Funding Your Own Enslavement, the Curse of Liberty Ignored – Part Two

Guest Post by The Ghost of Matthew Lyon

The Scourge Of Aristocracy and Repository of Important Political Truth – Fair Haven, Vermont

With unchallenged control of the money comes power. To maintain this power information must be controlled. Trust derived from information control is the foundation of the entire operation.

We are seeing that battle playing out now.  Those who understand freedom are aligned against a foe with unlimited monetary resources and essential control over the force of government, media, and business in nearly all their forms.

What they don’t yet totally control is your mind and the future innovation of you and your neighbors.

True innovation kills capital and destroy monopolies as surely as it can help humanity. Some grad students provably showed a way to use existing nuclear waste to power the world. Their early published results were quickly and publically downgraded. They now have a board stacked by oligarchs. Have “awards” from the World Economic Forum and are making videos about failure (watch Leslie’s face).

When a lone researcher discovered a promising single cure for all viral infections he quickly found he was unable to move his research forward. Treatments are more profitable than cures. Destroying the cold medicine market alone would be unacceptable capital loss and future profit reduction to established interest and, certainly subject to this same suppression.

These projects were targeted. Just two that come to mind. Two this author saw enter the discovery cycle and quickly fall under control. How many more? Smith’s unseen hand chopped off.

Energy is a global control point administered by banks and money through governments they control. Health is also a control point now in the same. What you pay, what types of cures and treatments and, how much capacity enters the market is not decided by a free market mechanism. You are told this as constantly as you are told this constitutional republic was always a “democracy”. These are lies.

Energy and Health are captured. The big prize is still “environment”, as they define it. Again, the Money Cartel are managing the argument in a perfectly Hegelian manner. If you accept that pollution reduction is good. You must accept their solution. One scientist stood up, here is what happened.  This effective tactic is not new to humanity. Hegel simply defined it. Control of information allows the Hegelian mechanism to be weaponized against you.

The same Hegelian process is used over and over again against us to re-enforce the need and validity of authority through government. To legitimize in the minds of people the power to supersede Freedom and Liberty, to obscure property rights, and defer true liabilities they incur with their “regulated” actions. I will explain.

This can be well understood in another example illustrated through the current environmental policy prism: Susan Lerner’s 1, 2, 3 part story of what happened to Wilbur Tennant. Documented by Susan and he, himself a reluctant citizen-historian, and unlikely hero. Wilbur was the canary-in-the-coal-mine for the C8 disaster that now permeates the earth unchecked. Manmade C8 (Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)) can never effectively be removed from the environment. He died for his trouble.

What do you think the real ongoing liability to DuPont, 3M and the Money Cartel should be to the people of the World? Whatever you come up with for a payment solution, how could it ever compensate? This system we have allowed to grow up around us must end.

Had Wilbur been able to enforce his property rights as we intended them. Those damn corporations (3M/DuPont) would be the ones dead and gone!  I can’t prove it, but my guess, when Wilbur won his lawsuit he would have given the rights to those corporation’s patented inventions and wealth away… My friend Thomas warned you about this too.

The first time one powerful corporation is killed, by a free person exerting their rights through an informed jury of their neighbors, the rest will quickly behave. This would be infinitely better than a thousand corrupt agencies with bloated budgets on your tax-paying back that assist in the crimes, wouldn’t you think? Double win! This is what we intended with that Constitution.

With canaries empowered everywhere like Wilbur should have been, bad actors will face real and “unknown costs” in causing harm. They would face having their value sold to compensate for damages to more responsible competitors. Officers and employees could actually be subject to criminal charges when crimes such as attempted murder or assault are associated with this property damage. Wilbur deserved better from us…

All we had to do as a people, was respect Wilbur’s property rights by holding our government accountable to its founding principles and the supreme law of the land. Honest courts and informed juries may have saved him.

We didn’t have to “trust” a politician or any government agency. But what did we do?  We empowered them against him to the glee of the Money Cartel. If you signal to the world that you care about “the environment”. Learning these examples of how our system really works is important. You must understand what, and who, you are supporting now and how to change it.

When you discover how Maurice Strong drove the founding what has become the entire global environmental movement, the UNEP and now the IPCC and how it was funded. You may also discover who founded the World Wildlife Foundation  and what they believe. Now those are just two. You won’t have to look hard to find more.

If it is a large non-taxable foundation. This is what they do. The little ones, better damn well follow the big ones, or they don’t get to be part of the club.

Until you understand the fundamentals of hard fought Liberty, you will never see a clean environment or, an honest assessment of it. When you support this system against people like Wilbur and ultimately yourself, we are all lessor for it.

Wilbur is dead. However, he might not have died in vain. The Money Cartel has not yet captured the idea of a “clean world” to their’n own ends just yet. Private property leads to a prosperous, free, and clean environment. Let Wilbur be your reminder.

Sending manufacturing overseas to captured peoples, takes control of the global environment away from free and democratic people. The equation is not complicated when the components are understood.

Managed trade is the playground of the supranational 1%. It is called “free trade” only to disparage the name among those made ignorant to the difference. This same repetition is used to convince us to submit to the mob rule of a false democracy in place of our safeguards against such wolves in the Republic as it was founded.

If the media does not inform the public any longer, and the education in higher colleges is funded by grants from the same Money Cartel interests through their large non-taxable foundations, innovation can be captured before it escapes the lab. If innovation pops-up in the work of a file clerk or two guys in a garage, then today the regulatory process can be exacted on them. These technocratic madmen are sealing the envelope on free innovation. They keep the gate of entry to “their” controlled markets.

Free thought is next. And their FAANGs are out. They know to maintain control of people; they must control innovation. Innovation must not be allowed to disrupt existing capital investments until assessed and rolled out by them, if ever. Their achievement of control of money is the enabling factor to insure, competition remains a sin.

This is the system we have. It is not capitalism with honest money on a level field as you would be told in education and media. Or, “free trade” which is not free at all but, managed trade for special interests.

No, this system is organized crime and it is what drives ownership of everything to the 1% and management of it to the 20%. It is the latest incarnation of the merging of government and corporate interest against free people. It is corporatist/fascist socialism. A system that privatizes profit to the connected, and socializes risk and loss to the masses. Its line is traced directly through the Monarchies, through the Communists to the Nazis and now the Jacobin modern socialists organized under Cecil Rhoades.

America is the next great challenge with the battle well underway. We mustn’t fail to expose and defeat this.

That is the foe we, and all humanity, are up against. Through their manipulation of education and media, many of our neighbors and children have been conscripted as useful idiots to their cause. The world is looking to the American people to lead and stand for Liberty as it once did. To lead by example not force. We are disappointing them to say the least. Shame on me too for sleeping so long.

Modern education systems have skewed the understanding of government’s promise to “free stuff”. They have left out the coercion and theft that must occur first to your neighbor. Government produces no value. Government is the most inefficient redistributor of existing value.

You, and your (non-government) employer, produce value to survive and prosper by your hand, mind, and effort. Transfer of value to government always leads to inefficiency and the potential for corruption. The further away and more powerful the unit of government, the more exacerbated the danger.

Local people understand the needs of local people. Only locally can charity, hope, encouragement, and even opportunities for guidance of the lumpen be fairly administered. Leaders must be part of their communities not administrators of dictates from on high as has become Europe on the way to joining Russia and China. The more access and commonality in their daily lives the people have to each other, the less likely they are to act inhumanely when in power.   The further one moves from local control, the greater the corruption and lesser the return of value to the community in all things. It is a simple truth the Money Cartel must continually obscure with multi-billion dollar political races at the top.  If you still vote, the most important race to you is your local sheriff.

Top down centralizations exacerbate misery and powerlessness as they always have. We as the American people have already learned this. Don’t let your birthright, this knowledge through our true shared history, be denied. The blood of our ancestors and families who struggled to gain this freedom for us, and the hopes peoples around the world longing to emulate liberty on their own terms, is what is at stake.

It was 561 years between the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence. It has been 243 years since then. Perspective is important. Tyranny and collectivism are the old ideas. Liberty and Freedom are the young.

The only ideas in the social sphere that have ever regarded and respected the nature of humans, their desires and failings in associations, are those of Liberty.

The centralized banking and regulatory machinations that brought us here are many and subtle, overt and covert. However, the last important brick for the evil of today was laid in 1971 with the complete detachment of hard value to the dollar equation. No longer would the colluded parties of the (private 1913) Federal Reserve, and the (public 1798) US Treasury, need to hold “in reserve” gold in ratio of 1 ounce to every 35 dollars created.

In fact, they were now free from any restriction on what came to be known as quantitative easing (QE). Simply put, printing money now with no limits. This was the final detachment from money as defined by any remote interpretation of the US Constitution, or morality.

It was the opening to the financialization of all things everywhere by these specific people, for their exclusive benefit.

It is debatable had Reagan’s policy initiatives been allowed to gain traction, what cracks may have been exposed in the Money Cartel’s armor during that 7 odd years he had between Trilateral Commission backed presidents Carter and Bush. Regardless, the fundamentals of money control and creation remained firmly in place above any aspirations Reagan may have exerted toward planned tinkering. By the last year of his presidency all aspects of economic policy were firmly in the hands of Fed Chairman Paul Volker, Treasury Secretary James Baker, and George Bush the 1st.

Former assistant secretary of the Treasury in charge of United States domestic economic policy under Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts had this to say, “…Reagan believed that the purpose of economic policy was to serve the country, not Wall Street and the banks or the corporations or any of the various organized interest groups. Our idea was that policy could not be for this or that part of the economy. It had to be for everyone. …”. His summary on those years and how they relate to today can be found here in his October 22, 2019 piece.

Sadly, as you are coming to understand, whether you believe Reagan to be authentic in his efforts or not, the power did not reside in his office to change the tide of monetary policy.

Without a change in monetary policy no fiscal solutions can be obtained.

Inflating away the value of money through untethered creation, whether it be by the printing press or fractional reserve lending it into existence, is immoral. Funding the government with this money and passing the interest payments to the taxpayer after the fact, including tax payers yet to be born in the form of long term bonds, should be unconscienceable.

There has not been any serious opposition to the money monopolists from the executive branch since Andrew Jackson in the 1830’s when he dealt a blow to central banking and saw that the Second Bank of the United States was shut down and charter ended. The Civil War soon changed all that.

What’s true of Reagan’s time is the American people’s credit card was pulled out and laid on the table for the Military Industrial Congressional Complex and the Money Cartel who own the banks that back them. With Donald Regan and a cadre of newly minted neoconservative/neoliberal Pareto handlers standing over his shoulder telling him to “speed it up”, the orchestration hit a new high note of debt creation simulating wealth generation. The people were fooled again.

Yes! The “cold war” ended. As you may have already come to understand in part one of this piece. [link to part one HERE /delete brackets] That too was orchestrated by these very same global interests turning profit and indebting free people at every turn using fear and fraud.

Marked by the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Money Cartel began to cash in on the “Russian investment” beginning pre-1918 with the Bolsheviks by foreclosing on the Soviets in the 1990’s. This was a double win. With foreclosure came Russian assets and resources. This acquired windfall was actually derived from other monies made by significantly indebting the Americans through the arms race contributing to the Soviet bankruptcy on the other side of the investment.

They had generated vast money and revenue on both sides of the deal and gained incredible power in the process. The money business was indeed good for accumulating power from ignorant peoples.

A snapshot of the machinations of the lead up to this “cash-out” are explained by the astute George Racey Jordan in his speeches and diary as it was happening and in the years after WWII and until his passing.  His work should not be undervalued in a modern context.

The next great test was in 2008. The cryptically named TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program or, direcT bAilouts of fRiends/foreclosures and taxes for you Program)) and QE (more money printing) orchestrated by Mr. Paulson that year, passed more debt obligations to the people without pitchforks and torches appearing in the street.

Now that the big crash test run in the US in 2008 had been successful. A small market test of the Bail-in concept was next in Cyprus a small island country in the Mediterranean  The Cyprus test had been a success by 2013. The concept for how western investors could be fleeced in the next market crisis with a forced bail-in was tested and data collected. The Everything Bubble could continue as the flows of capital eastward increased again. There was still more to do for the Money Cartel…

Those successes were an emboldening indication of the success of the takeover of education and the media. A takeover begun at the turn of the last century and coming to tangible fruition for the Money Cartel astutely using their large non-taxable foundation exemptions to fund it all.

The Money Cartel could now easily draw the conclusion that, the majority of Americans no longer understand money. The floodgates could now be opened fully.

This was all foreshadowed by Norman Dodd in his report for the Reece committee 1952 where he explained the now fully realized goal of the oligarch funded large tax-exempt foundations to capture the State Department and the education system of the country. With the intent to shape the minds of Americans through the targeted teaching of history and control the foreign policy apparatus of the US government. Dodd again described his experience in his interviews in the 1980’s shortly before his death. The capture by the Money Cartel of these institutions and systems are apparent in their actions when analyzed. Historically, the origins and reasons behind the actions were not as easily understood. That is changing.

Freedom owes a great debt to Mr. Dodd. Dodd uncovered the vision of the Money Cartel through their tax-free foundations was, “…The future of this country belonged to collectivism administered with ‘characteristic American efficiency’ (them)…”

We were to be ruled, and they were going to make it our idea.

Stephen Kinzer’s recent book titled, The Brothers outlined the lives of John Foster and Allen Dulles.  One might ask Kinzer why he did not take the final step in his book of tying the rise of the brothers, with the modern national security state that has replaced our Republic, back to the non-taxable foundations of the Money Cartel that spawned them? One could easily surmise that a man of Kinzer’s powerful intellect and experience, must have found, and understood this relationship. His years in the halls of Harvard and work on other impactful books in this space would surely have added to that likelihood.

The answer may be the obvious one. Even when known, we as Americans can struggle to admit to ourselves the truths of our rulers and political system. What’s more, when such truths are comprehended our souls are challenged, fear becomes real, and character manifests in action and inaction in each of us. Though, I am not violating the premise of the biblical, “ye who shall stand in judgement…”

To be sure, I am not casting stones. A fear for one’s life would be real in methodically proving and publishing such revelations. The trail of human destruction is long for those who have.

In 2013 in China, these global interests established and made public the existence of the AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) in association with the Belt and Road intuitive. The AIIB includes all major world economies as members. Israel and Iran are not exceptions in the board room it seems… If you listen to captured media, that would seem a dichotomy.

With the distinct absence of Canada, the US and Mexico; the AIIB may stand as a lever against the world reserve status of the US Dollar in time. As the value of western currencies (Dollar, Euro, Yen) are inflated away by the Money Cartel.  Preparation for what appears to be the completion of the capital shift to the East is well underway. It certainly stands to reason that the AIIB is part of a framework for the bail-in to a new system.

As you see, the Money Cartel has been offshoring real wealth through unaccountable mechanisms from the West for some time. Using US law enacted through terror, fraud, and war, this capital flight was masked and accelerated after fortuitous Pentagon damage, and World Trade Center building number 7’s planeless destruction. Quickly after, claims were lobbed and accepted as valid, that key records were held only in those specific locations effectively stifling any investigations.

[Link to Part 1]

[Link to Part 3]

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December 19, 2019 12:01 pm

I’ve just read it twice and I think I’ll read again. There is so much to absorb. Two initial points. 1. In the end you have to trust liberty. It’s a hard concept to get over when you have psychos telling everyone of some terrible malady that THEY just have to fix. Trust ‘The Ascent of Man’. Trust your own power to run your life. 2. If you buy the premise set forth that the money cartel owns and controls the entire world then voting is not only counter productive, it’s fucking immoral.

December 19, 2019 12:34 pm

Thanks again, just packed with both excellent synopsis and juicy tid bits. I will push it out there, long enough for a detailed exposure, short enough for the current predominant attention span. Although I suspect many in my family will, 1. not even open it(because it is from me), or 2. will skim it and confirm 1. it is from me and stop, or 3. read it, realize what it says and quickly file it in the dark recess with the other unmanageable information.
A wider view:
“We are seeing that battle playing out now. Those who understand freedom are aligned against a foe with unlimited monetary resources and essential control over the force of government, media, and business in nearly all their forms.”
The results of this battle will unfortunately depend on this 4ths Gray Champion.
Will he actually fight on behalf of liberty?
Do people actually want financial liberty?
Do people even know what financial liberty is?
Trump has clashed with the FED more than any president in my life, even gone so far as to equate them with enemies. So the jury is still out on that. Q has alluded to reformation of the financial system cryptically, so same there.
The percentage of people that want financial liberty is shrinking, in the modern day I am flanked by a younger generation that has been conditioned in government indoctrination camps to eschew financial liberty, to even equate with a variety of negative connotations, white privilege, carbon fouls, ect, and on the other end a generation who has enjoyed all the financial liberty they can handle and seem to be happy going on the .gov dole to ride into the sunset.
Not looking good.
Unfortunately most, by far most, do not even know what financial liberty is, to some extent myself included. I can imagine it, but it is difficult, it is easier for me to imagine mutants with superhuman powers than to imagine a system that would NOT involve the IRS. This is not by accident or natural evolution I am sure, but I am still beholden to my extensive conditioning.
Anyways thanks again for presenting the article.

December 19, 2019 1:21 pm

People are inherently a slave population. Its in the DNA. It has been shown that political ideologies are threaded into genetics, however, the folks with the slave mentality that want everything provided for them are in the vast majority. It is far more common for people to shut up and not rock the boat for fear of losing their stuff and also far to common to have everyone, regardless of ideology, to simply watch those that rock the boat take a fall. All one has to do is loo across the globe and see the masses living in squalor, that outnumber their overloads 100s to 1 and have nothing to lose … yet nothing is done. The US was the last bastion … Virginia will be quite telling. What is going on there should be going on in every commie state from NY to CA simultaneously (a few states have enacted declarations) … but how far will they take it and the outcomes will be key. Will they be left to deal with it on their own? Will they take to carry out a traitors punishment for those betraying their oaths?

December 19, 2019 8:06 pm

Dude, you no nothing about my DNA. Seriously. are you making this shit up as you type?

December 20, 2019 6:53 pm

98% of the human population has lived under some sort of feudal system for thousands of years. As you say, it is now part of their DNA.

The founding fathers of this country were brave men willing to die for liberty, but they were unusual as were most of the people who risked danger to live here free.

The immigrants who came later were not of what used to be referred to as “pioneer stock”.

I am afraid the human race for the most part are quite contented being little more than domesticated livestock, so long as they are kept comfortable and fed, they will willingly submit to being serfs and peasants, after all, it seems normal to them….