Obedience to God is Liberating or: How I Learned to Love the Bread Box

The crops we grew last summer weren’t enough to pay the loans
Couldn’t buy the seed to plant this spring and the Farmer’s Bank foreclosed
Called my old friend Schepman up to auction off the land
He said, “John, it’s just my job and I hope you understand”
Hey, calling it your job, ol’ hoss, sure don’t make it right
But if you want me to I’ll say a prayer for your soul tonight
And Grandma’s on the front porch swing with a Bible in her hand
Sometimes I hear her singing, “Take me to the Promised Land”
When you take away a man’s dignity he can’t work his fields and cows

John Mellencamp, Rain on the Scarecrow

My wife and I spent a couple of hours the other day setting a corner post for our chicken run expansion. We own a high-quality, Amish chicken coop, but the design was lacking a large enough run for breeding chickens. Hence the expansion. I also wanted to “do it right” – that is, one time and one time only – so I purchased premium black locust lumber from a Midwest lumber company. They didn’t disappoint. The posts will be standing for an easy 50 years if not longer.

Every post is a struggle on this rock shelf. Every. Single. One. It’s just a matter of how deep until I hit the limestone. For anyone who’s never had to deal with digging into a former seabed comprised of CaCO3, I’d recommend keeping it that way. In any event, the above-mentioned post required me to pull out the jackhammer and drill through 16” of solid rock. And did I mention what backbreaking work it is to manipulate a 55lb Chinese-made gas jackhammer in slippery clay mud, let alone the equipment cleanup after the fact?

Here’s the point: “Doing it right” farming is not easy. And that’s the only way I’m willing to do it. You can tweak processes and make improvements along the way, but under no circumstances would a majority of Americans be able to handle the sheer manual workload with their lack of physical conditioning and level of cognitive dissonance.  I’ve told my wife before to go to a nearby store and study the 5 people closest to you. Now think of a world where a Black Swan event occurs – end of cheap oil, food shortage, pandemic (manufactured or otherwise) – and where the FED can no longer purchase Treasuries or corporate paper at will. 4 out of those 5 would be dead of starvation or civil breakdown within 6 months. Maybe sooner.

Based on both Common Sense and Fourth Turning cycles, we’re long overdue for a societal correction.

But perhaps a more germane point is what the “Ben Bernank” bears discuss around 2:48 in this oldie but goodie. To wit: “No, although when you call the plumber to fix something that is broken, they usually fix it, not break it more.” Ask yourself an honest question: How many Americans sincerely grok that plumbers, farmers, truckers, and steel workers are the motor of the world? As you’re soul-searching, can you also acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of law enforcement is the oil of said motor? Long ago we cast aside those “evil” guns to outsource our protective and regulatory duties to them.

Like it or not. It is what it is.

The salt of the Earth control whether or not our national motor fires on all cylinders. These are the folks in the Heartland who allow The Bernank and the entirety of the Consumer Class – lawyers, bankers, offense contractors, hospital administrators, hedge fund traders – to exist, economically speaking. For without the harvester, the shipper, the police officer, the locomotive mechanic and switch operator, everything that we take for granted today would cease to exist. That big “L” that cuts through the Midwest and the South is the Soul of America.

Consider Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and a rudimentary understanding of the division of labor in our economy. Producers provide the base of the pyramid to all of us. If a society has no food, people die. If a society doesn’t harness enough energy (BTUs) to grow and harvest the food, people die. Law and order comprise the next tier. Having a silo full of grain is pretty useless if it’s indefensible, right? As they say, possession is nine-tenths of the law. Next, examine what a lawyer or mayor provides society in a healthy, functioning environment. Each positively adds to the administrative duties – upholding the rule of law, faithfully safeguarding our liberties, and so on.

But what happens when a civilization becomes top heavy? What if it ends up with a Consumer Class that parasitizes and threatens the very survival of the Producer Class? Anonymous Conservative and Bill Whittle have both discussed r/K selection theory as it applies to environmental extremes. In a nutshell, it states that the r-selected individuals favor reproduction and eating; the K-selected individuals favor competition and quality offspring. I’ll leave it up to you, the reader, to determine if the theory holds water. If it does, then I personally wouldn’t slice groups along liberal/conservative axes like they do. I’ve encountered plenty of so-called conservatives who’ve never produced so much as a tomato in their lives, and who still have faith in institutions which warrantlessly wiretap and view them as tax mules.

I believe this is where we find these United States of America today.

I contend that we now exist in a society which has eschewed hard work and production in favor of the tyranny of “Feel-Goodism”. And, like a junkie with an insatiable addiction, those who are obsessed with raw emotions are never satisfied. They’re entitled to food that miraculously grows in supermarket cellophane. Didn’t you know that? And where do you get off calling them hypocrites for calling the police on a trespasser when they voted to defund that very same precinct?

I’m not entirely sure where everything went off the rails, and I’m really not interested in the whys and wherefores at this point. That’s something to ponder during the First Turning High. What I can say is that Western Christians seem to have completely mistaken what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Christianity is, historically, an animated contest that appears to have short-circuited once the West became awash in luxury and materialism. Too often you’ll hear a Westerner throw Romans 13 around like it’s the panacea for his or her own complacency. I imagine the internal monologue would go something like, “I have a steady income, bread on the table, shelter, two cars, and a Nintendo Switch. Plus, I’m far too busy taking my children to soccer practice. I do my part by going to Mass every Sunday!”

Good luck with that if it makes you FEEL better, but I’m here to challenge that notion. The Deadly Sin of Sloth can be spiritual as well as physical. It’s a self-constructed cage; a prison of rationalization. There is never an excuse to allow tyrants to burn the world to the ground. And it’s well past the point of debate that the world is, indeed, burning like a global dumpster fire. What, exactly, do we plan on handing our children when all is said and done? Smoldering craters where cities used to be? Because that’s exactly where we’re headed, and it’s not even broaching the topic of the transhumanist, replicant dystopia that Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have planned for posterity.

I’d demand every Christian reconcile the notion that God would expect us to submit to an authority that defies His every Word. Suspend disbelief for a moment and imagine that several multi-billionaires and Congressmen were involved in child trafficking and slavery. Please help this writer comprehend how St. Paul’s letter excuses Christians from overtly opposing such depravity. Because in my view it doesn’t. It’s logically fallacious and contradictory on its face. I’m tired of entertaining blind disobedience to the Creator. Isn’t it utterly exhausting, to contort and twist the Bible into something it was never meant to be? Isn’t it precisely what our Roman bathhouse, Just-Us judiciary does to the Constitution?

So, what does rebellion look like? One word: Satyagraha*.

Mahatma Gandhi believed that the only way India could overcome a physically superior oppressor – the King-kneelers – was to firmly and peacefully hold onto truth. It was a balance between Love and Force, much akin to the balance between Justice and Mercy in Christianity. He didn’t like to use the phrase “passive resistance”, but for the purposes of this post, I’m going to use the two interchangeably. Sorry, Mahatma. (And God bless you for your spirit and courage.) However, there’s a catch. The Satyagrahi – one who practices Satyagraha – must come from a position of power.

And that is where my personal strategy of passive resistance comes into play. I previously implied in this post and its follow-up that he who controls the food supply controls Man’s destiny. But if truth be told, it was both serendipity and a collector’s obsession that I ended up with a diverse heirloom fruit tree orchard. Throughout the entire planting, I continuously questioned why in the Hell I was still doing it. It’s a ridiculous amount of work. I would pray every day for the strength to carry on, both spiritually and physically. Some of the varieties were nearly extinct and, like Chief Junaluska’s favorite, very difficult to successfully graft. I nearly gave up shortly prior to the Coronavirus panic just due to sheer exhaustion.

Sometimes, though, hope appears in the unlikeliest of places. One night I had a dream of my grandfather. I can’t put into words how detailed it was; it felt like I could reach out and touch his face. It was surreal and one of only a handful of dreams I remember vividly. I hesitate to even mention it because other than perhaps Llpoh (Choctaw) and Zulu Foxtrot Golf (Apache), most people would dismiss it outright. Granddaddy specifically told me, “Stay the course. Trust the plan.” And when I woke up, I knew what he meant without any doubt. It was God’s plan and I had to obey. Six months later and during the second day of lockdown, it dawned on me how lucky I was to serve the Lord. I slept like a baby throughout the rest of the COVID hysteria. I felt liberated from the cares of the everyday man and woman.

If only that were the end of 2020.

As we all know, history still had some twists and turns in store for America, but none so impactful on me as the Christmas Day bombing in downtown Nashville. That changed me forever. It was where the rubber met the road for me. I had to process the anger in order to come to where I am today, and I found myself struggling to explain what and where that place actually was. Yet isn’t it interesting how there are periods in one’s life where years go by before one reaches clarity, and at other times the answers arrive in a deluge?

One night I was watching Tombstone with my two oldest children. One of the most climactic scenes in the movie was when Wyatt Earp, pinned down and caught in crossfire by the Cowboys, stood up and dropped a wrecking ball on Ike and crew. It was fantastic theater. As Earp’s men marveled at the rabbit he’d just pulled out of the hat, Doc explained exactly where I see myself today. I’m not after revenge for the Nashville bombing, or the fetid stench emanating from Washington, or for Face Diaper mandates.

I’m after a reckoning.

I’ll never again compromise with the looters and moochers in this country. Violence, hatred, and soullessness sit terribly with me. They are a clear and present danger to the America that GEN Washington and so many other men fought to liberate from an oppressive empire. The working class in this nation no longer shares the same culture, religion, or values of Imperial Washington and the coastal elites. The Swamp is a lodestone around our necks; it produces nothing and only steals with impunity.

Civilization only works when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Washington is no longer interested in discourse or mutual benefit. The soap, ballot, and jury boxes have all been cast out like lepers over the last few months. I’m astounded at the speed with which it’s occurred, but certainly not with the end result. However, we’re not left with the cartridge box as our last resort. There really is a peaceful way. We don’t need to stoop to the slavers’ levels to be victorious.

There is no greater power to wield than that of the bread box. Think back to Maslow’s Hierarchy and the base of the pyramid. Acquire skills that can benefit your local community. Rebuild on a local level what you’ve read about in history books. Whether it be fence building, farming, livestock guardian dog breeding, hunting, well drilling, or security, you will be sitting in the catbird seat. You will have something of value to contribute. That is what I mean by the greater bread box. It’s the last box we have left in order to outlast – and hopefully avoid, God willing – the high intensity conflict they have planned.

It pains me to say this, but we are at war now and the Democrats loathe all of us. They’re predominantly mediocre in every way that matters except brute force. Take careful note of their monopoly on violence before making rash decisions. Since they can’t create a better working world, they’re committed to destruction through their all-consuming avarice and self-loathing. Yes, they hate themselves and who they are. And to them, it’s your fault. The only solution remaining is to starve them. Yes, we must be peaceful. But my hill on which to die is refusing to feed, clothe, or shelter them.

They’ve crossed the red line and I’m no longer willing to play Hug a Marxist. It’s OUR turn to resist. The bread box is ours and THEY need US. Never forget it.

Vive la Liberté!


*Hat tip to Auntie Kriest for increasing my vocabulary.

Editor’s Note: We’re headed into a period of dark totalitarianism that is driven by the most powerful, most vindictive, least productive and least intelligent members of society. Walk softly, but carry a big toolbox of skills, readers.

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January 10, 2021 2:31 pm

Ignore them. Ignore their dictates. In Repo states demand all congresspeople and Senators stay home. Let the Dummos have to admit they’re running a kangaroo court with a half-filled chamber. Call home any National Guard troops.

Laugh at

Then we do secession. My dream is in sight. How about you AoC?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 10, 2021 2:37 pm

Powerful words, AoC. I am truly sorry that I did not build up my garden bigger and better the past 10 years. I really thought having a few tomatoes, some okra, onions and squash to get me through the summer was enough and did not cultivate more of my property. I have watched my neighbor add 1/4 – 1/2 acre to his little plot the past 5 years and it did not occur to me to do likewise.

He had back surgery a couple of months ago and I do not think he will be able to continue his garden this year. I plan on offering to hop on the tractor to till, plant and cultivate, if he will let me. I have never done large scale gardening before, but at 69 I don’t think I am too old to learn and the additional knowledge will be good for me.

God speed, my friend. It sounds like you have a good plan; follow your granddaddy’s advice “Stay the course. Trust the plan.”

  TN Patriot
January 10, 2021 3:11 pm

Excellent post AoC, now we’re getting down to the gritty of where we need to be. No more bitching about Trump or looking for a hero to save us. We are on our own and we’d damn well better be able to take care of ourselves.
Your soil is like my ‘soil’ out here. Dig down and hit an ancient sea bed. I can use fossilized mollusks as bricks. Limestone? Please, lots of small mining and rock crushing outfits out here, I daresay this area alone could cement the country.

I have some areas where I can garden in the soil, I also have rattlesnakes who love to hide under cool and verdant vegetation. In the Spring/summer I walk with a .22 on my hip just because, and my footwear? My dainty footwear is….boots. I raise bed garden, easier on my back and tends to avoid (but not exclude) the snakes.

My friend(s) raise chickens, ducks and geese and goats. I’ve left two Dexter calves with her to gentle up so they’ll be ready as milkers when old enough. I don’t do livestock except for the cattle, too many predators on this hill. I have apple and olive and loquat trees, all drought hardy. I suppose, if I had to, I could eat those rattlesnakes (bleech) but my neighbor keeps his eyes on the little feral hogs, those are good eating.

The Galt movement gains momentum, more woke folk. Thank you for going into what all you’re doing to take care of your family. I daresay, like it or not, each of us with a lick of sense will be learning a boatload of new skills while using the old ones.

January 11, 2021 7:09 am

10 years ago I started gardening at scale in an area with terrible soil. I brought in 16 dump truck loads of good soil. Cost me a couple thousand dollars, but I’m as ready as my 59 ear old body can take any more. My area has a lot of deer, now; so the garden is high-fenced. Thus, I have to use a walk-behind tiller and hand work. It is fine but does limit my scale to about 2500 sq ft.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  TN Patriot
January 10, 2021 6:31 pm

I place my faith in the god of Moses, Abraham, Issac, Isiah, the father of the Christ and the creator of all things. In all of these things I pray for redemption of all sins. Mine as well as of others. I lend my prayers to your friend in the Christ name I pray. Amen!

One other thing I remember is how Samuel warned against rule by the son of man. Now it appears to be true!

January 10, 2021 2:44 pm

One of the songs I like by John,(only about 3)but the last linesthe best:

Blood on the scarecrow
Blood on the plow

January 11, 2021 10:00 am

Then plow share is beaten into a sword .

January 10, 2021 3:14 pm

Crack – er – jack AoC!

A few couples we worship with did our Bible study today on zoom as our Church has folded like a cardboard box in the rain, as has most of the American church…I hate the stiffiling personal zoom doom gathering…but these are rock solid Believers and Americans…it is good to know we have one another. We are getting tribal in many ways.

I see a home church in our future.

Now that we all know the ballot box was stolen, most of them have started serious prepping, and getting ready to use the ammo box. I’m the only long time prepper/farmer in the group but they are far ahead of the average mooing American who will end up eating cat food, while sitting in the dark…shivering.

I brought up what is coming persecution wise and will send them this vid after I sign off here.

Great post! We are simpatico!

January 22, 2021 3:16 pm

THE REASON FOR THIS ADMINISTRATION IS FOR J U D G M E N T! As Margo said in “All about Eve” “Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy (4 yrs) night.”

January 10, 2021 3:16 pm

Wow, such a wonderful article because it is an article that …..inspires! You would have made a good preacher, AoC. (Forget that “Cassie”shit! lol)

“However, we’re not left with the cartridge box as our last resort.”

How sweet to read that!!!!!!!!!

There’s so much talk of shooting our enemies here. I get that. I’m not advocating for it to cease. Freedom of speech here, and all. I realize most of this “shoot ’em” talk is probably rhetorical, or thrown out there because of frustration.

I hearken back to a comment I made a few days ago ….. wondering if someone who has never killed anyone realizes how difficult and traumatic it might be to actually pull the trigger! I’m 99.99% sure I could NOT …. not unless my life, or a loved one’s life was in actual and imminent danger.

Down vote me, call me a pussy, coward, or traitor. Don’t care. I don’t want to kill another human being, unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Why?

One reason is because I think about The Next Life after this one …if there is one (and I’m pretty sure there is). I can never ever forget about my previous learnings … no matter how hard I try.

So, what I’m getting at is Rewards & Punishments. Hell, I have no way of knowing how all that works. But, I’d rather be safe than sorry. If taking the life of another human being for no good reason — (them being a Democrat might seem like a good reason …but, it’s NOT) — could lead to some bad shit for me, either temporal or for eternity, then I’d rather not roll the dice! If that seems stupid to some well, so be it. Sometimes it seems crazy to me as well. But, I ain’t taking any chances regarding my Final Destiny!

So, yeah, reading that the cartridge box is not my last resort was music to these old ears.


January 10, 2021 5:34 pm

Off Topic—
Stucky, I happened to see this page while reading/browsing. I suppose I ended up reading about an hour or so and kept thinking that you had mentioned this very subject previously. Take it for what it is, it may be trash, parts may be good. Lots of quantum theory and Bible perspective.

January 10, 2021 7:04 pm


January 10, 2021 5:36 pm

this is just to let you know… my friends who are into the radio and troop movement tracking conspiracies say it’s time to gas up the truck and get some extra feed.

I guess I’ll get some more bunny food since I do have those cute little petting rabbits I’m selling in two weeks. But, I think my life will be little unchanged for quite some time. The pond is still there.

  Articles of Confederation
January 10, 2021 10:48 pm

I’m going to leave this here. It’s an article from MSN about how ‘online sleuths’ are ferreting out ‘white supremacists and terrorists’ and outing them online and with their employers and neighbors. One of the ‘sleuths’ Molly Conger…

Conger, 30, a freelance journalist in Charlottesville who live-tweets local government meetings and posts pictures of her miniature Daschunds under the handle @socialistdogmom, has made doxing “Nazis” her day job — and she is part of a small coterie of left-wing activists who monitored far-right violence long before it arrived at the forefront of the American conscience. They follow online clues to learn the hidden identity of perpetrators. Some go so far as to infiltrate the messaging groups of their targets by impersonating new members.

This is Molly conger….

And here is the article extolling the actions of the little assholes;

Perhaps Molly needs a taste of her own medicine?

January 10, 2021 10:56 pm

OK, So I had to read the thread from Molly Conger’s twitter post. I can state with specific certainty that these people are pathetic losers. These simple minded, simpering twits want you dead, you disgusting Nazi white person. Note that those white people haters and destroyers are all….white. The irony is deep, deep, deep.

January 11, 2021 10:03 am

Molly….I’m going too assume she’s a Non-Binary person .

Even the dogs won’t hump her leg .

  Articles of Confederation
January 22, 2021 3:17 pm


Short Timer
Short Timer
January 11, 2021 6:15 pm

Several years ago I had a dream where I had killed a human being. It was psychologically shattering inside the dream and took quite an effort to come back to reality after waking. This is something I never want anything to do with. I pray the heavenly Father spares me from ever having to spill someone’s blood.

January 10, 2021 4:07 pm

I grew up a city boy with summers spent in the Deep South. Lucky me. Over 4 years ago I moved to the country seeing what was ahead. I couldn’t be happier knowing the values and self sufficiency of the people around here. We have food aplenty and free flowing spring water in the backyard.
Gardening/growing your own is tough work but we never have to worry about going hungry.
Those in the cities are in for some bad times ahead.
Kissinger said “control the food and you control the people. That’s part of what the bastards have in mind.

January 10, 2021 4:31 pm

Obedience to God is liberating!

The best decisions my wife and I have made are the ones we cleared with God first. Especially if we didn’t see how it could work. When you are where He has placed you, using the gifts He has given you, you may not be able to sleep well, but it is from old age, not anxiety.

Sadly, I am too old and infirm to be of much social value with the skills you have identified. Maybe there’s a place for a teacher (which I have never been professionally, seeing at a young age the garbage administrators imposed on teachers back in the 60s and 70s) who knows where we came from, and what we have lost.

January 10, 2021 4:54 pm

Very well done. And speaking of wells, becoming a water well driller and starting your own biz is a major and costly undertaking even on a small scale. I know this because my son owns and operates such a biz and the initial investment was on the order of U$D 350k a bit over three years ago. Note the word “initial”. My son is an engineer and did seven years on offshore oil rigs; he knows his stuff and larger outfits now routinely pass him work. We decided in 2010 that this would likely be a “safe” biz with a bright future someday and it has begun proving to be so. The investment should amortize within eight years and return on investment is good. If it did n0t require high start-up capital with no debt assumed, plus a high level of tech expertise, I’d recommend it to everyone.

Good suggestions all! Kudos!

January 10, 2021 5:33 pm

I have 5 acres of good land, half of it is under cultivation with potatoes and vegetables. The other half is grazing area for livestock. In past years I sold my crops to the local co-op market. Going forward I am going to enlist willing locals to work on the farm to grow food for their families. I’m encouraging other small farmers in my area to do the same. I agree that we withhold the bread from the parasites as we feed those who want to live as freedom loving individuals. Start small and stay the course.

January 10, 2021 5:59 pm

“Producers provide the base of the pyramid to all of us.”

All wealth comes from labor and land. Everything else is a grift.

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
January 10, 2021 6:16 pm

Well written article. Encourage everyone you know to re-calibrate their lives. Going to be fugly.
Thanks for to my Grandfather and my Dad, I have basic handyman skills which have served me well through the years. Most people don’t have them, as I’ve come to learn.
There’s plenty I don’t know, though, so I’ll be downloading all sorts of “how to” docs, schematics, etc. and saving them on CD-ROMs/printing and creating binders to add to my library. (Any suggestions on what to know/ where to quickly find this type of info would be helpful, and I’ll reciprocate with knowledge I have.)
Since I started a garden last year, I now know firsthand what a fucking menace squirrels are. Never would have known that without firsthand experience- those little fuckers ate everything except the green beans and cucumbers.
Oh, and I’m also making note of admin’s PO Box & Hardscrabble Farmer’s phone #. They’ll be tasked with keeping us all together once they kill or ban this website, intercept our emails and/or take down the internet.
Best of luck to all who read these words. That Deagle population prediction looks more and more spot on with each passing day.

  Todd Packer's Mentor
January 10, 2021 8:40 pm

Squirrels…..”chicken of the tree”….delicious

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
January 11, 2021 2:38 am

You must be feedin them little tree rats corn or something, ’cause the ones around here are stringy and tough with little fat, more like eating soft leather. This old paratrooper can eat most anything with a little hot sauce and some onion mixed in, but I’m just not sold on squirrel.. That said, you can get em easy with an old-fashioned rat snap-trap tied to a stake.

  Shotgun Trooper
January 11, 2021 10:05 am

Squirrels are tree rats but mighty tasty .

January 10, 2021 6:16 pm

That was most excellent.

January 10, 2021 6:23 pm

What a powerful and beautifully written article.
It infuriates me to hear Christians say we should turn a blind eye to evil because it is being perpetrated by our Government. And then hide behind a few lines of Scripture that was never intended to salve their cowardly conscience.
Well done.

January 10, 2021 7:03 pm

“It infuriates me to hear Christians say we should turn a blind eye to evil “

Jesus tells us to love our enemies.

—1) This means you must acknowledge that you have enemies.

—2) And you must know who they are.

—3) Loving them doesn’t mean you should be friends with them.

  Articles of Confederation
January 10, 2021 7:38 pm

All good points.
Let us put aside the fact that if Christians had stood up in the public square previously, we might not find ourselves backed into the corner today.
To me, it is a head-scratcher to think that God does not want Christians involved in matters of the state, in a country that would not even exist if Christians had not involved themselves in the matters of state.

January 10, 2021 8:28 pm

” … it is a head-scratcher to think that God does not want Christians involved in matters of the state …”

Let’s assume the gold standard for living a Christian life is WWJD — What Would Jesus Do?

In that case, how many sermons, parables, commands, or teachings did Jesus give concerning matters of the state? If hardly any, or none, then shouldn’t we follow his example?

January 10, 2021 9:09 pm

So Christians should not have fought against the Nazis to liberate the Jews?
Maybe I’m misreading what you are trying to say. No animosity meant or received.
Your avatar of a Crusader and your posts are throwing me off.

January 10, 2021 9:15 pm

“So Christians should not have fought against the Nazis to liberate the Jews?”

Liberate the Jews? From what? I don’t know what you are talking about.

My Crusader avatar is battling evil MOOSLIMS.

January 10, 2021 9:20 pm

You don’t believe that U.S. soldiers(many Christian) fought in WW2 to (as most historians will claim) liberate Jews from Nazi concentration camps?

January 10, 2021 9:25 pm

comment image

January 10, 2021 9:29 pm

LOL. Have a good evening Crusader Stucky.

January 10, 2021 9:40 pm

Same to you. May six million beautiful virgins occupy your dreams this evening.

January 10, 2021 10:27 pm

comment image

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
January 11, 2021 11:07 am

Wow, Mygirl maybe…wholatta truth packed into that posting. Spreading THAT kind of truth might get you pushed up the LIST’S, but then, we’re ALL on the list’s. Keep yer head on a swivel.

  Articles of Confederation
January 22, 2021 10:49 am

God the Father
Jesus the Son
We the People

We own and are responsible for what we create. When we fail in our responsibilities, our higher power is obligated to intervene.

After 1871 we were slowly converted into contractors. Equity courts take silent notice of your status. Contracts must be enforced despite any claimed rights, after all you agreed to it.


January 22, 2021 11:00 am

BTW – licenses are contracts.

doin' fine on cloud 9
doin' fine on cloud 9
January 10, 2021 6:51 pm

Man, despite all his pretensions to art, science and literature, owes his very existence to 2 inches of topsoil and the fact that it rains. Food prices are hiking horrendously in my part of the world. Wanna bet how many small scale farmers, food and ag truck drivers, or train engineers are Biden supporters? When King Joe-rge starts taxing the tea we’ll all dress up like Indians with buffalo horns on our heads (oops indigenous peoples-sorry) and head to Boston harbor, there’s always a “last straw” that little inch beyond which you cannot be pushed.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  doin' fine on cloud 9
January 10, 2021 7:16 pm

Cloud – I got an e-mail today from my congress critter telling me how un-American last Wednesday’s protest was and I responded to him that I would imagine King George probably said similar things about the events in Boston 247 years ago last month. I stated that what he witnessed was the Tea Party on the Potomac. I hope he remembers how well that ended for old Georgie.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
January 10, 2021 6:58 pm

Good stuff AofC!

At the end of the sermon today when we were discussing prayer and fasting, as the preacher was about to dismiss he stopped and changed subjects abruptly because the spirit moved him to. He said he has never done an End of Times sermon in 20+ years at the pulpit but is preparing a series upcoming. He was visibly shaken.

Pundits have talked at length about the ending of the prayer (amen/awomen) opening the 117th congress. I haven’t seen any other mention of the of the actual prayer given by the fake Methodist minister.

“Now and evermore, we ask it in the name of the monotheistic god brahma…”

2 days later a man wearing horns stood at the podium of the most powerful (and corrupt) legislative body in the world rejoicing at his accomplishment.

At that time they made a calf and brought a sacrifice to the idol, and were rejoicing in the works of their hands. Acts 7:41

There is no political solution to our problems.

  Dirtperson Steve
January 11, 2021 10:38 am

Dirtperson Steve: pretty powerful stuff – pastor changes subjects as prompted by the Holy Spirit, announces and end times series he’ll start working on. I bet it was amazing to be there.
If you can and have the time, etc., could you share what he says when he starts the series? Mind boggling to think we may be the generation to see Jesus coming.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
January 11, 2021 12:50 pm

I will try. I hope FEMA camp has WiFi.

January 10, 2021 7:34 pm

I’m grateful you posted that, AofC. It allowed me to fill in some previously blank spaces. So thank you very much. Given the quality of character and mental horsepower of the readers, commenters, and contributors here, I would not be surprised if we figure out the proper combinations to the exact locks necessary for opening the correct doors at the right times.

It’s like we’re working out over here. And, hopefully, better than Mike Tyson.

comment image

January 10, 2021 8:42 pm

you touched on it in your article, and i believe Stuck and some others would agree that we are like laodicea:
““To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: T he Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this: ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.”
was also a point in the message at church today:

  Articles of Confederation
January 10, 2021 9:11 pm

That’s just awful news! The church is sure to make him a Saint now!

  Articles of Confederation
January 10, 2021 10:30 pm

Ann Barnhardt would’ve been all over it if it were true….

Remember this?

  Articles of Confederation
January 11, 2021 12:57 am

From a site named “Conservative Beaver”?
Thanks anyway.

January 10, 2021 10:12 pm

Romans 13 applies to just governments that do not require you to choose between their authority and that of God. If that were not the case, then all those Christians who chose martyrdom over burning the pinch of incense to the pagan gods during 10 persecutions between 33-313 AD would have been wrong. We Christians are called to be a leaven to the world; the example we showed amongst ourselves and to the astonished pagans converted a world-spanning, orgiastic, morally corrupt empire in a space of less than three centuries.

I’d like to think re-converting the US by our example won’t take that long. In the meantime, I’ll continue to go to Mass every Sunday, weekdays when I can manage it, along with other bits of that leavening….

January 10, 2021 10:23 pm

Thanks AOC.

I have never believed that Jesus was a pacifist. Driving out the money lenders is one such example. I do not believe Jesus would suggest not confronting evil even with violence if necessary. People cannot simply stand by and be murdered owing to being “pacifists”, and Christianity would not so suggest they should.

Evil is upon us. We must resist, each to their own capacity and conscience.

January 11, 2021 12:07 pm

Spot on LLPOH…he told folks to sell your cloak and buy a sword .

January 10, 2021 11:19 pm

In Ukraine they came for the farmers first. We won’t starve them, they will starve us. Might makes right.

January 11, 2021 10:27 am

If you refuse to feed them why do you think they won’t just come and take what you’ve got? It has gone well beyond that concept and in your heart you know it. We have only one option left and it is the bullet box. We can delay it with your idea but not anything beyond delay. Monkey wrenches in the right machinery is a great opening salvo but it will escalate rapidly after that.

  Articles of Confederation
January 11, 2021 12:27 pm

AoC…I’m sorry but evil will take what you have produced and leave you to starve. A great example was the Commie’s starving the Ukrainians .

Evil know one thing…force. To think that starving is a solution is to fly in the face of historical fact .

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
January 11, 2021 6:48 pm

Awesome essay AOC, thank you!! If you want more fictional novel info on what Communism brings, read Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith. That book still haunts me to this day, and I read it 10 years ago.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 11, 2021 11:14 am

Romans 13

3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad.

Does our government fit that statement? If it doesn’t then it’s not legitimate.

  Mary Christine
January 11, 2021 12:31 pm

Mary…my pastor has always said, ” As long as the government follows God laws then it is good that we follow along. When the Government goes against God’s law then we are to follow only God’s law ” .

We see more and more Demonrats pushing for abortions up to the moment of birth. This is truly evil. When the Demorats get folks used to killing children they can move on to the other groups,the old folks,the mentally handicapped and the physically handicapped and then finally the political dissidents .

January 11, 2021 1:30 pm

The only thing I can add to your excellent article is the now known fact that Most if not All politicians starting with the VP on down, 7 of the 9 Supreme Corrupt & other “Judges” on down, Corporate CEOs on down, the MSM, Wall Street, Banks, Horneywood, “Churches” & “The Elite” are Pedophiles, Sex Traffickers & Communists who Must be Eliminated by Any & All means. I pray to Jesus even though I am not worthy but I try & am prepared to Fight Demons. Thank you for your Always Excellent articles. Cheers!

January 11, 2021 4:31 pm

Yes, been saying without us the Kneel Grows, the man-hating women (especially white men) and the fatherless morons would STARVE without us much less be hunted down by other tribes (only white men can protect them from other tribes) and be shot, waped, cast-rated or sodomized if it weren’t for the darn white man they hated.

So yes, we freed and feed them (the Kneel Grows) we protect the other ones (from being waped by communist Chinese, Moslems, and Russians) and the others (white fatherless morons) will be protected from being sodomized even though most might be gay. If you ask me they might even enjoy it with no white man or Christian telling them it’s wrong. But if it’s being done by the CCP’s Mr. Wong it might be OK?

Oh, the things white men do for those that HATE them and they call it white supremacy. Well, if they are doing the above – THANK GOD for white supremacy!

Have you ever lived in a country without white supremacy? They aren’t called TURD world for a reason, ya know.

January 11, 2021 8:26 pm

“I hesitate to even mention it because other than perhaps Llpoh (Choctaw) and Zulu Foxtrot Golf (Apache), most people would dismiss it outright.” Just wow. You think only Native Americans have any spirituality, white people can’t? I wrote this. Mostly as a gift to a few chosen friends, I knew it would never be a best seller.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 12, 2021 3:24 am

Fine piece of writin’….saw this on steve quayle yesterday.

“And did I mention what backbreaking work it is to manipulate a 55lb Chinese-made gas jackhammer in slippery clay mud, let alone the equipment cleanup after the fact?”

The paragraph that ended with the above sentence is the work my wife and I are familiar with. She worked for a fence contractor for a couple of years, building fence on some very large spreads in Okla. Of course, even back then (lol), the use of a drill bit on a three point made quick work of the layers of limestone; but that was just for setting t-posts for a 4/5 strand barb wire.

A forty hour week is a little over two thousand hours a year. On that basis, I could easily log several thousand hours on a 90lb. air, or a smaller 55lb. hydraulic hammer. In less than a decade of work for the city water maintenance crew, I came across two different main break repairs where the entire previous dig was just filled with concrete-creating a 3’+ thick slab under ground with a six inch (both times) leaking water main below/thru it……but I worked in residential or commercial construction since the mid eighties.

If you don’t have any slippery clay mud, add water from leaking pipes to that limestone powder and it’s a skatin’ rink too….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——=====

After my quadruple bypass and stents, doc specifically told me 'no more 90lbers'……haha.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
January 12, 2021 9:38 am

I live 2 hrs east of Nashville. I sent 4 newspapers in TN letters to the editors regarding the Nashville bombing. I used it as an open door to educate folks to what a false flag is. When Satan pushes, just decide what direction you want to go. As of today, Cookeville, TN has published my article. Email me if you’d like to read it.
The Restistance lives!

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
January 12, 2021 12:50 pm

While I enjoyed a majority of what AOC had to say, I stopped reading when it got to Wyatt Earp. This individual was a hired killer for the state. He didn’t oppose any activity that was endorsed by the federal state at the time he was hired.

Firstly, he was an opportunist.

Secondly, as with any politician, he liked power. He was dismissed from his position as a policeman in Saint Louis, Missouri for that abuse of power.

Third, he pursued individuals out of an act of revenge outside of this jurisdiction as a federal marshal.

Fourth, he abused the power of the united States Government. While I know where he was originally located was a territory, the killings he did were not. Therefore, he literally, murdered people in jurisdictions that were not territories but states of the union, where he had no jurisdiction to play Judge Dredd.

In closing using Wyatt Earp as an example means you want to impose his kind of justice upon each and every person that uses The Burning Platform for following Christ against the Satanist cabal that inhabit the halls of the united States government.

  None Ya Biz
January 12, 2021 1:06 pm

“While I enjoyed a majority of what AOC had to say, I stopped reading when it got to Wyatt Earp. “

Awww …poor wittle baby. You see one thing you disagree with and you huff and puff and stop reading. Brilliant.

At least Wyatt wasn’t a PUSSY!

January 22, 2021 10:02 am

Jealosy has turned to envy.

January 22, 2021 3:26 pm

I have always hated politics still do! Sad but true! Now ‘politics’ will do me in! Maranatha, Selah!