No Lives Matter

Our dystopia is their utopia.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

The only way to control a substantial population is to murder enough that the rest are terrified into submission. But it isn’t really the control that’s the objective, it’s the murder. At root, murder stems from a grotesque hatred of one’s self, which animates a craven fear of anything and everything, particularly death, and paradoxically, a psychotic desire to kill one’s self and every other value. Only by understanding our enemies do we have any chance of defeating them.

The twentieth century and the two decades of this one offer ample material to study the psychology of evil. In the nineteenth century, Fyodor Dostoyevsky masterfully plumbed those depths. In the barren desert that constitutes today’s intellectual life, the study of history has been discarded and great literature ignored or burned. They’re casualties in the war being waged on anything that helps us understand ourselves. In one sense Dostoyevsky couldn’t have anticipated the collectivist charnel houses of the century to follow, but in one sense he did. He knew charnel houses were the work of individual souls, and one couldn’t grasp the one without examining the other.

With many minority groups claiming historical injustices against them and demanding remedial recognition and reparation, with official endorsement by many institutions of those claims and demands, and with their propagation via all major channels of communication, no voices have been raised in support of the indisputably smallest and most persecuted minority group—the individual. “Individual” and “individual rights” are words that must not be spoken.

Any recognition of the individual draws attention to the fundamental and massive violation of individual rights stemming from coronavirus totalitarianism and governments’ encouragement of riots, vandalism, and violence. In a Peanuts cartoon, Linus exclaims, “I love mankind… it’s people I can’t stand.” The game is always the same. In the name of some collective greater good—safety, anti-racism, fill in the blank—the wealth, property, work, rights, freedom, and lives of individuals are stolen. Of course the alleged greater good is never realized, but that was never the point. The fountainhead of any collectivist ideology is the hatred these lovers of mankind have for people and their pursuit of happiness.

For coronavirus, the blueprint has been to test restrictive measures in one jurisdiction, see if they fly, and then move to universal implementation. China’s lockdown was the model for global lockdown. Sweden was condemned and smeared for refusing to follow the crowd, but its condemners have no more concern for the Swedish population than they do for any other population.

Sweden has demonstrated that lockdowns are unnecessary. Its death rate is no higher than other European countries, and would have been substantially lower, perhaps cut by one-half to three-quarters, had it done a better job of protecting its elderly and nursing home patients. Unlike Andrew Cuomo and several other Democratic governors who made the same mistake, Swedish officials have admitted theirs.

Swedish openness is antithetical to coronavirus commissars bent on propagating propaganda and enforcing draconian dictates. However, the ultimate danger to their regime will come when a vaccine arrives. After almost five months of what were supposed to be two weeks of lockdowns ostensibly sold as necessary to “flatten the curve,” it’s obvious the lockdowns are meant to prevent herd immunity, keeping people away from sunlight and fresh air, both of which bolster the immune system, and enforcing isolation and loneliness, which impair it. In other words, they’re designed to make the outbreak worse. If you’re surprised—regular readers won’t be—welcome to reality.

When the vaccine arrives, the Swedish people will have achieved herd immunity (apparently they already have in urban centers), which traditionally has been the way humanity has dealt with viruses. An immune herd doesn’t need a vaccine and while the Swedish government probably won’t prevent anyone who wants one from getting one, it probably won’t be mandatory, unlike most of the rest of the world.

That will prompt unwelcome questions among the thinking remnant. If herd immunity works, why did we have to lockdown? Why can’t we just complete the herd immunization we’ve already started? Will a vaccine, like lockdowns, make the outbreak worse? Why are we running the risks and bearing the enormous expense of a vaccine that’s been rushed to market and inadequately tested, will be only partially effective, will be adulterated with unhealthy preservatives and adjuvants, and will undoubtedly have unanticipated side effects, some of which may be severe? What’s the rights-destructive, life-threatening agenda behind the vaccine?

While China was the beta test for lockdowns, apparently New Zealand and Australia serve as such for the next iteration of totalitarianism. China’s draconian measures were instituted in Wuhan, which actually had a serious coronavirus outbreak. New Zealand’s and Australia’s coronavirus death rates are infinitesimal: 4 per million in the former, 18 per million in the latter ( Despite these scant numbers, New Zealand is under lockdown and has postponed an election (nobody has died of the coronavirus since May) and Melbourne has instituted, “the harshest lockdown conditions of all Western democracies” (“Letters From Melbourne, a ‘Ghost Town Police State’ Under Brutal Covid Lockdown,” Robert Bridge, Here are Melbourne’s restrictions, the preview of coming attractions that will eventually be rolled out around the globe:

Despite the extremely low death rate, Melbourne residents – or shall we call them what they really are, prisoners – must adhere to the following rules:

– No traveling more than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from their homes;

– No traveling to other states inside of the country;

– Those under house arrest are permitted to leave home for just one hour each day for exercise;

– Only one person is permitted to go shopping per family each day; shopping is to be done within 5 kilometers from home;

– Unlike traditional prisons, visitations are not permitted to house arrestees;

– All school activities are to be conducted online;

– All businesses, services and construction cancelled;

– Organized sport, forget it;

– In the case of funerals, try and delay your demise if at all possible, otherwise, expect just 10 guests;

– Ditto for weddings;

– Curfew in effect between 8 pm and 5 am.

These restrictions will be in place for (at least) six weeks.

Letters From Melbourne, a ‘Ghost Town Police State’ Under Brutal Covid Lockdown,” Bridge

So much for pompous invocations of the “traditional Anglo-American protection of freedom and individual rights.” It also gives the lie to the desperate delusion to which millions still cling: that these measures have something to do with health and safety. They are all about power and control, which is why their proponents are uninterested in research that demonstrates their measures are ineffective or counterproductive (or demonstrate that the cheap, readily available drug hydroxychloroquine, used with an antibiotic and zinc, is an effective prophylactic and treatment), and censor such research. In the US, that hypocritical indifference was made clear when coronavirus totalitarianism was relaxed for politically approved George Floyd protests and riots.

The often unstated objective of power and control is death. It’s easier to see when rioters are allowed to loot, destroy, and murder with impunity. Coronavirus killers hide behind doctors, scientists, and public health officials making scary predictions and pronouncements, “greater good” justifications for bankruptcy, unemployment, and misery, cloying propaganda that turns professionals charged with caring for the afflicted into “heroes” for caring for the afflicted, and sheep-like compliance with draconian, ineffective, freedom-destructive edicts to combat tiny risks. It’s the difference between a quick execution and slow but deadly poisoning.

You see it on the Internet videos of once great cities—New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, St. Louis—in their death throes. Coronavirus totalitarianism and the riots should be listed as causes of death, but there is common underlying comorbidity: statist collectivism. The productive tax base is fleeing, but it’s been milked and extorted for years by profligate, corrupt Democrat politicians (all of the above cited cities have been run by Democrats for decades) to line their pockets and buy votes. From each according to his ability to each according to his vote.

The heretofore insulated elites who prattle about social justice and defunding the police are now beset by “social justice warriors” destroying their neighborhoods, looting their shopping districts, and brutalizing innocents as pleas for protection go unanswered. The police-maintained barrier between the ghettos and the high-rent districts has been breached by thugs who drive, cell phones, instant messaging, flash riots, random destruction and violence, and plenty of cash and firearms. It won’t be restored and the elites know it. They can hire private security and hunker down or they can flee. A substantial percentage are fleeing.

The rest of us watch the urban detritus videos in horror: homeless encampments stretching for blocks, boarded up stores and restaurants, beggars, food lines, thieves, random violence, impoverished mothers and children, people urinating, defecating, masturbating, and shooting up in full view, discarded needles, broken windows, abandoned and burnt-out buildings, decimated neighborhoods, and the ubiquitous cockroaches and rats. Only if you understand that this is what the collectivists had in mind can you understand the chaos and unfathomable evil enveloping the world. Our dystopia is their utopia.

The carnage, chaos, and collapse in full bloom in American cities are the sum and substance of what the statist collectivists want. Is this the prelude to the imposition of a totalitarian order? By whom and with what? The cities are technically bankrupt, burdened with medical and pension promises they couldn’t pay when they had economies and tax bases, and now both are withering. They could turn to their respective states, but the states are in no better shape. That leaves the federal government—the world’s biggest debtor—and its magic central bank. They can create debt and exchange it between themselves but neither can create a dime’s worth of real production or employment. Anybody see the flaws in this arrangement?

That supposedly leaves only a totalitarian global superstate, headed by statist collectivists, to impose its brand of order, which is just another brand of death. A totalitarian global superstate and its cash-abolishing, cryptocurrency-issuing, transaction-monitoring central bank will still have the same old problem: neither one can create a dime’s worth of real production or employment. A fiat cryptocurrency is still a fiat currency and will go the way of all fiat currencies—debasement to worthlessness (see “Doubling Down On Failed Policies With Central Bank Digital Currencies,” Alasdair Macleod,

They’ll have what they call a demand management problem, that is, a lot of desperate, hungry people. One way to manage demand is to eliminate it, so expect them to take up the sport of tyrants—killing people—in earnest. They may clear homeless encampments with bulldozers without bothering to move the inhabitants out of their tents and boxes. Their vaccines might have side effects that wipe out a few million or billion—sacrifices must be made for the greater good (the tyrants will of course be exempt from such sacrifices). Perhaps a war or two. Records set by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao will be in jeopardy. They could Soylent Green their victims to feed the rest of the population; they’ll have to keep some of the drones alive.

Free, self-interested, productive people in a capitalist economy will always figure out ways to feed themselves and make their lives better. Collectivist statism brings only poverty, starvation, horror, and death. Beneath their rhetoric that’s what its proponents want. It’s better to realize this before the boarding calls for the socially distanced cattle cars and the socially distanced line for the gas chambers.

Power, as they like to remind us, grows out of a barrel of a gun, but moral legitimacy ends when that gun is aimed at the innocent. Nothing good has or ever will come from such evil. Dostoyevsky knew that it’s not history, or a socioeconomic system, or a political ideology from which evil flows, it’s the human soul. Recognize the homicidal-suicidal souls among us for what they are.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 24, 2020 12:48 pm

How long between when Australia disarmed the population and they became tyrants?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  TN Patriot
August 24, 2020 1:15 pm

The minute the cowards handed in their hardware.

Henry Ford
Henry Ford
  TN Patriot
August 24, 2020 2:37 pm

It’s been 20 years since Australia rolled out nation-wide gun law reform. Their government reports fewer deaths from one person shooting another. They don’t say anything about deaths by other means. Now, of course, only the armed government workers have guns, and the government has become tyrannical. Surprised? Australia is experiencing the consequence of disarming, which allowed governments to kill millions of their own citizens just in the 20th century. To all countries, don’t give up your guns, or suffer complete loss of personal freedoms, and mass democide.

Fr. John
Fr. John
  Henry Ford
August 24, 2020 6:14 pm

Death to the Jew World Order.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Fr. John
August 24, 2020 9:49 pm

Eat shit.

George Rockwell
George Rockwell
  Harrington Richardson
August 24, 2020 10:28 pm

Oy vey, Harriet! Did someone stike a jewey nerve?

  George Rockwell
August 25, 2020 4:40 pm

It is 50-50% the ups v down

  Harrington Richardson
August 24, 2020 11:02 pm

Well, it looks as though we ferreted out one of the down voting Jew lovers. You’ll be the one eating shit after they have determined that you are no longer needed as a useful idiot. Good luck, you’ll discover much too late that we who work to expose their evil plans were not your enemies, but making a valiant attempt to stave off a world dictatorship that will be worse than hell on earth. Ignore our warnings at your own peril. Read the words from their own lips:

comment image?w=800&h=360

August 24, 2020 11:48 pm

Hmmm, haven’t we seen that before? Oh well, I feel so much better having been warned….again.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 25, 2020 1:29 pm

All I see is a bunch of one note Johnnies making sure traffic is diverted from all the worthwhile stuff posted here. It’s exactly like Matt Bracken said. Any site that attempts to have a free forum is overrun with neo Nazis. Thanks for shitting up another site.

  Harrington Richardson
August 26, 2020 11:41 am

So you have a choice: free speech forums where the conversation inevitably leads to pro-white discourse. Or ‘moderated’ forums which tout only pre-approved hebrew nonsense like diversity, free-trade, and trannies-for-all.

Blessings to Admin for providing The Burning Platform.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 26, 2020 2:33 pm

Let the fans of the one nutted meth head have their own sites. Insist they not be deplatformed. I will stand up and demand they be allowed to operate unmolested. Let the whole world see the festering filth and garbage they propose and believe in. Put windows on their sausage factory of Satan. Let the Sun shine on them.

  Harrington Richardson
August 26, 2020 3:58 pm

I beg your pardon, but there’s nothing “neo” about me. And you’re welcome.

  Henry Ford
August 25, 2020 12:02 am

I remember seeing the Arab spring crap on TV where soldiers and cops fired on civilians. Obama praised these people of course. Slaves and sheep don’t own guns.

  TN Patriot
August 24, 2020 9:48 pm

they were always tyrants

August 24, 2020 1:01 pm

It’s all part of the bigger plan – the New World Order that is the blueprint for the imposition of the End of History and total subjugation of mankind. It will never be achieved – what highly complex plan is? But those in control of the plan will destroy everything in their psychopathic pursuit of absolute dominion over the globe using de-industrialization, mass propaganda delivered with 24/7 media saturation and drug use, and complete financialization of everything. Voting won’t fix whats coming, it’s too late for that. Solutions are only possible now via “other means”.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 24, 2020 1:18 pm

“The continuation of politics by other means.” If only we could figure out how to remove “politics.” Von Clausewitz didn’t address that one.

  Harrington Richardson
August 24, 2020 5:55 pm

“Politics is War without blood. War is Politics with Blood”. Chairman Mao.

Fr. John
Fr. John
August 24, 2020 6:15 pm

St. Philaret of Moscow stated: “Love your personal enemies, hate the enemies of Christ, destroy the enemies of the fatherland.”

  Fr. John
August 24, 2020 11:18 pm

Jews ridicule and defile our Savior’s name. They hate Him and his followers. Jesus properly identified them as doing the works of their father, the devil and condemned them by saying “And the works of your father ye shall do.” Not might do, but shall do.
Jesus also said that “my sheep hear my voice” – this isn’t some future event when the counterfeit Khazarian devils will miraculously turn from their wicked ways and hear Christ’s words. They deny Him and curse His name. That also identifies them as a cursed people because Christ also said ” No man comes to the father except through me.”
Well, then if our Father can’t be accessed by those who curse Christ, then just who do they pray to? Their father, the devil, of course.
Anyone who has been deceived by those in the pulpit that try to tell you that those occupying Palestine today are God’s little honeys, you need to search the scriptures, pray for discernment and realize that you’ve been deceived by the devil’s kids.
True Christians are to love what is good, but are to hate what is evil. Those that curse our Lord Jesus Christ are evil in their deeds and thoughts – they are the enemies of our God and should be hated and rebuked by all Christianity.
Christian Zionists on the other hand, are clinically insane and have been allowed to believe a lie and be damned.
This is a spiritual battle and will usher in the end of the age. Not the world, mind you, but the end of the age. It means literally that their time will be up. As in the parable of the wheat and the tares, the tares, who are the enemies of God shall be gathered into bundles and be burned.
We are admonished to get understanding, with all of your getting, get understanding. Pray the Holy Spirit quickens this to you and rise up and resist the enemies of Christ Jesus and all of Christianity. Shalom

August 24, 2020 11:28 pm

Hear Hear.

August 24, 2020 11:51 pm

Beware the Jew….they gonna getchoo….

August 25, 2020 4:51 pm

I would have the skirt tailored for an 1nch or so longer in the back.

August 25, 2020 10:33 pm

She dances like I fuck when I’m drunk. But even drunk I know better than to capture video of it.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 25, 2020 1:32 pm

“Get thee behind me Satan!”

August 25, 2020 3:23 pm


August 24, 2020 4:29 pm

“Solutions are only possible now via “other means”.”

Other means indeed. Refresh the tree of Liberty.

Whatever happened to Solutions Are Obvious

August 24, 2020 1:07 pm

I posted this on another thread a few days back, but it bears repeating: Do not EVER ‘fast-track’ a vaccine. There’s suddenly a 15 second delay at the start, and YouTube removed the ominous syringe photo from the original posting and replaced it with a black and white photo of Mike Wallace to make it look less compelling to click on. Click, nonetheless.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 24, 2020 1:13 pm

A concise summation of the crisis at hand.

  Harrington Richardson
August 25, 2020 5:10 pm

Thank you Vodka…lots of useful info in that interview

August 24, 2020 2:00 pm

>That will prompt unwelcome questions among the thinking remnant.

I think you expect too much from the proletariat, they do not make coin on thinking.

Most folks are just looking out for their own, damn the consequences.

Once you remove religion as the organizing principle for a society, you are left with beggars and thieves, wolves and sheep.

The current turbulence will not stop after the election, it will increase in tempo, and there will be some epic televised scenes of the most obscene violence you have ever seen, it will become a war zone in a few of these current democratic shit hole states.

I fully expect IEDs to be going off, and they will be blamed of that most easily obtainable fertilizer,
regardless of how sophisticated they are, and how strategically they are planted.

Our very own intelligentsia is running a color revolution in our backyard, using it’s proxy army of Antfa/BLM and any little shit stain that wants to pick up a brick.

I urge all you to return to prepping, while the supply chain is still sort of working.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 24, 2020 2:23 pm

The same MF’ers that were destabilizing eastern Europe and MENA for Obunghole and Hitlary have their fingerprints all over the BLM/Antifa insurrection. The same rhetoric and activities to the last jot and tittle. “A color revolution.” Steve Bannon has been exposing this and the Chinese connections and suddenly he gets hauled in and has to put up $5 million bail for what might be paperwork issues. Arrested by the way by Post Office cops and the commie boot lickers at the SDNY on a yacht owned by a Chinese billionaire refugee from Hong Kong.
We haven’t discussed this one much yet but the Ukraine, Belarus area seems to have been the Devil’s Workshop for the Progs and Neocons, NWO etc. Unlock that one and I bet Dollars to Doughnuts half of the major assholes would get life in prison. They can’t win this election for all the reasons we have stated previously. Revolution or prison is what the Establishment is facing.
Keep on prepping indeed.

August 25, 2020 12:26 pm

You left out buy more ammo.

August 25, 2020 5:12 pm

gull dang, you are on target anon

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 24, 2020 3:08 pm

Excellent summation.

August 24, 2020 3:34 pm

A few days ago I posted about my father being in the hospital with COVID (among other health issues, ofc), for any who might remember.
My father died Thursday. I have had a few days to process it, and I’m still furious. Instead of saving my father’s life, the doctors all did what they were told to do. He was 87, but in good health until he wasn’t.
I could go into further detail, but right now I haven’t even put my father in the ground. I’m not sad about Dad passing; he had a good, long, full life, a God-fearing Christian who’s now where he wanted to be. How could I be sad about that?
No, what makes me sad, mad and having to drink alcohol to kill the murderous thoughts I’m having, is that Dad is just a statistic now. He lived, worked, paid taxes, believed in the legal system to a fault (he was a court reporter/stenographer) — he did nothing to deserve how he was treated at the end of his life. When the doctor said she was going to give him Remdesivir, once his kidneys normalized — he couldn’t eat or drink, so had mild renal inflammation — I knew he was a dead man.
And I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t go see him, touch him… FaceTime is all we had. My father died without being able to kiss my mother one last time.
THINK about that.

I wish I could stop.

  Robert Gore
August 24, 2020 9:26 pm

It’s all well planned to see how far the “individual” can be pushed. Being the largest minority in the world is a bitch. Soon “individuals” will be coagulating into groups of survival self interest. Young useless commies are exposed, I believe they’re called Bernie Sanders acolytes, forgive them for they know not what they do. Great carnage is about to envelop America, it is sad but it is necessary. I am long of tooth so I won’t contribute much, but I promise you I will die as a “free man”!

  Robert Gore
August 24, 2020 10:36 pm

If it helps, you’ve done a heck of a good job avenging that crime with your writing. You certainly helped me more than once. I remember long ago going through your archives and coming on an article you wrote that perfectly described what had been done to us Nam Vets and it was the initial motivation to conspire with you to write My War.
I have read here and there about the ridiculous number of vaccines a child gets now before the 4th grade. Heaven help us.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
  Robert Gore
August 25, 2020 11:37 pm

Flea, Bob, HSF, Admin etc… God speed to all of you. If it is was not for this small windows into others brains, I would think I am insane. I mean this next sentence WITH ALL MY HEART. God Bless you and I LOVE YOU.

  Robert Gore
August 24, 2020 10:47 pm

Captain Obvious, my deepest condolences on the loss of your father, especially under the circumstances you’ve described. The monsters who are in charge of this clusterfuck need to be dragged out into the streets and shot.

August 25, 2020 2:25 pm

As do the monsters who are not in charge but who blithely, blindly follow orders and protocol for the sake of their 30 pieces of silver.

  Robert Gore
August 25, 2020 5:37 pm

Thank you so much for your forthright article.
And for your response to the man above that
that suffers the rotten care and subsequent death
of his father.
I hope your son is doing well and is safe in this turbulent
time. Same thing with my younger son. He has the great
success of a good marriage, great family, and a little boy.
I stressed that he should only allow the child single dose separate
vax stretched out…not 3 at once. The pediatrician agreed to
do that but I live in fear for that almost 3 boy nonetheless. If we
had only known and rebelled at the time.

I seriously do not think 80% of sentient adults in the USA
understand what is coming for us.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 24, 2020 10:19 pm

“And I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t go see him, touch him… FaceTime is all we had. My father died without being able to kiss my mother one last time.
THINK about that.”

That’s the worst. Keeping people away from their loved ones and making them die alone. If masks work then why can’t we see our loved ones in the hospital? I guess they only work when you are at Walmart. Sorry, I didn’t mean to hi-jack your comment. It’s just one more way to dehumanize us. They are relishing in our suffering. They thrive on it. You have every right to be angry. We should all be angry. Angry enough to put a stop to this nonsense. Right now.

August 24, 2020 10:28 pm

I’m sad to hear about your father. It’s a sad state of mind the world is in. Doctors go from the oath of Hippocrates to mercenaries in a months time.
I don’t know if this will help you, but perhaps your story will prevent someone else from finding themselves in such a position. Many older people like me in bad condition don’t fear death as much as we fear dying without dignity. Being a captive in one of those horrible places.
It was my Mom’s greatest fear. Having heard stories like yours not long after the lockdowns began, I told friends that my next heart attack or severe chest cold will be my last because I refuse to go to an ER now. I’m my mothers son.

August 25, 2020 2:09 pm

C/O – very sorry to hear of your loss. my dad left us in better times twenty years to the day yesterday. if he could have seen all this now, he probably would have figured out a way at 81 to return to his infantry unit as the point of the arrow scout.

remember kipling – you are not alone.

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

August 25, 2020 4:01 pm

Thank you so much for that. Dad loved Kipling, especially “If,” so I know it’s him speaking to me through you.

And thank you all for your kind words of encouragement in this time of trouble for everyone. That anyone cares is a sign this world still has the potential for goodness/greatness. We’re all in this together.

The barbarians are at the gates; they just haven’t yet met an opposing force. God will take control if it’s His Will. Then we take it back. It’s a vicious cycle. But such is life.

August 25, 2020 5:21 pm

So so sorry Mr. for the nightmare you suffered. BTW
anyone having a loved one in hospital for inpatient care needs
to be present. This wasn’t allowed with the covid.

I can’t visit my 95 yr Mom in her independent apt at her
senior living. I want to bring up lots of supplies and food,
do a good cleaning/organizing per her instructions. They will
not let me in there.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
August 26, 2020 9:08 am

What has this society become? I am deeply sorry to hear that, sir. I can’t imagine how you feel.

August 24, 2020 4:46 pm

This information needs to get out and be shared with all concerned. Be informed and inform others about what’s coming in the near future. Trump administration has already signed a contract with Moderna, who has the technology and background in eugenics and AI. This is serious, folks.

August 24, 2020 6:10 pm

BTW- Kurzweil grew up in the New York City borough of Queens. He attended NYC Public Education Kingsbury Elementary School PS188. He was born to secular Jewish parents who had emigrated from Austria just before the onset of World War II.

Shawn may
Shawn may
August 25, 2020 2:52 pm

U need money but stop the ad popup I wont be back I cant read story then cant click back

Saami Jim
Saami Jim
  Shawn may
August 25, 2020 4:02 pm

Send money then.

  Shawn may
August 25, 2020 5:45 pm

use ad block silly Shawn

  Shawn may
August 25, 2020 5:55 pm

Ad Block is $3.00 a month.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 24, 2020 10:22 pm
  Mary Christine
August 25, 2020 6:15 pm

Mary C, thank you very much for this information.

I remember reading the company was bankrupt due to
$ lost from failed medication. Why choose this company?

August 25, 2020 2:22 pm

luciferase bar code.
they’re not even trying to hide it anymore…

the RNA/DNA modification is absolutely possible.

OTOH, the shpiel about connecting your biological *everything* to your phone with hydrogel nanobots is utter BS, and is a poison pill to discredit the whole presentation.

August 27, 2020 2:18 am

Catherine Austin Fitts says “NOT a vaccine.” It’s Injection Fraud.

August 24, 2020 6:56 pm

Hey, what have the Bolsheviks been up in America, recently?

Isabel Maxwell? Wait, isn’t Ghislaine Maxwell her sister? Weird cohencidence.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
August 24, 2020 7:26 pm

It bears repeating-

Kill one person; you are a murderer.
Kill one million persons; you are a conquerer.
Kill everyone; you are God.

Problem is it’ s such a bloody good business — ask Gen. Smedley Butler, USMC.

August 24, 2020 9:37 pm

Why the fuck are you talking about “Herd Immunity” are you a cow?

August 25, 2020 12:00 am

Sheep should be a flock?

August 25, 2020 9:48 am

Herd immunity is just another name for natural immunity. Your immune system, operating at optimal strength, is all you need to fight off dangerous pathogens in our environment. The Swedes proved the concept with how they dealt with Covid. it worked in spite of what the corrupt western media reported.

August 25, 2020 8:22 am

I would say that ‘no lives matter’ is the obvious position of our corrupt leadership. It is about time that WE THE PEOPLE collectively stand together, regardless of race, creed or color to throw the bums out.

August 25, 2020 8:41 am

Excellent summary Robert… Chip

22winmag - TBP's Jewish Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Jewish Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
August 25, 2020 10:07 am

Folks have time on their hands to bitch and moan about this and that, but Jury Trials in the U.S. have been SUSPENDED for 5 months come mid September.

There’s your liberty and justice.

5 months without the jury box and an EPIC BACKLOG of criminal cases that can never be heard or adjudicated given the backlog and explosion of crime. Not to mention, divorce and family courts SUSPENDED except for “emergencies” in all of the jurisdictions I’m aware of.

August 25, 2020 10:53 am
William Williams
William Williams
August 25, 2020 12:00 pm

Amundsen reached the South Pole by killing his dogs to feed his dogs.

And I’m sure humanity is heading to the stars!

  William Williams
August 25, 2020 4:37 pm

Since dogs are man’s best friend, he should have used sled-possums.

August 25, 2020 2:23 pm

This is what is the matter. Pure evil. Psychopaths/narcissists. The people are mostly stupid and…….. disobedient to God, so in a certain way they get what they deserve:

August 25, 2020 7:07 pm

compelling…I watched 3 of these videos. Also known as Vampires, as
P & N’s suck the life out of you. Avoid at all costs.

August 25, 2020 2:30 pm

The US government has murdered hundreds of millions in its history.
They have no regard for human life.

August 25, 2020 7:07 pm


Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
August 25, 2020 11:42 pm


August 25, 2020 3:41 pm

As US society dumbs down (due to smarter women having fewer children, lopsided selectivity in immigration, teen dissolution, hyper propaganda measures, etc.) an already lowered population IQ continues to drop, and what ensues is rampant crime, corruption and the like. Like it or not, there’s a strict positive correlation between what might be deemed a civilization index and national IQ level. Let that IQ level drop below about 97 and the dam bursts. So you see, it’s not a racial, economic, justice, BLM, PLM, NLM, XLM, or what have you issue. It’s simply that a country cannot support so many dumb people. And remember, anyone can vote. Anyone! Sorry, but it’s so and what will follow dumb voters is nonsense. Complete and utter. Enough to drive a sane person mad. And what will they vote for? More nonsense. Just take a look at the cities that are on fire, or have sensible people leaving in droves. What’s there? Nonsense, and of the highest caliber. And what are politicians pandering to? Nonsense. For you see, that’s all a nation with an below average IQ and sinking can grasp, since, by definition, that’s all they have on average. Don’t believe me. Just take a look around. What do you see? Nonsense!

August 26, 2020 3:33 am

Yes, IQ level is key, and therefore race definitely IS a factor; read it and weep: (keep in mind that by Western standards, below 70 is considered to be mentally retarded)

August 26, 2020 6:25 pm

You know it is bad when the Island of Mis-fit Toys ranks higher that the US.

Bond James Bond
Bond James Bond
August 25, 2020 7:17 pm

Gotta laugh, the jews, the Jews it’s all there fault. You get a hemmroid it must be the jews. Look it’s all occultism and illusions. The so called Christian today are no better than the jews actually they deserve each other. Save yourself and stop worrying about the jews.?

Bond James Bond
Bond James Bond
  Bond James Bond
August 25, 2020 7:26 pm

Great video, only problem I have is the time frame. After the fake 911 and the world falling for our government reply I thought the new world order would be much sooner. Guess I was 15 years wrong ?

  Bond James Bond
August 26, 2020 4:09 am

It appears those flash cards (the one’s your mama gifted to you for shaving her back so lovingly) are doing you little good, as you keep recycling that same shopworn canard. Hence the nervous giggle while spewing it, Dumb Phuck Dumb.

August 25, 2020 8:22 pm

comment image
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Anyone told BLM/Antifa?
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August 25, 2020 11:42 pm

But why? Why do “they” want to do this? Simply because I am Goy? Ya know I once uttered that very word to an orthodox Jew. His reaction was very instructive. He recoiled in disgust and insisted that Jews (mostly) do NOT view others as Goy (cattle). They may not want to associate with us but then the neither do the Amish. Come to think of the Chinese tend to not want their children to marry outside of their kind, the Bluebloods the same. The Lily whites don’t want their little girls to waste their lives getting mixed up with “the coloreds” and so on. Rubbish! And so is the fear mongering in this article. Ya wanna know a truth? Here’s an ugly truth and no less pleasant than what’s gone before.

The entire world economy and financial system have been for the last 100+ years predicated on one thing. Petroleum. In the mid nineteenth century (when petroleum was first discovered in Pennsylvania) the world’s population was around 1 billion people. Within a hundred years that figure had tripled to 3 billion. Sixty years after that 7.7 billion people. Why? Increased crop yields made possible by heavy inputs of artificial fertilizers (based on petroleum) and pesticides (based on methane – natural gas, a by product of petroleum). More food-more people to eat that food and make a lot of myopic industrialists and politicians very wealthy and very powerful

Furthermore, the ability of entire financial system to balloon to such colossal proportions was likewise predicated on the availability of cheap abundant energy inputs and it serviced all the petro-growth. But, for a long time the warning signs were flashing, though nobody wanted to take away the punch bowl. And now the devil has come for his due because the key element in these perverted modern economics has been endless growth which is no longer possible once the price of petroleum moves out of a very tight range. If you don’t believe me then why was Exxon just de-listed from the DOW Jones after a 92 year run? Why has BP writing down 30% of its assets and scaling back projects at such an alarming rate? Why does it promote TV ads re-naming itself Beyond Petroleum? Why is the Petroleum industry openly admitting the reality of Peak Oil? Because Peak Oil is for real and though there will in fact be petroleum in the ground for a long the ability to get it out of the ground is winding down due the economics of scale which are no longer feasible.

So what does this all mean for me and you? The present economic system can no longer even vaguely support 7.7 billion so at least half of the human race will have to be eliminated. That’s it. That’s what it’s all about. So wise up folks. BLM? Antifa? They are the opening acts of the coming destruction. Even your guns and gold won’t save you. Nothing can. We are past the tipping point. Say your prayers and get your affairs in order. NOW!

August 26, 2020 5:27 pm

Correction. It is Royal Dutch Shell which is writing down 22 Billion dollars of its assets and BP which is (so far) selling off its 5 billion dollar petrochemical division.

August 26, 2020 3:09 am

Just return to work and ignore the uckfers up there. We seen they lie. We see the hypocrisy that is BOOL SHEET and that’s enough for me.

August 26, 2020 4:15 am

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

August 26, 2020 11:52 am

I find it both sad and funny that there are actually people who believe this “election” can be anything other than corrupt and absolutely meaningless, regardless of who wins or claims to win.

America has been CONQUERED and the people are POW’s. That much is self evident. What is happening now is, with the mask removing the ability to communicate with the outside world (80% or more of human communication is in facial expressions), social distancing to remove human contact, and isolation (lockup under house arrest), are according to the CIA manual the most effective the most effective forms of TORTURE for POWs.

If you want to survive, you must accept that the country and your way of life is OVER. There is no going back, so you must work towards what you want your future to be. You must harden your heart because over the next 4 years you will witness AT LEAST 250 MILLION murders by the bankers, and that is just here in the USA.

All you can do is stay out of the way, prepare and be able to feed and defend yourself, and not rely on anything other than your own wits and the materials you have on hand. There is a FINAL opportunity over the next several weeks to get what you don’t have or may need. Don’t waste it thinking that some dog and pony circus election is going to save you.

August 26, 2020 1:29 pm
grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 26, 2020 2:08 pm

“Dostoyevsky knew that it’s not history, or a socioeconomic system, or a political ideology from which evil flows, it’s the human soul. Recognize the homicidal-suicidal souls among us for what they are.”

I have met the enemy and he is us. Pogo…

Rom 3:23… “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” the Holy Spirit…

Until this is realized by the majority the dystopia will proceed as planned, as people believe in their own inherent goodness. Humanities problem in a nutshell… In truth, only Christ is good and one better be found “in Him” before it is too late.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
August 26, 2020 3:16 pm

There is murder and there is killing. Know the difference. Killing is necessary as much as the evolved human species tries to explain it as not. Murders have been happening, but the mass-killing is going to start real soon.

Never understimate extreme violence as a corrective measure for the violent mob. Some people are nearing the zero fucks given threshold.

August 27, 2020 2:13 am

During The Century of Death, Men Pretending To Be A Government murdered – not just killed, a quarter of a billion people.

The 2020’s? Here. Hold My Beer! 10x easy.