Gut Check

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

Gut check – Addiction & Recovery News

What does it mean to be a free man anymore? Am I truly free when the money I pay in taxes goes to support the excesses of a profligate, overreaching, and immoral government? Am I truly free when the scum that make the rules do not abide by them? Am I not free then to ignore the rules?  Am I truly free when some cowardly dimwit at the grocery store looks askance at me for not wearing a filthy rag over my face? I know he is having an internal debate about whether he should confront me.

My hope is always that he decides in the negative, as I have had just about enough of this crap. Now, the highest court in the land has turned a blind eye to the egregious theft of the Presidency itself. Marxists across the nation are celebrating the final nail in the coffin of the American Republic. Democrats held it. “Conservatives” have hammered it home. The outward forms of ordered liberty are dead and there is no recourse for the redress of grievances. It is time for every patriot to face the situation, without illusion or reservation.

If we would recover our liberty, then we must look inward and assess our own desires, motives, and abilities. A time of choosing is upon each and every one of us. What do we owe and to whom do we owe it. What follows is an attempt to answer those questions for myself and myself alone. Others of a similar spirit may take what they wish from it and leave the rest.

The Indefensible Nation

What do I owe to my country?  Its central government is thoroughly and irredeemably corrupt. It is bankrupt both fiscally and morally. As of this writing, its judiciary has shown itself incapable of defending the Republic against the depredations of leftist rabble. The tentacles of its bureaucracy reach into the lives and wallets of the productive class “eating out the substance of the people” exactly as Jefferson warned.  Yet still, with the stench of corruption and theft pervading the country, this government  assumes my loyalty.

What, pray tell, has it done to deserve it? Mobs of the indoctrinated expect that we should all just “get over it” and “come together to heal” as if the gangrenous clot of necrotic tissue that is the political culture of this nation will ever heal.  Our rulers, our media, and half our “countrymen” piss down our backs and still insist it’s raining. The fealty of helots is what the Lords of Washington expect. They will not get it from me.

The loyalty of free men is reserved for a government of equals, not an aristocracy of reptiles. The latter is what we suffer now. The former we once possessed, but it lies now in the dust of history. The outward form and function remain, but the spirit of liberty, which animated it, has gone. The ties by which free men bind themselves voluntarily to any form of government have long since been sundered by the actions of those who have chosen to rule rather than govern. I will not suffer those ties to become shackles.

Since my forbears bequeathed to me a form of government that no longer exists, I am released from further obligation to the abomination that has replaced it. My loyalty, like my liberty, belongs to me and me alone. It is mine to give or to withdraw as I see fit. I owe the rulers of this land nothing: not life, not liberty, not the pursuit of my own happiness. These things are mine from my first breath to my last gasp. They cannot be abrogated, regulated, or terminated by the denizens of a distant city who presume to know what is best for me. These…people (I do not have the words for the contempt I feel for them) have polluted our forms of government, destroying what they can, dismantling what they cannot.

Everywhere is grift and graft. They have taken nearly everything, yet they still want more. They want my body shackled, my spirit humbled, and my mind enslaved. They try to steal the very breath from my body with their filthy rags. They have trampled upon my God-given rights, indoctrinated my children, accused me, threatened me, and silenced me. Now they have stolen even my choice from me. This government and its leftist appendages have betrayed my trust and half my fellow citizens treat me and mine with undisguised contempt. My loyalty to them and to their government is at an end.

The Shenandoah Syndrome

What then, am I to do personally in the face of this betrayal?  My mind often comes back to the old Jimmy Stewart movie “Shenandoah.” In it, Stewart plays the patriarch of a family trying to stay out of Lincoln’s War. He hopes to keep his family intact and neutral in the conflict. He wants no part of it and sees no reason why he, or his sons, should choose sides in a war that is, in his view, peripheral to the concerns of his family and the life they have built. It is only when rape, murder, plunder and the other accouterments of war destroy the precarious balance he has maintained, that Stewart realizes that the choice has been made for him.

I know that, in the end, what is happening in this nation will come to blood. I know too, that I and mine cannot hope to be left untouched while the nation tears itself apart. My one hope is that, by virtue of where we call home, we will see the tenor and scope of the destruction before it touches our lives directly. Perhaps that small grace will allow us additional time to prepare, though I believe I have done all that common sense demands and limited resources allow in that regard.

What remains to be done is the taking an intensely personal inventory.  Will I fight, run, or hide? Will I be able to lead and defend my family when the crunch comes? Would I be willing to leave them behind to engage in some broader defense of my own and other’s liberty? Do I wait for the storm or go to meet it? At 60 years of age, am I even mentally or physically capable of such an effort? My fervent wish is to be left alone to live a peaceful life. I know many like me wish the same, but Jimmy Stewart was just an actor, and my “Shenandoah” a bucolic dream. The fight will be forced upon us all. The choices we make will define us. In Lincoln’s words, “No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us downin honor or dishonor, to the latest generation.”

The Refining Fire

I am a peacetime veteran. I served a three-year hitch in the eighties, half that time with the 2nd Ranger Bn. in Ft. Lewis, Washington and half with a line infantry company. I do not count myself among the many chest-thumpers who are overly certain of their own intestinal fortitude and are not afraid to expound upon their warrior attributes in any number of internet outlets. In my limited experience, those who talk the most usually run the fastest. I do not include in that company those who have seen war and its desolation first hand and who now seek to educate and guide those of us who have not. I’m talking about the posers who crow about “taking back the country,” and explain in detail their future exploits in the battle for freedom.

Personally, I am certain of only a few things:  I know what it is like to exit an aircraft more door bundle than man and land in a heap in the Alaskan snow. I know how dark it gets in an equatorial jungle and what it’s like to sit in the rain for days on end. I know what trench foot looks and feels like. To my everlasting embarrassment, I know the feeling of waking up with my own .45 (in the hands of a very angry platoon sergeant) staring me in the face because I fell asleep guarding a pallet of live ammo.

I know what it is like to catch multiple fragments of a 7.62 mm ricochet in the face due to the negligence of a range safety officer and the stupidity of a member of my M60 crew. I know that face and scalp wounds bleed a lot. These are some of the things I know, but they are the experiences of long ago and comparing them to the trials of actual combat would be like comparing regular roulette to the Russian variety.

I do not think I lack personal courage, but the simple fact is that I know what I do not know, and anyone who has not been in a fight like the one coming can say no different. Any man who claims a virtue not yet tested by the fight we face is a liar and a fool.  As a young man, I would have welcomed the test. Now, decades on, I ponder the depth of my commitment, the strength of my arm, and the clearness of my mind. Is the man I am now fit for the fight? Only the fight itself will reveal the truth of it. I simply do not know how I will behave when the shooting starts and to claim otherwise is the height of hubris. At the least, I hope that this old man will give good account for blessings received while on this good earth.


No good thing ever achieved by man remains unsullied by the grasping hands of those who seek to exploit it. So it is with these United States. Time, trials, the certainties of fallen human nature, and the machinations of the unprincipled have accomplished what they always accomplish. This nation will crumble and the ensuing chaos will engulf us all to one degree or another. Something good, either a restoration of the old or the institution of the new, will rise from the blood and ashes. I pray that I do not love this life so much that I would live it as a slave or be unwilling to expend it for the sake of those to come. That, at least, is my hope.

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Michael M
Michael M
December 13, 2020 4:19 pm

I no longer consent to be governed by fraud and lies neither, I can’t.

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
December 13, 2020 5:22 pm

It has been said that anger is the precursor to action but American patriots have nowhere to go given the cowardice of establishment small ‘r’ republicans…until now. I was born for this battle and every patriot can now rest assured the Constitution bears the imprimatur of God;

December 13, 2020 5:48 pm

WITH MY OWN EYES,we were at the country store,out in the mountains of colorado,WHEN an OLD 90’S motorhome pulled up,And out jumped UNITED NATIONS SOLDIERS,the motorhome had been gutted and bench seats installed,There must have been FIFTY UN SOLDIERS in it,all with AK-47’s,and in full fighting gear,ready for war..IT seems TRUMP AND MIKE POMPEO ,has been sneaking them in this way for months…YES everyone will be in the coming WAR,their job is to DISARM AMERICA,and there are those who realize this will never fly in america,IT won’t stop them from trying though,GET READY,your entire GOVERNMENT IS IN ON THIS,and their bragging what their going to do to ANYONE RESISTING THEM…KILL EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE,Even the children,EVERYONE WILL HAVE TWO CHOICES,fight and maybe die OR be a SLAVE and die for sure in a SLAVE LABOR CAMP,you won’t ever be leaving alive..GET CLOSE TO THE LORD,most of you will be meeting him soon,THE ASTEROID IS COMING,and its a big one…get off the coast NOW..

December 13, 2020 7:28 pm

The stupid just never stops. How do these lunatics find this place?

High King Allen
High King Allen
December 13, 2020 6:23 pm

GOD, as always, and as expected, is well ahead of all of you. But, as usual, none of you are listening, only complaining. In Sept. 2020 GOD had released the “Little Book” referenced in Revelation 10.

It is Entitled “Political Morons – Heavens Witness to the Sold Souls Betraying GOD and Nation” And it has 2 Acts. The First Act – the “Witness” a Response to mankind labeling HIM “non-essential”, and a Second Act, that answers where does this all end? Its Amazing what God has planned for the Chosen Elect. Here on Earth!

Those who did read the First Act are not surprised by what has occurred over the last 3 months.

Go To “Political Moron” dot Com and learn the Truth of what is happening. It is sad, yet Joyous!

Merry CHRISTmas! 2020
Celebrate the Birth of the KING! the SAVIOR! with GOOD HEALTH & LOVE!


December 13, 2020 6:46 pm

you sir are frickin nuts

December 13, 2020 7:03 pm

And you obviously have some mental health issues. On the Korean DMZ I was shot at also and also had a friendly fire wound but I ain’t all wound up about it pal. Get a frickin grip and deal with whatever sort of guilt you seem to be dealing with.

December 13, 2020 7:24 pm

Surely described my sentiments. As I have posted elsewhere. I unPledge my allegiance to the United Stasi States of Amerika.

December 13, 2020 10:09 pm

Well done, being thevsame age, will I still have enough health left for war.

Mark Erdman
Mark Erdman
December 14, 2020 12:34 am

Well said. I am of roughly the same vintage having served my time in the Army in the 80s and 90s and I identify full well with the sentiments expressed. Alas I am in Canada and we are suffered the same fate though the leftists have not been pushed back here either. There is no where to emigrate to, and I am loathe to flee, though I hold little hope that sanity even now were it to prevail, can stop the pending upheaval planned by these crazed globalist ideologues. Here’s hoping we’re wrong.

December 14, 2020 2:07 am

There are very few Marxists in the US. And none of them hold any real power.

December 14, 2020 6:31 am

When say we live in the freest country in the world, I tell them to build something without a permit . When the building inspector makes you tear it down because you didn’t have a permit you’ll find you aren’t so free .

December 14, 2020 9:24 am

Just remember, slaves are never allowed to possess weapons.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 14, 2020 11:33 pm

but but but we do !!!

Big JiLm
Big JiLm
December 14, 2020 9:52 am

Well written, Amen Brother…

December 14, 2020 11:38 am

Now, the highest court in the land has turned a blind eye to the egregious theft of the Presidency itself.

Hmmmmm , where is the proof??

December 15, 2020 3:50 am

You are just a bad loser, grow up boy

December 14, 2020 2:55 pm

WHEN the SHTF the first to receive their judgement, MUST be those that have benefitted from the events that they have created. The politicians and their minions (think tanks, judges, LEO etc). AFTER they are prosecuted and not in any courtroom, then what or who is remaining , gets the ‘full monty’ . and may GOD bless us all. imo

December 14, 2020 3:31 pm

Wow, this is full of BS. Stolen? Seriously. THis is just nonsense. Your candidate didn’t win.

Let me ask you

1) How can a party so incompetent as the democrats pull of such a historic steal?
2) How did they know to vote for people and in which states? So only these states have fraud?
3) Why is it that there was no actual charge of fraud by the lawyers for Trump?
4) Every time video has been brought forth there has been a very good explanation with even the GOP adminting that these were the facts. Most point to Georgia where someone grabs a suitcase from under the desk. Hint, those were just more ballots.

I feel like this is a very good case of showing how cognitive dissonance works. You can’t believe that it happens even though everything points to it. Also Occams razor.

I kind of feel sorry for the author.;…

December 15, 2020 12:57 am

You decry the govt that you support. Trump didn’t win, there was no theft, and people that have no evidence seem to think their candidate should be installed as king. Sorry. But democracy has spoken. You are the one that has been duped.

December 15, 2020 6:11 am

This was amazing my brother. I possibly never felt closer to any US citizen. I talked the same subjects up to that very movie. I used one scene (where the eldest gives water and gets killed and his wife gets raped and killed as well) explaining how staying out is no solution but illusion. I am libertarian and left Germany as I could not take anymore the way of destruction. I saw it ten years ago and started to act. I needed years to accept down to the roots of my soul and heart that “my” home country is gone. I wasted too much time to read about the crimes there. I am done to hear libertarian me is nazi, racist, whatever they say to shut me up and steal my honour. I lost friends over this. After all these years I should devellop patriotic feelings? 25% of population is arab or african. On the streets Germans are calm and foreigners loud – their music rules the streets – it feels not at home at all. Restaurants with German food do not exist anymore and I was the only with a German wife at work. Maybe I am a dino and it is time to die. And I do not fear dying. I ride motorbikes and shall fear an imagined flu? I am surrounded by pussies. I do not own a handy/smartphone. I am so effing different. People cannot contact me “as you have no whatsup”. And what people write is FULL and OVERCROWDED with errors in spelling and orthography that I feel intellectually insulted.
Me fighting for them???
I left Europe, which I see as epicentre of doom. Libertarians sense the change early, suffer terribly and then they give up totally. I am waiting for the crash and will then buy a property in a country which will invite me. I think, that some countries will turn and scream: “You with means and skills come to us and we will treat you nicely.” And I will go there and live my life out in honour and dignity – that is the plan. May the good Lord look after you and us all.

December 15, 2020 12:52 pm

God bless you brother — I hope that your plan comes to fruition. I live in Amerika and am hoping to buy some land in the country, as well. I live in a smaller city, so it’s not like I live in one of several Amerikan mega-shithole cities, but I’d like to have my own space to gain some distance from the mob.

James Raclawski
James Raclawski
December 15, 2020 11:46 am

thank you… I am so thete… your thoughts are my thoughts…

December 15, 2020 12:31 pm

The left went all-in to get an incompetent Biden into the White House over a surprisingly competent Trump. To do this required not just election fraud on an industrial scale (Trump’s 73 million votes required a pause in key cities to manufacture a lot more ballots than originally planned), but a complete obliteration of all journalistic standards by the media, and all pretense at being neutral platforms for big tech. Because Biden’s mental decline will be impossible to hide, Kamala Harris, a deeply unlikeable person, will become President. There are the moves of truly desperate people. Democrats will want to legalize 20 million foreigners in the hopes of creating an unbeatable voting block. They want to federalize the debt of profligate Democrat-run states like Ill and NJ. All of these moves will further galvanize what must be viewed as Trump supporters and not Republicans or conservatives. That the media, big tech, and the corrupt Dem party could get an obviously demented Joe Biden elected is a testimony to their power; the fact that they needed to is a testimony to their inner rot.

December 15, 2020 4:45 pm

You have so little faith in our American minutemen. They are now called the American Militia who love our Constitution. Just adding.

December 15, 2020 10:47 pm

Great post, surely you echo many of our thoughts. Watch the series called Vikings about Ragnar Lothbrok. To paraphrase one (of many) excellent lines: It is better to fight here while we are young than to die in a bed while we are old. At 60, you are not old!

December 16, 2020 9:57 am

One aspect of our immoral and fiscally failed government is that ordinary folks need to start openly despising elected and government employees – treat them like the lowest of the low. Reject John Kennedy’s notion that ‘the government’ should attract “the best and brightest” … because obviously they have turned out to be among the least, the dumbest and most venal and corrupt people out there. (And this perversion has infected general society as well).

It is especially sad that our Founder’s fear of public corruption and that their attempts to deal with this by limiting the power granted to government has found a vastly more empowered government turning out to be so corrupt.

December 16, 2020 6:47 pm

COUP from CHINA etal . SOME OF THIS IS PLAIN WRITTEN IN THE STARS to be seen on STELLARIUM . Trace Jupiter’s movements from November 2019 in the HEAVENS CELESTIAL CONSTELLATION and then LOOK at REVELATION 6:2 IN Stellarium Sagitarrius is depicted by what ?? A Horse / rider who is holding a bow and who has a CROWN at its feet. What is moving in the earth since that begin date of Jupiter transiting into Saggitarius? Nov 2019…..When did WUHAN virus release begin and travel around the world …..ARE we in subduction??? IS THE WORLD BEING SUBDUED / CONQUERED??? as REVELATION 6:2 is REFLECTING OF ??? What is happening it earth as reflected in THIS STAR ALIGNMENT of JUPITER IN SAGGITARIUS and as SPELLED OUT ON PARCHMENT IN the book of REVELATION as given by the Angel to JOHN On the ISLE of PATMOS around 70 ad is ….IT IS UNCANNY !!!! TIMING is interesting but the coincidence of REV 6;2 and JUPITER In SAGGITARIUS is bearing WITNESS from the STARS and from the WORD OF GOD that something prophetic is underway . We are in the last days that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24. In Luke 21:11 he gave a specific marker regarding GREAT SIGN in the HEAVENS . The word SIGN is SEMEION. After his resurrection in the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST , the last book in the BIBLE , Jeus Christ elaborated more on this subject where the same terminology was used as is used in LUKE 21: 11 GREAT WONDERS in the HEAVENS ; the word wonder in Revelation 12 :1 and 3 is SEMEION, also . He gives 2 SIGNS sequentially one on top of one another in REVELATION 12:1 and REVELATION 12;3 !!! The first SIGN of Revelation 12:1,2 appeared in the heavens on Sept 23, 2017 (Review … That’s 3 plus years ago. VERSE 3-5 STATE the second sign JESUS gave. IN THE MIDDLE OF verse 5 appears the word HARPAZO …..which represents an event that is DESCRIBED IN GREAT DETAIL in I THES 4:13- I THES 5:9 . It is also described in I CORINTHIANS 15 a chapter devoted entirely to RESURRECTION . READ IT : IT THRILLS THE SOUL. Vs 50- 52 describes the same event as I THES 4:16-17 where the word HARPAZO is also used. WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT:??