The Never Ending Battle

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) June 2019

They sneak in on tiny padded feet, crawling along the branches and the wall; belly low and tail motionless.  Only the movement of the leaves betrays their approach.  I sit quietly, waiting.  There is no way to deny the existential imperative that drives them.  The call of food overcomes all inhibition.  They know the penalty.  They take the risk.

There is a constant battle in your very own neighborhood that goes on under your noses.  It is part of the fabric of your life that you probably see, but don’t think about.  The squirrels in your yard must fight each day to protect their territory from other squirrels.  They fight because your yard has more food, better trees, and that fight establishes a more or less even distribution of squirrels across the landscape.  That will happen whether you live in a city, a town, or out in the middle of nowhere.

We have many different types of squirrels here in Southern California.  These are not the same as the eastern grey squirrel that lives in trees.  Our squirrels live in holes in the ground.  They use the trees that mankind has provided, but save for the California Oak, there are very few native trees.  Our squirrels evolved to make do in an environment of shrubs and grasses.

They are relentless.  Driven by natural impulses, they do what squirrels have evolved to do.  They will never stop except to sleep and produce more squirrels; which they drive away as soon as they are weaned.  So how do you keep them away from the bird food?  Of course, you can’t.  They know when you leave.  They know when you come back.  They see you at the back door and they disappear like ghosts into the dense hedge traveling well know paths on branches worn smooth by little padded feet.  But you have to at least discourage them or the food will all be gone and the birds will get nothing.

So we trap them.

Havahart traps can be purchased at Home Depot.  They work really well and we have now transported 25 squirrels, one raccoon, and one possum to the wild where I am pretty sure that they are leading a wonderful life.

We use peanuts to bait the trap and it works pretty well but the squirrels would still rather eat the bird food if they are allowed to so I discourage them with an air soft rifle.  The biodegradable bbs travel at slow speeds and melt in the rain or the sprinklers.  I bought it at the used sports store for $30.  It is far too old and too inaccurate for real air soft play, but it works great on squirrels.

You could buy my rifle from china for $60 today, but I wouldn’t suggest it.  The new style of air soft guns are way more accurate, produce way more power and shoot far further than this one.  I can bounce a bb off the nose of a squirrel sitting on the feeder.  Their evolution has provided them with no natural response to this, so all they can do is run away.  But they will be back.  And the more they are frustrated at being kept from the bird feeder, the more they are driven to the peanuts in the trap.  Until finally, slam the door comes down and they go for a ride in the car car.

So the battle rages on.  For every squirrel that receives a one way ticket to the wild, three more slide in to take over the territory.  It is a never ending natural phenomenon.  Nature drives them to do this.  Nature drives me to oppose them.  (Well, of course, my wife drives me to oppose them.)

It is this imperative that drives us all.  It is natural that every being on earth seeks to improve their own condition.  Squirrels seek better food and water.  Humans seek better neighborhoods with better restaurants and grocery stores.  It is exactly the same thing.  So does the squirrel think that he has won the best back yard once all of the other squirrels have been driven away?  I suspect not.  He inherently knows that each day he will have to fight to hold the best back yard from an army of determined opponents who are unaware that they will get shot with an air soft bb.  He fights to maintain his dominance and they fight to take what he has.

It is natural.  But we seem to believe that for some reason we, once we have obtained dominance over some prized piece of back yard, can relax and enjoy it.  We create laws that codify our ownership.  We are incensed when those laws are broken and our hard won sanctuary is abridged.  We are better than the nature that surrounds us.  But are we?  Well yes, we are.  It would be better for the squirrels if they observed the rights of the current king of the back yard.  They won’t, but it would be better.  It would be great if slum dwellers realized that they can’t just sneak out into the burbs to steal the things that they can’t afford to buy.  But just like the squirrels, they also have a natural imperative.  That imperative is perhaps driven by the same instinct to avoid hunger but in most cases it is actually driven by a television.  They see the lovely things that others have and want them just as the squirrels in my neighbor’s back yard see the peanuts that they can’t eat.  It drives them to act in exactly the same way.

The squirrels won’t stop.  The criminals won’t stop.  The communists won’t stop.  They all think that they can improve their personal lives by confronting those who have things, anything at all, to take those things away from them.  You can’t win this war.  You can only fight this war.  And you will have to hand this war to your children unless you can figure out a way to give every damned squirrel in your neighborhood a stinking peanut.  And they can eat an amazing amount of peanuts.

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June 16, 2019 2:17 pm

Well, there’s not a squirrel one in my neck of the woods, too many coyotes, hawks, bobcats, feral hogs and other assorted wildlife to sustain a healthy existence for little bitty squirrels.

EL Cholo (EC)
EL Cholo (EC)
June 16, 2019 2:35 pm

Too many predators, not enough prey

EL Cholo (EC)
EL Cholo (EC)
June 16, 2019 2:48 pm

And you will have to hand this war to your children unless you can figure out a way to give every damned squirrel in your neighborhood a stinking peanut. – HR

That’s the communist solution. Killing them is the American solution, 7 billion people that Stucky projects will soon become 9 billion people makes for a lot of folks to kill. We certainly don’t have enough peanuts for them all. Because they multiply and push out always until they cover the land. Rob Soros has come up with plan to ship them all to another location where they will multiply and become powerful and when they are a huge army of hungry squirrels, they will be back to declare war on his beautiful back yard.

  EL Cholo (EC)
June 16, 2019 3:06 pm

I love squirrels, I love birds, I love predators and their prey….I am love personified today…and I am stone cold sober. Yowsuh. Peanuts are plentiful, share them and then, when you run out of peanuts, well, you can have peanut flavored squirrel for supper.

EL Cholo (EC)
EL Cholo (EC)
June 16, 2019 3:50 pm
John Galt
John Galt
  EL Cholo (EC)
June 17, 2019 10:01 am

Yeah that “have-a-heart” trap is allowing them to be reintroduced to the wild and breed and breed and then when they reach a certain point they will all be back at robs door pissed off. Just like all the illegals we are allowing in here. They will get to breeding and voting and pissed one day and change our very country and turn it into the shithole they ran from in the first place. Great plan……

EL Fenix
EL Fenix
  John Galt
June 17, 2019 10:12 am

I think I said all that in my comment above, Johnny. Robin Hood may think he’s being humane but he is introducing squirrels into a territory that they don’t belong in. The new squirrels will encroach on the food supply of other squirrels, there will be fights and stabbings. Some will resort to prostitution and some to outright crime; hold ups, robbery, gambling and pretty soon it’s Big Trouble in Little Topanga. The LA Times will do a series of investigative reporting and nobody will suspect a white dude. It’s the liberals! Illegal immigration! Women’s Libbers! No it’s not, it’s some guy that wants to live la vida priv.

EL Fenix
EL Fenix
  Hollywood Rob
June 17, 2019 5:01 pm

We have two cats, our backyard is rodent-free. Also bird-free since they like birds.

June 16, 2019 2:55 pm

I have found the Yankee-Flipper (made by Droll Yankees Feeders) to be very squirrel-proof as well as entertaining and bird seed saving. The Flipper will actually toss a squirrel quite a ways. I have a couple of these as well as their Tipper and Whipper models. The Flipper is the only one that is battery powered, and if left in the flipping mode, it only needs recharging about every three months.

After being tossed quite a few times, the squirrels will give up causing a loss of entertainment. The solution? Turn the battery off and eventually they will come back and get bold which is a signal to turn the battery back on.

June 16, 2019 3:39 pm

Enjoyed the post and found the Yankee Flipper bird feeder to be very original and effective.

Now, I’m just trying to figure out how to apply both to this:
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June 16, 2019 3:58 pm

Turnstiles in the subway and other public transport.
Like these…
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June 16, 2019 4:22 pm

Kit, that’s the vermin version of the Tilt-A-Whirl…a carnival ride.
I like the guy who puts a shallow round laundry basket on his porch with bait, but cocked back into launching position with twin bungee cords, like a sling shot pulled back to full draw.
Not sure what the release trigger is, but when Squirrelly comes to thievin’, the release sends them forth, and they become flying squirrels for 30 or 40 yards.
Great entertainment.
There’s a video of it, but Lahgs is doing an index finger dance on a smartphone at the moment, and doesn’t want to search, or patronize YT at times.

On second thought, Y&T was a hair band a few years back.
Below is their wonderful one hit wonder, set to eye candy for Father’s, on their day of homage.

June 16, 2019 5:07 pm

I’ve seen, and even posted, a gif or two of squirrel launchings. Funny stuff..Some nice squirrels in your video, too. Gotta go check the barn for my Havahart traps. Yowser.

June 16, 2019 7:40 pm

Lager, I love this song.

Whoa Nellie
Whoa Nellie
June 16, 2019 4:01 pm

In my neck of the woods it’s unlawful to trap, transfer and release unwanted rodents onto anothers property without a permit of consent and who in their right minds wants other peoples rodents?
Lawfully one may trap but must destroy it on site and dispose of by fire or burial.
Sounds like a winner for our illegal alien situation.

  Whoa Nellie
June 16, 2019 4:19 pm

So we should just toss tortillas over the boarder to stop the hordes from coming across? Worth a try.

  Whoa Nellie
June 17, 2019 5:42 pm

Do you need the consent of the property owners or the consent of the unwanted rodents? 🙂

June 16, 2019 4:31 pm

Their evolution has provided them with no natural response to this

Hysterical – I only have 1 lone squirrel, only because he has managed to evade the dogs. . . so I leave him alone and he doesn’t chew holes in the fascia or eat the bird food; i. e., he leaves me alone.

But I will invest in a cheap, inaccurate airsoft rifle just in case he changes his filthy tree-rat ways.

June 16, 2019 4:37 pm

Nuisance critters at various denominations of worship…

At the Baptist Church the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery.The Deacons met and decided to put a water slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

The Episcopal Church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God’s creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist Church. Two weeks later the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water slide.

But the Catholic Church came up with a very creative strategy.They baptized all the squirrels and consecrated them as members of the church, Now they only see them on Christmas and Easter.

Not much was heard from the Jewish Synagogue, but it’s rumored that they took one squirrel and circumcised him, and they haven’t seen a squirrel on their property since.

June 16, 2019 11:21 pm

In today’s modern times of inter-denominational religious services, a Baptist preacher, a Catholic priest, and a Rabbi got together to plan for a big service. The planning went well and everyone was in agreement until the issue of the collection plate came up. They couldn’t agree on how to divvy up the money.
After awhile, the Baptist preacher said,” Let’s draw a circle on the floor. We can stand inside the circle, throw all of the money up in the air, and whatever money falls inside the circle, we keep that to ourselves. The money that falls outside the circle will be given to God.”
The Catholic priest said, ” No, no! We stand inside the circle, throw the money up into the air, and what falls outside the circle is what we keep. The money that falls inside the circle is what we give to God.”
The Rabbi was chuckling to himself, and then said,” Gentlemen, my people were dealing with issues of money about 1800 years before your man came along. Here is what I suggest: we stand inside your circle, throw all of the money up into the air, and God can keep whatever he catches.”

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
June 23, 2019 8:55 am

This joke was told by Steve Guttenberg in the movie Short Circuit. But I think he screwed up the punch line…

June 16, 2019 7:32 pm

For squirrels I use a scoped RWS .22 air rifle. It’s quite powerful, quiet, and lethal for small game out to 50 yards or so. It’ll take out a jackrabbit or raven.

June 16, 2019 8:03 pm

At least Meatballs has a trap and then turns them loose in the wild . Some of you are nothing but squirrel murdering savages. I on the other hand feed the little rats when at home and I am proud of it. We have a never ending supply of the vermit. Besides every now and then Little bb enjoys a snack .

June 17, 2019 12:04 am

I would eat them. Here they are plague-carrying vermin like about everything else.

June 16, 2019 10:51 pm

You win the war by killing all of them. I like to feed the birds for I have all kinds of songbirds that hang around here. I wouldn’t care if the squirrels got a few mouthfuls of seed or suet, but they will completely take over the feeder, hog all of the seed, and drag off every block of suet. I finally got tired of it, and after I popped 18 of them there were no more problems.

June 17, 2019 4:30 pm

C’mon guys….claymore mines or you aren’t trying…..

  Hollywood Rob
June 17, 2019 6:09 pm

Get one of the large tray feeders that has a little roof over the tray. There’s no glass. Make sure you know the backdrops to keep missed shots from going astray. You want a pole feeder where the squirrels can’t jump to and from a tree. My formerly live squirrels had no choice but to access the pole from the ground. I have a POS 11oo fps pellet rifle, and when you hit them just as they are about to climb up or are coming down it works good. Had I had a better rifle, I could have dealt with them in about a third of the time. Man, I want a .22 caliber Mendoza repeating air rifle!
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