Doom Porn Pimps Watching Movies Projected On Prison Walls

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Paradoxically, some of the most difficult questions are quite simple to ask. Examples might include:  Who do we think we are? Who are we really? What are we doing? Why do we do what we do? Is there something better we should be doing? What does winning look like? How would we define success in our current and future circumstances? What must be done to get where we want to be?

Formulating and phrasing those inquiries is easy enough- even if the answers take some more time and consideration. Yet the real irony is that the questions are rarely asked, let alone answered.  And even if we were to internally canvass those queries, any resolutions would ultimately be guided by ideology, or intellectual constructs, and tempered by circumstance.

For instance, it would be one thing to ask and answer those types of questions during a time of relative peace and prosperity, and quite another during difficult ongoing situations such as war, surviving post-apocalyptical scenarios, or staying alive in a gulag-style prison encampment, just to name a few.

In every circumstance, our personal perceptions of identity are derived from the stories we tell ourselves. Of course, some of the narration may have originated from external sources but the feedback loops don’t become part our identity until we accept them readily into our ongoing internal dialogue.  Someone can say you’re good looking but that won’t be how you see yourself until you believe it by saying to yourself:  “Yeah, I kind of am”.

We’re aware and we KNOW we’re aware.  Or, as the seventeenth-century French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes phrased it:  I THINK, therefore I AM.  And there is an interactive dialectic at play within those statements that is, in fact, how we converse with ourselves; how we curse ourselves for saying something stupid or when we laugh at our own jokes.  We think while being aware of what we’re thinking and that’s how we tell ourselves stories; regardless from whence the tales originated. It is how bullshit travels the entire world like ocean waves, except with even more force than gravity’s tug on tides.

Stories can bind or tear apart. They can soothe or roil individual relations, families, societies, and nations.  A powerful narrative proves time and time again how faith moves mountains.

The stories in our heads play as movies in our minds; even to the point of framing our very identities.  So much so, entire cultures are comprised of those believing the same tales; complete with common heroes and a universal accord regarding the wrong stuff that motivates mutually condemned enemies and villains.

Again, the stories we tell ourselves are “tempered by circumstance”, which is just another way of saying they are “refined by reality”.  In three-dimensions are the stories cast in fires of actual experience; where falsehoods are flamed away and truth gets forged like swords in a furnace.

If time and circumstance affects the stories we tell ourselves, even unto the formation of our very identities – then so, too, are heroes and villains classified in the same manner.  During periods of prosperity or hardship these polemic constructs form our internal dialogues to varying degrees, before bending, or breaking, by reality’s bite.

This is why some claim it’s better to be safe than sorry; or to cast yourself on the rock, before the rock crushes you. To be sure, the stories play in our heads like motion pictures in the mind that are scripted and directed by time and circumstance; and towards specific outcomes for both good and bad.

Consider, for example, the 2016 Presidential Election. In that contest, Donald Trump secured the votes of a large percentage of Evangelical Christians which could not have happened even just a decade prior.  What changed?  Well, in the minds of the evangelicals, Trump was the answer to veritable villains and witches.  In that season, the starring roles in those stories were awarded to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Certainly, the “times” required a man like Trump; flaws and all.  And, undeniably, it was time and circumstance that allowed the Moral Minority to vote for a philandering whoremonger.  Since that time, to this very day, the story these Christians tell themselves reads as follows:

“He’s not a man of God, but he is God’s man for such a time as this.”

Look who stands against Trump: The Deep State, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood celebrities, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, Liberal Democrats, international globalists, Fabian Socialists, the Rainbow Coalition, the LBGT crowd, Social Justice Warriors, pro-choice advocates, and politically correct thought-controllers.

Now there are those who, according to the stories in their mind, believe Trump to be “God’s Hammer”, as it were, pummeling the devils on the political stage.  These people believe in main street America, strong borders, and values embodied by the Ten Commandments, Norman Rockwell, and President Donald J. Trump, in that order.

And the stories are perceived in various ways.

Like, for example, in the imaginings of how different the geopolitical landscape would look currently if Hillary Clinton had won the presidency in 2016. Instead of that dystopia, there are reports of Uranium One and Fusion GPS in the mainstream media and the anatomy of a coup by Deep State actors which has, in turn, revealed the greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War; even as the Democrats in the Senate opposed a bill against infanticide and the Democrat-controlled U.S. House have introduced tyrannical “Green New Deal” mandates along with major gun control measures.

Yet President Trump stands tall and proud against all of that darkness; seemingly, as a last stop before leftist totalitarianism.

Moreover, Trump has promised to protect America’s borders with a glorious southern wall as a symbol of security against dangerous foreign invaders and villainous adversaries. Of course, the wall is symbolic – but it stands for national sovereignty and constitutional law against complete subjugation by the globalists.  And it matters not if there are easier and less expensive ways to enforce current immigration laws.

So Trump’s wall, as a political paradox, shows the importance of stories. The name of this tale is called:  “Make America Great Again”.

To others, however, Trump’s wall is a symbol of another type: A dividing barricade separating humanity by archaic Long Nineteenth Century colonialism and imperialism paired to American exceptionalism and privilege.

The story playing in the minds of those on the left is a science fiction epic; a blend between Star Trek and Star Wars whereby they perceive themselves as characters from the infamous Star Wars bar scene while remaining proud citizens of Star Trek’s federation boldly going where Man has always failed before. Except, this time, it will be different because they are the ones they’ve been waiting for.

To them, Donald Trump represents an interloping hybrid between a Ferengi and a Klingon serving at the whim of an evil Romulan Russian overlord by the name of Vladimir Putin.  Yet, even as the Executive Intruder had infiltrated the Federation’s established utopia, there were those in in the upper echelons of law enforcement and justice willing to sacrifice their sacred honor for “A Higher Loyalty” and to stave off “The Threat”.  Even now, the battles continue daily against the Great White Menace and his cadre of loyal followers, red-hat adorned rednecks, and white-hooded stormtroopers.

In this movie, the actors see themselves onscreen, bulwarked behind boundaries of bejeweled blue-states and standing strong against the red tide.  They are the enlightened ones, steeped with culture and class, inhabiting urban techno-wonderlands of modern Elysian Fields; shining cities where dreams come true and guns are mere bad memories of a primitive past.

It is the story of “One World without Borders”, where the only existing walls surround the expansive estates of the elite masters and protectors.  Where all are guaranteed income and everyone receives a tiny house with smart meters, smart appliances, cell-phone-sized smart cars, and salvation through near-negligible carbon footprints.

But why do those who were once anti-war now embrace America’s Military Industrial Complex and its foreign interventions in far-off places like Syria and Ukraine? Why do they cry for children separated from parents at America’s southern border while endorsing post-birth abortions? Why do they simultaneously advocate for woman’s rights and for those who favor female genital mutilation? Why do they desire the confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens so only criminals and police-states can possess them?

Because narratives are contagious; because everyone loves a good story and humans are eminently receptive vessels. That’s why.

Indeed. The stories in our minds determine our very identities and who we think we are determines the lies we believe and the lies we tell.

Even as illusions shatter like mirrors thrown into concrete walls.

There are many who still support Trump while other deplorables remain  disillusioned with the president for stacking his administration with elite bankers, bombing Syria twice over obvious false flags, the $1.3 trillion Omnibus, calling the Clintons “good people”, tweeting while proverbial Rome burns, losing the House, unfulfilled promises and broken dreams.

For those on the left:  Mueller has shot blanks, the Teflon Don still stands, no blue wave in the 2018 Midterms, Trump’s economic policies have realized success in the near-term, his popularity hovers between 40-50%, and the newly won U.S. House now stands divided between the corrupt old-guard and the Green New Deal sprouts growing like weeds over the graves of the founding fathers.

So, too, are there those outside standing in the allegorical prison yard holding up “End of the World” banners for the detainees inside viewing the various motion pictures.  Out in the ether, the guard towers reach for the heavens as the film projectors run inside, tended by the wizards and wardens behind the curtain, surrounded by guards dressed like the gay sons of Ironman and Robocop.

But even out in the extremes, The Woke and The White have their own stories.  To the former, Trump is a Nazi, and to the latter Trump is a Jew; or at the very least, one who cowers before them.

What the hell is it about Trump, anyway?  Because, like his presidential predecessor, he’s a human green-screen.

While ANTIFA thugs and Black Lives Matter mobs go hunting for MAGA caps and the alt-right splinters apart over ideology and identities, the online debates center on whether or not the Holocaust actually happened; even as “Godwin’s Law”  reigns in the great digital divide:

Godwin’s law

A maxim stating that the longer an online debate continues, the higher the likelihood that a comparison will be made to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis.

So our thoughts bounce from one end to the other like the disk in an air hockey game; like a jilted lover’s thoughts revert back to the last love as the current one moves on; or how every conversation drifts into Hitler and every imagined future becomes biblical Armageddon.

But that’s how stories work. They ascend and descend together to the highest of heavens and the depths of hell; racing to God and the devil at once.  Yet both extremes reinforce and weaken each other at the same time; in effect, cancelling the other out as the snoozing middle steadily sleepwalks toward the cliff.

Just as the highest echelons of society have succumbed to an international crime syndicate that’s taken control of nearly every electronic gateway, the great unwashed remain divided like prison gangs rioting and reciting the words of online prophets and doom porn purveyors.

And for what?  It’s a simple question.

What if all of it was fake news?  What if only some of it were true?

If the beasts and dragons are so powerful, then why the need for theatrics? Why keep us at each other’s throats?  Yet, even now, there are those who believe the battles are real and that true justice is coming to America:

 …here is what we can expect:


End of the Mueller investigation.

Declassification of the FISA Documents.

Release of the DOJ/FBI OIG report on the FISA warrant application process.

Public awareness of the ongoing grand jury investigations being carried out by US attorneys.

Justice for must of us, PAIN for the criminals.

Perhaps the reason we’re never convinced of anything is because we don’t want to be fooled. At the same time, it’s been said:  “Cynicism is armor against disappointment”.

In contemplating these questions, this blogger recently viewed a YouTube interview whereupon the person being interviewed discussed Game Theory, civilizational bottlenecks, land mass, evolution, and population growth. Therein, a claim was made that culture is subordinate to genome and this quote:

Tyranny is the end-game of prosperity and at the point that the growth-frontiers run out we effectively turn on each other

Is that what is happening?  Because it sort of seems inevitable; like the tide going out, or a tsunami soon to hit.  And in the minds of most, the stories contain linear logic – regardless of whether or not they’re true. Any tale, even the tall ones, denote the progression of time with a beginning, middle, and end; for denouements either good or bad.

Here are the plot lines which transpired last week:

President Trump worked tirelessly overseas to denuclearize North Korea in the interest of world peace while the media spewed electronic fire and lies like dragons:  First, they said, Trump would give away the farm.  Then, when Trump walked away from the nuclear negotiations with the Norks, he was labeled a failure as the talks collapsed.

In the meantime the Democrats displayed evidence of Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, sodomizing small pets as Cohen squealed like a pig just as the President was striving for world peace on foreign soil.

All this, even as the Democratic Party controlled House voted to pass the most sweeping gun control legislation in decades; thus, once again, poking the 2nd Amendment bear in the eyes.

Whether the stories are real or fiction, it matters not.  It ends in civil warfare and a better-than-average chance that many people will soon die.  Sadly, there is a possibility the red hats could lose such a war against the state because a prison insurrection based upon stories projected onto electronic walls are doomed to failure.

In fact, that could be exactly what the prison wardens and guards want as their end game.

At the same time, if Trump were a reality TV archetype, and his opponents were all stage actors, than cynicism, finger pointing, and name calling on the internet will also never win the war.

And what if the war was not meant to be won?

Obviously, the elysian elite have administered the controlled demolition of America to scorch the U.S. Constitution prior to building a new one-world system upon its ashes. To The Powers That Be, we are considered “useless eaters” and ready for slaughter. Their ultimate goals are global domination via Agenda 21 mandates, the demise of constitutional law and nationalism, depopulation and, ultimately, the administration of their satanic 10 commandments as outlined in the Georgia Guidestones.

For the technocratic elite, their hope is eternal life via the Singularity, Technological Transhumanism and uploading of their minds into the cloud forever.  That is the movie playing in their minds, currently, and it’s like the Steven Wright joke: “I want to live forever. So far, so good.

… then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods…

– Genesis 3:5

In any case, even if Trump were real, the only way he could drain the swamp and stem the tide, would be via massive systemic changes.  Regrettably, the demographics aren’t there.  How could there be victory when a fair percentage of any leader’s army considers him a ruse?  And if the leader is a ruse, then how could victory be possible?

Like the old proverb says: “Where there is no vision, the people perish”.

But what if the vision was television?

Although the will to win resides within the noble hearts of the remnant standing outside in the prison yard, it would be like bringing steel shanks and cloth-wrapped glass shards to a gunfight; unless the desktop warriors, stackers, plinkers, and preppers get wise and follow the script of a true story where the good guys actually win in the end.

In any event, no matter what happens next, and regardless of how the ultimate story unwinds, it won’t be boring; and that should make for happy endings all around.  Who ever wanted to live out their last days in a nursing home anyway?

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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March 4, 2019 6:52 am

In my opinion, which is a lot better imo than most people who have one, “Watching” should have been “Perspecting and Prospecting.” But, I’m obsessed with the relationship between the way words look and sound instead of what they are instructed to mean sometimes. It is a genetic quirk of mine to rearrange words in a sentence the way toddlers might rearrange building blocks with letters stamped on them on the living room floor.

Once in a while, even the dumbest kid on the floor spells an impressive word.

Coug, Thanks for some good food for today’s thoughts while feeding the animals so they can feed me if need be.

We had the “what to do to keep each other out of the nursing home.” We are planning to run away when we are feeble so our two boys don’t do to us what we see other people’s kids doing to them. If a nursing home with medical assistance costs upwards of $5,000 each month plus medical/insurance charges! then I figure a couple beds on a cruise ship with a medical team on board for the rest of our lives will do nicely. The boys can fight over the treehouse and log home.

(This was my initial response when I hit that image of the aliens and Maude. WTF?)

Okay, I have to stop and ask because I gotta know right now. Is that Maude (Bea Arthur?) photoshopped into that image? Do you have Bea’s permission? The reason I always thought Bea was a woman/man was because of Maude. And now, Bea is BL and I am DD.

March 4, 2019 8:39 am

And now you know the lens/viewpoint through which I view the stories presented.

Have you ever thought about the phrase “don’t believe it until you’ve seen it with your own two eyes?”

Even if you saw it you can only tell me the story. I wasn’t there and I didn’t see. Even if you filmed it, how am I to know you didn’t paste Bea Arthur’s face into a room full of aliens? I can’t because storytelling has become so perfected it is hard to tell what is real and what is Memorex. Even if you see it happen.

So, every single bit of it is story except for this exact moment.

It is the Power of NOW, to Eckhardt Tolle’s fans. I’m not one of them.

March 4, 2019 7:00 pm

even the dumbest kid on the floor

DD, thank you so much for giving me some time to share my opinion.

It does not matter, really, whether one loves or hates Trump, whether one supports or sabotages Trump……. For the near term (between now and election day) his ability to obtain results appears to be quite limited. Even if he were to run and be reelected, would his lame duck 4 years be much different?

However, in the longer term, he has and can continue to nicely influence the direction of America through SCOTUS picks. If he accomplishes nothing positive other than installing 4 justices who-unlike Roberts-will push back on judicial activism at all levels he will have done half the country a favor. Two down and two to go.

Taking a pragmatic view of our difficult times.

March 5, 2019 3:03 pm

SCOTUS picks are a decent consolation prize in a world where the President and Congress are locked in a competition to see whose hubris is bigger.

I imagine they’ll sneak a doppelganger in for RBG… perhaps she’ll be on dancing with the stars soon.

I think this was one hundred.

I was “trying” really hard.

March 5, 2019 7:59 pm

If Trump were really clever he would “wish it” that RBG take a trip to Texas for some downtime, just like Justice Scalia did. One way ticket with pillows included.

March 4, 2019 9:28 am

“Watching” should have been “Perspecting and Prospecting.”

The title was just the mantra that formed in my mind during Michael Cohen’s testimony last week. At one point I did change “watching” to “perceiving” for purposes of alluring alliteration, but it just seemed that was trying too hard.

Now that you say it, it does kind of look like “Maude” in that picture. Only having a vague recollection of the series, I just looked it up. The IMDB summary said it was a Norman Lear production and this:

This “All In The Family” spin-off centers around Edith’s cousin, Maude Findlay. She’s a liberal, independent woman living in Tuckahoe, NY…

That’s perfect. Even if it wasn’t Bea Arthur in the photo.

March 5, 2019 3:06 pm

It could be her… seriously. Look at the face.

comment image

March 5, 2019 5:14 pm

Lol I must have grabbed the wrong photo (or, on second thought, it was the perfect one)

1978 Holiday Special

March 4, 2019 10:37 am

Who’s Coug? His name is Mellencamp.

March 4, 2019 11:46 am

I saw that when I got back from animal tending. I wondered who Coug was as well until I saw who wrote it. Hahaha

Some mornings it takes the coffee a while to kick in.

The Mellencamp reference is a good one. I bet you anything he still packs a cooler full of ice and beer with him when he visits the grandkids.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
March 4, 2019 1:08 pm

Chiapas……said the vanity plate on the 5 year old immaculate white Honda Accord. I waited, and the driver’s door swung half-way open. I waited…and two chino wrapped legs thudded to the pavement. I waited …and two hands grabbed the top of the doorframe. I waited.. and a fella my age lurched and shuddered to his feet. After some time, he leaned against the Honda and got the door closed. Shuffled off to the post office………….. I wonder if he ever made it to Chiapas?
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Robert (QSLV)

BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
  Robert (QSLV)
March 4, 2019 1:15 pm

VIVA LA GILET JAUNES!!! ACTE 17 coming up in a few more days. They will not live on their knees.


  Robert (QSLV)
March 4, 2019 1:32 pm


BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
March 4, 2019 3:11 pm

Zappy- I wrote (knees). What?

  BEAster Bunny
March 4, 2019 6:12 pm

The poster man, the Zapata poster.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
March 4, 2019 6:54 am

I’m out the door to deal with a mountain of snow, but if this article rails against DOOM PORN, then I’m all for it.

I fear only dishonor and God’s judgment.

I don’e fear the shit Michael Snyder and his ilk are selling.

March 4, 2019 7:54 am

Tired of all this BS, it is not going to get any better- I’ll have a bourbon on the rocks and the hell with it!

March 4, 2019 8:15 am

Great article! Really enjoyed this one, and I actually had time to read the entire thing in one sitting. I look forward to your posts, although some get a bit long, but I suppose often times that is needed. Best to you and yours, and to all the folks here who take the time to write.

March 4, 2019 9:09 am

Thank you, Bubbah. It’s not that the articles are long, it’s just that you have so many other things to do on a tight schedule. ?

March 4, 2019 9:22 am

Funny how the road to making America great again begins with defining free speech as the right of government to label any criticism of Israel as hate speech. We are the EU now.

The Dangerous Truth Behind Trump’s “Free Speech” Executive Order

March 4, 2019 11:53 am

Preach it FLASH….this country needs a good sermon.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
March 4, 2019 12:35 pm

I guess he has a problem with anti-communists/free marketeers getting the shit beaten out of them while Federal tax dollar supported university police and administrators stand by with their thumb up their ass. They can give up all their taxpayer subsidies and do whatever they want. The choice is theirs. But they are stupid commieass fuques, so……..

March 4, 2019 9:55 am

What America needs most is to remain focused on killing evil Iranians . Those people hate US. They are a threat to our democracy and our greatest Christian ally, Israel.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
March 4, 2019 12:52 pm

Forgot the “/sarc” tag, Flash.

Da P

Tom Foolery
Tom Foolery
March 5, 2019 9:06 am

Jews financed Hitler and he did their bidding. Hitler made Israel inevitable.

Flag Hugger (EC)
Flag Hugger (EC)
  Tom Foolery
March 5, 2019 11:39 pm

Are you saying they pulled a Smollett?

  Flag Hugger (EC)
March 6, 2019 10:02 am


hilarious! Poor Smollet will always be remembered this way, just like Woody Harrelsons character in the classic “Kingpin”

Don’t get Munsoned out in the middle of nowhere bro!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 4, 2019 9:55 am

People don’t think about narratives in the same way they don’t know how to feed themselves, get rid of their wastes, raise their own children, etc. If a person hasn’t the inclination to mind their own offspring, what possible motive could they have for where they get their opinions?

And you pointed out a very interesting point regarding Trump, he really is our Zelig, taking on the shape and the form of whoever the observer wishes to see. Very odd, very odd.

  hardscrabble farmer
March 4, 2019 10:41 am

A true Zelig would be Forrest Gump.

March 4, 2019 10:47 am

He is the master of the proverb, ‘If you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance, baffle ’em with bullshit.’

  hardscrabble farmer
March 4, 2019 12:04 pm

Hardscrabble says:

…regarding Trump, he really is our Zelig, taking on the shape and the form of whoever the observer wishes to see. Very odd, very odd.

Using hypnosis a psychologist learned Zelig’s need for approval was so great that he became a chameleon. Another side of that coin is seen in the film “Being There” (with Peter Sellers) whereby people project their own desires onto a veritable “blank slate” person.

Speaking of “movies in the mind”, while finalizing this piece last night, I kept thinking about cartoons and comic books. There seems to be an almost propagandic correlation between superheroes and times of societal turmoil. For example here are the debut dates for both DC Comics and Marvel superheroes:

– Superman, Batman, Green Hornet, Flash Gordon, & Crimson Avenger – All during the 1930s

– Captain America – 1941

– The Hulk, Spider-man, Thor, Iron Man, The X-men, and The Avengers – all early 1960s

– Black Panther – 1966

And today, more than ever, the superheroes have populated not only comics, but big-screens, television subscription channels, and cable networks.

– President Trump – 2016

In fact, over the weekend, I was in the living room of a family where two elementary aged children were watching Disney/PIXAR’s animated action flick “Incredibles 2”. The idea was to keep them occupied while the adults talked. But, after about an hour, I became more interested in the movie which, let me tell you, was like the crack-cocaine of cartoons.

As I was looking for occult symbolism (I did see some “eye of horus” resemblances) I saw a part that I rewatched later on my own system. It was a segment when an evil entity named “Screenslaver” took control of all television networks. As a superhero named “Elastigirl” tracked the signal, Screenslaver spoke to the television viewers, in an evil computerized voice, and said the following:

Screenslaver interrupts this program for an important announcement. Don’t bother watching the rest.

Elastigirl doesn’t save the day. She only postpones her defeat. And while she postpones her defeat, you eat chips and watch her confront problems that you are too lazy to deal with.

Superheroes are part of your brainless desire to replace to true experience with simulation. You don’t talk, you watch talk shows. You don’t play games, you watch game shows. Travel, relationships, risk, every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance. So that you can remain ever sheltered, ever passive, and ravenous consumers who can’t bring themselves to rise from their couches, break a sweat, and participate in life.

You want superheroes to protect you and make yourselves ever more powerless in the process. You tell yourself you’re being looked after. That your interests are being served. And your rights are being upheld. So that the system can keep stealing from you; smiling at you all the while. Go ahead, send your Supers to stop me. Grab your snacks, watch your screens, and see what happens.

You are no longer in control…

Yep. Get ‘em while they’re young and impressionable, and it almost seems like we’re being mocked. But in that film, family won the day. So there’s that. But, still, in the end, it was just a movie.

March 4, 2019 12:21 pm

Or, maybe it’s all true? Maybe.

Villians vs Superhero

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BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
March 4, 2019 12:30 pm
  BEAster Bunny
March 4, 2019 4:25 pm

Jim Carey looks suspiciously “Vulcan” in this clip, eh?

Fine pre-puke maneuvers, however.

March 5, 2019 1:55 pm

It’s called over-acting. The antithesis of that would be under-acting, in which case we would be looking at Steve McQueen or Clint Eastwood.

BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
March 5, 2019 10:42 pm

Zappy- That was my feeling (gag) after reading this crap Trumpeteer/water carrying/barf-o-rama.

Flag Hugger (EC)
Flag Hugger (EC)
  BEAster Bunny
March 5, 2019 11:21 pm

Don’t worry, the commentators always manage to carry Unc back home to sober up, figuratively speaking.

BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
  Flag Hugger (EC)
March 5, 2019 11:50 pm

Selling Trump has become a full time job for some people who have a financial interest in keeping the looting at full speed. It is getting very old.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 4, 2019 12:39 pm
  hardscrabble farmer
March 4, 2019 12:41 pm

I like to watch

BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
  hardscrabble farmer
March 4, 2019 12:59 pm

Billionaires directing the superhero entertainment from the eagle’s lair to keep the Pirate Class in operation. Their families working even harder to keep the merry-go-round running.
What happens when the spell wears off? Not to worry, the average schmoe is too dumb to even realize he is on the merry-go-round.

  BEAster Bunny
March 5, 2019 4:25 pm

Great comment!

+1000 ?

BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
March 5, 2019 10:52 pm

Plato-Of everyone here, you may be the one who can read clues well enough to get that.

March 4, 2019 12:52 pm

‘If the dragons are so powerful, why the need for theatrics?’

So that the system can keep stealing from you; smiling at you all the while. Go ahead, send your Supers to stop me. Grab your snacks, watch your screens, and see what happens.
You are no longer in control…

I think you’ve at least in part answered your own question. Bread and circuses.
I’d add that the ‘young and impressionable’ bit may be better left at just ‘impressionable’ as people of all ages seem to be very easily distracted/taken in love their circuses.

March 4, 2019 1:52 pm

In a season of March Madness, wishes comes along and shows the quickest way to connect two points is with a straight shot. Nothin’ but net…

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Now I’m a fan

March 5, 2019 4:15 am

Those were mocking. Who jew you think was behind those? Look it up.

March 4, 2019 10:19 am

What needs to be understood by the masses is that the progressive globalist end game from technological advances and genetic modification is a second or modern Tower of Babel of and for the ruling elite.

Apart from supernatural intervention by God it is inevitable, unstoppable.

Thus the Rapture of the church, the rise of the satanically ruled NWO, False Prophet and Antichrist or Man of Perdition.

And then the second coming of Jesus the Messiah, the Lion of Judah, at Armageddon in great judgement and redemption to reclaim the earth.

Great story, huh?

Come quickly Lord Jesus!

March 4, 2019 10:45 am

Hot Toddy, I never read that version of the bible. Jesus appearing at Armageddon? Instant judgment and redemption? Reclaiming the earth? Wild stuff. What would GCP say?

March 4, 2019 10:58 am

Good luck in most cases from most preachers ever hearing the true teachings of the bible.
In most cases Satan has long been running the modern day version/delusion of the self proclaimed church of Jesus the Christ.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 4, 2019 7:30 pm

“I never read that version of the bible.”

GCP would say read the KJB. Study why Jesus called Paul seemingly from out of nowhere; as he certainly was not at all necessary to the fulfillment of any prophesy whatsoever.

Thumbs up Todd!

Uncola writes… “…unless the desktop warriors, stackers, plinkers, and preppers get wise and follow the script of a true story where the good guys actually win in the end.”

See above advise for the true story we all need.

  grace country pastor
March 4, 2019 8:54 pm

All I can say is that when it all begins happening within the next 7 years or so you heard it here first and have no excuse other than not doing your own homework and unbelief.

Salvation by grace and through faith in Jesus alone baby!

I love the KJV and the NASB.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 12:43 am

Thinking you know how longsuffering God will be with humanity is nothing the Bible tells us. It is a mystery after all… but I agree wholeheartedly with your knowledge of salvation.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 4:40 am

G’mornin, GCP…
I gave you an ‘upvote’, but I’ve thrown a number of downvotes (without explanation) on this thread…..just because the conversation is like ‘clouds without water’ to me, for I believe it is Jesus Christ, and Christ alone, that is the Hope for all of mankind !

Are we not instructed to know when the ‘times’ and ‘season’ have come upon us? And then, does that not open the door for discussion of Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology ? And the whole incursion of fallen angels into the realm of God’s creation?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-

“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.” Dan. 2: 43

p.s.- I hope the new addition to your family lives in close proximity to you !

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
March 5, 2019 8:59 am

Hi sir ordo… there are those who are instructed to know and watch for His physical coming; and there are those who are not. I’m in complete agreement that Christ alone is the worlds hope; but His 2’nd coming in wrath is not our problem. We are instructed to “watch out for each other” as we are not appointed unto wrath.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 KJB…”But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.”

Question: has the whole fallen angel thing ever stopped? Nope.

Once the Lord calls his ambassadors of grace and peace home, then will begin judgement and war. Understanding the dispensation we live in is key to understanding the “rapture”; and no that’s not a Bible word. A far better one is “translation”.

Hebrews 11:5 KJB… “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”

Christ pleases God. We saved are His body on earth. He has gone through wrath for us already.

I don’t care how bad things get here before the translation, it matters not. I’ve experienced Gods wrath for my sin vicariously through Christ already. He died for me that I might live in peace with Him.

No worries!

Romans 5:1-2 KJB… “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”

The above is not one who needs to “endure to the end for salvation.”

Matthew 24:13 KJB… “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”

That would be a Kingdom saint, not a member of His body destined for heavenly places.

PS… our new addition gave us quite a scare (developed jaundice and apnea) winding up in the NICU of children’s hospital Dallas. She is now home, happy and healthy, living down the hall… thank God!

  grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 10:10 am

I know the specific word Rapture is not in the english bible translation. It is from the latin. As you state translation or catching or snatching up is better suited. It is just a common term the general public understands just like the 7 year tribulation period is not in the bible. It is biblically called the 70th week of Daniel and the last 3.5 years of it is called the Great Tribulation. Once again a common term the general public better relates to.

As for no man knows the day or the hour of the Bride of Christ or the true believing church being raptured that has also become a very tired argument of the naysayers or unbelievers.

Of course I can’t give you a day or an hour but I can give you a biblical season and Jesus did chastise the Jewish leaders at His triumphal entry for being able to foretell the weather but not understanding the time of His, their true but generally rejected Messiah’s visitation at the end of the prophesied 69th week of Daniel.

I can actually give you an exact time of the Rapture. It will be just prior to the last seven years of the 6th millennium. It will be prior to the seal, bowl and trumpet judgments.
It will be at the last trump, the trump of God.

I believe scripturally the beginning of the 5th millennium was at the end of the 69th week of Daniel at Jesus triumphal entry or palm sunday of His Passover crucifixtion week as the Lamb of God that was slain to take away the sins of the world.

I believe His return wll be as the Lion of the tribe of Judah at Armageddon with His Saints at the end of the 6th millennium 2000 years after His triumphal entry to redeems the earth and set up His 1000 year Millenial reign.

Again I believe the rapture will take place just 7 years prior to His second coming and we are quickly running out of time. By default the Rapture must begin by 2025 or 2026.

It’s coming. He’s coming. Be ready.
Bcause ready or not He will come and if your not ready you will be left behind to endure the most horrific 7 years of human history.

How must you be ready?Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus the Christ is Lord and you will be saved. You will be taken and not left behind.

March 5, 2019 11:25 am

Thought this was well done, clear and brief on the three views with why they believe in the Pre-Wrath timimg.


RAPTURE AND WRATH READY OR NOT? PT 2A – The 7 Sealed Scroll (14 minutes)

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 3:18 pm

@ Mark…

Without a clear understanding of the mystery revealed to Paul, no one can see clearly. This mans videos are no exception. We don’t live in the “church age” as there was a “church in the wilderness (Acts 7:38) referring back to Exodus times. Was that not a “church age”? We live in the MYSTERY dispensation of grace. We are the church which is His body, the unprophesied “new creature” of 2 Cor 5, begun with the Apostle Paul in Acts 9, not in early Acts at the Jewish holy day of Pentecost.

The main question this gentleman asks trying to determine end times is, “When does the wrath of God begin?” A far better question to ask: when does the freely offered grace of God end? This is a question that cannot be answered, only speculated upon. To attempt to answer it is to assume to know how longsuffering God is; to know something the devil (as smart as he is) can’t know.

The church MUST be translated pretribulationally, at or directly before Daniels 70’th week begins. In the following verses, he who “letteth” (retard, hinder, impede) is the body of Christ on earth… you and me. We are the only thing that stands in the way of anti-christs appearing; the strong delusion God uses to punish those who have no love for His Truth. We will be taken out of the way; this dispensation of grace will be ended and the 70’th week will begin. The prophetic time clock will begin to tick again. There will be a time of false “peace and safety” (3.5 years) and a time of terrible wrath (3.5 years). The “mystery” of iniquity… satan’s unprophesied transformation into an angel of light (2 Cor 11:13-15). His counterfeit response to Gods freely offered grace.

2 Thes 2:7-12… “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. AND THEN shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Preaching grace and peace as I do, as I should, will one day become a “doctrine of devils” (!) as is the preaching of works based salvation today (1 Tim 4:1-3). When God is no longer offering grace and peace, His ambassadors (saved people today) will no longer be necessary. We will have served our function; we will need to be taken out so as not to add confusion to an already very confused world. It is absolutely crucial to know what God is doing in the world in order for us to respond accordingly. He is freely offering grace and peace. In no way is He currently sending judgement and/or war against mankind.

Since the mystery was kept secret since before the beginning of the world, Daniel could not have known it. It was hid in God. This man’s timeline is therefore incorrect and he is confused because he wrongly divides the word of truth by using the books of Daniel and Revelation to attempt to figure out the timing of the “rapture”. IT CAN’T BE DONE. He does not see the mystery revealed to Paul and thus combines scriptures addressed to different groups of people created to different purposes.

The church the body of Christ is found nowhere in the book of Revelation. These churches are works based churches. To each one He says “I know thy works…” Examine Rev 2-3 very carefully and show me a church that is saved by grace alone through faith alone by the shed blood of Christ alone. You cannot as one does not exist. These churches are all about works.

The body must be removed before Daniels 70’th week. Because it was a mystery, it will be as if it never was (we live in a parenthetic time period) and the last week of prophesy will commence. The “rapture” is found only in Paul’s epistles; not in Daniel (11:41), Isaiah (26:20-21) Matthew (24:40-41), Luke (17:34-36); one left, one taken… are not rapture but judgement verses. Believers today have zero to do with such things. We are an unprophesied new creature that Christ never preached during His earthly ministry. Had that information gotten out to satan, the crucifixion would never have occurred! This stuff simply can’t be missed if one is to understand the Bible (and thus our place in the world) clearly and totally.

1 Cor 2:7-8… “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

He revealed that information to Paul alone.

In the second 3.5 year period will believing Israel be hid on earth. The believers who must “endure to the end to be saved” are Jews, NOT the new creature which is NEITHER Jew NOR Gentile (Gal 3:28).

Rev 12:14… “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent (3.5 years…). And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Do you keep the commandments as testimony or are you saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in the shed blood of Christ alone? (I know we both know the answer to that.)

Christ’s second physical coming does not pertain to the body of Christ; the mystery church. The church that began with the apostle Paul (first mystery coming). We will be long gone (second mystery coming – 1 Thes 4:13-18 and… another “mystery” truth!)

1 Cor 15:51-52… “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

That is a mystery trumpet, not the prophetic last trump of Revelation. The sealed scroll is earthly, not heavenly. It is the very legal document God has to justifiably reclaim the earth from satan’s dominion. Only Christ, the kinsman redeemer, can open the seals. Both realms (heaven and earth) are fallen. Both require redemption. The key to understanding the Bible is rightly dividing prophesy (Gods plan for the earth) from mystery (Gods plan for heaven). Israel is Gods plan for earthly things. We, the body of Christ are Gods plan for heavenly things.

In the Bible, where we see Jew and Gentile, we are dealing with the earth, prophesy. Where we see neither Jew nor Gentile we are dealing with mystery or heavenly truths. 95% of the Bible is written about prophesy… Gods plan for the earth. 5% (Paul’s epistles) were written about mystery. That mystery information needed to be hid in God that the crucifixion would proceed as planned as from before the foundations of the earth were laid. That God could declare all in unbelief that He could have equal mercy upon all (Rom 11:32). Perfect justice. Perfect love.

That’s how good God is. And most spit on Him, thinking Him evil or incapable of communicating with those who want to hear what He has to say throughout the centuries. He wrote a very clear book. It is humanity (led by satan) that is evil and God has responded far more gracefully that the vast majority credit Him.

If you REALLY want to learn this subject as a saved person, begin here. You will learn far more than you ever thought you could know, backed 100% by contextual scripture. I give you my word on that.

The End of the World

Prepare for bad times ahead. Those bad times do not include Daniels 70’th week. Daniel had no idea we (the body of Christ) were even to exist. Had he known, satan would have found out.

  grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 8:39 pm


Thanks for the time and detailed answer!

When I put those two videos up I smiled knowing you were coming.

You made a couple of points I don’t agree with, but in the bigger scheme of things they are minor and you made some other points I saved to research that I want to dig into.

I am definitely intrigued by the possibility of a Pre-Wrath Rapture and do not discount it at this time after a great deal of time and REALLY wanting to know the truth as a saved person. (The answer to your close).

I have extensively studied the timing of the Rapture (and continue) as after 26 years in two wonderful Churches that have been almost 100% exclusively Pre-Trib (both with little formal study or sermons on Pre-Trib just a mass assumed acceptance in both) I am exploring Pre Wrath on my own. It was funny because in both churches if someone actually voiced a view that wasn’t Pre-Trib they usually either whispered or lowered their voice. Not me.

In the first church’s defense (21 years a member the last 12 years as the only Yankee Deacon – NC – drafted against my will on the 3rd attempt by the Senior Pastor…me and Groucho Marx agreed on you know what) the Church’s focus was on the lost, marriage, children, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. etc. etc. the congregation went from 50 to 1,500 in 10 years (planting many other churches – one is up to 2,000 members today) and did it all mostly through ‘first time confessions of faith’ what an amazing experience, best 12 years of my salvation. I sensed Rapture timing was avoided…it was a good move considering what was really important…not debating the timing of the end game. It can be divisive.

I have in the neighborhood of 30 books on the timing of the Rapture most of them Pre-Trib as that is obviously the prevailing view today and during about the last 150 years – you will know all the names of the authors…but many others on Pre-Wrath…authors not as well known. Then there is all the websites of both views I have visited and poured over.

So here is where I am.

If Pre-Trib is it…no harm no foul for me.
If Pre-Wrath is it…no harm no foul for me.
I’m ready either way.

If Pre-Wrath is it…there are a lot of people & Christians (and people who think they are Christians) who will be confused, scared and susceptible to severe manipulation by you know who.

The doctrine to me is indisputable…the exact timing I am not sure of. Both sides make scripture cases given by recognized and respectable theologians and people of good hearts. All who are saved and REALLY want to know the truth.

Thanks again.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 6, 2019 10:23 am

@ Mark

When I put those two videos up I smiled knowing you were coming.

I’m just not that sneaky, am I? Predictable is more like it… 🙂

I know you and I are brothers in Christ. There is nothing in the world that can separate us from Him and that means we have an unbreakable bond between us. That matters above and beyond all other scriptural issues. I also know I say things that are very uncommon and for some, extremely controversial. To the human mind and spirit, God is controversial; but the Bible, when once the progressive nature of it is understood, could not be more clear. About everything.

Prov 27:17… “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Let everything I say be taken with the above in mind. This too is called preparation; I know you’re a hard core prepper, as I try to be as well. Spiritual (mental, emotional) preparation is, I believe, even more important that physical preparation. We can speak brother to brother. Iron is hard. When iron meets iron sometimes sparks fly. Those sparks don’t bother me (I hope neither you) they let me know my edges are being sharpened and with what’s coming for humanity, our edges need to be as sharp as possible. Let’s roll…

you write… “So here is where I am.

If Pre-Trib is it…no harm no foul for me.
If Pre-Wrath is it…no harm no foul for me.
I’m ready either way.

If Pre-Wrath is it…there are a lot of people & Christians (and people who think they are Christians) who will be confused, scared and susceptible to severe manipulation by you know who.

I’m with you. Saved by the blood of he lamb. I know where I’m going when I die. Come what may, I have my sword and I know how to wield it. I’ll preach Gods grace until I am instructed to do otherwise; and that by the translation of me out of here.

People are already scared, confused and susceptible to severe manipulation. It’s why I attempt to back up everything I say with scripture. Not a soul here should care one bit about anything I have to say. It’s what God says that’s critical. Our ministry is to inform people about what God is saying today and He is saying things other than what most think. He speaks to us via Paul (not the red letters… a deception in itself). Paul says God is offering grace and peace to the world before He gives them the judgement and war they deserve (and beg for).

2 Cor 4:1-2… “Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

I urge you to watch the videos I posted. Not only are they a fascinating look into scripture, they will clear up any and all real or perceived inconsistencies many have with scripture. There are 7 and each is an hour long. This is time very well spent I can assure you. I would very much enjoy communicating with you personally after viewing them. My own church blog is only a click away.

Scripture for the day… (how’s this for “doom porn”?)

1 Tim 6:17-19… “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

Thank you Mark and grace and peace to you and yours!

Lastly, allow me to translate what I just wrote for Stucky who seems to have a very hard time understanding me. (I hope that changes someday soon.)

blah blah blah,
blah blah blah,
blah blah blah,
blah blah blah,
blah blah blah…

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
March 6, 2019 4:00 pm

Yessir ! I’ve lost my patience with Mr. Blah Blah Blah !!

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum – trouble with me, I’ve been called a pitbull, once I get a bite on ’em, I just won’t let go !

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 6:20 pm

If a man is still breathing, there’s hope… It ain’t about us, it’s about Him.

Be the pit bull ?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 1:13 pm

I’m with you on most everything Todd; a few things however…

you write… “As for no man knows the day or the hour of the Bride of Christ or the true believing church…

I’m no ones bride. I am (we are) a new creature (2 Cor 5). An unprophesied assembly of believers called out not to redeem the earth (Israel’s past and future function) but to redeem the heavenly places back to God in Christ (Eph 3). We must understand the mystery that the risen and glorified Christ revealed to Paul (not the Kingdom gospel He preached to Israel while on earth) to understand fully our position as saints saved by grace alone through faith alone in the shed blood alone.

The book tells us exactly what the bride is, one of the seven angels shows John…

Rev 21:9-11… “And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

The bride is the holy city, the new Jerusalem. That place, the mansion with many rooms, which Jesus left to prepare for the Jewish believers. It comes FROM Heaven TO Earth, as in… “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done ON Earth, AS IT IS in Heaven”. When we die, we go TO Heaven, heaven does not come to us (to earth) as it does for future believing Israel and the Gentiles who bless them according to Gen 12:1-3.

you write… “Of course I can’t give you a day or an hour but I can give you a biblical season and Jesus did chastise the Jewish leaders at His triumphal entry for being able to foretell the weather but not understanding the time of His, their true but generally rejected Messiah’s visitation at the end of the prophesied 69th week of Daniel.

The book of Daniel is literally a calendar of such events. The Jewish people, had they been following the prophets God sent to them could have known exactly when Messiah would come. The prophet Daniel himself had the written prophetic testimony of Jeremiah to guide him…

Dan 9:2… “In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

…as well as angels sent from Heaven to provide further insight into the worlds future. Truly incredible stuff… things only God could foretell. Demonstrable proof that Gods Word is infallible and true. Always has been, always will be. It is very unfortunate that the human condition has remained one of unbelief in what God clearly says, rather than belief.

you write… “I can actually give you an exact time of the Rapture. It will be just prior to the last seven years of the 6th millennium. It will be prior to the seal, bowl and trumpet judgments. It will be at the last trump, the trump of God.

No man can give an exact time. We might speculate, but no one can know when this dispensation of grace will end. It was a mystery from the beginning, it will be a mystery when it ends. The translation of the body, the “rapture” will be Gods next major move in the world. We should be ready for it to happen right now as Paul was; and, we should be as patient as possible for it to occur because when it does, the dispensation in which we live, that of the freely offered grace of God, will be over. The church which is His body, the new creature, will be complete and judgement and war will begin. The last trumpet in the book of Revelation is not the same trumpet as found in 1 Cor 15. One is a prophetic blast, the other a mystery blast.

Your beliefs regarding the 5’th and 6’th millennium may be right. I too often consider that in 6 days God did create (the world is 6,000 years old) and on the 7’th did He rest (the earthly millennium Kingdom). Therefore time could very well be running out.

2 Cor 6:2… “(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)

you write… “Again I believe the rapture will take place just 7 years prior to His second coming and we are quickly running out of time.

I tend to agree with this point as well. Although sometimes I do wonder because there are still many pieces of the puzzle that must be in place for the end times to officially begin with the ending of this dispensation of grace. World events are moving more and more quickly however and massive changes can (and likely will) happen in very short periods of time.

you write… “By default the Rapture must begin by 2025 or 2026.

Here is where I must disagree with you. That God did not return in wrath 2,000 years ago when He should have, is testimony to the disagreement. At the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7) Christ was “standing” at Gods right hand. He was ready to come for the second time. Daniel’s 70’th week was about to begin. Yet it did not. Something else happened. Paul happened. Chase the phrase “but now” in Paul’s epistles and see what you find! Here is a taste…

Col 1:26… “Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, BUT NOW is made manifest to his saints:

Rom 16:25-27… “Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to MY gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the MYSTERY, which was KEPT SECRET since the world began, BUT NOW is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.

The words “but now” denote a change. Something was, “but now” it’s different. In the context of Bible study they are the two most important words you will encounter (after salvation of course).

The mystery kept secret since before the foundations of the world were laid were made known to Paul alone. That mystery involves satan’s banishment from the heavenly places; for had satan known what God was keeping to Himself, the Lord never would have been crucified.

1 Cor 2:7-8… “But we speak the wisdom of God in a MYSTERY, even the HIDDEN WISDOM, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Not many understand this. It is essential to know.

you write… “It’s coming. He’s coming. Be ready.
Bcause ready or not He will come and if your not ready you will be left behind to endure the most horrific 7 years of human history.

Yes indeed. Let’s pray that God tarries (and for patience for ourselves) that more souls might be saved before His offer of free grace unbound by the nation Israel (as per Gen 12:1-3) is rescinded.

Rom 3:21-24… “BUT NOW the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:


  grace country pastor
March 6, 2019 12:18 pm

Great responses GCP. My 2000 year dispesation of grace or church age minus the 7 year 70th week of Daniel is derived from Hosea 6:1&2 which declares a 2 day or 2nd peter 2000 year setting aside of national Israel which appears to have begun at the end of the 69th week of Daniel at Jesus crucifixion week and will end at the second coming of Jesus 2 days or 2000 years later at the end of the time of jacobs trouble when they declare blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Then God will bind up and heal the remnant of national Israel that was hidden away for one day or the one thousand year millenial reign.
That is why I speculate by default that the 2000 year period must nd by approximately 2032 or 2033 thus the pretribulation translation of the church by 2025 or 2026.
Love your scripturally based indepth resonses and keep proclaiming Gods perfect grace right up until your last breath or your translation whatever comes first.

March 6, 2019 5:11 pm


Consider the following,

Luke 17-26; as in the days of Noah so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man

Genesis 5:32; Noah had Shem, Ham, and Japheth at age 500 years. Together they all built the ark.

Genesis 7:11; in the 600th year of Noah’s life the flood began.

This means the last generation of the pre-flood world was 100 years old when destroyed by the flood.

Genesis 15 – 16; God told Abram in a dream his ancestors would be enslaved and then in the ‘fourth generation’ they would return to the land.

The Jews were slaves in Egypt for 400 years.

Genesis 21; When Abram was 100 years old he had Isaac which started a new generation.

Those are three examples of a generation being 100 years. If Israel was reborn in 1948 this means the Lord could tarry until 2048? It could be sooner but it could be later.

March 6, 2019 10:37 pm

I like the 70 to 80 year generation in psalm 90 from 1948 since it matches up as a confirmation with the 2000 year 2 day from Hosea 6:1&2 from the crucifixion week at the 69th week of Daniel.

March 6, 2019 10:42 pm

A 70 to 80 year generation is also realistic to man’s current lifespan when this is all occuring.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 7, 2019 10:24 am


“If Israel was reborn in 1948…”

You mean this Israel?

Isaiah 35 (all – KJB)

Zechariah 12:10… “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.”

It’s 180 degrees out of phase.

  grace country pastor
March 7, 2019 3:35 pm

With all due respect Pastor, but 64 prophecies fulfilled in 60 years since May 14, 1948?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 7, 2019 4:55 pm

Respect noted and appreciated sir. I’ve read the linked article. The Israel we see today is critical to the grand deception happening in the world. To be pro-Israel is to be pro satan; much to the shock of the majority Christian community. Consider Christ’s own words to them…

John 8:44 KJB… “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

I ask, what has changed in 2,000 years? Does the Israel of today know their Messiah (Christ, our Savior), or do they await another? One who comes to fulfill the greatest deception…

1 John 4:2-3 KJB… “Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.”

God did not create the modern day state of Israel. Man did; and that’s been exactly mans problem throughout human history. He refuses to “let God” do for him what God has always wanted to do. Provide everything! Someday God will do for Israel what He’s promised from the beginning. What we see today is hardly Gods handiwork; but satans. Today Israel is blinded (Rom 9-11). Someday they will fulfill their destiny of being Gods channel of blessings to the Gentile world. They are anything but that today.

If you care to explore further…

What mystery?


  grace country pastor
March 7, 2019 5:33 pm

comment image

Revelations 17

17 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.


5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.


18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Things that make you go hmmm especially taking what GCP said here seriously.

The Israel we see today is critical to the grand deception happening in the world. To be pro-Israel is to be pro satan; much to the shock of the majority Christian community.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 6, 2019 5:16 pm

I will look at those verses in Hosea, thank you for those thoughts! And yea, it’s kind of hard to shut me up… ?

grace and peace Todd…!

By The Way
By The Way
March 5, 2019 3:49 pm

A prewrath rapture would be perfect for an alien deception. It is in so many films already. Watch what happens at the 29 second spot of this video link from the movie ‘The Forgotten’

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  By The Way
March 6, 2019 12:30 pm

Aliens… (fallen angels) will fit the narrative well.

Pure speculation on my part: imagine the rapture occurs. anti-christ enters the temple and declares himself to be god. he explains the rapture to the world as separating the wheat from the chaff. he just got rid of the chaff and all y’all who are left are the “good people”.

Makes some sense, no? he is an imposter and a counterfeiter of what God does. Will make everyone feel so good about themselves, because that’s what people want.

2 Thes 2:9… “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,”

  grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 5:31 pm

@ GCP,

RE: neonatal jaundice & apnea

I don’t know much about the causes of apnea in newborns, but so many conditions (like jaundice) can develop from immune system issues.

In the winter months, I used to let the little swaddled ones lay inside on a sofa or on the floor in the sunlight to activate vitamin D.

Glad everything is OK

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 8:58 pm

Thanks Uncola… I’ll tell ya, seeing that little infant girl hooked up to intravenous fluids, oxygen, feeding tubes was not a comforting sight. The docs had her in an incubator bathed with light of specific frequencies to combat exactly what your talking about. Had to wear little goggles and all. Yikes… but, she is home after 5 days and thriving! Got to feed her a bottle of mommas milk this afternoon, awesome and man did that bring back some memories!

Life is good, no matter what… ?

March 5, 2019 1:34 pm

You do realize this article is about the sad state of Philly, and the libfuks who ruined it ……………. and not the 2nd coming of Jeebus. RIGHT??

Of course, you and your pals (especially GCP) can find ANY excuse to turn ANY article into a religion discussion. But, hey, 8 people voted you up so it must be enjoyable to a sizeable audience. Praise da Lawd!!

Not my cup of tea … all these sermons and witnessing. You people are insufferable. Do you wonder how many people you irritate with your constant Holy blathering? Of course you don’t. You’re doing the Lord’s work, after all. Sadly, thanks to people like you, this place ain’t what it used to be.

Do not bother with a response. I won’t read it or even see it. I’m logging off for the day, or days. But, please do continue enjoying your little circle jerk. Maybe you’ll even convert somebody (HA!!).

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 5, 2019 8:29 pm

You forgot to describe your own characteristics down thread; let me give it a try.

Stucky; I fasted once years ago and didn’t get angel wings so I am mad at God ’cause he’s always pickin’ on me !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- stoop down to my lowly new arrival level and ‘sum me up’ !

Flag Hugger (EC)
Flag Hugger (EC)
  ordo ab chao
March 5, 2019 9:46 pm
ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Flag Hugger (EC)
March 6, 2019 3:45 am

Funny, fantastic !!! How do you do it?? Are you EC, or an AI ?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- I definitely felt like the ‘me too’ guy when I stepped up to the plate !

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
  ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 9:51 am

Most of the time, my video links don’t work. Uncola quoted Yokes above, “I thought you answered my prayer…” So I posted Dione Warwick’s Say a Little Prayer. I like to think it went over people’s head like an Unhinged article but most likely it was as nuanced as Jim Carrey. I think Unbound’s articles are some sort of Rorschach stain that different folks interpret differently.
With the exception of AWD, old monkeys never die, they just fade away. The reason Admin lets me stay is because noobs need somebody to show them the ropes and Maggie is long gone. The nice thing about noobs is they find your old tired jokes as fresh.

  ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 10:20 am

” … stoop down to my lowly new arrival level and ‘sum me up’ !”

ordo ab chao —- “Hey, looky here, Ethyl, a blog called TBP!! I think I’m gonna sign up. I wonder how I can make an immediate impact … you know, get noticed and shit. Hey, I know!! …. I’ll just sign in under the DUMBEST fucken name ever on the internet!”

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 6, 2019 12:41 pm


ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 4:08 pm

Hey, lookie, lookie- a government bootlicker ! One that’s so brain damaged he can’t remember what he even stands for !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- Dr. Shuckey n Jive Freud….”where’s that DSM 5….there’s got to be a good cussin thesaurus…..oh well, I’ll just check in with my god, the state. They’ll teach you a lesson.”

Sad, when one can see the damage done by vaccinations !

March 4, 2019 11:00 am

Just so you know Double Dees, I am not the corrector of jFish. I am a critic, maybe less than that; a spelling Nazi. Uncola’s articles make me dizzy, I can’t keep up as he races along from idea to idea, pinging off this or that concept. And for what? To have the promising lead-in turn into a Make Trump Great Again bullshit article? Bah!

March 4, 2019 11:42 am

comment image

March 4, 2019 2:05 pm

ZappatECta says:

To have the promising lead-in turn into a Make Trump Great Again bullshit article? Bah!

Personally, myself, I fail to see how the article made “Trump Great Again”. At the end, I merely highlighted what others were saying, and asked some questions including if the people’s visions were actually just television. That’s all I was sayin’ right there. And, as I stated in a comment on another thread yesterday, “in the end, it’s very likely about the ratings and the market share”. But what do I know, ya know?

Just a spelling Nazi
Just a spelling Nazi
March 4, 2019 2:45 pm

I will re-read it for traces of Trumpeteerism. Please stand by.

  Just a spelling Nazi
March 4, 2019 3:11 pm
  Just a spelling Nazi
March 4, 2019 3:40 pm

Maybe look at it more along the lines of trying to reconcile the likes of Starf*cker and BL, so we can all unify together and get back to the serious work of fighting for the American people.

March 4, 2019 3:52 pm

That clip from ‘Misery’ isn’t too far off. It can make a person go cuckoo when the narrative is out of kilter. They have absconded with your identity and sold you a bill of goods. An anti-war liberal is now technically a conservative because they needed the liberal label for freaks and geeks. they also needed the white legacy for downtrodden folks to lift up their spirits, giving them credit for Western Civilization.

I’m still dealing with my missing identity; the government forms ask me to check off whether I’m white, native american, black or wtf? Ok, wft is not a choice or I’d mark that one. I could check white but then I’d get looks from AC.

March 4, 2019 4:09 pm

I know, right? If I ran the world, I’d have only three boxes based on ideology:

It would be like…

Check one:




March 4, 2019 6:09 pm

Asshole for 1000, Alex.

March 5, 2019 4:08 pm

El coyote,

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 4:15 pm

He flipped me off for calling him a dirty bird so I admitted to being an asshole. The other choices would make me sound like a liberal.

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 4, 2019 11:27 am

Another great article! It seems we have moved from Trump playing 4D chess to Uncola now playing 4D chess (I mean that as a compliment).

We all make our minds up and then we spend the rest of our lives compiling information with the intent of proving our perspective.

In the current reality it’s getting harder to build a case for MAGA politics when it becomes apparent the commander in chief gives speeches to wow the crowds while at the same time, quietly promoting policies that seem to run counter to his promises.

After 2 years, it’s becoming apparent that everything we see is scripted and we are being strung along for some grand play that will end badly for us, but rather nicely for the puppet masters.

So I’ve stopped playing the game and hoping for some righteous outcome. When I created this new narrative I have dropped any information gathering, as if you are receiving it then it must be because you are meant to receive it, so you can play your part when the final act plays out.

It’s nice and quiet now with no anxieties over when will he release the documents, or what will Barr do as the new guy in town. I just wish I could have adopted this narrative years ago. Peace.

  Not Sure
March 4, 2019 10:20 pm

Mary posted this from TruNews on Barr on another post…there is a truce and Barr is enforcing it…plausable.

Bill Still getting ready to eat some crow?

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 5, 2019 7:45 am

Thanks, my question going forward is: Which is more lame, fake news or alternative news that exposes the corruption, but NEVER results in prosecution of the criminals?

  Not Sure
March 5, 2019 11:47 am

Not Sure,

At least with alternative Christian news reporters, like the two above, you’re getting an honest attempt at the truth as they perceive it, but they or the naked truth has no prosecution power.

The corruption in government is wide, deep, and massively systemic…I believe what it is going to take to return to the ‘Rule of Law’ everyone is always talking about has happened twice before, the original Revolution and then the Secession of the South…and the second attempt failed. But, it’s late in the game and in my opinion the Beginning of Sorrows will soon kick off leading to the eventual prosecution and sentencing by the final Judge.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 5, 2019 8:23 pm

Barr was AG and instrumental in the exoneration of the Ruby Ridge incident:


annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- George H.w. ‘New World Order’ Bush was president.

  ordo ab chao
March 5, 2019 8:36 pm

Ruby ridge…wow! Mentioning that reminded me of an amazing thriller called “Arlington Road” with Jeff Bridges and Tim Robbins. comment image

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 3:36 am

That was a pretty good movie, and considering the two POS, er, I mean POTUS’ that were over Ruby Ridge, Waco, and OKC bombing; Poppy Bush and Clinton, I consider it another one that Hellywood developed for a reason…..


annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- Nothing is as it seems…..

I had ‘in-law kin’ that had used that daycare in OKC for her little daughter, but changed to a different one not too many months earlier….

In the documentary above, at the beginning:

A Noble Lie-refers to the propping up of a myth in order to “maintain social harmony” and keep the elite in their present position.

Plato’s Republic

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 8:34 am


maybe this link will work

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- turn out the lights when you leave……this country is passed closing time

  ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 8:47 am
March 6, 2019 10:42 am

A Noble Lie” (refers to the propping up of a myth in order to “maintain social harmony” and keep the elite in their present position.)

That’s fantastic. It is, in fact, what this article has attempted to address; albeit, perhaps, indirectly.

Noble Lie:

In politics, a noble lie is a myth or untruth, often, but not invariably, of a religious nature, knowingly propagated by an elite to maintain social harmony or to advance an agenda. The noble lie is a concept originated by Plato as described in the Republic.

…Plato presented the Noble Lie (γενναῖον ψεῦδος, gennaion pseudos – literally, “a lie or wrong opinion about origin”) in the fictional tale known as the myth or parable of the metals. In it, Socrates provides the origin of the three social classes who compose the republic proposed by Plato; Socrates speaks of a socially stratified society, wherein the populace are told “a sort of Phoenician tale”:

…Socrates proposes and claims that if the people believed “this myth…[it] would have a good effect, making them more inclined to care for the state and one another.” This is his noble lie: “a contrivance for one of those falsehoods that come into being in case of need, of which we were just now talking, some noble one…”

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 4:24 pm

Nice, informative (as usual) reply! If you haven’t watched it, I would recommend you do so. It is the very ground work for the foundations of what 911 brought us. It’s two hours long, begins the narrative for ‘home grown’ terrorists.

Despite local media initial reports, eyewitness accounts, state representatives, and just ‘good ole boy ranchers’ on a privately organized grand jury, the murder of local police and a mistaken identity ‘patsy’…..the “official” story stood !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- I WILL NOT LICK THIS GOVERNMENTS BOOTS !!! (Sorry, I’ve got my teeth in stuckey’s ass, and I won’t let go !!)

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 4:15 pm

Thanks Any Mouse- I don’t know why mine aren’t posting.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-this was, and IS, still very much on the minds of many in the red dirt state ! There are not many government bootlickers left in the neighborhood- except for the Stucky Free Crap Army Members !

  ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 4:24 pm

It’s his right to receive social security benefits! After all he paid into the system has he not?


As Bernie Madoff pointed put, the “entire U.S. government is a ponzi scheme”…

Nuff said.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 4:40 pm

Plato- If that’s to me, I don’t care what the Shrink does, or any other government bootlicker…some folks need the protection/security of the state god.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- more importantly, have you seen the documentary, and the evidence of how the Clinton gang worked? Murder, coverup, MK-Ultra…..

Paraphrase Pres. Biggliest Best on the night of the election-‘we owe her a debt of gratitude…they’re good people’

  ordo ab chao
March 6, 2019 12:22 am

The TruNews theory above on Barr carrying out the Trump/Bush-Clinton truce sure could fit. The Radical Commie Ideologue faction (Obama and all the true believers) are pissed now that the Mueller report is being defanged.

I’m just a guy who reads a lot on the internet, but it looks like it’s the God Father meets Game of Thrones and the Zionists are kicking ass and taking names…for now.

Attorney General William Barr Was “The Fixer” for President George H.W. Bush

IT’S ALL OVER! With AG Nomination Trump Proves Swamp Will NOT Be Drained

William Barr and the Iran-Contra Scandal
CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair

William Barr and the Iran-Contra Scandal

March 4, 2019 12:54 pm

Progress is the name moderns give to the destruction of what our ancestors nurtured.

March 4, 2019 12:58 pm

I’m pretty sure the Fabian Socialists LOVE Trump. He’s their guy, in fact.

If there’s even a single thing he’s DONE that is contrary to their plan, I’d be curious to hear it.

March 4, 2019 1:32 pm

Trump is our last chance. If he doesn’t stop these leftist progressives Democrats ( Communist ) here is what’s in store for white people .

The Bolshevik Revolution : Darkness Desends …on YouTube. It’s 45 minutes long but it shows you how the Jewish Bolsheviks ( who were just a few thousand ) were able to take over Russia and over the next 20 years kill about 30 million people in Russia and another 8 million in the neighboring counties. It is an eye open. It also gives details accounts of who the murderers are . This whole Holocaust was Jewish run from the beginning until Stalin turned on them. You may ask why would Stalin turn on his murderous Jews . Because they tried to have him removed from power so they could regain control. He learned to never trust a Jew . White people had better wake from their slumber before it’s too late.
Uncola ,you need to watch this !

BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
March 4, 2019 1:46 pm

BB- You need to watch the regularly posted video of Trump’s speech at AIPAC, then get back to us about last chances and fairy tales. Your warning about the Bolshies is correct however.

EDIT: Stalin was a joo, his real name, Iosif Dzhugashvili. Revise your history lesson.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 4, 2019 2:45 pm

Trump is our last chance? I think we lost that chance a long time ago. Just for you, I found this article from the Jerusalem Post.

“And CPAC is like a three-day carnival for the pro-Israel.”

March 4, 2019 7:41 pm

on Darkness Defends, huge thumbs up.

March 5, 2019 12:19 am

BB is right. Let’s keep it simple, shall we? For the first time since 1860, this country did not have a ‘peaceful transition of power’ following a presidential election. The Left/Progressives decided Not to Accept the outcome of the election and insiders in the FBI/DOJ/State Dept. continued their efforts to stop Trump. Post- election, this became attempting to overthrow the government. Read that treason. So. We are in this struggle for all the marbles whether we like it or not. We can pontificate and bloviate all we want. We can wax philosophic; we can indulge ourselves in cosmic ramblings. We can find lots of fault with Trump. It does not matter. If the Left/Progressives prevail, we are finished. And if you think they will take the throne and leave us alone, I have news for you.
These people are willing to kill their own just born children. They will not hesitate to kill us all. Remember, the last time our benevolent government persuaded a segment of the population to disarm. Do you remember? It was at Wounded Knee, Dakota Territory.
They took the guns – mostly hunting rifles. They came back the next morning and killed them all. Men, woman and children. Look it up. Read about it and weep. But do not be stupid. Do not be naive. Be strong right now or get strong immediately. And stop the whining and the blaming. I am tried of it and so are a lot of other folks.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 4, 2019 3:22 pm

At CPAC there was discussion of the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem and the term “Temple Denial” was born.

Look for Trump to get behind the rebuilding project. How might this come about?I don’t know but Tom Horn wrote an entire book about this which he just released. I don’t foresee buying the book myself but I do know he puts a tremendous amount of research into his projects, footnotes included.

Here is a 4 part summary from his website. Starting with part 4 because he links all 4 of them at the top.

Here is a couple paragraphs to start:

“In a fantastically liberal feature by Kerry Bolton for Foreign Policy Journal titled “US Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital: A Travesty of History,” the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is depicted as an arch-Zionist Jew that, along with Donald Trump and his evangelical advisors, views the USA and Israel as synonymous in terms of policy objectives and prophetic destiny.[i]

Bolton’s increasingly familiar animosity toward evangelicals and their biblical mandate to be a blessing to Israel results in his lament that “the Zionist dream for Palestine is based on three primary aims that are of messianic intent: (1) Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers, (2) Rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon on the site of the present al-Aqsa mosque, (3) Jerusalem not only as the capital of Israel, but as the central seat of universal law.”[ii] He then quotes the Temple Mount Faithful’s website, which confirms:

PART 4—SHOCKING NEW ONLINE SERIES To Probe Trump Administration, Rabbis, And Top-Secret Plan To Build Third Temple

  Mary Christine
March 4, 2019 3:57 pm

But as the games begin, Trump is standing strong against Marxism and Islamic terror, right? How would enabling the age-old messianic dreams of an ethnic middle-eastern nation-state that ANTIFA, Muslims, and anti-zionists on both extremes of the political spectrum all say is a “fascist regime” make America great again? It’s confusing. It really is. What’s going on?

March 4, 2019 4:20 pm

Once again, Trump is not a savior but a signpost or John the Baptist of sorts in the sense that he is the end of the line ushering in the next biblical dispensation, the rapture, the 7 year reign of the Antichrist and the second coming of the true Messiah, Jesus.
The third temple must be built soon in order for the Antichrist to bring a world peace covenant then enter and defile it mid tribulation as the Abomination of Desolation.

When Jesus returns, the true Messiah, He will then reign for 1000 years from it with a rod of iron as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

March 4, 2019 6:07 pm
Tom Foolery
Tom Foolery
March 5, 2019 9:19 am

The story of the Jews is a narrative people believe too much and not enough.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 5, 2019 8:11 pm

Coug-…….” make America great again? It’s confusing. It really is. What’s going on?”

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-

the important thing to remember is that politicians never lie….or, as Joe South would say: ‘never sayin’ what they mean, or mean what they say’ (that’s got to be close)

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Mary Christine
March 5, 2019 3:22 pm

MC writes… “Look for Trump to get behind the rebuilding project.”

That would not surprise me one bit.

March 4, 2019 4:39 pm

i find it interesting that the word globalist is always used as a perjorative.

March 4, 2019 6:10 pm

For me, the term globalist is synonymous to “centralist” or “collectivist” or “authoritarian”. Perhaps because of the dystopian historical and futuristic movies playing in my mind. Whereas others see globalism as utopian and the next logical step of Man’s ascension.

March 4, 2019 6:18 pm
March 4, 2019 7:39 pm

RE: New Era for Humanity video

Don’t get me wrong, cz (and if you are the same cz who’s been here for years I like ya, I really do) but I just watched it and it played like a motivational introduction at a technological transhumanist conference; or a pantheistic wet dream:

1:39 mark:

….find ways to transfer one’s personal personality to an artificial carrier…

1:53 mark

…we need new philosophy and ideology, new ethics, new culture, and new psychology and even new metaphysics…

2:12 mark

…a new reality and future man will arise…

3:18 – 3:34 mark

…may everlasting spiritual ideals and values help us avoid going astray… away from the murder of nature and physical death, forward to the realm of freedom, creativity… to the infinite universe of our inner world…

4:14 mark

…the race for immortality starts…

4:55 mark

…the avatar is created, a robotic human copy controlled by thought and our brain-computer interface…

5: 35 mark

….. an autonomous system providing life support for the brain and allowing interaction with the environment is created… the brain is transplanted into an avatar… man receives new, expanded life…

5:50 mark

….. a new generation of avatars provides complete transmission of sensation from all five sensory robotic organs to the operator…

6:13 mark

…the epoch of psybernetic immortality begins…

6:27 mark

…. bodies made of nano-robots that can take any shape, arise alongside hologram bodies….

6:57 mark

….a new era dawns…. the era of neo-humanity…

666 mark

What could possibly go wrong? 🙂

March 4, 2019 7:52 pm

what could go wrong, indeed.
sorry that i wasn’t clear. rereading my initial statement, i can see that i might appear to be a global apologist. i am not. in fact, to the globalists i say: show me the curve. they can’t so they won’t ?.
the 2045 cheerleader vid is insane, and i believe a mr. kurzweil of google fame is a part of that God-hating monstrosity.

March 4, 2019 8:22 pm

Ya. I got it now. It didn’t sound like you and I wasn’t sure if it wasn’t someone else. But now I see I misunderstood the gist of your earlier comments; which I thought were in support of rainbows, unicorns, and the old religion with the new name. I appreciate you posting that video though. It was pretty wild.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 5, 2019 3:24 pm

“to the globalists i say: show me the curve”

I love it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 6, 2019 9:37 am

Somebody needs to come down from their ivory tower.

I have seen bullshit in my life before, but this is a level of delusional that simply cannot be believed.

March 4, 2019 5:54 pm

You’re jumping willy-nilly across multiple levels of analysis, Doug.

Inevitability requires analysis across vast sweeps of time as do archetypal stories. Trump, whatever he may be, is an anomaly of specific time and place (as are we all as individuals).

Narratives do control everything, I think that much is clear, because our emotional/psychological systems are far more fundamental, and thereby far more powerful, that our cognitive systems. Religious/archetypal narratives—stories that survive the ages, that teach us good from evil–developed as a result of extremely long-term (certainly multi-generational, but perhaps hundreds of generations) games that ancient humans played out and found what worked and what didn’t. On the timescale I’m describing, the Game of Empire would be short-lived and we could very well be in the endgame of that “short”, multi-thousand year game. The results of which are so ridiculously unpredictable to, in one sense, render “inevitability” to nonsense. HOWEVER, in another sense, every empire ever has failed and collapsed into ruin–> couldn’t one then say that the collapse of this most recent, most complex and Global empire be inevitably doomed to a similar fate?????? It’s an ancient game in the human sense and an entirely new one due to technology which has changes far more in a single generation than in all the ones that came before.

Wheels within Wheels. Cycles within Cycles. Games within Games. Where we stop…Elephino.

March 5, 2019 11:13 pm

Drud says:

You’re jumping willy-nilly across multiple levels of analysis, Doug.

Been thinking about that, Drud. When I write the articles I’m too close to them for any objectivity. So I just re-read this one to see what you meant, and I’m still too close to it.

I strive for this:
comment image

But, for some readers, it be like:
comment image

Flag Hugger (EC)
Flag Hugger (EC)
March 5, 2019 11:36 pm

That be me, I could say I bailed but really, it’s just over my head.

  Flag Hugger (EC)
March 6, 2019 8:16 am

Patriotic EC said:

…it’s just over my head.

I have a theory on that, EC. Well, it’s not really a theory because it happens to me; so more like personal experience.

Very often, I’ll start out reading an article with a preconceived notion of what it will be about. Or sometimes, it’s even worse than that: my preconceived notion is what it should be about. Because we all very often read articles to reinforce our own movies that are playing in our heads, ya know?

Then, as we read in haste with all that mental noise, we miss what the author actually said. That is why you (and Bea) believe I went pro Trump with this article in the end. When, in fact, I was merely quoting a linked article that was on Lew Rockwell and saying that “some believe justice is coming to America”.

This is why I often read articles (like Hardscrabble’s recent “City” piece) three times. Usually, by then I’ll have a better understanding of what the author was trying to actually say by means of several hours (if not days) in putting the pieces together.

Of course, some articles are more expository and direct. These tend to go more viral and, obviously, that’s because most readers prefer them.

Whereas this particular article, above, and all of my personal ensuing comments (including this one), are more about the unfinished movie in my mind. Some liked this essay. Others not so much. I’m okay with that because, for me, it’s all about the process. But once I get it figured out to the point of confidence, just watch what I write then because it might be a blockbuster.

Or not.

BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
March 5, 2019 11:54 pm

UN-Well, if you be like have a point , then make it (other than water carrying).

  BEAster Bunny
March 6, 2019 12:37 am

This was my point. The story in Bea’s head:

comment image

And, maybe it’s true.

But, then half of America is seeing this movie:

comment image

Isn’t that weird? That was my point too.

March 6, 2019 10:36 am

Unc- You are slippery…….

The second photo is El Nazi, interesting that you did not put up Trump the superman/super hero……… WHY? That is what you say, then you change the narrative into a new direction WHICH IS A MISDIRECT. Do you ever just state your opinion and stick to it through a entire article?

Let me answer for you, NO. That way you blather all manner of false Trump is this or that and Trump did this or that to carry water and then deny you are doing it.
Could you please write something, anything that is understandable?

March 6, 2019 11:03 am

Bea says:

Do you ever just state your opinion and stick to it …?


Could you please write something, anything that is understandable?

Believe me, pal, I repeat those near-exact words like a prayer every time I read one of your comments. The point is, since you’re so sure, your opinions should be even more clear than mine, ya know? Because I’m not as sure as you.

If you look at those photos above – the top one shows a devil with Star of David nipples (i.e. Israel?) running Trump like a puppet; which is what many folks believe here (you know all the regulars).

But the second “movie” stars Trump as Hitler. So in both movies, Trump loves Jews by playing Hitler. But Hitler didn’t like Jews.

How do you explain that? Set aside your notions on the Black Nobility for a moment and try explaining those conflicting parallels and maybe, then, you’ll understand what this piece is about. Because if you keep skipping to the end of the film all the time you’re missing all of the fun parts, ya know?

March 6, 2019 11:09 am

Look UN, I am not the only person wondering WTF you are talking about, read the comments in this thread. You are a good writer, ditch the movies and write. If you get flamed, you get flamed or we may agree with your point. First present a clear point.

March 6, 2019 11:23 am

The point is that people process what they see according to the stories playing in their minds. And you, sir, are no different. Fortunately, the stories rooted in facts always come true.

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 6, 2019 12:11 pm

Bea, I went back and perused the article for the 3rd time. The first half is promising, Coug is talking about stories – my favorite topic. Then he hangs a wild left and we are talking Trump, is he real, is he Memorex? WTF?

  Zappatista (EC)
March 6, 2019 12:18 pm

Zapster- Exactly!! Typical Unc, left turn to Trumpland over the rainbow. WTF? Indeed.

Such a good writer, he should go old school, you know when articles made sense.

March 6, 2019 12:28 pm

Maybe I don’t belong in this spot but I read this article as if you are attempting to understand the questions in your mind and perhaps draw others in to provide additional information and or context in order to have a shot at the answers to them. It is a complicated confusion and I do think it is helping to shape a bit of the context in my own. It is why I read. Thanks

March 6, 2019 1:28 pm

Splurge gets me. Even more, splurge…

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(You and the other commenters who are working with me over here.)

ZappatECta says:

The first half is promising, Coug is talking about stories – my favorite topic. Then he hangs a wild left and we are talking Trump, is he real, is he Memorex? WTF?

The first half is promising, Coug is talking about stories – my favorite topic. Then he hangs a wild left and we are talking Trump, is he real, is he Memorex? BULLSEYE!

There. Fixed for ‘ya

March 6, 2019 1:40 pm

Splurge= Unc

March 6, 2019 2:55 pm

Uh? no.

March 6, 2019 5:21 pm

Admin can confirm that splurge is not me. And there is a better than average chance that both of us are not in the Khazarian mafia either.

March 4, 2019 8:14 pm

Trump is like a drop of water falling every twenty seconds onto the top of a globalist’s head causing every kind of irrational response aimed only and completely toward gaining relief. Nothing else could matter as much as relief.

Take a guess where such singular devotion to an end on the part of millions of influential people, e.g. pols, teachers, actors, musicians, the liberal rich, bankers, corporate heads, and the leaders of all sorts of deviant groups, will move society? Not likely to peace and prosperity. Not likely to a negotiated armistice. Not to live and let live, but to endless strife leading to civil war.

Buy gold, silver, and especially cryptos and otherwise prep for calamity. Banks will fail, the dollar will lose most of its purchasing power, stocks will plummet, and people will be starving as they roam about setting fire to what’s left of their lives and other’s lives. If you have cryptos you can leave Dodge through a monitored gate and take up life in some land where gov’t is less “efficient” and not undergoing the ultimate result of the weak looking to the strong to shepherd their well-being.

March 4, 2019 9:47 pm


A grand Coup de maitre sweeping over the fruited plain…rising to paragraph hills and occasional mountain peaks. Your blue sky is far above the tic tack toe Chemtrails the enemy is spreading in the sky and the media…piercing their poisonous fog with bursts of the good DEW… Direct Energy Words.


“But why do those who were once anti-war now embrace America’s Military Industrial Complex and its foreign interventions in far-off places like Syria and Ukraine? Why do they cry for children separated from parents at America’s southern border while endorsing post-birth abortions? Why do they simultaneously advocate for woman’s rights and for those who favor female genital mutilation? Why do they desire the confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens so only criminals and police-states can possess them?”

MY ANSWER: Because ‘they’ do not even realize or comprehend the polar opposites of their past positions and present realities…because they are the real mouth breathers, the real cattle mooing in their invisible currancy/technology/government pens, the spoiled self-indulgent over brainwashed and under educated who their Luciferian masters giggle and laugh at behind their backs and call ‘EATERS.’ (The Remnant are the producers). They deserve the over used but true label of Sheeple…they are Dupes as well as something more serious and eternal…Lost Tares…soon to be collected, bundled and burned.

As the Beginning of Sorrows ramps up into the tribulation of TSHTF while the 4th corner is turned…I’m not worried about Doom Porn or those in your quoted paragraph (nor their Luciferian masters). Those in the paragraph will just be the initial waves, the Golden Horde we will have to deal with – with extreme prejudice – to eventually kill the Eye of Soren.

Maybe our ring to toss into the raging inferno to kill the Lidless Eye is another type of DEW…the dew on the grass that is this life?

I have often thought about that high honor and pray for the courage.

March 4, 2019 10:01 pm

I would like to petition the online dictionaries to immediately define the term “Useful Idiots” as follows:

they are the real mouth breathers, the real cattle mooing in their invisible currency/technology/government pens, the spoiled self-indulgent over brainwashed and undereducated who their Luciferian masters giggle and laugh at behind their backs and call ‘EATERS.’

Good stuff. Thank you, Mark

March 5, 2019 7:27 am
March 5, 2019 1:42 pm

You pegged the all characters on this ship of fools. You are the man, Stucky! I’ve always looked up to you.

If you’re doing something and think nobody is watching, somebody is watching. – Old Pangloss

BEAster Bunny
BEAster Bunny
March 5, 2019 11:57 pm

EC- Stucky left out the BEAster Bunny, prolly a good move.

March 5, 2019 1:59 pm

Uncola said,

In every circumstance, our personal perceptions of identity are derived from the stories we tell ourselves.

I get what your trying to convey here but feel this understanding is incomplete.

We have been conditioned to put alot of our perceptions of our identity into stuff! Have you seen a car commercial lately? Status symbols are nothing new nor is the fashion industry that Plato warned about. Many of us have put an inordinate amount of our self identity into the stuff we have accumulated, for various reasons. Some of the stuff is sentimental, and yet other is to show our status or prestige.

This is why when someone first enters boot camp or prison, everything personal to them is confiscated and they are issued the same uniform as the next guy or gal. It is the psychological trigger to break human beings down in order to attempt to reconstruct them the way the military or prison system would like them to look, act and dress like.

Someone recently asked me why the homeless in our area push around their stuff when it is mostly rubbish…besides our evolutionary and instinctual tendencies to hunt and gather, it can be directly attributed to social conditioning as I mentioned above.

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 2:09 pm

I would liken Dio Dung to a homeless person pushing a cart full of memories around. (It’s ok, he ain’t here so we can talk about him.) He isn’t really stalking Fatal Attraction but rather he is holding on to his persona that she stole from him when she threw him out. Drowning and divorce are similar in that respect, I’m reminded of that line often and don’t know where it came from, …the sea threatened to take everything from him in the mere act of drowning him.

Look at the line from the song Laughing; you took away everything I had, you put the hurt on me….

Fatal Attaction was part of Dio Dung’s personal story, he depended on her portion of the Africa work when he told himself his own life had meaning. Then she fired him and like a person fired from a job, he was no longer the job and he found that he had no other story at hand to fill the personal resume; curiculum vitae or life story.

  Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 4:14 pm

Ouch! Kicking a guy while he is down and not even around to defend himself. A cowardly and trite act. Your crotchityness knows no bounds E.C.

you should call up Robert Kraft and ask him to recommend a good massage parlor….maybe it will help if you rubbed one out!

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 4:55 pm

I feel his pain, or I did. I actually would talk to him if he got my email from Admin. I had a similar talk with a dude going through this, it’s almost a universal rite of passage, don’t read me wrong, Pluto.

  Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 5:24 pm


This rite of passage you refer to I snt something any of us can understand until we experience it ourselves. I too have experienced this and in some ways continue to, considering I have a child with this succubus.

Another of my buddies who recently finished a 7 month stint in “county” is going through much of what I went through so I offer him some advice and reassurance or warnings when the discussion inevitably turns to exes.

I am glad you would be willing to offer some sage advice, no doubt. Thank you Doc Pangloss

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 6:24 pm

I’m not Doc Pangloss, he is the collection of wise sayings and observations far beyond my capabilities as a mortal man of Hispanic background.

I don’t think you mean succubus

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 2:21 pm


March 5, 2019 4:43 pm

Plato says:

We have been conditioned to put alot of our perceptions of our identity into stuff!

…This is why when someone first enters boot camp or prison, everything personal to them is confiscated and they are issued the same uniform as the next guy or gal. It is the psychological trigger to break human beings down in order to attempt to reconstruct them the way the military or prison system would like them to look, act and dress like.

Supposedly, in brainwashing, cult members are sleep deprived to the point they forget their own stories, so to speak. Then there is a “breaking down of the self”:

1.) – Identity is assaulted: “You’re not who you think you are”.

2.) – Guilt is utilized to make the subjects develop shame and negative feelings about themselves

3.) – Until, eventually, they become willing to betray themselves.

4.) – The “breaking point” is reached whereby the subject wonders: “Who am I, where am I and what am I supposed to do?”

When the target reaches his breaking point, his sense of self is pretty much up for grabs — he has no clear understanding of who he is or what is happening to him. At this point, the agent sets up the temptation to convert to another belief system that will save the target from his misery.

Now, at this point, we could talk about “another belief system”. But that’s another story.

March 5, 2019 2:01 pm

On an unrelated note, Sister Shahrazad took off on a theme similar to the verse – as a man thinks, so is he – saying that our inner thoughts express themselves in our exterior. A gay man begins to resemble a female and lesbians look mannish. It’s quite the topic UnCoug has bitten off but not done chewing.

March 5, 2019 3:22 pm

UnCoug! It works.

Some foods require rumination. So do some inner thoughts.

March 5, 2019 3:18 pm

“Obviously, the elysian elite have administered the controlled demolition of America to scorch the U.S. Constitution prior to building a new one-world system upon its ashes. To The Powers That Be, we are considered “useless eaters” and ready for slaughter. Their ultimate goals are global domination via Agenda 21 mandates, the demise of constitutional law and nationalism, depopulation and, ultimately, the administration of their satanic 10 commandments as outlined in the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES.”

I keep waiting to hear of a mysterious explosion at 4 am turning the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES into a pile of rubble and a carefully drawn picture left behind of the Founding Fathers mooning a photograph of the UN.

Of course John Hancock’s ass would be the largest butt drawn…the largest full moon salute left behind to send the message.

C-4…sledge hammers…hell red, white and blue spray paint would be an acceptable retort.

March 5, 2019 3:32 pm


There has been a few moments of vandalism but, alas, no destruction of the Guidestones just yet…
comment image

March 5, 2019 11:54 pm


(I have my alibi ready).

March 5, 2019 3:19 pm

That could very well have hurt my feelings if I had any left.

I do not paint.

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 3:34 pm

He was talking about your fire on the crotch painting.

  Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 4:25 pm

It is still available for discerning art collectors.

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 5:27 pm

I’m not sure Da Vinci’s works were scratch n sniff also.

March 5, 2019 3:26 pm

By the way, Stucky. I think I hit 100 and forgot to call it.

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 3:51 pm

Then it doesn’t count.
poor UnCoug only got 100 comments.

March 5, 2019 3:46 pm


I just finished reading this all the way through! Outstanding ruminations! I see that you are tumbling down more rabbit holes as you piece together this massive jigsaw puzzle that is our reality in hopes of honing your worldview and aligning it more with a truer sense of reality. Highly commendable!

Sorry I am late to the article. Been dealing with a bunch of “real life” bullshit lately. Had my only car stolen last week from the airport. It was parked there for less than 24 hours because I had to rent a car to take my mom to the San Francisco airport.

And of course, I’m SOL because I chose not to pay for comprehensive insurance since it was over 20 years old.

Anyways, enough of the pity party! Again, amazing work! Kudos!

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 4:52 pm

Who would steal a ’75 Ford Pinto with vintage Firestone tires?

  Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 4:57 pm

My thoughts exactly?! Who would steal my car with bumper stickers plastered all over the back and side windows and bumper?

My fault for not buying a club for it considering it was a Honda. Probably already chopped up and the high performance engine taken out and put into one of those fast and furious rice rockets

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 5:01 pm

’98 Civic is primo! I guess you didn’t know, rice boy.

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
  Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 5:30 pm
  Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 6:26 pm

Don’t forget the wife!

March 5, 2019 6:53 pm

Funny! If only you could buy one for that cheap haha

March 5, 2019 6:17 pm

Thanks, Plato. I appreciate it.

BTW – Heir Stuchenmeister (teasingly) speculated above that I write for purposes of procuring praise (paraphrased). Honestly, as I’ve stated here before – I post articles here for these reasons:

1.) Primarily, to clear my mind

2.) To speculate

3.) And for the discussion here

Your comment above got me to thinking via your insights as follows:

We have been conditioned to put alot of our perceptions of our identity into stuff! Have you seen a car commercial lately? Status symbols are nothing new nor is the fashion industry that Plato warned about.

And that brought to mind identity and stories and, specifically, in regards to brainwashing resulting in my response above (which I may use in another article at some point).

So thanks for that. Now, I’m wondering if people don’t get fooled as much as they let themselves become fools rather than divert from the prescripted teleprompters in their heads.

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Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 6:22 pm

You see your own personal story played over and over on an endless loop, it says you are a decent person, honest to a fault and likeable even. However, what Stucky observed is not too far out of left field. How can it be that he got all the other characters right and yours wrong, hmm?

  Zappatista (EC)
March 5, 2019 11:25 pm

Uncola is my attempt at my best effervescing self online. And any “praise” would, I hope, be representative of a connection with the readers; and, yes, I want you all to like me because you’re pretty much my only friends.
comment image

October Sky
October Sky
March 6, 2019 12:01 am

Those INTJs! They often have a handle on dissecting Fight or Flight Response narratives by way of creating wise and calm approach narratives.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 6, 2019 9:20 am

It’s not easy being INTJ, but there is a consolation in always being right.

  hardscrabble farmer
March 6, 2019 11:12 am

lol indeed.

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Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 6, 2019 12:05 pm

Whats an INTJS?

  Zappatista (EC)
March 6, 2019 1:36 pm



Introvert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging, and Suffering (Sarcastic?)


INTJ is an abbreviation used in the publications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to refer to one of the sixteen psychological types. INTJs are one of the rarest of the sixteen psychological types and account for approximately 1-2% of the population. The MBTI assessment was developed from the work of prominent psychiatrist Carl G. Jung in his book Psychological Types. Jung proposed a psychological typology based on the theories of cognitive functions that he developed through his clinical observations. From Jung’s work, others developed psychological typologies. Jungian personality assessments include the MBTI instrument, developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs, and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, developed by David Keirsey. Keirsey referred to INTJs as Masterminds, one of the four types belonging to the temperament he called the Rationals.

Zappatista (EC)
Zappatista (EC)
March 6, 2019 4:04 pm

You just can’t admit ever being wrong. I knew what an INTJ is, a damn know-it-all weenie. I wondered if I had missed the 17th personality type: INTJ Supreme or some such.

  Zappatista (EC)
March 6, 2019 5:25 pm

But I wasn’t wrong? 🙂

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 6, 2019 4:49 pm

Who were Myers-Briggs?

“The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was the brainchild of a mother and daughter, Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. They had no formal background in psychology or statistics, but they did have a fervent belief that their experiences as mothers and wives had taught them all about the innate, immutable power of personality types”

You might be an introvert and a judging type person OR you might have been fooled into believing that is what you are and you aren’t really who you think you are.

“More unexpected is what I now know about personality. I know that it occupies some dream state between fiction and a reality”

  Mary Christine
March 6, 2019 5:35 pm

Regardless, when Admin posted that personality test/link here (in April of 2016?), a significant majority of readers here tested out as INTJ as demonstrated in that thread (and others before that one, according to my understanding?).

I’d not heard of it prior to that. But this was mine. What’s in a name anyway. It’s all in good fun

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 6, 2019 7:02 pm

I think you might be nicer than the typical INTJ but I could be wrong. I have taken it twice. Memory fails on why I took it twice. Both times the IN was consistent but the last two letters changed and I can’t remember which I was either time anymore.

  Mary Christine
March 6, 2019 7:39 pm

MC says:

I think you might be nicer than the typical INTJ but I could be wrong.

I try. I really, really, really do. And I do have online inspirations like yourself, MC. So there’s that

  Mary Christine
March 7, 2019 12:16 pm

You went from INTJ to INTP, it is possible to grow a heart just like the scarecrow who was all brain and didn’t know it. The tin man wanted a heart when he really lacked a brain.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Zappatista (EC)
March 7, 2019 10:09 am

blah, blah, blah, blah, 2 Opinions 7:14, blah, blah…

What was the point of this site again?

March 5, 2019 6:50 pm


Your comments, likewise, get me thinking. In my decade (off and on) on the Burning Platform I have learned SOOO much from Admin’s articles and more importantly the comment section! Where ideas and positions are held to the fire of the flamefests! So I know what you mean.

The added bonus of these past few years with new blood posting articles like yourself or HSF has added even more opportunities for debate and understanding.

Much appreciated. I always look forward to reading your ruminations, speculations and observations even if I don’t always agree with them.

March 5, 2019 8:22 pm

Uncola et al,

I was thinking a bit more on the comment of mine you referred to above and it got me thinking not just about “stuff” but about people too.

Hear me out…it isn’t that far of a stretch to include people into stuff considering we use labels (nouns used instead of adjectives) often times to define a person “trophy wife”, “sugar daddy”, “gold digger “, Milfs, cougars soccer moms and on and on.

Couple this with the objectification of women and now men where the entire entity that comprises the human being is presented as merely an object, you can see how easily people could be considered “stuff”….

This human “stuff” can be accumulated like another notch in the bed post, or discarded and thrown away like the countless elderly who are put out of sight and mind in “rest” homes, to single moms or dead beat dads.

Something for us to think about.

Flag Hugger (EC)
Flag Hugger (EC)
March 5, 2019 11:28 pm

I said that earlier when I characterized DDung as carting his stuff (GF) around.
Stories have one theme that you call human stuff; man.

March 5, 2019 4:14 pm

Just call me Coug.

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March 6, 2019 1:55 pm

I just counted and so far my personal comments remain less than 20% on this thread; which is my personal self-imposed threshold. But, still, more than past articles because winter. But the comments on this one really helped to consolidate the movies in this blogger’s mind – so thank you to the participants; and admin for allowing (and daily maintaining) the forum.

Interesting article here from the L.A. Times that I’m placing here for posterity:

Trump works to maintain illusions of progress, as his main promises go unfulfilled

Yascha Mounk, a professor at the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington and an expert on the worldwide rise of populism, believes it’s foolish to expect the president’s backers to punish him for overpromising and underdelivering.

“I don’t see why it would happen if it hasn’t yet,” Mounk said, though he noted that a severe economic downturn or other unexpected calamitous event could change that calculus.

“People are perfectly aware he lies all the time and that he boasts and probably delivers only on a fraction of those things. But because so many Americans have become deeply cynical and think that no politician ever delivers on their promises, they may discount what he promises but still think that that is a better bet than politicians who don’t promise anything.”

Mounk added, “It’s essentially, ‘Well, he didn’t really bring back manufacturing jobs, but he tried.’”

Galicant Wiseword
Galicant Wiseword
March 6, 2019 3:28 pm

I’ve been busy this morning, I finally just sat down.

I perused a few submissions here and on zerohedge, mostly skimmed over them. Skimmed over the whole first part of yours and was about to keep moving on while my leftover taco’s digest.

I got caught up when I finally understood the reference of your title and by the end thought how well you have described our particular predicament.

Well done. I’ll start over

Galicant Wiseword
Galicant Wiseword
March 6, 2019 3:59 pm

Really, Really well written. Don’t try walking on water, it was al most perfect – you might want to correct : Justice for must of us, PAIN for the criminals. You got it almost perfect.

  Galicant Wiseword
March 6, 2019 4:08 pm

Why thank you Galicant, you are a gentleman and a scholar and I thank you for your most profound appreciation of my article. It is a labor of love and it’s a shame that weasels like Bea and EC cannot appreciate the deep insights in my work. Go forth, my friend, and tell the others of my message.

March 6, 2019 5:43 pm

@ Galicant,

That was was a doppelganger above at March 6, 2019 @ 4:08 pm. Pretty obvious who it was. But definitely not me. Thanks for your comment and just to clarify: The “justice / PAIN” quote was cut & pasted exactly as was written in the Lew Rockwell article that was link-bedded just prior. Thanks again.

March 6, 2019 7:27 pm

I do like the name. It is Wordwise and gallant!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 6, 2019 5:14 pm


  Mary Christine
March 6, 2019 7:29 pm

I got a hundred and forgot to claim the prize. Apparently, that means your two hundred is half as powerful.

March 7, 2019 11:53 am
March 7, 2019 12:02 pm

Anon- Happens all the time, “In plain site ” is their motto and they strive to pull it off in front of you. Repackages have happened over and over in your lifetime. Did you notice??

March 7, 2019 12:07 pm

No I’m a normal. I thought I couldn’t go down the rabbit hole further.