Trump’s Victories, Jesus’ Delays …. And How People React When Their Prophecies Go \\POOF!!//

For the sake of simplicity, and the purposes of this article, here is how this author defines “prophecy”;  it is simply the prediction of an event which will occur in the future.

Image result for when jesus fails to return


A quick review. For about a full year before the 2016 election we heard daily that “no way will Trump win the election!!!” ….. right up to the very day before the election, in which the experts predicted a double digit trouncing.  Then for the past two years — starting literally the day Trump was sworn in — We The True People Of America have been bombarded non-stop and daily that Trump’s victory was based on fraud. Not one week has passed where The Babylonian Whore Press would announce;  “BREAKING NEWS — BOMBSHELL REPORT — TRUMP IS TOAST!!“.  For over 1,095 days quite literally every prophecy concerning Trump’s imminent demise has ended in utter failure for the Evil Ones doing the prophesying.

How do the minions of these False Prophets handle such failure??


This will require a longer review because there are 2,000 years of failed prophecy. err,  history.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the Christians alive after the death of Jesus Christ fully expected him to return in bodily form during their own lifetimes.  A couple very quick Bible references will make this clear (just skip this part if you hate Bible studies).

—–1).  Jesus prophesied that when Jerusalem was “surrounded by armies” and destroyed … an event which actually happened in 70 A.D. …  that desolation is “near“, and all that is a “fullfillment of ALL that had been written” before.   [Luke 21]

—–2).  Jesus prophesies his own suffering, death, and resurrection on the third day.  Peter rebukes Jesus. But, Jesus corrects Peter’s erroneous ways and says the he will be coming with angels in glory of the Father, and also “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom”  [Matthew 16, Mark 9, Luke 9]

—–3).  The bottom line is that the Prophets thought Jesus was coming in their day.  And so did the Apostles. After Jesus died, his disciples taught that Jesus was coming back “soon“, and not 2,000 years into the future.  And the people believed in Christ’s imminent return.

For a complete list of references which teach the soon and imminent return of Jesus in his own day, please click here (creation Science Prophecy) … and you will be convinced.

—–4).  Use common sense.  Perhaps some brilliant theologian will come along and prove that God knows the exact date, and that that date can be proved by “rightly dividing the Word of God”.  That’s a Strawman argument. I don’t really care about that!

What I care about is what the PEOPLE living at that time believed.  It is inconceivable to think that the first century Christians. when reading or hearing a prophecy about Jesus’ return, that they thought to themselves; — “Oh, that prophecy is not for us. We can ignore it. It’s for people living 2,000 years from now.“.   Truly, that would be preposterous.    Just as many Christians alive today believe Jesus is coming back in their lifetimes, so it was for Christians 2,000 years ago who thought Jesus was coming back in their lifetime.  This is just pure common sense.

For about 1,830 years the church’s teaching about Christ’s return stayed fairly uniform.  But, I guess God decided that he was really going to explain more clearly the reasons for the delayed return of His Son, and so God gave us ………. John Nelson Darby.  Darby gave the world “dispensationalism” which gave us; premillennialism, tribulation (pre, mid, and post), raptures, epochs, eras, replacement theology, supersessionism, Messianic Jewry, and a whole bunch of never-before-known esoteric knowledge.

It also led to an explosion of ….. date-setting.  Never before in history have so many books, pamphlets, radio shows, tv shows, scholars, pastors, preachers, and people in the pew been so enamored with predicting Jesus’ return … which, of course, is always just around the corner …. even though you need an advanced math degree to figure out the ridiculously insane and complex  “prophecy math”. But, regardless of the theological aspects, the question remains the same;

How do the millions of Christians react when every prediction of Jesus return has been false?


One of the most widely referenced studies regarding Doomsday Failures was published in 1956 by psychologist Leon Festinger titled “When Prophecies Fail”.  Short wiki article here.

A well written, interesting and worthwhile read which summarizes Festinger’s book can be found at the following link:  When The Saucers Didn’t Come

Festinger desired to understand how people deal with information that fails to match up to their beliefs and what motivates them to resolve the conflict. So, he followed The Seekers as the predicted date came and went.  Would they take the logical and rational course of action by giving up their closely held beliefs?  Or, would they work to justify them even in the face of the most brutal contradiction?

Almost surely the majority of intelligent readers will immediately think of the term “cognitive dissonance”.  This is an interesting term especially as its usage has increased dramatically in the past decade in an attempt to explain all the non-nonsensical thinking in today’s mixed-up crazy world …..  a term first coined by Dr. Festinger himself.

The Seekers abandoned their jobs, possessions, and even their spouses waiting for the flying saucer. Of course, neither the aliens nor the apocalypse arrived. But, the next day Martin said she received “a message” that the group “had spread so much light that God had saved the world from destruction.

Festinger concluded that The Seeker resolved the intense conflict between reality and prophecy by seeking safety in numbers. He wrote; “If more people can be persuaded that the system of belief is correct, then clearly, it must, after all, be correct.” He surmised that rather than the group breaking up, the failed apocalypse lead to a redoubling of recruitment efforts!

His book became (and, remains) a landmark in the field of psychology. However, many other studies have looked at the same question and most of them concluded that “cognitive dissonance” alone does not answer the question sufficiently.   Detractors point out that his study group was just an isolated case, the group size was quite small (under 100 people), and the group did break up within a year after the prophecy failed.

Whether Festinger was right or wrong about cognitive dissonance it turns out that the real reason why people keep believing in the face of failed prophecies is far more complex.  They keep believing because …..


Festinger failed to understand that prophecies simply cannot ever fail!  The reason for this is because every prophecy is not the end result of something but, rather, just one complex part of a much bigger Belief System (BS … heh heh).  There are four key aspects to a Belief System.

— First, once someone acquires a Belief System, then that BS stays with the person generally for the rest of their lives.  That’s why 99.9% of Christians don’t become Jews, or 99.9% of Muslims don’t become Buddhists, and so on.  A person’s BS is virtually indestructible. Nothing can dislodge it.

— Second, Belief Systems will successfully resist challenges from outsiders 99% of the time. An outsider might try to use reason and logic to focus on the accuracy of even a minor and isolated claim as a test of the group’s legitimacy. However, since the person who is part of the group already accepts the entire theology/BS in total — they will view everything an outsider says as a minor mismatch, or “of the devil”, and anything in between.

That is not to deny that occasionally a group loses a few adherents.  But, these are usually the newest or least-committed adherents. Nevertheless, the vast majority never experience any cognitive dissonance. In worst case situations — where their discrepancy is painfully obvious that continued denial becomes impossible — they will simply make minor adjustments to their BS.  Not only will they continue to continue carrying on … they will often feel more enriched and superior than ever.

— Third, true believers in a Belief System have mentally jury-rigged their brains to the extent that they are hard-wired whereby losing their BS becomes literally an impossible event. This is easiest to explain in the religious realm via this verse from Deuteronomy 18:21-22;

“You may say to yourselves, ‘How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?’ If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.”

Perfect! If a prophecy comes true, then it is from God.  If a prophecy fails to come true, then it’s someone else’s fault but, the prophecy is still true anyway! You can’t come up with a better failsafe alibi.  It is no wonder why a failed prophecy will not shake the foundations of a believer’s faith, or cause them any uncomfortable cognitive dissonance regarding their BS.


— The fourth aspect of a Belief System is important enough to warrant it’s own section. When all else fails, a believer in a Belief System will employ the four-R’s; Revise, Reinterpret, Rinse & Repeat as often as necessary until the details of the prophecy fit the facts on the ground. This has been done hundreds of times, if not thousands, under the banner of Christianity.

—-  William Miller projected the end of the world for October 1843, and twice revised the time to dates in 1844. Known as the Great Disappointment, Miller told his followers  “I confess my error and acknowledge my disappointment.”.  Yet, his 50,000 refused to give up their belief in the imminent second coming of Christ! More dates were set while more extreme followers said Christ actually returned … but it was a secret return!

—- In 1962 a Pentecostal group led by “Mrs. Shepard,” prophesied an imminent nuclear holocaust. The group believed, as a result of their study of the Bible, that one third of the earth would be killed in the war and that sickness would afflict the survivors. So, they built fallout shelters, stocking them with food and supplies. On July 4, approximately 135 people entered the shelters, and stayed underground for 42 days. Of course, when they emerged they were quite disappointed to see that their neighbors weren’t glowing in the dark.  However, their BS remained totally intact. They said they just made a small error of interpretation. They ultimately concluded that God had been testing their faith and using them to warn a world fallen asleep.

—-  It takes a 300 page book —   Expecting Armageddon   — to list just some of the thousands of examples of how believers handle failed prophecies … and how faith in their BS never fails.

Let’s briefly use one example to see the Revise&Reinterpret method in action.

Image result for when jesus fails to return

“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”  —- Matthew 16:27-28

Just prior to Jesus’ statement above, Jesus’ enemies wanted proofs and signs concerning the coming of the Kingdom. Jesus would not give them any.  Then, not needing any proof, Peter proclaims that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus promises Peter the keys of the kingdom. Jesus then tells the disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, suffer, be killed, and then be raised on the third day. Peter objects.  Jesus strongly rebukes Peter saying “Get behind me, Satan!“.  Jesus then asks what profit is there to gain the whole world at the cost of your soul, and then promises that when he returns in glory, that he will reward each according to their works.  Who will see all this? Those standing right there with him … not some people 2,000 plus years in the future!!  Indeed, those standing there in Jesus’ presence will not even taste death. This is the clear and plain meaning.

Obviously, that did not happen. Therefore, it’s time to employ the revise & reinterpret strategy to explain this discrepancy:

—- R&R #1:  Matthew 16:28 refers to Jesus’ transfiguration, not his second coming.

—- R&R #2: The word “generation” also translates as “race”.  Jesus meant the Jewish race would not die out before he returns.

—- R&R #3: The generation which “shall not pass away” is the generation living at the time of the end times tribulation.

—- R&R #4: —  Those standing there who would be alive to see him return actually refers to the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on the church.

—- R&R #5: — All references to time  (“time is near”, coming quickly”, etc.) happen on God’s time scale, not a human time scale, and are not to be taken literally. Remember … to God a thousand years is a day!

—- R&R  #6:  When Jesus is talking about “coming in his kingdom”, he was talking about his coming into his kingdom in ….. heaven.

—- R&R #7: We just don’t know what Jesus really meant. We’ll only know after it happens.  But, one thing we know with absolute certainty; Jesus couldn’t have meant he was coming in the first century because he hasn’t come back yet and that would make him a false prophet.

Don’t miss the point I’m making.  It is not to get into a theological debate.  The point is to show that people will take  complex and extraordinary measures to defend their BS.  Capitulation in the form of admitting one might be wrong is never an option.

And please understand that such rigorous defense of BS applies to  only religion, but all areas of life … especially politics.  “Donald Trump is evil, a racist, and homophobic” is but one cog in a larger Belief System, and those people who choose this path will find ten thousand reason to rationalize this BS even when the evidence to support their belief is lacking.

Belief Systems are so powerful that parents will even risk the lives of their children rather than question their BS. There is currently a measles epidemic in NYC; almost 300 confirmed cases in the Orthodox Jewish areas in Brooklyn. The city passed an ordinance which imposes stiff fines ($2,000) and possible jail time for those parents who won’t immunize their children. Gitty, a 28 year old Jewish mother has five children and all of them have measles.  Nevertheless, she said “God created all humans perfectly. My children are perfect and beautiful. It’s my religious belief. I will never put anything in my child to alter their immune system.”  You see, some rabbis have been circulating a vaccine handbook which claims the vaccines are made from “human fetuses” and “rabbit brain” and “monkey kidney” — all of which are, naturally, anti-kosher. Of course, the rabbis are spreading lies. Gitty could confirm the lies with minimal effort. But, she is not interested in fact. Her religious Belief System is all that matters.  And, if her BS causes her children to die?  Oh well, it’s God’s will!

In other words, they are never wrong! Since we can’t learn anything if we’re never wrong then,  sadly but expectantly, the only available option is for the hate and vitriol to continue unabated. Nay, with no moral compass to guide them and, with reason and logic rejected as filthy refuse …. the hate will only increase. This is why you can’t talk with them reasonably, or ever win points on your arguments, or ever find a reasonable compromise.


You may be thinking that I view believers (in Trump’s winning, in Jesus’ return, or whatever) as being hopelessly deluded.  Not so!  I fully realize that not one of us is without our own Belief System and that, sadly, I might react just as irrationally as my opponent.

Who among us has not stubbornly stood by a disgraced politician, a corrupt political party, a failed ideology, dishonest friends, an unethical employer or even a cheating spouse, even when reality bites you in the ass regarding their obvious inconsistencies?  We think Armageddon will happen sometime in the future when, in fact, most of us have lived through it many times before.

Even as much time passes, how many folks acknowledge that they were flat out wrong when facts stare them in the face?  Some do, but many don’t. It seems we consider such admissions as a character flaw …. for example, when a politician acknowledges a failed prophecy he or she is branded a waffler (The voter’s message is that being consistent is more important than being real).

With such easy opportunity for a BS to be infiltrated by actual bullshit from BOTH sides, one might wonder what has kept such a diverse American society from disintegrating a long time ago. It was the concept of ….


Core Beliefs are simply fundamental beliefs which unite all Americans ….. regardless of race, religion, gender, or the dozens of other things which now divide us.  In other words, there was a time when generally the entire population agreed on these things (even if there may have been differences of opinion on implementing them).  I don’t know how many Core Beliefs there are; ten, twenty, thirty or more?  For the sake of brevity in an already too long article, and because it will suffice to make my point, I will limit it to Five Core Beliefs …. the innermost core, if you will.

Some people would expand the definition of Core Beliefs by including constitutional principles as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and other significant documents, speeches, and writings of the nation.

I’m not including that because I’m writing from my own unique perspective; —  I am a sixty-something Boomer whose parents immigrated to America when I was five years old. In other words, I am writing about my parents’ Core Values which they brought from the Old World — (they knew little to nothing about America’s founding documents) – and which they passed on to me.

LIFE.  Your individual life is pretty much meaningless under the brutal fascist/socialist/communist regimes under which my parents lived (Romania and Yugoslavia). Midnight knocks on the door could mean death … no specific reasons needed.  Your life was cheap and expendable. It was whatever the government wanted it to be. America valued the life of its citizens.

LIBERTY: Liberty includes personal freedom; the right to your own opinions, hopes, desires, and choosing the life path you desire …. all with minimal government intrusion. Very few countries offered that when my parents were young but, America did.

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY: The key here is “opportunity”.  They expected nothing (and got nothing) when they stepped off the boat in the harbors of New York City. They would have been downright insulted if the government offered them free stuff. They wanted no special privileges. They planned on succeeding or failing based entirely on their own merits.  All they wanted was a chance.  So dad, who didn’t even finish grade school became a janitor for a short while, then he painted houses for about a decade, and then he learned how to become a machinist in a tool&die shop. Mom worked as a clerk in a department store, then a bakery cashier, then cleaned other people’s houses for many years. No job was beneath them, for all hard work was honorable. They worked, worked some more, scrimped and saved, and eventually became part of the great Middle Class.  Only in America!

PATRIOTISM: My parents greatly appreciated the opportunities at a second chance in life which America provided, and they made damned sure that I would follow suit. Mom didn’t speak one word of English but, became fluent within a couple years. She couldn’t wait to learn English so that she could study for the citizenship test. When I was in my young teens I belonged to the Civil Air Patrol.  One year we were part of the 4th of July Parade in our town. I was lucky enough to carry the American flag.  My mom embarrassed me to no end …. she literally followed me along the entire route and would shout out; “That’s my son carrying the American flag!!”.

Dad was equally patriotic. One year the NY Cosmos came to play the German National Team in Giants Stadium.  It was a big deal. In those days the Cosmos would draw 70k -80k fans.  The newspaper in our town did a front page story about the game, and they interviewed my dad (who was pictured on the front page). One of the questions they asked was which team he would be cheering for.  Dad was almost insulted.  “I’m an American!! That’s who I will support!”.  Sure, they had criticisms about this country: they weren’t sheep.  But, at the end of the day, boy oh boy, were they ever Proud To Be An American!!

THE AMERICAN DREAM:  America was more than just a place to save for a house. The dream of America was a place where life could be better. It was truly a land of opportunity. If Americans didn’t like a former German soldier moving into their neighborhood, well … tough. If there would be discrimination, well … tough. If their lack of education could be a big hindrance, well … tough. They weren’t going to spend one ounce of energy worrying about obstacles. They believed that America would reward their hard work, thrift, and loyalty. They believed in their own abilities, and the promise of a free enterprise system.

When my parents arrived at these shores they didn’t know anything about the Declaration of Independence. But, they would have made Thomas Jefferson proud. If I had to summarize why they came to America, I would say the pursuit of happiness.which pretty much encompasses everything.

These Core Beliefs made America great.

Some people are wondering whether or not America is worth saving. I say emphatically “Yes!!” but with this caveat; only if We The People can reconstitute the great Core Beliefs from yesteryear.  That’s the America my parents knew, and it is worth saving. Otherwise, the hell with it!! Let’s just slouch towards Armageddon. I’d honestly rather die in a hail of bullets than live in an Amerika which the disgustingly corrupt and evil Dems want to shove up our a**es. (I know .. the Repubs are much better.)

So, what went wrong?

Image result for time magazine cover october 1972

It seems things were already falling apart when this Time magazine cover was published in October 1972.  The author, Lance Morrow, was writing about the last days of the presidential race between Richard Nixon and George McGovern.  He wrote the two candidates were so different from each other that they appeared to represent different ideals about America, almost as if America comprised two different countries and two different cultures.

The McGovernites, he wrote, marched to the rhythm of racial upheaval, the war, feminism, the sexual revolution … they wanted evolution, if not revolution.

The Nixonites were all about “the sense of system“; the free enterprise system, the family-unit system, the law & order system. They feared the disorders of the late ’60s, and felt a McGovern triumph would bring chaos.  Harvard sociologist David Riesman wrote that the professional elites that comprised a significant source of McGovern’s base had “very little sense of that other day-to-day America“.

But, he had an interesting and surprising conclusion. Despite the issues arising from a divided America he noticed “one common denominator”;

the sophistication of the people, their earnest desire, left, right and center, to find and support the best thing for America.

If you’re too young to remember 1972, you might flat-out refuse to believe the above paragraph. After all, today differences are settled by throwing bricks at the opponent, silencing them, shaming them, demonizing them at every turn (NAZI!!!) and in some cases killing them. People are proud of their bitterness and the war-to-the-death of their “national conversations”.

But, if you’re an old guy like me who does remember 1972, then I know there is an ache in your heart right now for what once was a much more civil America … a time when you weren’t filled so often with  loneliness, anger, and alienation. You wonder why you live in an America where it is not enough that contraceptives are covered in a government mandated plan: the nuns most also conform. You wonder why you live in an America where it is not enough to agree that gay marriage is legal: you are forced to bake the cake. You wonder why you live in an America where it is not enough to rely on scientific arguments regarding the environment: you must support a Green New Deal or be judged as a hater of children and worthy of extermination.  My friend, you are not alone.


There was no collusion.  Period.

Why are not ALL Americans jumping with joy and shouting from the mountaintop, “Rejoice!!!“.  They said a terribly strong nuclear-armed foreign power controlled America. They said there were spies in Congress even to the highest level of governance. They said Trump was an agent of this nation and Trump was seeking America’s destruction. We were told Trump would be mostly solely responsible for destroying democracy, poisoning us from within, and undermining most every value cherished by Americans.

Let’s take a guess at what might have happened if Trump was found guilty of collusion. The stock market would probably take a deep dive.  China, North Korea, Iran and other countries surely would exploit the chaos to our own detriment.  Washington would grind to a halt (some would argue that’s a good thing).  Trump would face extreme pressure to resign. And if Trump resigned or was impeached, then what? You’d get Mike Pence. Yikes!!!  An ousted Trump — now a known criminal and traitor — would face indictments, and possible prison.  Trump knows this.  What do Presidents do when they face big troubles? The historical fact is that they declare WAR!  The bigger the problem, the bigger the war. So, since this is conjecture, let’s add the possibility of Trump’s ouster resulting in nuclear war.

And then one day, after two long years, and an army of the best lawyers available, who had the power to question everyone and subpoena anything, and at a cost of many millions of dollars we find out ……. it wasn’t true!!  It was almost like a replay of “Dallas” where everything was just a bad dream or, better yet, finding out your diagnosis of cancer was wrong; all you had was a common cold.

But the entire Democratic wing is not responding like that.  “Trump is an evil rich white man!!” is not a Core Belief which will die easily … if ever at all. In fact, they are angrier than ever. Their belief that Trump is pure evil is now stronger than any religious belief on earth.

CNN (their own pundits and all their guests, those in politics and otherwise) proclaim the Mueller investigation answers nothing and Russian collusion is as real as ever. MSNBC claims Mueller (!!??) himself is involved in a coverup.  ABC even said Mueller is a racist.  The conspiracy  theories get wilder by the day.  The hatred against Trump (any anyone who supports him) only increases, and it now seems the Democrats have only one reason for existence: to impeach Trump (or, have him killed … don’t put it past them). Last week Time magazine wrote (you’re not going to believe this) that the Mueller investigation had nothing to do with collusion (!!!) … that this was a Trump/Republican “disinformation crusade” which made it “impossible” for Mueller  to do his job , and closed the article by concluding the “reality” of the situation, which is “Trump campaign officials have committed crimes, the President has obstructed justice in plain sight, and Trump has been implicated in breaking campaign-finance law“. My conclusion is that these people are brain damaged nut jobs.

And 95% of all media dances to the tune. There is no longer any distinction between journalists and the ruling class.  Instead of doing their jobs by investigating and pushing back when needed — they openly welcomed the lies and even amplified them. They call Trump stupid, buffoonish, reckless, corrupt, a liar, immoral, and a thousand other things. How ironic that they don’t know that they have become their own accusations.

If there is a moral arc in the universe then these people will be punished, preferably with very long prison time. But, deep down inside both you and I know they won’t be. Oh, sure, perhaps there will be a few who don’t escape their sins, but that’s just for show to keep us peons satisfied on their scraps of putrid meat they feed us. Almost all of them will never face any consequences. Instead, they’ll get more power, be placed on more committees, make tons more money, get executive positions somewhere in the MIC ….. all the while lecturing YOU on how deplorable you are.

They cry out that all they want is justice.  But, justice is exactly what they got. What they want is revenge. They want to shut you up. And if you don’t shut up, they will destroy you, one way or another.


Image result for luke 16:26

This isn’t 1972 anymore. The Two Americas in which the majority of people shared that one common denominator “to find and support the best thing for America is long dead.

The Left Wing has placed their hatred for Trump above the best thing for America.  Show me proof otherwise. You won’t find any.

The Left Wing hates America. They hate people like you and me. They hate the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. They hate virtue. They hate merit. They hate those of us with White Privilege. They hate cherished Core Beliefs from yesteryear.They hate freedom.  They hate reason and logic.  They hate all white gods, while loving whores from Babylon.  They hate every damn thing which I cherish.

So. I. Hate. Them. Back. With. A. Consuming. Fire.  Let those bastards burn in hell, and may the Lord let me punch their ticket.

At this point in American History we have moved past the possibility of reconciliation. Things are continually getting worse, day by day. It will not stop. Just wait until Trump wins in 2020. CNN will be offering free classes on their (crappy) website with exciting titles such as “How to build your own I.E.D” and “Best places in America to kill a Republican“.  If you’re an eternal optimist type who thinks we will “work this out” you’re suffering under some kind of delusion. Snap the hell out of it before they steal your soul!

I  have MY Core Belief Systems.  They have THEIR Core Belief Systems.  The two are not compatible. There is nothing left to talk about. The Chasm between us cannot be crossed. This can only end in Paradise for one group, and Hell for the other. And there’s little doubt about it … violence will be required.

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”  —– Matthew 11:12

See you in Paradise!
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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Graham Bell
Graham Bell
April 13, 2019 7:13 pm

Stucky, this was one of the greatest analysis of the human echo chamber I have ever read.

Maybe I am the one with my persistent posts that made you regret the bible/religion references that caused things to get off topic of your post.

But please know that myself and some of my friends have been on this topic forever, because of bible believers that are so trapped in their cognitive dissonance.

I usually lurk and do not post much. But you really hit a cord with me.
Your evaluation of human nature is so right on.

I apologize if I posted to much or appeared to try to insert my world view to much.

But on the christian dilemma man you nailed it. Of course I do believe that the preterist view explains a lot that you may not agree with.
But thats ok. At least you can have a civil discourse.

Keep up the good analysis. I do read and appreciate much on the Burning Platform.

  Graham Bell
April 13, 2019 11:33 pm

Sorry, GB, had to pigtail my reply on you to explain myself to Stuck:

Hated to downvote you but at least I had the balls to tell you to your face cuz I want you to keep reading all the comments from people who want to argue with you to change your mind, including me.

It’s a GREAT ARTICLE! KEEP READING or I will come to your house and read it all to you, along with Pynchon’s GRAVITY’S RAINBOW – trust me – you do NOT want me to come to your house with my laptop and THAT book

April 13, 2019 7:16 pm

No, I think it’s perfect with the religion left in even if some people did miss the point. Your second guessing yourself.
More from me later or maybe not till tomorrow evening. On the road across I70 watching the Flint Hills spring burn off as we travel. It’s hard to type on a phone in a bumpy F350.
If I don’t get back I just want you to know how much I can appreciate the effort it takes to write a 5000 word essay.

April 13, 2019 8:55 pm

Not putting any pressure on you or anything but if you need to slip deadline, let me know. LOL I’m working on my followup comment and Coyote????? I plan to be NUMBER ONE…

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 13, 2019 7:29 pm

Dude. No way. You wrote a masterful exposition on how people cling to their beliefs and refuse to alter their BS just because it is obviously not true. You can’t leave out the biblical reference because it is core to the issue. If you had to make any modification I would suggest that perhaps you should include the muslims and the jews in your analysis, but I really don’t think it is necessary. Your concern is that the rabid christians got off track because you impugned their BS. But that is just proof of the strength of your argument. State your case and stand up for what you believe. You did a fine job.

  Hollywood Rob
April 13, 2019 8:56 pm

In case you forgot? I avoid everything you say. I suspect you have a closed mind and a closed heart. I suggest others with misgivings here do the same.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 14, 2019 1:11 am

I suspect that you are mentally ill, perhaps schizophrenic, and a chronic liar, but I still read most of what you post. Of course, not the long winded ramblings and not your arguments with yourself, but most of the other stuff. The fact that your are a coward as well is a bit sad, but not important. I do however take offense at your allegations that you were in the military. The fake injuries I can ignore, but those of us who actually served our country take that seriously.

  Hollywood Rob
April 13, 2019 11:24 pm

For once I agree with HR. . . not pickin’ at you, HR, just sayin’ for the benefit of Stucky

April 13, 2019 8:13 pm

Love means never having to say that you big lumberjacklooking dude from New Jersey. You know Who’s in da house!

April 13, 2019 8:18 pm

Let me just say if you don’t like the idea of someone trying to speak to a bunch of hiphopster types with a little of the Word, then you really don’t know who Stuckenheimer seeks.

Who is in your house? Who is it that you say that He is?

Am thinking about taking that trip to the river for you Stuck… My Nick let me drive his truck today for the first time since we bought it. I told the neighbor lady I walk with it was the “barn” truck.

Today, LGR, the barn truck met Madame. Grooch. I actually went down and played a song or two in the music laundrotorium. I’m thinking if Popeye Doyle calls me about a consult for an essay for TBP, I just might play my own opening music. I heard a spectacular version of this I want to try…

You decide, Stuck… if Popeye Doyle will tell me his stories about the discussions he held during all the brainstorming meetings held onceuponatime longagofaraway in 1967 after the biggest US Naval disaster and SNAFU that has been successfully hidden from the people in this country,what would work for my resurrection byline? Maggie’s gone. It is a character I built to tell a story and she got away from me. It happens to writers.

Names and nicknames go sour. Maggie is like Saul on the road to Damascus. Enlightened but undirected.

At least It’s always been you, Stuckenheimer. When I showed up here years ago trying to mimic the big dogs and act like I knew what I was talking about (the subtle difference between coyotes and foxes, you realize…), Billy badass bit my ass and you, Gallant Stuckenheimer, stepped up and told him you liked what I had to say. You will always have a place at my pond. Even my own Nick knows about you and knows that. His grandfather came to the US illegally to escape brownshirts in Italy.

April 13, 2019 10:11 pm

au contraire

Reading this and reading something Scrabble wrote the other day in regards the “news conference” about the Black Hole I see many parallels….

Been thinking about the BS of the event horizons of both all day and might even write something to submit to the STM’s for further review…. :0

So once again thanks for the effort in writing this… whether it is a good thing or not it is making me have a think…

Yours by Grace of Odin,


April 13, 2019 11:16 pm

Stucky, I am a Jesus-freak. That used to be a compliment, back in the 70’s. You know, Hippies for Jesus and all that. And I was not offended by the way you built your argument BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND that the KJV Bible is NOT the ENTIRE BIBLE. (YOU HAVE HEARD OF THE APOCRYPHA, RIGHT? SOME OF THOSE BOOKS WERE NOT INCLUDED ONLY BECAUSE THE gods of the canon HAD NO COPIES – the epistle of Jeremiah, Esdras 2/3, etc.) Every translator of the Bible since the printing press has had an agenda (and even before, when the Catholic Church had monks/priests/altar boys translating/transcribing the Hebrew/Greek by hand into LATIN and YES, they F*D up from time to time. Look into the history of the Hebrew Canon; when you understand that they “the priests” left out all of the vowels (a,e,i,o,u) to save space, you realize WHY so much of the Hebrew scriptures are in dispute (about 25 percent, last i looked). Anyway – ANYBODY who is triggered by your logical argument and freaks out and pops a cork and comes at you all “paws and claws” like a rabid cat is NOT the audience that YOU are trying to reach. YOUR AUDIENCE IS NOT AFRAID TO BE CHALLENGED. THAT YOU RATTLE OUR CAGES IS NOT A BAD THING. BECAUSE WE ARE IN CAGES, and THAT IS NOT OUR FAULT BUT THAT OF THE SOCIETIES INTO WHICH WE ARE BORN.

SO TAKE A STEP BACK, JACK. . . . (EC . . .?)


just sayin’ . . . and f*ck all who oppose.

So Preach it, brother

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 14, 2019 1:18 am

Way to go Niebo. Nicely said.

  Hollywood Rob
April 14, 2019 2:54 am

Thank you, sir. Sometimes I pop my cork in a nicely fashion and I REALLY appreciate it, HR. We may not see “eye-to-eye” but that’s not to say we are in opposition . . . dude, you got a SHARP intellect. More on all that later; worried bout Stuck man – that kinda post makes me think he’s discouraged and FU*K that

April 13, 2019 11:26 pm


ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 14, 2019 7:46 am


I read this (“I just reread my article. I don’t like it. If I could do it over I would. I would take out ALL the Bible/religion references and make my point another way … or, not make my point at all. Sorry folks — I’ll try hard not to make that mistake again.”) about 5 hrs. ago, went walking for a couple miles, had some breakfast (good ole’ bacon), and decided to reply. More for myself than for you.

A while back, I let go a load of BS (bullschitt) at you because I didn’t like what you had to say. Those words are the kind that warrant an apology. What you wrote in this splendid piece stands in defense of itself, and warrants no need whatsoever for an apology. (IMHO)

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-

My BS (belief system) does not align with your BS (belief system). I am definitely not a ‘preterist’, but can see that position clearly, as I can see GCP’s position clearly. Who can really say that one is right, and the other is wrong?

“According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Cor. 3: 10-11

“it’s Friday…….but Sunday’s comin”

  ordo ab chao
April 15, 2019 8:59 am

And gone. Now, we have peace like a river.

April 14, 2019 9:37 am

No mistake at all. Masterfully done… Chip

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
April 13, 2019 9:34 pm

There are only 2 kinds of prophecy.

“Prophetic” speaks right from the Holy Scripture. and yes. rightly dividing the Word of Yahweh.

“Revalatory” speaks of possible future events – “you are going to get a new job,” “Come into some money.” etc.

It pays to know who one is listening to and believing.

Two different types. The Scriptures tells us to “test the spirit, test ALL THINGS. There are many false preachers, false teachers, out here in “religion land.”

That’s why it’s so important for true believers to KNOW THEIR BIBLES, and know Who it is that they serve and worship. Deception is rampant, to deceive even the very elect, if that is possible….and it is.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  Word to the Wise
April 14, 2019 12:36 am

Which is why I asked “which god?” when Wipper said Yokes is doing god’s work.

April 14, 2019 3:51 am


April 14, 2019 8:49 am


WRT this… “This can only end in Paradise for one group, and Hell for the other.”

There is another end I would consider, that it ends in Hell for both groups, Hell on earth that is. We may have alternate destinations once we leave the earth. But the America we knew from the 70’s (I’m just a few years younger than you) will become a third world hell hole… Chip

April 14, 2019 4:40 pm

Latest on the Clown Show across the Pond. The buffoonery isn’t limited to the FSoA.


April 15, 2019 8:10 am
April 15, 2019 9:43 am

For a example of one group, go here:

The ones who are dishonest with themselves double down on stupid, wasting their lives on falsehoods.