You Can Not Give Up – You Can Not Run

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) July 2019

When one man stands before the criminals, others stand behind him.  Compare the bravery of this man to the cowardice of the Antifa Communist in Tacoma.

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Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
July 16, 2019 11:22 am


grace country pastor
grace country pastor
July 16, 2019 11:38 am

Inspiring video HR.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Hollywood Rob
July 16, 2019 12:53 pm

No law. Just. Us.

July 16, 2019 11:53 am

Meatballs he is right. We have been sacred into silence. Here in America if white people condemn black behavior , Muslims , illegal immigration (aliens ) homosexuality or soon to be sex with
children we are called racist and haters.

I don’t have to tell you the media is owned and controlled by Jews and some say the CIA. I know based on history once whites become a minority they will used the media to stir up even more hate for white people. Then used these Third world bottom feeders as as army against us just like they did in Russia. Jews used the minority population in Russia to attack and help them kill white Russians. They will do it here. Whites have been lied to and brainwashed about Jews and Israel being our friends. It’s all lies . Jews hate us and America. It’s all in their ” holy books ” the Talmud. They hate us. Our only hope is Once this Abomination called America collapses economically some of us will be willing to break away from this shit and start a new nation inside of what once was America. It will only happen with much bloodshed and death. I wonder if white people will have the strength of will to fight. If not we will be genocide out of existence.
For the rest of you do a Google search about the genocide that happened in Russia from 1917 to the mid thirties.

July 16, 2019 11:58 am

Lost meds alert. Please help this poor individual find and replace his paranoid psychosis medication before he gets dangerous

July 16, 2019 12:26 pm

His feelings are understandable but some evil force has him convinced only Jews populate the Luciferian bastards bent on destroying our world and the world we all hope for.

July 16, 2019 1:21 pm

So … you think BB doesn’t know what he is talking about? For those who can handle the truth … go on TRUNEWS.COM. They run a late afternoon podcast. If you don’t care to catch it live, it is posted afterwards. Forward past the first 30-40 minutes. At that juncture, they discuss what is going on behind the scenes in a broad sense. The evidence they present is sobering at best. And .. it supports every single contention raised by B.B. Or … you can continue to stick your head in the sand along with the other 99.99999% of this world’s population. All TRUNEWS offers … is the truth.

July 16, 2019 7:05 pm

Motley ,thank you . I just went over to True news. I will listen to some of the podcasts.

July 16, 2019 3:57 pm

BB isn’t wrong.

July 16, 2019 9:09 pm

Don’t knock BB, he’s on the money here but his net is too small, lots more evil SOB’s out there not of the jewish persuasion that shouldn’t be ignored. Tommy is screwed like Assange and Manning et al. are screwed. The powers that be won’t let them get away with questioning and exposing the agenda. Britain is a cesspool, soon to be a ‘multicultural’ nation of welfare drones and sharia law.

July 16, 2019 11:58 am

Yeah too bad he wasn’t an American, we could use his type of courage here in a public fashion.

Regarding antifa, the regressive commies are supporting that gasoline bombing guy who viewed himself as a matyr. So on facebook the group is supporting their “comrade”, and that doesn’t get the banhammer at facebook? A definitive terrorist act that could easily have ended with lots of innocents killed. There are alot more of that type of Antifa guy out there, the beating people up thing and their embracing violence is only going to escalate. They need to label them domestic terrorists and arrest them when they are masked in public places menacing people and beating on people. Its only b/c Portland apparently is a hotbed for this kinda crap and the Mayor is a worthless sympathizer w/ his commie buds.

I see this getting bad, either LEO’s get pissed and say F-it after one of their own tribe gets killed, or others decide to quit playing patty-cake with signage and go after the Antifa folks that are doxxing people, and training/preparing to kill and maim anyone who isn’t part of their neo-commie club.

July 16, 2019 12:41 pm

This so called press is disgusting in extremis. This bastard had an AR-15. Where are the hysterical gun grabbers? He made it with an unserialized receiver and depending, it may have been a federal crime. I saw some Antifuque bitch on CNN showing off their 3D printed knuckle dusters and weapons. The CNN host thought it was really cool. He was attempting to ignite a commercial building size propane tank. I assume many of you understand that this could literally kill or seriously burn everyone within a QUARTER MILE radius and level entire buildings in that zone. It would have blown that facility to smithereens with all the people in it had it BLEVE’d.
But Trump was “mean” to some commie filth minority bitches so THAT is the never ending story. That and the RINO’s lining up to decry the pushback from the only guy standing for us. Fuck each and every one of them.
I think I need to go out and chop down brush for a while before I have an aneurysm. H&R

July 16, 2019 12:23 pm

Trump seems to be calling out and telling all the Prog shithead minorities to fuque off. I don’t think we will get anyone more willing to stand for us than him. Seems some hate “Jews” so much they can’t see this forest for the trees however.
I will say again to all steeped in their ignorance that I know dozens of Jews, and none of them are billionaires or news media and none of them are trying to control the world. They are part of the 99% like the rest of us and the ones who don’t live in big cities are with us in everything but this disgusting Jew hater bullshit some here revel or wallow in. FREE TOMMY ROBINSON!
Harrington Richardson

  Hollywood Rob
July 16, 2019 1:22 pm

In league with Israel …..

  Hollywood Rob
July 16, 2019 3:42 pm

Meatballs ,they don’t own the media in England. It’s Jewish controlled 100%. It’s the media that has silence the white people of England. I know the Saudis control much of the finances of the country but the banking system and media is in the hands of The Royal Family and then Jewish Traitors. All three are treasonous to White interest. The Saudis ,the Royal Family and the Rothschild types all worship Lucifer . They hid behind Islam ,or Judaism or the Protestant faith but it doesn’t take much research to see who and what they really worship….and they all belong to the most secret of secret societies. Remember, Freemasonry is just a stepping stone to the other secret societies . Anyway it will take another world war to unLodge and unplug these people from their positions of influence and power. I am beginning to see why the communist maintain that everything must be destroyed and then rebuilt even though I hate the ideology of Marxism.

July 16, 2019 2:56 pm

Trump and congress stand with their financial backers and have opened the flood gates for the 3rd world, most recently with the H1B bill, but Trump sure does tweet out some zingers good enough to make his supporters bark like trained seals, I’ll give you that.

July 16, 2019 3:25 pm

Fuck you anonymously ,I do my research . Maybe you should do some research about these treasonous bastards you pretend to care so much about. I have never once said it was all Jews but they all have the same world view as the wealthy ones. They are taught from day one it is ok to lie to dumbass goy like you and they do it very well. They are taught to play along until they have the upper hand and then come in for the kill. If you can’t see that is exactly what has happened over the last 40 years then there is nothing else to say. I’m will continue to warn others about these Traitors no matter what. Do your research. When is the last time you ask any of your Jewish ” friends ” about the Holocaust Hoax ? See what they do . They will play the victim card as long as you are stupid enough to listen even though the Holocaust never happened. It’s fucking lies. Your Jewish friends will once again look you straight in the eyes and lie through their damn teeth. Or ask about Israel involvement in 9/11. See what you friends say and do.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 16, 2019 9:53 pm

I had Catholic relatives murdered in a concentration camp by National Socialist fuquetard murdering cowards. I don’t need confirmation from any hillrod truck driver or Jewish Billionaire that it happened. I personally have known two Christians and one Jew who liberated camps. Eisenhower made the locals walk through the camps and bury the dead, “because in fifty years some son of a bitch is going to say this never happened.” Ike knew you were on the way.

Fake Wexner
Fake Wexner
  Harrington Richardson
July 16, 2019 10:08 pm

Now we know you’re a liar.

July 16, 2019 3:58 pm

God, you are so fucking stupid.

  Hollywood Rob
July 16, 2019 6:47 pm

Meatballs ,I just dislike it when people say I hate Jews or that I don’t know what I’m talking about . I have spent months doing research . I have spent so much time on Jewish websites. I have spent a lot of time reading real history. I know what I have discovered. I don’t hate Jews personally . When i say Jews it’s usually about the super wealthy but the other Jews always go along with the wealthy ones. When is the last time you saw or heard anyone Jewish standing up for white people or our interest?
I don’t hate blacks but I have learned enough about them to avoid them when possible. I have done my research on the black community. Once again it’s the media that spreads so much racial mistrust and haterd . Look who controls the media.
The more I discover the more I feel a need to warn others . Especially on this site. I never say anything about our current situation other than to people here on the Burning Platform.
To the world…..I don’t hate Jews . I hate what they and other white progressives have and are doing to our nation.
When I do feel hate it’s always towards the white Traitors who have sold us out and betrayed us.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 16, 2019 9:56 pm

You don’t like having your ignorance exposed to the wider world. I get it. So you are cool with my conservative Prog hating Jew friends, or are they just all lying 24/7 because they are Jews?

July 16, 2019 6:38 pm

Who do you imagine controls AntiFA?

Who do you imagine funds AntiFA?

What do you know of AntiFA’s history?

Do you have any idea who funded the 1917 October Revolution?
Do have any idea what 85%+ of the Revolutionary leadership had in common?

I ask because anyone familiar with 1917 Russia and 1919 Weimar Germany sees parallels that can’t be missed, or ignored. You appear to have been so brainwashed by your enemies that you are literally incapable of even conceiving of the truth, much less accepting it.

Start researching the real history of the past century, it is probably the only hope you have of deprogramming yourself.

July 17, 2019 2:55 pm

Who do you imagine controls AntiFA?

Who do you imagine funds AntiFA?


22winmag - Yankee by birth - Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth - Southerner by choice
July 16, 2019 2:24 pm

Tommy has been outed as another intelligence distraction.

Any feel-good story is a fake.

I draw an off comparison to the Bundy Ranch drama in the good old USA, where the citizens told the gov’t shove it and the gov’t backed down and everyone celebrated a stunning victory over the jackboot, well, sort of.

It sounded good and felt good at the time, but that was the point of the hoax. Distraction.


Ok, 22, Luv ya, but is anything real or true, and what is that? Tommy seems real to me. Was HollyO an intelligence distraction?

22winmag - Yankee by birth - Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth - Southerner by choice
July 17, 2019 1:50 am

The only people who win battles with the government, are actors who work for the government.

Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is a little too tame for me.

Tommy Robinson seems to be about as real as the USA’s Unite The Right Spy-Agitator Richard Spencer who fell off the face of the Earth after the Charlottesville hoax ->

July 16, 2019 5:52 pm

“Haven’t bought a beer in years” the funnest line easy breaking up some real deal awfulness. There is no more griping a 50 million dollar movie scene than that.
I’m in a recall signature drive of a couple Leftist city council MF’s here in Leftyville Santa Cruz, CA.

There has never been a recall in Santa Cruz, there is now. Even though this is commie/Marxist/Leftist central around here (Portland has us beat there), the tide is a turning. We are going to throw these fuck’s out.

After watching this, I stormed out and got some more signatures.

Our recall is being done 100% volunteers, and so far has only cost $2500 or so.

No big money, grass roots, enough leftist BS.

I think we are hearing Tommie’s message, somewhat.

July 16, 2019 8:10 pm

Not being well versed in Great Britain’s common law and the rights assured the citizens (subjects) not sure what to say legally ! I will say Great Britain is flooded with middle eastern Muslims that are destroying British Society with the blessing of the liberal bags of shit in parliament .
Much like the Muslim female shit bags in the US congress and all the leftist shit bags that support them . They may vote they may have American citizenship but they are not , do not want and are repulsed by being labeled American . They are domestic enemies occupying seats in our governing body and true Americans of all ethnicities need to be offended and defended from their actions !

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 16, 2019 10:05 pm

Some of them are hiding in plain sight. A radical leftist in the Brit Parliament is George Galloway. His Uncle was Yasser Arafat. Arafat’s uncle was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who lobbied Hitler to murder all the Jews instead of shipping them to Palestine. Hitler made the Mufti a General, honorary or not I do not know, in the Waffen SS.