Mainstream Media Ratings Plummet Amidst Major Credibility Crisis

Originally Posted at FMShooter – Authored by Jon Hall

Last month, CNN saw a 16% collapse in their primetime ratings. This comes after the network offered voluntary buyouts to 100 employees in that same month.

CNN’s primetime viewers reached only 761,000 viewers and their total day viewers crashed 9% compared to the same month last year, averaging only 559,000 viewers.

CNN’s supposed flagship morning show, New Day, only averages an underwhelming 485,000 viewers.

Breitbart details splendidly why CNN‘s viewership has tanked, with six years of faulty reporting on the network’s part regarding several national stories. Taking a stroll down memory lane, we recall…

With their biased and downright erroneous reporting, is it any wonder that the network’s top-rated program, Cuomo Prime Time, hit 25th place with only 938,000 viewers against Fox News and MSNBC programs?

Jake Tapper, CNN’s once golden child, dialed it in at 36th place with only 706,000 viewers in his 4 p.m. slot. Tapper’s ratings have seen a massive downward spiral – where he once placed regularly in the top three in total viewers of CNN shows, now he places sixth amongst the colleagues of his network.

CNN isn’t the only one hurting, however. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has lost 500,000 viewers and has had her worst monthly ratings since Trump became President.

Maddow’s viewership saw a sharp drop-off after the release of the Mueller Report – which debunked the Fake News media’s claim that Trump colluded with Russia and proved Trump didn’t obstruct justice.

Before Mueller’s report, she averaged 3.1 million nightly viewers. After, she averaged only 2.6 million viewers.

With Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia being totally debunked, Maddow’s credibility took a direct hit. With Trump exonerated, Maddow plainly looks stupid and foolish – something she can simply not recover from after giving away her integrity in return for paranoia and delusion.

The consequences of bogus and biased reporting on the Fake News Media’s part has finally come home to roost. Their massive decline in viewership is a direct result of their garbage and inaccurate coverage on President Trump and his administration. In lieu of facts and reality, many cable news networks and their anchors instead turned to hysterics and deception to drive false narratives and ignore facts that didn’t align with their partisan agendas. 

Now, with their reputations and integrity completely shredded, they stand alone with nothing to show from their hard work of trying to make misconceptions true but their steaming and stinky, biased investigations to oust and expose Trump from office that went absolutely nowhere.

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June 5, 2019 8:47 am

CNN = Clinton News Network

June 5, 2019 9:08 am

Another example of mega corporations forfeiting profits to advance TPTB’s agenda. I’m down to watching one show-Tucker Carlson-which I watch on you tube where the commercials are left out.

CNN is threatening to leave Atlanta because of the abortion law. Looks like they’ll be able to use a VW bus to make the move.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
June 6, 2019 4:04 am

They’ve actually closed the business in Atlanta.

June 5, 2019 9:59 am

Thanks, Jon (& Duane). Made my day.

Old Toad of Green Acres
Old Toad of Green Acres
June 5, 2019 10:04 am

Ya but, fools need a place to go and worship at the feet of idiots.

June 5, 2019 11:24 am

There’s a real opportunity for disruption in this space since the media is just soooo fucking bad.

June 5, 2019 12:06 pm

The only viewers left are the poor captives inside of airport terminals who have to watch if they don’t have a good book or a functioning electronic device.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
June 5, 2019 12:43 pm

I don’t go to airports anymore, but if I did I’d get one of these:

TV-B-Gone Home

old white guy
old white guy
June 5, 2019 3:30 pm

Is anybody watching, or is the fact that the sets are on count as viewers? Inquiring minds want to know.

old white guy
old white guy
June 5, 2019 3:28 pm

When you deal in lies only liars and the very stupid will watch you.

Big Dick
Big Dick
June 5, 2019 6:53 pm

I think we did not get to see Rachel on her knees to Tapper asking him to please unzip so she could handle a small real story that would fit in her dialog. That brought both of their ratings down, as anti liberal fly over people wanted to see the video.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
June 6, 2019 4:01 am

As many of you guys already know, I’m a contractor (considered self employed) and I do network news editing for MSM channels (though I hate these channels). I’m now looking for a second job in case CNN goes kaput. When I find one, I’ll be really busy because I don’t plan to drop this work until it actually does go kaput, but I’ll just scale it back. And that means I probably won’t be able to check this website as much. But I’ve got to make a living and I need a job to fall back on. I used to do FOX transcripts but they cancelled their transcripts on several shows about two month ago, including mine, so I have less pay, and my FOX shows were gone in a puff of smoke, not even a day’s notice. I need a part-time job I can effortlessly move into full-time if that happens with CNN because that’s all I have left, and I am definitely worried that could happen without any notice.

CNN’s ratings are falling drastically and, though I love that fact, I also depend on that news source for a living. They recently did a buyout of older employees, then released everyone from the health department, except Dr. Sanjay Gupta. They’ve also closed their Atlanta office, and everyone there either had to move to New York or they were out of a job. They are showing international news instead doing some of their national news. One day, they may decide they don’t need transcripts anymore and, at a moment’s notice, I won’t have anything to edit and I’ll be out of work. It’ll be a happy day new-wise, but a day I have to transfer to full-time work at another job.

In other words, if you don’t see me commenting, it’ll mean I’m working two jobs and you won’t see me much for a while.