A Silver Lining

Who will fight for your rights?

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

…we are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

Ayn Rand, Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal, Appendix, “The Nature of Government,” 1967

We are no longer fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion, we’ve arrived. It is the stage of which every would-be dictator dreams, where his whims are absolute, and everything everyone else says, does, or thinks must comport with those whims, even—impossible though it would be—when they are contradictory.

Science is anti-whim. Nature, as Francis Bacon observed, to be commanded must be obeyed. Nothing illustrates the ultimate inversion of the official coronavirus response better than its leaders’ assault on science in the name of their “science.”

Doctors have been discouraged or prohibited from administering hydroxychloroquine, by itself or in conjunction with other medications, vitamins, and zinc compounds, to treat Covid-19. They have observed and documented the effectiveness of such remedies—mitigation or elimination of the disease’s symptoms—but their observation and documentation are dismissed. Only the validation procedure mandated by the medical bureaucracy—the expensive and complex multistage tests required of new drugs to establish their efficacy and safety—will suffice for official permission. It’s what their “science” demands of a cheap and seemingly effective remedy that’s been on the market for years as a treatment for lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and malaria.

So where were the tests and control-group studies for the pandemic models, lockdowns, social distancing, masks, flattening the curve, closing businesses, and contact tracing that have been the official coronavirus responses? Projections are hypotheses, but only one class of hypothesis was officially accepted—disaster scenarios that fed panic and paved the way for further expansion of governments’ power. The doomsday models have been discredited; cases and deaths have been orders of magnitude less than projected.

Countries that haven’t instituted lockdowns have fared no worse than countries that have. Andrew Cuomo, governor of hard-hit New York, recently expressed surprise that two-thirds of hospitalized coronavirus patients had been sheltering in place. As if locking people down—often families under close quarters—in apartment buildings that can’t control cockroaches would somehow protect dwellers against a microscopic, easily spread, fast replicating, and virtually infinite virus.

No science at all supports social distancing; six-feet is an arbitrary construct (i.e., whim) of some medical would-be dictator. Masks force the rebreathing of your own respiratory waste, weakening your immune system for the dubious benefit of that all-powerful totem: public health. The health you’re supposedly protecting is certainly not your own. It’s like eating your own feces or drinking your own urine for a purported public benefit.

Flattening the curve to ensure adequate hospital space for the wave of coronavirus patients that hasn’t happened has flattened the hospitals, leading to empty rooms and wards and layoffs for medical workers. Bankruptcies will follow.

Lost jobs and shuttered businesses are just collateral damage for our would-be emperors, who have waged senseless wars and inflicted grievous collateral damage on other countries for decades. Now the devastation and misery they’ve left in their wake have come home. Americans who’ve never asked themselves how it felt to be a victim of their government’s senseless wars are now victims of their government’s senseless war on a germ. After an unsustainable debt-propelled respite, the Greater Depression has resumed (it started in 2008) and will last for years. Its poverty and devastation will sicken and kill multiples of the people who will ultimately be afflicted by the coronavirus.

All this supposedly guided by “science,” yet its proponents commit the most unscientific offense—they corrupt their own data. By their own admission the tests they use give both false negatives and false positives. By their own admission they’re corrupting the death count. Doctors have been instructed to list Covid-19 as a cause of death if the deceased had any of the symptoms associated with Covid-19, even though those symptoms characterize a number of other diseases that singly or in combination kill people, especially people with compromised immune systems. Hospitals have a financial incentive to perpetuate this fraud. They receive $13,000 from Medicare for each Covid-19 patient and $39,000 for each patient put on a ventilator (Links here and here).

The coronavirus tyranny has nothing to do with science, medicine, or health, and everything to do with establishing that ultimate inversion: the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission. These past few weeks we’ve seen how our rulers attempted to discard the last fig leaf—democracy—covering their creeping, now galloping, totalitarianism and complete lack of legitimacy.

A camarilla within the nation’s intelligence services, the Department of Justice, and members of the previous administration, including Barack Obama, attempted to depose the democratically elected president of the United States. Such coups are the province of two-bit plotters in banana republics that make no pretense of observing or protecting rights, where might alone makes right. The United States has gone full banana—the stage of rule by brute force.

Democracy is tyranny of the majority, a system that inevitably destroys individual rights. For the history-challenged, individual rights were the still revolutionary concept on which the idea—although not always the reality—of the United States was established. The logical consequence of the full protection of individual rights is the freedom to live your life as you see fit, as long as you don’t abridge the rights of others. Society or any other group of people has no rights apart from the rights of the individuals that comprise it. Governments have no rights, only the duty to protect the rights of individuals to live peaceably and freely. Government must be the servant, not the master, of its citizens. (See the Ayn Rand Appendix cited above, “The Nature of Government,” for a more detailed exposition of the proper role of government.)

We’re light years from that ideal. Individuals must receive permission to, among other things, leave their homes, hold a job, assemble with other individuals, attend houses of worship, visit parks and beaches, or patronize businesses. The governor of my state, Michelle Lujan Grisham, just decreed that masks must be worn by everyone outside of their own dwellings (I wrote STOP MLG’S TYRANNY on mine). Breathing fresh air is now at the sufferance of our overlords. Civilly disobedient soul that I am, I have yet to don my mask. Don’t think sheep don’t get angry—I get murderous looks from mask-wearers.

With every decree issued since this repression began, those who advocate for their individual rights or actually exercise them by violating the decree are denounced, shamed, censored, and in some cases arrested. Anyone who disagrees by word or deed is “selfish,” unwilling to sacrifice for the common good.

What do they mean by selfish? Is it selfish to fight for your rights? Is it selfish to want to work and produce? Is it selfish to be more concerned with your own welfare and the welfare of your family and friends than with the welfare of strangers, the public, or the government that supposedly represents that public? Is your desire for freedom selfish?

There are those who will tie themselves in intellectual knots answering those questions in the negative, but nevertheless asserting that individual rights and their exercise—free expression, free inquiry, free production, and free exchange—can all be justified as conferring the greatest public good. They then wonder why they never win arguments with those pushing collectivized notions of the public good. When might makes right, the public good is whatever the collective’s masters say it is—argument over.

Fighting for one’s freedom and all that flows from it is selfish, profoundly so. If you don’t fight for that which is yours—the individual rights that are the essential condition of your existence—who’s going to do it for you? Anthony Fauci? Bill Gates? Nancy Pelosi? President Trump? Joe Biden? George Soros? Jerome Powell? Adam Schiff? Mark Zuckerberg? Eric Schmidt? Santa Claus? The Tooth Fairy? When was the last time you even heard the term “individual rights” in polite, mainstream discourse? When individual rights are mentioned at all, they’re treated as a quaint anachronism.

And what do they mean by sacrifice? They mean that instead of selfishly fighting for your rights and freedom, you are to unselfishly place them on the sacrificial altar known as the public good. You’re selfish for resisting the sacrifice of that which is rightfully yours, but those collecting what is not rightfully theirs are selfless saints. If you voluntarily board that cattle car, you’ll secure your spot in the Unselfish Hall of Fame, along with millions of others who have lost their property, happiness, freedom, and lives without selfish protest or resistance. You might even be designated a Hero of the Public Good, posthumously of course.

If you find the world’s descent into evil unfathomable, it’s time to rethink the premises that the selfless is the good and the selfish is evil. Collectivist butchers, including the ones pushing the coronavirus hoax, always demand fealty to some cause greater than one’s self. Fall for that one and you’ve already lost two important parts of yourself—your self-respect and your ability to reason.

The precautionary principle—that no risks can be assumed if someone or something somewhere might be harmed—is anti-mind and anti-life, absurdly evil on its face. That philosophical abomination now excuses wholesale violation of individual rights and deadly economic devastation based on projections, bureaucratic whim, and political expediency. The precautionary principle would, if consistency applied, bring human progress to a halt, eventually rendering the human race extinct. Nothing is as unsafe as an insistence on absolute safety.

Risk is what makes life worth living—it’s the driver of human knowledge and progress. Imagine the choices that confronted early humans as they made their first choices. If we build a fire, will it warm us and cook our meat…or consume us? If we eat oysters, will they nourish or kill us? Will the canoe we’ve built float or sink? The forward steps of both our individual and humanity’s journeys have always involved unanswered questions, hypotheses, risk, experimentation, trial and error, tragedy, and triumph. It takes no imagination at all to envision potential risks. Make fear and safety paramount and none of those steps could have or will be taken.

To believe that risks can be eliminated by arbitrary edicts is delusional; to enforce those edicts tyrannical; to comply with them suicidal. Wars are always fought and tyrannies always established in the name of somebody’s safety. The betrayal of individual conscience and surrender of individual rights to a collective for safety’s sake never produces safety, only misery, destruction, despair, terror and death. That’s a lesson we’re set to relearn as we proceed through one of those darkest periods of human history.

There is a silver lining in all this: the curtain has been lifted, we now know exactly what we confront. Present governments and their many bootlickers and minions do not recognize—much less protect or hold themselves subordinate to the protection of—individual rights. Nor should we expect that they will do so within our lifetimes. Absent their replacement via revolution or abandonment via secession, we will continue to live in a political order where they are free to do as they please while we may act only by permission.

If we want our rights, our freedom, and our lives, we’re going to have to fight for them with word and deed. It has ever been so; it will ever be so. Those who choose to fight will have one important ally: rule by brute force is the agent of its own collapse. It has always failed, it always will. Whether we have the virtue and wisdom to replace it with it’s antitheses—freedom and individual rights protected rather than destroyed by government—remains to be seen.

Stay sane.

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22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
May 17, 2020 12:50 pm

I’m going to send this fine piece to my folks.

They drank the “Kool Aid” and have positively no clue what is going down.

PS- yes, Jonestown was a hoax too. http://mileswmathis.com/jones.pdf

4th Turner
4th Turner

22, folks like you should just “trust the plan” & follow authorities™ decrees:

(under 3 minutes total run time)

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
  4th Turner
May 18, 2020 10:36 am

Mainstream fear porn is nothing new, yet folks love clinging to their mainstream fairytales, like Jonestown, Harvey Milk, and every other psyop to come down the pike.

4th Turner
4th Turner

“Operation DARK WINTER is proceeding as planned on shedule”
(Pro-tip: start at 2:55 and watch for about 3 minutes)

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
  4th Turner
May 18, 2020 7:32 pm

Anything Corbett is A-Ok.


yes, and that other absurd fairy tail written by Joseph Smith.

let’s see, how does that one go?

I dug up some golden plates,
inscribed with with my fate,

Smith was killed by a mob while in jail awaiting trial on charges of treason against Illinois.

old white guy
old white guy

I guess all those folks who died in Jonestown were just not as smart as they should have been.


And you bought into that racist rant eh? Are you really that stupid and naive? I lived in the San Francisco during that debacle and it was not fake my friend. Jim Jones was truly a psychopath.

May 18, 2020 4:26 pm

Yes he was and the Democratic party LOVED him!


Hey, if anyone out there has Twitter access can they send this out? Thnkx.

“This is a test of the Globalist Totalitarian System. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the Bilderberg, Club of Rome, United Nations, Davos, and un-elected members of your Government Authorities have developed this Totalitarian System to keep you safe during this simulated Constitutional Emergency. If this had been an actual Constitutional Emergency, such as citizens marching on their respective federal capitals and demanding their birth rights via armed insurrection, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official disinformation, fake news, or instructions based on technically invalid computer models. This station, owned by Wall Street Bankers, serves the interests of the Globalists and has complete disregard for your local area. This concludes this test of the Globalist Totalitarian System – have a nice day (insert smiley face emoji here).”

May 17, 2020 12:57 pm

Nothing is as unsafe as an insistence on absolute safety.


To believe that risks can be eliminated by arbitrary edicts is delusional; to enforce those edicts tyrannical; to comply with them suicidal.


Absent their [governments, bootlickers, & minions] replacement via revolution or abandonment via secession, we will continue to live in a political order where they are free to do as they please while we may act only by permission.

If we want our rights, our freedom, and our lives, we’re going to have to fight for them with word and deed. It has ever been so; it will ever be so.

Gore’s piece is a call to action. It is poignantly powerful and succinctly eloquent. Hope it goes viral.

In fact, while reading it, I kept thinking of the below quote by author and theologian C.S. Lewis. It seems many who post this excerpt will stop at the words “approval of their own conscience“. Yet, the remaining sentences are particularly pertinent. Especially now, during the COVID-19 Attack of the Benevolent Benefactors®:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

  Robert Gore
May 17, 2020 3:48 pm

RE: thought becomes the author of the deed

Considering recent judicial decisions in Texas and Wisconsin, it appears the U.S. Constitution still remains a very effective weapon in the people’s defense.

An excellent article here regarding the Texas beauty salon owner Shelley Luther, who was “set free” a few days after making her “stand”:

Hope for the future in this unconstitutional lockdown

However, when constitutional rights are at stake, courts cannot automatically defer to the judgments of other branches of government. When properly called upon, the judicial branch must not shrink from its duty to require the government’s anti-virus orders to comply with the Constitution and the law, no matter the circumstances.”

….The American Revolution was fought during a smallpox epidemic that killed one-third (33%) of those who caught the disease.

Covid-19 kills less than 1% of those infected.

Come on, open the country again.

Of course, the Authoritarian Benevolent Benefactors will continually express envy at China’s ability to lockdown their nation and “protect” their citizens slaves.

Here is what Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers had to say after his state’s supreme court overturned his recent unconstitutional stay-at-home decree:

“We cannot let this ruling undo all the work we have done and all the sacrifices Wisconsinites have made over these past few months,” Evers said during Thursday’s Democratic Radio Address. “We need everyone to continue doing their part to keep our families, our neighbors, our healthcare providers, as well as our communities, safe by continuing to stay safer at home, practice social distancing and limit travel.”

…”Just because the Supreme Court says it’s OK to open, doesn’t mean the science does,” he continued. “Folks, deadly viruses don’t go away on their own, and they don’t go away because the Supreme Court says so.”

Wake up, America. Before it’s too late.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 18, 2020 7:08 am

Viruses never go away.

You either develop the antigens and strengthen your immune system to live with them or you succumb and perish.

You simply cannot discuss viruses without understanding that fundamental truth and virtually no one in any position of authority has been able to articulate it.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
  hardscrabble farmer
May 18, 2020 9:27 am

And the truly scary reality is that those in authority must be dragged forcefully, kicking and screaming, to allow citizens to regain and excercise their Constitutional rights. These lockdowns have absolutely nothing to do with health, public or otherwise, and everything to do with power and control.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  hardscrabble farmer
May 18, 2020 11:18 am

The only way they are articulating the persistence of viruses is through their promotion of vaccines to “assist” the body develop the antigens. How long have we had a flu “vaccine” that never seems to stop the flu and must be taken every year?

May 17, 2020 4:42 pm

Can we please start by withdrawing our support of this outrage? This is proof positive we will never vote ourselves out of this tyranny.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
May 17, 2020 6:52 pm

That’s my very favorite Lewis quote. Thanks for reminding me again why I’m so ticked off at the busybodies. They never rest and they never shut up. Moral busybody truly is more apropos than calling someone a Karen. After all, there surely are some very sane people called Karen. ?

Lockdown Forever (EC)
Lockdown Forever (EC)
  Craven Warrior
May 17, 2020 9:09 pm

Do you have a list?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Craven Warrior
May 18, 2020 7:04 am

And quite a few bright morans.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Craven Warrior
May 18, 2020 11:22 am

Progressives never give up, they just continue their attack until the objective is met, then set the next objective to attack. They use “the silent artillery of time” to win each battle on their way toward total destruction of individual rights.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
May 17, 2020 8:35 pm

Jeeez for a bit, I thought you were talking about AL!!
Sorry, dumb…

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
May 17, 2020 8:56 pm

Amen Doug, the C.S. Lewis quote was written for now.

May 17, 2020 1:00 pm

Be sure to mail in your ballots…

May 17, 2020 1:08 pm

Right you are. The only rights we have are those we can take by force or persuasion.
The God given right to Life, Liberty, and Persuit of Happiness is an inside job. If I want them outside I have to work for them and God also gives me the right to die trying. He doesn’t guarantee I’ll live through it. Why would he deny me the right to the thrill of being alive and putting it on the line for something I believe in.
As you said “surrender never produces safety, only misery, destruction, despair, terror, and death.” I’m amused when people reccomend a shrink when I say that when I’f finally surrounded by Big Bro for non-conformity, I’m taking the route Morgan Freeman took in the last scene of Nurse Betty.
I can only assume they’ve never known the thrill of being really alive and the desire to go out on my feet. The answer to life is death.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
May 20, 2020 9:06 pm

What a glorious thrilling time to be alive and insisting on the exercising of our God given natural rights. We were born for this battle.

May 17, 2020 4:21 pm

Gatsby,have no idea the reason for the thumbs down on the video you posted.Tis why I really am not a fan of thumbs,you disagree/dislike,well…..,put it out there in a post.So,have a thumbs up for all it’s worth.

May 17, 2020 8:00 pm


B.S. in V.C.
B.S. in V.C.
May 17, 2020 2:23 pm

I think it’s a big joke the elites are pulling on us, they keep adding new rules everyday just to see what they can get away with.

  B.S. in V.C.
May 18, 2020 11:35 am

it not a joke, it is a well planned, and perfectly timed agenda, pushed by the deep pockets that hide in plane site as NGO’s, 501c’s and other Non-Profits.

This is an attempt to implement global digital IDs, so that they can track every purchase, every medicine, etc.

A controlled demolition of the economy, that happens to coincides with re-election of a populist, is just a side effect

The vaccine as proposed, will modify you DNA,
gee wiz,
that sounds like a good idea,
let some guy in a white coat modify your genes.

Do not accept the vaccine, it will not be administered to those in power.
(they will get a water/vitamin B2 shot on camera)

it is just for the little people, who are dirty, and need to wear masks.

May 18, 2020 2:36 pm

This has been in the planning for generations. If you believe in God, you must believe in a Devil else God is supremely evil.
The climax of the struggle between good and evil is almost upon us. The forces of evil wish to control all of us absolutely even extending to our individual worship [we all worship someone/something whether we are cognizant of it or not].
“Choose ye this day whom you will serve.”
At some point we will be forced to choose whether to continue to have the ability to buy and sell by taking the mark of the Beast in our forehead or in our hand, or to be prohibited from either buying or selling if we refuse that mark and instead choose the seal of God in our foreheads.
Choose wisely…

May 17, 2020 2:47 pm

We seem to be pushed slowly but surely to the old classic”Nothing to lose/everything to gain”moment in our lives.When relocation begins start as high up the power that wants to be chain as possible in your area.

The first will cost you your freedom/monies/perhaps your life,after that they are all free.

Seems they are already taking the freedoms and monies,hmmm……

May 17, 2020 4:23 pm

I agree and looks like it’s time to water that tree of Liberty once more. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife, and it’s not just “cabin fever”.

May 17, 2020 4:37 pm

Great writing, as usual, Robert. If you doubt this statement:

“The coronavirus tyranny has nothing to do with science, medicine, or health, and everything to do with establishing that ultimate inversion: the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.”

Read this:

Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
May 17, 2020 9:33 pm

F’ng Facebook put a note on my post of this saying it was false information. God, Zuckerberg has to be one of the first to be purged along with Gates.

May 18, 2020 4:19 pm
Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 20, 2020 12:03 am

Chris needs subscribers to fix up his new digs.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 17, 2020 4:58 pm

Good one Robert. Something is going to get us all and hiding inside afraid of some loser Dhimmicrat governor giving us naughty boy marks over a flu 99%+ of us would survive and 1/3 of us may have already had (asymptomatically) is not how I plan to spend my summer.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
  Harrington Richardson
May 17, 2020 7:22 pm

The riots generally start in June.

Sometimes July.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
  Harrington Richardson
May 20, 2020 9:18 pm

Republican governors haven’t done much better. This is beyond left vs. right. It’s tyranny vs. liberty.

May 17, 2020 7:02 pm

I’m not in favor of brute force from either “side”. The libertarian principles apply. My right to my “freedom” ends where your’s begins. Not wearing a mask in publicly accessible buildings and vehicles is my “freedom” brute forcing over your “freedom”. This virus is insidious. A person is contagious for up to two weeks or more before showing symptoms. The virus hangs in the stagnant indoor air for hours. It lives on surfaces (like all those loaves of bread that you coughed on in the grocery store) for days. So arguing that I won’t give you the virus because I don’t have symptoms doesn’t cut it. ME giving YOU the virus is impinging on YOUR right to “freedom”. Some people liken wearing a mask to wearing a seatbelt. I think it’s more like driving on the right side of the road. I’m “free” and I don’t care if I die, so why not drive wherever the hell I want? Because then I might kill or injure or at least inconvenience someone else. Let the down arrows begin.

May 17, 2020 7:15 pm

Yes. Only 99.97% of America will survive this insidious virus. Jesus fucking christ. Grow a pair.

May 17, 2020 8:16 pm

Jesus fucking christ. Grow a pair.

No thanks. I prefer to be a rational female as opposed to a testosterone driven moran.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 17, 2020 9:31 pm

In other words Jim, she has no tits.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
  Harrington Richardson
May 18, 2020 9:32 am

As “Bones” McCoy said, “She’s dead, Jim”.
But, life’s terminal , regardless .

  Harrington Richardson
May 18, 2020 12:12 pm

Or a ragging lesbian.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 18, 2020 7:01 am

As a testosterone driven Moran, I resent that insinuation.

May 18, 2020 8:51 am

Rationale female is an oxymoron . Irrational emotion is why females makes the best commissars.
I would never cast a vote in favor of a wahmin of either party for that very reason.

If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts.
Camille Paglia

comment image

May 18, 2020 9:43 am

Oh, a cunt.

May 17, 2020 8:27 pm

Oh, and that 0.03% of America? If it really does go through the entire population that’s around ten million people. If wearing masks changes it to 0.02% it would save around three million people. Except, I forgot, those are mostly old people so it doesn’t matter that they die. Old people like your parents, aunts, and uncles, and, oh yeah, you’re getting up around the 60 mark too, so you’re so close to dying you don’t matter, right? You ready to take one for the team?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 17, 2020 8:44 pm

I’d rather die on my feet than on my knees wearing a slave mask. Every one dies. Get over it.

May 17, 2020 9:31 pm

WTF are you talking about? 100,000 people are going to die. Are you really as idiotic as your gibberish sounds. Where the fuck do you get 3 million people?

Do you know that 13 kids under 15 have died WITH Covid? During that same time almost 6,000 kids under 15 died of something else.

Why do women use emotion to approach issues that require critical thinking and reason?

Are you incapable of seeing the unseen consequences of locking down an entire nation? Dumb question. You are too narrow minded to understand the number of deaths from poverty and lack of dealing with other health issues because a bad flu convinced dolts like you and government bureaucrats it was best to cower in your basement.

Keep cowering in your basement. Even when they say it’s safe, you should stay in that basement. You might DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

May 17, 2020 10:48 pm

Wow, who exactly is getting emotional? Did me bringing up how old you’re getting scare you? You’re the one who brought up “Only 99.97% of America will survive”, then I screwed up with the calculator and calculated 3% not 0.03%. 0.03% is 100,000 not ten million. Given that the current media death count is 90,000 is way too low. The CDC number of deaths that have been officially recorded are currently just over 60,000 or you can cut it down to the number of excess deaths for all causes this year as compared to the average of the last three years which is around 50,000. Table 1 columns 2 and 3. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/COVID19/ There’s no way the death toll is going to only be 100,000 by the time this is all done. So what ever rock you got that 0.03% number from under you should let them know they’re full of BS.

And one more thing. You and your buddies here are just as much sheep as the other “side”. Look at how emotional and irrational you’re all getting over one very reasonable very minor concession that is logical from a libertarian and medical point of view. Did I say anything about “locking down an entire nation”? No. You did. And then you blamed me for it and got all emotional about the poor poor people. You can’t see anything but the two “sides”. Since I’m not on your “side” I must be on the other “side”. Everyone on the other “side” is evil and must be vilified. Baa baa black sheep!!! READ WHAT I SAID. “Wearing a mask in publicly accessible buildings and vehicles.” No locking down. No hiding in basements. No forced testing. No forced vaccination. No locking people up because they didn’t “social distance”. Not even locking people up or fining people if they don’t wear a mask, just don’t let them in if they don’t have one. A reasonable concession that won’t hurt/might help that would help us get the US economy back up and going and lessen the possibility of further severe outbreaks (outbreaks WILL cause an increased number and severity of lockdowns causing more problems for those poor poor people you’re so concerned about) and save lives because more people will get a lower viral load rather than a higher one so their immune system will be better able to fight off the virus and let them join the “herd immunity” (if there is such a thing) instead of the graveyard. A better solution would be for everybody who doesn’t have contraindications to take HCQ + zinc initial treatment dose followed by preventative doses until the virus just disappears. But there’s no way that the other “side” OR you would go for that. Interesting that you’re both on the same “side” on that one.

Who exactly is being narrow minded and unreasonable here? Seriously maybe you should consider your own advice:

Jesus fucking christ. Grow a pair.

But you’re going to go on being emotional and irrational so have at it.

May 18, 2020 6:16 am

More and more this looks to me to be a case of natural selection. This populous has been dumbed down by government schooling, fiat currency and welfare. It’s spawned a nation of pussies. The weak, gullible and stupid need to wind up as wolf shit to strengthen the herd. So PLEEZE Annie, wear a mask. Wear one to bed. Wear one in the shower. And trust Bill Gates. He loves you wearing a mask.

May 18, 2020 2:49 pm

“The weak, gullible and stupid need to wind up as wolf shit to strengthen the herd. ” PRICELESS!

May 18, 2020 7:25 am

Woman writes a nineteen paragraph screed and accuses me of being emotional. You really are a hoot. Masks don’t do shit. It’s just the latest failed recommendation from useless medical experts. Remember when these same experts told you not to wear masks. It’s a nasty virus that will kill hardly anyone under 70 years old and will likely only kill people who are already dying of something else. It’s really that simple. Now calm down and take a valium.

I nominate you for the Reverse Engineer Award – MILLIONS WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 18, 2020 8:48 am

Last week I was in local BJ’s and was the only one I saw not wearing a mask. It was great fun. Ron Paul likened wearing a cloth mask to keep out a virus to a chain-link fence to keep out mosquitos.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
May 20, 2020 9:37 pm

Every time I encounter someone wearing a mask I greet them with, “Happy Halloween! Great costume!”

May 18, 2020 9:05 am

At least 7…

May 18, 2020 9:49 am

If it can’t be articulated in five words or less, the thought is not cogent.

Show me a woman that can articulate ANYTHING in less than five words, much less critical thinking and rational thought.

Too much estrogen.

May 18, 2020 3:59 pm

Testosterone driven MORAN. Three words.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
May 18, 2020 5:15 pm

No Bugs Bunny said Maroon, you Maroon!

May 18, 2020 3:56 pm

Keep baaing sheep! Baa baa baa! You are totally emotional and can’t see anything other than face masks bad. Logic be damned. Baa baa baa!

May 18, 2020 4:51 pm

Increase dosage

May 18, 2020 5:04 pm

Annie sees covid-19 particles surrounding her.
comment image

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
May 20, 2020 9:56 pm

She clearly has swallowed the hoax, hook, line and sinker.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 18, 2020 6:44 pm

This has probably been posted on the site somewhere but I saw a good one where a guy says if masks will stop us from getting sick, why aren’t they giving all the fucking criminals in jail masks and leaving them there? Hmmm.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 18, 2020 10:20 pm

“Masks don’t do shit. It’s just the latest failed recommendation from useless medical experts.”

I don’t buy into the incompetence performance theory, although they are full of useless employees who double as useful idiots.

Every bit of this is engineered

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<<——=== like Pavlov's dog

Stanley Milgram. Stanley Milgram (August 15, 1933 – December 20, 1984) was an American social psychologist, best known for his controversial experiment on obedience conducted in the 1960s during his professorship at Yale.

A brief synopsis:

May 18, 2020 9:04 am

REEEEEEE… will you take the vaccine , Karen ? Jerkowizt , the pedophile Zionist legal hack says you must.


Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
May 18, 2020 9:34 am

Maff is hard.
And important…

May 18, 2020 2:48 pm

Annie, the whole mask thing is analogous to the vaccination fallacy. If vaccines actually work, then my NOT being vaccinated CANNOT make you ill since your vaccine has protected you. If YOUR wearing a mask actually is protective, then my NOT wearing one will NOT infringe upon your safety since YOU are protected. Cappiche?

May 18, 2020 4:11 pm

Incorrect. The whole “wearing a mask doesn’t stop you from getting the virus” is totally irrelevant. I wear a face mask to protect OTHER people, not me. The studies that have been done show that a face mask, even a bandana, is moderately effective at preventing the wearer from spreading the virus in the air and on surfaces because it stops you from spewing spit/snot balls containing the virus all over everything and everyone when you talk, sneeze, or cough. THE PERSON WITH THE VIRUS HAS TO BE THE ONE WEARING THE MASK NOT THE PERSON WHO DOESN’T WANT TO GET THE VIRUS. THIS VIRUS CAN BE TRANSMITTED BY PEOPLE WHO DON’T HAVE SYMPTOMS so saying that you’ll wear a mask if you get a cough doesn’t cut it. Oh, and equating a small piece of cloth that you can put on and take off to a vaccine that is injected into your body and has permanent negative effects up to and including killing people??? SMH

May 18, 2020 8:15 pm

Please quit embarrassing yourself.
If someone coughed a snotball on someone as you project, how long would they remain in the Gene Pool?

May 19, 2020 9:55 pm

Piss off, Karen. Have another glass of your boxed wine as you huddle inside, afraid of a seasonal flu bug, with your 23 cats, four overflowing litter boxes, and a cupboard full of estrogen supplements.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
May 20, 2020 9:44 pm

Annie, if you’re sick stay home. I’ll do the same. No need for fear masks.

May 18, 2020 9:47 am

“Why do women use emotion to approach issues”

Sadly, they are distracted and have too much time to think.

While they are pretend professionals fucking up society and the culture they should be at home in the kitchen raising children and taking care of the family.

Thank the insane bitch posse and Annie, their estrogen surged special representative spouting vagina on this blog.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 20, 2020 12:20 am

It’s because the females of our species, and some others, are—by nature!!—the “CARERS”. A lot of women collect basket-cases (primarily men, but also damaged pets.. one lady I knew had chicken in the house wearing a diaper) because they want to TAKE CARE OF EVERYBODY. That’s why they tend to favor whatever group that manages to present itself as downtrodden. Then they can rush in and SAVE HUMANITY!

I’m friends with a younger woman whose sense of self-preservation I’m trying to cultivate. It’s slow going.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 20, 2020 8:00 pm

Good point. It also helps them self-actualize, which soothes their emotions.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 17, 2020 9:33 pm

No tits AND can’t do math. In my best H Ross Perot, “Whaa, that’s just sad.”

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
May 17, 2020 9:39 pm

You obviously flunked math.

  Cow Doctor
May 17, 2020 10:50 pm

I was only off by a couple orders of magnitude. I have trouble with division when I’m under pressure.

May 18, 2020 5:51 am

I’d be satisfied to know that you can’t multiply.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
May 18, 2020 8:59 am

Only a couple of orders of magnitude. Gee, not much difference between 10 million and a 100,000 dead. The problem with women is they make decisions with their feelings, rational thought and logic be damned.

  Cow Doctor
May 18, 2020 3:52 pm

Wow. You don’t know a joke when you see one? SMH

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
May 18, 2020 5:17 pm

You my dear are the joke dujour.

May 18, 2020 9:00 am

On average, 2.5 million people in the USA die every year. This year won’t be any different , but wear your carbon dioxide waste recycler anyway, Karen; just to be safe.


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 18, 2020 11:33 am

How many people will die of despair, commit suicide or overdose due to the government’s over-reaction to this not so lethal disease?

BTW – We are all going to die, it’s part of life.

May 18, 2020 8:00 pm

Annie – you dumbshit. You must be blonde, right?

.03% of 330 million is, what for it, tada, 99,000.

Seriously, you only missed it by 9,901,000.

That is some seriously stoopid right there.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
May 20, 2020 9:31 pm

If it saved only one life, wouldn’t it be worth it? The rally cry of the saaaaafety cult. Go wrap yourself in bubble wrap and hide in your basement. Real people take risks. It’s inevitable.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
May 17, 2020 7:31 pm

Just wondering if you wore a mask last year and if you will wear one for the rest of your life. There will always be a virus or worse on the bread.

  Craven Warrior
May 18, 2020 2:53 pm

Build a man a fire and you warm him for a day. Set a man on fire and warm him for the rest of his life. Who here favors the latter option for the Masked Mental Midget?

May 17, 2020 8:13 pm

Yes, let the downvotes begin so you can get a good, gut wrenching whimper snivel pitty party going over how we don’t appreciate the sacrafices you’re making to avoid killing anyone with an errant wiff of your delicate breath. Meanwhile us murdering trolls are putting our used facemasks in the vents of nursing homes to trim the Medicare burden.

May 18, 2020 2:40 pm

“The virus hangs in the stagnant indoor air for hours”…care to back that up with something more than hot air? If it is true then “safer at home” is complete and utter bullschitt, just like your post…

May 18, 2020 4:54 pm

Craven Warrior wrote:

“Just wondering if you wore a mask last year and if you will wear one for the rest of your life?”

Do you have an answer for him?

Have you ever had the flu?

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 20, 2020 12:10 am

That’s actually not true. That “asymptomatic” report came out of China, and the lady wasn’t asymptomatic: nobody even bothered to ASK her; her degree of wellness was reported by those who had met with her!


the researchers didn’t actually speak to the woman before they published the paper. The last author, Michael Hoelscher of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Medical Center, says the paper relied on information from the four other patients: “They told us that the patient from China did not appear to have any symptoms.” Afterward, however, RKI and the Health and Food Safety Authority of the state of Bavaria did talk to the Shanghai patient on the phone, and it turned out she did have symptoms while in Germany. According to people familiar with the call, she felt tired, suffered from muscle pain, and took paracetamol, a fever-lowering medication.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
May 20, 2020 9:26 pm

Personal protective equipment is exactly that, personal. The sterility of your environment is 100% up to you and no one else. There has never been a guarantee that anyone can go out and not encounter pathogens. There never will be. If you don’t like the idea that other humans might harbor pathogens then stay in your basement.

May 17, 2020 7:38 pm

Robert, you paint a dark picture and it scares the hell out of me. What scares me even more is my fear that we won’t do anything about it.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
May 17, 2020 8:52 pm

Amen Robert,

Time to stand up and face the enemy within. We started today in Colorado. This BS has to end.comment image

  Cow Doctor
May 18, 2020 9:53 am

Shocking. Like the occupied territory on the Amierkan eastern seaboard, I thought Colorado was lost.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 17, 2020 8:54 pm

“Risk is what makes life worth living”

Truer words were never spoken.

We have been further divided, more than we ever were before the Wuhan Wiggle started. Now we are divided by the need for people to feel like they can be protected from dying with a paper mask and the rest of us who know that our immune system has to be exercised like a muscle or it will atrophy.

Thanks, Robert, for articulating my thoughts so well. I would share it with the blind and deaf but they will just close their ears and eyes even tighter.

May 17, 2020 10:09 pm


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 18, 2020 5:49 am

You knocked that one right out of the park.

I appreciate the almost mathematical precision of your argument, line by line you drew the reader to the inexorable and inarguable conclusion that mankind always has and always will exist on a pendulum swing between liberty and slavery, the collective and the individual and that any state of our existence is found somewhere on that arc.

Superb writing.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 18, 2020 9:56 am

“liberty and slavery”

Read The 5,000 Year Leap.

Liberty and Tyranny, not (D) & (R).

May 18, 2020 12:06 pm

Good book.

May 18, 2020 6:25 am

“Risk is what makes life worth living..” It is not the only thing but it is an essential things. Unfortunately we’ve become a nation of cowards. Virtue signaling and group think have become “essential”. A backlash is building and I couldn’t be happier to see it forming up finally in the mists of the Covidhoax aftermath. America has had enough of this horse shit. Taking this nation back from the commie shit stain brigades won’t be easy or without sacrifice but we will regain an actual nation for our posterity. And if we die in the process it will be a good death. And that is all that is required.

PS-I wonder if the admin ever belonged to a fraternity called ITK. God bless to all. Thanks for the good words Mr. Gore.

old white guy
old white guy
May 18, 2020 7:12 am

Thanks Robert. Another article that mirrors my thoughts. My person level of insanity is on display daily while exercising what freedom I have. Of course when most have given up I do look like a fool laughing at the masked destroyers of freedom. They are so stupid that they cannot see a damn thing.

May 18, 2020 8:15 am
Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 20, 2020 12:25 am

Someone just sent me a link to that guy’s podcast (Henningsen). First time I had heard it.. very worthwhile. I wish he hadn’t put in an over-the-top ‘patriotic’ country tune, though… any lefty I send it to will tune out when they hear that. Otherwise the discussion was extremely logic-based.

May 18, 2020 9:19 am

Great albeit sobering read, RG. If this pandemic is so dangerous , why do the numbers have to be inflated. It’s almost like Covid isn’t scary enough, unless propagandized thru inflated fake Covid deaths.

Also, it’s beginning to seem like fake news, the medical mafia and criminal government have a plan to finish destroying the America we once knew and and replace it with Bolshevism circa 1917, although I’m counting on the Zionists in the Trump adminstraion to save our Republic, if we can just give Israel more free shit.


“Deaths that have absolutely nothing to do with the Coronavirus count as virus deaths. Add to that claims that the CDC is double counting some of these improperly identified cases and the perverse financial incentives created by the government, and you have a real mess when crucial decisions are being made based in large part on this data.

Erroneous data unduly scare people about the risks of the disease. It keeps the country locked down longer than necessary, which destroys peoples’ lives and livelihoods in many other ways. Exaggerated fears of the virus endanger lives by keeping people from obtaining treatment for other medical problems. It also makes it impossible to accurately compare policies across countries. “

May 18, 2020 9:34 am

I am surrounded by complacency instituted and enforced by idiots and the sheeple obey these idiots with a frightful reverential awe !
I generally frequent the Delaware beach area , the family has held on to a little trailer lot in a great park with water access and short drive to a state park beach .
I have now been informed that residents of Delaware can travel freely and use the public beaches parks etc… However if I go to my place in Delaware I must quarantine for 14 days ! I have been doing similar activity 3 hours away and what verification is there that Delaware residents are any less exposed ? Answer “NONE” . They are as capable as anyone else to spread a virus undetected at anytime ! Delaware law enforcement are now instructed to stop out of state vehicles for an information check with no probable cause .
My wife and daughter chewed me a new one when I pointed out the unconstitutional acts of Governor Carny’s Executive order for the saaafety of Delaware residents .
Yes my wife and daughter will get in the fucking box car but I’m an asshole !
I’m a transplant survivor and wear a mask and gloves when necessary because I’m an adult accountable and responsible for myself and out of courtesy to others and do not need some tin pot political bag of shit dictating what I should or should not or can and cannot do !

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 18, 2020 11:12 am

Bravo, Robert. This line pretty much sums up the sheeple:

“If you voluntarily board that cattle car, you’ll secure your spot in the Unselfish Hall of Fame, along with millions of others who have lost their property, happiness, freedom, and lives without selfish protest or resistance. You might even be designated a Hero of the Public Good, posthumously of course.”

I am most discouraged by the governors (my own included) who bought into this event and ushered in the collapse of their state’s economy.

May 18, 2020 11:30 am

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get all that, but what citizens must ask themselves is; “How much are conservative Americans willing to take before they decide to take up arms against the criminals in our governments, both federal and state. Citizens used to take those criminals out, Tar & Feather them and then run them out of town on a rail.

With the American surveillance state in full blown operation is makes it doubly difficult to counter the “STATE” without it taking out patriots one at a time.

An old man told me many years ago that to change things can be exceptionally difficult without resorting to a brutal genocide. His theory; “If you want to kill an idea or ideal, you must kill everyone who harbors those concepts down to those who would be too young to remember.” In other words unless Americans learn to how to be brutal in taking back their country from the criminals, they will forever be slaves of the State.

Just Bill
Just Bill
May 18, 2020 2:06 pm

I read this with utter amazement as I have been lambasted over the last several months saying the exact same as Mr Gore, but I just could not stitch the verbiage together as artfully as the writer. I so wish I had paid more attention in English class, but did pay close attention in Biology and Mathematics, and Probabilities.
I went on the John Hopkins interactive map daily, and after a week or so I said, “Some things on this map just does not make sense.” I started running probabilities and came out with different statistics. I knew the software was written in a deceptively clever way, that must have been written by someone that just read, “The Great Flu Of 1918,” as you have to have base numbers to work off to create reasonable results.
This editorial is actually fact based and again, I thought if I could write like this, maybe I would not be shadow banned on most social sites, but getting the boot by the Zuckerbergs of this world only equates too me being closer to the truth than them.

May 18, 2020 4:20 pm
Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 20, 2020 12:27 am

Your fear is Chris’ bread and butter.

Lockdown Forever (EC)
Lockdown Forever (EC)
May 18, 2020 6:16 pm

100. I win

C – Nineteen
Steely Dan
Way back when in late December
I was a patron of In-n-Out
Strange things from Wuhan
So novel it’s killing
Moved down to LA
Where the hell am I?
C- nineteen
No, we can’t live together (We can’t live together)
No, I can’t breathe at all
Please move on along when you arrive in town
C – nineteen
That’s Anthony Fauci
He don’t remember the Bill of Rights
It’s hard times befallen
We’re sole survivors
Gates thinks I’m crazy
But I’m just growin’ bold
C- nineteen
No, we got nothin’ common
No, we can’t live together
No, I can’t breathe at all
Please move on along when you arrive in town
The Rona Scourge
The home confinement
Make living a terrible thing
(Say it again)
The Rona Scourge
The home confinement
Make living a terrible thing
The Rona Scourge
The home confinement
Make living a terrible thing
No, we can’t live together
No, I can’t breathe at all

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Lockdown Forever (EC)
May 18, 2020 6:54 pm

I thought Steely Dan songs had to be about heroin. LOL!

Lockdown Forever (EC)
Lockdown Forever (EC)
  Harrington Richardson
May 18, 2020 7:10 pm

I like doing parodies of the songs I like best:
Rock Lobster
Spill the Wine
Rocket Man
Money for Nothing
My Sharona
I’ve done those and more here on TBP
Also, it’s my contention that Money for Nothing has a better guitar riff than Hotel California. Please do not mention Layla – I hate that song.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Lockdown Forever (EC)
May 18, 2020 11:03 pm

Money For Nothing and Hotel California are both outstanding and I would throw in Dreamboat Annie. Nancy Wilson is one of the greatest guitarists alive. The other night I watched the Eagles Farewell from Melbourne Australia recorded years back. If you remember the intro from Hell Freezes Over which was awesome, they added a guy playing trumpet in that Mexican/Southwest style. Just fabulous. I really love the guitar work on Tequila Sunrise from Hell Freezes over. If Heaven has a band the horn section are all from Mexico.

Lockdown Forever (EC)
Lockdown Forever (EC)
  Harrington Richardson
May 19, 2020 12:32 am
Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Lockdown Forever (EC)
May 19, 2020 12:42 pm

Good stuff!

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 18, 2020 6:44 pm

“we will continue to live in a political order where they are free to do as they please while we may act only by permission.

If we want our rights, our freedom, and our lives, we’re going to have to fight for them with word and deed. It has ever been so; it will ever be so”

…………sooooo, testing this out a bit today, I took a box of about 50 lbs. of asphalt chunks up to city hall, and dumped it out on the front steps. ……about three hours later, two armed cops were knocking on my door

Two of them.

The sg. started with calling me by name, and asking with a slight grin “what have you got against the city? I answered with ” I DON’T LIKE THAT LYING FREEMASON ___ PH___”

You should have seen the little sg. cringe when I mentioned that he will not restrict my first amendment right….the “first amendment” remark brought a response of “We’re done here….you’re not reasonable” to which I responded with “NOT REASONABLE?……..” and a whole lot more

Three times he threatened to cite me for littering if I “do it again”. Three times I told him I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOUR AUTHORITAY ! DO IT ”

As they left, I told them “when the chunks of street pop up again, I’ll gather em up and take em down again, so write the citation when I do, I’ve about had my belly full of you AUTHORITAAYS and your COVID-19 bs…….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——-==

Tomorrow, a visit to the county health administrator may be on the list. My goal will be to obtain a face to face.
I'm pat my belly full of lookin at my 92 yr old mother doing time in her 10 x 12 room….watching her cognitive abilities decline…..

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
  ordo ab chao
May 20, 2020 10:03 pm

The police have consistently demonstrated that they will follow orders and not the constitution.

May 18, 2020 7:18 pm

As long as you don’t prosecute and hang them they’ll work forever to do it to you. And far as I know you broke no law but they sure did.

So howz ’bout it? I can supply the rope? Can you supply the GUTS?

May 18, 2020 8:03 pm

Nice one, Rob345.

ursel doran
ursel doran
May 19, 2020 10:02 pm

When a good portion of the population goes over to the “Dark Side” to push an agenda for regaining control of the stealing rights to the magic computerized digital fiat debt money creation machine, ANYTHING goes.

May 22, 2020 8:21 am

EXCELLENT piece of work Robert! Chip

Common Cents
Common Cents
May 22, 2020 11:45 am

Excellent article. At this point there are only two choices: submit or revolt. There is no middle ground. I wonder how many are willing to revolt. Revolt means rejecting government authority. It means losing your wealth. It means totally rejecting the mainstream media who has brainwashed you for decades. It means being arrested.

In the article, Robert mentions the looks of hatred he gets when he doesn’t wear a mask. Those people (and they are the majority) have already made their choice: submit. The forces of repression are not backing down. They are betting that the people will.