Asymmetrical Warfare And 4GW: How Militia Groups Are America’s Domestic Viet Cong


It is interesting to hear certain kinds of people insist that the citizen cannot fight the government. This would have been news to the men of Lexington and Concord, as well as the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. The citizen most certainly can fight the government, and usually wins when he tries. Organized national armies are useful primarily for fighting against other organized national armies. When they try to fight against the people, they find themselves at a very serious disadvantage. If you will just look around at the state of the world today, you will see that the guerillero has the upper hand. Irregulars usually defeat regulars, providing they have the will. Such fighting is horrible to contemplate, but will continue to dominate brute strength.”

– Col. Jeff Cooper

When one discusses the real reason for the Second Amendment – the right of citizens to defend themselves against a potentially tyrannical government – inevitably someone points out the stark difference in firepower between a guerilla uprising in the United States and the United States government itself.

This is not a trivial observation. The U.S. government spends more on the military than the governments of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, United Kingdom, and Japan combined. Plus, the potential of a tyrannical government is arguably upon us – with the federal government spying on its own citizensmilitarizing local police departments with equipment and tactics from the War on Terror, and repeatedly searching Americans, which desensitizes them to this invasive process.

There is much historical precedent, however, for guerilla uprisings defeating more powerful enemies. For instance, the Cold War saw both superpowers brought to their knees by rural farmers – for the Soviets, their adventure in Afghanistan against the Mujahideen, and for the United States, the Vietnam War against the Viet Cong.

In both cases, nuclear weapons could have been used against the guerilla uprising, but were not. Even assuming the use of nuclear weapons from the position of total desperation, it’s hard to imagine they would have made much of a difference in the final outcome of either conflict. Unlike the invading armies, the local resistance enjoyed both broad-based support as well as knowledge of the local terrain.

Now imagine such a scenario in the United States. You wouldn’t be the first person to do so. From Red Dawn to James Wesley, Rawles’ Patriots series, there is a relatively long-standing tradition of American survival literature about the hoi polloi resisting the tyranny of big government, either before or after a collapse.

For the purposes of this article, consider what a domestic American terrorist or freedom fighter (after all, the label is in the eye of the beholder) organization based on the militia movementwould look like in open revolt against the United States government. In the spirit of levity, we’ll call them the “Hillbilly Viet Cong.” They would most likely find their largest numbers in Appalachia, but don’t discount their power in the American Redoubt, or the more sparsely populated areas of the American Southwest, including rural Texas.

Here we have tens of thousands of Americans armed to the teeth with combat experience, deep family ties to both the police and the military, extensive knowledge of the local geography, and, in many cases, survivalist training. Even where they are not trained, militant and active, they enjoy broad support among those who own a lot of guns and grow a lot of food.

On the other side, you have the unwieldy Baby Huey of the rump U.S. government’s military, with some snarky BuzzFeed editorials serving as propaganda.

Could the Hillbilly Viet Cong take down the USG? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s difficult to imagine that the USG could take them down.

Indeed, even with a number of nasty little toys on the side of the federal government, we live in an age of a technologically levelled playing field. This is true even when it comes to instruments of warfare. While the USG has nuclear weapons, it’s worth remembering that a pound of C4 strapped to a cheap and readily available commercial-grade drone is going to break a lot of dishes.

This sort of guerilla insurgency has a name: It’s called fourth-generational warfare (4GW), and you might be surprised to learn that you already live in this world.

What Are the First Three Generations of Warfare?

To understand how 4GW is a new and improved form of war, we first need to explain what the first three generations of warfare were:

First-Generation Warfare

The first generation (1GW) is basically what you would have seen in the movie 300. The hallmarks of this generation of warfare are armies from two different state actors leveraging line-and-column tactics and wearing uniforms to distinguish between themselves.

This generation is not entirely without subterfuge. For example, counterfeit currency was used to devalue the money supply during the 1GW Napoleonic Wars. Other examples of 1GW conflicts include the English Civil War and the American Revolutionary War.

Second-Generation Warfare

The second generation (2GW) comes with the advent of rifling and breech-loaded weapons. As students of military history know, the invention of rifling was one of the reasons that the United States Civil War was so bloody. This meant that firearms that were once mostly for show after 100 feet or so, were now deadly weapons – and tactics did not immediately evolve.

But evolve they did. Many things we take for granted as being just part of warfare – such as camouflage, artillery, and reconnaissance – are defining features of 2GW. The American Civil War is probably the first 2GW conflict. Others include the First World War, the Spanish Civil War and, much more recently, the Iran-Iraq War. The United States military coined this phrase in 1989.

Third-Generation Warfare

This phase of warfare, also known a 3GW, is the late modern version of warfare, where speed and stealth play a much bigger role. Weapons and tactics alone are less important. Instead, military units seek to find ways to outmaneuver one another before – or even instead of – meeting on the battlefield.

The era of 3GW was initiated with the Blitzkrieg, which marked the decisive end to cavalry and replaced it with tank and helicopter warfare. Junior officers were given more leeway to give orders. The Second World War was the first 3GW conflict, with the KoreanVietnam and both Iraq Warsbecoming further examples of this style of fighting.

What Is Fourth-Generation Warfare?

The most direct way of discussing 4GW is to say that it describes any war between a state actor and a non-state actor. This is also known as asymmetrical warfare, but it’s not the only difference between 4GW and other, earlier forms of conflict. Asymmetrical warfare does, to be sure, blur the lines between combatants and civilians. This is in part what made the Bush-era “war on terror” so difficult and complicated: The war was against a set of ideas rather than a nation or even an extra-national army.

There are a number of characteristics that flow from the state actor vs. non-state actor aspect of 4GW. The first is the use of terrorism as a regular tactic, almost always on the part of the non-state actor. Particularly for the state actor, non-combatants become tactical problems – you simply can’t just carpet bomb and hope everything works out.

The non-state actors tend to be highly decentralized. One faction can stop fighting as another 10 crop up in its place. Funding and source of manpower and material comes from a wide array of sources spread out over nearly the entire globe. This necessarily makes 4GW long and drawn out over years or perhaps even decades. The psychological warfare, propaganda and lawfare aspects are an integral part of the conflict.

The genesis of 4GW lies in the Cold War and the post-colonial era. Insurgent groups and counter-insurgency groups vied for power, often times with state actors operating behind the scenes and in the background. Sometimes the goal was to establish a new state or reestablish a defunct one. However, many times the only goal was to delegitimize the existing state and create a power vacuum.

Places such as Laos, Myanmar, Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, the Congo, Cuba, East Timor, Korea, Poland, and Afghanistan were all pieces in the global chessboard of the Cold War as various insurgency and counter-insurgency groups backed by the Soviets, the Americans, and/or the Chinese fought one another or fought against occupying forces.

What Is the Difference Between 4GW and Asymmetrical Warfare?

Put simply, all 4GW is asymmetrical, but not all asymmetrical warfare is 4GW. It refers to virtually any asymmetry in combat. This can be as simple as one military having more advanced technology than another – for example, the English longbow at the Battle of Crécy gave the English forces a decisive technological advantage. The Spartan forces were greatly outnumbered by their Persian adversaries and used the landscape to compensate.

In one sense, 4GW can be seen as asymmetric warfare come to full fruition. The less powerful forces must find a way to compensate for their relative lack of strength. On the other hand, the stronger forces must paradoxically find ways to compensate for their abundance of strength. This is because of the all-important propaganda war, an integral part of 4GW. State actors often seek deniability during war by proxy when engaging non-state actors.

John Boyd, Chuck Spinney, and 4GW

Colonel John Boyd may be the most remarkable unsung hero in all of American military history. Widely considered to be the greatest U.S. fighter pilot ever, Boyd developed the F-15 and F-16, revolutionized ground tactics in war, and covertly designed the coalition battle plans for the 1990-91 Gulf War. He foresaw 4GW, and he shunned wealth, fame, and power in his pursuit to get things done, despite the bureaucracy of the Pentagon.

Boyd closely studied Sun-Tzu (The Art of War) and Carl von Clausewitz (On War). This informed his push for greater adaptability and agility of United States fighting forces. Simple, cheap, effective, dependable, durable weapons were prized over flashy tricks. Decentralized command, control and communications were Boyd’s cause – looking for a way to avoid burying boots on the ground underneath layers of officers with potentially less field knowledge than they had.

Franklin C. “Chuck” Spinney became the voice of 4GW preparation after Boyd’s passing inside the Pentagon. He spent more than 20 years campaigning against rigid forms of thinking and budget bloat. Spinney believes that the 9/11 attacks should have been a wake-up call for the United States military, and sees 4GW as something beyond mere terrorism, but rather a new form of warfare. He believes the United States military is stuck in second-generation warfare thinking and is woefully unequipped for 4GW. Ultimately, Spinney believes that the United States military’s response to 9/11 in particular and 4GW in general was not enough.

Where Is 4GW Happening Today?

While many think 4GW is something in the far-off future, it’s actually happening right now. The most archetypal 4GW is perhaps the conflict with ISIS – a non-state actor with recruits all over the world in conflict with several states. Some of the conflict is classically military, but there is also the propaganda war taking place all over the Internet. In fact, ISIS was using the PlayStation network to communicate because they correctly believed it wasn’t being monitored by international intelligence services. These attacks on the West were not limited to the area controlled by ISIS, but extended all around the world.

Counter-attacking ISIS was a bit like trying to catch water in a net. Attacking ISIS proper was possible: There was territory. But attacking the support of ISIS was a whole other problem.

It’s worth noting that the international Islamist movement is not limited to ISIS. Al-Qaeda and its offshoots still exist. What’s more, they seem to multiply over time. This is another feature of 4GW. A state actor can make peace with one faction of a group while other, more militant factions simply retreat deeper into the metaphorical mountains to continue the fight – which is precisely the situation that the Republic of the Philippines has faced in its struggle against the Moros separatists of the Southern Philippines.

But the Philippines and Syria are all likely far away from where you live in terms of geography, sociology, demographics and culture. What does 4GW have to do with London, Paris or even Springfield, MO? Probably a lot more than you think.

Is 4GW Coming to the Developed World?

Is fourth-generational warfare coming to the developed world? Quite possibly, especially when you consider the spectre of failed states in the West.

Many Western states are not quite as stable as they are made out to be. Sweden and France in particular have extensive problems with No Go Zones. Other parts of Europe want to secede, such as Catalonia in Spain, and are being violently suppressed from doing so.  

Elsewhere around the world, previously first-world countries like South Africa are deteriorating in the span of a generation due to government mismanagement. The United States, for its part, is in what some have described as a “Cold Civil War,” with many futurists agreeing that the potential for outward civil war is greater than you’d like to think.

How might such a 4GW scenario play out in the West? There are two potential scenarios, one for Europe and one for the United States. Each of these is worth considering.

4GW: The European Model

For our purposes, we’re going to call this the “European Model” of 4GW. This is because this model is based on the political and social realities of life in Europe today. It is by no means the only place something like this could unfold, nor is it impossible that 4GW could unfold in an entirely different way in Europe.

4GW in Europe will likely be an outgrowth of No Go Zones and resulting failed states. Geographic areas within European nations will likely increase in size. And conflict will likely develop between the de facto areas of the No Go Zones, as well as more militant elements of the civilian population. While there is not much of a militia movement to speak of in Europe, in true 4GW fashion, people will find ways to improvise weapons out of what they have available to them.

It’s impossible to talk about this phenomenon in Europe without discussing the ethnic and religious character of the areas, as ethnic and ethno-religious conflict will likely be the infrastructure for such a war – especially since many of these areas have legal and social structures based on Islamic laws and customs.

In a scenario leading to a 4GW conflict in mainland Europe, attacks on civilians will escalate while the legitimate civilian authority is increasingly incapable of dealing with it. There will be both an inability and an unwillingness to maintain legal norms within larger and larger areas in Europe.

Next would come the formation of militias. The model here is close to what happened in Lebanon during its civil war. Militias will form around political, ethnic and religious lines. Some of these will be the No Go Zones attempting to consolidate their power. Others will be European civilians seeking to protect themselves and their neighborhoods from the growing power of the No Go Zones. This, in turn, will further fuel the breakdown in government control. Members of the government, both law enforcement and military, will increasingly pick sides in the conflict, leaving their allegiance to the rump state behind. In the end, this will make it more difficult for the state to assert its power.

The remaining government will begin taking measures against free speech and free association in an attempt to crack down and regain lost power. But at this point, the battle will mostly already be lost. Factions of the government will cease cooperating with one another, making it harder and harder to maintain order. These factions will, to varying degrees, start lining up behind the militias and parallel legal structures that have begun cropping up at the street level. This will also be the time foreign governments will step in and begin supporting local militias more. An example of this is Serbian-backed militias in Croatia and Bosnia during the Yugoslav Wars, or Israeli support of Maronite Christians and Iranian support of Shiite Muslims during the Lebanese Civil War.

Crime will increase, but not just petty street crime. Insurgent movements have a long history of using organized crime to fund their operations and the 4GW conflicts in Europe would be no exception to this. The drug trade, human trafficking and financially driven kidnapping are three examples of how militias will fund themselves using extra-legal means. This will serve as an additional cause to restrict freedom of movement through both de jure and de facto means within a nation’s borders, another case where the Yugoslav Wars and Lebanese Civil War are instructive cases. Conversely, refugee scenarios will develop, which will further complicate the situation.

4GW: The American Model

The American 4GW Model is somewhat different and is based more on ideological and political differences than ethnic and cultural ones – though the ethnic and cultural differences will play a role, as we will soon see.

In the United States, the federal system of government can play a key role. For example, while the prospect of a gun ban causing the peasants to pick up their pitchforks and torches is unlikely, a scenario where states simply refuse to enforce the law is far closer to the realm of possibility. Consider that this is already starting under the Trump Administration – cities and states are refusing to comply with the President’s directives on federal immigration law. Flipping the script, it’s worth wondering just how much state and federal compliance a federal ban on AR-15s, a high tax on ammunition, or a call for widespread registration would generate.

This could happen one of two ways: Leftist states like California and Massachusetts balk at a new federal law, or more conservative and libertarian states like Arizona and New Hampshire refuse compliance. It’s worth noting that states themselves are not monoliths. California is largely still a conservative state outside of Los Angeles and the Bay Area, while several municipalities in deep blue Massachusetts went for Trump. On the other hand, Arizona has blue enclaves like Flagstaff and New Hampshire’s cities vote almost identically to Boston.

The red state / blue state divide is very real, but it also exists within states as well as between them. In the event that a cleavage between the two political and cultural halves of America started, this divide would become increasingly unstable within the states themselves.

Unlike Europe, the United States has a homegrown militia movement that is heavily armed and, to varying degrees, ready for battle. When the AR-15 is talked about as a “weapon of war on our streets,” it is frequently mentioned in the same breath how an insurrection in the United States would never stand a chance against the modern weapons of war wielded by the federal government. This would be news to the Viet Cong. People who make such statements are unaware of the dynamics of 4GW.

While the political aspects are very real, so are the demographic ones. In particular, there is the spectre of the Scotch-Irish in Appalachia. These are a people with hundreds of years of long skepticism (and often outright hostility) toward the federal government. It’s also, geographically speaking, a very difficult place to conquer. Eric Rudolph evaded the feds for five years in the mountains of North Carolina, despite being on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitive List.

This segment of American society has a significant connection to both the police force and the military. Simple suggestions that local police, SWAT teams or even the military will be quick to crush such a rebellion are ill-informed on two counts. First, the aforementioned one: In many cases, the military and police who are being sent out are going to be friends, family and intimates of the Hillbilly Viet Cong. What’s more, due to the extensive military experience in this area, many of the foot soldiers of an anti-government rebellion centered in Appalachia would not only just be trained, but also battle-tested. Divided loyalties always play a role in 4GW, and the United States will be no exception.

The weapons of war are leveled in 4GW. There is air war by drones, but also the role of computer hacking, kidnapping and other unsavory activities. The point of 4GW, from the perspective of the underdog, is less about “winning” in some quick and dramatic fashion, and more about dragging out the conflict as long as possible, causing the dominant power to lose through blood loss and death by 1,000 cuts.

Consider the Vietnam Conflict: Between the end of the French occupation of Vietnam in 1954, through the Fall of Saigon when U.S. forces abandoned the city to the Viet Cong, the American Vietnam War lasted approximately 20 years. And that doesn’t count the seven bloody years of French occupation post-WW2, when French colonial forces lost approximately 100,000 troops attempting to put down the guerilla movement in Indochina.

Finally, there’s the U.S. government’s track record in 4GW. The United States does not have a solid track record of being able to defeat guerilla insurgencies. From the Filipino Insurrection in the late 19th century to the current Afghan insurgency – the United States military can make inroads against 4GW actors, but it’s never really able to seal the deal.

4GW in America: The Battle of Athens

There is a history of 4GW in the United States and we don’t need to go very far back to find it. In 1946, there was an uprising of the citizens of Athens, TN (in McMinn County) to reestablish the rule of law. The story illustrates how American patriots resisting domestic tyranny can succeed in their struggles.

Citizens of Athens had complained about election fraud since 1940. The town was filled with battle-hardened veterans from both the European and Pacific theaters of World War II. This filled them with a militancy that did not exist before the war. Several citizens of Athens had complained, but the administration of Franklin Roosevelt did nothing, perhaps because the town was ruled over by an entrenched Democratic Party machine.

First, the men ran one of their own, a GI named Knox Henry, for sheriff. They wanted fair elections, so they petitioned the FBI to monitor, a request which was denied. The machine, for their part, imported 200 strong arms to “protect” the polling places from voters. In one case, a deputy pointed his revolver at a GI, ejecting him from the polling station and telling him “If you sons of bitches cross this street I’ll kill you!” Poll watchers were arrested and in one case, a black poll watcher was shot. Finally, the party machine locked the ballot boxes up in the county jail.

Despite lacking in numbers, ammunition and arms, the veterans used the key to the local armories belonging to the State and National Guard. This evened the score considerably. They went to the jail house and requested the release of the ballot boxes, but were rebuffed with the sheriff’s men shooting two of the GIs. A firefight erupted and the GIs were reinforced by men from neighboring Meigs County and their IEDs. Eventually, the sheriff and his men surrendered, releasing the ballots.

After obtaining the ballots, the men cleaned and returned the weapons. The GI candidate was elected sheriff and several others were elected to key county positions.

This demonstrates 4GW in miniature in the United States. For those concerned about nuclear retaliation or other heavy guns the USG has, it’s worth noting that the underdog can always obtain some of these weapons by hook or by crook.

The Militia Movement and 4GW

No discussion of 4GW in the United States would be complete without touching on the militia movement, something specific to the U.S. While Europe has a history of factions in the military who oppose the government (the French Secret Army Organization is the most famous of these), it does not, to nearly the same extent as the United States, have men actively training in the woods getting ready for civilizational collapse or 4GW.

The militia movement began in the early 1980s, when it was known as the Posse Comitatus movement. It exploded (no pun intended) after the attack on the Oklahoma City Federal Building and the showdown at Ruby Ridge. By the mid-1990s, the militia movement had a presence in all 50 states and was comprised of approximately 60,000 people.

Note that the militia movement is no longer limited to the political right. Left-wing organizations have begun openly training with arms since the election of Donald Trump as President in 2016. In any kind of 4GW scenario in the United States, it’s likely that these two strains of the militia movement would come into conflict with each other, as well as the United States government. And don’t forget about the narcissism of small differences that tends to plague fringe political movements – the most bitter enemies in a 4GW conflict in the United States will likely be competing factions of left- and right-wing political movements.

Skills Required for 4GW

Combat isn’t the only helpful skill for 4GW. If you’re concerned with 4GW and want to get ready for everything to go down, here’s a list of skills for you to acquire in preparation for 4GW.

  • Weapons Versatility: Let’s just get this out of the way. Combat training with a variety of weapons is important for 4GW. This is because in 4GW, combatants often have to use weapons commandeered from their enemies. What they capture can vary widely from what their unit ordinarily uses.
  • Survivalism: Knowing how to live off the land is an indispensable skill for any SHTF scenario, and 4GW is no exception to this rule. 4GW combatants must know how to hunt, fish, trap, track, stay hidden, find potable water, and prep game.
  • First Aid: Any time there’s combat, there are casualties. 4GW requires the knowledge of first aid at the very least. Knowing other medic skills is a welcome addition to the toolkit as well.
  • Physical Fitness: Those involved in 4GW combat will have to walk long distances, often with a lot of weight strapped to their back. Being in top physical condition can mean the difference between life and death.
  • Navigation: 4GW combatants need to know the area, but they also need to know how to find their way around unfamiliar terrain. That means without electronic equipment, and instead using items like compasses and maps.
  • Demolition: This might also be filed under weapon versatility. Demolition is a big part of 4GW for depriving the enemy of a base and cutting off lines of communication and transit.

Many of the above skills are just as helpful when it comes to general survivalism, so you don’t have to be getting ready for 4GW to make them worth acquiring. And as with any kind of SHTF preparation and training, we hope you never have to use what you learn.

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22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 9:18 am

How did this LOW VALUE piece of shit abomination of an article end up on this much esteemed blog?

Me and the boys just got done ridiculing it and tearing it to pieces on ZH.

Its the written equivalent of a vat of Chinese pot metal, so much recycled shit mixed and melted together it’s ridiculous.

In other news: they’ll be coming for your gun’s laser sights next. Something far more practical than bumpstocks. How do I know? Laser sight used in Illinois hoaxed/spun shooting FRONT AND CENTER this morning on CNN and

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls


Write an article. I’d bet you could do a pretty good job.

I woud think that the #1 important factor for winning a 4GW would be information. Tech involves lots of fighting behind a computer screen. Where to find those guys would be useful info.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Donkey Balls
February 16, 2019 11:07 am

“Write an article. I’d bet you could do a pretty good job.”

Agreed. Stop complaining about other articles and write a rebuttal. It’s hard work for some people, though. I know you know that.

22, anyone would help you. I bet even you would make a few grammar and spelling errors. It’s easy to miss when you are more concerned about content.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  Mary Christine
February 16, 2019 6:11 pm

We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

Shitty, low quality content must be called out and ridiculed because we live in a world OVERFLOWING WITH SHITTY LOW QUALITY CONTENT. Think “57 Channels and ain’t nothing on” and I fucking hate Springsteen.

Read up on some Psychological Warfare 101 or just watch some Yuri Bezmenov. The goal of any good psy-op/psy-war is just to drown you in low quality crap, misinformation, misdirection, and especially with crappy conclusions and poor advice.


The reference to al-CIA-duh and Oh Mighty ISIS were a giveaway.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 12:34 pm

Thank God.

I thought for a minute I was the only one who could see the low-quality bullshit trees through the low-quality forest.

  Donkey Balls
February 16, 2019 3:46 pm

I call it the cellpt Militia. We should be cultivating friendships with these young Gamers and practicing taking out infastructure. In the 80’s several local Militias took responsibility for taking out the bridges for I90 and the BNRR going through the Idaho Panhandle. Something like that in the Telecom infrastructure is needed.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 6:15 pm

While I can’t or at least won’t argue with your premise of staying in touch with the younger generation, I tend to revert back to KISS.

Kids are so zombified by the internet and gaming, the sooner it’s taken away the better. No wonder the military can’t hire and retain these kids for shit. Just blow up the local cell towers, power plants, and electrical substations and get it over with!

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
  Donkey Balls
February 16, 2019 6:05 pm

I was thinking about writing an article, but not about the Militia scene and/or Guerrilla warfare. I was thinking something more along the lines of NIGGERS vs. BLACK MEN and WOMEN vs. SUPERCHICKS.

There is more amateurish written diarrhea on the subject of guerrilla insurgencies and guerrilla/militia warfare, as it applies to modern day America, than you can shake a stick at.

I stand by my words. The article above is crap. It’s just a wild HODGEPODGE and REHASHING of every militia, guerrilla, military, and survivalism CLICHES that we’ve all seen before- mixed in vat and melted down into crappy Chinese pot metal. Little, if any, original material or thought. Actually, most of the writing in this GENRE would not exist if it wasn’t for all the scholarly War College graduates spouting off, authors looking to make a name for themselves (or their blog), and plenty of actual trolls spewing huge volumes of amateur drivel to *dilute and misinform*.

For crying out loud- quoting a LIMITED HANGOUT article from fucking Forbes Magazine? Are you serious? Sony Playstations used as covert communication tools? That isn’t a REVELATION to anyone with a functioning brain any more than box cutters used to hijack airplanes was a “revelation”. No sir, it’s the CIA spoon-feeding you intellectual babyfood for fucks sake! You didn’t see epic papers analyzing and rehashing smoke signals back when that was the tech of the day and Indians were using them to outmaneuver the Cowboys, did you? No you didn’t. So why would they be needed now?

Also, lots of utterly debunked hoaxes rehashed as fact: ISIS presented as legit instead of what it is—> Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Al-Qaeda presented as legit instead of “AL-CIAduh”. WORST OF ALL—? 60,000 Militia members back in the 1990s? Newsflash, every man, woman, and child, OVER 300,000,000 are in the Citizen Militia, whether they like it or not, and whether they believe it or not. 60,000 front line fighters? Even if the number was more realistic, like 600,000, they wouldn’t mean shit without 6,000,000 active support personnel and 60,000,000 passive supporters. Now I’m getting dragged into a a cesspool that I wish to take a dip in.

That and I’m just sick to death of all the DETAILS related crap and TECH related crap. There is nothing that can’t be hacked, hijacked, fooled, marginalized, circumvented, avoided, sabotaged, or just plain shot full or holes or burned to the ground. All this THINKING about minutae when there could be ACTION. All this hyperanalysis when K.eep I.t S.imple S.tupid will suffice, even in this day and age.

Only in America do people blow things so grotesquely out of proportion and put the cart before the horse on such an epic scale!


Chechnya is a more apt comparison

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer

That was the first thig I saw when I read that story this morning. Red is the dominant laser optics around these parts because up here everything is green, but yeah, it looks like those will be on the chopping block next.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 16, 2019 11:11 am

They know that it’s too hard to amend the constitution so it’s death by a thousand cuts.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 16, 2019 6:19 pm

Green is too damn bright for night use and red is too damn dim for daytime use.

Better to be a crepuscular laser beamer, t least until Drumpf’s unconfirmed AG bans them outright.


Hey buddy, I know you’re passionate about this but don’t discourage it. It’s badly needed discussion. Ideas will come from it.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 6:20 pm

Healthy discussion, yes.

Hyper-analysis, no.


You’re doing to this topic what Uncola did to the JQ.
Shouting down and discrediting and labeling anyone with a conflicting opinion.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 7:29 pm

I actually don’t know who the author is and don’t care.

I’m simple trying to make the case, against great odds, that rehashing and recycling cliches and misinformation is not good. The time spent reading this meandering, borderline bizarre hedgepodge of information could be better spent reading a chapter of Turner Diaries or TM 31-210.

Time is precious, especially if we are on the eve of war. Time to strike at the root, not analyze the branches.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer

Lots of good stuff in here, free of charge.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 17, 2019 11:41 am

“Make your plans to fit the circumstances.”

“Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.”

George S. Patton

Miles Long
Miles Long

Thems that can, do. Thems that cant bitch & complain.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  Miles Long
February 16, 2019 6:22 pm

Thems that REHASH every tired old Cliche and outright misinformation about guerrilla warfare, terrorism, militias, etc, in an amateurish, out of order, inconclusive manner must be PUT IN THEIR PLACE.

Miles Long
Miles Long

A few years ago I was discussing the current downhill slide with a friend. He asked what we could do against the all-powerful dickheads in charge. He was beat without even lifting a finger to change anything. Lots of otherwise good people have fallen into that mindset. I sent him a few 4GW articles. He said I was crazy & we kind of drifted apart after that & rarely talk anymore. Oh well.

The article above isn’t meant for people who have an idea of what’s really happening. Few would spend the time to read it. It’s meant for the average Joe who works 56 hrs. a week & doesn’t get out much. I think it works as a primer for thems who are interested, but dont know much, who might want to know more.

An old guy I used to work with in the 70s often said “If you think you know what’s really going on you’re probably full of shit.” Another cliche’, but the older I get the dumber I am & it ain’t Alzheimer’s… at least not yet. If you know as much as you claim, my comment above was for you to share your vast knowledge in a readable article. Take what’s above & either refute it with proof &/or example, improve on it, or somehow teach us something new. Otherwise you’re just another monkey throwing shit.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  Miles Long
February 16, 2019 10:24 pm

Good stuff. Really.

I have a friend who is similarly whipped. The very idea that people in America could in fact, rise up and bring the Empire to it’s knees was just too damn much for him to process.

For me, it’s not too much to process at all. These so called “powers that be” will crumble when unforseen events and foreign intervention rear their ugly heads.

It’s damn hard for the “powers that be” to divert resources to suppress a domestic insurgency militarily when they are trying to suppress a whole world’s worth of pissed off foreigners aiming heavy weapons at them. They can barely suppress the domestic insurgency now with 24/7 propaganda, drugs, sex, and bread and circuses. Good luck suppressing it when those things vanish.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls


I wasn’t attacking you, I really do want to hear what you have to say on the topic.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  Donkey Balls
February 16, 2019 6:23 pm

I deposited it all under you earlier comment.



Not everyone is a student of warfare. This was a good recap for non-warriors.

A retired Colonel (who is a correspondent) wrote:

“This is probably the best article you have sent to date.”

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 6:27 pm

A recap would indicate a review of a greater body of previous knowledge.

This is just rehashed, out of order cliches… written diarrhea.

I highly recommend starting with any of the usual “hardcover” sources for this kind of thing, The Art of War, The Turner Diaries, TM 31-210, whatever.

February 16, 2019 10:07 am

“It is interesting to hear certain kinds of people insist that the citizen cannot fight the government. This would have been news to the men of Lexington and Concord, as well as the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan.”

WOW! That was a real eye opener for me. I love when someone’s perception flies in my face and knocks me on my ass. Invariable you get back up a bit smarter. I have a knee jerked revulsion to armed violence. It is that threat, after all, that under girds the government. Forget all the “your government” bullshit. You follow their orders or they’ll kick your ass. But there comes a time when the bully gets HIS ass kicked.

I still would never promote armed conflict as long as there is a non-violent way to achieve the goal-in my case stop participating. Don’t vote. Don’t support any pols. Etc. But if the SHTF and warfare breaks out-I’m in. I’m too old for the battle but I damn sure can support those who aren’t.

Ok 22. I’m ready for the kick in the ass.

BTW, I didn’t see your post until I posted. Not surprised you’re on top if it already.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 6:30 pm

I don’t shy away from being knocked on my intellectual ass either.

I’m +1’ing you for K.eeping I.t S.impe S.tupid.

It’s just Lexington and Concord and the schoolyard bully getting knocked down 2019/2020- no need for A LIBRARY OF LENGTHY HYPERANALYSIS.

February 16, 2019 10:18 am

Do not believe 22winmag.

This is a terrific article. Concise and easy to read and understand. It takes a look at the different kinds of warfare. It examines whether or not it is likely US citizens could defeat the US Military, or vice-versa.

Lots of food-for-thought.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 6:37 pm

Not quite. Like I told MC, low quality shit must be called out and ridiculed, lest it give people a false sense of what quality is.

Why examine “it” OVER AND OVER AND OVER? Images of “the people” fighting columns of tanks and squadrons of jets amount to what I call “Alamo Fantasies”.

Guerrilla warfare has been around since the stone age and insurgencies have been defeating standing armies for nearly as long. One needs to take baby steps and start at the source (Ancient Greece?) before moving on to modern day largely-pointless hyperanalysis.

February 16, 2019 11:03 am

A true civil war(would be first for this country/war of succession was different)can be fought many ways by not using straiht out violence,i.e. not making deliveries/pushing wrong button at power station/monkey wrenching the system in general.

As a wise poster clued me in on,look for the tm31-210 manual so you know what NOT to have in your home in the way of products that could cause you harm.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
February 16, 2019 11:38 am

Look no further. There was a link up on WRSA a few days ago. It’s important to read this to make sure you dont have any of this stuff handy. Ignorance is not an excuse. It’s downloadable too.

Also Sipsey St. Irregulars is not active since shortly after Mike died, but still up & useful. Many years worth of good info here too.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  Lee Harvey Griswald
February 16, 2019 6:42 pm

Like is said, TM 31-210.

If one can’t grasp it’s simplicity and lessons, how can one grasp cellular-playstation-controlled-thermal evasion-drone-gigapixel-surveillance-fire missions?

  Lee Harvey Griswald
February 16, 2019 7:07 pm

Lee,linked WRSA article yesterday for the good of people and their safety.Tis a shame Mikes son suddenly shut down Sipsey,really wonder if he was threatened/family threatened ect.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
February 16, 2019 9:57 pm

I dunno James. Mike was one of a kind. There were a number of things going on at the time that could have been a gub’mint squeeze on his son, or maybe it was his way of letting the blog go gracefully.

not sure
not sure
February 16, 2019 11:40 am

Lots of information to digest and be made aware of as the conflict intensifies.

But concerning the citizens rising up, that aint happening until some serious sh*t hits the fan. Knowing this, TPTB only have to keep the optics of the sh*t from being seen to keep the citizens from rising up.

Everything sure looks good on papers they produce, but there is a funny smell coming from the government/media empire outlets that is starting to stink to high heaven.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  not sure
February 16, 2019 6:43 pm


Suddenly… then all at once.

February 16, 2019 11:48 am

Cellphone Militias.
I was a part of the early Militia movement and I fought multiple types of 3GW in Nam. “It’s different this time”.
Since cellphones became widespread about 2002 I’ve been trying to get people to form cellphone armies and underground railroads. Guess who’s doing it. The Progs. They are known as Rainbows and Travelers. They have a complete network including safe houses. Now they are gunning up.
Wish I wasn’t on a cheap cellphone or I could add a lot more.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 16, 2019 6:47 pm

Nothing witty to say here, other than my old saw about peacetime charades/conveniences (smart phones?) having VERY LITTLE, IF ANYTHING to to with wartime realities/necessities (back to morse code with signal lamps and smoke signals?).


Anyone relying on a cell phone is pwned from Go. I’ve seen what can be done with cell phones. There’s a reason even the lowest-grade drug dealers know to use and replace burner phones frequently.

February 16, 2019 4:44 pm

“Chilling Image” I don’t know how concerned I’d be just because of a picture. All it proves is that someone knows how to use Photoshop.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 6:49 pm

The Israeli Secret Intelligence Service is strong with this one.

Somebody should tell the author of this low value article what the difference is!

February 16, 2019 2:44 pm

“It’s worth noting that states themselves are not monoliths. California is largely still a conservative state outside of Los Angeles and the Bay Area”

Most people think California is a totally liberal state, not true. As an example in most of the rural areas in Calif. it is not difficult to obtain a CCW. I know a number of people in the rural areas of Calif. that carry on a regular basis.

This map is a good visual to make my point.
comment image

February 16, 2019 3:49 pm

970 replies to 2 articles Identifying the problem. 17 on something Identifying a solution.

February 16, 2019 4:03 pm
February 16, 2019 5:04 pm

And that’s just for starters.

February 16, 2019 7:26 pm


Yea, I know there is technology and weapons out there beyond anything I have.

I have a few surpises myself.

What the hell Flea, it don’t mean noth’in.

February 16, 2019 8:33 pm

Me too. Do you remember the bullet resting in a bamboo tube just protruding enough to step on with a scrap of wood with a nail poking through for a firing pin.
I myself don’t worry about hi tech but I don’t scoff either. These kids are the ones who can tackle that. I’m lucky to know how to answer my cellphone.

February 16, 2019 9:19 pm



I still have all 10 but not everyone in my company came home with 10.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 9:10 pm

Hit ’em in the ammo dump, fuel tanks, and power stations and then see how fucking tough they are.

Pussies will be begging to join the insurgency before you know it.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 5:04 pm

Saw that one. A good illustration how AI-Black Mirror crap is self defeating crap-ola. The human fuckup factor will always be present, no matter how the tech changes.


Scoff at your own peril.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 8:47 pm

I’m going to close the book on this AI-Black Mirror bullshit once and for all.

Watch the whole movie, watch it in reverse, watch it upside down, until you understand the futility of it. The part where Ernest Borgnine allows him pass onto the ship is pretty good too and I hate that ultraliberal Hollywood cretin.

The more you tighten your grip Tarkin, the more star systems will slip though your fingers. – Princess Leia

[imgcomment image[/img]


You watch it, I have better shit to do.


I put it up just to show the possibilities of what we could be facing, it’s not going to change anything with me. I’m more ready then anyone I know.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 8:57 pm

I fear NOTHING but God’s judgment.

Everything will grind to a halt in the frozen mud before we get to Gattaca or Black Mirror.


.22 – My Brother, I’m more then with you on your first sentance!

Understanding technology, capabilities and or tactics isn’t ‘fear’ its knowing your enemy.

This was an interesting read on the subject, at least for me. You may know more about technology.

Why Advanced Technology Signals The End Times

February 16, 2019 6:22 pm

Militias are just government stings. They know who the militia men are and where they can be found. They will be the first into the reeducation camps. TBP commenters will be second.

Keep a low profile. Be a lone wolf. Make a list of things to do. When SHTF start checking things off the list. Be as invisible as possible.

I’m preaching to the choir, we will all be rounded up within a month of SHTF.

February 16, 2019 7:08 pm


I’ve had similar thoughts.

It’s a decade too late for me to waste any time or energy or money to try to turn grey, my profile and rabid, loud, unabashed, unbowed defiance and exact location has been in their hands for a long time.

I’m not going to hide and I’m not going to try and run and I’m not getting on any bus.

There are a lot worse things than death.

I am working hard with some success on a local tribe of like-minded families.

I’m not just a keyboard warrior. There are millions just like me who will stand and fight no matter who or what the sons of bitches and daughters of witches send.

If there ever is an American ‘vest’ movement look for me in the front rank.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 8:42 pm

+1,000,000 BOOM!

There is nowhere to hide and I don’t desire to hide or fly off to Doug Casey’s Argentina.


Shoot, Shot, Shit you should see the reinforced sniper nest I have planned covering the pasture and road leading to a house I’m building.

.22, There has to be millions of Americans like us getting ready, more I suspect then anyone suspects.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 9:49 am

Make sure you shore up the escape tunnel that leads to your nest.

I would be a tragedy if you were buried in a collapse before getting into position.


Nest(s)…spider hole(s)…railroad tie strong point(s) all in wooded camo, all in the best tactical location.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 2:09 pm

Fucking ouch. Hard to see in the dark. HD versions for vehicles too.

February 16, 2019 7:10 pm

Rounded up,no.


February 16, 2019 8:08 pm


Or any combination of both depending where you live…who really knows?

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 16, 2019 8:41 pm

Ummm… rounded up within a month? No.

Were the guys at Lexington and Concord rounded up in a month? No.

But this time it’s different? No.

The only thing that different is broke ass government agencies are dumping their ammo and guns on the open market as we speak to help fund their bloated pensions. Fat-fuck paycheck collecting wannabe tough guys like to stick with relatively safe jobs like writing speeding tickets and standing around at staged events like the Boston non-bombing and lame photo op that was Sandy Hoax.

Hessians you say? Mercs you say? UN dickwads you say? The problem with those clowns is 1. they wouldn’t last a month on the insurgent battlefield, 2. they have a lot to lose compared to the insurgents who have already lost just about everything but their DIGNITY, and 3. when the bullets really start flying mercs are just as likely to join the resistance as they are to keep fighting against it.

Kicking a hornets nest and sticking around to see what happens is not a strategy.

2019 America is not 1919 Russia. Not even close. Like seriously, I’m about to watch this for the 3rd time. /rant off


Yes it’s different this time.
We didn’t have designer germs to spray on pockets of resisters.
We didn’t have GPS. We did have fuel air bombs and cannisters full of small Anti Personnel mines to drop from 10,000 feet. Do you know Eastern Laos is still unsafe because there are mines everywhere. It’s different this time because we can flatten all of Iraq and nobody knew because they own all the media now. There is nobody to squeal about Lt Cally. So your stubborn ass is gonna get smoked. You remind me of the Boxer Rebellion. They thought Karate moves would ward off an 8mm Mauser bullet.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 9:26 pm

That’s a mighty fine round you speak of. I’m looking at a case of them across the room right now.

With the super SCARY weapons you speak of, it’s SCARY TO THINK of what will happen when a few pilots or drone operators or computer programmers decide *enough is enough* and turn around and aim that SCARY stuff at the assholes barking the orders.

Boy, that will change the dynamic in an instant.

Fragging sociopathic commanders used to involve a little creative use of pineapple shaped or baseball shaped grenades.

Now it’s different.

Way different.

The stakes are way higher and the battlefield is at home, not 8,000 miles away.

Today fragging means rolling a fuel air bomb into Capitol fucking hill. Today fragging means turning your super scary smart weapons around and aiming it at the assholes pulling the levels behind the curtain, because as you said THIS TIME IT’S DIFFERENT.

The human factor. It’s always the human factor.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 17, 2019 10:10 am

And where is China vs Britain today?

Let that sink in.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer

You know what’s different this time around? No one has respect for authority. In Russia there were forms, people considered their roles and obeyed, etc. It took four cops and 11 tasers to the balls to get one burnout into custody and the cop wound up in the hospital because the perps fat GF hit him with a plastic bag full of pop bottles. Imagine the cost they’ll have to bear when they’re ordered to try a Checkist style roundup.


22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 17, 2019 2:11 pm


Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 17, 2019 10:04 am

When TSHTF they are going to have a lot more to be concerned about than a bunch of geriatric bloggers, but I’m sure if they are successful they’ll get around to us eventually. It is neither good nor bad.

That’s why we’re here- to give encouragement to those who need it and keep people informed who aren’t. Plenty of young, healthy, stealthy and under the radar types will do the heavy lifting. America is no Afghanistan and you see how well that’s worked out for the genius class.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 17, 2019 2:13 pm

Boom! There will be plenty of sympathetic support personnel, lone wolf John Rambos, spies for both sides, and human shields to go around. What a mess of an environment.

February 16, 2019 7:36 pm

Just started reading this. I think he is still stuck in the Left/Right paradigm, I see it as the Globalists (and all those other components) Vs. Nationalists but the table of contents intrigued me. Always looking for insight from others of a like mind.

The Coming Civil War

“War is coming. The first skirmishes are already being fought. The crisis America faces is between two incompatible visions of the future, and a nation sharply divided between them. Will we become this diverse beacon of tolerance where we forget our past and embrace socialism and political correctness? Or, will we stand for our traditional beliefs, values, liberty, and sovereign government as free citizens our Founders did? Between these two paths, it becomes clearer each day no happy compromise exists to be reached, and as the arguments become more heated and the fights spill into the street, this battle to define America for generations to come is just beginning. To understand the reasons for the fight, the players shaping this conflict, the groups who will be on each side, and what this potentially means for your family and our nation, this brutally candid account offers a vital glimpse toward dark days ahead.”

February 16, 2019 8:43 pm

Did you say you were from Edison? My Aunt lived in Ford’s and owned a Liquor store in Sayreville. The bridge man let me pull the lever to open the Drawbridge going to South River. Have cousins in the Amboys. I grew up on a truck farm near New Egypt where all the Gypsies we’re.

February 16, 2019 9:05 pm


Microscopic world. Raised in Edison from 2nd grade on. Went to high school in Voc/Tech in New Brunswick, class of 67.

Now, on that Liquor store…if it was Bridge Liquors in Sayreville I worked there part time in the late 70’s after Sal Scavone senior (who owned and ran Gracie’s Blue Haven Inn on Rt. 1 in Edison for about 20 years) bought Bridge Liquors for his son Sal Scavone Jr. Sal Jr. (family called him Sally Boy).

Sal Jr. ran it until his death 6 or 7 years back. I miss spent a good chunk of my miss spent yout with Sal Jr., we were close friends from high school. We ran together until I went in the Marines.

Maybe the Scavones bought the store from your Aunt? If its the same store.

February 16, 2019 9:34 pm

It was Kemmerers Liquors then and they sold it and retired in Lavalette on the shore when I was in service in mid to late 60 ‘s
It was a 3 story house 2nd one up from the river on the s. side of 535. Had a row of storage sheds in back and a cargo elevator in store going to basement.

February 16, 2019 9:58 pm


Different building/business but close to one another.

I always had a part time job. Met a cutie pie one block off Bourbon Street in 76, woke up one day soon after and I had a daughter and a 30 year mortgage in Cliffwood Beach NJ. Worked in Bridge Liquors, then as a bartender in Harp’s Place in Linden (6am to 12 noon…had guy’s waiting on the stoop for me to open) then starting stalking shoplifters in New Brunswick and found my calling.

Retail Loss Prevention afforded me two fights a week and regular adrenalin rushes. It beat unloading/hauling cases of booze or serving vodka and OJ 6 am eye openers to guys still drunk from the 2am close.

February 16, 2019 10:13 pm

We sold out in 60 and went to D.C. Just got a thrill opening that bridge at age of 10.

February 16, 2019 7:50 pm

The ones that talk the least…………..

February 16, 2019 8:09 pm


And you can quote me.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 16, 2019 9:02 pm

“Jeremy spoke in class today.”



.22 is that you???

(just teasing)

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 12:39 am

That’s freaky. You get my point though about letting your boom stick do the “speaking”?

Funny thing was when I finished your 17 second video, this was one of the suggested videos that popped up:


That’s what came up when I searched “Jeremy spoke in class today.” I was just busting your balls for all the TEA Party cracks 🙂

Man, I lived that movie humping the M-60, carrying 500 rounds with another 2,000 carried by the Marines around me…and almost ran out of ammo a bunch of times.

My heaviest battle weapon now is an M1A with bipods and a Sight Mark Night Scope. I regularly jog up and down my road on my farm in boots and full gear with it at port arms to stay in shape.

I’ve lost endurance and wind…but I bet I can outrun/hump 19 out 20 of the guys I see every day half my age (and out fight’em) and 20 out of 20 my age.

.22, when the shit show starts we will be ready. Not looking forward to it, but I suspect we will be left with no choice.

Ever see the old movie Valdez is Coming with Burt Lancaster? Sometimes I feel kinda like a type of Valdez.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 9:35 am

What? No X-products X-14 drums? You don’t know what you are missing. Personally, I fell for the HK91 and the M76 Yugo.

I did go overboard with my Tea Party cracks, but only because I’m one of those “help it collapse quicker” guys most of the time.

I saw Valdez ages ago but don’t remember much, so I’ll watch it again. Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) and Red Dawn (1984) are a lot of fun too. Some old movies never really get old.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southern by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southern by choice
February 17, 2019 9:30 am

Ron Paul and his columns, like any other good controlled opposition, speaks 98% truth and 2% bullshit. Most of these staged attacks, fake terrorism, and school shootings are exposed within days, so it’s not like Ron and his ilk are telling you anything earthshaking. They aren’t telling you anything you couldn’t find from other sources (like basically any source outside the US mainstream).

Now about the 2% bullshit. Notice how the article doesn’t end with “Fake shit like this happens every days in the USA too! Oil up your guns and let’s do a citizen investigation TODAY. 30-round pitchforks and torches for all!”

The articles never end that way.

They never end that way because the article is a “limited hangout”, not a call to arms and real action.

February 17, 2019 1:10 am

The US military is obviously made up of the citizens. Many/most have about had it with big gov imposing itself everywhere. Support would definitely be on the side of the people. The military has a lot of southern boys in it who hold home more dear than the country as a whole. I’d expect a lot of sabatoge within the military and a very weak will to fight its citizens. There’s just too many of us and not enough of “them”.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 9:05 am


Thank you sir, may I have another?

Let’s take it one step further than sabotage. How about some modern-day FRAGGING?

I’m not talking about rolling a hand grenade into some piss-poor commander’s tent.

I’m talking about a soldier or pilot or higher level guy turning his heavy/smart/Black Mirror caliber weapons around and aiming them at a real threat, like Capitol Hill or the regional Alphabet Soup Agency HQ or whatever. That would change the dynamic in a heartbeat. Once the first guy does it, who knows, it might even catch fire. Of course you wouldn’t hear about it the papers, but word would get around quick in military and political circles!

February 17, 2019 1:46 am

There’s that voice again……….”Cain’t we just get along”.

Anybody know who made that one famous?

Recess is almost over, wees be goin ta be goin in soon.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 9:19 am

Yeah, I know who made that phrase famous. Someone who tried to surrender honorably rather than fight, and continued to get beaten down to within an inch of his life.

Surrender will get you nowhere, especially when you are branded a terrorist not worthy of Geneva convention type treatment.


i’m proud to stand up & say that i sent $ to the defense funds 4 those cops–
you guys need to cool it on this thread,some of you are at & possibly over the line of what is “permissible” speech–
we need to work on reclaiming our 1st amendment rights as much as we do our 2nd amendment rights–

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 17, 2019 2:14 pm

The time to start talking about burying your guns

is the time to start talking about digging them up

not sure
not sure
February 17, 2019 7:21 am

Knowing your destiny and being able to keep the freedom to choose your path is what it is all about.

You know that once you board the bus and leave all your possessions behind that you have just handed your destiny over to someone else.

With this thought in mind you will not board the bus and whether you survive 60 seconds or many years after, this freedom to choose is at the core of all the prepping, planning and having the proper mindset as the darkness falls.

It is not if “our guys” will win or lose, it about you winning by living your life maintaining your freedom to choose, right up until the moment ……..

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
  not sure
February 17, 2019 9:16 am

My point exactly. Those peasants in Crete, Greece, and Yugoslavia who unloaded on the German paratroopers as they touched down didn’t have the time or inclination to over think the situation. They just said “This isn’t right. Not in my backyard!” and opened up with their rusty old single shots and bolt actions when the Germans were at their weakest.

Sure, most of them were mowed down, but plenty more fighters AND THEIR SUPPORT PERSONNEL ran for the mountains to *live free or die* another day.

Not Sure
Not Sure

Thanks for acknowledging, I thought it was an important point to make, but not sure if will be picked up at the end of a dated article.

Live long and kick ass!

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 17, 2019 11:25 am

“We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.”
― Oswald Spengler, Man and Technics: A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 17, 2019 11:50 am

Words to live by as our choices in life become limited. Be true to yourself and to your calling. Thank you.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 17, 2019 11:51 am

“Duty, not reward”


See Gilberts below.
For 2 Days you’ve been blowing shit out your fuckin ass.
Only a loudmouth fool scoffs at the enemy and denies evidence.
You haven’t even considered snitches, the main reason I no longer belong to the Militia movement. You also haven’t considered the mobs of armed progs who will be sent after you before SHTF. What are you going to shoot down an Apache chopper with or what are you going to breathe after they sarin the fukkkin dogshit out of you. When your hideout is engulfed in Napalm your gonna be screaming for Mommy.
I didn’t say don’t resist, I said resist smartly. You’re not fukkkin smart.

February 17, 2019 2:50 pm

I disagree.
I do not believe any “resistance” movement will do much or accomplish much before it is stomped out.
Just look at those freedom fighters who occupied a park ranger’s shack. That was a blow against the system.
How about Eric Robert Rudolph, mentioned above. He only survived with the help of friendly country folks who dropped him food. Note-even if he was wanted, they didn’t have to really try hard to get him because he was safely isolated in the mountains where he couldn’t do much harm. How about that LAPD officer who was hunted down and killed in a summer cabin?

If you intend to fight the government, have fun. I’ll enjoy reading about you in the news. If you were a real threat, you wouldn’t be here, anyhow. You probably don’t have much practice at it, while they’ve been practicing for years. They got plenty of experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. I’ve seen some of what’s possible and you should be scared. Unless you’ve been living in a cave, there’s little they don’t already know about you.

If you’re in a militia group or anti-govt Antifa-type group, you’re known. If you’re buying up arms and ammo and stuff, you’re known. If you’re still using Fakebook or even a computer, you’re known. If you expect to actually fight the government, you’ll either be stomped out in a few hours or you’ll be hiding in a remote area where it’s not worth doing too much to get you and where you’re unlikely to be much of threat, anyhow. With the sheer amount of technology they can bring to bear, from flying cameras that can track over 100K people at the same time to thermal imagers, through-wall imagers, in-car facial ID cameras, etc you’re chances of being a threat for very long are limited.

Also, I’ve met and hung out with a lot of “patriot” militia types over the years. The first thing I notice about most of them is just how much they run their mouths. They’re full of talk. Lots and lots of talk. Big, tough, pro-USA pro-2ndA talk. And conspiracy theories. Lots of theories. Most of them are also full of food. Lots and lots of food. Seriously, some of those guys are likely to drop dead of a massive coronary the moment they bend over to grab their doomsday gear. So if you’re expecting America’s shadowy, secret militia forces to save the day… Expect to be about as disappointed as a Repube voter with a Repube majority in all branches of government.

February 17, 2019 7:18 pm

Thank you.