jack Schitt if the yellow vests are CLOSING out their account.

January 15, 2019 7:39 pm

Sure it does, if the bank tells the next customer the ATMs don’t have any $20 to give them because a coordinated run on the banks….sorry no cash today, blame those protestors not us…
I can see the propaganda already.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 14, 2019 9:35 pm

I truly believe all this government shutdown going on in America may be headed in the direction you mention. “TPTB” have been working at it for a long time now. Going “paperless” to usher in the “digital “mark”. And since most of America is already using digital technology its already seamless for most.

To Believers that’s the beginning “mark of the beast” as in Revelation 13. Digital currency is traceable. Cash is not. Once it turns to all digital – which it soon will – then many Believers will have very serious decisions to make if they have not already done so.

That means losing homes, food sources, even family members who are not Believers. I know Yahweh already has His plan in place for true Believers who refuse this digital “mark.” And once they take this “mark” there is no turning back.

Believers must have deep faith and will be tested. Remember Yahweh has His “seal.” He always provided for His own – those who left Egypt and wandered in the wilderness for 40 years were fed, their clothing never wore out. Those who rebelled…only a few made it to the promised land. The New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament; and the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament.

Just as Scripture says to“Enter through the narrow gate; ….. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13,14) The majority will go to their destruction!

History always repeats itself….until the story of this age is done. May we be strong and have courage to endure to the end.

  Word to the Wise
January 14, 2019 10:23 pm

I up-voted you, but it was 40 years in the desert.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 14, 2019 11:24 pm

Yep…corrected it.

The Chinese, Russians and other countries have been disconnecting from the American Petro-dollars and dumping our U.S Treasuries for some time. This is not new.

They don’t want our worthless Treasures and colored paper backed by air. They are wise to our long time corrupt dealings for years. They have been trading gold backed currencies with each other for a long time.

Russia is selling their oil to other countries, including China. They know how ignorant and corrupt American politicians and financial wizards are.

  Word to the Wise
January 15, 2019 8:09 pm

Yahweh. LOL.

January 14, 2019 9:37 pm


Never in my lifetime have I seen the herd so restless. Everything in life has to be paid for according to the way of the system. Most everything is controlled and everything has a price yet wages; unlike in the 60s . cannot cover the basic costs of food & shelter. On top of that rules rules rules tell us how to live. All alternate ways of generating revenue have been closed off and even bartering has been shut down. I am referring mostly to the working class which is the majority in our society. Most of the high paid professional class is a result of government regulation on everything. Without government regulation most of this professional class would not exist that supports this regulation.

We are moving into uncharted territory. I sincerely believe that the working class all over the world are fed up. Listen on this blog on the way Llpoh talks. He echos the arrogant professional class and their thinking as they think because they have money they are superior. If they only knew how small they are; just like the rest of us in this unfathomable large universe.

The revolution has started against the ruling class and their slaves, the professional class that carry out their plans. I believe the working class is going to bring this insane system down. It is going to be a nasty fight and in the end the system will be brought down. I can feel it in my bones.

The herd is hungry and thirsty for relief. And anyone with any sense knows that the herd in this condition cannot be stopped until that relief comes. The system is going down.

So take care and watch out for yourself.

January 15, 2019 7:40 pm


Agreed and soon the herd will be looking to direct their anger on someone or something…

This is why the propaganda is non stop! Timing, just like in the stock market will be key!

Oh to be a fly on the wall of the G20 meetings

January 14, 2019 8:43 am

Some folks experience great fear when they see a truly effective means offered to them. The banksters realize they could be in for a rough go if folks finally figure out that banksters are actually keeping their funds in jails. Second – no problem – the money is only electric and when that goes off everybody will race around in the dark in an enforced state of equality. The bankers are not interested in discovering what it is like to get thumped up by someone with a really bad attitude because they last their assets – interesting prospect. And with the blue line maligned by the enemedia – well who could say…..

January 15, 2019 8:57 pm

Because even with limits, all that does is delay the action, not stop it. So the comment is dumb.

  Captain Willard
January 13, 2019 11:34 pm

Willy- Do you have any idea how many banks/ATMs have been destroyed by the Gilets Jaunes to date? That also closes down those branches for an indefinite amount of time.

January 13, 2019 11:43 pm

Violence begets way more violence by the folks in France who have most of the guns (the government). A bank run is presumably a non-violent approach to the situation, but as far as the criminal bankers are concerned, a bank run is the equivalent of murdering their families.

  Captain Willard
January 14, 2019 12:45 pm

So that’s why HK G36’s showed up on the streets yesterday.

Mushroom Cloud
Mushroom Cloud
  Captain Willard
January 15, 2019 1:18 pm

Ok, then, let’s do it!

January 13, 2019 2:47 pm

Hope they pull it off but somebody has to go first. Kind of like that story about the guy hanging from the cliff praying for help. A voice from the sky hollers, LET GO. He looks down and looks back up and says IS THERE ANYBODY ELSE UP THERE?

  Robert Gore
January 13, 2019 3:54 pm

Right. The paralyzing you first thing. It even affects me. The last time some of us went first, as soon as the word got out that the IRS had found a comma out of place in our tax exempt form and had notified us of impending audits our attendance at our 2nd amendment meetings vaporized and we got the I never knew The treatment.

  Robert Gore
January 14, 2019 6:53 am

Here in the U.K. we had a ‘bank run’ on Northern Rock, a failing Building Society (mutual bank) a few years ago. MSM had daily reports on the queues of people waiting to take out ‘their’ money. Once all the cash in the branches had gone, people were given counter cheques.

What did those people do with the cheques? Walked down the street, into another bank and paid it back into the system. So no effect on the system whatsoever.

Even those with cash had to put it back into the system when they used it to buy food, pay bills or other things. Not many people can take money out and just keep it, without making use of it. The main risk in doing that is hyperinflation and those pieces of paper and metal becoming worthless, though that is really what they are.

At least with precious metals there is some tangible value. A gold sovereign is still legal tender and a viable ‘currency’ even today. Well until They try to confiscate and ban it.

The entire financial system is based on faith and belief, nothing more. The intrinsic value of scrip is nothing. Only belief makes us think that it is a store of value, when it is only a medium of exchange. Once upon a time in England we had tally sticks. Notches in a wooden stick to denote the ‘value’ of a person’s wealth. Lose your stick, lose your wealth. Is it any better today?

Faith in the system of the day, is what we are indoctrinated to believe from birth, like so many other things. We need more unbelievers before the system can be changed.

We are screwed
We are screwed
January 14, 2019 8:27 am

Rossa you say “At least with precious metals there is some tangible value. A gold sovereign is still legal tender and a viable ‘currency’ even today. Well until They try to confiscate and ban it.”. The problem I thouht i solves was only to buy usa silver coins “junk silver” because it was minted by our givt is legal tender and also has precious metals content. However when they implement digital currency and outlaw all others is the problem. However they cannot outlaw it from my understanding. They can provide a time period to exchange it as in old hundred dollar bills but none has ever been outlawed so their mistake was they never set a precedent for outlawing their own currency. They changed it made it different but never outlawed old bills. What about the old silver certificates are they still collectable from the treasury in silver?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  We are screwed
January 14, 2019 12:34 pm

Not for over 50 years.

January 14, 2019 12:53 pm

Faith IS the system today.
Same as it ever was?

January 13, 2019 2:48 pm

Will the French throw rocks during their “revolution” ?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 2:57 pm

Catherine Austin Fitts – Federal Government Running Secret Open Bailout

$21 trillion in “missing money” at the DOD and HUD that was discovered by Dr. Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts in 2017 has now become a national security issue. The federal government is not talking or answering questions, even though the DOD recently failed its first ever audit. Fitts says, “This is basically an open running bailout. Under this structure, you can transfer assets out of the federal government into private ownership, and nobody will know and nobody can stop it. There is no oversight whatsoever. You can’t even know who is doing it. I’m telling you they just took the United States government, they just changed the governance model by accounting policy to a fascist government. If you are an investor, you don’t know who owns those assets, and there is no evidence that you do. . . . If the law says you have to produce audited financial statements and you refuse to do so for 20 years, and then when somebody calls you on it, you proceed to change the accounting laws that say you can now run secret books for all the agencies and over 100 related entities.”

In closing, Fitts says, “We cannot sit around and passively depend on a guy we elected President. The President cannot fix this. We need to fix this. . . . This is Main Street versus Wall Street. This is honest books versus dirty books. If you want the United States in 10 years to resemble anything what it looked like 20 years ago, you are going to have to do it, and there is no one else who can do it. You have to first get the intelligence to know what is happening.”

  Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 10:25 pm


Thank you for the information!!

Catherine Austin-Fitts work should be commended. Sounds like a tap has been installed to funnel dollars, assets and resources and hide via national security wtf is going on and where it’s going.

  Mary Christine
January 14, 2019 7:17 am

Absolutely, there is no doubt or question this is exactly what is happening. The line between DoD contractors, the military, and the State Department is non-existence and makes Vietnam look like child’s play. This is the deep state, 4th and 5th generation bureaucrats who send their kids to ivy league schools and control vast amounts of resources, stuffing money into their mattresses as fast as they can.

No doubt Swiss financial instutions are involved, the same ones who colluded with Hitler.

Why is the embassy in Bagdad the largest US Embassy in the world, covering over 104 acres, and what are they shipping between US embassies?

The conspiracy is deep, yet God created man a little lower than himself, and this is why Lucifer rebelled against God. The Great Pretender is still lower than the Son of God, whom God put all things under his feet. Just as in Genesis 3:15, God speaking to the serpent, “he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

As born again believers, we are seated together with Christ, “far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. ” (Ephesians 1:21 ESV).

We are seated now, but the time will come when Christ returns for his body, the Church, and the devil shall be cast into a pit for a thousand years, or a day, who knows, and the armies of the earth will gather for battle and surround the camp of the saints. Notice it doesn’t say Israel, and they will be consumed by fire.

“He who testifies to these things says, Surely I am coming soon. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev 22:20 ESV)

There is a chief conspirator, his name is the Devil and Satan.

January 15, 2019 9:04 pm

Shit, just working in Iraq, there was little line between agencies and contractors. I worked with guy who reported to DIA, CIA, NSA, State, and the local and theater command. At the same JSS was a contractor working for the alphabets. We would have CIA and State on the same mission to meet with local leaders.

But that was just boring security work.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
  Mary Christine
January 14, 2019 11:51 pm

Thanks Mary Christine – Excellent video. I do wish this guy would shut up and let her talk as he clearly does not understand what she is saying and his voice is very annoying.
Very informative report.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
January 13, 2019 3:09 pm

The Yellow Vests are acting, not just talking.

They are working from outside the system to change the system.

Voters and taxpayers are the system.


To all of us ‘Murikan Normies, us dirt people, their demands are far, far Left.

January 13, 2019 3:21 pm

The Yellow Vest protestors have called for a coordinated run on French banks. Whether they realize it or not, they’re playing with nuclear warheads that could annihilate not just the French, but Europe’s and the entire world’s financial system.

Why should the French, or any European, care about the welfare of a system that is actively hostile to our existence? It either serves our needs, or we destroy it.

They are in the same boat we are.

America Is Dying

AR Anonymous
AR Anonymous
January 13, 2019 3:24 pm

Nothing brings people together better than a bank run.

January 13, 2019 3:29 pm

There are what, 50,000 yellow vests? Maybe a few times that many hard-core supporters. They all ave a net worth of what, $0.05, if they are anything like the lower middle class of the US.

I am sure the banks are quaking in their boots at the prospects of losing all that money in a bank run.

Seriously, the people with anything are not going to do a bank run, and the people willing to do it have no money.

Another fizzer. Unless they can get Bill Gates, Bezos, Apple, Buffet, etc., topull their money, this is going nowhere.

Gotta say, I would love to see what would happen if Apple and Berkshire each went in and said “we would like our $200 billion in cash, now, please”.

Now that would cause some excitement.

January 14, 2019 1:00 pm

Gotta love those stock values. If Bezos were to try to spend his $100B, we’d all find that it would’t be there. And he may have as little in his local bank or S&L as some of us do.

January 14, 2019 2:30 pm

Wx – hahahahahahahahahahahaha! You funny.

He sells about a billion $ a year in stock. He has around $100 million in homes, a $65 million private jet, a 450 foot yacht, etc etc etc. Of course he reinvests a lot of that billion a year, but still, when he liquidats a billion a year he is able to come up with a bit of cash for household expenses.

I suspect he has just a tad more in the bank than some of us do. Just a tad.

This info is not at all hard to find. His stock sales are a matter of public record. It amazes me that people yap about stuff they know nothing about, given how easy it is to get actual information.

January 13, 2019 4:30 pm

Keep as little as possible in banks. Cover your bills.

January 13, 2019 6:02 pm

Yah,I absolutely agree with you,if it is in your hands whether land/supplies/metals ect. yes,it can be taken from you,but tis a bit more complicated (and risky) then just pushing a button and vaping 1’s &0’s.

I am glad the folks in France have acted and inspired others to act,tis just the beginnings,best of luck to them,and to all of us.

January 13, 2019 5:07 pm

This is the ultimate mocking. Little working bees, swarming the streets, so angry! Dreaming of the land of milk and honey. Ruining themselves, by a bankrun, like in Marry Poppins. The guys who invented that narrative must be out of breath from laughing. This is staged, I can even see it in the style of the pictures, just look at the creepy picture of that decorated speed control box this week. – PS Bees can be fond on several coats of arms, at least black yellow are common.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 13, 2019 6:16 pm

Remember the story of the guy who started with a paper clip and bartered all the way up to a house?

Money is anything someone else thinks is worthy of trading for.

  Donkey Balls
January 14, 2019 1:01 pm

Pretty soon we’ll all be saving and trading cigarettes …

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 6:46 pm
Stealth Spaniel
Stealth Spaniel
  Mary Christine
January 13, 2019 9:07 pm

My childhood girlfriend and her husband are truckers. They have no respect for the BS regulations that are continually put into affect. Truckers really are the cowboys of delivery in America. They want to get their jobs, use their own judgement on how to get the job done in the shortest time, and then be left the FXXK alone. Whether it’s steers to the slaughterhouse, government Secret Squirrel envelopes, or 1 million bottles of Dawn detergent-they want to do that job and go on with their lives. If trucks ever stopped running in this country for 4 days, you’d see a national emergency declared.

  Stealth Spaniel
January 13, 2019 10:29 pm

Our corporate overlords will use the threat of autonomous vehicles in any potential Trucker strike to influence any unfavorable contract conditions…i know this is a decade or so out, but still. Not much bartering leverage….All by design!

  Stealth Spaniel
January 14, 2019 2:34 pm

Stealth – trucks scare the shit out of me, given they can squash me like a beer can. Totally unregulated drivers would scare me off the roads. Yep, I want drivers on no sleep for 36 hours, bald tires, unserviced brakes, no training and carrying 100,000 pounds screaming down the highways. Not.

Most truckers are safe, and it is the idiots behind the wheel of cars that cause them problems. But no way I would want them totally unregulated. Maybe just a lot less regulated.

January 13, 2019 6:46 pm

I tried stocking up on some cash by withdrawing $4000 from our bank account. I went to the bank and tried to withdraw it. I was asked what it was for (yeah, free country my ass). I said that it was for my niece who was buying a car and needed cash for the transaction. It took them nearly a half hour to come up with enough cash to give me. They simply don’t have that much at each branch anymore because folks all live in plastic (and they can’t get to the ATMs because an outside group handles those). I don’t know how much the average French citizen has to withdraw, but a bank run would not last long. They would run out at any given branch in very short order, and would simply shut the doors if they reached a point that automatically triggered a response. Banks in Europe have been doing “bail ins,” where depositer’s money has literally been STOLEN to pay the bad debts of the bank. Laws allowing this in the US have already been passed.

During a recent interview with the Fed chair, he indicated that normal cash reserves for them were around $1 trillion, but of late that has needed to be around $2 trillion because so many people are hanging onto cash.

Indeed, the banks are the lynchpin of our failed society and the corrupt regime that operates above the 3 branches of government, but a bank run, no matter how large or well-coordinated, would NOT bring them down. The government, the treasury, the magic-money-creation machine, and the military, would all come to their aid to prop up their unsustainable house of cards.

January 15, 2019 10:48 am

I always tell the banks that my cash withdrawals are for “antique shopping”.
Keep it 20’s, not 100’s.

January 13, 2019 7:14 pm

The traitors aren’t even trying to pretend anymore.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
January 13, 2019 9:33 pm

Ahh, the ill-advised and the uninformed pontificating. The “system” is a Potemkin village…it is weak, brittle and fragile….one good hard shove and these Deep State Globalist Uniparty fuckwits are done. Use their power against them. Yes, non-participation is good but passive. Taking actual action like withdrawing your money in coordination with others is great. Truckers strike is “active” non-participation.

You cohort of nervous nellies will never be the catalyst for anything but you will make good cannon fodder later.

You don’t seem to realize the shit is coming down one way or another……I would, however, prefer to avoid the obligatory hard dictatorship phase before the final collapse. Let’s just jump straight to collapse and start rebuilding. Embrace the storm.

  Martel's Hammer
January 13, 2019 10:24 pm

Lead by example. Give it a good hard shove somewhere. Firebomb something big and important, then claim it online. Throwing out cheap concieted insults at us won’t topple anything. Be our fearless leader O great one. Embrace the storm armchair General. I’ve been in the fukkkin storm and don’t want to go back into it.

January 13, 2019 10:57 pm

Hammer , since you claim to be Jewish what do you care if the whole damn thing burns to the ground. Unlike the rest of us you can always run to Israel . That’s what I would do if Jewish.
No matter what happens I’m just getting to old to go to another country. Hell it’s hard for me just trying to make it to the Appalachian mountains . I guess if you wasn’t such a racist I could come over to your place. I know.No goy allowed . Right ?
Shit could have been the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
January 14, 2019 8:49 am

Err……no, Scottish not Jewish. Oddly I have been discriminated against by Jews several times and tend not to like them all that much and won’t work for them again. Having said that the idea that Jews are the root of all evil and super masterminds of control is the same old canard of hate we always see. So I stick up for the jews mostly to piss off the toothless rabble cohort here.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
January 14, 2019 8:53 am

Gosh, that is so original……my point was not that we need to go kinetic but we do need to be active. The first couple of comments were bemoaning the chances of success of the Gillet Jaunes. Well, sure we keep trying different things and eventually, we take down these rat bastards. Sitting on your keyboards claiming nothing will work or have any impact is the best recipe for failure I can think of.

We are screwed
We are screwed
  Martel's Hammer
January 14, 2019 8:44 am

The sure way the govt stays in charge and grows strong to the point of superman powers is to E.M.P it all. And then fight with those that had enough sense to print out a copy of their debts and bank statements monthly and store it as proof of their networth. Most people are so broke they dont or have never printed a copy of their monthly bank statement because at the end of the month nothing is there anyways. People that have no debt will have to spend years fighting to prove what they own while those sheeple that were broke live on carefree without any burden of showing proof of anything. They will continue to pay real estate taxes while they fight. They will be allowed to keep real estate butbtheir other assets, poof gone. That way the govt then confiscates the land back because they couldnt pay their land taxes. The poor will continue to get govt handouts and comply with govt more than before. The govt will own the poor vote forever. I mean democrats……. I”ll take more illegal immigration for $1000 Alex………

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  We are screwed
January 14, 2019 12:53 pm

I have paper statements for everything. I would drop any bank or brokerage demanding paperless statements.

January 13, 2019 11:27 pm

The intent is not to make a mere withdrawal, they would be demanding to close their accounts which would in turn cause a “Bank Holiday” to end the run on said banks. Massive closure of banks for a week or two brings commerce to a standstill and thus sticks a stick in the eye of the elites/corporations. It is absolutely a effective weapon against the banksters as they (the banks) have no choice but to have a closure/bank holiday.

BTW Robert, the FDIC has only 1.5% of the amount of total deposit in the US banks available to aid in bank failures. In this last go round of bank failures, the FDIC merely arranged for the larger banks to take over smaller county or regional banks while the treasury bailed out the large banks that failed. The FDIC is really more smoke and mirrors than a true safeguard.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
January 14, 2019 8:32 am

2019 Collapse Survey Demographics now UP on the Doomstead Diner.

Survey now with 600 Respondents, 99 from TBP. 75% with a Bachelors minimum, 13% Doctoral level. Survey still OPEN, you can still get your opinions in and be counted with the 600.

The Charge of the Light Brigade
By Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!” he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flashed all their sabres bare,
Flashed as they turned in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wondered.
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right through the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reeled from the sabre stroke
Shattered and sundered.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell.
They that had fought so well
Came through the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!


  Reverse Engineer
January 14, 2019 11:05 am

Hammer Head , I have never said the Jews are the root of all the evils of this world but they are a big part of the problem. Look at who controls much of the banking systems of the world and you will find many Jews. Look at who controls Hollywood .You know the system that puts out so much vile shit all over this world. I realize they Could do nothing if not for the treasonous white son of a bitches allowing them to do it. Most of my hate is for white people who have sold us out . Understand ?
Now back to our friendship that is blossoming like a beautiful flower. Since you now say you’re Scottish you need to know I never care for those drunken fools .
Sorry but the Irish are my kind of people.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
January 14, 2019 11:47 am

You black (Spanish) Irish bog bastard you! We Scots-Irish are the true backbone of the US its heart and soul. Shit upon by the English fascists we came seeking freedom and opportunity with literally nothing but a will to survive. We carved out new territory in the harshest of places because it was all we could afford. We are the core strength of the US military, the South and by god, I will not let this idea of self-governance via a representative republic die while I still draw breath. You are so right, it is not the jews we should be a wee bit upset with it is our own.

  Martel's Hammer
January 14, 2019 9:29 pm

That’s a quaint but erroneous history of the Scotch-Irish.
You were Scottish Lowlanders, some would say Lowlifers who were subsidized by the British to move to Ulster and take all the land you wanted from the Irish trouble makers. Having done such a fine job of it, you were next offered all the land you could take from the Natives in Southern Appalachia including Llpoh’s great grandparents. Being indefatigable land grabbers, next up was natives of the Great Plains after the northern police action was over. Even Teddy Roosevelt lauded you as the best there was at it.
Furthermore, there are and were never enough of you to be the backbone of this country.

January 14, 2019 11:53 am

BB, take a look at Sean Hross videos on YT about the Knight’s Templar. Khazaran Jews were in survival mode during the crusades. It was the Templars who founded Switzerland. The Rothschilds are a client bank of the BIS. Switzerland is the head of the snake.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 14, 2019 12:55 pm

The Scots were an Irish tribe or clan that invaded and took over “Scotland.”

  Reverse Engineer
January 14, 2019 2:37 pm

I thought you were on death’s door and were putting yourself on an iceflow.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
January 14, 2019 10:28 pm

Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

I’m not EZ to kill.


Rather, Not
Rather, Not
January 14, 2019 11:57 am

Does anyone know, how did the weekend ‘bank run’ go? Are the banks open today? Are people beyond the yellow vests starting to pull some of their cash out because they’re worrying about banks? Are they closing branches, or limiting withdrawls to modest amounts like what happened to the greeks and cypriots?

From a finance perspective, Europe generally (including France) is much more ‘bank’ oriented than US finance which is more public market oriented. A lot of what Americans think of as public investment (stocks, bonds) etc is handled in Europe more through private/family ownership and bank loans. And a lot of the money Americans would think of as investments (your stocks/bonds/mutual funds etc) Europeans would likely have in their bank (usually more time deposit than demand deposit, think what we would call a CD ladder). Obviously not mutually exclusive, but in Europe and France, banks play an even more central role in finance.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 14, 2019 12:26 pm

If one believes the “Creature From Jekyll Island” we would know that they planned the sub-prime crisis. Whether it was THE event or a trial run is what we do not know.
We need to find out what the end game for such a crisis was or is hoped to be. Can some huge civil disobedience or economic guerrilla warfare stop it or was civil disobedience planned for and hoped for by “them?” Is the reaction a hoped for event or the wrench in the works?
How does one discover or invent the necessary wrench in their works if the Yellow Vest proposal is not it?
Too much for a poor old SOB in Illinois to ponder on a Monday surrounded by gimme dats and poltroons.

  Harrington Richardson
January 14, 2019 1:15 pm

Excellent comments and even better questions!

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Harrington Richardson
January 14, 2019 1:39 pm

The most important decision is the one to resist. Think about the original revolution in America…at some point, the societal leaders (Washington was one of the largest distillers of his day) decided that Britain was illegitimate and no longer worth “working with” much less obeying (paying taxes, following laws like turning in your firearms). We are rapidly getting to that point. So each individual has to make their own mind as where that line is drawn in their own life. Once you have made that decision though everything else is just strategies and tactics.

January 14, 2019 6:51 pm

True but its doubtful the Yellow Jackets have the financial heft to topple the banks. What could happen is those who do grow alarmed at the size of the protests and move the big money out of ‘Euros’ into other currencies or safe havens.

January 14, 2019 11:53 pm

That might end up pouring gasoline on the fire?

January 15, 2019 12:56 am

You’re becoming a regular on ZH.

January 15, 2019 1:05 pm


63K readers and 170+ plus comments. I don’t usually get those kind of numbers. Maybe I struck a nerve.


Tactical Zen
Tactical Zen
January 15, 2019 11:11 am

You want action? Withdraw your savings and buy PMs. You have a safe, right? Want to really do something? Turn your self directed IRA into a vehicle to hold gold. Buy AGEs and manage thru a trust, stored in a nice non-bank depository. All fully legal and proper in 2019.

That could lock up a system if done in volume. And you get your PMs even if it becomes illegal. Just return your lead and copper first.

Just my humble opinion. I converted my IRA to gold in 2007. Sadly it hasn’t tripled in value like post 2008 financial investments, but, it still functions as insurance against hyper inflation. Looking back, I should have converted a smaller % to gold. Who knows how long the charade can last? Until full faith and credit clause collapse….

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Tactical Zen
January 15, 2019 2:27 pm

10-20% in precious metals is a good amount in my opinion. Part in hand for armageddon, the rest in PM stocks or PM etf’s for as long as we have a fiat regime, or simply put, as long as people are still taking federal reserve notes for money. Long term win-win. NEVER sell the stack.