Stucky QOTD: Moral Dilemma

Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper has a new article titled  “An OMINOUS Sign: Americans have begun STEALING FOOD to survive”. She says there are 50 million Americans suffering from food insecurity. One of them could easily be your neighbor … and you wouldn’t even know it. Twenty percent of Americans are now turning to food banks to help keep their families fed … and shoplifting food  “is increasing significantly”.

Profit Loss Due to Shoplifting

Here is”Jean’s” story;

“Jean is a single mom who was working full time and going to college when the pandemic hit, causing her son’s preschool to close, which in turn, meant she had to quit her job to care for him, which in turn meant she wasn’t eligible for unemployment.

“Jean said she was out of options. So she began sneaking food into her son’s stroller at the local Walmart. She said she’d take things like ground beef, rice or potatoes but always pay for something small, like a packet of M&M’s. Each time, she’d tell herself that God would understand.

I used to think, if I get in trouble, I’d say, ‘Look, I’m sorry, I wasn’t stealing a television. I just didn’t know what else to do. It wasn’t malicious. We were hungry,’ ” said Jean, 21, who asked to be identified by her middle name to discuss her situation freely. “It’s not something I’m proud of, but it’s what I had to do.””


Here is “Alex’s” story.  It is similar except Jeans’s  except Alex’s  justification is, well …. interesting, to say the least.

“Alex graduated with a master’s degree in May when absolutely nobody was hiring. She steals from Whole Foods and doesn’t feel guilty.

“She’d spent most of her $1,200 stimulus check on rent, and used what little she had left to buy groceries. Everything else — vitamins, moisturizer, body wash — she said she shoplifted from a Whole Foods Market a few miles from her apartment in Chicago.

“‘It was like, I could spend $10 and get a couple of vegetables or I could spend $10 on just a box of tampons,’ said Alex, 27, who asked to be identified by her middle name to speak candidly. She says she moves through the store mostly unnoticed. Usually, she said, she picks up a few bulky vegetables — a bunch of kale, maybe, or a few avocados — to disguise the pricier items she slips into her bag at the self checkout.

I don’t feel much guilt about it,” she said. “It’s been very frustrating to be part of a class of people who is losing so much right now. And then to have another class who is profiting from the pandemic — well, let’s just say I don’t feel too bad about taking $15 or $20 of stuff from Whole Foods when Jeff Bezos is the richest man on Earth.”

Q1: What would you say to Jean and Alice?   (Specifically, do you believe what they did is justified?)
Q2:  Would YOU  steal food if your children were starving?

========================================= =


Q1:  I must turn to a Higher Authority … the Bible.  We all know “stealing is wrong“.  But, there are many kinds of theft; robbery, burglary,  looting, cheating on taxes, keeping property you found but making no effort to find the owner, or refusing to pay debts. And then there’s the stealing of others’ thoughts; plagiarism, copyright and patent violation. And, of course, petty theft and shoplifting.  Does the Bible have something to say about all of that? Possibly.  But, let’s concentrate on shoplifting food … because the Bible DOES have something to say about that. And here it is, from Proverbs 6:30

People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.”

Notice that the food-stealer isn’t even stealing for noble reasons, such as, needing to feed his children.  He’s stealing for himself …. and the Scripture is OK with that!  The next verse (31) does require restitution;

Yet if he is caught, he must pay seven-fold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.”

Notice this … “IF HE IS CAUGHT”.  The thief is not required to make restitution because it’s the right thing to do!  No, restitution is necessary ONLY if he is caught.  Clearly, it’s OK to steal (if you are hungry), just don’t get caught.

I have sympathy and compassion for Jean because she is shoplifting because she is hungry and, like the author of Proverbs, I refuse to “despise” her for it.  I would offer her words of encouragement that “this too shall pass”.  I might even offer her tips on how not to get caught  (to save her the expense of repaying “seven-fold”).  You go girl!!

I have ZERO sympathy and compassion for Alex.  She is stealing  vitamins, moisturizer, body wash“.   WTF???  Narcissistic bitch deserves some time in jail.  That being said, I like her take on Jeff Bezos.  Anyone who wants to fuck over that scum bag is a potential friend of mine.

Q2:  Absolutely, positively “Yes!!”.  I don’t even need to explain “why” other than to say it is better to be able to repent later, than to die now.  It’s like this ….

Stealing food is worth punishment! | Funny animal pictures, Animal captions, Dog memes


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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January 27, 2021 9:48 am

I’m a short and to to the point type commenter.

Since there is no room left for people to “Go west, young man”, I have no problem with people stealing to survive as long as it is their only option.

I liken our situation (it’s getting there) to lords and peasants. The lords owned everything. You couldn’t even hunt for food. The lord owned every piece and scrap of land. That is slavery.

We now have oligarchs who are trying to replicate lords and peasants by owning the entire economy through land, online access (think website ownership only if you agree with the oligarchs) and soon to be a digital currency.

Slavery, once again, is on the menu.

January 27, 2021 9:52 am

I wonder if it would be better if we saw millions of homeless, hungry beggars on the streets all over America. Maybe something would be done to correct the imbalance of political and economic power.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 27, 2021 12:28 pm

Oh, like there’s no fucken squirrels they could hunt. Almost everywhere has squirrels. You can make a slingshot with a wire coat hanger and a bunch of rubber bands. I’ve done it, and I’ve eaten squirrel too. You start letting thieves off and it never ends. And where do you get this coat hanger and these rubber bands? Easy. You barter for them with a hand job or two, like any honest person would.

  Iska Waran
January 27, 2021 12:36 pm


  Iska Waran
January 27, 2021 12:53 pm

Iska, you’re looking at the wrong thieves. Is putting millions of people out of business through fraud not stealing? Is allowing a porous border not stealing? Is using young men to “defend” corporate America not stealing.

C’mon man. You can understand this, no?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 28, 2021 12:05 am

I was kidding.

  Iska Waran
January 28, 2021 3:17 pm

My bad.

  Iska Waran
January 27, 2021 10:04 pm

Thanks for sharing.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 28, 2021 12:07 am

Oh sure, like I’m the only one here who’s ever had to wank a guy to get materials to make a slingshot to hunt some squirrels to feed himself.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 27, 2021 3:16 pm

The thieves and poachers that do it to so call survive but continue to buy alcohol, cigarettes, lottery tickets, drive fancy cars and or live in big houses trouble me.
If you’re really that hungry, liquidated all unnecessary assets and are doing all you can reasonably can do to care for yourself then just ask.
A good Samaritan will help you out.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 27, 2021 5:08 pm

You’re talking in code about black people and that b rasis

Country Boy
Country Boy
January 27, 2021 9:57 am

Where’s the DADs?? Takes 2 to make them, it takes 2 to raise them. Maybe I am old fashioned.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
  Country Boy
January 27, 2021 1:33 pm

Getting to the root of the problem, the complete subversion of morality to where we are now. Where evil is called good, and good evil.

  Country Boy
January 27, 2021 1:33 pm

Couldn’t agree more…I am old enough to remember when there was shame attached to being a single Mom..Now it is thrown off like some kind of merit badge-achievement.!! Damages the child, usually impoverishes the wombster and lets the sperm donor off the hook while shifting the $$ burden to society at large..Great plan to destroy a great country/civilisation…Proof is everywhere.

Student of History
Student of History
  Country Boy
January 27, 2021 2:31 pm

“Dad” is the govt with the handouts. All other dad’s have been made 2nd or 3rd class compared to “super-daddy the super-provider” (the govt).

January 27, 2021 9:58 am

I tell people that shutting down the country over the flu was a bad idea. yes, it’s bad and very contagious.
The problems being created by bad decision making by our Gov. are getting worse with the Democrat/establishment in charge. I see many people are scared shitless of the virus and are willing to do whatever they are told. I wonder how many millions will demand the jab? They did a great job of dumbing down the country.

January 27, 2021 10:04 am

Lord Bezos. A friend and I were discussing him recently. Remember when some twitter chick made some tweet about how Bezos could give X amount of dollars to all his employees and wouldn’t even be a drop in the bucket for him?
The same can be said for Bill Gates, the man could single-handedly pull one small nation in Africa out of poverty with the stroke of a pen.
Why do they insist on “giving to charity” and having “foundations”?
The answer is simple really. Because it benefits them more than it benefits the people they supposedly are trying to help.
Foundations and charity contributions are usually tax deductible and have massive social credit. They publicly make the giver or foundation-former look extremely benevolent to the public.
The reality is, particularly with foundations (I could name names, but let’s just use the Queen Lich’s foundation) there ends up being money funnelled to non-charitable things. Weddings, for instance, of ugly offspring comes to mind.
These foundations and contributions also allow outside influence of foreign governments and entities. Millions given by an Emir or El Presidente or Dear Leader allow for deals to be made.
If any shady shit comes to light, the Foundation takes the fall and the person actually benefiting (the founder), can claim total ignorance and some useful fall guy/woman/xe gets the axe and possibly goes to jail.
Here’s the other thing to consider….
The uber wealthy have all their power BECAUSE THEY ARE UBER WEALTHY. The parasites in Mordor need their money because they have to get re-elected so as to continue to graft, corruption, and ignoring the dastardly deeds of the Foundations. The Foundation people know this, and so keep the cycle of money flowing into Mordor. It keeps Sauron’s eye off of them and allows them to keep doing shady shit.

If Jeff Bezos gave 100 people 500,000 today, it would impact their lives like nothing else. They would become instant celebrities, but more than that they could
1. Start a company, potentially a competitor of Lord Bezos
2. Start a different kind of company or companies, potentially hiring hundreds or thousands and in turn changing their lives
3. Run for local office and not be corrupt. (unlikely outcome, but it’s nice to dream)
4. Move somewhere not the US, taking their money post-taxes out of this country

One and 2 would both snowball into impacting thousands of other lives. It would also devalue Lord Bezos’ status somewhat. If you are the person that has all the widgets, and you give others a fairly significant portion of your widgets, your pile of widgets value is now diminished in both actual value and perceived value. Particularly if someone else starts making competing widgets.

Parler was partially about Mordor not liking what free people were allowed to freely say. It was, in my opinion, as far as the homeless guy who runs Twitter is concerned, more about losing money and hence losing power. Who would Jack Dorsey, he of the scraggly beard, weird sweatpants, and disconcerting nose ring, be without Twitter? He would be just another California weirdo that absolutely no one would listen to.

Money does provide power, but power is the drug. The dysfunction junction that is the Mordor-Silicon Valley love fest cranks out the most of this dopamine high than any meth farm in Mexico.

The very thing that has turned this nation into mindless drones provides endless power, accolades, worship, and proof of existence for the Lords and Ladies of The Duchy of Silicon Valley. Without it, they are just another meat sack.

January 27, 2021 10:25 am

Stealing stuff is ok as long as you do not steal from me. Actually it is not ok to steal and PTB would be wise to acknowledge that. Jean was just engaging in low grade war.

January 27, 2021 1:16 pm

Jean didn’t have access to food banks or food stamps? I call BS. Shoplifting can get jail time in some places and in others (San Francisco and Dallas) you can shoplift up to $950 and not get charged. Then you get squatters who trash neighborhoods and destroy the lives of decent people. Leftist policies protect criminals and drug addicts and create the perfect storm that leads to homelessness and joblessness.

There’s a calculator to help let you know how much money your food stamps are worth. I see lots and lots of non-English speakers getting out their Lone Star Snap cards and buying expensive food that I can’t afford. Spare me the false pathos. If ‘Jean’ is too stupid to get on the government dole when she has a meal-ticket kid then she’s an idiot.

January 27, 2021 2:29 pm

Assume you have no fallbacks…..why? There are fallbacks, lots of lots them. Are we going all Jean Valjean now? Back then there were no fallbacks and a man caught stealing a loaf of bread for his family would be hanged. Did you miss where I wrote: “Leftist policies protect criminals and drug addicts and create the perfect storm that leads to homelessness and joblessness.”

Totally different times today. Also, where is Daddy in all this? Does the baby daddy have no responsibility here? When I was a youngun, if you knocked up your honey you married her, bastards were beyond the pale and the State didn’t assume the role of father and provider of everything. Seems like now young women marry the State and the State is the father for everything which is why we are in the state we are currently in.

January 27, 2021 4:36 pm

Make it black and white. It is immoral to steal from a white person, business. Stealing from blacks is just living up to the badge of systemic racism.

January 27, 2021 7:49 pm

Quit putting words in my mouth. I never said “Stealing is wrong! No exceptions!!”and, if you knew who Jean Valjean was you’d understand my reference to Les Miserables. We aren’t Jerusalem under siege and if you want to stawman then go play with yourself because I’m not going there.

You’re the one who’s going over the top here. ‘Jean’ admits to having no qualms about stealing from rich man Bezos. She’s not starving or having to steal to feed her kid, not with all the social welfare nets out there. If ‘Jean’ were really in dire straits she’d be in every welfare office in the state dragging her little money child with her.

You do know that under the current welfare state a mother on welfare does much better than a mother who works, don’t you?

January 27, 2021 3:54 pm

Seems like now young women marry the State and the State is the father for everything which is why we are in the state we are currently in.

Wasn’t FDR the one that started this ball rolling???

Much of what is happening today is the result of the social engineering thats been going on in increasingly greater intensities for decades now. Its been the communist attacks on the foundations of the western countries like the US of A, those foundations being Judeo Christianity, the family, small business, self determination etc…

The ‘Church’ is complicit as well for not standing up and pushing back. But even going along with the separation of Church and State to the point where demoncraps have dictated that even the mention of God is no longer tolerated in public buildings. When divorce rates within the Church are equal or greater than whats in the world… you know theres a problem with the teachings.

January 27, 2021 2:33 pm

It came with a side of biscuits, gravy and soupy mashed potatoes. Parts plus.

Trust me, if I knew then what I know now? My sister would have been on the dole as a single, unwed mother NOT drawing child support. Because, in those days, you took the consequences that you chose and she chose to have my nephew when I was 15 and she 18. Dad supported her decision to not marry the father. That was 1977 and it was scandalous enough to cause some serious crises in the homestead, let me tell you. I adored the kid, but it was hard on all of us.

True story: I quit that stinking job a month before I should have but I couldn’t stand it any longer after a certain point. I was so poor, let me tell you that but I actually got propositioned by a jerk who gave me a ride home one night and I got so pissed off I demanded he let me out of his truck right then. God, you men can be such pricks. So, no… prostitution wasn’t on the list.

Anyway, I could no longer pay rent by the time I quit working so ended up owing two months rent to my sister when I left. And, I felt such a moral obligation for that debt that the first time we got paid in basic training (remember lining up to go to a window where they handed you money for some reason of which you were unaware? Haha… we were still canned pickles then I think?)

Anyway, when allowed, I went to the BX and got a money order immediately to repay my sister. Later, when I mentioned it, she said the back tire on the little truck had gone flat and she was driving on a bald spare that day, worrying about how to replace the tire. Then, she opened the mailbox and there was a letter from me and inside a money order for $300!

She said it was a miracle from God.

And, I guess, in a way, it could have been.

January 27, 2021 1:19 pm

She was reacting to the war being fought against her.

January 27, 2021 2:40 pm

Shoplift for freedom….new mantra. Too bad the major sufferers of theft are small businesses and….newsflash….lots of big name stores like Walgreens franchise their names, the actual business is owned by some individual who bought a Walgreens franchise. So it is the individual who suffers the most from theft, not the Walgreens corporation per se.

Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite
Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite
January 27, 2021 10:27 am

Baloney! They’re eligible for the SNAP program. And you are shopping the wrong place if Whole Foods is your grocery store.

January 27, 2021 10:30 am

Fat Tony already cleared all this up:

There you go…all theft is easily justified.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 27, 2021 12:30 pm


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 27, 2021 12:36 pm

Fucken Floyd! 🙂

January 27, 2021 10:34 am

Funny how everyone(even mafia dons) know s that stealing from them is wrong.

Mode Z
Mode Z
January 27, 2021 10:50 am

” But, there are many kinds of theft; robbery, burglary, looting, cheating on taxes, keeping property you found but making no effort to find the owner, or refusing to pay debts. ”

Cheating on taxes = Theft?
But aren’t taxes theft? So, if one does not pay, isn’t one avoiding being stolen from? Can you steal from a thief?

This world is getting so complicated…

January 27, 2021 11:23 am

That’s some Bull-shit right there Stucky.
If somebody voted even once, that person is ‘guilty’ in the sense that they agreed with all Government Terms and conditions for now and evermore? Show me the contract.

January 27, 2021 2:18 pm

Nope, I looked and looked and re-read all sections in the US Constitution for any mention of
encumbrances or responsibilities against the voter in consideration of his voluntary act of voting. Then, I looked at several cases decided by the courts, including SCOTUS. None found.

My guess is that you mean that if you are a citizen, US born or naturalized, you are screwed,blued,and tattooed. So, voting is just some grooming on you ear tag.

Am I right? or Am I right?

January 27, 2021 2:10 pm

Using your logic then, if the government is illegitimate, then we have a duty to not pay them any taxes.

January 27, 2021 7:48 pm

But, apparently, if you vote you have to pay taxes.
Otherwise, it’s theft.
According to someone’s logic.

  Mode Z
January 27, 2021 11:19 am

What about ‘reparations’ to those ‘slaves’ who’ve never been slaves???

Isn’t that stealing from those who’ve never owned slaves and giving a portion of that money to those that have never been slaves and those collecting the money keeping for themselves most of the money collected?!?!?


But, to answer somewhat the question. There is no moral absolute on this question. Its not a black and white issue as is often presented, as its more an attempt to make God into a wishy washy untrustworthy being. If I’m reading this wrong my apologies.

Its more a heart condition than a moral dilemma. A person stealing to prevent starvation is entirely different from stealing for personal benefit. In the first instance the person feels contrite and cornered into it and takes no pleasure it that position. The second instance the person is stealing just for their own benefit and feels no remorse and would very likely continue stealing even when the necessity no longer requires it.

God is not so much concerned with your physical welfare as He is with the state of your soul. Your present situation is temporary and is as a wisp of steam. The soul is the enduring portion of the human species and is what God concerns Himself with.

In reply to Stucky’s question

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 27, 2021 12:33 pm

The reason I’m not particularly against “reparations” is that all the money would be back where it started within a year or two. And then there’d be a glut of used, trashed Chrysler 300’s on the market.

January 27, 2021 4:12 pm

>>>There is no moral absolute on this question. Its not a black and white issue….

Stealing from a Mom-n-Pop business is wrong.
Stealing from our Dark Overlords is praiseworthy.

Student of History
Student of History
  Mode Z
January 27, 2021 2:36 pm

Going back to Stucky’s use of the bible…
. . . the ancient hebrews were to pay the priests of their day 10% of all increases.

Since the priests preformed the duties of govt, it’s not entirely unreasonable to suggest that the bible is OK with a 10% flat tax on all.

So am I.

  Student of History
January 27, 2021 3:39 pm

The priests duties were not that of government. The 10% tithe was for the feast celebration, later communion, and the maintenance of the temples affairs. As it was the Levites ‘job’ to be the servants of the temple it formed part of their pay, so to speak.

The government, like leviticus law, is the taskmaster to show that there is hardship under this authority, one that cannot be escaped. Jesus stated to render to Caesar what was Caesar’s, (worldly affairs) and to God what was God’s ( the souls). Two separate things but each can affect the other.

Student of History
Student of History
January 27, 2021 5:50 pm

I seem to recall that the Levites also managed the courts and resolved controversies, Moses laid down the law which the Levites enforced… They managed building works later, and it wasn’t until Israel decided to reject God being their King in favor a human king that there was a “real” govt – and taxes were increased to pay for that above and beyond what the Levites got.

And that is way I wrote as I did. Did I get all that wrong?

  Student of History
January 27, 2021 6:18 pm

No you are not wrong either. As is typical, man tends to build where he’s not supposed to build. Which is why the levitical laws became so hugely cumbersome and the ‘religious’ leaders looked for ways to circumvent the very laws they tried to impose and added even more laws.

The laws as delivered where sufficient but over time became man centered and over bearing to the point racketeering on the part of the temple business. So yes the people requested a king because other nations had kings and it was a way to get out from the temple authority which had become corrupted. If I remember correctly this was over a few centuries from delivery to Saul’s appointment. I think its in the order of 350 – 400 years.

  Student of History
January 27, 2021 8:10 pm

We no longer have Priests as they did then.
Jesus is our prophet priest and king.

Colonel James Mead of Vermont, Deceased
Colonel James Mead of Vermont, Deceased
January 27, 2021 8:20 pm

Jesus is not their prophet and king.

Just FYI.

Which is why they want you dead.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 27, 2021 8:32 pm

And our Sabbath Rest

January 27, 2021 10:57 am

How much do they spend on cell phones? or clothing? There seem to be food handouts all over the place. Why steal? Give the children to someone who can feed them and raise them better than you.

January 27, 2021 1:04 pm

You mean like that black foster parent couple that beat that little white girl to death? Her name was Victoria Rose…same as my granddaughter.

WTF is wrong with you people? She’s out of work because of the government and corporations.

January 27, 2021 11:00 am

Maybe the penalties for stealing should be increased to include prison time. Then the “starving ” person gets three meals a day (or is it more), a place to sleep (bunk partner might be a problem), a place to shower, access to learning and maybe skills development (do prisoners still make license plates) and access to a priest, rabbi or minister or imam to ask forgiveness for the sin of stealing. I’m not sure about daycare or babysitting services though. Might be the fly in the ointment of my idea.

January 27, 2021 11:33 am

If you are pushing for the government to STEAL on your behalf instead, its hardly any different….but people have been led to believe that it is somehow. She has likely been supporting “legal” theft her entire life.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 27, 2021 11:51 am

Romans 3:19-21 KJB… “Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. BUT NOW the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;”

The law was given to prove to man that he couldn’t keep it.

Galatians 3:19 KJB… “Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.”

But now, WHAT? The righteousness of God WITHOUT the law is manifested? Surely you jest, Paul… Or, did something change?

1, 2, 3… but now; 4, 5, 6.
Under law… but now; under grace.

Romans 6:14-15 KJB… “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.”

Always liked Robin Hood but that’s just me.

And the worldly view?

  grace country pastor
January 27, 2021 12:16 pm

“The Adventures of Robin Hood” called ‘Outlaw Money’. Robin Hood and his gang make fake money to feed the poor. This creates trouble for Friar Tuck


January 27, 2021 2:47 pm

The version of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn (with Olivia de Havilland,ooh lala) and where he meets the Friar Tuck with a mutton chop, claiming to have taken a vow to poverty when Robin takes it and while eating it exclaims ” If this is poverty then I will gladly share it with you”. I use this line at most every meal as we are loooow income(by choice) and we eat good. My kids just usually interrupt to say it for me or laugh.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  grace country pastor
January 27, 2021 12:43 pm
  Iska Waran
January 27, 2021 6:26 pm

They’re not “embarrassed” to be Jewish. They’re anxious they could be found out.
That’s why they change their names.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 27, 2021 12:21 pm


“One of them could easily be your neighbor … and you wouldn’t even know it”

Could you qualify neighbor a bit more? One block away? Two?

Q1 is two different questions. What I might say to them would depend on what conditions brought about that opportunity? Did I witness them stealing? Or, am I a bailbondsman ?

The second question in the first question is one I am not qualified to cast a stone towards…if you get my drift. Especially given that both of the hypotheticals have to do primarily with food and shelter.

Q2 is another hypothetical for me, as I don’t have any children.

This appears more as a stumbling block, IMHO…..the term ‘moral dilemma’ itself is a never ending web of relativism. Using the Bible as the basis for ‘moral right’…….well, that just gets all tangled up again.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God”

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——=====

January 27, 2021 12:30 pm


Jean is a single mom who was working full time and going to college when the pandemic hit….

Oh, it’s the single mom trope again… when is the media gonna stop beating that dead horse. Methinks it will be never. Why does being a whore grant privilege and special status.. just asking for a friend. She should of sat on her ass instead of getting that pickle and she would be in one now.

Q2: Yeah I would.

January 27, 2021 4:13 pm

Isn’t the world that Jean lives in one of choice? Don’t choices have consequences? Poor Jean born with a kitty betwixt legs that got outta control by choice. Poor single mom Jean raising a child in a way that guarantees a life of poverty and food insecurity. Why doesn’t the Organic Prepper write an article aboot that! Maybe next month but don’t hold your breath.

Seems the feminists continue to play both ends for the middle with society is getting fucked either way. They want to be able to kill babies while having them at loose ends. Victim, oppression points, and martyrdom is the one thing this logic guarantees.

The evil patriarchy can’t win for losing, which proves once again there isn’t one. The Feminists and the kept MSM got it licked with society either way!

Now maybe she married a jerk and it didn’t work out. Poor Jean! Still, if that was the case she can drop the single mom routine. She is a professional when it comes to stealing money. Jean moar than likely has her hand out every two weeks for cheese. Both from the state and the poor sap who shoulda zigged when that wahmen zagged…

This isn’t even a story. Why worry about a few potatoes on the ground now when Jean already left town the truck…The whole thing is probably canned horseshit anyway. Just another half made-up story that nobody is going to bother to check.

January 27, 2021 1:29 pm

Here’s my epic saga.

When I was 21-years-old, I returned to the bootheel of Misery to attend a second year of college, having worked in the Houston, Texas, oil refining business a couple years, managing to get a good refinery job just a few months before the whole industry went bust. It was also my first experience on a government contract since the refinery made JP-4 for nearby Ellington AFB (is that still there?) I don’t want to elaborate but I ended up on a company that could NOT lay off its employees because it had to provide JP-4 for the USAF, so they bought it on the market and shipped it via pipeline (at cost to government) to the Air Force tanks at Ellington. For a full six months, we workers did nothing but come in on shift work and sleep on our mats, sometimes simply assigning one or another person to clock in and out for us all.

Now, imagine coming back to rural hardworking farm country after being paid the kind of good money I’d been paid to run a few tests on oil samples a few times a day in a chemical laboratory at an oil refinery. Then, to top it off? I drew unemployment for nine or ten months after I finally did get laid off. It’s a miracle I joined the USAF the following year or I would have ended up being one of those ugly semi-fat chicks in Kid Rock’s latest video, Podunk. I returned to Missouri from Texas in 1983, just in time to start my sophomore year at Southeast Misery State University. Jobs were scarce, especially for someone with limited transportation. I was sharing a truck with a sister… back then we did what we had to do.

So, I ended up getting a behind-the-counter job at a local burger and chicken restaurant. He took advantage of the restaurant laws and paid all his employees at waitstaff wage ($2.17 at the time! I was horrified having been paid $14 an hour for my laboratory technician prowess in Texas!) which mean a 15 to 20 hour workweek was hardly worth walking a half mile but I did it anyway since my sister had to work full-time to put herself through college and support her five-year-old son, she got dibs on the truck. Now, Mr. T, who owned the place and so cleverly avoided paying a decent hourly wage to anyone except his son, the manager, was a real tightwad and his “bonus” to his employees was a free coke during break. A medium.

So, there I was, 21 year old and broke, walking home from a job not really fit for a teenager, where my 5 year old nephew would join me for dinner while his mother worked at another restaurant ten miles away. I will tell you up front with only the smallest twinge of guilt that a few times, I managed to slip a five-dollar bill into my pocket so that before I walked home, I could buy a family pack of chicken from Mr. T for $4.99 plus tax. I was good at the math, so managed to keep the register straight. And, since I gave it right back to him, technically, I didn’t really consider it stealing.

What do you think?

I worked at Mr. T’s Burger Barn with mostly teenagers from the local high school and attended university at Cape Girardeau for a year before joining the USAF and getting a life outside Podunk. Life really is different in Podunk. I’ve attached Kid Rock’s really tacky video below so you can take a look at the women in this video and know what my rowdy river rat cousins and their friends look like. If you ever do make it this way, realize that I could take you to meet just about every sort of person you see in this video, although my days of swimming down at the river with the rest of the rats are over. But, they are over due to my health and reassessment of life’s priorities, not due to bigotry.

My cousins and all of those folks have the right to do what they want. So do I.

January 27, 2021 2:11 pm

I considered entering a wet T-shirt contest for $500 at a local bar, but couldn’t figure out how to keep my parents from hearing if I actually won and since the $500 was the only reason I would enter, I woulda been in it to win it and at one time, I had a bodacious set and so decided to join the USAF instead, which turned out to be life changing for me.

Enough said of longagoandfaraway.

The pond beckons.

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January 27, 2021 2:47 pm

I got to worrying that old Mr. T himself might hear of this and track me down for all those free chicken dinners I filched. I figure I worked there 8 or 9 months and got at least one of two dinners a week, depending on hours worked. (I actually had a reasoning… since the minimum wage was $3.65 and he was paying 2.17, he “owed” me about a dollar per hour) I worked a register and no one really waited tables and no one there tipped. It was basically a McDonalds with an ice cream bar.

I’m not proud of it but it was a low point in my life. Am glad I survived it because back then I didn’t think I would.

I’ve had to survive a lot worse, but not in a financial deprivation sort of way. Were it not for the kindnesses of strangers, I might not have gotten away.

By the way, Mr. T is dead and the burger barn is now some other sort of small town eatery. I’m sure the waiters make more than $2.17 per hour.

January 27, 2021 5:27 pm

But if you had done what Iska said to that guy that drove you home in the earlier post you could have bought some rubber bands and make a slingshot and become the rabbit queen a lot earlier. I’m sure after your life turned out one of your many regrets was not joining the navy and becoming a WAVE instead of your WAF status. But you did look good in a flight suit. You could have done the same job in a P-3.

January 27, 2021 3:07 pm

Me thinks I’ve seen that video before!

January 27, 2021 3:13 pm

That was the first time I’d seen it. I find it fascinating but I don’t really like it. You know what I mean? It’s like I’m looking for people I know and cringing if I think I see someone.

One time, I was driving down one of these red dirt roads and a big pack of people standing in an above ground pool in front of a single wide trailer in front of an old barn with a bunch of old tractors sitting around. Well, that big pack of people started hollering and I thought to myself “What a bunch of hillbillies all proud of their little swimming pool” and rolled my eyes. Then, when I got close I realized it was my cousins visiting a friend I had not yet met. He owned the single wide and the pool. Not the barn.

Serious Podunk around here.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
January 27, 2021 2:29 pm

“It’s been very frustrating to be part of a class of people who is losing so much right now.”

This is the product of a Masters Degree.

The odds of both of those people being completely made up is probably close to 99.7% Every single mother who ever ends up in the news is always working full time while attending college and raising a toddler by herself and everyone who is able to foot the bill for 5 or 6 years of college for an advanced degree is economically oppressed.

Was there a question?

Oh, yeah, my advice.

Keep your legs crossed.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
January 27, 2021 2:55 pm

HSF! I can’t believe you didn’t accept her logical rationalization. Can’t you see that Whole Foods owes her free stuff because Jeff Bezos is rich!

At least in my own youthful situation, I actually reasoned I was underpaid a dollar an hour, which at least I stole from the cheap sob who owed it to me.

well, let’s just say I don’t feel too bad about taking $15 or $20 of stuff from Whole Foods when Jeff Bezos is the richest man on Earth.”

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
January 28, 2021 8:53 am

99.7% was a CHINA FLU reference. Come and get me, coppers.

A full-time working, while attending college, single mother trope is right up there with aspiring rapper who had just turned his life around in these kinds of stories. Certain things just jump out at you after you’ve seen them a couple of hundred times. Ditto the unemployed, Masters Degree holding, semi-literates who populate the same type feature. They are always having to deal with the same kind of daily expenditures that every other human being does, but their plight is so much more righteous, even in their having to steal from others that they cannot be held accountable.

To them certain classes of people can do no wrong because of their status as a victim, while others must accept their depredations as a penalty for their status as a normie.

It’s only gonna ratchet up from here.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
January 28, 2021 10:22 am

Throughout history gleaning was always the option for those who were too poor to feed themselves. Whatever was left after a harvest was free to anyone who chose to pick through the remainder of the crop.

I’ve told you before about how we pick up discarded food from supermarkets to feed the pigs- on Saturday and Sunday it’s always a bounty because we also get the daily Food Bank donations because they don’t pickup on the weekends. I asked them why they don’t require recipients to participate in the pickup of the free food and was met with an open mouth stare from the lady that runs the operation. To them it would be unconscionable to require people receiving handouts to contribute their time or labor to the effort.

Free means free everything.

Again, no one in America is going hungry for lack of available food except abused and neglected children and elderly hidden away from sight, but that’s not the people they’re talking about in this article. These are the snapchat poor, not the destitute.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
January 28, 2021 10:36 am
  Hardscrabble Farmer
January 28, 2021 10:42 am

I think people were arrested for stealing from the state if they were caught gleaning from the former farms in some regions of the USSR.

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The Holodomor’s Death Toll

The Ukrainian famine—known as the Holodomor, a combination of the Ukrainian words for “starvation” and “to inflict death”—by one estimate claimed the lives of 3.9 million people, about 13 percent of the population. And, unlike other famines in history caused by blight or drought, this was caused when a dictator wanted both to replace Ukraine’s small farms with state-run collectives and punish independence-minded Ukrainians who posed a threat to his totalitarian authority.

“The Ukrainian famine was a clear case of a man-made famine,” explains Alex de Waal, executive director of the World Peace Foundation at Tufts University and author of the 2018 book, Mass Starvation: The History and Future of Famine. He describes it as “a hybrid…of a famine caused by calamitous social-economic policies and one aimed at a particular population for repression or punishment.”

In those days, Ukraine—a Texas-sized nation along the Black Sea to the west of Russia—was a part of the Soviet Union, then ruled by Stalin. In 1929, as part of his plan to rapidly create a totally communist economy, Stalin had imposed collectivization, which replaced individually owned and operated farms with big state-run collectives. Ukraine’s small, mostly subsistence farmers resisted giving up their land and livelihoods.

January 27, 2021 2:30 pm

Easy, do you believe if either of these two in the future got back on their feet they would repay the stores they stole from?
No, me neither.
Stealing is the easy option. Justifying theft as not immoral is the rot of the West.

January 27, 2021 4:45 pm

I had a bully in HS. This was at a boarding academy in Pennsylvania. One day, I was walking past his room and knew he was in the shower. I popped into his room and stole his wallet. Best $50 revenge of my life. Fuck him, he owed it to me.

January 27, 2021 5:14 pm

The problem with all these stories where people find themselves in impossible situations is that there is never any discussion of all the hundreds of decisions that the person freely made that put them into that situation. No doubt there are others that started out in similar circumstances and ended up differently simply by making different choices; And no don’t give me any crap about – “But I was laid-off and I had nothing to do with that” Yeah well you made the choice to not be prepared to be laid-off. As an example I’ve been laid-off plenty of times and it was never a big deal because I always lived well below my means and always had enough in savings to carry my thru a period of unemployment, I chose to be prepared. Choices have consequences and when you make bad decisions and find yourself in a bind you then feel justified to steal? “Not my fault”. Yeah – OK.

January 27, 2021 6:23 pm

Some make bad choices… some don’t. Sometimes accidents can put a person behind the eight ball.

Its not the road that defines you but how you walk that road.

January 27, 2021 6:37 pm


January 27, 2021 5:47 pm

I have said it before and will say it again,tis not black helicopters or black olives matter/antifi I worry about when the show goes completely tits up.

It is the parents of hungry children that cause me issues and while I understand their need to feed their children not at my or loved ones expense,will be a ugly time to be alive.

I have no problem with folks ripping off wally world/whole paycheck,fuck em,those corps sold out citizens of this country in may ways.

I also think will go thru me older cans that say have a 6 month or so expiration date left and drop at pantry while I build up on the new side of goods,even knowing many use pantry who do not need it,there are many who use it that do need a hand up.

Muscledawg (soon to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
Muscledawg (soon to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
January 28, 2021 6:37 am

Question: Is it ok to steal a loaf of bread from your neighbor it you and your children haven’t eaten in 3 days?
. Your neighbor just acquired that bread honestly and he and his family haven’t eaten in 5 days.
Bon appetite.

What’s a Jewish dilemma?
Free ham.


Bwhahaha. I’d say, all these questions and the ones above are quite subjective, no? If it were me and my kids, we’d be the best thieves in town.