Funding Your Own Enslavement, the Curse of Liberty Ignored – Part 1

Guest Post by The Ghost of Matthew Lyon


The Scourge Of Aristocracy and Repository of Important Political Truth – Fair Haven, Vermont

As I roiled in the crypt this Halloween. I woke to a terrible dream. Tis’ 2019. My voice be silent now yon 197 year. All knowledge since pass thru mine eye and ear, be DAMNED what I find. And be DAMN all FEAR. The spitting Lyon is among you again. And, in your modern language I shall speak the eternal truth to a new time.

In a recent Ben Swann interview 2020 Presidential candidate John McAfee says, what many will not yet accept: It is not the Chinese or even nation states at all, it is the “World system”.  If more people could see global and local events through this prism, would they find those events more easily understood?

I don’t know what got me started on this article. Maybe, something about the wild heart in McAfee. A complicated man running for, and from the US Presidency at the same time. Something to which I might relate. Any concerns you have for him, one thing can be said: He understands freedom of the mind, body, and soul. A rare man I am finding today in politics.

So, he got me thinking too. To share with you what I know about our world through the filtered lens of my own experience.

Age is one lens through which all humans view events. There are benefits to the lens of age and of youth. Neither should be dismissed out of hand. To know you have lenses that filter experience and information is the first step outside of them.

Our world is quickly filling with filters not of a natural origin. Some are even out of our control to avoid in certain circumstances. We should not forget we wear these lenses as we encounter information and experience and seek to see beyond them.

The combined knowledge of science and philosophy are at work in our increasingly controlled society. Understanding how the works of Bernays, Asch, Milgram, Zimbardo and those before and since, can be directed by the few to affect you and I in a connected world, is ever more important.

The work of professor Antony Sutton is not in refute and as prescient today as ever. His work reveals the fundament premise we all live under today:

Mastery and control of information and currency across generations has been achieved by the few. Nation states are increasingly a fiction to those who control the money we use…

The nature of money instructs the nature of power. Money whose nature, quantity, and value can be changed freely by the few, creates the environment for ultimate tyranny. Tracing the line forward and backward in time eloquently exposed by Sutton, informs an understanding of cause and effect. The education system and consolidating media monopolies are collaborating to obscure this line of reason from you further.

More and more, information consumed is tailored to hide or obfuscate facts. In its delivery, designed to distort perceived truths on a sophisticated and even individual level. Ever more, the important information is not the information readily available or delivered to us by device but, that held in places yet untouched by censorship, censorship both seen and unseen filling spaces all around us.

Though near fully ignored in the teaching of history. Sutton’s foundational work is more relevant today than ever. When asked before his death in 2002, What do you see for the future? Sutton replied, “chaos, confusion and ultimately a battle between the individual and the State.” “The individual is the stronger; and will win. Sooner or later people will wake up.” “First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control.” “The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them.” When asked, What to do? Sutton answered, “find yourself and then go to work…..tell your friends and put out the message. The answer is within you.”

What we are realizing now 17 years since Sutton’s death is, not only is the right and left political divide a Hegelian illusion but, so too are the perceived divides between nation states. When a supranational currency controlling aristocracy is at play above political party, governments, business, and money itself; a media lens of lessor actors is insufficient to judge events.

Like standing too close to a single tree obscures the forest, so too does viewing through filters forced upon you. This is designed to obscure the true challenges before us. When you can only see ants descending the bark of a single tree, you cannot know the state of the forest behind. Discarding the nation-state and party lens is the first step to breaking the light to its elemental bands.

Sutton documented; that at the turn of the century, western bankers funded the Bolsheviks in Russia. By the end of the 1980’s the communist revolution there was converted to an authoritarian oligarchy. This was ushered in by globalist darlings Gorbachev and Yeltsin as succeeding Russian leaders from the old Soviet. More recently, stewardship has been solidified in Vladimir Putin, Henry Kissinger’s man in Russia. The money interest had now successfully converted revolution war debt, to equity in the vast Russian resources in just 90 years.

Major Jordan’s Diaries augment and support Sutton’s works. Jordan’s delivery, jovial and comical nature make this a fun introduction. Here you will begin to understand the lend lease fraud of WWII and the transfer of tech, during and after, that led to cold war build-ups and an expansion of militarism. All driven by the growing power of banking and financialization. These build-ups financed in the east and west by the same banking system, owned by the same people, accelerated greatly post World War II.

By the 1970’s the work in China of Rockefeller and associated forces led by Henry Kissinger (the forward face of this agenda) was nearly complete in structure. They had succeeded in assisting Mao to foment China’s “revolution” and set the stage for its subversion from communism to a technocratic authoritarian labor camp by the early 1990’s (just 30 to 40 years).  From Deng Xiaoping – to fruition of complete control, with Xi Jinping “President for Life”.

Treasury secretary Henry “Hank” Paulson famous from presiding over the economic crash test run in 2008, is quoted in this now removed Bloomberg article praising Xi as, “the kind of guy who knows how to get things over the goal line.”

Beginning as the China project was underway. In the US, through Wall Street and Washington, these same interests pressured significant efforts to offshore the manufacturing base of north America as part of the continued financialization scheme. Again, as in days of Major Jordan, they offshored the latest tech capabilities of the West. Though, this time to a freshly prepared authoritarian labor market in China.

A debt expansion for the American people would move more equity to the banks. As Americans would no longer have the manufacturing job-incomes to support the goods they would still need and desire. Even more dangerous were the makings of a new military rival again fomenting in the transfer of sensitive tech from that sector eastward.

Some might remember Bill Clinton was actually caught facilitating aspects of this tech transfer in the late 1990’s. You might also find it interesting how closely weapons in China today, 20 years later, resemble those in the west. Weapon parity and balance feeds escalation in arms races, and arms races are good for banking and control of peoples.

The public was made aware through the media in what was coined “Chinagate” testing the acceptance of such behavior from a president.  With little social backpressure from Americans, this behavior became normalized. Soon after, western companies began signing joint ventures contracts to hand over tech of all kinds to the authoritarian state in exchange for access to China’s captured labor force, its people…  In Major Jordan’s day it was boxes from the US Patent office and samples of tech items shipped to the Soviets. Today, it is simply joint ventures between supranational corporations. Much cleaner for banking.

This access to a captured people’s labor secured by the globalists reverberated through the western business world almost instantly. “Manufacture in China or die” was the clear understanding. This labor filter rewarded globalist aligned companies with cheap labor and punished those with management unwilling to support the export of value from the West without the export of western values. This incentive became the driver to even greater control of business and markets for those bent on creating a neo-feudalist ideal. A one-world technocratic corporatist/fascist government ruled regionally by global elites.

Chris Hedges: “Our passivity has resulted… in much more than imperial adventurism and a permanent underclass. A slow-motion coup by a corporate state has cemented into place a neofeudalism in which there are only masters and serfs. And the process is one that cannot be reversed through the traditional mechanisms of electoral politics.”

This offshoring was made to seem quite normal and rational in the media. As capital flowed eastward, the ideas of freedom that created that wealth and innovation were filtered from the equation. This continued in spite of the images of Tankman and Tiananmen, and now with the protestors in Hong Kong broadcast in the West. Without any real volume of push back from the American people, they continued the dumbing down and indebtedness of the populace domestically with even greater confidence. The recent National Basketball Association (NBA) incident with the Chinese government is just a glimpse into this issue.

The accelerated destruction of the currency after 1971 with the completion of the gold decoupling allowed the global Money Cartel to speed up the printing presses. With bailouts and bubble creation on an even grander scale free of any responsibility to hard money in any form. No more limits existed for the Money Cartel beyond maintaining public opinion and acceptance of the now completely fiat money supply.  With world reserve currency status, they were now free to pillage the value of resources around the world with infinite financial impunity.

The important thing to note here is that now the “dollar” had truly no resemblance at all to the money outlined clearly in the Constitution of the United States. For the first time the privately owned bank called the Federal Reserve (FED) could produce money in secret while using legal fiction to tie their future private actions to the American people’s public debt.

Privatized profit and socialized loss was now firmly in place.

Those who had maneuvered the FED into this position over many decades were sure to keep the American people on the hook for their counterfeit action with a now completely fiat note resembling the old dollar only in appearance. The swindle was complete. Let the buying and indebting of everything begin! Through the Nixon Shock they had now asserted full untethered control of the money supply while enjoying having, you the American taxpayer, on the hook for their operations worldwide through the US “dollar’s” status among world currencies… I should note here that in my time, the idea of the taxation you now endure would have been cause for an immediate revolution. My friend Thomas spoke of that in his letter to Mr. Smith some years back.

MN Gordan: “Full Faith and Credit in Counterfeit Money – Is it an accident that the debasement of society has followed the debasement of money?  We don’t know, for certain.  But we have a hunch they’re somehow related.


What we do know is that fiction and deception helped usher in the dollar’s transformation to a phony currency.  How else could the dollar have been debased from money coined of gold and silver and issued by Congress, as specified by the Constitution, to paper legal tender notes that are borrowed into existence by the Federal Reserve?


When President Nixon closed the gold window at the U.S. Treasury on August 15, 1971, he told several whoppers.  He said it was to, “defend the dollar against the speculators.”  He also said the action would, “suspend temporarily, the convertibility of the dollar into gold.”  Furthermore, he told Americans that, “your dollar will be worth just as much tomorrow as it is today.”

President Ronald Reagan’s “reforms” in the 1980’s were not an exception, as is popularly accepted political dogma. They were more a reflection of further normalizing debt creation on the American public’s backs. In fact, every chief executive of the United States, with very few arguable exceptions has adhered to this capitulation to public debt creation driven now by an all-powerful FED. Debt used to directly fund government through the Congress and special interests precluding any will of the people with taxes levied after the fact went into overdrive.

Hidden Taxes in the form of debts levied after the spending has occurred, are the norm today for the American tax payer. They make a mockery of democratic process rule at every turn. Furthermore:

Your vote is irrelevant when any elected candidate produces the same fundamental result.

With every fake dollar spent indebting you, campaigns are fed through kickbacks and graft in your name. Elections have devolved to “selections” of the lessor presented evil as it may appeal to you in a rigged game.

If you work for someone else, as the vast majority of Americans do, imagine if you had to write a check for income taxes each week with your other expenses? You might consider how that money was being spent more carefully?  Perish that thought.

Instead, your employer is tasked with the job of tax collection from you under threat of armed agents as you collect your “net” paycheck. Did you know that in almost every case, what the employer “withholds” from you must be doubled by them and deposited in a Federal Reserve System Bank almost immediately?  Ask your employer about this?

Employers especially small ones are under constant threat today from all sides. Whether it be from regulatory capture favoring big players, or outright political corruption now at all levels. Revolving doors between the increasingly armed alphabet bureaucracies of government, and top corporate and legal offices of the private sector, is just the visible part of this equation. Should anyone choose to look

For most, payroll and other hidden taxes do not enter the mind until April 15th each year, when many Americans look forward to getting some portion of the stolen loot back as a mugger might leave you bus fare. “No interest of course for you”, as it was your privilege to let them hold it for you for the year.

That is if you submit an accounting of your life (IRS-created 1913) so the thieves (Federal Reserve-created 1913) might better understand how to steal from you next year. John McAfee has refused. As did the men, many of whom my friends, who signed the Declaration of Independence and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to each other.

That is of course, not the worst hidden tax you pay.  The inflation tax is the most insidious by far.  Though not truly a “tax”, its effects are even more devastating on every level. The inflation tax is the ability of private interests in the form of the Federal System to create money from thin air. Trading that money to the congress for spending in return for US Treasury Bonds (IOU’s) at interest.

Let’s say that again… They create money from thin air (completely since 1971). Give it to the Congress. Congress spends that money however it chooses. It then, issues IOU’s in the form of bonds that pay “interest” (your work and taxes) back to the Federal Reserve. Congress then taxes you to pay for the spending after the fact.

When your taxes no longer cover the totals of just the interest on that debt increase, it is forwarded into future generations robbing value from the people, their children, grandchildren, and now even beyond. This is immoral.

Want to see it today? See 100-year bond. If this does not at least cause you to locate your torch and pitchfork, maybe it should if you plan on having kids or seeing your grandkids free?

In the process the people at the middle/top of this racket. Let’s call them the Paretos, the 20%, the sociopaths below the psychopaths. They hand their fellow Paretos kickbacks, regulatory favors, contracts, and other goodies in return for small campaign contributions by percentage of return of the loot they have been handed.

Maybe this corruption sends your job to China, or maybe it causes your small employer to a sell out to a corrupt connected larger competitor whose lobbyist wrote the regulation to favor them. Either way, you get the point.

In case you didn’t know, unlike in my day, today congress-people do not write the bills. Lawyers/lobbyists construct the laws your Congress-person inflicts on you down on K Street… Never was a K street in my day. Had there been, likely would have burned it myself in 1812. Could have got away with it then, blamed it on the lobsterbacks… Why can’t I say man? or men? Anymore? That one really baffled me when I first woke up. I think I have used that “person” thing for the last time.

This system devalues what little money you hold at every turn.  Make no mistake, that is the purpose. When complicated language is used, it is only to distract from this primary crime.

Here is a simple example for you today:

Let’s say you have a dollar and I have a dollar.

They are the only two dollars in existence in the world as we begin.

You control 50% of the value of the currency and I control 50% of the value of the currency. Now let’s say I am the Federal Reserve and you are; well, just you.

I am going to “Quantitative Ease” myself 2 more dollars.

Now, I control 3 dollars and you control 1.

I now control 75% of the value of the currency and you control 25%.

  • I did not “tax” you.
  • I did not show up at your house or bank with an agent and weapons but, I stole from you just as surely.

Let that sink in…

If that is not enough? Now, I am going to “loan” that money I just created to my minion bank in your community and tell them to loan it to you at greater interest rates. You are going to have to go out into the world to create value to accumulate the additional dollars to pay that “loan” back.  While you are doing this, and while you are sleeping at night, I am devaluing the dollars you just made trying to catch up by doing this to your neighbor too. I collect the sum of your labor and production at no cost in the created “money” that I “loaned”. I use the government to enforce this on you with armed agents and the threat of locking you in a cage and taking all you thought you owned.

What’s more,,, I tell my minion banker (Federal Reserve System/FDIC insured bank) that for every 10 dollars I “loan” him, he can loan more than 100 dollars into existence on his own books locally (fractional reserve banking).

I tell him through the banking regulations I have brought into existence and maintained for him over the last 100 years. That, he may by my permission alone, print money too and get in on the game of devaluing yours even further! “Think Globally act Locally,” to use their twisted term.

You see, this gets very “unsustainable” for freedom, private ownership of assets, and self-determination; what used to be known as Liberty, very quickly. We are near the end of what can be sustained (hate how they twist that word) in human terms for the “dollar”.  What is next you might ask?

[Link Part Two]

[Link Part Three]

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December 17, 2019 8:31 pm

Very well done, thank you.

December 17, 2019 11:46 pm
Steve C.
Steve C.
December 18, 2019 7:12 am


Vote Harder
Vote Harder
December 17, 2019 8:52 pm

“First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control.” “The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them.”

How was you able to publish this on the Left vs. Right News Network?

Your vote is irrelevant when any elected candidate produces the same fundamental result.


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Steve C
Steve C
December 17, 2019 9:00 pm

The nature of money instructs the nature of power. Money whose nature, quantity, and value can be changed freely by the few, creates the environment for ultimate tyranny. Tracing the line forward and backward in time eloquently exposed by Sutton, informs an understanding of cause and effect. The education system and consolidating media monopolies are collaborating to obscure this line of reason from you further.

And so it is with history as it is currently taught.

The reason that our ‘real’ history is no longer taught in our government child indoctrination centers is that if we know where we were and are cognizant enough to truly understand where we are then you can connect those two points and by extending them out you will get some idea of where we are headed.

That understanding and foresight is NOT in the interest of the globalist elite.

Hence, the revision of our history as it truly was and the dumbing down of the masses to where we actually are.

December 17, 2019 9:44 pm

I love concise pieces about The Evil Fuckers (c) TM.

December 17, 2019 10:07 pm

And who is behind the banks? Who was behind the Bolsheviks? Who is behind communism? Again and again, the jews. Largest organized crime syndicate in history.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
December 17, 2019 11:16 pm

This is quite good. Article seems to be from “”

December 18, 2019 8:15 am

What a great article. I long for the day when enough people get wise to the system that enslaves them by self immolation-democracy. Information like this hastens the day.

December 18, 2019 10:49 am

muh free market is real .

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Doing god’s work…

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December 19, 2019 11:15 am

We have lost control of our government because we are no longer brave enough to stand up to it. As our forefathers said,

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

the experienced
the experienced
December 19, 2019 11:36 am

Nicely worded article. Thank you very much Richard.

jim carter
jim carter
December 20, 2019 9:55 pm

I missed the contact button.

This writing is a tribute to my professor who taught a graduate course of Money and Banking at a state flagship university.  His revelation has been confirmed with TreasuryDirect documentation, GAO reports, and other sources.  Perhaps the research may be of interest.

Are the real beneficiaries of Stephen Mnuchin’s, whoops, Trump’s Budget with the humongous increases in National Debt, similar to programs that Stephen’s cronies at Goldman Sachs have used for decades to impoverish nations (including Greece and Argentina), clearly visible to you? They are identified below.

Have you ever wondered how the New York banks have been so successful that they can give million dollar bonuses, buy interlocking director control of Fortune 500 companies –especially military suppliers, and donate millions to philanthropic causes ? The source of the funding is detailed below.

How does the Federal Reserve system embezzle billions of dollars for select Primary Dealers in accounts that are not audited ? The specific accounts and methods used are identified.

How has Wall Street hidden their naked warmongering from 1890 to 1946 by creating the CIA with Allen Dulles to conceal their nefarious acts behind ‘national security’, and has used purloined funds and the U.S. military for decades to crush any nation that resisted their exploitation ? And now has turned their attention toward the U.S. ? Read on.

The “ultimate goal” for Wall Street is to collect on the [fraudulent] $21 trillion U.S. national debt (as in Greece) is presented in footnotes 17 and 18.

The future of the United States may be in your hands.


“What difference does an increase in the National Debt make? We owe it to ourselves.” virtually every congress-critter has declared. Such a paraphrased statement, reflecting on the exoskeleton structure of the Federal Reserve, ignores the inner historic mechanisms of Rothschild banking, the intense subterfuge and arm-twisting of the Fed’s creation, and the proven destructive forces inherent but hidden therein. 1
The medieval Rothschild Banks established a line of credit for the King provided the King issued a written promise to pay gold, with interest, to the bank at a time in the future. The book-entry Rothschild credit was used to pay for obligations incurred by the king. The credit continued to be circulated in the kingdom between merchants. The bankers sold the king’s interest bearing promise of gold to investors. The promise was renewed by the king on its maturing date and became perpetually rolled-over. 2

VOILA !!! The king made the suppliers of services happy with Rothschild credit; the bankers had the gold from investors; the investors had a promise the king would eventually pay them in gold—which would never happen. 3 Everything went smoothly as long as the bankers could sell the promise and the investors did not demand the gold. 4 As Benjamin Ginsburg has lamented in FATAL EMBRACE; (bankers) AND THE STATE 5, eventually the schemes, which stole the wealth from the people with book-entry fiat money, would come to a catastrophic climax. 6

The Federal Reserve 7 does the same thing for the U.S. government’s deficit spending. Their wizard is hiding behind Frank Baum’s curtain as obscurant to any public inquiry.8

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will grant credit (not “create money”) in an account of the US government with an amount that the government will pledge. 9 The government will expend the book-entry-credit account (deficit spending) to pay for goods and services consumed by the government. The suppliers are content. Evidence that the supplier has received a credit voucher is obvious. [It is touted to the public as a loan.10] The heading of the currency given to the supplier by a local commercial bank is Federal Reserve Note; i.e., a debt obligation of the Federal Reserve also identified as a “tender” (substitute) required by law to be accepted for an imprinted number of dollars. 11

To sell the pledge from the government (the Treasury security) at the highest price, the Federal Reserve will hold an auction but will camouflage it as an auction by the government.12 Acceptance of bids, determining the interest rate, and the amount of deficit spending permitted is controlled by the BOG.13 Government regulations clearly establish the funds from the auctions are controlled exclusively by the FRBNY; i.e., a franchisee of the BOG. 14

In addition to the approximate $1 trillion annually auctioned for deficit spending (new cash), the roll-over of approximate $10 trillion debt from prior years (publicly held maturing) is annually auctioned and disbursed by the FRBNY. 15

The difference in handling of the two accounts is the supreme camouflage. Funds for roll-over securities are credited by the FRBNY to a government account. The FRBNY then pays the Primary Dealers (from the government account) for their task in collecting the maturing securities from the public. There is no increase in the National Debt nor is there any inflationary resultant from these transactions.

If the funds from deficit spending securities were to be used in redeeming Treasury securities in the market (i.e., paid by the FRBNY to the government), it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt. It would also eliminate any increase in money in circulation (inflation). That clearly does not occur.


The only viable dispersal of funds identifiable to this writer is the funds are commingled with funds to select Primary Dealers. If the Primary Dealers include shareholders of a privately held incorporated Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, they would not have to reveal corporate records.16 The profit could be completely hidden from view. 17 The deficit spending amount 18 would be clear profit for the owners of the BOG.

The statutory charter of the Federal Reserve stipulates profit of the operation belongs to the government. Concealment of funds that belong to the government appear to be embezzlement, among other crimes.

Various theories abound on how the purloined funds have been utilized to the detriment of society. 19

If the scheme is not exposed, Wall Street internal memos identify collection of the $20 trillion debt is the “ultimate goal” and would reduce the United States to the status of Greece. 20 Wall Street’s objective in Greece 21 is not to exploit, but is to destroy the nation. 22 Indeed, national sovereignty has been acquiesced by Greece to the Troika (financiers) as the terminal end of Goldman Sach’s “shitty” three billion Euro debt. 23

The proposed Goldman Sachs government budget (whoops, Trump’s budget) includes huge deficit spending increases (increased military spending with cuts in social programs) with unrealistic increases in national productive/tax base.24 This is the same scheme Wall Street and the CIA have used to bankrupt other nations for four decades. 25 The psychopathic Wall Street warmongers demand a humongous deficit busting military expenditure, but this statement may reverse cause and effect. 26 The people will submit to anything if they are induced to fear a foreign threat.

Get ready to kiss your 401(k), your government benefits, your pension, and your bank accounts goodbye, with strikes prohibited, health care costs escalated, perpetual war, mass layoffs (including government personnel), and economic chaos—among other dire occurrences. 27 This is the utopian government controlled by bankers that David Rockefeller 28 so proudly promised for the world in his autobiography MEMOIRS and Carroll Quigley touted in TRAGEDY AND HOPE.

We can rest assured the same scheme is used by the ECB with the Euro.

The U.S. has two options:
The entire situation can be ignored with the public meekly submitting to Wall Street’s collection of the fraudulent $20 trillion National Debt and accept the fate of Greece [Greece has surrendered national sovereignty control to Goldman Sachs/Troika. Approval by Troika is required for all government actions.];
They can assert public pressure on congress-critters [or Trump] to audit relevant accounts and indict Wall Street. The GAO has authority to review the handling of government funds by any entity. It has made at least two reviews of the FRBNY’s handling of funds [but not audits] from auctions of Treasury securities. The FRBNY has exclusive handing of such funds…. Ref. 31 CFR 375.3…. All that is required for the GAO to review the handling of government funds is a request by a Congressional committee chair.

PS: How can banks with (deficit spending) liquidity that borrowers will not accept for loans laundry the money? Well, they can buy stocks (and watch the price go up and say the corporations are buying their own stock) or they can buy bonds (and watch the yield go down as demand increases). Have you seen any evidence of this happening ?
