Angry Parent-Teacher Rages at the Dying of the Light

By Jenni White

Tonight I am angry. Not a passing emotion brought on by a single circumstance, this anger is a deep, knotted-up, abiding anger created by a mix of frustration, despair, hopelessness, and injustice.

As a public school science teacher in the late 90’s, I watched parents disengage from the learning process of their children and those students gain more and more power over the classroom. I saw the administration allow it to happen and even excuse bad behaviors (“She has a very hard home life, she just needs to blow off steam and we need to give her a safe place to do that. You don’t want her to feel unsafe do you?”). I saw good teachers leave the profession rather than fight the storm brewing on the horizon – the one that would make them constables instead of instructors, the kind that would rely more on technology than instruction. I saw it too, so I quit.

Hoping for the best, I enrolled my children in public elementary school. I watched a son be bullied so badly that he begged to be homeschooled. I watched a son be left behind in math to the point that he couldn’t add single digit numbers properly. I watched a daughter bring home papers about global warming and bad white people who hurt native Americans. I became involved in PTA only to find that fixing these issues couldn’t happen because there were no issues more important than selling wrapping paper to buy a new gymnasium and computers for computer lab to make sure we stayed competitive with other schools. I saw no future for myself or my children, so we quit.

Concerned about the way the Obama administration was taking control of public education and handing out stimulus checks, I helped start an organization called the OKC912Project and became its education coordinator. I helped bring in candidates for public office to interview, study bills and legislation, I worked with legislators to try and improve social studies curricula by mandating study of the Constitution and other important founding documents but the House wouldn’t pass the bill the first year, and the second – though it did pass in the House – it wasn’t heard by the Senate education committee and it died. I watched legislators talk to me and my fellow citizen lobbyists as though we were little more than gum on the bottom of their shoe. I watched them lie to my face about the status of bills, and why they wouldn’t vote for them. I became frustrated and disillusioned with legislators and the system, and quit.

Believing that becoming involved in party politics could help steer the direction of the type of legislator we elect, I joined the Oklahoma Republican Party. For years I dutifully went to every precinct meeting and county meeting and district meeting and even volunteered for the Platform committee numerous years. Every year a group of us tried to help create policies that would bind legislators and candidates to the party – to require them to follow the platform upon which they ran – but in six years I was never successful with that, or any other activity that changed a single thing about Republican politics. In six years, the same people ran the party as when I became involved. I became frustrated and disillusioned with the party system and I quit.

Though my children were being schooled at home, I found out about a national curriculum called Common Core that would focus coursework on the subjects of math and reading at the cost of other subjects. I began writing about the problems associated with Common Core and joined many other parents attempting to push back against such a destructive program, even helping to get Common Core removed from state law. After all my efforts, I watched nothing happen. I watched the state department of education continue to find ways to propel CC into classrooms and I watched there be no way to stop it from happening. I watched teachers become activists and use social media to tear myself and other parents down for having the audacity to care about their kids and other Oklahoma students, so I quit.

For years I sat quietly at home, teaching my kids and interacting in my home community.

Since that day, I’ve seen elected officials lie to the entirety of the American population as effortlessly as drawing breath. I’ve seen both legislators and judges allow wrong to be right as though no one could possibly notice or care about the difference. I’ve seen congressmen sit quietly and reservedly in the face of illegality and fraud, presumably too concerned about their long-held committee seats and donors to even croak out words in defense of a Republic that was the only one of its kind and that can never be again once tainted by illegality and fraud.

In just a few short weeks I’ve seen the results of all the efforts I’ve ever attempted to uphold my tiny little corner of the world crash into a million pieces. I can never trust a single elected official again. How can I when so many have sat quietly with their hands folded in their laps while the People have cried out in pain and confusion? How can I when – from November 4th – they should have been falling all over themselves to ferret out every single way in which the public trust was violated during this presidential election knowing that without FAIR and SECURE elections in this country, NOT ONE OTHER THING MATTERS A DAMN? Without FAIR and SECURE ELECTIONS, the people are not represented and a government of the People, by the People and for the People cannot be legitimate if the people CAN’T be represented. How could they? How could they possibly be represented by people who weren’t fairly elected by the People?

I’m angry because I can see that all my efforts on behalf of my tiny little corner of the world over the many years have amounted to absolute zero thanks to the officials we have elected to represent us – THE PEOPLE – in the PEOPLE’S HOUSE. The officials who don’t understand that their jobs aren’t to protect THEIR interests, but OUR interests. We elect Representatives to represent US in the PEOPLE’S house and we elect Senators to represent the best interests of the state. How is it in the best interest of ANY state to simply ‘move on’ from an election that has been fraught with as many questions, concerns and outright unconstitutionalities as this election?

I’m angry because, while I’ve been playing by the ‘rules’ – paying my taxes, being civil and tolerant of my neighbor, accepting the election of past Presidents with whom I didn’t agree without creating hateful hashtags, threatening physical violence, name calling, canceling careers, using government goons to unlawfully spy to invent reasons for impeachment, or using media to misreport, misrepresent or otherwise create dissention and anger during their presidencies – the other side has carte blanche to do all this and more without condemnation, conviction or retribution of any kind.

Yes, the world will continue to turn if this election goes to Joe Biden. Yes, Jesus is still on the throne. In my view, however, God blessed us with a nation unlike another ever created on this planet – one, that run correctly – allows individuals more freedom to speak and worship and live than in any other. It gives all the power to the people and very little to the Government, yet we’ve continually chosen government over freedom in our individual lives to the point where we’re now standing at the edge of a very deep precipice from which we may not return. It’s hard not to be angry when confronted with this earth-shattering truth.

Jenni White has a master’s in biology and has had careers in advertising, biology, epidemiology, and teaching. She is the former education director and co-founder of Reclaiming Oklahoma Parent Empowerment and has written for publications including The Pulse, the Heartland Institute, and American Thinker. She is a homeschooling mother of five currently serving as an elected official in the small town where she helps her husband run their microfarm.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 2, 2021 7:38 pm

The problem is Jenni tried playing in the system, but she did not contribute/bundle big $ for the politicians who were supposed to represent her and her fellow citizens. If you do not have money, you do not have a say in politics. The more money you have, the more power you have with politicians.

  TN Patriot
January 2, 2021 7:43 pm

We found that out when Jenni and I (and a few other 912ers crashed th OKGOP convention.

They treated her abominably.

January 2, 2021 7:51 pm

Look for the union label…….

January 2, 2021 8:03 pm

The teachers union or unions in general?

January 2, 2021 11:38 pm

The problem was never unions, but that they are always organized in such a way as to be easily corruptible.

January 3, 2021 11:09 pm

The problem with unions is they always amalgamate with the regional, national and international ‘umbrella’ union ‘leadership’ like AFSCME and the AFL-CIO. These parent organizations ALWAYS are in bed with Democratic politicians, organized crime and socialist entities. Show me one single union that supports republican candidates or conservative causes. To make matters worse, most states mandate membership in a union that performs ‘contract negotiations’ and require dues payments out of every paycheck – even if you don’t wish to participate. Your extorted dues are donated to politician’s campaign funds (always democrats), and organizations that you might not want your hard earned money going to.

It is true that some companies took terrible advantage of their employees, but the cure (unions) is worse than the disease.

January 4, 2021 7:18 am

Unions were given too much control of government rules via National Labor Relation Board connection. Those who write the policy control the law.

January 4, 2021 6:04 am

When it comes to unions the problem is union mentality.

January 4, 2021 7:20 am

During CBA negotiations with Boeing a union dude admitted his main goal was to fund the Union.

TX Patriot
TX Patriot
January 2, 2021 8:14 pm

Jenni sums up how I and most of my associates are feeling. A large group of us have attempted to make changes here in Texas with a tiny bit better luck than she details. However, much of our efforts have basically gone down the tubes. Civility just does not work against those who have no morals and are only interested in their self-interests.

  TX Patriot
January 2, 2021 10:16 pm

You can’t beat them on their own playing field. They control the rules, the court and the players and they only understand one thing and that thing is force. Anything less is viewed as weakness. Do you know where they live? Work? Where they play? Unless they are made to feel and hit where it hurts, nothing will change.

Done and Gone
Done and Gone
  TX Patriot
January 4, 2021 1:06 am

If it doesn’t work in TX and OK, then situation is truly and irreversibly hopeless.

Craven County Warrior
Craven County Warrior
  TN Patriot
January 2, 2021 8:43 pm

When there are more pharmaceutical lobbyists in DC than there are members of Congress, you start to get the picture. However, as voters we re-elect dirt bags because we are a member of their cult. “Any Republican is better than a Democrat” will get you a serious money grubbing, lying Rhino.

  Craven County Warrior
January 2, 2021 11:40 pm

This deep into the details of election fraud, where every type and possibility has been clearly demonstrated, you really think this is the result of the way people voted?

January 2, 2021 8:39 pm

Sorry to bring the bad news, but the root of the problem is that the bankers are allowed to legally counterfeit money. And they bought off the majority of politicians decades ago.

Until the Federal Reserve dies, The People will lose.

January 2, 2021 11:42 pm

The root of all evil is funny money. The Merchants will be subverting society for as long as it takes to get their hooked beaks into a central bank printing funny money. So long as they are allowed access to the levers of power.

January 3, 2021 10:24 am

Hey, cool it with the anti-semitism.

January 3, 2021 11:18 am

Netanyahu greeted convicted spy Jonathan Pollard personally when his plane landed in Israel.

What should we deluded, misguided antisemites make of that, do you think?

January 3, 2021 11:39 am

Just who do you believe run the banking system?

January 3, 2021 3:28 pm

anti-semitism, a jewish construct.

Henry Ford
Henry Ford
January 2, 2021 8:55 pm

Jenni, More than half of the US, and world if I may be so bold, has arrived at this very deep precipice where we’re now standing, took a look over the edge, and concluded that diving off the edge results in certain death, but pushing back from the edge to retake our mountain results in only a possibility of death, and much better odds of life and freedom. Better odds, we have all concluded, so let’s do it. Do it for all life on our planet. We must figure out, and we will, the best way to reach our goal of reclaiming the governments of the people and for the people. Discussions have started in many communities, but need to combine across communities to reach the power of legion. It will happen. By all means, quit the communities that have surrendered. But know that in each of those communities resides a small spark of resolve that, like you, really refuses to surrender, and will result in the changes you seek. It has happened before all over the world over the centuries, those who love freedom overthrowing those who love control and tyranny. I refuse to surrender. I know you do as well, as do many others. I may not live to see this inevitable outcome of people first, individuals first. But without doubt, I will never give up. And from reading your words, neither will you.

  Henry Ford
January 2, 2021 11:43 pm

It does seem to be getting close to that inflection point.

January 2, 2021 9:00 pm

We need a choice on the ballots that says “Put no one in this office”.

January 2, 2021 11:44 pm

There can’t be a more corruptible process than the primary system in the US. I don’t think you could design one deliberately for that purpose that would could be more efficiently corrupted and controlled.

Bad Brad
Bad Brad
January 2, 2021 11:39 pm

Wed., Jan.6, 2021 is gonna be a big day in USA history. Either the Swamp takes over or some will do the right thing
and grab unto the Constitution. If Uncle Joe and his Bolshevik buddies take control…..that’s it. The new Rule of Law will be their rules of Law. Iron fist. Lie, steal, and cheat 24/7/365.

  Bad Brad
January 3, 2021 9:48 am

So really what is new in the daily life on our system and process?

January 3, 2021 9:51 pm

This caught my attention. For a couple of years, Jenni’s and my life overlapped as I also joined the GOP of Oklahoma as precinct captain, believing if I walked in and acted as if I owned the place, someone might actually listen to what I had to say. Like Jenni.

Jenni White has a real presence about her when she walks into a room. She’s perky and serious all at once and has a wild-ass head of curly hair (once brown now silver!) that I’ve always admired.

All of it: perky, serious, curly hair… I really do admire Jenni White, as do many of my comrades in the Family of Families group formed in Oklahoma in the strange environment that brought us Obama straight from nowhere to national office. We met at the VFW auditorium as concerned citizens, mostly we were military or retired military, but mainly, we were a group of families who formed a larger group of families displaced because of our work at Tinker AFB.

Some of us stay in close contact, even after all these years.

So, whatever forces brought Obama to the spotlight have now brought his unlikely VP Biden to the threshold of power with a similarly unknown VP Harris ready to step into a position in which we all know neither of them are fit to hold. We have had our government taken over.

I believe Wednesday will be just another Wednesday, when the Electoral Vote in Congress certified the change in the Executive and the Law.

The first rule of the new law will demand you turn in your guns. The second rule will demand your fealty.

I don’t know about any of you, but I know about me and I know about Jenni. We ain’t giving up either.

The Eight Stages of the Rise and Fall of Civilizations

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 3, 2021 10:20 pm

I don’t think many people will comply with turning in their guns. I know I wouldn’t.
Of course, the .gov has lists of people who bought from guns stores. The question is what they do with the lists and how the people respond. As the saying goes, spicy times ahead.

January 3, 2021 12:37 am

Indeed, Mag….+

January 3, 2021 6:30 am

Tx…am sending a link to Jenni.

January 3, 2021 12:41 am

You were on a roll until you revealed that you think there is a god. That you mind is so infected and corrupt that you cannot think clearly. And, you claim to be a science teacher.
Another mentally ill typist. You sure aren’t alone on this website.

January 3, 2021 12:56 am

Another atheist. OK,fine. BUT …..

comment image?

January 3, 2021 8:59 am

Try to refute the following, as long as you’re not a total, true nihilist:

– When you choose between two choices, you make a (personal) statement about what you value higher than other things.
– Do this often enough using the truest truth you can conceive of and you end up with your own, more or less complete, sustainable & stable personal value hierarchy.
– For all matters and purposes, that value hierarchy is your religion.
    And the highest value is your god.

If you’ve thought long and deep enough, you’ll come to very similar conclusions as other people, about those two concepts.
It will be very close to Christianity, too.

January 3, 2021 10:15 am

I’m an atheist, although not a materialist in the philosopic sense, seeing as I also hold a belief in the transcendental. My “religion” and “god” per the above are very close to Christianity values-wise, less so metaphysically, but I consider the latter to be very much a personal choice based on learning and experience. Let each be free to believe as conscience dictates and under no circumstances attempt to impose personal beliefs on others when it copmes to metaphysics; secular values, however, can and should be proselytized. As stated, mine largely conform to those found in Christianity.

January 3, 2021 4:58 pm

That’s an interesting statement.
As I see it, most areligious people nowadays think they don’t need metaphysics, so they never think about them too deeply or at all.

Now you’re stating you’re an atheist but do have a “personal choice metaphysics”, while at the same time your values conform mostly to those found in Christianity. When I was still an atheist, I didn’t have any metaphysics, didn’t think I needed any, and actually didn’t really understand what metaphysics meant.
With my knowledge of today, I for example would state that Kantian ethics are not a metaphysics nor use/rely on any, by [Kant’s] design.

Can you sketch out to me how do you get to a metaphysics despite all that?

January 3, 2021 5:46 pm

I can try. “Metaphysics” as I think of it is simply a mental construct of what I consider “transcendent” thought, as in that which cannot be demonstrated in the world of perceived phenomena or “scientifically” proven by theory or experiment. Fifty-odd years of study and practice of Zen along with study of Taoism and layman’s quantum physics convinced me that we are simultaneously energy and matter, the latter being a temporary agglomeration of quanta, that form part of the energy that IS, as in pure being beyond a spatial/temporal construct. Our individuated lives are not eternal in this metaphysics, but IS has simply always “been”, given that said energy is the totality of being.

The late quantum physicist David Bohm provides the analogy of a hologram. Each photon in a hologram contains the whole of the hologram within it. I think of myself as a “photon” but able to “connect with” and be the hologram simultaneously when in a meditative state. I further believe that at the moment of death, it is possible to “drop” dualistic self-consciousness and transcend to a state of pure awareness: IS. This belief represents the core of my metaphysics.

Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
January 3, 2021 7:02 pm

what was the middle thing, m?

January 4, 2021 9:47 am

Very physics-based, as opposed to consciousness-based, I think. Reminds me of the German book “Sophie’s world”, which tried to give a history of philosophy overview to teenagers which I found mostly unconvincing, and in the end came down to the “Numinous”, which is the feeling you get looking at a perfect clear night sky seeing millions of stars often millions of light years away. (Nowadays I’d say the idea of the divine is not to ‘be awed’ by it, but to help you act in the right way.)

I try to lay out my views:
To me, transcendence always goes along with suffering [your mortality, limits, faults, mistakes], as I haven’t heard anybody ever “transcending their happiness”, so it’s situation-dependent.
Meta-physics on the other hand always applies, and is the attempt to identify an as-singular[=unified]-and-simple-as-possible foundation of the ultimate reasons for one’s actions.

I learned from Jordan B. Peterson that “if you create order out of chaos using truthful speech, then the resulting order is good.” A mind-boggling idea. Unprovable scientifically; but for all I know it seems to be entirely correct. That’s the “Logos.”

Or more generally speaking:
First you expand your thinking to the extremes. Then you end up with [Jungian] archetypes. An archetype is something you cannot make bigger/stronger/more extreme by exaggeration anymore. Hell is an archetype. As is heaven, or a dragon.
Peterson again: “Jesus is the archetype of the individual: the worst possible thing happens to the man acting in the best possible way.” Wow. I find that irrefutable. Now think long and hard what God is an archetype of, for you. (I haven’t seen any pre-canned answers to that, including from Peterson. It took me 2 months to come up with a good answer, which I still find valid as of today.)
Now you have covered everything including to the most extremes in your expanse of thought, and it’s time to go the other direction: simplify and unify the underlying rules/”laws” that explain how all works, up to the archetypes. The result is metaphysics.

“Every human has a spark of divinity in him.” (Peterson again, but that feels now a bit of a cop-out to me, more below.) That’s potential he’s referring to, especially younger ones like children.
“Every human is Divine, meaning he cannot be used.” (Not Peterson anymore, so far I haven’t heard him get that deep.) What the writer was trying to convey is ‘a [self-conscious] human cannot be used as a means to an end’, for example by other humans [and with good outcomes.]
That is super meta.

I once watched an Orthodox Christian Archpriest state “…to accept the idea that God can be anything but power. Christianity presents a paradoxical view of God as weakness. God is frailty.”
An absolutely mind-blowing viewpoint to me, at the time. Compare to other religions.
That is crazy meta.

And there is even one full level deeper than that, but I won’t spill it here as you have to get to it yourself, to accept it.

January 5, 2021 7:48 am

Thank you for your interesting and informative reply.

“Transcendence” for me equates to non-verbal awareness, as in the inner dialogue ceases and reflexive thinking stops. The practice of zazen can bring about this state for lengthening intervals over time. I don’t believe that “suffering” plays a part, which is to say it didn’t and doesn’t in my experience.

“God”, or in my case IS, being the underlying source of all consciousness (the former the Tao, the latter Te, shall we say), is beyond all form, archetypes included.

“´Christianity presents a paradoxical view of God as weakness. God is frailty´¨. Compare with “The weakest thing in the world/Excels the strongest thing in the world” (Taoteching: 41, Red Pine translation).

As an aise, if you’ve not seen it, I recommend Andre Tarkovsky’s 1972 movie Solaris (NOT the US remake!). The “sentient ocean” planet, the neutrino-based human simulacra and what takes place in the final scenes call to mind a Tao-Te transformation if one thinks of Tao as stasis and Te as flux; the accepted translation of Te as “Virtue” seems in error to me.

January 5, 2021 10:40 am

I feel you describe the endpoint of transcendence, while I describe the way to get there. Both can be correct simultaneously.

To me God is not consciousness nor the source of it. In Christianity that would be the Holy Spirit, as I understand the trinity.

‘God as weakness’ is derived, depending on how you look at it there are one or multiple levels deeper underneath it.

I haven’t watched Solaris, neither that one nor the remake.
Added to my watch list, thanks.

January 5, 2021 12:33 pm

Christianity presents a paradoxical view of God as weakness.”

I have zero issues with the concept of God’s weakness. Why should I? It’s in the N.T.

“For he was crucified in weakness,”

I think those Christians who object to a God of “weakness” do so because they have an understanding of God as All-whatever; All Knowing, All Powerful, and so on. In their minds such a God can’t be weak!!! It’s almost like saying Superman is a pussy.

To counter that argument I point to another concept — The Self-Limiting God. Even if I grant you that God is All-Powerful, does that mean He MUST act on that power? No. That would mean God is a prisoner of His own making, a slave to something even greater than himself. Yes, God could determine All Things, but he doesn’t have to.

Bottom Line: The limitless God is free to limit Himself. Which is exactly what He did when he clothed himself in human skin.

His weakness is not an innate attribute, it is His choice.

He could have chosen to be among the mighty but He didn’t. He chose to be poor with the poor, lost with the forgotten, broken with the suffering, and friends with whores, thieves and tax collectors.

The more I think about it, the more I think a weak God is just what mankind needs. A strong God would have fried our sorry asses a long long time ago.

January 6, 2021 4:23 am

(Sorry if this sounds overly harsh but)
I don’t like arguments dragged in by their hair.
Crucified was the archetype of the individual, not God [directly.]
The precursor to self-limiting, which is limitlessness, is an extremely important topic. Not about God, but about humans and human plans.
In general, I’m always most interested in insights to how humans should act.
To paraphrase you, are humans who strive towards ultimate power [on earth], prisoners of their own making? That’s a good argument.

Interestingly enough, I do not subscribe to a somewhat personified God. To me God is more a concept, that figuratively is described nicely by Obi-Wan describing “the Force”, now come to think of it. Funny.
But there is one step beyond describing/defining God that is unique in Christianity (to the best of my understanding), and that’s the duality/split of earthly and heavenly/divine and how that is exactly understood. As I see it, the Original Sin is a strong abstraction of that split, it’s origin/cause, and it’s consequences. (I struggled the longest time to really “get” Original Sin.)

>The limitless God is free to limit Himself.
That reminds me more of Jordan Peterson’s stance (paraphrased) that “[as a human] you must become dangerous. And then you must voluntarily decide to not use your dangerous capabilities. A weak person is not just harmless but useless.”

January 5, 2021 10:35 pm

No combination of words or concepts supersedes “14 Words”.

January 3, 2021 9:07 am

Were you wearing your mask in your mom’s basement while typing out this screed, you hateful motherfucker?

Known Associate
Known Associate
January 3, 2021 3:50 pm

}:o) Word Up, Admin

Done and Gone
Done and Gone
January 4, 2021 1:19 am

Be gentle to Karl, everyone. Karl will soon enough start learning his lessons in an excruciatingly painful way. All atheists eventually do.

January 3, 2021 9:56 am

I am always quietly (or noisily, it depends on my mood) amused by those who worship Science as their God while believing themselves vastly superior to people who worship the regular, traditional one.

At least, it’s funny where it isn’t pathetic. They really cannot see it! They are completely indistinguishable from the objects of their deluded scorn. But then, you have to be able to think for yourself to notice.

January 3, 2021 1:45 pm

Now that you’ve trashed all kinds of people, and rather hatefully I shall add, why don’t you tell us what you think about the condition of the public education system, and the fact that about 80% of it are shills and toadies of the Democratic Party. I’m wondering if you think everything is just fine.

Known Associate
Known Associate
January 3, 2021 3:48 pm

Would that be Karl Marx?

January 3, 2021 9:58 pm

Karl, you have gotten a LOT of downvotes for that and I want to point it out to you.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 3, 2021 10:24 pm

Believe it or not, there are scientists who do believe in God. You don’t have to be an atheist to be a scientist (or a science teacher).

Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
January 3, 2021 12:59 am

When a 50+ CPA, who has never PUBLICLY protested anything (but privately SEETHED), decides to take a day off of work to go to DC on January 6 to flip the proverbial bird at this clown show, you KNOW A LOT of people are ROYALLY PISSED.

(BTW … before I get roasted for my failure to do anything to date, I acknowledge my failure …. but it is now rug-cutting time and I don’t have intentions of retreating!!)

January 3, 2021 2:44 am

Jenni: Now you know why I no longer vote and why I left the country. It just took me less time to figure out what you have now discovered.

The 47th Element
The 47th Element
January 3, 2021 9:07 am

Pardon me while I hold my applause lauding you for forfeiting and leaving a heavier burden for others to bear. If, or when, the time for a victory celebration arrives you’ll only see what you left behind from afar.
Prescience sometimes reaps a just reward.

  The 47th Element
January 3, 2021 10:01 am

@ 47th Element:

Do you live in the American Economic Zone and Tranny Bazaar Previously Known As USA?

Then you live in a country that was entirely settled and colonized by people who did exactly what you smugly and self righteously excoriate Edward for doing.

Pardon me if I publicly profess myself far from impressed by your little performance art segment.

January 3, 2021 12:43 pm

Living in the United States of Androgyny has exactly what appeal at this point?

Having stories to tell about The Troubles, when our 50 Pronoun Train derails ‘cause everybody with an itchy finger pots their local, ‘elected’ Casey Jones?

I’d rather listen to ocean waves lapping at the shore where the sun rises and sets at six every day and build houses for those who think walking toward the OK Corral is for some other Huckleberry.

January 3, 2021 3:09 pm

I gave you a thumbs up just for the colorful language.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 3, 2021 3:45 am

Very good article, Maggie.

  Vixen Vic
January 3, 2021 6:29 am

Jenni inspired a lot of us to try to change the world in 2008-10. She continued long after a lot of us gave up and bugged out.

It makes me sad to realize how very corrupt all government agencies really are.

January 3, 2021 10:05 am

Waco didn’t demonstrate that to you way back in 1994? I’m genuinely curious.

January 3, 2021 6:37 pm

If you have not seen it, I recommend watching Waco: The Rules of Engagement.

January 3, 2021 10:01 pm

Watching now…

This is absolutely so relevant to current events!

January 3, 2021 7:03 am

I saw that Lankford has joined the objection to the Electiral vote Wednesday. Again, Jimmy…too little too late.

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
January 3, 2021 10:30 am

It’s the perfect time for Jimmy and crew to virtue-signal their”MAGA Bonafides.” Too late to make any difference, but they can say they “stood up” and opposed the fraud and went down with “dignity.”

The proof of the sincerity of Jimmy and the rest’s opposition is if they refuse to acknowledge Dementia Joe and Kneepads as president and vp. And by “refuse to acknowledge,” I mean refuse to deal with them in any way as president and vp. Refuse to even consider any appointments or anything presented to them by the pretend “Biden administration.”

Even better would be for Trump and Pence to find a willing justice or judge to swear them in at the same time on January 20, concurrently with Dementia and Kneepads.

Let’s have some fun!

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
January 4, 2021 7:26 am

Is “insubordination” a crime?

  Kid Jupiter
January 4, 2021 7:56 am

I was suspended for insubordination to Management when I was a union steward at Boeing. So, it is sort of a crime.

January 3, 2021 7:31 am

In regards to the initial problem; Common Core.

He is often described in the media as “the architect” of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

Coleman was born in Manhattan to a Jewish family.

Every. Single. Time.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
January 3, 2021 8:28 am

Don’t get mad. Get even. God will recognize His own, and to the Devil with the rest.

January 3, 2021 9:27 am

I too am in OK … and angry and experienced much the same. Our public school (rural/small city) was ok and I’m thankful for that. However, the local pols are so utterly corrupt and the people keep voting to have their taxes raised … it is UNBELIEVEABLE. We pay sales tax on everything in OK and it is where they all turn to ‘get another penny.’

For me finally, I had my seemingly conservative evangelical church become a BLM platform in the wake of the Minneapolis bs. I confronted the Eldership and leadership immediately and it was like they were in shock that I’d say anything (23 year highly active member and Family). After a short period of peace they knuckled under to a raging cohort of Karens insisting on masks. I challenged them to show me where in scripture they got the authority to dictate clothing for Worship. So, I left and was led to a Fellowship that knows God’s Words require action. I know this is just my little fight in my little nowhere-ville.

January 3, 2021 9:45 am

OK Legislators are term limited (12 years). My observation is that they are there to do nothing, get their 12 years and the pension.

January 3, 2021 9:49 am

Gee. All that edumuhcayshun and ol’ Jenni still can’t quite figure out that it’s all been a scam since the day she was born.

Maybe in another 30 or 40 years she will begin to develop dissident opinions. If she (or any of us reading this) live that long.

January 3, 2021 10:21 am

I’d say she understands that. It is raging against the entrenched power of the establishment systems. I’m ok w/ raging … a step in the process that, when it goes, will fail asymmetrically.

January 3, 2021 12:01 pm

“I’d say she understands that.”

You would? As evidenced by the laundry list of efforts made to work within the confines of the System that enslaves us, apparently? As evidenced by believing in things like public education as a panacea for spiritual rot and rule by alien overlords?

Hmm. I must have read a different essay.

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
January 3, 2021 10:32 am

She means well but is naive.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
January 3, 2021 10:02 am

Your children’s education is your responsibility- to teach them the things you find valuable and meaningful and to correct them when they go down paths of inquiry that are manipulative or flat out propaganda.

When my son came home with his story about the evil White men who conquered the noble Indians, I offered him a seat in the study, a cup of hot chocolate a copy of Captured by the Indians; 15 First Hand Accounts 1715-1870

That fixed that.

This is a war for the soul of humanity, not an ideological or political struggle. Nothing like this has ever occurred before so we are in uncharted territory. Make every act, every word, every thought count.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
January 3, 2021 10:52 pm

My neighbor, Emily, whose children have grown up right before my very eyes these past ten years, showed me her gift from her “favorite.”

A coffee cup emblazoned with this comment: You are the perfect Mom for me. If someone else were my mom, I would punch them in the face and come and find you. Love, the favorite.

I thought of your beloved.

A Dolphin Hiding
A Dolphin Hiding
January 3, 2021 11:44 am

” God blessed us with a nation unlike another ever created on this planet”

It makes me wince when you refer to the F-M’s as “God”.

Our ancestors built this nation.

January 3, 2021 10:58 pm

The true point is we HAVEN’T chosen government over the people. The cheating and lying and stolen elections have been going on for a VERY long time. It’s just that now it is so blatantly in your face that even the blind can see it clearly. The people have also been told for so long that crime isn’t really what it appears to be, and that excuse after excuse is made to justify letting them all go. It used to be that horse thieves were hung upon a guilty verdict – the same day. Today’s cars are the same as yesterday’s horses. If car thieves were hung, guess how quickly it would stop. Politicians stealing from the public till should also be hung – the same day they are found guilty. The problem is that we aren’t mad enough – YET. The day IS coming, though.

January 6, 2021 1:46 pm

Jenni went to DC. She’s posting messages:

I’ve seen all kinds of things about what is going on in DC. We are in our hotel room and we’re just fine. There was a rally outside our window in Freedom Square almost all day yesterday and everyone was fine. It wasn’t huge, but today is the day everyone is expected to come. It was cold and rainy here all day so any photos of a big march in the sunshine is stupid. We stayed in our hotel room last night to avoid being in bad parts of town, so we don’t know what’s going on at BLM plaza, but I will say that people are pissed. People are sick of getting screwed around by our elected representatives. There wasn’t any rhetoric per se at the rally to gin people up – it was all very normal – so there was none of that. I don’t know what will happen today, but I’ll try to let you know when I can.

I’ll copy some of them here.

January 12, 2021 8:18 am

The USA will never recover. It will never be what it once was simply due to demographics. We are almost literally over run with low IQ , ill-educated blacks and browns. There is no way back from that.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 11:45 am

Seems like the overeducated white and Asian (as in Indians) group is the Big Tech source of trouble. Their Globalist goals will further degrade and torment your blacks and browns by removing all the job opportunities Trump was trying to return to the US. Screwing over non-elite whites fits their pistol too.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 10:02 pm

Unfortunately, Biden and the Ho plan to make those brown and black people even more special and they’ll be taking every white person’s job, who will be considered nonentities.