Netflix’s “Social Dilemma” is Pure Deflection Because the Best Lies Always Contain Some Truth

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

This blogger sees Netflix in the same way “Godfather”, Vito Corleone, viewed his enemies.  In other words, I keep my books and blogs close, but television and movies closer.  This is because social narratives are the new religion.  As I’ve stated before in previous articles, I have a love-hate relationship with Netflix.  It offers a convenient and affordable access to an impressive library of film and documentaries – but not without its cultural bias.  It’s like anything else, buyer beware; or, rather, I simply slice off the meat and leave the bones when it comes to infotainment.

 Sure, Netflix is the home of the Obamas and the Obama Administration’s former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice; so it’s no surprise why the company’s subscriber base is being programmed into Cultural Marxism, totalitarian Agenda 21 mandated Gaia worship and global taxation schemes. Netflix, by and large, programs people with Progressivism in the relative safety and comfort of their own homes. Yet, at the same time, I can cook up some homemade popcorn and conduct my research without spending $60 at the movie theater; back when there were movie theaters, of course.

In any event, I received a hat-tip from one of my progeny regarding a Netflix documentary entitled “The Social Dilemma”.   The company’s website identifies the production as a “documentary-drama hybrid” that “explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations”.

The hybrid presentation included interviews of, mostly, techno whiz kids who designed software purposed to addict the masses to apps such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, et al, and paired to a background narrative of a young Caucasian boy being unintentionally politically radicalized by algorithms designed to increase the profits of technology corporations.

In the documentary segments, the experts and former tech firm employees discussed the negative societal impacts of their creations while acknowledging their good intentions.  For example, the co-inventor of the Facebook “Like” Button said he initially believed the widget would deliver more positivity into the universe; as opposed to increasing middle-school children’s social anxiety and despair.

In the film, the continuing fragmentation of America was attributed to separate groups of online users seeing different news feeds on their chosen online platforms.  The reasons for the diverse digital presentations were attributed to algorithms and, even, artificial intelligence, interpreting the data sets of online users and then prompting new clickbait meant to engage them for longer intervals –and all solely in the pursuit of profits.

In fact, when one tech expert-turned-whistleblower was asked to state his greatest fear regarding the ultimate outcome of the aberrant algorithms and errant A.I., he said:  “Civil war.” And, that is, fundamentally, the gist of “The Social Dilemma” (TSD):  The natural pursuit of profits by tech companies sowing a technological wind of which western societies are now reaping the whirlwind.

Or, stated another way, TSD is a whitewash for the surveillance state.

In truth, the globalist elite have long planned the demise of the northern hemisphere’s (formerly) capitalist/industrial societies so a cashless (Marxist) system can rise from the ashes.

And if 2020 vision has made anything clear it is this:  Free markets and the U.S. Constitution are gone baby gone.  They have, instead, been replaced by economic and social tyranny.   Yet, Netflix’s TSD would have us believe the fracturing of American society evolved as a result of Facebook’s news feeds and fake news.

Ironically, I received the following this week from someone who actually saw it on Facebook:

If you go to the southwest desert and catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen

However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other

The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar

This is exactly what’s happening in society today:

Liberal vs Conservative

Black vs White

Pro Mask vs Anti Mask

The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who is shaking the jar and why??

Will ants behave as described in such circumstances?  Obviously, that’s not the point.  The point is who is actually fracturing the western societies today and why this is happening.   According to Netflix’s TSD, our current societal shaking is merely an inadvertent byproduct of deviant software tweaked to maximize the profits of tech companies.  Furthermore, according to the TSD tech “experts”, any other view of the societal “shaking” is the result of misguided faith in fake news and internet conspiracy theories.

Well, here’s a newsflash for the hi-tech whiz-kid whistleblowers:  If the plans were published by the globalists decades ago… and they’ve since come to pass, then the conspiracies were more than just theories.  And, certainly, fake news is defined by those promoting diverse media feeds on popular online platforms.  Except those fooled still don’t understand the deception – or that the manipulation was not naturally occurring in the pursuit of profit; it was always part of the plan.

Here are some other “issues” with the Netflix “docudrama”:

Most internet users are far more active, and less passively manipulated, than the TSD “experts” presume.

Those interviewed in the film claimed algorithms direct content as a means to reinforce existing worldviews when, in fact, the content and algorithms are designed to shape specific ideas and, even, entire belief systems.

TSD, via Netflix programming, seemingly, promotes leftist agendas and dog whistles like climate change and fake news. At the same time, the documentary delegitimized Pizzagate and skepticism of COVID-19 propaganda.  It is a fact that Pizzagate derived from actual e-mails released by Wikileaks and it’s true that widely disseminated COVID-19 agitprop has been debunked by respected medical professionals.

TSD identified Facebook as a primary facilitator of “fake news” and “conspiracies” like Pizzagate, Russian Facebook ads in the 2016 election, flat-earth theory, and COVID skepticism. Yet TSD completely ignored social media’s shameless propagation of the now-discredited Russian Collusion Hoax and the U.S. Democratic Party’s Ukrainian Impeachment gaslighting.

So why the blatant bias?  Because Netflix is programming, pure and simple.

Indeed, world events are actually formed, via Hegelian decree, at the behest of powerful pedophiles; and, apparently, with the continuing blind participation of naïve millennial techno-geeks.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 2, 2020 9:18 am

I think you are addicted to movies and this is your excuse. I’ll put my sarc tag here: sarc/

Because as a said to someone else, some people are dense.

I just can’t watch tv at all anymore. It makes me crazy. But that’s the point of your essay, isn’t it? I’m sure you have heard the joke about the Amish. When asked why they thought they didn’t have any people with Convid, they answered “Because we don’t have TVs!”

  Mary Christine
October 5, 2020 8:58 am

Alot of my neighbors are Amish, and we go to their local stores. No masks there, smiles, and you wouldn’t know anything is any different going there. Although alot of Amish do have TV’s now adays, not that many “old school” Amish left. Its odd b/c the local amish all have cars for work, but still have horse & buggies as well which they take to church most of the time. My plumber/hvac guy is Amish and he has a smart phone that he used for work, but its not allowed to use it for “wordly” things like shows/social media etc. So there are alot of local nuances and changes within the great Amish community. Although many refer to them and mennonites, my plumber said they don’t use those terms–they refer to themselves as Amish–regardless of varying rules about use of modernity.

October 2, 2020 9:22 am

I disconnected the TV for good so, darn, no net flex for me.
Should I feel the need to rest earlier in the evening? I won’t
be admiring the acting on TV shite. I have a big pile of
great books at the ready.

Further O et al make money/influence/whatever off the franchise.
Yet another reason to boycott that stuff.

October 2, 2020 9:58 am

What is netfilix good at?
1. no commercials, that alone is worth something. A lot of the “free streaming channels” are filled with commercial breaks, and I have used the paid for youtube service, it is filled with 5 minutes of commercials in between selections.

2. it has great fast forwards feature. I tend to skip a lot of the interpersonal dialog crap that is supposed to build the characters persona during parts of every story, I can figure out the motivations from their actions. (of course, only when I’m watching alone)

my take on this docudrama for rationalizing social media – they do kinda admit that they develop their platforms to provide endorphin like reactions for users, causing an addiction to their platforms, another reason not to have a social media account.

October 2, 2020 1:39 pm

so, there are some brands of cigarettes with filters, and one can also smoke a pipe, to cut down on some of the negative aspects of cigs… but one could also put the thing down entirely and break free.
one can simply shut off the whole modern media machine. a few places on the interwebs where one can still sift through to get _some_ information, and even that’s getting harder as time goes on.. but in any case the main focus is and must be local, try to pry the beast’s claws loose from your own community and area, and at least open up some new holes in the map. Thermodynamics is on the side of freedom- net energy available to feed big complex systems is declining and the decline is accelerating (thats what this urgent need of the ruling class to demolish the little people’s economy asap is all about, without letting it slip into chaotic collapse where the elites dont ride it down all the way still in control) – and there really are a bazillion things better to do than vegetate consuming videos.

October 2, 2020 6:29 pm

The real test is to have them at your fingertips and be able to control the urge to consume.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
October 2, 2020 10:27 am

As usual, a great piece. This is what keeps us coming back. The biggest problem with almost all platforms is they’re a Psyop of one sort coming from some group whether they be left or right. We no longer teach critical thinking and analysis in our education systems. Therefore, most cannot see the forest for the trees and fall easily for the BS. Netflix is Netflix, if you can take it for what it is and use it was it’s meant to be, a little circus time to temporarily escape reality for 30 to 40 minutes, then great. The problem is that there are few that can do this, the vast majority are sucked in and brainwashed. As some one once wiser than I has said, “there’s nothing new under the sun.” Propaganda is as old as mankind, we just didn’t label it or study it as such until the late 1800’s and early 1900’s (Bernays). The problem today is the quickening and explosion of media/information sources that overwhelms everyone. Be a critical thinker look at both sides and learn to sieve the truth from the BS.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 2, 2020 11:18 am

They are trying to make the truth irrelevant, and it will be irrelevant to most people until it can no longer be ignored. Having shielded themselves all their lives, they won’t have the capacity to understand the truth or adjust themselves to it. Lies do have consequences.

Good article.

ursel doran
ursel doran
  Robert Gore
October 6, 2020 1:04 am

This needs wide distribution.

The 2016 Soft Coup Unraveling

October 2, 2020 11:20 am

Don’t blame the drug dealer for addiction. I never visit Twitter unless I’m following a link and rarely leave a reply. Weak people enslave themselves, be it to drugs or social media.

October 2, 2020 2:22 pm

i CHOOSE drugs, so i dont blow a 50amp fuse.

October 2, 2020 11:28 am

I’ve been using computers since the 1990’s. Machines don’t scare me. Technology doesn’t scare me. Most people are ignorant and/or stupid when it comes to most things in the world — I don’t mean that in offense, it’s one of the first things I learned about myself when I started reading as a kid, how much I just didn’t know about so many things.

Flash forward forty years — Netflix is ABC, NBC, CBS, it’s the past, it’s every human civilization in the history of time. People are still the same ignorant/stupid people they’ve always been, they’re just a hell of a lot louder and crammed a lot closer together (ironically) because they’re in each other’s head space via social media. Still not reality. Separation from reality.

Reality is bit torrent. Bit torrent is, some people have all of something, some other people have part of something, and some people have none of something — but they can work together to help each other, voluntarily, if they want to get something in return. Free market.

I don’t need Netflix. I’ve got bit torrent. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, educate yourself.

October 2, 2020 11:46 pm

And here I thought you bit torrent people were just a bunch of thieves.

October 2, 2020 11:39 am

“I have a love-hate relationship with Netflix. “

In business-speak you’ve done a Cost-Benefit analysis. You have decided (I think) that your love of their “impressive library of film and documentaries” is of greater benefit to you than all the horrid bullshit they put out. I believe you. And that’s because you have willpower and a finely tuned intellect which keeps you watching only the good stuff … and I don’t deny they do have good stuff. Most Americans are not like you.

BUT …. what about their child porn movie “CUTIES” ??? If that doesn’t convince a person to cancel Netfux, then nothing will.

Here’s my Cost-Benefit analysis. Would America be better off if Netflix did not exist? I firmly believe the answer is a resounding “YES!!” …. and that’s why I will never ever allow their shit into my home.

October 2, 2020 11:42 am

Be careful inviting the devil into your home for a visit. He might decide to stay.

October 2, 2020 11:50 am

Absolutely correct. And there is absolutely nothing on Netflix that I can’t get from my other sources — and if you don’t know what the other sources are, it would be best if you find them for yourself. But you’ll have to do some work.

October 2, 2020 2:44 pm

Thank you Stuck (and all other commenters on this thread – and definitely including the anons).

The only reason I watched “Cuties” was because of the buzz on the internet. Social conservatives labeled it child-porn and demanded Netflix subscriptions be abandoned en masse. Liberal Progressives loved the film, however. So, obviously, I found the controversy interesting and decided to judge for myself.

Here is my take on the film:

1.) Did the young female actors in the movie dress and dance provocatively? Yes.

2.) Therefore, were these young actresses exploited? Likely, yes, especially knowing the amount of pedophiles surely watching for sexual gratification.

3.) Was there any nudity or overt sexual acts? No.

4.) Did the girls come across as attractive or, in any way, seductive in the film? In my opinion, absolutely not. Quite the opposite. But I am not a pervert, either. Instead, I viewed them as sad representations of insecure kids seeking social/societal approval by (somewhat innocently) mimicking the sexual deviance they see adults performing every day in television, film, and online videos.

5.) Was there a redeeming message in the film? Yes. (SPOILER ALERT) ……………………. The main protagonist initially rebelled against her strict Muslim family. Islam was definitely not portrayed in a flattering way in the film (although some may disagree with that view). The young girl, longing for the freedom of expression, then sought the peer approval of some confused, young, female misfits struggling to understand and express their “individuality” by mimicking what they viewed on their electronic screens. For me, that was the irony of the film. Yet, in the end, it appeared the protagonist rediscovered the importance of family, genuine individuality, modesty, and the innocent joy of childhood.

6.) Is the film an example of art imitating real life? Is the film an indictment of modern society? I would say yes to both questions – especially for urban kids growing up in unloving homes with absentee parents/caretakers.

7.) Would I recommend the film? No, I wouldn’t, primarily because of # 2 above. At what price art, ya know?

8.) Does the film merit canceling Netflix because of # 7 above? Perhaps – because of # 2 above. Perhaps not – because of #’s 5 & 6 above. However, if either part of question # 3 above was answered in the affirmative, my unequivocal answer would be a most emphatic “yes”. Without question.

Right or wrong or indifferent, that’s just my take on the controversy at this time.

October 2, 2020 3:52 pm

And, one final addendum:

9.) Like art, and life, do our reactions reveal more about ourselves than anything else? I’d say…. yes. Right, wrong, or indifferent. Who decides? We do.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
October 2, 2020 6:53 pm


October 5, 2020 9:18 am

Thanks for the article–there are always interesting, hope you and your family are doing well.

October 3, 2020 10:11 am

You have given a well thought out, reasoned, logical defense of Netflix filth. You said; —> “Was there any nudity or overt sexual acts? No.”

So what! Filth is filth, even if you dress it up in nice clothes and put lipstick on the pig.

I can sum up my feelings in the same way Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart stated in a 1964 case when he was asked to define his test for obscenity; — “I know it when I see it.”

I know porn when I see it. Cuties is porn.

October 3, 2020 10:58 am

With all due respect Stuck, I would say my reply to you above was more of a personal appraisal, and not a defense, per se.

Definition of pornography

1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement

2 : material (such as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement

3 : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction

By those definitions, you may be absolutely correct in your personal assessment of the film. But does that mean I would change one word in my comments above? Nope. As I said, people’s reactions reveal more about themselves than anything else. And I think you may be far more religious moral spiritual principled than even you let on at times. And that’s OK. Your secrets are safe with me. ?

October 2, 2020 8:58 pm

Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom.

October 5, 2020 9:06 am

You can pretty much track the downfall of the USA with the increase in TV viewing. Overall morale beliefs have decreased over the decades with TV/Movie viewing. Academically its been a HUGE problem, as reading levels have decreased over the decades and math abilities as well. You can predict fairly accurtately how well a child will do in school by tracking the amount of screen time. The last I saw the average middle school kid watched 36hrs/week of TV/movies–that doesn’t even account for social media and video games (video games are a huge for most younger kids). Its not as if humans didn’t have problems before TV, its just you had to be more social to have fun back then (play with other kids/pick up sports games etc) so you were forced to try and get along at least in your neighborhood. Addtionally, by being forced to DO things rather than be voyeurs of life…kids were skinny and naturally got movement/exercise. The passive nature of TV isn’t good for our brains. Many studies have shown that screen time should be limited to 2hrs a day, or alot of negative behavioral & academic problems begin occurring. Moderation doesn’t seem to mean much in the day of immoderate extremes–people feel as if they are moderate if they limit themselves to 6hrs a day.

October 2, 2020 12:29 pm

Yes, cancel those depraved kiddie porn pushers.
I think the entire management team, producers, directors, anyone with a tangential relationship to Cuties should be indicted.
RICO the whole lot.
They are broadcasting kiddie porn.
To normalize it.

October 2, 2020 2:26 pm

yes, i believe the demographic is 6-24yrs old. to train the next generations.

October 6, 2020 4:38 pm

And….here come the indictments.

October 6, 2020 6:55 pm
October 2, 2020 12:16 pm

What is this thing you call Netflix? Is it something that catches frisky fish?comment image

October 2, 2020 6:34 pm

What if we who are being bombarded with actual conspiracies and evil agendas go forth and create the reality we want? Then they lose power because we are not playing their game and their rules.

October 2, 2020 9:40 pm

I was thinking on just a similar subject a couple of weeks ago. One day back in the late 80s when I worked at a field office in the Cymric oil field I worked well through lunch and then headed off to one of the not so nearby greasy spoons for something to eat. I got there well after the lunch rush and the employees were all in the kitchen engaged in a deep and serious conversation about last night’s episode of the old TV series Alf – it was some show with a puppet that was supposed to be from outer space or something. I didn’t interrupt, I just kept listening and then the Zen moment of clarity hit – besides work, this was the ONE thing these people had in common – this TV show Alf. And I bet the one day they all looked forward to going to work was the day after the Alf episode. This dumb show somehow gave this group unity and purpose.

Flash forward 25 years. Remember how we all used to go school or work the day after some big news event or sports event or TV show? We couldn’t wait to share our feelings with others the next day, and we also knew that given there were what – 3 channels tops in any metro area – we knew the majority of people saw what we did. Now with such a diverse and discretized selection of TV shows, internet, on demand, etc if we see something on TV chances are most others did not see it, and we cannot congeal our group around some particular show like these people 31 years ago did with Alf.

But the point is that this bond was beamed into our homes, it wasn’t a bond between individuals based upon shared experiences like actually doing something together. It was fake, artificial. Now what served as some form of loose societal glue forced by a lack of programming choice has been removed and we get lots of people thrown together who experience nothing together. And when people experience nothing together that at least seems real, we get what we have today – pure angst out there, and by design.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 3, 2020 5:12 am

“Both of Reagan’s UFO sightings occurred when he was the 33rd Governor of California (1967 – 1975). The first occurred on the night that Reagan was invited to a party that actor William Holden was having in Hollywood. A number of key personalities were invited. Two of them, comedian Steve Allen, and actress Lucy Ball both told the story of Reagan’s UFO encounter.[1] ”

(haha…there’s that number 33 again)

“The other Reagan sighting occurred in 1974 just before Reagan ended his second term as governor. The story was told by Air Force Colonel Bill Paynter who became the pilot of Reagan’s Cessna Citation jet plane following his retirement from the Air Force.”'s_ufo_sightings.htm

The TV series ALF ran in the latter half of Reagan’s term…..?

I think I’m following you on the ‘gatherin round the water cooler’ idea, but you lost me when you flashed forward 25 yrs……our little podunk town in the flat lands of ks. had more than 3 channels back in the 80s?

My point is that nothing sent thru the boob tube for the past 50 years was done to intentionally inform the public, but more to mold societal ideology…..the “prince of the power of the air” is the foundational producer.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——–===that's The Plan….a new order of the ages, when gods once again comingle with men

  ordo ab chao
October 4, 2020 5:39 pm

Hi Ordo,

What Does the Number 33 Mean in the Bible and Prophetically

I wonder if 33 is a special number to God and like the rainbow, being misappropriated.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 5, 2020 2:54 am


I read your link. This whole ‘meaning’ of numbers and such…..alchemy? It’s a distraction from the simplicity that is salvation thru faith in the efficacious work of Jesus Christ, while at the same time, it becomes arguable evidence of Biblical veracity.

Short on time this morning….but here’s a good link to check out:

“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” 2 Corinthians 11: 3-4

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——=== '33' sure means something to the ole boys that put that on the dollar bill:

“During the Middle Ages, alchemy was not only a philosophy and a science but also a religion. Those who rebelled against the religious limitations of their day concealed their philosophic teachings under the allegory of gold-making. In this way they preserved their personal liberty and were ridiculed rather than persecuted. Alchemy is a threefold art, its mystery well symbolized by a triangle. Its symbol is 3 times 3–three elements or processes in three worlds or spheres. The 3 times 3 is part of the mystery of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, for 33 is 3 times 3, which is 9, the number of esoteric man and the number of emanations from the root of the Divine Tree.

It is the number of worlds nourished by the four rivers that pour out of the Divine Mouth as the verbum fiat. Beneath the so-called symbolism of alchemy is concealed a magnificent concept, for this ridiculed and despised craft still preserves intact the triple key to the gates of eternal life. Realizing, therefore, that alchemy is a mystery in three worlds–the divine, the human, and the elemental–it can easily be appreciated why the sages and philosophers created and evolved an intricate allegory to conceal their wisdom.” – Manly Hall, Secret Teachings Of All Ages.

  ordo ab chao
October 5, 2020 5:01 am

Thank you very much,
I was recently praying a short prayer daily, asking for guidance on an important matter, which I should always but seldom do, which is to say I tend not to get into specifics when I pray. Several days in having just finished a short prayer on the matter , like a child tugging on an adults pantleg, I noticed three 33’s directly related to the subject. Thanks God, is that a yea or nay or merely a coincidence. I’m going to bookmark that link now as the salt mines beckon, much appreciated.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 6, 2020 6:49 am


For a response to your first comment, I was thinking that I could have just used Uncola’s words from the title:

“….Pure Deflection Because the Best Lies Always Contain Some Truth”

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<<——–====

  ordo ab chao
October 6, 2020 7:03 pm

Hi Ordo,
I’ve been working long hours and just now read your link, good stuff. I guess I’m fucked, 33’s everyfuckingwhere and three 6’s in my birthday. Good thing I’m not superstitious lol.

October 2, 2020 11:53 pm

It’s all just one big Milgram experiment.

The Milgram Experiment

The goal of the Milgram experiment was to test the extent of humans’ willingness to obey orders from an authority figure.

Participants were told by an experimenter to administer increasingly powerful electric shocks to another individual. Unbeknownst to the participants, shocks were fake and the individual being shocked was an actor.

The majority of participants obeyed, even when the individual being shocked screamed in pain.

The experiment has been widely criticized on ethical and scientific grounds.

October 3, 2020 9:03 am

Can’t argue with that one, Bigfoot.

More Netflix, more Milgram, right here:

The “Experimenter”: Understanding Why Shit Happens and How Conformity Kills

October 4, 2020 2:39 am


I wish you had touched more on the prediction of Civil War by one of the people interviewed. Social Media shows different things to different people. We’re being polarized simply by the fact that people are reading different “facts”. Scary
This is why I keep saying…

The. Truth. Does. Not. Exist.

Thank you for your contributions on TBP.

October 3, 2020 4:46 am

Netflix showed it’s evil nature when they employed the Kenyan for millions for doing nothing.
I recall in 2008 when 24/7 some infomercial on Omobba and the wookie ran for weeks. Brainwashing the masses.
Never gave a dime to Netflix.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 3, 2020 5:39 am

Is this some kind of record for low comment count on an Uncola read??

Released of a Friday?

We don’t do netflix, and lean towards agreeing with Stucky’s comment… but I ‘monitor’ tv/movie programming constantly, it seems. Always hearing the sotto voce intended (if that makes any sense)…..

So whether it’s tv programming or world leaders like the Jesuit Pope, the message being conveyed is ‘get ready for an alien saviour’.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——==='the Plan'

I need to tune back in to the tv to find out who shot JR…..wrong soap….I meant to find out who infected the POTUS/FLOTUS with the covid…lol

Tune in next week to see what path the Emperor chooses….therapeutics or vaccines; masked or unmasked; quarantined or campaigning….it's gonna be a real nail biter !

  ordo ab chao
October 3, 2020 8:56 am

Ordo asks:

Is this some kind of record for low comment count on an Uncola read??

Actually, I thought it was not bad considering it was posted on the day Trump’s Covid was reported…. and… then… Friday Fail with 900+ comments. Lol

But even this article on ZH, after 40k+ views… only 72 comments – mostly all negative because… Netflix.

It ain’t no thang and it’s all good. Seriously. I just wanted the words released into the ether. Mission accomplished.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 3, 2020 10:14 am

Yesterday I was going to say “I think you picked the wrong day to post an essay.” It makes me think of the movie Airplane. Remember the scene where the character played by Lloyd Bridges says “I think I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue!” ? I’m not sure why my mind keeps going back to that scene but for some reason it keeps popping up in my head.

  Mary Christine
October 3, 2020 10:28 am

“I think you picked the wrong day to post an essay.”


When I logged in yesterday late afternoon … and checked out the recent comments …. pretty much the FIRST 40 PAGES were Friday Fail crapola. Friday is generally a wasted day if you’re looking for genuine discussions.

October 3, 2020 9:48 am

From a reader and sent to my blog:

Re: Social Dilemma is Deflection article (via Zero Hedge)

Tristan Harris’ “Center for Humane Technology” organization is a major player behind The Social Dilemma video. At the link below you can find the CFHT “partners”. Open Society Foundations… yup! Ford Foundation… check! Interestingly, the actual Social Dilemma website doesn’t mention such inconvenient connections. I wondered how it got produced, let alone set free on Netflix, but the Susan Rice info in your article makes it more understandable.

October 3, 2020 10:49 am

Unc- The usual suspects are always behind human conditioning, I find the term HUMANETECH offensive. Are these machines , aliens or just a mafia who control our every thought? I found the term Human Resources offensive way back when, now I get that there will be bot resources but how silly is it all anyway?

Bottom line is we are consumer slaves and pleasure junkies.

October 3, 2020 11:09 am

Unc- Did you check out the guy with the goggles on, he is a co-chair on the World Economic Forum and “dark matter physicist”? Who makes this shit up?

October 3, 2020 11:18 am

Yep. Nice detective work, BL. In previous days, when I had more time to spare, I’d like to think I would have dug a little deeper, made those connections, and wrote the article a little longer.

But, as of now, I’m just grateful for the readers. The Beatles were correct: We get by with a little help from our friends.

October 3, 2020 11:25 am

Unc- If we were real detectives, we would uncover the fact that Goggleboy is some clown from the hood named Leon and he can’t even spell HUMANETECH.

October 4, 2020 8:03 am

How about that Abby Hall, from the page ” Her work managing public and press events for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration helped develop relationships among CEOs, community leaders, press, and world leaders.”
Wonder who the world leader/community leader is?

October 4, 2020 3:21 am

Allright Uncola. Thank you, but not, for putting that ridiculous propaganda on my radar.

Here’s my take:

Everyone in that video truly believes in their own very selective paradigm that defines their world; the problem is they believe it is the only paradigm as they are that inexperienced and have no real world experience. They actually believe that the entire country is connected to tech as they are and can just put their little backpacks on and take the BART to work.

They are all techies who have probably never had any adversity in their lives, other than being called insensitive for not using the right pronouns for their tranny co-worker.

I really got the impression that they would all die if they were locked in a canned food warehouse because they do not have a can opener, not that they even know what a can opener is. I’m sure they cannot change a flat tire.

To be honest, that video caused a very visceral reaction in me which made me just want to kick their asses. The “protagonists” seemed so confident that they define the apex of the world. They cannot see the forest for the trees. Pure Hubris measured only in scientific notation 10 the infinity degree.

The one word I kept repeating to myself as I engaged in the self-flagellation of watching that agitprop was simply: Pussies!

I’m 50+ now and truly believe I could kick every single one of those guy’s asses. I’m sure they have never been punched before (which means I cannot trust them as they are not yet men and probably never will be). They probably made a deal with the elementary school bully to just give up their lunch money a week in advance. Look at them. So soft. Men are supposed to have shoulders wider than their asses. Not in this video.

Uhg! I build custom houses for a living. I love it because I get to be creative while actually building aesthetically pleasing buildings. It makes me happy. I like a combination of white collar work and still getting my hands dirty in the field with the trades. I think that’s why they respect me. Yes, the clients are just like the people in that video now, but the trades still have to actually make shit happen. I just had to break up a fight between the concrete forming guys who formed up a 12′ retaining wall worth 40 yards of wet concrete and the pump truck guy. The concrete guys thought it was funny they didn’t build a cat walk for the pump truck guy to actually pour the concrete. I made them build one fast after avoiding a melee.

Fuckery exists across all segments of society, it just takes different forms. It’s for us organized, smart people to make society work better. We had all better step up soon.

October 4, 2020 11:36 am

Thank you for those perspectives, Allfather, as they helped me to close the circle on some of my own considerations. I really appreciate it.

ursel doran
ursel doran
October 4, 2020 9:48 am

Media and the SWAMP pushing TDS for the oldest true motivation reason. MONEY!!

October 4, 2020 10:35 am

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By The Way
By The Way
October 4, 2020 4:20 pm

Facebook Blasts Netflix Over The Social Dilemma and Its Sensationalism

October 5, 2020 12:04 pm

Fuck you if you’re watching netflix at this point. You are part of the fucking problem. Spare me the mob analogies and go suck start a 12 guage.

Nurse Ratched
Nurse Ratched
October 5, 2020 2:16 pm

take your meds tom and you’ll be fine.

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Common Cents
Common Cents
October 6, 2020 10:01 am

If you still subscribe to netflix, you are supporting pedophiles.

October 6, 2020 11:02 am

Netflix has become as much of a Social Engineering platform as the BBC.. The British at least seem to be pushing back against the BBC Television Tax vampirism. Here we get to choose to pay and participate. Same results.

Jon Hall
Jon Hall
October 6, 2020 4:51 pm

Excellent work, Uncola! Watched a bit of this and you hit the nail on the head regarding it.

  Jon Hall
October 6, 2020 6:19 pm

Thank you, Jon, for the comment – and all the hard work you do over at