Letter to White House Officials re Coronavirus and Media Terrorism

Ironically, hat tip surfer dude

RE: Coronavirus Bioweapon, Media Bioterrorism, and Recommendations to Reduce Risks to Public Health and Safety

Excerpted from Dr.  Leonard G. Horowitz’s [DMD, MA. MPH, DNM (hon.), DMM (hon.)] letter to the White House less than two weeks ago.

The 10 page letter is available in its entirety below his conclusion, included.  Also, see the summarized list of liabilities he addresses in detail to the Trump administration.

These liabilities include:

(1) the laboratory creation of this “novel” 2019 coronavirus (2019 nCoV) to which the AIDS-virus (HIV) envelop gene is attached, as well as the “middle fragment” encoding a SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) spike protein, both appearing to have been inserted into the 2019-nCoV virus bioweapon;

(2) media censorship of accurate intelligence addressing the public’s reasonable concerns;

(3) erroneous and terrorizing information being broadcast instead of helpful preventative strategies beyond handwashing and the use of face masks;

(4) the geopolitical and economic correlates and antecedents of the Wuhan outbreak; and

(5) Hawaii’s immigration policies risking mainland transmission.


The aforementioned facts evidence criminal activities that challenge U.S. National Security and the health and safety of the American people.

Consequently, I applaud your Administration’s efforts to bring truth to light concerning the origin of the coronavirus bioweapon. Under the  circumstances, traditionally-trusted academic and scientific bodies can no longer be trusted without independent review. Those providing scientific advisements to your administration should be carefully vetted to minimize corrupt influence and special interest bias.

Justice Department officials should, likewise, be directed to urgently  investigate the public corruption and special interests influencing and tainting the legislative and judicial branches of government and law enforcement, jeopardizing border security and the public’s health and
safety, pursuant to coronavirus preparedness and more. Such efforts are especially necessary in Hawaii.

Finally, please thank the President for me, on behalf of the millions of people internationally who have relied on my quarter century of advisements concerning the origin of emerging diseases and their political and medical remedies.

Please tell the President that I honor his heroism in opposition to the Deep State and “fake news” media, especially rebuking ‘skeptics’ who issue ad hominem attacks to discourage and disparage truth seekers, truth tellers, helpful contributors, and life-savers.

Those who smear whistleblowers as foolish ‘conspiracy theorists,’ to defame and neutralize us, are deadly to public health and safety, as evidenced by the neglect and smearing of my works over the years that accurately predicted our current pandemic challenges.

If I can be of any further assistance to you in these matters, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Signed at the link…


Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA. MPH, DNM (hon.), DMM (hon.)  http://drlenhorowitz.com/

Medical Veritas International, Inc.
[email protected]

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  M G
February 19, 2020 12:11 pm

Chelsea is looking more like Mama every day, scary.

Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
February 19, 2020 7:44 pm

A lovely combination of the Clinton-Hubbell union.

  M G
February 19, 2020 12:17 pm

She her mothers daughter.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 19, 2020 2:53 pm

Certainly does not look much like Web, her daddy.

Mushroom Cloud
Mushroom Cloud
  TN Patriot
February 20, 2020 12:15 pm

Oh but that mouth certainly came from Daddy…

February 19, 2020 12:34 pm

Who is to say America isn’t behind this attack? If one was going to release a bio weapon … doing so in close proximity with a research facility would be the place to do it. Make the country appear incompetent. U.S. motivation? China dumped a record amount of treasuries over December. It was rumored that China was on the cusp of announcing a cryptocurrency backed by gold. That fact alone could have driven the final nail into the U.S. petrodollar coffin. China also has continued to support Iran and buy their oil. There are middle eastern interests that are not happy with the fact that Iran has not been completely balkanized. Things are rarely as they seem and never as the MSM reports ….

February 19, 2020 1:08 pm
robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
February 19, 2020 9:06 pm

The ZOG is unmitigated lies, Double Speak Chains, more Free Shit for the FSA is a Death Spiral; our freedoms are pouring out like water from a broken jar. That woman’s at her breaking point; her words will become our words if Americans vote for a Democrat, and Trump can never Drain the Swamp.

February 20, 2020 7:18 am

I believe this in important information suppressed by the same forces that forced Robert de Niro to pull his film Vaxxed from the Tribeca Film Festival.

de Niro’s kid has autism as a result of a vaccination and he was all “for” revealing the dangers of vaccination UNTIL he was made aware of how negatively that might impact the film festival.

So, Robert de Niro PULLED his film about the dangers of vaccinations and all the corruption at government levels because Merck and other Big Pharma giants OWN the Media giants too.

All those drug commercials? Why do you think they are on television? They are not trying to make anyone WELL.


February 20, 2020 8:03 am


I was going to rent the original de Niro movie “Vaxxed” AND GUESS WHAT?

Wakefield continues to be smeared and discredited as do all anti-Big Pharma “skeptics.”

In fact, “skeptics” is the code word for “nuts” now. If you are skeptical that gender is a choice or that you have a right to say what happens to your own child, well, you are a skeptic.

The government knows what is best for us all.