How I Built a College Fund from Scratch


by M G


My son, Joey, owned stock in Johnson and Johnson when he was three.
Well, okay, he did not attend board meetings, but he owned 16 shares of JNJ, which listed (at the time) for $50 on CNN-Headline News’ financial report. He added two shares of The Proctor and Gamble Company to his portfolio around the time he turned three, with me putting away a little stash to buy it. I paid for it all without touching our one-income family budget.

While I was pregnant, I read articles in parenting magazines warning me Joey’s education would cost more money than I thought my husband and I could ever earn. Since I was fairly sure I would see Dick Clark and Ed McMahon only on reruns of old television shows and not with any sweepstakes notification team, I came up with a plan.

The idea developed soon after Joey was born when cards saying “Here’s a little something …” arrived in the mail. All of the little somethings went into a savings account that I guarded like a million bucks. With one eye on Joey’s $65, I plotted for more.

I never thought big, just a lot. Thinking was about all I could do while I was suffering the sleep deprivation a newborn brings. I thought about places where my hands touched money.

Coupons. I clipped coupons religiously from the Sunday newspaper inserts and magazines. I never cut coupons for products I did not use, but I clipped all coupons for items I bought often. No amount was too small. Grocery day came — too soon for a new mother opening the cupboard door one morning to discover that God only sent the baby, not the supplies. I picked up my coupons, packed Joey in the mandatory car seat, and drove to the store.

At the checkout counter, I asked that the groceries be totaled before subtracting the coupons. I wrote a check for the pre-coupon total and deposited the change into The Account. All $12.35. One store I shop at requires coupons be placed on items purchased, so I ask nicely if they can be set aside until the end. One checker tried to give me trouble about store policy, but after I threatened to leave the groceries for her to put away, she laughed and gave in. Who was paying for the groceries, anyway? I had  a child to educate with coupon money.

I kept a record the first year, but it became fine science. I stopped keeping the money saved by coupons separate, just  depositing the amount into The Account, like a pro. Keeping the money separate that first year taught me the ritual. Watching the coupon money grow into $234 taught me discipline.

Gifts. This one is tricky, because I am not sure there is a tactful way to ask for monetary gifts. I mentioned the college fund to our immediate family, suggesting $10 or $20 would be as meaningful to Joey as toys. My mother-in-law loved it, but everyone else continued to send toys. I didn’t mind, because in addition to $50 from the Mother Grooch, Joey got new toys to toss around for a while before I cashed them in.

Thrift Shops/Consignment Stores. All that great stuff from the baby shower was so cute and I sold it as Joey grew. The car seat, high chair, and baby swing brought $20 each at the thrift shop. His pajamas and sleepers sold for $2 apiece. Those cute little sweatsuits and overalls I had his photographs made in added $5 per set. I sold most of his toys as he outgrew them. I made two trips to the thrift shop the first year. After subtracting the 20 percent consignment fee, I deposited $85.

Rebates/Price Refunds. When my son was two, I got into the rebate business. I liked the irony of getting rebates from The Proctor and Gamble Company almost as much as I liked the fact that Joey only wore training pants at night by then. I sent off rebate offers for tampons, deodorants, a variety of laundry detergents — my product loyalty lasted only until I saw a better rebate.

I didn’t put it off. When I returned from the store, I cut off the UPC code, circled the price on the receipt, and mailed the offer. I sent in photocopied receipts to get rebates from more than one product at a time. The checks trickled in and you know where they went.

The Plan – Phase 2

As Joey approached his first birthday, The Account approached $500. I knew the money should be invested. But where?

Nick and I wasted an afternoon at an investment counselor’s office, where I paced stroller tracks on pile carpet as Nick refused to sign anything. I had not seen so many charts and graphs since the Presidential election when Ross Perot and everyone were talking about balancing the federal budget. The charts seemed to prove we could be millionaires, but hey — if I had $500 a month to commit to a mutual fund for 15 years, would I have been rolling nickels and clipping coupons?

At the library I found Peter Lynch’s book, Beating the Street*, while Joey found a wad of gum on the bottom bookshelf. I pried information from the pages with the same intensity I pried the gum from that kid’s mouth. And with equal horror.

Price-to-earnings ratios, emerging growth stocks versus capital appreciation stocks, and equity-to-assets comparisons convinced me the former Wall Street billion-dollar-fund manager never had to make eight diapers last till payday. A tip on page 152 gave me all the information I needed:

If you like the store, chances are you’ll love the stock.”

The advice, given about product research, literally described Lynch’s trips to a local mall to see which stores and products were doing well. He said it gave him ideas about new retailers or products to investigate for potential investment.

I skipped the mall trip and looked around my house at the baby oil, talcum powder, baby wipes, shampoo, and cotton swabs. Applying a liberal interpretation to Lynch’s advice — since he never even mentions JNJ in the entire book — I decided what store I liked.

Nick asked around work and found a friend who sold me one share of his JNJ stock. Two weeks later a letter arrived with the reinvestment plan and deposit slips. I waited five months and decided if the stock value of a 110-year-old company making everything from baby products to birth-control pills plummeted to nothing, I would have bigger financial worries than sending Joey to college. I sent $300 and waited. After three weeks of not hearing anything, I got a little panicky, but felt foolish when a notice explained JNJ reinvests only one day each month. The letter confirmed ownership of 4.123 shares on Feb. 7, 1996. Joey, who was busy climbing onto and jumping off the coffee table onto pillows strewn around the floor, was a corporate player.

I sent $375 in June 1996, which gave Joey 8.337 shares at 89 7/16 — stocks listed in odd fractional amounts because of some reason I was not interested in. That summer, a letter arrived saying the stock had split. We knew that was good, since share price halved and total shares owned doubled. The total DRIP value was 14 percent higher than it when I’d bought it, so I felt it was going well. I rarely paid attention to stock market prices because I usually had important things to do — like digging coins from pockets as I did laundry and clipping coupons.

That summer the inevitable happened. I was forced to dip into The Account for car repairs. I struggled against it, but finally admitted that it would not make sense to invest money for college if we could not buy groceries. I asked Joey if we could use $200 of his money.

“Swing, Mommy. Joey wanna swing.”

I sent $250 off to The Proctor and Gamble Company not too long after that. I spied their toll-free number on a package of diapers while sending in a rebate offer. I called to ask if they had a dividend reinvestment program. They not only had a DRIP– as we savvy portfolio managers called them — they had a direct stock purchase plan with a $250 minimum initial investment. That way I avoided paying a broker for doing nothing, and also avoided the hassle of ferreting out a rich friend with a share of P&G to sell.

Of course, I cleared it with Joey first to make sure he was ready to diversify.

“Wheels on bus go ’round and ’round, Mommy.”

Joey was eager to see how much his first shares of P&G cost. I heard there were  mutual funds that would take as little as $250 initial investment. If I’d found one which would have accommodated my haphazard investment strategy, I might have had a few yard sales.

I asked Joey how he wanted to vote his shareholder ballot when it arrived.

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, Mommy.”

You bet, baby. As high as I can lift you.


* Beating the Street is probably out of print and obsolete.  I’m sure you savvy investors can figure out a better way to invest.

(In the “olden” days, this (###) meant “The End” to signal the article was over.)

Post Script:  From the image, you can see my son graduated from Missouri S&T a year ago, but the diploma is MINE. I think I earned it, don’t you? And yes, indeed, that really IS Das Boot and we also purchased and built a log home the same way.  Now?  I’m saving for a trip to Alaska.  I’m taking a little pelt to visit the site of an AWACS crash up there.

Post Script to Post Script: This was the first article I ever sold.  I framed the check for $150 and hung it on the wall.  For a day or so, then I decided that was silly.  I made a copy of it and deposited the money where it needed to be… The Account.  Duh.

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June 7, 2019 9:19 am

A nice article. A female counterpart to an HSF story, perhaps.

Sadly, a modren young mother, seeing the phrase “if you like the store, you’ll like the stock”, would buy Apple or Amazon rather than JNJ or PG.

  M G
June 7, 2019 12:07 pm

While annoying women’s libbers is great fun, putting your work on a plane with HSF was meant as a great compliment, and I don’t recall his pieces ever mentioning coupons or tampons. I also suspect that if I asked nicely if you’d please make me a sandwich that you’d happily do so, while HSF would probably if my damned arms are broken.

old white guy
old white guy
June 7, 2019 4:09 pm

Holy moley, who has the money?

  M G
June 8, 2019 4:07 pm

In my defense, many years ago, this naive young lad got quite friendly with a beautiful young lass. While getting better acquainted my hand wandered to her body’s most tender place and found one incredibly thick hair, but, alas twas not a hair but a string. I’ve always preferred reticence in women but there are times to speak up before I wander into trouble. Perhaps a certain word triggers PTSD.

June 7, 2019 11:11 am

Damn,Mags you really didn’t let him go to that communist shithole in Columbia,did you?

  M G
June 7, 2019 8:57 pm

I apologize. Rolla is more like what I expected of you.

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
  M G
June 8, 2019 12:28 am

The original Paydirt Pete (Texas Western School of Mines – UTEP) before they fucked it up.
comment image

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
  M G
June 9, 2019 2:30 am

Gosh, we both went to a school with a miner mascot for a while, both former AF. Both harassed by Hollywood dickless. We must be the same person.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 12:31 pm


Ghost of Maggie
Ghost of Maggie
  M G
February 12, 2022 3:13 pm

This was, for some reason, when SAURON looked my way.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Mistico (EC)
June 9, 2019 12:34 pm

You still haven’t proven that you are not the same person. Hiding behind the anonymity of the interwebs has it’s upside, and it’s downside. Each of us gets to decide if we believe you or we don’t believe you. I personally prefer to deal with people who are not afraid to reveal their true self. You know, Jim, Marc, Doug.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 2:48 pm

I’m sorry but I really didn’t understand any of that. I get that you cruise the internet and that you copy pictures that you like and intersperse them with pictures that you take, but Jebus do we have to see you in your wedding dress? How is that even legal. And how does any of that relate to maps of the US?

Please don’t feel that you have to tell that story (I can’t tell which story you are referring to). I can’t even tell what point you are trying to make in your response. You really are losing the thread here.

June 7, 2019 12:01 pm

Great story Mags!

June 7, 2019 9:22 pm

RINS, you Canadien fuck, what do you think about the non tripping call in the Bruins game. That was absolutely bullshit. Eh?

June 7, 2019 1:12 pm

Well done indeed!

June 7, 2019 1:51 pm

Great story and a good lesson in building wealth. I think Wall Street is more casino than investment vehicle these days but you don’t get jack from the bank in interest so 4% divvy on a good blue chip that is reinvested is about the safest “compounding interest” vehicle worth a damn right now.

My father did similar and purchased 100 shares of the local public utility that had a DSPP when I was just a kid back in the late 70’s. There were no 529 plans then so it was just under UGTMA. Every quarter the dividends were reinvested. Thankfully I went to college long enough ago that I could work 60hr weeks all summer and part time during school and pay my own way. So the account just kept growing. Now I’m in my 40’s and have over 30 years of consistent growth. No, I’m not going to retire early on it but at current market values it’s a nice six figure addition to a retirement nest egg and instead of a quarters dividend buying 2-3 new shares it’s buying 50+. Thanks Dad.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 2:52 pm

Even if you do know where those cans are buried, I wouldn’t bother to try to dig them up if I were you. (Thankfully I am not.) Those cans rusted away years ago and any money that was in them has turned into mulch. Unless of course it was quarters from your old hooking days. Then they might still be in the earth, but there won’t be much of anything left of the cans themselves. And even at that, big metal ammo boxes really don’t hold an impressive amount of cash if it is in quarters.

Just trying to be helpful.

June 7, 2019 1:58 pm

Enjoyed that. We always paid off debts early until we didn’t need debt anymore. I used to think my bride’s couponing was cute…. that is… until it became oppressive. 🙂 She would say it was real money (and, of course, she was right) – but I would say “with what I could make an hour, the time I spent remembering, cutting, and processing those damn things, I am actually losing money!” 🙂

Seriously, with her, just going to to the movie with all of her savings cards and snack redemptions was like buying real estate. Truly, when she goes into to Kohls they actually PAY her to walk out with $50 bucks of stuff. I can’t keep up with that. It’s confusing. So I would say: “Why…., for me, it’s like stepping over $10 bills to pick up dimes!” (Of course, while she watched me walking to the computer to print out a $9 oil change coupon).

But my real secret was to team up with smart people and taking calculated risks and when we won, we’d all pay off houses, cars, and college educations. When we lost, I’d say: “Hey Babe, do ya still have that coffee coupon and a couple bucks?” I’ll pay ya back”.

I like starting new verticals. In fact, I’m kind of in-between right now. Cash poor (mentally), but life is more exciting that way.

On another note, Mags. I did finish the entire Flatland video last night. It was quirky, slightly annoying, and very thought-provoking. I also watched a few other vids (below) that YouTube queued up. The 1st one is was 5 minutes and the 2nd is 12 min in length. I believe these vids (especially) the 2nd one have massive metaphysical applications regarding the UFO phenomena that now appears to be gaining steam in the headlines every day; again, as alluded to in my 2017 article: ”

“ALIEN 1: We’re from Outer Space. We’re here to help”. I purposely titled that “Alien 1, in case I ever wanted to do an Alien 2, and so forth. Anyway, I didn’t want to hijack the thread, but just wanted to tell that. Thanks for the post(s).

June 7, 2019 2:15 pm

Good Lessons there, M G.
You had a goal, but had the discipline to use a SYSTEM.
There’s a difference.

Using a SYSTEM, vs. having a Goal
A goal is a specific objective that you either achieve or don’t sometime in the future.
A system is something you do on a regular basis that increases your odds of happiness in the long run.
If you do something every day, it’s a system.
If you’re waiting to achieve it someday in the future, it’s a goal.”
There can be some overlap with how we regard this perspective.
A system to achieve some objective requires goals, and
A goal requires a system if you are to achieve it.
Yet, thinking of goals and systems as very different concepts has power.

Take the objective of dieting, for instance.

If you want to lose 30 pounds, that’s a goal. You’ve either achieved it or you haven’t. It can be discouraging to look on the scales each day and see that you have not achieved your goal. And so you need to constantly remind yourself that one day, far off in the future, you will achieve it (hopefully). Either way, it takes a lot of energy and determination to persist.

But eating the right kinds of foods, that’s a system. So long as you’re eating healthy foods, you’re already winning.

Goal-oriented people exist in a state of continuous pre-success failure at best, and permanent failure at worst if things never work out. ‘Systems’ people succeed every time they apply their systems, in the sense that they did what they intended to do. Each step along the journey yields mistakes, learning, & growth.
For a new business venture, the idea is to create something that has value and — this next part is the key — visualize the product to be something that is easy to reproduce in unlimited quantities. You don’t want to sell your time, at least not directly, because that model has an upward limit. And you don’t want to build an automobile factory, for example, because cars are not easy to reproduce. Create, invent, write, or otherwise concoct something widely desired that will be easy to reproduce.”

Very smart. But there’s a catch:

A system of creating something the public wants and reproducing it in large quantities nearly guarantees a string of failures. By design, all efforts will be long shots. If you are goal-oriented instead of system-oriented, you might be prone to giving up after the first several failures. It may feel like banging your head against a brick wall.

But being systems-oriented, you will feel yourself growing more capable every day, no matter the fate of the project that you happen to be working on. And every day during those years, wake up with the same thought, literally, as you rub the sleep from your eyes and slap the alarm clock off… “Today’s the day.”

-author unknown

  M G
June 7, 2019 8:42 pm

Like 3 or 4 songs by Sara.
She seems to have dropped off the c/w music circuit.
Couldn’t Ask For More, and
A Real Fine Place To Start
are 2 more, that are decent songs, and she has a great voice.
Wasn’t too bad to gaze at, either.

Shania Twain was sexy, too, in her early years.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  M G
June 8, 2019 2:31 pm

Wow, MG! Amazing pic. It doesn’t look that bad around here. Everything seems to be north and south. But the Missouri did just drop down near normal because we have had a few dry days. No rain in the forecast until Monday night, I think.

Mil Mascaras (EC)
Mil Mascaras (EC)
June 7, 2019 2:16 pm

I didn’t know M G was a published author. This crowd is intimidating.

  M G
June 7, 2019 7:07 pm


I have always enjoyed your writing here, was a long time lurker before I retired and actually had the time and then developed the inclination to comment.

An enduring story, there is no love like the love for a child and successfully easing them out of the nest is to be celebrated! The memories are of the brightest colors…that never, ever fade and only become more vibrant with time.

I got my first pay check for an article in 84…I was thrilled. It was for $150.00 for an article in the VFW Magazine. It changed my life.

old white guy
old white guy
June 7, 2019 4:08 pm

I read the whole thing. Thrift has always been good even though I have rarely practiced it. Good.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 2:56 pm

Wow, we sure are wandering a bit aren’t we. Drifting along like brush on a river to quote an old bluegrass song. Our mind flits from thought to thought like a butterfly dancing on gossamer wings. Oh look, squirrel.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
June 7, 2019 4:17 pm

I LOVE your strategy. A broker friend of mine told me to never invest in anything you did not understand. I have missed out on some good stocks, but have made very successful investments in oil and utilities. I tell my kids and grandkids, “buy a good quality stock that pays dividends and keep reinvesting the dividends.

June 7, 2019 5:48 pm

So many parents paying through the nose to get their offspring brainwashed by a college; a large part of the pickle we are in.

  M G
June 7, 2019 8:25 pm

I don’t know you or your son; I’m speaking of the majority.
Become totally debt free and thereby less affected by society and the Govt.
Most people don’t realize that they have been ‘programmed’ by their parents, society, educational institutions and the military. Not all of programming is bad, yet most people don’t really put it to the test either.

I have seen many people go to college for many years only to come out and get a job/career that did not even require college.
Many in my family went to college because: it was the thing they were ‘supposed to do’ just as their parents told them.
Maybe college was worth it 60 years ago. Although the science and technical aspects that can only be learned there may still be viable.

  M G
June 9, 2019 6:30 pm

I was not attempting to offend you. I congratulate you on the discipline it took to do what you did.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 7, 2019 7:28 pm

Oh, then when you tell me to suck my own cock or fuck myself in the ass you aren’t telling me what you think? Honestly, I figured you were being about as honest as any communist troll could ever be. You and your fake stories about your fake diploma for your fake son. On and on you go. Thinner and thinner becomes your illusion. You suggest that I have no self control! You who scream about foul bodily acts. You who lie through your teeth. You who have fooled the good people. You the purple haired harpy and your socialist agenda. You probably spend your spare time hitting old people with your protest signs when you are not publishing scholarly pieces from your college education..or is it night school classes in pornography, I can’t remember.

I have a suggestion. If you want me to stay away from your posts you could just find another place to post them. I am sure that I wouldn’t be able to find them even if I tried, but you probably think that I would hunt you down to haunt you. Don’t flatter yourself. You aren’t that interesting. Even after I incite you to write more articles, you simply cut and paste pictures from other peoples work and add a few lines of drivel from some leftest blogger or some poor patriot who actually served in the military.

I have to say that I don’t remember ever suggesting that you should suck your own cock. I don’t think I ever suggested that you could probably get your cock into your own ass. (Oh, I offered up just those two so you would go back through all of your comments to see where I did suggest that you suck your own cock.) That was you sweetheart. You are the lair. You are the con-artist. You are the antifa troll.

If you have any friends in flyover country I am happy to hear that my confrontation has done wonders for you. It is my little gift to you. The gift that keeps on giving. Just like that creaky old queef that you keep offering up. How do you clean the dust out of your drawers?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 8, 2019 1:18 am

Sorry, I just can’t understand what you are trying to say. Perhaps some drugs can take the edge off.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 3:01 pm

Maggie I truly worry for your mental health. Your delusions are taking over and they are becoming more incoherent. Perhaps you still have some folks confused, but that does not mean that this charade is good for you.

And by the way, thank you for reading every single comment that I posted. It makes me feel like I might be having some positive impact on your condition. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  Hollywood Rob
June 9, 2019 3:52 pm

Yes, by all means, go have a drink, Robbo.

June 7, 2019 9:04 pm

Good couple of married friends 30 years ago used to buy a gold coin every paycheck and stash it. I used to think it was silly. Ah, no. Just visited them in NC mountains, house paid for, and land. Not laughing now. Wish we had done that. MG and HR, kiss and make up, this need not be a shitfest.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 8, 2019 12:00 am

Sure you did. You meet all kinds of wonderful people, whom you lie to repeatedly. I am truly glad that someone in a MAGA hat has offered to pay some of your travel bills. And it is a shame that you have conned him into funding your apparitions. I can’t tell you how impressed I am that you wrote an article for Women’s Circle twenty some years ago. I am sure that you have it framed on the wall next to your one page summary of Finnegan’s Wake. I am really impressed that you, of all people in this world, have divined the meaning of a book that to this day has defied interpretation by all of the greatest minds in literature. Your intellect must be dizzying. Perhaps I have been too critical of your talents. It really is a shame that the world has suffered for the loss of your insights. I am sure if you had only concentrated you could have guided us all to whirled peas.

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
  Hollywood Rob
June 8, 2019 12:41 am

whirled peas

Your writing is puerile. You really are jealous. You have zero creativity. Maybe I got under your skin when I suggested you should stick to writing scripts for pornos – ugh, ugh, mmm…
Have you ever sold anything, HR, besides your soul?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Mistico (EC)
June 8, 2019 1:20 am

Does antifa issue that soul to you? Are you authorized to have a soul at all. And yes, I have sold my writing, which is available on Amazon, and many paintings, both oil and water color. How about you? Are you published as well?

You see EC, your writing is amazingly similar to maggies. Your reference to pornography. Your foul mouth and your inability to maintain a coherent thought through a comment. Can’t you see how I could confuse your writing with maggies?

u ijit
u ijit
  Hollywood Rob
June 8, 2019 9:26 pm
Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
June 7, 2019 9:20 pm

I liked your article Maggie. Don’t worry a out the downer votes. It doesn’t matter.

  M G
June 7, 2019 10:20 pm

Congrats on your frugality and have fun in Alaska. Hollywood appears envious of your article’s success, funny.

  M G
June 8, 2019 10:06 pm


Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
  M G
June 8, 2019 12:42 am
Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 8, 2019 1:28 am

Sure ya did sweety. And all of those nasty emails, who were they from? And where did you find that old picture of the man on the tractor.

Honestly, if you are rushed in getting on your way to, what was it, Alaska, you should feel free to forgo that last post. Really, you don’t need to do it for me.

BTW, I have to commend you for your photography skills at the age of twelve. You truly must have been gifted…before all of those horrible illnesses. And how you must have suffered through those horrible illnesses of your loved ones.

Oh and don’t take your antifa shirts to Alaska. They are a lot more conservative there than you might be comfortable with.

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
  Hollywood Rob
June 8, 2019 2:43 pm

Magge’s dad grew corn, HR lost his virginity with a corncob. Life has its connections.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G to loathesome blight
June 9, 2019 3:06 pm

Well, actually you didn’t. In all likely hood, even if you did take those pictures back in the 30’s you most certainly didn’t use a 35 mm camera and if you did take that picture you probably used a digital camera, or your phone. Well I guess I really don’t know if you have cell phones where you live. But that sure looks like a digital photograph to me. But then what do I know?

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
June 8, 2019 12:24 am
Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hollywood Rob
June 8, 2019 12:28 pm

Maggie heading for Alaska.

Hellhound of TBP
Hellhound of TBP
  Hollywood Rob
June 8, 2019 2:16 pm

Hollywood knob post launches in the bottom 20% of the page, will typically generate 6 comments.
Magnificent Mags article at the top of the page with 65 comments.
Look for me on the deck of TBP , forever on guard.-Hellhound

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
  Hellhound of TBP
June 8, 2019 2:36 pm

Your doing a piss poor job keeping HR in line, Hellhound. Unless you are like a mall cop whose only duty is to observe and report.

Hellhound of TBP
Hellhound of TBP
  Mistico (EC)
June 8, 2019 2:52 pm

You’re 🙂

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hellhound of TBP
June 8, 2019 3:52 pm

comment image

There you are HHofTBP.

Hellhound of TBP
Hellhound of TBP
  Mistico (EC)
June 8, 2019 3:06 pm

That video was a real toe tapper. If you need me in the future, go to the picture of the burning platform at the top of the page and double click on me. I’m always “on deck”

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hellhound of TBP
June 8, 2019 3:48 pm

On deck! Hell your sitting in his chair. Really poor work there guys (guy).

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hellhound of TBP
June 8, 2019 3:49 pm

Sure EC, but mg accounted for 50 of those comments. So really she only got 15 comments from people who were not mg.

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
  Hollywood Rob
June 8, 2019 5:10 pm

I bet you never lose when playing chess alone. Does it make your clit stiff to fuck with Maggie all the time?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Mistico (EC)
June 8, 2019 7:52 pm

See why I think you must be maggie. You even use the same silly slights. You seem to think that hurling insults in some way makes your argument stronger. You and your blue haired harpy socialist scum can go find another blog to infest with your filth.

And have a nice day.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 8, 2019 7:49 pm

Sure maggie. Whatever you say. Weren’t you going to Alaska?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 8, 2019 7:57 pm

The name on the actual book is Joseph Rust Brown. How is max involved? How are you involved? How does your story and the pictures that you posted from somebody else’s book related to the book that you allege to have written?

Just wondering. Seems like plagiarism to me.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  M G
June 9, 2019 3:58 pm

It’s a pleasure to read your running story. Hollywood ain’t got none to tell and certainly no family that will claim him.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Mil Mascaras
June 9, 2019 6:44 pm

I don’t like this new name as much as the last, but I do hope that you don’t intend to continue the harassment under a different alias.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 3:09 pm

Your eloquence is matched only by your good looks and picture perfect health.

June 8, 2019 6:09 pm


Don’t let any comment troll(s) get you down. Your piece contained good advice, was VERY well written, and deserves the ‘sticky’ spot that Admin has given it at the top of his blog.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G about a CULL just not 13
June 9, 2019 9:10 am

This is actually a step to far in your fabricated reality construction. It is when you make claims such as this one that you lose your audience. This is a common mistake that you see from communists and antifa. They claim to be against fascists and then turn into fascists themselves. They spew their chants because they are not smart enough to construct their own arguments. You have fallen into the same trap. Your lies are in print for all to see so when a logical inconsistency arises it damages your credibility.

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
June 9, 2019 3:02 am

Has anybody here seen my old friend Hollywood,
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He peed on a lotta people, but it seems the dude is long gone
But I just looked around and he’s done.
Has anybody here seen my old friend Rob,
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He peed on a lotta people, but it seems the dude is long gone
But I just looked around and he’s done.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 9:02 am

Yay. Does that mean that you won’t need to take the time to construct another post before you leave for Alaska? I for one applaud your extraordinary creative writing. Not that it makes much sense, but you are trying and with all of those brain operations it must be difficult to keep it all straight. One thing was a bit confusing though. So your dad, who was Joe, who is not buried in the cemetery with the flags, who didn’t write the book, who was not in the picture waving, where is it that he is buried? I kinda got lost in your narrative. You might have mentioned it and if you did I apologize. You know we all are dying to know where he was finally planted because it really ties the whole story together. You know, kinda like Captain Marvel heading off into space at light speed because “you go girl”. Over all, your spamming efforts have been quite successful over the years so you shouldn’t fret. You haven’t stop the far right wing hatred that this site is full of, but you have diverted quite a few contributors and you have driven many away. There is that.

Oh and you do know that the VA will give you estrogen pills so you can curb those violent mood swings. I assume that you are over the hot flashes although some wymen seem to have them for the rest of their lives. It is quite unbecoming for a lady of your advanced years to be using the type of language that you have been showering on us.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Hollywood Rob
June 9, 2019 9:05 am

A wee little touch of your Stockholm Syndrome is leaking out.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 10:45 am

Keep trying. Nothing you show makes any reference to you, or your story. None of your dribble proves anything so I am free to draw whatever conclusions I might wish. Your foul mouthed offerings do not bolster your position. Your videos do not bolster your position. Your pictures from some book do not bolster your position. But the more time you spend defending yourself on this post, the less time you have to pollute other posts.

There is that.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Mistico (EC)
June 9, 2019 9:11 am

Not your best sweety. Take another swing at it.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 10:53 am

I fail to see how you could consider your opinion to be humble. That aside, showing a video on vimeo is something that any of us could do. Rambling from wound vacuums to amber syrup through safe spaces and nipple rules in an incoherent fashion does little to support your lofty claims. I don’t think of this as virtue signalling, but it is related to that. Maybe you could call it hubris signalling.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  Hollywood Rob
June 9, 2019 8:19 pm

Hollywood fancies himself a big dog. He is imitating LLPOH. The problem is that Robbo has nothing to complain about, he is a Robbo without a cause.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  M G
June 9, 2019 4:15 pm

Your a beautiful gal, Maggie. I understand how offensive it must be to have somebody call you a liar and deny your individuality. The satanic entity out of Hollywood finds such beauty offensive. He is a liberal perhaps, and hates that your white beauty and brains outshine his negro husband. He assaults both your intelligence and attractiveness, pooh poohing your condition as if, as Cervantes said, you could have stopped time. But the movie Somewhere in Time starts out with an old lady that we fall in love with as the movie reveals the past. You have done the same here and reminded me of Stuck’s comment regarding a proposed NYC reunion – we shall have to give EC and Maggie some alone time. Thanks for the pics.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 3:14 pm

Somebody else already put this up on this very thread. Although, to be fair, yours appears to be a better copy.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  Hollywood Rob
June 9, 2019 8:17 pm

I wish I had an original idea, perhaps I should criticize a repeated video.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 9, 2019 4:09 pm

Hahahahahahaha…Expert like you. Spewing filth from your fevered mind. Plagiarizing others. Mindlessly drifting from moronic statement to moronic statement. Please give me the mygirl clone any day.

Hollywood Rob translator tool
Hollywood Rob translator tool
  Hollywood Rob
June 9, 2019 8:16 pm

I enjoy stirring the contents of my toilet bowl. People think I have a talent for it and I like to keep in practice.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob

Yay. Although I am pretty sure that I won’t be excited to see your next drug induced offering. I am, however, glad that you think that this mindless dribble from you has run it’s course. I will gladly support you further if you need my help.

Hollywood Rob translator tool
Hollywood Rob translator tool
  Hollywood Rob
June 9, 2019 8:14 pm

I’m so fucking jealous. I only got 17 comments on my limp wrist article. Two comments discussed my use of anywho. I totally suck dick. I need help!

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
June 9, 2019 10:52 pm

It’s funny you chose a video from the wizard of Oz. I thought of poor auntie Em who said that she always wanted to tell HR what she thought of him but being a Christian woman, she couldn’t. I also cannot write the vile words that HR deserves. He is akin to a rapist whose actions are born of violent hatred towards women who represent his mother. Like a besotted member, he is unable to get to the end of his assault. For he feels not love nor pleasure that would bring relief to his rape and can only thrust more violently.

As we witness his rape of a defenseless victim who has no available window to jump out of, we see that Rob has no sexual emergency, no need to violate her, wantonly plunging into her person except to vent his hate, hate, hate, of a successful woman who has accomplished more in her life than he has in his. He seeks to shout down her stories that bring us along for the ride.

The daughter of an honest man, himself a more successful author than Rob will ever be, it infuriates Rob to see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree because she is an accomplished author herself. She has wit, she has adventure, she has love. Rob has not love nor wit. He has no accomplishments. He projects his addled mind onto her, rages at her faith and dauntless spirit. He is an empty man without love, without God. He has no hope, condemned to ride around on his motorcycle like a mad Phaedrus seeking the answer to the riddle of good writing – which he may never find.

Our mad rapist is little more than an iconoclast knocking down statues of illustrious heroes because their contribution to the country’s history offends him, excludes him, does not recognize him and his minor accomplishments as a nowhere man; a fool on the Hollywood hill. He rages because he cannot knock a lady whom illness cannot put down nor shut up. She is like America, once great with bosoms that blossomed bigger so as to make Jimmy Carter desire her in his heart. Now that America has grown sick and weak, the evil son of perdition, Rob, instead of sheltering her, caring for her like an aged mother, seeks to push her off a cliff. Bastard.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Mil Mascaras
June 10, 2019 12:15 am

Now that was just unkind maggie. Truly you devalue yourself when you sink to such low levels as this. Even your choice of mexican wrestler is not as creative as EC’s. Honestly, your feeble efforts just make you less and less of a human. Now you are just whimpering in the corner. Blindly lashing out in a vain effort to assuage your damaged illusion. You are not nice. You are not talented. You are not the daughter (if you are a daughter) of a brave man. You are a coward and a lair.

But keep at it if it makes you feel better. I really don’t care and you obviously need the masturbation for your poor bruised ego. You have tried all of your obfuscations in this one article alone and none of them have worked. Your powder is gone and all of your balls have been shot and not a single one of them have hit their mark. I am done with you.

Have a nice day.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 1:10 am

“You are a coward and a lair.”

dumb ass

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 12:05 am

And you, being female, are the wicked witch of the west I suppose? What are you trying to contend? I thought that you attributed to me a great manliness that enabled me to fuck myself up my ass. If that is what you think then how can you suggest that I am a green woman? Or am I supposed to be the lovely young girl who throws the water on the green woman? I think you are going to have to supply some further explanation.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hollywood Rob translator tool
June 10, 2019 12:02 am

Sure maggie, your dried up old cunt is queefing again. If you want to continue with your communist trolling you are going to have to get yourself some lube. WD40 just isn’t going to cut it.

Mil Mascaras
Mil Mascaras
  Hollywood Rob
June 10, 2019 1:11 am

You know all about lube, don’t you, queer boy.

April 10, 2020 8:43 am

I’m re-posting this on See MO’ Booty Blog and showing them what a real hardscrabble writer’s life looks like.

I just get no respect.

Ghost of Maggie
Ghost of Maggie
February 12, 2022 3:12 pm

We never got to Alaska.

I saw the price of JNJ stock the other day and realized we could have almost tripled our earnings in another ten years.

Oh, well, it was enough. And enough is just fine with me.