This Post Is Not About Tim Pool

You don’t need to like Tim Pool.  You don’t even need to know who Tim Pool is.  Maybe you don’t like Joe Rogan.  Maybe you hate him because he was a bad MMA fighter or maybe you love him because you liked his MMA commentary.  What is important here is that Joe and Tim can sit down with a couple of video cameras and microphones and headphones and have a conversation that is way way more important and informative that a whole day of MSM beaver shots and gay talking heads.

If you want to know more about Tim you can check out his wiki.

I am beginning to come to the conclusion that we have a dangerous situation here.  We have players, who know how to manipulate the game for their own benefit, and we have observers, who see what is going on but don’t want to engage in the game.  You can listen to both.

One group, the trumps, clintons, nina pinta cortez group is blowing “green smoke” up your ass.  They get the big bucks while you get nothing.  The other group is saying “hey this sucks.”  And they are right.  It sucks for you.  This is why sites like TBP exist.  We are all getting tired of the bullshit.  The more the green smoke is blown, the more obvious it becomes that it is green smoke.   We are the people who are getting screwed…and make no mistake.  They know that you are getting screwed and they know that their money comes from screwing you.

This is why you can vote for whomever you want, but the agenda always stays the same.  They get rich.  You get poor.  They are smart.  You are stupid.  They do something, say getting AOC elected.  You do nothing.

I personally find it hard to spend much time with Tim Pool.  He tends to wander a bit.  But Joe Rogan keeps him focused and the JRE clips break the long form conversation down into bite sized pieces that even all of you titans of industry will have time to enjoy.

So enjoy.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 9, 2019 6:17 pm

Rogan killed his brand by hosting Jack Dorsey and not pressing him on his censorship of conservatives (but never leftists). Dorsey gave lame excuses and Rogan didn’t call him on his bullshit. So now Rogan is pretending he’d been ignorant of Twitter censoring the right.

February 9, 2019 8:19 pm

you sound very pessimistic here,what’s the answer?
do we try to persuade our friends,family,etc.,do we fight the good fight but go down in the end,passively submit?

  Hollywood Rob
February 10, 2019 10:47 am

Don’t blame him for taking the role to make a few bucks. But watch the Worricker Trilogy to see some real acting by Bill Nighy.

February 10, 2019 12:15 am

I’ve not heard of Pool before this video. Certainly, he’s a smart kid. And articulate. Even if he now believes society will one day transform into Star Trek’s Federation complete with replicators.

Hey, anything’s possible, right?

His wiki page says:

He left school at age 14, educating himself at home through books.

I suppose that’s admirable. Unless they were the wrong books.

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February 10, 2019 4:32 am

This is why I come here. Concise incisive analysis plus fine illustrations that serve to enhance the message.

OK, Gustave Doré it ain’t.

February 10, 2019 12:52 am

Rogan couldn’t think his way out of a cardboard box. I’d heard he was ‘a thing’, so tried listening to several of his vids on utube. If he had half a brain, he’d be lonely. Sorry for disagreeing on their intelligence, but maybe I’m too…

February 10, 2019 8:50 pm

I imagine some heavily trained combat veteran with no job going after lefty/communist and taking them out one by one. The country would be better off. I wonder how long until it starts happening. The second amendment is there for a reason.