A Short History Regarding the Utterly Absurd Term “Judeo-Christian”

Before we get started, let’s have a little humor … how religion got started.

Image result for judeo christian bullshit term

Now that you are either, 1) laughing your ass off or, 2) really really pissed off … you are in the right frame of mind to examine the insanity of what is called “Judeo-Christian”.

The very first recorded uses of the term “Judeo-Christian” was in England in the 1820s. The term was first coined by protestant missionaries who used it to refer to those Jews who had “seen the Christian light” and chosen baptism.  In other words, it was used quite differently than it is in today’s political rhetoric.

America’s Founding Fathers would have found the phrase to be meaningless gibberish. First of all, there were only about 2,000 Jews in the entire country …. meaning, we were not yet kissing their asses. One of the big fears amongst Christian preachers, their flock, and pamphleteers was that the No Religious Tests clause would allow a Jew to become president …. something they considered anathema and unthinkable.

The phrase was first popularized by FDR in the 1930s.  He used it to mobilize Americans against Nazis. FDR made repeated recourse to religion in public addresses in order to differentiate himself from challengers …. who preferred civic principles. FDR was a Protestant, but he wanted to show that he could embrace Catholics and Jews. It was America’s first can’t-we-all-just-get-along moment. In a radio speech in 1936 our first reach-across-the-aisle President  said; —–  “We who have faith cannot afford to fall out among ourselves. Religion in wide areas of the earth is being confronted with irreligion…. you and I must reach across the lines between our creeds, clasp hands, and make common cause.

WWII brought Americans together in a spirit of national unity.   The idea of a  “Judeo-Christianity” gained a bit of momentum.  For example, Catholics and Jews  were increasingly welcomed as junior partners in the country’s national public life.

In 1954, work the NAE (National Association of Evangelicals) actually introduced what was known as “the Christian amendment” into Congress. Of course, it was not passed. But, it stated;  “This nation devoutly recognizes the authority and law of Jesus Christ, Savior and Ruler of all nations, through whom are bestowed the blessings of Almighty God.”  And in 1955 influential sociologist Will Herberg specifically extolled the virtues of Judeo-Christianity as “the highest expression of religious coexistence and cooperation within the American understanding of religion.”

The 1950s marked the beginning of political conservatives entering into the fray relying on “America’s Judeo-Christian heritage” to fight against evil “godless Communists”.  Senator Barry Goldwater contrasted “Judeo-Christian understandings” with “the communist projection of man as a producing, consuming animal to be used and discarded.”

It was in 1952 when  Dwight Eisenhower connected Judeo-Christianity with the Founding Fathers:

all men are endowed by their Creator.” In other words, our form of government has no sense unless it is founded in a deeply felt religious faith, and I don’t care what it is. With us of course it is the Judeo-Christian concept, but it must be a religion with all men created equal.”  


But, it was the 1970’s that truly popularized the term thanks to Jerry Falwell.  His Moral Majority called for a return to Judeo-Christian values. He said that these values were an American standard that liberals had weakened. It was almost natural what followed next —  a call for unconditional support for the State of Israel, which he saw as a sign of God’s hand moving in history. Evangelists, Dispensationalist, and other kooks suddenly became partners-with-Israel. The Christian Right has convinced the entire conservative movement  to invoke the idea of “Judeo-Christian values” and for America to once again become “one nation under God” (which we never were in the first place).

Today, saying “Judeo-Christian tradition” is so commonplace that no one even blinks.  Also, Judeo-Christianity has become tightly linked with the also false claim of American Exceptionalism.  Just one example (of literally hundreds) is something John McCain said during the 2008 campaign; —   “The number one issue people should make selection of the president of the United Sates is ‘Will this person carry on the Judeo-Christian tradition that has made this nation the greatest experiment in the history of mankind?’


Briefly, let’s look at one of the most important figures in the history of Judaism, the 12th-century rabbinic scholar Maimonides.  He understood Christianity as having a positive function in world history because at least it brought a form of monotheism to the pagan world. He actually had a higher opinion of Islam than of Christianity — Islam merely had a “mistaken” view of events, while Christians were idolaters. He wrote; —  “The Christian peoples, in all of their varied sects, are worshipping idols and their holidays are forbidden to us …. while [Islam] is monotheistic

Israeli Orthodox Jewish Theologian Eliezer Berkovitz cuts to the chase:

“Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism.”

For a more thorough “view from a Jew” click this link — an article on a Jewish website written by a Jewish theology student.  Excerpt below;

“[Judeo-Christianity] also has no basis in the theological and ethical systems of the two faiths.

Advocates of the use of ‘Judeo-Christian’ as an acceptable adjective fail to acknowledge that the very core of their argument – that Judaism and Christianity share essential values – is simply untrue

The concept of a Judeo-Christian value system is dangerous.  ….. Conflating Judaism and Christianity in the way that we see today in America is simply the latest polemic meant to eliminate Judaism and define the Western world as that which has conquered Judaism.”



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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 21, 2019 3:30 pm
March 21, 2019 3:51 pm

Also known as the “Bend over, its raining” bill.

March 21, 2019 8:01 pm


I read the NJ rain tax post on Zero Hedge and immediately thought of you. Sorry ’bout that.

Great job on this Judeo-Christian post. I’ve heard it all my life and never really thought about it. Feels good to still be learning new shit at 65!

March 23, 2019 6:16 am

You’re as bad as the moron that says we are going to run out of water. As usual, your pseudo-intelligent diatribe is utter nonsense – I cannot let this one go unchallenged.

First, you’re a profane, jerk, who above all is an anti-semite, so your objective is not the truth.

JEWISH CULTURE AND CHRISTIANITY ARE WESTERN CIVILIZATION! Everything else is progressivism and sharia – statis , totalitarian “governments”.

Judeo-Christian values came right out of the bible. The first five books of the bible (Old testament) ARE the Torah. Gee, there are strong links between the two; Judaism and Christianity. That means the Jews were bound by the ten commandments and inspired by the the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever even thought that the twelve tribes of Israel were the seeds of later ‘western civilization’?

I also know that CNN has better sources for their tripe than you have; your source crap (when provided) is absurd. Only outdone by your illogical shit-for -brain.

Go ask newly elected US House ‘representatives’ Ohmar or Talib for a date and officially join their side. Throughout history (since prophet muhammad crawled out from under a rock), it has been an attack on Christs and Jews.

Wake up or shut up.

March 21, 2019 4:09 pm

I agree completely with your assessment of the phrase, Stucky. And that of those Jews you quoted in the article. Judaism and Christianity are not in any way the same or even co-equal. They are as different as night from day.

Jews reject Jesus as messiah and have no use for Him and are therefore to the Christain are in idolatry. While Jesus is the centerpiece of every Christian’s faith and we Christians place our entire eternal hope on Him and His resurrection.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
March 21, 2019 5:07 pm

I have always felt that Judeo-Christianity was an insult to both Messianic Jews as well as Gentiles. Orthodox Jews were, after all, the ones who really put Christ (the TRUE Moshiach) to death. We have more in common with Islam than Judaism. Why, you might ask? Well, the Muslims acknowledge Christ as the penultimate prophet who will pave the way for Al Mahdi. Now granted, they don’t believe He was crucified, but they acknowledge His ascension into Heaven and His eventual coming during the Last Days.

Devout Jews, on the other hand, think He was a rebellious blasphemer. The former is certainly true and the Lord’s no-shit sermons have redeemed many a dilweed. The Jews and the Romans shed more Christian blood (St. Paul, St. Peter, Jesus Himself, etc.) than vice versa.

In reality and if we are going to use hyphenated terminology (which sucks in and of itself), then we should be called Zoroastrian-Christian because the most important of our traditions come from that sect.

If the Lord came to fulfill the Law, and I do believe He did, then no longer are the Jews or any other sect the “Chosen Ones”. There is no first among equals — just those who have accepted that we are inherently flawed and must ask for forgiveness.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Articles of Confederation
March 21, 2019 8:21 pm

Do you realize that this makes no more sense to the uninitiated than does the Harry Potter universe?
What—objectively in the real world or in nature—makes anything of what you say comprehensible or believable?

Yours are just tricks of “The Word”.
Non-human animals are not subject to such manipulation.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Chubby Bubbles
March 21, 2019 8:50 pm

Well…and then there are naysayers like you who choose to pay homage to Subjective Morality, whether you realize it or not. That worked out real well in the 20th century, or better yet in America today! One does not need to be “initiated” in a faith (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) to understand or the history behind the above. Plenty of ink has been spilled on the events themselves by both secular and religious historians.

Or even to understand that Objective Morality must exist. Why in God’s name do we have a court system if Objective Morality does not exist? Do you believe in a definitive, Objective Evil? Then by believing so, you must believe in an Objective Good. But by accepting both, you have by default accepted a Moral Code. Who defined — who gave — that code? Or is your argument that either A) We are incapable of advanced rational thought, like the animal kingdom or B) Humans are so perfect that we just came up with the definitive moral code? If either of the above is the case, then what makes Stalin wrong in his Final Solution?

However, if you want to “subject” yourself to the world of the animal kingdom, then I would suggest moving to NE DC, keeping your doors unlocked every night, and placing a “No Gun Zone” sign above your door. Let me know how Subjective Morality — the realm of the Atheist — works out.

  Chubby Bubbles
March 22, 2019 2:14 am

You’re just still feeling anxiety about that thing you did.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
March 21, 2019 5:15 pm

Something else to consider: the state of Israel/Palestine/etc. was a complete boondoggle that was mishandled by the do-gooders of the world: Great Britain (what DON’T they fuck up) and post-Republic America (read: Democrats — what DON’T they fuck up). Why were either of us even remotely involved in that mess? Likely money on the part of the UK (Arab oil), and imperialism on the part of the US. Flame away.

  Articles of Confederation
September 20, 2020 8:07 pm

The cause?….the Rothchilds, Rockefellers…and a kosher assortment of others of that tribe.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
March 21, 2019 5:22 pm

Stucky, thanks for writing this. I have used that term myself without giving much thought to what it meant.

March 21, 2019 6:01 pm

But don’t the Christ Lovers need the Jew Book for their story too?
I thought that’s what made it Judaeo-Christian; kinda like a marriage gone wrong, the big scandal, and now the kids need to hyphenate their last name so everybody is happy.

March 21, 2019 7:42 pm

With all due respect, Stuck, I’m wondering if you might be over anal-yzing just a tad bit?

It’s written in the Old Testament that Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac begat Jacob. Jacob was later named Israel after an early altercation with the God of those guys (i.e. Abraham, Isaac & Jacob/Israel). And then the O.T. says Israel had 12 sons, the fourth of which was called Judah.

Interestingly enough, in the New Testament, it’s said that Jesus descended from Judah’s line.

Supposedly, the word Jew is derived from the Hebrew word “Yehudi”, meaning “of the Kingdom of Judah”.

Now, I could be wrong, and I’m no practicing etymologist, but I always assumed “Jew” was sort of tied in with the Biblical Old Testament and Christ (i.e. Latin “Christus” or Greek “Christos” meaning “anointed”) was paired to the New Testament?

Of course, Christians, for the most part, consider the Bible’s Old Testament as foundational to their most-favored New Testament.

Jews, on the other hand, have no use for the New Testament as they believe the Old Testament is plenty sufficient for them.

Obviously, the word”Judeo” is the combining form/element of “Judaism” which, basically, by and large, is the Old-Testament, is it not?

So, in the minds of millions:

Judeo = Old Testament

Christian = New Testament

& therefore:

Judeo-Christian = Biblical Old & New Testaments combined as an identifier of those people placing their “faith” in both of those books.

It really probably isn’t a whole much more difficultish than that to understand realistically speaking?

March 21, 2019 9:00 pm

You REALLY believe millions of Americans think of all that?

Actually, I really think millions of Americans believe all of that.

They used a somewhat religious sounding term and POLITICIZED it to their advantage.

Ahhh. Its like a conspiracy.

The Protestant missionaries used that terminology near 200 years ago in the pursuit of spiritual and/or theological purposes of identifications.

Then, in the 20th century, the term was weaponized for nefarious political manipulations.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised because, after all, Jesus did call his followers “sheep”, ya know?

March 22, 2019 7:32 pm

My favorite Far Side cartoon…

March 22, 2019 7:29 pm

Will you look at my comment above and tell me if you get what I’m saying about shutting the fuck up…

Who among us grasps how hard it is to listen if you can’t shut the FUCK up?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 23, 2019 4:49 am


Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
March 21, 2019 10:05 pm

I would hope that a practicing Christian would know that the Old Testament was fulfilled. But more importantly, the Jewish canon isn’t even the same as the Christian canon. The Judeo prefix means nothing to me. Shit man, they are still saving a seat at the dinner table for Elijah. GTFO.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 22, 2019 8:53 am

The OT was given to Israel in Exodus 19. Man (Jew) follows law but can’t. Past.

The NT was promised to Israel in Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36 and Hebrews 8. God enables man (Jew) to follow law. Future.

Where do the Christians come in? Answer: they don’t. We today are a “no testament” people. Salvation by grace through faith alone in the shed blood of Christ alone. Present.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  grace country pastor
March 23, 2019 4:55 am

Four of ya… stand up. Name yourselves.

Ephesians 6:11 KJB… “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Bring it.

March 22, 2019 7:20 pm

Really? I’m surprised at you.

Those beliefs have been declared to be archaic and moot. Unless you believe you are getting raptured out of here like George Jetson, you gotta know it is all about The Singularity now.

The Power of Now.


Tadpole… let me ask you something profoundly serious:

If you were praying and minding your own business, you thought to yourself, one day and God spoke to you and said your every heart’s desire would be yours and all you had to do was shut the fuck up.

Check your first amendment loving self like a TSA agent on meth and then double check if you really want to tell God all about your civil rights.

Would you be able to do it? Would you try?

What, exactly, IS free will?

Bad Brad
Bad Brad
March 21, 2019 7:45 pm

That article made a good point. It’s also hard for me to
believe that Stucky, the Jersey Boy DingleBerry, was smart enough
to have such a quality thesis.
It has been only in the last 5 years that I have realized just how many
‘big name’ religious media personalities were/are Christian Zionists.
Israel can do no wrong, they are God’s chosen people, He will
bless them that bless them. Curse them that curse them. Divide
Israel and you will be divided. I still remember the late Rev. Dr.
Jerry Falwell singing praises nearly every Sunday to the Chosenites.
I guess it justifies us sending mega buck in military aid every year.
Like the 51st State of the Union.
How about we stop killing the brown skin people around the planet?

Sam Wise
Sam Wise
  Bad Brad
March 21, 2019 7:49 pm

YEAH! Kill the jews and save the brown people! I love it when a plan comes together!

  Bad Brad
March 21, 2019 9:17 pm

I can’t help but think the term “Judeo-Christian” being so pervasive in American media is to go hand in hand with the televangelists preaching with the Israeli flag on each side of them and have a Star of David draped over the pulpit. We are a possession of Israel, body and soul. They run our government, now they want our religion.

March 21, 2019 9:23 pm

The disobedient Jews were corrupted by the Kenites even before the captivity in Babylon. The Kenites further corrupted the true religion by writing the Talmud. 400 years later The Jews( not the Israelites) were so unrighteousness that Jesus called them sons of Satan.. They have not gotten any better since.

March 21, 2019 9:56 pm

Stuck, you should check out this guy’s videos – he goes pretty deep into the history of Jews and Christians. (He’s Jewish, by the way.)


March 22, 2019 2:26 am

Particularly good short from that channel:

March 21, 2019 11:06 pm

Tying Judaism to Christianity was a clever trick used by the jews to “cement” their claim to the “land of Israel” and of the covenant, to which I reply, “God is not a real estate agent”.
Jews rejected the covenant when they murdered Jesus Christ. Their covenant with God was then “null and void”.
It is the flawed Schofield translation of the Bible that elevated jews to the status of Christianity’s “elder brothers”, which was then reinforced by the Catholic (flawed) “Vatican II Ecumenical Council” in the 1960s.
I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk about out judeo-Christian heritage.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The only common thread between Christianity and judaism is the Ten Commandments, nothing more.
The god of judaism is a vengeful god, totally unlike the merciful and welcoming God of Christianity.
Christianity welcomes ALL, regardless of nationality or social status, not true of judaism.
Judaism is an insular belief system that shuns outsiders, prohibits proselytization, and promotes a form of supremacy, relegating all gentiles (non-jews) to the status of livestock-subhumans with souls, only to be used for the advancement and benefit of jews.
Jews DID murder Jesus Christ. Sad to say, even the present-day (post-Vatican II ecumenical council) Catholic church has bought into absolving the jews for Jesus Christ’s murder. As always is the case, the jews got others, the Romans to do their dirty work for them, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. How can Christians have the same values as the Jews; the very people who denounced and betrayed the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, and call for his execution (by others, of course, that is the Jewish way). It makes absolutely no sense at all. Jews have no respect for Christianity, for Jesus Christ or Mary, his mother, who are both honored as Prophets in Islam, but instead, Jews spit on hearing their names and do the same while passing a Christian of any kind or a Christian Church in Israel. They have no respect for Christians or any other religion.
It is time the Jewish lobbies and the American Government leaders as well as the evangelical Christian leaders who mislead the poor American young into joining the military and believing that they are doing something for God and Christianity by fighting Israel’s wars were named, shamed and arrested and tried for treason.

March 22, 2019 5:18 pm

But God does not break Covenant

March 21, 2019 11:07 pm

The beginning of the end of traditional Catholicism was sealed with the infiltration of the Catholic Church Vatican II Ecumenical Council of the 1960s by Jews and Protestants who were involved in the “modernization” of the Catholic Church.
Much Catholic ritual and doctrine was discarded or changed, in order to reflect the “age” that we live in, as well as the promotion of the absolution of the Jews for Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death, despite vitriolic Jewish hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity which exists to this day. The fact is, the Jews DID get the Romans to crucify Jesus Christ and DID accept full responsibility for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. As is the case today, they got others (Pontius Pilate) to do their “dirty work” for them…
Abandoning the use of Latin in the Mass destroyed its universality. Previous to Vatican II, one could attend Mass anywhere in the Roman Catholic world and understand the meaning of the Mass.
Prohibition of the celebration of the Tridentine Mass (except by special ecclesiastical permission) pushed many Catholics away from the new Modern Mass and the New Church, in general. It took a brave Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X to push back” against Vatican II and re-legitimize the celebration of the pre-Vatican II Tridentine Mass and other Catholic rites.
In pre-Vatican II times, the priest (celebrant of the Mass) was considered to be a part of the congregation, and a representative of the people.
By turning the priest around to face the congregation, the priest was no longer a representative, but an actor, diminishing his status and importance.
One area where the Catholic Church could improve itself involves celibacy, which is NOT Church dogma or doctrine. Celibacy was put in place during the middle ages in order to keep Church property from being inherited by family and relatives of priests and bishops. Celibacy was based on purely financial considerations, nothing more. It is interesting to note that Episcopal (Anglican) priests who convert to Catholicism can bring their families with them to the Church while Roman Catholic priests are denied marriage.
It was a grave mistake by the Church to de-legitimize pre-Vatican II principles.
Fortunately, there are Catholic organizations that subscribe to pre-Vatican II principles, one being the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX).

March 21, 2019 11:45 pm

thanks 4 writing this–
several x over the years i’ve had guys who were atheists tell me judeo christian was wrong & i politely dismissed them,thankfully i don’t socialize w/any of them so that i don’t have to eat crow–
for you guys who say the jews killed jc,they advocated for it but it was the romans who approved it & carried out his execution–

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
March 22, 2019 12:20 am

The Pharisees effectively sentenced an innocent man to death. His only crime was to “question with boldness”, as Jefferson would say. Pilate and the Legion carried it out, but they’re all to blame.

Let’s say you go into divorce court and your wife tells the court you beat the shit out of her, cheated on her, and you actively snort coke every night. None of it is remotely true, but you can’t prove a negative. “It is you who say that I am.”

The judge then hands her everything you own. Who’s to blame?

  Articles of Confederation
March 22, 2019 10:19 am

the judge,along w/the perjuring wife,but mostly the judge 4 not investigating & requiring evidence–

March 22, 2019 12:37 pm

But didn’t the Big Daddy purposefully send his only son here for the express purpose of being killed for “us”?
If so, how can anyone here be to blame?
“— the Jews were responsible for JC being executed. ”
Shouldn’t Big Daddy be responsible?

March 22, 2019 12:50 pm

Otto, I know you are not a Christ-lover. If you were, you would know and understand that the Christ sacrificed was Big Daddy himself. Have you not read that he gave his life for us? Without that sacrifice, there is no life after death, only death. That is what Satan wanted but he was defeated. He was foiled like the villain of old.


You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

  Not GCP
March 22, 2019 1:40 pm

You don’t know Jack fuckin shit about my relationship with Christ, the fact you presume you do further highlights your self deluding special relationship with God.
Aside from that you did a piss poor job of answering my question.
If preordained, how can blame exist here?

March 23, 2019 11:26 am

“Aside from that you did a piss poor job of answering my question.”

Your a crotchety fuck. I assumed you could make the logical connection. Man has free-will. If you don’t have free-will, you can’t be to blame.

I didn’t bother with the rest of your comment as it is simply filler. You express moral outrage over the fact that I can’t know your mind and then make your own assumption about my ‘delusion’. Here’s a dollar, go fuck yourself.

March 22, 2019 1:45 pm

I can appreciate the BIG EVERYTHING, but it seems JC was a very special event, no?
Strikes right to the very heart of Judeo-Christian inquiry.
Based on that, and the fact Jews “killed” him, should mean something big right.

March 22, 2019 4:34 pm

I’ll take a shot.
It means God choose them to do it, the ultimate fuckin curse, God choose them to be the cursed ones to perform the ultimate sacrifice and kill himself, his son, and his spirit.
But not, cuz he is still good. And not exactly, because this was not only his plan, the Jews had some bit of choice and they did chose his plan, to kill him.
And God loves them for it, cuz he put them up to it.

March 23, 2019 11:38 am

Check out the brain on Otto.
Let’s go further: since Big Daddy knows everything, he knew beforehand that they would do this.

It’s a repetition of the revolt in heaven. A huge part of the human race takes the wrong path; same story, different day.

Here’s my wild-ass guess which may or may not be approved by Herr Stuck: two thirds of humanity will go don to the nether world, the others will be approved replacements for the fallen angels.

When the show’s over, Earth, the Glitter Palace closes it’s doors forever.


This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

March 22, 2019 5:43 pm

You are correct. The Romans were not blamed for Christ’s crucifixion and death because they were “railroaded” into performing the execution. Fear of jewish riots (which were common at the time) was one reason.
The jews were blamed because one of their enduring characteristics, even today, is to get others to do their “dirty work” for them.
The United States is fighting wars in the middle east for Israel–no different than the jews getting the Romans to execute Jesus Christ.
Same situation–different time…

March 22, 2019 9:54 am

Your firing on about 2 of 8 cylinders on this one sticky

K Vizzle
K Vizzle
March 22, 2019 10:08 am

Quote: The 1950s marked the beginning of political conservatives entering into the fray relying on “America’s Judeo-Christian heritage” to fight against evil “godless Communists”.

How ironic considering Communism is Judaism.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
March 22, 2019 5:46 pm

Because Putin actually has alpha balls.

not sure
not sure
March 23, 2019 7:24 am


$ .02

I’ve looked over the posts and have found a few glaring issues.

First, Jews were Jews at the time of Christ, because if you recognize OT prophesy, Jesus would come as a Jew from the tribe of Judah, first, for His people, the Jews, then after His rejection by His people, as Savior for the world.

Another issue, the corruption of the Gospels. For me, its like abortion, either the kid is a kid from the time of conception, or as some would argue, at some point of time (after the 2nd trimester) it becomes human. This gray area becomes the slippery slope of ambiguity and leads to the current democratic platform of abortion up to delivery today.

In the same way, either the gospels are the word of God, or to some, a whole lot of packing to twist the gospels to their spin. If you take this route, where is the truth? Where is it God’s word and where does it become the twisting of mans insertion into the gospel? If you take this way, your faith will become as twisted and confused as the way you understand the word of God.

Lastly, the Jews at the time of Christ were bad, but the claim Jesus made was not to the Jews of His generation, but to the Jews of Abrahams seed, so in this, Jesus was a Jew Who sprung from the OT prophesies, but who the Jews of His day could not receive, because of their blindness to OT scripture.

So to conclude, Jesus is One who fulfilled Jewish scripture and yet in His perfection, took upon Himself the sins of mankind, to restore man back to God. As the One who fulfilled Jewish scripture (the Judeo part) and presented Himself as the Savior of the world (the Christian part), Christ ushered in a new era of mans relationship to God, in that man now had a conscious fellowship with God that man realized he would have to answer for his sin against man and against God. This awakening of mans conscience is what is referenced as the Judeo-Christian legacy, that has been slipping of late into a gradual movement away from God and is the source behind all the chaos we are about to enter into.

Therefore, the term Judeo-Christian is not so absurd.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
April 21, 2019 8:40 pm

To muck it all up(?)…Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and all the apostles were Jewish.

April 19, 2020 12:32 am

Only 69 comments. Such a shame. Maybe that’s all the comments needed to iron it all out.

April 27, 2021 9:58 pm

Your cartoon is 99% right.  

The only thing that’s wrong is the title, “A Brief History Of Religion”.  

It should be titled “A Brief History Of Humanity”.

I’m no expert in the other religions but PLEASE consider this…

Before “Eye for an eye” there was no law.  You kill my cow. I kill your family. “Eye for an eye” was the first (Jewish) law to try and bring order to chaos.

Then came the Ten Commandments including “Thou shall not kill”. What could be clearer than that?

Next the Crusades.  This was instigated by the Pope after some Muslims invaded Jerusalem and there was mass genocide of the Jews.  “Save Israel” was the cry.  That “Christians” killed Muslims and Jews by the 1,000s was not the intention.

Should we blame religion when that happened, or basic human behaviour? 

Humans are evil, trying to be good.  Those who disagree need only look at toddlers.  They have the ability to do evil. How do toddlers learn this?  Religion?

The goal of Christianity (whether there is a God or not) is to appeal to our divine nature. The Jewish history of Christianity is not to boast of the wrongs of people as documented in the Old Testament, but to highlight the evil there that we can so easily fall into.  That is why it is called Judeo-Christian; Christianity would not stand on its own without Jesus’s Jewish background.

That some use religion to do evil is not the fault of religion in general. 

Today in the democratic West we have freedom of speech, freedom of belief, a free vote (even if imperfect), an independent judiciary, a free press, and leaders with limited powers to do their good (or evil). These are hard won freedoms based on the Christian concept of the value of every single soul.  You and I are both of equal and supreme value to a loving creator God who wants us to live by his commandments and in peace with Him now and eternally.