Surrendered Without A Shot

The Global War on Germs will put the Global War on Terror to shame.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Their “cure” for the coronavirus will be far deadlier than the disease. The quarantines and lockdowns will bring the world to a standstill—that’s the point….

The Last Gasp,” Straight Line Logic, March 24, 2020

Here is a predictive strategy that will, guaranteed, improve your prognostication batting average. Whenever you make a prediction about a government, predict the worst outcome you can think of. The only surprise will be that you’re probably not pessimistic enough.

Back in 1913, if you had predicted the brand new Federal Reserve would steadily debase the currency and exacerbate rather than dampen the business cycle, you were dead right. You would have gotten more points if you predicted its creation was the first step towards abandoning the gold standard and that it would eventually finance government deficits.

Similarly, back in that unlucky year if you predicted the new Constitutional amendment allowing the government to levy an income tax would lead to massive confiscation of incomes and fund gargantuan welfare and warfare states—the blob—you hit it on the screws.

Later, if you predicted that the New Deal wouldn’t reverse the economic contraction that the government had already transformed from a garden variety financial crash and recession into a Great Depression, you were right again. More points for those who foresaw both the abandonment of any effective Constitutional constraints on the federal government, and the fiscal consequence of welfare state collectivism—a spiraling and uncontrollable national debt.

Most of the time politicians’ predictions are wrong, but Eisenhower’s warning about the military-industrial-complex, now expandable to the military-industrial-intelligence-academic-media-complex, was spot on. Those who said that Vietnam would set the precedent for endless wars that only enriched and empowered the complex while plunging the US further into debt—they were right, too. If, when Nixon terminated dollar-gold convertibility in 1971, you predicted inflation the likes of which hadn’t been seen since the Civil War and put your money where your mouth was by purchasing gold or its derivatives, you did just fine.

Fast forward to the aftermath of September 11, 2001: if you said that when the US went into the Middle East it would never get out, that “emergency” measures like TSA screening and the Patriot Act would never be rescinded and clearly advanced a police state agenda, and that the George W. Bush administration’s new standard of fiscal and monetary recklessness would soon be surpassed, you were right again.

Fast forward to now. If you predict that governments’ response to the coronavirus outbreak will reveal not so hidden agendas of globalist power and domination (Why do you think they keep saying, “The world will never go back to the way it was”?), terminate the last vestiges of freedom, destroy the economy and financial markets, kill far more people than the virus itself, and set precedents for everything from enforced confinement to martial law to mandatory vaccinations to electronic money to compelled microchipped identification and surveillance whenever a group of experts makes scary projections about lethal microbes—which from now on will be almost always—you’re well on your way to being proved right on all counts.

If you’re going to get in the prediction game and your predictions reflect an expectation of the worst from governments, it’s best to realize what you’re up against. Every time you make a prediction you will be disparaged, mocked, or ignored, particularly by legions of government worshipers, regardless of how many of your previous predictions have been borne out. If you’re proven right, not one person who disparaged or mocked you will acknowledge you were right and apologize, nor will anyone ask you for an opinion or prediction in the future. In fact, you’ll be shunned.

An affliction that strikes 3.3 million in one week and 6.6 million the next puts coronavirus growth rates, even in the hardest hit countries, to shame. Those are the last two weeks’ US jobless claims, just shy of 10 million, clocking in with a week-to-week increase of 200 percent. According to the April 2 US coronavirus and jobless claims statistics, there were 40 people newly unemployed in just two weeks for each confirmed coronavirus case and 1645 newly unemployed for each coronavirus death (dividing 10 million, rounded up, by the April 2 figures for confirmed cases and deaths from, and on current relative growth rates both numbers will increase.

Humanity must produce to survive. Stop people from producing and eventually they die. Virtually all jobs are essential to the people who hold them. Although it’s seldom acknowledged, particularly by politicians and bureaucrats playing with other people’s money and lives, life involves choices, some of which have benefits and all of which have costs. How many government workers have lost their jobs? Does anybody in their right mind believe all government jobs are essential?

If among each group of 1645 newly unemployed workers there is on average more than one death—from the psychological and physical stress of imposed idleness, depletion of savings, inability to pay bills or afford groceries and other essentials, including medical care, media idiocy, general insanity, and mounting debt—then the coronavirus outbreak “cure” is worse than the disease. Keep in mind that for at least the next month or two unemployment will climb at a faster rate than coronavirus cases or deaths, and the longer lockdowns persist, the more widespread financial distress will become.

An estimated additional 10,000 people killed themselves during the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Those are the easiest deaths to count. How many heart attacks, cancers, hypertension, and other stress-related illnesses were exacerbated by that crisis, shortening lifespans? We’ll never know.

The coronavirus death count includes many victims with one or more co-morbidities—a combination of diseases kills them but in many cases, they weren’t long for this world. The most you can say is that the coronavirus may have shortened their lifespans. At the very least, the same medical community compiling statistics on the coronavirus and clamoring for lockdowns should be looking at changes in trend rates in suicides and deaths from stress-related illness to try to estimate the effects of skyrocketing unemployment, crashing economies, plunging stock markets, crushing debt loads, and mounting bankruptcies.

There are other killers lurking out there: crime and mass unrest. The statistics for the former and the probability of the latter will only increase with the duration of lockdowns. Police are already reporting an uptick in crime. The death toll from a week of widespread urban rioting could easily surpass that of the entire coronavirus outbreak. There’s no mystery why President Trump has called up a million military reservists, and no assurance they will be able to prevent sporadic riots from deteriorating into total chaos and pandemonium. No mystery, either, why sales of firearms and ammo have jumped. By the way, rioters and looters don’t always social distance, so they may spread the coronavirus.

Finally, there’s the most significant cost of all: the police state is here; whatever was left of our precious liberty is gone. As carte blanche for the open-ended suppression of what remains of our rights, the Global War on Germs (GWOG) far surpasses the Global War on Terror (GWOT). Like the GWOT, the GWOG will be forever, since you can never vanquish either terror or germs. However, the GWOG opens up new avenues of repression that go far beyond GWOTists’ wildest fantasies. The GWOG takes away not just people’s liberty, but their livelihoods, their means of survival. There’s a reason why jobs are called livelihoods: they allow people to live. Consider the alternative. The GWOGists embrace it.

There will always be germs out there of better than average virulence that will pose a threat of widespread sickness and death. They seem to crop up once every two years or so. If a natural germ can’t be found, there are thousands of unsung Dr. Frankencrobes toiling in bioweapons labs around the world who can manufacture one (the current coronavirus may have been manufactured). Find some group of medical experts, add a Bill Gates or a George Soros, and presto! you have well-publicized pandemic projections of global disaster and death. Lock everybody up! Better yet, per the precautionary principle, lock everybody up before any such deadly germ has manifested itself, so when it does, everyone will be safe.

Anyone who thinks that “emergency” measures will be rescinded or will not serve as future precedents is referred to Draconian Emergency Measures Enacted By Governments Throughout History That Have Been Rescinded and Not Served as Precedents. It’s available for free on Amazon and takes only four seconds to read; the title is longer than the book.

Perhaps the most distressing aspect of this whole ordeal is that Americans have surrendered to panic and propaganda without a shot. Molon labe and They’ll take my gun when they pry it from my cold, lifeless fingers patriots—bumper-sticker freedom fighters—are cowering in place, living off their 3, 6, 12, 24, or 60 months of provisions, lest they encounter a germ. Neighbors are reporting on neighbors who leave their houses, take a walk, clear their throats, or other heretofore legal activities (they would still be legal if the Constitution had any remaining relevance). Apps have been developed to monitor and report people’s locations, coughs, sneezes, sniffles, and runny noses. Can one that monitors and reports social distances be far behind? If only one life is saved…

With a few noteworthy exceptions ( takes the gold medal), the alternative media has been a disappointment. Bloggers who would normally cast darkly skeptical doubts if the government announced the sun will rise tomorrow have accepted official statistics, projections, propaganda, and draconian measures without a peep of skepticism or doubt. Prepper sites have perpetuated and profited from the panic, selling face masks, sanitizers, and reusable toilet paper. More alternative media sites are glomming on to what’s happening to civil liberties and the dark designs behind it, but their warnings are too little, too late.

Surrendered without a shot—they’ve got us by what’s left of our balls. The men and women who risked probabilities of death far higher than some small fraction of one percent and paid the ultimate price to defend our freedom and our lives are spinning in their hallowed graves.

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April 6, 2020 2:29 pm

“Surrendered Without A Shot”
My Dad (Korean War Vet) used to say to us kids, “We will lose this country without a single shot fired.” God, I miss him.

April 6, 2020 7:32 pm

Ironic, growing up a neighbor farmer believed that the Chinese would take over America without firing a shot. Then we get CornVirus from China. makes a person go. hmmm.

April 10, 2020 8:45 am

We will bury the Chinese and all their weapons in Death Valley.

John Galt
John Galt
April 10, 2020 7:53 am

What if……
-This lockdown is Trump’s way of allowing illegals to self deport not from the fear of the virus, but because they are the most affected by a stalled economy?
-CONgress does not allow illegals to benefit from the CARE payments?
-Democrats achieve vote by mail?
-We bring back American manufacturing?
-We employ more Americans, here in America?
-money velocity remains low and keeps inflation low?
-the US dollar strengthens?
-interest rates go negative?
-this allows privacy to be weakened?
-this lockdown forces a certificate of health, to work, and checkpoints are set up to confirm vaccination?
-people refuse mandatory vaccination?
-5g tracks our every move and we are pegged as someone who was close to an unvaccinated person?
-meat packing plants shut down?
-our farms cannot produce enough food?
-our on time delivery system cannot get enough food to the grocery stores weekly?
-the unemployed cannot get back to work in a timely manner?
-peoples attitude about a consumer economy change and they stop splurging?
-people find the need less and start cooking more at home?
-people values change and stop trying to keep up with the Jones’ and live a more basic lifestyle?
-people become much more prepared by sacings cash, getting out of debt, become newby preppers?
-find more hobbies?
-recognize they were mere hamsters on a wheel and there is more to life than work, work, work?
-more people become armed?
-people realize, Trump and Q are both Psyops and they are the manchurian candidates to appease their bases?
-more nationalism happens?
-collectivism is dying?
-the nwo is weakened?
-28% as reported default on their mortgages?
-Physical precious metals and paper PM’s widen their decoupling?
-more people buy up all the physical PM’s?
-barter becomeS vogue?
-taxes go way up?
-cities, states and pensions go bankrupt?
-gun control is enacted?
-we go to actual martial law?
-there are actual riots, or food riots?
-home invasions increase?
-laws are enacted to purchase ammo?
-every death is counted as covid 19 deaths?
-the virus was not all that deadly?
-check points are set up st state lines?
-govt thugs swat your home because they want to quarantine the one sick family member like they are starting to do in Europe?
-you refuse mandatory vaccinations?
-the patriot act is used to indefinitely detain you without a trial?
-NDAA is used to swat “hoarders” known as preppers?
-NDAA allows govt thugs to confiscate your backyard garden production?
-the stock market goes right back up to dow 29k or back to DOW 6k?
-all home equity vanishes?
-you cannot sell illiquid investments, like real estate?
-massive inflation, stagflation or deflation occurs?
-many people find they no longer have anything to lose?
-our enemy’s see this is an opportune time to strike?
-we incur An emp?
-they shut down HAM radio towers like they are doing in California?
-Dementia Joe “The Sniffer” wins this November?
-Cuomo is the candidate?
-Hillary becomes VP nominated? Or wins?

These are just some of the things the people are concerned with yet nobody is talking about.

  John Galt
April 10, 2020 9:24 pm

That about covers everything.

Solutions Are Obvious
Solutions Are Obvious
April 6, 2020 2:34 pm

Is it mere coincidence that these germ outbreaks occur every election year? Inquiring minds want to know.

  Solutions Are Obvious
April 10, 2020 7:48 am

Yes, it is also a coincidence that never once, in all their doom and gloom statistical probabilities, does it pan out that way.
But the fear ramps up larger and larger while the powers that be intentionally spread the virus and the fear.
Follow the dollars, nah, those rich guys really care about us!

April 6, 2020 3:02 pm

Most excellent.
You might have outdone yourself on this one. Co-morbitities, GWOG, GWOGists?, Dr. Frankencrobes? Priceless, just priceless.
the point about Alt-Media helping spread the panic is the only thing about this that surprised me. Even to the point that I may still be in shock or denial over it. Reminds me of the letdown in 96 when we worked to get 2/3 majorities in both houses and the governors mansion in Mt. only to be sold out first thing in Jan. 97 after the swear in ceremony.

Bob P
Bob P
April 6, 2020 4:20 pm

Agreed. One of the best articles I’ve read on this debacle–and I’ve probably read hundreds. “1645 newly unemployed for each coronavirus death.” Perfect quote to illustrate the far too steep economic cost of the “cure.”

Another great quote came from the link below:

“The real question is, is this serious enough to warrant putting most of our population into house imprisonment, wrecking our economy for an indefinite period, destroying businesses that honest and hardworking people have taken years to build up, saddling future generations with debt, depression, stress, heart attacks, suicides and unbelievable distress inflicted on millions of people who are not especially vulnerable, and will suffer only mild symptoms or none at all?”

‘The alleged cure is immensely worse than the disease’

ursel doran
ursel doran
  Bob P
April 11, 2020 9:25 pm

Sent to Trump…
Mr. President, You Sir are the point of the spear for the Peoples vs the Government smack down of crushing our liberties, unnecessarily, now and into the future. PLEASE DO DO NOT FAIL US Sir. Long term consequences are to brutal to contemplate, per history laid out in this article.

Surrendered Without A Shot, by Robert Gore

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
April 6, 2020 4:59 pm

All politicians are simply two sides of yet the same coin.
They will sell the voting sheep out for their true (((masters))).
Go watch “They Live” for an amusing and sobering lesson.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon
  Saxons Wrath
April 6, 2020 10:02 pm

Piper was a closet Republican.

Don’t lump the Republicans in with the Bolshevik Blue Democrats.

That betrays basic post-Civil War history.

April 7, 2020 12:16 am

I was surprised to see that it was the normally sedate BG who wrote this. He must be taking steroids.

I think surrendered without a shot is premature, sort of like ‘mission accomplished’. You can control people in cubicles or houses by feeding them a constant barrage of fear porn on the tv but eventually they will come out to feed. When they find the food is not there, they will form into mobs. The mob mentality will take over and they will follow the loudest, angriest leader among them.

April 6, 2020 3:39 pm


22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon
April 6, 2020 10:02 pm

Nobody saw virtual Easter coming.

Happy birthday LDS Church.

  22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon
April 6, 2020 11:08 pm

I got a white salamander for you..

April 6, 2020 3:55 pm

I couldn’t agree more. It’s why tuned in people follow the Carlin rule: Believe NOTHING the government tells you. ZERO.

BTW, you thought you were voting the lesser of 2 evils? SUCKA!


ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 6, 2020 4:09 pm

“How many government workers have lost their jobs?”

There are 536 I can think of that need to….

” ….Dr. Frankencrobes toiling in bioweapons labs around the world who can manufacture one”

the Dr. Frankencrobes of today just need a CRISPR and a garage…

” (the current coronavirus may have been manufactured)”

You lost me in the parenthesis, or maybe it’s part of accepting “official statistics, projections, propaganda, and draconian measures without a peep of skepticism or doubt.”

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——==

A motto for the New Order of the Ages:

"Surrendered without a shot"

The body is not the Soul
The body is not the Soul
April 6, 2020 4:16 pm

The body is not the soul.

  The body is not the Soul
April 10, 2020 7:50 am

No, but it is an emanation of what your soul wants you to figure out.

April 6, 2020 4:59 pm

Outstanding piece Robert. After the initial deluge of mis/information pouring forth from the MSM and
usual gov’t offices, it was obvious that with each passing day the narrative was being honed and refined. The whiplash effect of coup-contrecoup has been effective as to create doubt and confusion, but seems to have had a desired effect of acceptance for the replacement with an “official denouement”.

Yet, I’ve seen nor heard little if any dissent.

In the mean time I should go, the bat soup is almost ready and I believe I saw the neighbors playing with their children in their back yard. I’ll have to call the popo again. It’s for the children, ya know?

April 6, 2020 5:08 pm

It is still early. Government workers will lose their jobs and local governments will probably fail too. No taxes, no payday.

This reminds me of the fall of the Soviet Union.

It is only beginning.

We as a people have become soft. What is coming will toughen some of us while many others will probably commit suicide or just outright die because they don’t know how to face hard times.

History is repeating itself. No nation state lasts forever. We still live in the best landmass in the world. We will get through this.

I am optimistic. I believe many of our leaders; including world leaders, have gone insane. The super rich are going down with many of the commoners.Read carefully Revelation Chapter 6. I believe we are in this period of world history.

I also believe one day world government will be here. But one not created by the current crop of soulless individuals that currently run this world.

Yes hard and uncertain times are in front of us. Change is never predictable. But those whose consciousness is centered in God’s word will make it through. God is life. God is in our consciousness. Look within.

Faith of consciousness is freedom
Hope of consciousness is strength.

Faith of feeling is weakness
Hope of feeling is slavery

Love of consciousness evokes the same in response. Don’t put your faith or hope in anything outside us in these times.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 6, 2020 5:12 pm

I just told a friend that if she never hears from me again it’s because I refused to stay home and got sent away.

  Mary Christine
April 6, 2020 9:39 pm

You go girl! I told my wife if I go away and don’t come home, come up to camp.

April 6, 2020 5:14 pm

We so fucking deserve what we get. I have compassion and pity for the innocent. Nothing more.

April 6, 2020 6:08 pm

99% deserve it..Ape,s conformism.95%of men in this country are pussy wheepers.U can not blame females.99%of them are apes with zombic,narcolab brain.They live by basic instincts.

April 11, 2020 9:19 pm

No one is innocent. We are all in the game actively or passively and we will all suffer the consequences of our acquiescence. We have lost our freedoms and our security.

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
April 6, 2020 5:22 pm

The last gasp of an Authoritarian generation? It sure seems that way to me.

  Just Sayin'
April 7, 2020 12:29 am

Sorry for thumbs down, but I must disagree.
As far as authoritarianism, ….I think you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
April 6, 2020 5:40 pm

“If you’re proven right, not one person who disparaged or mocked you will acknowledge you were right and apologize, nor will anyone ask you for an opinion or prediction in the future. In fact, you’ll be shunned.”

Why would I share power and pussy with such men? When the dust settles, the winning men could have multiple wives and afford it. They wouldn’t vote.

David Erickson
David Erickson
April 6, 2020 6:07 pm

“Perhaps the most distressing aspect of this whole ordeal is that Americans have surrendered to panic and propaganda without a shot.”

The globalists were smart enough to ensure that was the case. As I said in a comment to another post today:

It is increasingly obvious that Trump was selected in 2016 for precisely this event. A large portion of the Right would be literally up in arms by now if Hillary was president, but because they trust Trump and the Q-anon PSYOP “trust the plan” nonsense, the Right has been almost totally neutralized.

  David Erickson
April 6, 2020 8:03 pm

Absolutely. I got a lot of downvotes for saying that the right would even cheer him on.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
April 6, 2020 10:24 pm

The Right loves selfless sacrifice and seeks the signal opportunity. Who here would dispute that?

  David Erickson
April 6, 2020 11:29 pm

Candidate Trump called out the bankers for their bubbles. President Trump owned those bubbles. Why would he do that unless he knew the virus was coming to take him off the hook? An even better question is why did the globalist financial elite allow Trump off the hook when they had him balls to the wall and on public record for owning the markets? Why not pull the plug and blame Trump for his tax and trade policies? Why would they make him a wartime president and prop up Biden the same way they did the Hildabeast?

Good questions.

April 6, 2020 6:23 pm

There is an explanation, it’s the shift in safety requirement. Not the real one people have, the one the system is working on no matter what. TSA, surveillance, etc. Critics are silenced fast, as people favoring money, not life, or just “covidiots”.
On the other hand, I expect there will be a plot twist. This thing is too transparent. Starting with the 2O1 event, all the prominent people tested positive, everyone who knows how to use the internet knows, or will be told by someone who knows. This is too cheap, it’s by design. Maybe there will be limited hangout newer seen before, a storm, the “storm”, followed by more deception. However, don’t take any shot!

April 7, 2020 8:03 am

all the prominent people tested positive

or that is what they tell us . . . but since most of them are actors (or plain-old fakes), I wonder if “it” is just another role.

However, the looming death of Boris Johnson is no accident.

April 6, 2020 6:34 pm

You’re either with us,……or you’re with the virus.
If you’re with us,…. there is no reason to worry about the virus.
And we promise to not come looking for you….yet.

April 6, 2020 7:44 pm

All this and none of you pussies will lift a finger to reverse course.

You will make excuses why you won’t act but do the criminals make excuses? NO! They just do it.

The criminals have already granted you the right to pull the gloves off and fight back. But do you? NO!

The criminals observe, formulate their plan and then execute that plan. You don’t even know how to make a winning plan. You can’t execute a plan because you don’t have one. You just know how to LOSE!

There is no ‘line in the sand’ because you don’t have any sand, the criminals already stole that from you.

Next stop: papers proving you have been vaccinated with their 5g selective modulation non-degenerate multiwave activated blood clot forming nanoparticles to work, play, bank, travel.

So at least we know you will lose every possibility to win after this last stop before total tyranny.


What do you think would happen if we all declared war on the criminals with specifics defined objectives for victory and notified them of our rules for engagement? Would they come after us? If they came after us would that be a good thing or a bad thing? What if those rules of engagement notified reciprocity for any actions they took against us? The criminals strike us we strike them? What if the criminals were identified and enumerated with specific indictments that MUST be issued to avert total war? Bar members prohibited from the bench and government office? Proper interpretation of law that says government statutes are prohibited from being applied to any of the people not actively on duty of government work capacity? Taxes upon people is prohibited? That a standing military must be disbanded and America declared a neutral country? That arrest of anyone without an actual accuser, standing liable for their accusation is prohibited? That every government worker must be permanently expelled from any government capacity and all of their assets seized? That all foundations, institutions and entities board members and employees whom worked towards forced vaccination be injected with every dose of vaccine they ever promoted or assisted in developing? That prison guards, law enforcement officers, judges and prosecutors whom imprisoned someone for a statutory victimless crime which had no actual accuser are imprisoned for life and their victims released? That every bar conspirator involved with blocking equal access of everyone to grand juries are given the death penalty? That every war criminal from military industrial complex, intelligence, military, congress and executive branch are given the death penalty? That every NSA worker involved with spying on Americans had probes stuck up their ass with data permanently streamed to the internet? That every unconstitutional agency be disbanded and those facilities given to homeless for building homes? That any voting that is not signed, recorded with court and traceable is not valid? That all voters whom voted for someone is liable for the elected’s crimes if they don’t bring them to justice? That any future government worker must wear a pink jumpsuit with ruffles, clown shoes and a bozo nose to express their servitude and lowered status below each of the people?

Where are the real men at?

Oh that’s right you pay them to lord over you…

April 6, 2020 8:09 pm

Nobody. If you were doing what you tell us to do you wouldn’t be writing this. Show me the selfies of you being punished for refusing to pay taxes or exercising your right to carry a loaded shotgun into a courtroom. If you don’t have any proof then just piss off.

April 6, 2020 8:15 pm

Why would I take a shotgun into a courtroom? That is a LOSING strategy. I am NOT interested in LOSING!

Just like I said, “You just know how to LOSE!”

It is impossible for me to pay taxes. I am a man. Only taxpayers can pay taxes you dummy.

April 6, 2020 8:58 pm

You spent two pages of verbiage telling us what a man you are but you’re still out of prison and have enough money to pay for internet service. By your standards you would have lost everything in the process of organizing and resisting. Real hero’s are in jail. You just wanted to trash the rest of us. If you don’t pay taxes you must be a street bum or a welfare scammer because even retirees pay taxes or have already paid them on their retirement savings.
A winner would not be on TBP in early evening berating people he or she doesn’t know anything about.

April 6, 2020 9:01 pm

Are you writing this from jail?

April 6, 2020 10:21 pm

Losers are in prison. I am not a loser.

Your heros are in prison? That explains a lot.

I didn’t spend two pages telling you what a man I am. I spent a several lines telling you what losers you are for not doing anything to reverse course. I spent the rest suggesting objectives. Defined objectives are the first step in developing a goal, a destination. How are you going to know where you are going if you don’t have defined objective (s)? Obvious shit.

I have done many things to notify and prove before God that criminals have overthrown the government -none of which is necessary to prove to any of you for any reason. God knows and the perpetraitors I accused on the record in open court also know as well as all the witnesses the perpetraitors and I brought into the cases. From all of the rhetoric here it appears that all of you know the government has been overthrown by criminals yet you do nothing except bitch. If you know a criminal act against you is occurring then it is your duty to seek justice. To let a criminal act persist is a crime called misprision. Many here bare witness to God that criminals are “the powers that be” What does God deliver to you for that? Criminals have power and authority over you. Is this not obvious?

I conducted thorough investigations, gathered the testimonies, witnesses, evidence, facts, built the case files and sought justice with the final case turned over to God for final judgement of whether the criminal perpetraitors are the guilty party or the people who failed to uphold the law are the guilty party. Part of that judgement has been rendered. The final judgement is TBD. I can assure you that if you believe that criminals are TPTB then that final judgement is that YOU are the guilty party and will receive the justice due.

If all of you are going to cower in fear when you have the power of divine justice backing you then what are you? Dumb? Evil? Fake? Unfaithful? Frauds? Pussies? Lukewarm?

Shall ye be spit from thy mouth?

God is love and wrath. Justice is served where justice is due. If you do nothing in the face of criminal tyranny then that justice id due to you and the tyranny is the justice being served. Don’t forget that. You have been notified.

April 6, 2020 10:46 pm

If You have Divine justice backing you why aren’t you out there doing what you tell us to do. Anyone can talk trash online. You’re accusing us of things you can’t possibly know about us. Accusing someone in court is not dangerous unless important people are in jeopardy. Did you accuse some poor old lady of walking on your lawn and declare her guilty before God. If your that adamant about how cowardly we are I have to wonder why. A real hero doesn’t need to come on here and shame people into rebelling.

April 6, 2020 11:09 pm

The criminal claiming to be judges were accused of thousands of felonies by me for the crimes I witnessed and documented in detail with proof from their hand and mouths on the record. I took to grand jury. I also notified bailiffs who would not conduct arrests that by law I could forcibly enter the building and subdue the perpetraitors. They denied, I showed them the code and conceded. There is much more here than you can possibly imagine. Spit back all you want. It doesn’t matter it’s not in my hands alone. It’s in the faith and actions of each. Judgement will be rendered.

I’ve done the work that almost no other Americans have done. I put a full fledge case before a grand jury foreman and then when the frauds were revealed I delivered to God.

I proved it. They are feeling the pain from it now and it has only begun.

Who is the guilty party? The perpetraitors or the people who let them continue to injure? That is the last answer. If the people don’t bare true witness with actual case of actual facts that PROVE beyond all reasonable doubt the guilty party then the people will be the guilty party that’s how real law actually works regardless of whether you know this or not. If you don’t know this then you are lawless. If you are lawless then your victory is not desired. God is law.

You said a winner would not be here, why are you here? God has inspired me to be here. I am law abiding. Divine law interfaces man via inspiration. To deny inspiration is to reject the protections of divine law. I know why I am here and it is not because of you. The question is really for you, why I am here. Why have I been divinely inspired to be here to share with you my inspirations? That is not for me, that is for you.

April 6, 2020 11:26 pm

OK, so God sent you, take a number and get in line.

April 7, 2020 1:01 am

Give it a rest. Just for a while. In one sense, you’re preaching to the choir. But, at the same time, Fleabaggs is right.
I understand. I’ve seen it (i.e., read it) before. It’s a tactic used almost daily by Karl Denninger. It’s meant to get readers’ dander up and motivate action. But, it never does. It just comes across as hypocrisy from an internet tough guy. I’m not saying you’re the latter or implying that you’re engaging in the former. I’m just telling you how it is perceived.
Spend more time thinking of specific, currently legal, actions you can take to associate with people around you in meatspace. Get together and think of specific, currently legal, actions you can take in furtherance of your objectives. If you have “lines in the sand” that, when crossed, might spur you to disregard the legality of your actions, just make sure of three things:
1. You have company. Physical company. As in, real warm bodies that will join you in a group when pre-agreed actions get taken.
2. Don’t announce your intentions or “lines in the sand” on the internet; and,
3. Don’t expect people in an online comment section to back you, for what ought to be obvious reasons, even if they share your frustrations.

I would add that disregarding #1 or #2 WILL, as Flea points out, land you in jail or in dirt.

You should comment merely expressing frustration many here share OR update us on ideas for LEGAL means to further objectives OR send us letters from prison or let us know what your real name is so we know who to contact at the seance.

April 7, 2020 6:43 am

Beautifully said.

April 7, 2020 12:03 pm

Are you going play legal or lawful? If you play legal you lose. If you play lawful you win.

Make all the excuses you want. The law is there to uphold but you guys obviously have ignored the law which is why you don’t know what do. You fear. You think you are going to jail or end up in dirt. All of that is derived from your ignorance of law regardless of what excuses you want to make.

How many on here have sought Grand Jury indictments for criminal scumbags and PROVEN that the government has been overthrown?

Exactly one.

What happens when all good people uphold the law? Good people win and criminal overlords are removed.

You dimwits haven’t tried to uphold the law. You surrendered to criminals. Is this not true? It IS true. That is what the article here is about.

Once you have PROVEN the government has been overthrown by criminals then what law is in place for recourse?

The truth is you guys want to cower in fear, you think going into a court with a shotgun is somehow necessary. You guys are totally lost. A ship without a rudder. No direction, no way to navigate towards a destination of liberty. You want to attack me for simply pointing out the truth that you don’t want to face – the criminals are smarter, braver, more fit and you can’t do anything about it because of the choices you made.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 7, 2020 8:22 am

Good for you.

Of course you can’t know what other people are doing or aren’t doing in these times so your assumption that everyone is somehow a nutless eunuch is a bit of an assumption, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

Keep us abreast of your next Supreme Court win, can’t wait to see you take down the beast.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 7, 2020 11:49 am

“Of course you can’t know what other people are doing or aren’t doing”

Yes I can. It isn’t obvious what Americans are doing? Americans are losing their freedom and prosperity to criminals.

April 7, 2020 1:21 pm

Can you post your methods to accomplish these things so we can utilize them also? It would definitely save the rest of us some time preparing the things you have already prepared.

April 7, 2020 8:25 pm

I read 5000+ years of law. Discovered the supreme maxim of law via divine inspiration: “Law never violates law”

Once I discovered the maxim I re-read the 5000+ years of law to find the path through law where law never violates law.

That knowledge enabled me to steer every tyrant directly to them admitting to their criminal acts on the record. I mastered it so well that I could predict the types of body movements the criminals would make at the exact moment they would make them. I told witnesses daily for months before exactly the moment the type of body movement the ‘judge’ would make and the exact moment they would make it with the trigger that generate the exact type of body movement. I brought the witnesses to the courts to show them it happen over and over to prove that it is REAL LAW that produces predictable repeatable results.

Most have no idea how far real law goes. Just as gravity is governed by law so is the human perceptory injected neurologically driven polypeptide initiated motor function of the human body that includes every muscle in the human body all from simple twitches to scoffs all the way to advanced communication patterns.

People are losing because they are lawless. The dummy here mentioned going into a court with a loaded shotgun. How stupid does that look compared to mastery of the laws that govern the human body?

How deep is the love of liberty for those who spend decades learning the law and sharpening their infosword preparing for battle vs ‘hey let’s get a shotgun and go to court to get arrested to show how much I care about liberty’?

The dummies are lawless and they are totally clueless that they are the destroyers of liberty NOT its protectors. God knows the truth and will offer no mercy for excuses. Everything is on the line regardless of what they think of the messenger.

1/20 is the new 9/11 (EC)
1/20 is the new 9/11 (EC)
April 7, 2020 8:38 pm
April 6, 2020 7:59 pm

With a few noteworthy exceptions, the alternative media has been a disappointment.

I agree.
How bloggers -like yourself- can declare this is the right time to take a stand against police state, deep state, and all other encroaching totalitarian shebangs – the delusion is astounding.

Not Obamacare (“pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it”)
Not autumn 2008, rewarding failure to the fullest extent possible.
Not the “Patriot” act allowing for torture and effectively shredding Habeas Corpus.
Not October 1998 (“it’s OK to lie in high offices, if you never on-the-record admit to such”)
Not the dozens of undeclared wars the US has initiated over the past decades, without any good reason.
(Continue back to… 1913, at least.)

Now, while we have a worldwide epidemic on our [not just the US’] hands, is the right time to resort to disobedience – that’ll show The Powers That Be!

April 6, 2020 8:08 pm

It’s perfect timing for too many reasons to list. If the epidemic is real that makes it even better timing.

April 6, 2020 9:52 pm

There currently isn’t enough pain or loss to justify violent actions, especially since doing so will probably get you killed if you act alone. Not yet, wait and watch. The police state is ramping up the drones and planes and other machines to avoid having to actually touch or deal with people. Popo don’t want to get no virus either…..

Drones can be shot, ditto other surveillance machines, not that I recommend any law breaking or stuff like that…..just make sure you wear your mask and don’t get caught. Gorilla comes to mind….
comment image

April 6, 2020 10:06 pm

I see you received the selfie I sent you. I don’t advocate aggression either but I just happened to watch a cartoon where a cheap camera drone was loaded with a .38 shotshell and flown into a Jackboots face. They say war is hell.

April 6, 2020 10:50 pm

What’s the best shot to take down a drone? Birdshot at close range? Buck at further?

April 7, 2020 1:14 am

For the low, low price of just $1500 to $2000 you too can have one of these absurdly impractical, but really, really awesomely cool (in theory) MagNet net capture guns.

April 7, 2020 12:48 am

Aww, Flea and Big Red are playing nice.

April 7, 2020 12:58 am

She’s ignoring me.

April 6, 2020 11:31 pm

The drones can be useful if understood properly. One can draw their attention where it needs not to be. You must understand the enemy and their procedures, training thought patterns. Be the enemy. Be their decisions. Know those decisions before they do and walk them to those decisions. Knowing the decisions that they are going to make before they know it is how you win. You need to know the destination before you start the journey if you want to get to where you want to be.

May 4, 2020 12:50 am

Tactics of Mistake.
Author: Gordon R. Dickson.

April 6, 2020 8:27 pm

Sooo just whom have you SHOT! in defense of our freedom? Why not?

April 6, 2020 8:37 pm

The real estate market is toast:

Week Two: How COVID-19 Lockdowns Impact US Housing Market. Mortgages Give Clues: It Gets Uglier

As is the auto market:

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 6, 2020 10:13 pm

We are a consumer economy and the government has “furloughed” about 30 million consumers. When it lifts, there will be no consumption because nobody will have any money and with no consumption, there will be additional layoffs leading to less consumption, ad infinitum.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  TN Patriot
April 6, 2020 10:31 pm

The financiers had this figured out last year. Like others suggest, pennies on the dollar. I wish Americans understood that currency is a gift from the public not the government. If we accept their definitions of currency, they win. There’s not much to be done now but wait.

  TN Patriot
April 7, 2020 2:19 am

It will be much worse than that. The QE monopoly money the Fed “digitized” into existence should have created massive inflation unless they had been able to “reel it back in” by raising rates.
An increase in the money supply is the definition of inflation — it is the money supply that is “inflated”. In fact the so-called “liquidity” they were intending to inject was menat to lubricate the economy like oil in an engine. This is the same as increasing monetary “velocity”.

However, the increasing velocity (lubrication) never happened because FREE MONEY (near 0% int.) wasn’t put all into the broader economy in the form of capital expenditures, nor was it given in ACTUAL dividends (it was never ‘divided’ among shareholders so it ain’t no “dividend”). It was used in larger than ever measure for stock buybacks.

That money artificially inflates the stock price and benefits the remaining larger shareholders. Because the stock price goes up, said shareholders can sell a few shares and maintain the same wealth with the remaining shares while putting money in their pockets. Then, knowing the Fed’s policies will continue, and that huge numbers of huge corporations are also going to continue buying back stock and they will make unprecedented returns on any of these companies in which they buy shares, they can forever repeatedly funnel the FREE MONEY that the Fed invents directly into their pockets PROVIDED they’re not left holding the bag when the bubble pops.

The massive recent growth in “wealth inequality” is directly, and almost solely, due to a group of shareholders who kept placing increasing numbers of multiple concurrent bets on “black” knowing that the roulette ball would never land in “red” until the Fed raised interest rates enough to call a halt to their game — I.e., siphoning FREE MONEY away from the working economy and into ever more shares whose value they knew would increaseas long as the buybacks continued … which was until the Monopoly Money Presses at the Fed stopped running and the rates started to increase. When the rates increased they knew in advance, and made educated judgements about how long they could keep the game going before rates got too high.

When the rates hit about 2.5%, that was too risky for some and they folded their cards and walked away with their “winnings”. At that point, all the ‘liquidity’, all the ‘velocity’, all the economic ‘lubrication’ had been siphoned away and they had to replace that siphoned ‘liquidity’ in the bank “repo” market.

The percentage of FREE MONEY that did go to capital expenditures has, and will continue to, cause higher prices. Much of this has, up to now, been in rent and real estate prices among other things, but the money that was siphoned off by few large shareholders, the money that flooded the repo market, and the money in our new and improved Coronavirus “stimulus” (meet the new stimulus, same as the old stimulus), bailouts, and coming bail-ins will all eventually make its way into the broader economy causing hyperinflation in consumer prices …. ….after millions of workers are made unemployed and small businesses bankrupted.

The billion s in SBA loans will only make the inflation worse in the long run, it’s the most transparent glaringly obvious example of the “broken-windows” theory of economics EVER. Calling it “assistance” or “stimulus” is the government providing a “stimulus” to the economy by paying the glaziers to replace all the windows that they just threw rocks though by shutting down the economy. Small businessmen should remember always that the virus didn’t throw the rocks, … “your” government, your Governors, and your Golden Golem of Greatness threw the rocks.

What we’re witnessing is the destruction of the dollar and the need for an entirely new monetary system being shifted into high gear.

Virus or no virus. “Just the flu, bro” or the new Black Death. Doesn’t matter.

Attribute it all to incompetence rather than malice? Be my guest, but I’ll never believe it.

America …is … finally ………

April 7, 2020 2:22 am

sorry for all the typos.

April 7, 2020 8:13 am

Can’t throw no rocks, Anon, since neither of us can even spell our names right.

April 7, 2020 6:49 am

“all the velocity” is correct. In spite or despite all the many trillions printed, the M-1 velocity actually went down slightly.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
April 7, 2020 10:34 pm

Can’t invest in government confiscation from the sucker side.

April 10, 2020 2:57 pm

America will survive the United states .

April 11, 2020 9:38 pm

I hope so.

April 6, 2020 8:51 pm

Whens the last time you remember the government wanting us to panic?
9/11 right? And look at what that caused. This is the same, only different.

April 6, 2020 9:19 pm

*slow. clap.*

April 6, 2020 9:26 pm

Wow. Just wow. So I’ll just say I’m honored to be among your company, Robert, as well the other contributors and commenters here on this fine forum. Thank you for the terrific article that presents as both a battle-cry and lament. The piece I finished tonight will work with this one like guns and ammo; except mine is, perhaps, more of a lament. Balls to the wall and pedal to the metal, man. The keyboard is mightier than the assault rifle; at least for the time being

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Robert Gore
April 7, 2020 8:25 am

Robert, thanks for always being so methodical in your exposition, it leaves little room for misinterpretation and it feels satisfying to the reader to follow a train of thought without distraction.

I bet you’re really good at math.

  Robert Gore
April 7, 2020 5:57 pm

If HSF and Uncola say you did good, you did good.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 8, 2020 9:16 am

RE: Word math, conceptual “arrows”, & thoughtwaves

When it comes to kids, coworkers, and professional associates, I’ve noticed some write in a methodical and linear fashion whereas others communicate in…. shall we say… a concentric circular or cyclical manner – which on a line graph would more resemble waves (as opposed to arrows).

As for myself, I find the former (linear) presentations to be most effective when debating, persuading, selling, outlining, or while making overall “points”.

The latter (wave) mode, however, is quite often useful when attempting to work through ideas, ask questions, generate discussion, and challenge others to think through and weigh in on the matter(s) at hand.

In my experience, the two modes are often determined by timing and confidence in relation to the discovery of facts; and this is why circular reasoning generally precedes any linear conclusions.

Or not.

1/20 is the new 9/11 (EC)
1/20 is the new 9/11 (EC)
  Robert Gore
April 8, 2020 9:48 am

Nobody can. Too bad the feminists got to him for sexist language. T4C says we are all frequencies and HF says we live in a flat planet. Science is a tool, not a religion.

It all comes back to that. – Airman Pangloss

22winmag - TBP's Corona-Gulag Yankee Mormon
22winmag - TBP's Corona-Gulag Yankee Mormon
April 6, 2020 10:40 pm

No, the United States hasn’t surrendered.

It circled the wagons, defensively.

The USA probably learned that move from Wild West era Mormons.

Politics has been a deadly serious game of cat and mouse since the 1910 Republican Midterm Massacre.

Everyone here gripes about the FED, WWI, Voting for women in 1920, the Depression and so on. I don’t because, just read up on the 1910 Midterm massacre and the horrid 1912 election.

Everyone gets everything they want in America, good and hard. If you believe the Communist-Democrat Crime Party threat has not been weighed, measured, and documented over the last century, you may be delusional. I welcome the State of Emergency. Fuck climate change for one. Second, Blue State hellholes are pissing themselves and talking and making the worst of it. Massachusetts shit itself with curfew, following New York and other Blue shit-holes. Mercifully, most most corrupt, worthless, evil CIVIL and CRIMINAL local and state courts are either closed or working at a fraction of their capacity. That’s a thing of beauty because now the Feds and Dept. of Justice are free to unload on traitors at all levels!

The situation we are in is payback for 1910 and 110 years of Democrat crimes against the USA.

This could be the all time Democrat implosion. . . for eternity.
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Maybe the Repukicans will run a third party T. Roosevelt Bull Moose party charade to get Biden into office, and usher in 1913 and then WWI, Who knows? Cuomo? Hilldecunt? Hilldecunt’s daughter, AOC??

April 6, 2020 11:29 pm

Gate’s ole lady’s name is being floated but my dollar is still on Big Mike.

April 7, 2020 2:06 am

Cuomo and Newsom are moving in for the kill. Don’t forget I said long ago that Gavin will be president one day.

April 7, 2020 6:50 am

What a pair to draw to.

April 7, 2020 4:56 pm

I didn’t pick them, Romeo. Just reading the barometer.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
April 7, 2020 10:38 pm

Gavin? I don’t think the Office of President will exist ten years from now. He’s not qualified to be a dictator.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
April 6, 2020 11:06 pm

Yeah, coming into our houses and “separating family in a humane manner”.

  Articles of Confederation
April 6, 2020 11:59 pm

After being bombarded with bullshit for twelve minutes about how real this virus is, I guess all I can take from Tucker’s take on this is that college professors are behind the shutdown. And another is that people will look for the least dirtiest shill in the closet to get their daily allotment of bullshit.

April 6, 2020 11:25 pm

But aren’t there bodies everywhere?

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
April 6, 2020 11:42 pm

That brings me back in time, GOODNESS.

April 7, 2020 12:09 am

You know, You’re being very negative.

April 7, 2020 12:18 am

“clocking in with a week-to-week increase of 200 percent.”

Not to be too nit-picky, but it’s a 100% increase.

But, you know what that means, don’t you?

That is, a DOUBLING!!!


As I’ve learned recently from a certain genuine experts “who know how exponential growth works.”, this means that we can expect every man, woman, child, trans-man, trans-woman, and “trans-child”(?) in these United States will become jobless by about May 4th or 5th.

Everyone on Earth will be unemployed by June 7th.

Then, the unemployment will spread throughout our solar system consuming Mars the following week, Mercury and Venus the next, and, by the end of June, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and my anus … I mean Uranus.

Depending on how many star systems are in the Milky Way, the super-massive black hole at the galactic center could be out of work by late August (then just a lonely, bored, “Grey Hole” living in it’s parent’s basement playing Fortnite with mustard stains and Doritos crumbs on its weeks-worn galactic t-shirt), and the far side of the galaxy will be without jobs by the following week. Just a week later, and the whole of the Andromeda galaxy will join the queue at the unemployment office.

By Halloween, I imagine the whole nearby local cluster of galaxies could be permanently sheltered in place.

The universe ends not with a bang (not in your ‘rents basement with those mustard stains, anyway) nor with a whimper (well, maybe just a few whimpers) but with an endless void now filled top-to-bottom and side-to side with joblessness and Coronavirus deaths.

p.s. NOT a dig at you, Robert. Rather at the “I know how exponential growth works” crowd of Covid fearporn-mongers who’ve never seen a sigmoid function (sometimes called an S-shaped curve by the unwashed plebes, savage brutes and uneducated parochial retards).

ursel doran
ursel doran
April 7, 2020 12:28 am

“Mayor Bill de Blasio had dismantled the city’s Department of Health, replacing its personnel with unqualified hacks whose job was to medicalize social justice, and warn of the public health threats of the police, or hair discrimination, while assuring city residents that they had nothing to fear from COVID-19.  
New York City Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot warned New Yorkers that brief contact with the police was dangerous, but that brief contact with people infected with the coronavirus wasn’t.” 
“Identity politics lied. New Yorkers died.” 

April 7, 2020 5:51 am

“The coronavirus death count includes many victims with one or more co-morbidities—a combination of diseases kills them but in many cases, they weren’t long for this world. ”

Are the death by Covid numbers even accurate ? A physicians weighs in.
If you don’t have the time to watch the video , the answer is NO.

Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how COVID 19 death certificates are being manipulated

old white guy
old white guy
April 7, 2020 8:27 am

Robert you have said what I have been saying only with more detail. I have laughed at the armchair patriots and have also told people that I would be glad to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, unfortunately I would be standing alone.

April 7, 2020 11:40 am

Great article Mr. Gore. You could write Part 2 and name it: Safety Is A Racket- or something to that effect.

1/20 is the new 9/11 (EC)
1/20 is the new 9/11 (EC)
April 7, 2020 5:23 pm

It’s got to be reassuring to see the man who played doctor with Stormy is now peddling a cure-all to the muppets. Any day now, he will be walking on water.

Doesn’t he know messiahs, like Navy Captains, get crucified for bucking the narrative? Herod Gates is going to be pissed.

April 7, 2020 5:41 pm

Another good piece Robert. Regular people really can’t comprehend the extent of evil(((they))) have planned for us. You hit the nail on the head.

April 8, 2020 7:04 pm

“Their “cure” for the coronavirus will be far deadlier than the disease. The quarantines and lockdowns will bring the world to a standstill—that’s the point….”

Well Robert, the Shit has truly hit the fan then. If this is purposeful, then in a very short time we’ll know if it is time for first civil disobedience and then the next step. I personally will not submit to vaccines with “markers” from the Gates Foundation. And based on the tyrannical “orders” we’re seeing here in Texas (which I thought would NEVER come to pass) the “vaccine” is the least of our worries. Keep your Second Amendment provisions in good working order… Chip

April 9, 2020 10:34 pm

am thinking this sat at 97 all day because you really are a bore and only 90-somthing ass suckers piped up hoping you and hsf would suck their dicks for a while

April 9, 2020 11:22 pm

Very well done, Senor Gore…

  Robert Gore
April 9, 2020 11:29 pm

proverbial golf clap…

April 10, 2020 5:07 am

comment image

Irony is so sweet, you Bore.

Or should I say Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiird.

April 10, 2020 7:45 am

Back when I was obsessed with the negativity in the world, afraid and worried about everything, and hanging out here all the time with the “truthers,” I often wondered what would be the final fear factor that would finish off the (very) few “rights” we had left.
And here we are.
My divorce was final right before the Dictatorship of Michigan was implemented. My house closed last week and now it is illegal for me to work on it, or move, I am to remained trapped with my Ex.
This “virus” went through my entire family in January and February, my Ex, he who never gets sick was the sickest he has ever been. I, the daughter, the grandbaby felt out of sorts for a couple days, that was it.
Fear is our greatest enemy and our fear of nature and the natural inevitabilities of life on this planet, manipulated by the hands of For-Profit Gods in White Coats, and Dictators Under Guise of Democracy has brought us to today.
We would rather cower in fear of a possible sickness, then live free. We think destroying the healthy protects the sick. We are destroying everything, eating out seed corn and then telling people food will kill them. Everywhere I look we are told lies that help nothing but some rich freak’s bank vault.
We deserve the 100% detrimental effects of our insanity that are headed our way, because the truth is everywhere we just REFUSE to see it.
I’m finally at peace with it, while the world burns I just continue living, appreciating all that is right in my world, forgiving my enemies, loving my helpers, and lo and behold, things slowly work out for me.
Love to all, hugs to all, strengthen your body, hearts and minds and don’t worry about the rest, or live in fear and allow the system to own you, the choice is our own.
And Stucky, if you see this, I send you love all the time!

April 10, 2020 4:09 pm
April 11, 2020 4:55 pm

Fear is our greatest enemy and our fear of nature and the natural inevitabilities of life on this planet, manipulated by the hands of For-Profit Gods in White Coats, and Dictators Under Guise of Democracy has brought us to today.


I’m finally at peace with it, while the world burns I just continue living, appreciating all that is right in my world, forgiving my enemies, loving my helpers, and lo and behold, things slowly work out for me.


Just wanted to thank you for what you wrote. I read it yesterday and keep thinking about it. Am sorry for your troubles but glad for your words. May things slowly work out for all of us; even when they don’t.

April 11, 2020 9:50 pm

I like your point of view. Our sense consciousness sees the illusion as real and fears it while our higher consciousness; the I AM in us, sees the illusion as a mirage and is not afraid.

Thanks for your post TheresaE

Reluctant Warrior
Reluctant Warrior
April 11, 2020 7:47 am

Dr. Brownstein should be given a Nobel prize for stopping developing a successful protocol for COVID-19. We don’t need to wait for a vaccine which would be counterproductive anyway. It is not surprise that an MD with a background in Holistic medicine came up with the answer to this new and novel virus.

  Robert Gore
April 11, 2020 9:54 pm

Being outside in the sun is the best strategy. Notice how blue the shy has become since the lockdown?

ursel doran
ursel doran
April 11, 2020 9:28 pm

Sent this SUPERB work to Trump, put on his Facebook page, along with a few more good well read Facebook pages, tucker Carlson, and others.

Mr. President, You Sir are the point of the spear for the Peoples vs the Government smack down of crushing our liberties, unnecessarily, now and into the future. PLEASE DO DO NOT FAIL US Sir. Long term consequences are to brutal to contemplate, per history laid out in this article.

Surrendered Without A Shot, by Robert Gore

April 17, 2020 2:40 pm

I vividly remember an episode of Penn & Teller’s short-lived mid-2000s Showtime TV show, “Bullshit!” where someone said (I forget what the topic was), “When fascism comes to America, it will be wearing a white lab coat and stethoscope.”

Our transformation into a feminized, emasculated culture is just about complete, and Coronavirus might be the final manifestation: risk must be completely eliminated! Safety and comfort above all!