This Article Is for White People

One for sorrow, two for mirth,
Three for a wedding, four for a birth.
Five for a girl, six for a boy,
Seven for heaven and eight for joy.
Nine for freedom from coveting gold.
Ten for a secret ne’er to be told.

-Upon Counting Magpies, traditional

On recommendation, I downloaded the recent film Bohemian Rhapsody. I enjoyed it tremendously overall—it was charming, and reminded me of the lost dimension we often refer to in this generally genial confederacy that is The Platform That Burns.

What struck me most clearly was the final scene at Wembley during Live Aid, the rolling ocean of White faces comprising the celebrants and congregation—one hundred thousand of them. In this vast multitude there were perhaps five or ten non-Whites present. In real life it was one of the largest and least diverse crowds ever seen, and everyone there—nearly two billion worldwide—participated to raise money to rescue, feed, heal, nurture and educate a generation of Blacks who would then grow up to torture and kill White African farmers by way of thanks, then aim to destroy whatever remained of the White world they could get their hands on.

I could never imagine Chinese, Japanese, Jews, Negroes—any other race or culture—deploying an event that all-encompassing in order to benefit another race, only Caucasian/Anglo-Saxon/Celts would have the gumption to even attempt such a feat, as well as the pathological altruism to follow through. We make up six percent of world population and falling, yet nowadays we cannot seem to organise a single benefit to heal, nurture and educate ourselves, nor even to sustain our culture and genetic line by proposing, establishing or preserving a White Ethnostate.

We were the first to build habitable buildings more than four storeys high, the first to construct bridges to carry the weight of steam trains, which we also invented, and the safe and secure mines that produced the coal that smelted the metal that formed the engines that powered the trains with the coal we mined. We are—in a word—astonishing. In invention and innovation we are elves and everyone else are orcs, and the orcs despise us for it all whilst coveting the things we have created. To all who try to stamp on our spirits, to all who try to say we have no culture I have this response: Look around. Technology is our culture, and art and music and beautiful soaring cathedrals, penicillin and botany, flushing toilets and refrigeration and general anaesthesia and Shakespeare, along with the burning desire to share all these things with anyone in the world who will value them as we do. Ours was the most benevolent and beneficial empire the world has ever seen and our legend will endure even if we don’t.

What was that? Colonising Bad? We deserve everything that is currently unfolding? Tell it to the Chippewa, they might return the lands they stole from the Sioux. Or perhaps the Chinese might finally relinquish Tibet. The descendants of Ottoman Turks may vacate the conquered Byzantine lands and return Constantinople to the Christians, along with Antioch and Alexandria.

We are enslavers of mankind? Let me tell you about enslavement; for more than four centuries one quarter to one third of my family were taken into slavery by Barbary Coast Moslem pirates, snatched from their beds in darkened villages of Wales and Cornwall, loaded onto small vessels and carried to the markets of Tunis and Tripoli to be sold. None of the taken were ever heard from again. As I have asked before, who proposes their reparations?

In a world where even Stalin can be mourned (the Russians really did lament his loss, at least for a time and we are much nicer than Stalin) we—White people—will be legends. The rest of the world may eventually decline to the stone age without us but we will be remembered because we will be missed.

But is that really enough? Are we willing to settle for the status of dead-but-mythological beings? Chances are we won’t be entirely wiped out; in bleaker moments I can envision a time when Western Whites are bred like pandas, the most beautiful claimed by the Caliphate as sex slaves, the cleverest purchased to be high-status servants of Chinese equity lords or ruby button Mandarins. Perhaps the ones who do not make the cut will be kept in animal park-style zoos to be mocked by the hoi polloi unable to afford a White of their own to torment.

One hot-off-the-press example of the rollicking bollocks expressed against my people follows below, the upshot being, You are a visitor on Inuit Homelands. Don’t use us for your résumé. Pay what we ask you for our tourist tat with no attempt at negotiation. Meritocracy rewards White people. Racism against White people does not exist. White people are disallowed to judge whether or not any action they commit is racist or culturally insensitive. In Inuit-only spaces you are to sit down, shut up and refrain from participating. In fact, do not hesitate to exclude yourself entirely. (Perhaps on an ice floe?)

Can you imagine a phrase like, You are a visitor on White Homelands allowed to stand in these times? This article is not an isolated case but rather one of ten billion snowflakes forming an avalanche threatening to carry my culture to the bottom of a crevasse and entomb it for all time. Feel free to peruse it for yourself:

Go to the Back of the Sled

Note how everyone has a name for us—qallunaat, haole, honkey, cracker, gwailo, gora, gaijin, goy—but those terms are an accepted facet of their cultures, so who are we to object? But just try a little tit-for-tat and see how fast they go mad.

Perhaps the new White gene pool will derive from the Slavic rather than the Nordic/Celtic/Anglo-Saxon line. The Russians certainly have the drive, the pride, the skills and self-esteem to survive, along with the spiritual foundation that is the heart of any thriving race and culture.

Orthodox Christianity has flourished since the fall of the Soviets. Western Whites on the other hand presently self-identify as agnostics and atheists in numbers far higher than any other group on earth. I suspect this makes us like a reed with the pith pulled out, causing us to bend like straws beneath the weight of the present day. We are out of balance and I see no way back to where we need to be except through the Word of God, which most Whites now deride or dismiss entirely. As our science and technology bloomed, our connection to a sense of the Divine withered. We have sucked the last drop of juice from the fruit of The Enlightenment and now that we have arrived at its poisoned pit we cannot seem to stop chewing.

Many Britons flinch when one suggests ever needing a gun but don’t believe the lukewarm protestations. As the past few years have unfolded any remaining hesitation is apt to change, and soon. The race memory we are beginning to revive is that for thousands of years everyone on this island was armed at all times with daggers—with swords if you could afford them, with throwing axes and longbows for truly special occasions. Personal defence was not just a choice, it meant accepting full responsibility for individual safety beyond city or castle walls. Defending ourselves with grace and strength and skill was something we once took great pride in.

The seed of our downfall was planted nearly two centuries ago with the passing of The Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, when Sir Robert Peel established a full-time, professional and centrally-organised police force. It was not well received at the time; the public felt they managed quite well with night watchmen and personal vigilance, and besides, who was expected to pay for it? And why hadn’t the people been consulted? As things usually go between governments and those subject to them, government had its way. We turned our weapons over to legally-sanctioned protectors and began to soften as a people.

Despite the name, The Metropolitan Police Act was not confined to cities—everyone in the country was compelled to play along. From one season to the next coach loads of newly disarmed travellers upon lonely country roads provided easy pickings for any bent upon robbery as either avocation or full-time career; The age of the highwayman was born.

I find it endlessly fascinating to consider that the arrival of police also heralded an unprecedented rise in criminality.

Your right in America to defend yourself with impunity is a beautiful, precious, vanishingly rare thing in these times, never let it go. You can almost sense the media in both our countries getting erect at the thought that they may have at last found some incidence of White-on-black or White-on-muslim aggression, hoping against hope to pounce upon one of our people whilst blandly obfuscating the facts of or ignoring entirely the hundreds of daily assaults great and small against Whites.

For myself, I carried a knife, an ash bat and a small bearded axe when I roamed coedwig and cwm, though I always saw the blades as weapons of last resort. I do not have the muscle mass to defend myself hand-to-hand against a fully-grown male, let alone a pack bent upon my rape and mutilation. To speak to the point, the knife I carried was for myself; I had always planned to ask God’s mercy and open my own throat before I let the wookiee win, before I had to endure being used up then ground out like a cigarette butt.

Warning, graphic and upsetting:

In my country, feral entities like the ones who attacked the woman above have increased from a trickle to a flood over the past forty years—invited, encouraged and in many cases physically transported courtesy of increasingly progressive governments which feeds, clothes, treats them medically and houses them all, along with their multiple wives and large litters of offspring with money extorted from people like me. To add insult to injury, the government enacts laws proscribing any opinion contrary to their population-replacement policies and to the invader’s poisonous doctrine for conquest. It defines the word untenable.

In my country we are graced with one of the most exquisitely accurate modern parables in the form of the Harry Potter series. The story is the brainchild of billionaire arch-lefty JK Rowling who—despite massive cognitive dissonance—authored a tale featuring an evil government colluding with the media to viciously subvert every threat to its power base by slandering, imprisoning and murdering those who disagree with the state-sanctioned narrative of reality. Despite a government-controlled school manipulating the curriculum and a ministry persecuting any media with opposing views, Harry forms his own paramilitary resistance group aiming to exercise the people’s suppressed right to bear arms and defend themselves.

It is also worth noting that Hogwarts is one of the least diverse schools in fiction, allowing only those students who meet certain genetic criteria—namely, magical ability. Hogwarts not only disallows non-magical folk from attending, they strive to keep their world entirely secret and separate from mundane humanity whom they term Muggles. So much for Ms Rowling’s strident appeals against walls, national borders and exclusionary policies based upon genetics.

I digress; Harry’s magical world has its own concept of elitism as well: Death Eaters who execute anyone who disagrees with them and routinely torture and enslave those Muggles and magical folk they deem impure. Not all of the students of Hogwart’s House Slytherin are bad people, but all Death Eaters adhere to Slytherin ideology which is incompatible with a moral society.

As a result of the Death Eater coup, sweeping government surveillance is implemented, draconian policies drafted and certain words and speech taboo-ed. By the time the ministry-in-exile got their act together it was too late, and only the remnants of the paramilitary group were able to resist and eventually overthrow the Death Eater regime.

I honestly don’t know how JK Rowling is liberal, reading Harry Potter made me conservative as crap.

Which brings me to the reason I am writing this today.

Not long after the New Year I was foraging for late mushrooms or early ramsons or whatever I could find when I heard something crashing through the leaf mould headed towards me. I looked up to see two men coming my way and before I had a chance to think I had my bat in my hand. I don’t remember unscrewing the top on the architectural tube strapped to my back, it was simply in my hand and I swung it.

I kneecapped one of them, then hit the other in the head. The one I kneecapped was crawling for the knife he dropped so I clubbed him, too. More than once, in fact. I still don’t know what came over me, but I could not seem to stop. I thought I heard more crashing coming up the hill so I turned, bashed the other one on the head again as I passed him, then ran. I ran, walked, trotted and stumbled the half mile or so back to my car, then drove home.

Upon my return I locked the doors and windows, sawed the bat in half, split it like kindling and gave it a viking funeral in the wood burner along with the clothes I was wearing. The tube was plastic, so I cut it up, and after dark I pushed the pieces into the garden beds. I couldn’t burn it and the only thing I know that completely transforms blood is living soil.

I couldn’t make myself leave the house for three weeks. I could not write or read or even sleep much. After the first week I emailed a friend on Protonmail and told them what happened. This friend never gave up on me, kept writing, kept my spirits up until I was able to trust words again and to order my thoughts. Thus I was healed to the point where I am ready to communicate again.

Where English-speaking Whites of the West are concerned, our numbers are low—out of every one hundred people on the planet, ninety-four of them do not consider themselves White. We are unaccustomed to hardship. Most have jettisoned any connection to the Divine. The two types of humans who should be the closest of allies—White Western heterosexual males and females—are in perpetual conflict. Most alarming is the prospect that perhaps three-quarters of White people are traitors to their own kind—selling the rest of us out for fear of being called racist, or for political or monetary gain, for the fleeting thrill of approval via social media or for the fad of miscegenation for politically correct bragging rights.

Shortly afterwards I was sitting, staring at nothing, vacant expression on my face, probably, when it occurred to me that I didn’t know if I killed them both or just put them on the disabled dole rolls for life. Since I did not linger to do forensics I may always wonder. Or not, if I get a knock on my door. What I do know is in that moment I simply refused to submit.

So, after this litany of despair you have just read, this great list of grievances against the people who hate my people, why did I even bother to resist? Why not give up, lie down and die? It was this: when the moment came, something rose up in me, something wreathed in flame and bellowing fury and carrying the conviction that everyone deserves to live in a place where they are not hated for the colour of their skin, myself included.

I sense something long-dormant beginning to stir in the hearts of all my people; they now know the discontent of the seed just before it splits into new life. They begin to see the choice before them: to rouse that feeling to fever pitch or douse it with drugs or denial, self-destruction or latent shame, but the day is at hand when all must face that rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem to be born, watched by waiting kites and crows turning and turning in the widening gyre, patiently awaiting the inevitable feast.

This essay is dedicated to Gloriously Deplorable Paul

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 19, 2019 3:21 pm

Since some comments have brought up the KKK, I’m just gonna leave this right here. (It has gone viral as it was a discussion on local radio today)

“Goodloe Sutton, the 79-year-old editor and publisher of a small Alabama newspaper founded by his father a century ago suggests that the Ku Klux Klan should robe up and ride into Washington D.C. under the cover of darkness and lynch Democratic lawmakers, elected officials he claims are actually “socialist communists.

Goodloe Sutton: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This particular article is the only one that claims they posted the editorial “unedited”.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
  Mary Christine
February 19, 2019 8:27 pm

Give me a few minutes to stop laughing.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine

Here is the alleged down low on that, 22.

You can google Alabama newspaper KKK editorial and you will get all kinds of results from the usual rag suspects. Washington Post will probably be the first to come up. The closest I could get to a conservative website was The Hill.

That was the only so called conservative place that came up for me in my search. The paper is a small town (2000 I think) print only so you cannot access it on the web.

So tell me what is funny other than the editor is right. Washington DC swamp creatures do need to be hung from lampposts with hemp (he specified hemp rope..and that did make me laugh).

  Mary Christine
February 20, 2019 7:29 pm

mary christine,
he went wrong when he said it should be done by the kkk,too much negative connotation–
if he would have simply written citizens or unorganized militias he would have been safe–
people from outside the rural south don’t realize that the klan was about more then racism,it was also about keeping order when the law was unable to for whatever reason–
my granddad,born 1912,was raised in a rural area of arkansas where the klan had a presence–several x he told me the story of when he was a kid a farmer married a woman w/a young daughter,12-13,and he starting having sex w/the daughter–the klan paid him a visit & told him to stop,which he did not–
they paid him another visit & gelded him,what’s wrong w/that?

February 19, 2019 4:19 pm

Read it all. True or not there is an underlying element that bears implementing. Groups of two or three one or two to watch while the remaining ones act will eventually resolve this situation. Legal, does it matter? You are now down to the base element called survival. Government has failed it’s mandate to provide a safe environment in which to make a living. Today I saw yet another article on how wonderful it is that a black woman has sold her company and is proceed to invest in yet another black company. There it is right there the will to move forward is so rare outside of the white people. Creativity. Not enough can be said. Over time there has been no one constantly oppressing the masses Africa and their achievements amount to some snazzy drums and little else. So they want you to hand to them what they can get from you that is the essence of their creativity. Beware, armed is safe. thank God which ever one you chose to believe in that you don’t live in the sewer called England. They have developed pustules of equivalence in MN CA NY WI IL NM NJ CT – that list may not be all inclusive but it is close. Those locations will afford you the greatest opportunity for all manner of abuse both by the local populace and the local law enforcement agencies. The Kipling poem attracted my attention a long time ago. It is a shadowy prediction of the future. The most vicious solders ever to go to the field are Americans. God help the adversaries if they are unleashed upon them.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
February 20, 2019 12:18 am

Someone (Hollywood Rob?) was trying to wax eloquent on the law and legal requirements to aid one’s attacker after they have been subdued. Something like give them medical treatment until the authorities arrive?
Nonsense. Bullshit.
Anyone who attacks you has decided that you are weak and deserve to be raped, mutilated, beaten, crippled and killed if they can do it. You have NO obligation to treat, subdue, respect, repair or restore them.
You should kill them or they will come back, possibly with allies, to finish what they started.
I will not attack anyone – but there are no limits on my defense or response after they are defeated. Nor would I be as brave as HollyO and tell the story afterwards.
Unless I was observed in the conflict, they would disappear into a nameless grave in a remote place without marker or record.
And no one to tell the tale, ever. Thieves, murderers and brigands don’t get monuments, songs and fond remembrances – they get dirt, and become dirt, without any celebration at all.
Let them rot as they would have left you to rot – and tell no one.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  james the deplorable wanderer
February 20, 2019 6:35 pm

Oh James, you missed the point entirely. You don’t give aid, you contact the authorities so they don’t think that you are the criminal. It is the first thing they teach you in concealed carry 101. If you hurt somebody, no matter what they did to you, you are a perpetrator of a crime. Now that crime may be acceptable to the law if you were defending yourself, hence the self defense thing, but that does not mean that you can just walk away. It isn’t about protecting the attackers, it is about protecting yourself. If they find those rotten bodies and your DNA pops up they are going to come a calling and without any proof to the contrary they are most likely going to try and pin the murder on you.

You don’t care about them…you care about yourself. That’s the lesson that you need to learn if you are ever going to be involved in a life or death confrontation. Don’t just hit them on the head with your baseball bat and run home and hide.

Fiat Lux
Fiat Lux
February 19, 2019 4:21 pm

But what is Eric Idle doing in an 18th century painting?

Fringe Guy
Fringe Guy
February 19, 2019 5:42 pm

“This Article Is for White People”

Did I miss something? Do Black Folks know how to read now?

“Can’t We All Just Get Along”?-Rodney King, May 1992

February 19, 2019 6:49 pm

I believe what HollyO may be doing here, given the fact she starts off reminiscing about a piece of literature, is educating the people in her region of the world about the available tools for defending oneself and the means to eliminate the “tools”.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
February 19, 2019 8:10 pm

And yet, surprisingly enough, people in her region can not access it on her website. Nor can they access it on her twatter feed or her facebook page. They can not read what she wrote unless they know that she publishes on TBP, and apparently no where else.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 19, 2019 9:30 pm

She starts off reminiscing about a movie. Yes she uses the children’s rhyme about mockingbirds to let you in on a secret, she is a mocking jay.

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 20, 2019 10:00 am

You know, any good journalist knows to lead off with the strongest point. There is no need for color, describing the sea of white in a movie crowd. Few ax-murderers wax philosophical prior to relating the details of a crime. She really got literary when she was making a daisy chain recitation of white contributions, it was almost like a sing-song melody. What kind of ax murderer, ok maybe Baby Jane, but how could Bette Davis take out two muscular muzzies suffering from a sexual emergency? It all sounds like a movie script. Does anybody here have a pic of Holly (Wood Bat) O?

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 19, 2019 8:22 pm

Too bad violent, Jew-bashing SKINHEADS are largely a HOAX.

Does that count as a protected hairstyle?

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 19, 2019 8:48 pm

Several people have commented that Holly is “lying”.

When someone simply misrepresents the truth for whatever reason it’s a HOAX.

When you ask someone a direct question and they answer with a false statement, it’s a LIE.

Big difference. That was actually 6th grade English usage where I came from.

Crack open a dictionary or thesaurus if you don’t believe me.

“Don’t ask me no questions, and I won’t tell you no lies.” -Lynyrd Skynyrd (1974)

Let that sink in for a minute. It’s not just a jingle. It’s a form of advice.

This is why I rarely ask questions of people that I don’t already know the answer to. The best way to avoid a lie is to not ask a question.

As a rule, I only ask questions I already know the answer to, so I can determine if a person is well informed, misinformed, lying, making shit up, or- to simply gauge their reaction to my question.

If I need an answer to a question of fact that I don’t know the answer to, I’ll crack open some non-fiction, non-mainstream books or consult whatever other “best sources” that I can find, do my own research, and decide for myself.

I never ever ask myself any questions about anything I see in the mainstream… because I already know it’s a HOAX to begin with if it’s in the mainstream- because everything in the mainstream is a HOAX from top to bottom, from left to right, and fore to aft.

Think people… think!

Can I get a witness? Hollywood Rob? Anyone?

Some kind of Wonderful (1974)

EL Coyote
EL Coyote

I always wondered why Yokes grieved so much after Holly. Now I know, she is peddling his favorite flavor of ice cream; vanilla. Yokes is always looking for the mother he never had. What’s your sign Yokes, Fagitarius?

  EL Coyote
February 20, 2019 12:22 am

Vagittarius or Pussces?


‘think people… think!’ says the flake who is brainwashed by miles matthis. he’s an op fuckhead. get a clue.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 20, 2019 9:00 am

He’s an op? I’ve certainly considered that.

Now, continue…

February 19, 2019 10:37 pm

A good yarn that will age better than one done by Jussie

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
February 19, 2019 10:50 pm

Perhaps not so coincidentally, Jussie is a portmanteau of Jewish and “hussie”.

Hussie is another word for whore or slut.

Jussie = Jewish hussie or Jewish whore, which is certainly an apt hidden meaning.

If you think it’s meaning is a stretch… well, I don’t. I’ve seen other names that bear awful resemblance to degenerate, whorish, or spooky terms.

They’re toying with us in every way, every day!

Wise Guy
Wise Guy

Personally, and as a country boy, I found it fun to venture a little beyond “fast” and closer to “hussy” but drew the line at “slut” and “whore”. Splitting hairs sometimes is well worth it, and never lied to get a lay.

“Hussy” was fun, but only in moderation. Married a Methodist choir girl who knows how to cook and sew.

Don’t know much about Jewish guys.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
  Wise Guy
February 20, 2019 7:25 am

I don’t know much about Methodist choir girls, but I can tell you that up in Yankee territory, there is no other animal like the Catholic school girl “gone bad”.

When she casts off her Catholic school uniform you are in for a sexual experience like no other. Jewish hussies aren’t even in the same ballpark.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 20, 2019 8:01 am


February 20, 2019 10:05 am

So what constitutes “white”? Europeans are descended from Neolithic migrants originating in southwestern Asia. For example, my family is from Tuscany, but my Y-chromosome traces to the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle-East. Have your DNA checked; you might be in for a surprise. Like the anthropologists say, “we’re all African”.

(see also: Haplogroup E1b1b)

February 20, 2019 6:38 pm

Oy vey, goyem, you’re really niggers, don’t try to do anything.

February 20, 2019 11:12 am

I am the descendant of Vikings and Celts…English/Irish/Swedish with a small percentage of Laplander…What am I to think of my friends, who are Hispanic and Black. The Hispanics are descendants of the Spanish who came with the Conquistadors to Mexic0 and then went North to New Mexico, Santa Fe. In the centuries since, they interbred with the Pueblo Indians and the Navajo. My inlaws and nephews are Hispanic, Korean, Black and other. I went to High School with Hispanics and Isleta and Navajo Indians. We are mixed races and cultures. I don’t find this threatening. (Of course, Hispanics are White Europeans, I have to remind them) and nobody is ‘pure’ White or other. With modern technology: internet, instant communication, and the fact that you can board a jet and be around the World in 15 hours, it is inevitable that Races will intermingle, and cultures will be exchanged and adapted, and, one hopes -admired and appreciated.
The real threat here is the anti-Civilizational Cult of Islam. It is not just against us, but against all other religions/cultures/races…as proven by their ‘holy’ book, the Quran, and as demonstrated by the example of their ‘prophet’. The ‘suicide’ of Europe, almost entirely enabled and invited by the Liberals/Communists/Socialists who believe they will achieve their ‘Utopia’ with the collaboration of Islam..will inevitably destroy our Civilization if not stopped. This will only happen with EXTREME MEASURES. This is a Cult which must be destroyed, as it demands the murder and subjugation of all others. How do you kill a ‘religion’? And what are the limits beyond which we will no longer tolerate this Cult? How many more 9/11 events will it take? These are not rhetorical questions. This crisis must be addressed as a real and imminent threat.

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 20, 2019 12:24 pm

Randy Andy, Hispanics were projected to be the future raza cosmica, an agglomeration of all the races in the world, according to Vasconcelos. Alas, we didn’t anticipate the American mutt to arrogate for himself that distinction under the “white” umbrella. No matter, AI will soon relieve carboncentric citizens of that delusion.

February 20, 2019 3:39 pm

The art of a good story leaves much to the imagination beyond the rustling of shuffling feet in the forest litter. I wonder if the bearded axe was attached to the ash bat? And a foraging field trip to hunt for scorn among the acorns.

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 20, 2019 3:43 pm

Is that what this is, a quest for abuse among the nutters of TBP?

February 20, 2019 5:33 pm

comment image

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 21, 2019 9:43 am

Wearing my bearded axe in a blueprints tube seems like a step in the right direction.

February 20, 2019 5:33 pm

comment image

February 20, 2019 5:34 pm

comment image

comment image

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 20, 2019 6:28 pm

I see the resemblance to Iska.

  Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 20, 2019 8:08 pm

hey,my kids are minneapolis/somali,not 1/2frican micks–
don’t gaslight me you yipping mutt–

22winmag - The South was Right!
22winmag - The South was Right!
February 21, 2019 9:19 am

Razor sharp!

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
  22winmag - The South was Right!
February 21, 2019 9:32 am

I didn’t know poor Isk was getting deported.

February 20, 2019 6:40 pm

I wonder where they found those signs?

February 20, 2019 8:56 pm

stupid people doing stupid things to great white people’s legacies–
a statue of the father of the 101st airborne was defaced because the vandals thought it was a civil war statue–

February 20, 2019 9:02 pm

Well done, Holly O!! Fight, @ or hit the fence. When hitting the fence is out, well, Don’t Tread On me!! I will not comply!!

February 21, 2019 10:30 pm

White people have politically been boxed into the untenable position of not being able to protect our rights. I think we’re entering a period of transcendence and political correctness will become a thing of the past.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
February 23, 2019 10:39 am

I am the friend to whom Holly O. referred in her article. Incidentally, I’m also the source of the recommendation for Bohemian Rhapsody, a fine movie. I know things nobody else here does, and I believe her 100 percent. Some of the comments and vitriol directed towards her in these comments reach new TBP lows. The absence of comments from people Holly has regarded as friends is disheartening, but also revealing. This is what I wrote to her after she posted her article:

As for your veracity, people are going to think whatever they’re going to think. Your story made perfect sense to me when you related it. It still does, not because every detail is crystal clear and consistent, but because they’re not. If you made it all up that wouldn’t be the case. Memory, as study after study has demonstrated, is sketchy, contradictory, and often unreliable, especially in high-stress situations. My legal advice was to not tell your story to anyone, but I had a feeling it would eventually find its way into an essay. I think you’re protected because I can’t imagine the men you whacked going to the police.

That is all I have to say on this matter.