Always Remember to Never Forget

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

While speaking to some female business professionals the other day, the topic of Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey was broached.  During the interview, Markle made a veiled accusation of racism against the British Royal Family and the ladies with whom I was speaking seemed to think it was quite the scandal.

It was obvious the women sided with Markle in the royal feud and, for reasons unknown at the time, I decided to expand the conversation a day or two later via e-mail.  I sent them a link of an article describing why “Meghan Markle is a perfect representation of what has happened to our civilization a whole”.  I explained to them that I couldn’t care less about the British Royal Family in general, or the fallout from the recent Meghan Markle interview – but the article (linked above) was, in my view, “another perspective on the fracas”.

The above-linked article also contains some choice words of condemnation against Markle by British broadcaster and journalist, Piers Morgan:

Having had personal experience, on a very small scale, of Meghan Markle’s ruthlessness when dispensing of anyone in her life that’s ceased to be of use to her, it was no great shock to see her lighting a gigantic bonfire that will surely cause irreparable damage to her husband’s family.

After all, she’s torched all her own family, along with her ex-husband and most of her old friends.

This was the acting performance of her life, with every word, every facial expression carefully planned and choreographed.

One of the ladies replied that Piers Morgan seemed obsessed with Markle and had, supposedly, tweeted against Markle scores of times during the previous week.

In turn, I described how I personally disliked Piers Morgan but found the irony humorous:  Morgan is a tool of the liberal elite who is now in the position of having to defend the royal family from racism. I added:  “It’s like the Political Left is cannibalizing itself in Trump’s vacuum. Look at what’s happening with Cuomo in New York.”

Unsurprisingly, the responses from both ladies remained sympathetic to Markle –  so this is what I wrote in response:

Maybe I appear to you as being insensitive. But it’s just that I don’t feel sorry for any of them. In my humble opinion, it’s all politics and power plays by people who did not achieve their fame and fortune by means of their own accomplishments. Yet, they preach equality and fairness from their castles and mansions.

The women replied that my above assessment was “fair” and I took it as a win; a small victory, to be sure, and insignificant overall given the daily onslaught of the global deceptions currently.  However, the discussion raised a few questions to consider:  Can minds be changed? And, either way, is the effort worth it?

The women agreed with my final assessment because it was accurate.  But, even more than that, it was phrased in such a way they could personally understand.  These women are quite accomplished and they worked hard to obtain the level of success they now enjoy.  And, yet, they found themselves sympathizing with an entitled celebrity playing the victim.

It calls to mind the conservative, hard-working parents who sent their sons and daughters to college only to have them come home as liberal progressives spouting Marxist dogma.  But when the parents asked if they would donate their A and B grades to those with D and F grades in order for everyone to pass with a C average… the kids replied:  “But that’s not fair!”  No, it isn’t fair, but it was suddenly personal to them which, in turn, allowed them to view their ideology (regarding fairness and equality) in a different light.

There is an ancient scripture that statespeople are destroyed from lack of knowledge”. And, certainly, this is true but I find myself wondering if a “lack of knowledge” includes forgetting what we once knew.

Cultural values are all about the “feelings” today so it’s no surprise why relativism reigns.  There is no logic or reason to feelings and this is why the hearts and minds of useful idiots are infinitely malleable. It is why America today has a porous southern border but a militarized zone defending the nation’s capital. It’s how musical profanity can be National Public Radio’s song of the year while Dr. Seuss children’s books are censored.  It explains how no fraud was discovered in the 2020 Election in spite of all the documented evidence… how an ancient and addled swamp creature received more votes than any other American presidential candidate in history and how a U.S. vice-president was chosen for her sex and color by people who say sex and color shouldn’t matter.  It also explains why Americans will eagerly accept their Covid stimulus soup in exchange for their own freedom and their children’s birthright.

Obviously, many in America have forgotten once they once knew or, worse, they forgot to learn.

Below is a screenshot of a video-game I will occasionally play on my phone – usually while I’m waiting for someone, such as at an appointment or while my wife is shopping.  The photo shows a guy driving through the ups and downs of life’s “game”, gathering nickels in the dark, and with a tiny circle of light by which to focus on what’s just ahead at any given time.

Metaphorically speaking, the photo exemplifies the modern “cycle” of life:  Average folks strive to meet their basic needs on a daily basis within their immediate proximity: They make mortgage and transportation payments and keep food on the table.  These concerns occupy their focus, even to the point of forgetting how they got there and what eventually awaits them in the distant dark.  In meeting their daily sustenance, they have forgotten the timeless principles which would endure beyond their own lives to sustain future generations.

Like mice in search of cheese, hamsters on wheel, or rats in a race, the people perish without knowledge in the same manner a freshly decapitated chicken blindly runs about: with no long perspective, or vision, or thought.  Yet, at the same time, the impressions drift down from on high, through electronic screens, while stimulus money appears from thin air. The Centers for Disease Control explains how we can remove our face-coverings and gather to together again but ONLY if we accept experimental synthetic genetic software into our bloodstream first.

We hear the “president” tell us we might be allowed to celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, with certain limits, as long as we continue to behave and obey.

The people fail to understand the stunning irony because, in their daily pursuits, they have forgotten their inalienable rights.

Is it any wonder why the Marxist Mob now erases America’s history and tears down statues, as cancel culture thrives? And why do you think the Woke Agenda mandates multiple genders and has fractured the identities of younger generations by means of sex and “equality”?  It’s obvious these cultural initiatives were implemented so the people would forget who they were and this, in turn, allowed for new suggestions to take hold. The sheep, with the attention span of ducks, graze six-feet apart and swallow these impressions that fall like rain from an electric cloud:

– President Biden’s “job approval at 60 percent”!

– The U.S. could reach herd immunity by summer through vaccinations alone!

– The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan® will “revive and supercharge the economy – mission accomplished”!

And just as the best lies contain some truth, the media headlines include fragments of reality.  Sleepy Joe’s approval rating is boosted by the polling of eight out of ten dimwitted Dems.  The U.S. may, indeed, reach herd immunity by summer, but it won’t be the result of vaccinations.  And the $1.9 trillion porkfest is, actually, the largest wealth transfer ever, to the blue states at the expense of the red ones:

“This very system disproportionately benefits poorly-managed blue states at the expense of well-managed red ones,” Sen. Blackburn [R-Tenn.] says… “They’re going to walk away with billions and billions of dollars.”

But, states that properly managed their finances and allowed businesses to reopen would lose millions and, in some cases, billions of dollars…

Is it any wonder the nation’s leaders are now legislating from behind military barricades in Washington DC? It’s because war has been waged on conservative America while the news media reports on comic book storylines featuring theatrical heroes and supervillains; which, evidently, includes evil queens and exiled princesses.

Our politicians and news media are contentious clowns floating stories into the air like colorful balloons. Theatrical deception is the new normal as propaganda spreads and truth is censored; as ballots magically appear in the dead of night and digital money spews via high-tech electronic wizardry; as tyranny is promoted as protection.

To be sure, psychology is where philosophy and politics meet and powerful people have been perfecting the alchemy for decades. The global financial elite have positioned themselves as puppet-masters who hold all of modernity’s high-tech strings.

What can be done?

A few days ago, while surfing the net, I came across the following quote:

The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the choices that are my own…


It seemed familiar and then I remembered I had posted a visual from the same source in my last article:

If one searches “Epictetus” on the net they’ll see he was a Greek philosopher who died in 135 AD.   The various online encyclopedias agree he was a slave and there is some speculation that Epictetus was crippled; either as a slave or possibly lame from birth.  Yet, even as a crippled slave, his teachings had broad influence through the millennia ranging from Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius to leaders in the U.S. Military; including former U.S. fighter pilot and vice-presidential candidate, Admiral James Stockdale (1923-2005).

According to Wikipedia:

Epictetus taught that philosophy is a way of life and not just a theoretical discipline. To Epictetus, all external events are beyond our control; we should accept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately. However, individuals are responsible for their own actions, which they can examine and control through rigorous self-discipline.

So what does that look like within the ever-burgeoning deception and tyranny of our time?

It means we do what we can:  Use it or lose it. Our effectiveness is only as good as what we do well every day. Practice, drill, rehearse.  And what we don’t use, fades – forgotten like those college gen-ed courses and drunken one-night-stands.

In my aforementioned example with the Meghan Markle mavens, I chose to engage: to remind them of their conservative values in the face of a massive media distraction.  But in other circumstances, I have chosen to go gray, like Gandalf 1.0 on a foggy day.

As I’ve written before in past articles, I believe the answers we seek are found in the solutions to our problems, and not in the problems, per se. This means, at times, the solution may be to act towards a specific outcome, or, on other occasions, to speak truth to power and, in some instances, stepping out of the way and NOT interrupting the enemy in the middle of their mistakes.

At this point in time, the tsunamis of deception roil over the nation.  So much so that even Epictetus would argue few can be saved. Therefore, all we can do is to choose our battles wisely and make our best effort on any given day.

Gandhi’s system of Satyagraha could be defined as the insistence of truth and this can be accomplished only by those who have not forgotten what is true. It is, indeed, a way of life but the application of “insistence” may vary according to circumstances.  For example, a soldier behind enemy lines is insistent on the advancement of his mission while not insisting that the truth of his mission be made known.

Here is another, more personal, example:  When someone persistently asks me if I’ve been vaccinated, I can either get real with them or shine them on.  Of course, I will only get real with those with whom I can trust – both now AND in the future.  This is because telling the truth now may, in time, put a target on my back.  At the same time, I don’t want to lie either.  So if someone I don’t trust asks me if I’ve been vaccinated, I will tell them I have allergies and I’m in the process of consulting with medical experts regarding any potential problems with the experimental mRNA treatments.

Occasionally, I may explain why the Covid vaccines aren’t actually “vaccines” in the traditional sense, but, instead, the means to inject synthetic RNA into the body’s immunity cells and that some in the medical field don’t believe it is a good idea.

Now, certainly, all of that is true.  There are medical experts who believe the Covid “vaccines” were rushed to production and it is a fact they are being administered now through an “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) that was granted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) via the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013.

It’s also true that I have allergies.  But, first, let’s consider the definition of that word:

Definition of allergy

1 : altered bodily reactivity (such as hypersensitivity) to an antigen in response to a first exposure a bee venom allergy so severe that a second sting may be fatal

2 : exaggerated or pathological immunological reaction (as by sneezing, difficult breathing, itching, or skin rashes) to substances, situations, or physical states that are without comparable effect on the average individual

3 : medical practice concerned with allergies

4 : a feeling of antipathy or aversion


Honestly, I do have an “altered bodily reactivity” when exposed to the stupidity and hubris of others. The reaction also generates a feeling of aversion within me to the point of my eyes squinting slightly and causing my head to shake horizontally back and forth slowly as a sense of internal discomfort takes hold.  My point is this: I’m not lying when I tell some people I am ”allergic” and that I’m in the process of consulting (online) medical experts regarding potential problems with the experimental mRNA treatments.

Therefore, we insist on truth, we don’t forget, and we do what we can.

An online contributor called OHMama once phrased it thusly:

We have a choice, either step up and lead, or get out of the way, hunker down, clan up and re-emerge when the dust settles.

That pretty much sums up our ongoing dilemma in these times, does it not?  Admittedly, these may vary according to timing and circumstances – especially in the absence of genuine leadership at the local and national levels – and while surrounded by those who can’t be trusted, including those who lack knowledge or have forgotten.

Since ignorance is no excuse within the hard consequences of reality, it may be wise, therefore, to prepare for the new “strains” of Covid that are, very likely, coming.  These would be used to further lockdown the nation amid new waves of hysteria.  If, or when, this happens there will be nothing we can do to stop the carnage. In the words of Epictetus: “we should accept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately…”.  Why? Because … “individuals are responsible for their own actions, which they can examine and control through rigorous self-discipline”.  Or not.

Accordingly, it may be wise to soon add some lysine (amino acid) to one’s daily regimen of selenium, quercetin, zinc, & vitamin D:

Nightmare Scenario Developing; Antibodies Against New Mutant B.1.1.7. Coronavirus Produced By Vaccines Do Not Stop Viral Replication. Noted Virus Researcher Alex Chaihorsky PhD Says Lysine Amino Acid Acts As Natural Universal Antidote.


And, if the animal studies from the initial covid vaccines are any indication, it could be the respective destinies of the newly-vaccinated may include organ failure.

Author and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, has addressed the “instances of hyper-immune response in test animals during previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines, like SARS and MERS:

All seems well for awhile, until the animals are exposed to the wild mutated virus…

Dr. Tenpenny and other scientists predict that millions may die from the vaccine but it will be blamed on a new strain of COVID – to make an argument for even MORE deadly vaccines.

Regardless of any future occurrences, however, there is no denying it is up to us, as individuals, to defy the odds now.

In Ayn Rand’s book, “Atlas Shrugged”, there is a tale recalled by the story’s heroine, Dagny Taggart, about her grandfather, Nathaniel Taggart, who was the founder of a railroad. When expanding his company, there were some problems that stopped the construction so Nat Taggart went out and started laying down the rails himself. That’s doing something in face of occurrences beyond one’s control and there is a dignified satisfaction that derives from doing what one can in the middle of uncontrollable events and circumstances.

Creators and producers harvest from the bounty of their character as everything desired by the looters turns to ash; even as celebrity theatrics manifest in dramatic distractions and occupy the minds of millions.

The three-minute video below was made last year by a forgotten quaranteenager in response to the despicable political lockdowns callously perpetuated by widespread deception and inexcusable ignorance.  It serves an inspiring example of someone doing what they can.  Message received.

When all is censored, let us never forget.

The bloom is off America’s rose but a dying flower has a beauty all its own; its ultimate resistance resounds as a supernova in the final fade.

We do our best against impossible odds; and in memory of the words stacked like boulders around ancient trees near a winding river: and the message carved upon a graveyard gate.

The truth to set against the woes of this world is Joy!

If that is forgotten, nothing else is worth remembering.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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March 14, 2021 8:21 am

I continue to believe-because I want to-that the red-headed stepchild is purposely trying to destroy the royal family. He knows they knocked-off his mother so married a miserable, calculating bitch to poison their precious bloodline. Good show, Old Boy!

March 14, 2021 9:14 am

Harry’s not a Royal anyway, and he knows it….He and Hewitt look like identical twins…

March 14, 2021 9:53 am

A bonified Red-Headed Stepchild. Hilarious.

March 14, 2021 11:15 am

I always thought he looked like the creepy kid from The Weddingcrashers.

comment image

Farmer Brown
Farmer Brown
March 15, 2021 4:31 am

The Royals may have wished they did to both Price Charles and Harry what we used to do to little boy pigs down on the farm in the spring time.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 14, 2021 10:59 am

The Royal Family is worried that someone like Megan will lower their family’s IQs???

Heywood Jablomi
Heywood Jablomi
  rhs jr
March 14, 2021 10:50 pm

Not a work of art like Ms.Mcneil’s…funny

  rhs jr
March 15, 2021 8:11 pm

Yes, that is the inevitable result of sullying your White lineage with a mud race.

March 14, 2021 12:01 pm

Exactly who cares about a “Royal” family anyway? I think this is great stuff. If’n the red head is getting back at the family…bwahahahaha. Good stuff.

March 14, 2021 5:16 pm

Wow, is that what this article was about?

Col. Bunny
Col. Bunny
March 18, 2021 1:39 am

That maybe the forever unbeatable example of the Holmesian dictum that once you eliminate the impossible, what is left is the truth, however improbable. The impossible being that he has loyalty to and affection for the immediate ancestors.

And a hand salute to you for it.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
March 14, 2021 8:21 am

I cried because I had no shoes and then I saw the Meghan Markle interview.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 14, 2021 9:20 am

That’s sick, funny, but sick.
Thanks for the needed laugh.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
March 14, 2021 10:04 am

Never presume to know another man/womxns troubles until you’ve walked a mile in their Stuart Weitzman diamond studded slippers.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 14, 2021 11:14 am


You coulda been a comedian 🙂

March 14, 2021 11:51 am

Poor Meghan, I feel for her, I truly do. I feel for her like I feel for a pebble in my shoe, a petty annoyance that I will soon remove from my shoe. The amount of attention I pay to people like her and her simpleminded pussy whipped hubby is….nil. They aren’t worth wasting my time over, I have grass that needs watching while it grows.

Jenny 8675309
Jenny 8675309
March 14, 2021 3:57 pm

comment image

March 15, 2021 11:57 am

I am no fan of the royals, but this whole thing reminded me of the whole Sarah Ferguson fiasco long ago and far away.

Who remembers that Andrew was once married to that red-headed stepchild?

Willy Wanker
Willy Wanker
March 15, 2021 12:15 pm

The days roll on, the years turn, and history repeats in the cycle of life. Redheads are the real minority. When they’re hot they’re hot but most are not.

March 14, 2021 3:15 pm

Great article Doug!

One very important thing though: it’s unalienable rights not inalienable rights.

Here’s a guy named Wayne Frank Barbuto to explain the difference:

Consider the word “Unalienable.” This word was used by Thomas Jefferson in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence where he described certain rights:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Unalienable rights are unique in that no one can lien them; they cannot be taken away or surrendered under any circumstance; they are un-a-lien-able.

It is no surprise that those who want to rule over us had to come up with a distraction from the concept of God-given unalienable rights.

When a victim in todays’ courtrooms makes any reference to their rights, judges are quick to ask, “Oh, are you referring to your inalienable rights?” By implying an interest in your welfare they hope to secure an agreement from you, and if you accept this counterfeit offering, you have just given away the farm.

Black’s 5th Law Dictionary informs us that inalienable rights “are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights”

This reveals that you can surrender, sell or transfer inalienable rights if you consent either actually or constructively. By falling for the trap of claiming inalienable rights rather than unalienable rights, you have, in essence, surrendered your rights, as these devils have a number of reasons to presume that you contracted these inalienable rights away long before you came near their courtroom.

March 14, 2021 3:59 pm

Thanks, Anon, for pointing that out. I should have caught that and will correct it on my blog

March 14, 2021 8:09 pm

I use inalienable myself. It fits and sounds better to modern ears.

Why pick nits? You’re article was great. Thanks.

If I need to explain to someone what “inalienable rights” means, I say they are real rights, rights that can’t be taken away, or granted by biological humanoids.

To get picky with the anonymous entity, Jefferson might have been thinking about our unalienable rights, but our Constitution allows government, in the pursuit of it’s specifically assigned assigned duties, and using it’s enumerated delegated powers, to infringe on our unalienable rights in a certain few specified instances.

It would be silly to imagine that someone would try to buy a right that everyone already has. What idiot would do that? I’ll sell you my right of conscience pretty cheap… Since you already have that right yourself, I guess the price will have to be very low. Make me an offer!

I’d even sell myself to you as a slave, also very cheaply, except I think I would be liable to be charged with fraud. You’d better draw up a contract first.

March 15, 2021 12:29 am

perfect brother.

March 15, 2021 1:41 am

Inalienable or unalienable rights are given up when one commits a real crime against another, as in an intentional injury not consented to by the injured party-a real crime doesn’t imply a statutory violation.

March 15, 2021 6:08 pm

Violations of your right to property is a real crime.

I believe that rights are truly unalianable. You still have a right to general liberty, even if you are in prison for murder or treason. In prison you are simply denied the exercise of your rights. Much as people held in slavery are denied the exercise of their rights.

March 15, 2021 10:43 pm

I don’t think you know what a right is.

A right is not wrong.

March 17, 2021 7:46 am

That’s profound!

Col. Bunny
Col. Bunny
March 18, 2021 1:52 am

I think unalienable rights cannot be transferred by any human to another, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. It’s simply impossible to induce someone to give up his rights. As Underwood correctly states, however, others can interfere with your exercise of them. I add that even non-official persons can so interfere.

  Col. Bunny
March 18, 2021 8:39 am

When I accepted employment, I sometimes agreed to certain restrictions on some of my rights, mostly free speech. The restrictions only applied when I was at work. I often thought they were a good idea, and used one companies policy to stop a union from campaigning for Mondale. on company property.

March 14, 2021 3:43 pm

He was… Chip

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 15, 2021 4:34 am

When my brother got divorced it came out that his wife had something like 150 pairs of shoes while he had 2 pairs. To be fair, because of her petite size she had done a lot of modeling for local department stores and in payment would get to keep the clothes/shoes she wore, but never got money. Then again, that was long, long ago.

March 15, 2021 12:22 pm

Remember Imelda Marcos (Phillipines President’s wife?)… she had thousands of pairs of shoes and boots.


  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 15, 2021 11:28 am

I’m reminded of a poster I saw as a college student, but couldn’t afford at the time.
It was a close up of an emperor penguin, with the words ‘I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no class’.
Sure would be appropriate in this era.

March 14, 2021 8:35 am

My observation, the couple has been uncoupled from the family. It’s like greenwashing a brand. The brand is incriminated with a long history of colonialism. It’s current CEOs are of old are and written off anyway.
There are claims for reparations in the US, the family will face such too, when the reset comes. They know what’s coming, they are prepared, even bulletproof when it comes to racism.

Col. Bunny
Col. Bunny
March 18, 2021 1:56 am

How many nations or tribes in human history have not been imperialist?

March 14, 2021 8:39 am

Royals blah blah who gives a shit !
Oprah Blah Blah who gives a shit !
Joe Biden the puppet president elected by the biggest fraud in American History Blah Blah Blah nobody is going to do shit !
So like the Boy Scouts “BE PREPARED” and like the drunks “ONE DAY AT A TIME”
The left is beginning to devour the useful idiots just get out of the way !
Perhaps it’s time to go Galt , who ever he is ? Could be me or thee or that man behind the tree LMAO

very old white guy
very old white guy
March 14, 2021 8:52 am

Another article that I enjoyed. Truth gets more difficult to find everyday and censorship is growing.

March 14, 2021 9:26 am

I think a key thing to remember while the U.S. undergoes its imperial collapse is to try to figure out how to stay out of the chaos and stay alive. The fools and ignoramuses are not handling the end of American imperial power very well. This is a time when politics will grow ever nastier and more illogical, as many will face the destruction of their lives especially if their livelihoods depend upon Government and any representation of its financialization of the American economy.

March 14, 2021 10:49 am

Government employees will be hardest hit if, or when the bond market blows up and their pensions go to hell. Once the interest on the debt goes beyond the capacity of government to pay it will be obvious Uncle Scam is broke.

March 14, 2021 11:17 am

When the bond market blows, the dollar goes

March 14, 2021 11:24 am

Sayyyy, you guys are on a track I hadn’t pursued yet. When the dollar tanks, Uncle Sam is probably going to be having a hard time attracting and retaining “talent.” They’ve been relying on contractors for 20 years because tight budgets already made it difficult to justify hiring new blood. In the 20-teens I did some contracting for the .gov. We had no budget to speak of, just the continuing resolution, and just kept recycling the 2010 budget, which froze us with no hiring and made procurement impossible. If/When the dollar tanks, what will be the point of hanging around for all those govies if their retirements are DOA? Govt workers who do hang around are not going to be working hard for little pay and no retirement.

March 16, 2021 12:45 pm

Scrip will be gov pay

March 14, 2021 2:06 pm

Their pensions will be paid even if it takes a 100% tax rate on allus deplorables.

March 15, 2021 7:27 am


By the way… this is one hundred, but without ec around, the thrill just ain’t the same.

However, I do call this one Mr. Thistle.

Federal Unions Workers and Civil Servant Pensions will be top priority since those are the people revolving between the Corporate world and Congressional lobby.

For example? I bet my husband gets his stimulus payment first out of the chute… He’s a three-banger. Military retired AND IAM Pension and Veterans disability!

March 15, 2021 9:59 am

I’ve been thinking the same thing.


March 15, 2021 5:24 pm

I miss EC too. It’s hard to explain, but there are just some people who it’s easy to assume they’ll always be around. And there are some comments where I think… wait a minute… and then I catch myself and remember. He’s gone. The centennial markers do matter to some. More than you might know. For me, they are a tribute to good times past and present. Nothing is frivolous.

March 15, 2021 8:16 pm

I sometimes see shades of EC in Underwood’s comments. Like the one above that said:

“Wow, is that what this article was about?”

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
March 15, 2021 8:20 pm

He was one of a kind.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 15, 2021 8:25 pm

The best HF. What a wonderful wit.

March 15, 2021 6:33 pm

The latest Covid Relief bill bailed out government pensions, as well as union pensions.

Nobody asked why they needed to be bailed out, or insisted on opening the pension fund books to see where the money went, and who sent it there.

Some historian will likely dig up the records in some future time, unless they’ve already shredded them.

I’m thinking, since tax time is here, that knocking two zeros off our money, making a dollar into a dime, is a great idea. It would put me almost in the correct tax bracket again.

It wouldn’t come close to balancing the value of the U.S. Dollar of my youth , which was 90% silver.

March 14, 2021 11:17 am

Coalclinker writes:

I think a key thing to remember while the U.S. undergoes its imperial collapse is to try to figure out how to stay out of the chaos and stay alive.

As I’ve stated here before: Going Galt, in a sense, means trying not to get burned while watching the dreams of looters go up in flames.

Tricky business.

March 14, 2021 11:57 am

If people think this thing is nasty now, wait until it’s Wokester Rwanda murderous, with Government satraps leading the way. If the Bolshies control your state or the town where you live, and you still live there, you’ve already screwed up. Get out NOW and go someplace where everyone hates those Destroyers.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
March 14, 2021 2:16 pm

Vaccination mandates or passports will be the enemies way of drawing out and marking the most committed dissenters or enemies of the left.

  Eyes Wide Shut
March 14, 2021 5:15 pm


The (evil) genius of it all seems… almost… supernatural, no?

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
March 14, 2021 7:29 pm

Happy Daylight Savings Day one of my favorite days of the year after a long, cold, dark winter!
Only 18 more days until April.
This is the day that the Lord had made
Let us be glad and rejoice in it!

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
March 17, 2021 12:21 pm

Supernatural. Si!

  Eyes Wide Shut
March 15, 2021 11:45 am

Identify disarm and off to the camp.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
March 18, 2021 8:14 pm

Or the chopping block

March 15, 2021 2:52 am

but doable

March 15, 2021 2:51 am

To stay out of the chaos i and mine follow the sage wisdom of Ole Ramus…. “Avoid crowd.” Something to live by in these “Interesting times.”

Another great article, by the way, and thank you… djdog

March 15, 2021 6:22 pm

The American Empire was not traditional. It was built on free trade and real money.

Seizing land from Spain was almost uniformly good for the people who lived there, since living in a Spanish colony was almost as bad as living in a Portuguese or Dutch or French colony.

The fools and ignoramuses of which you speak are the same fools and ignoramuses who gave us fiat money, and crony capitalism, who grew our national government so that it is almost certain that every American has committed at least one felony, and virtually all of those will be felonies created by bureaucrats.

The fools and ignoramuses are often very clever geniuses with deficient educations, a lack of morals, and massive thirsts for power and the wealth that power can bring, but, they have destroyed the basis of our well-being, which was individual liberty and free trade with protected property rights. That’s how the American Empire was created.

Have you noticed that some of the fools and ignoramuses have been around since they raised rabble in the 60s, trying to tear everything down… They failed then, and are having another go at it. Tearing things down (or blowing them up, or burning them) is all they know how to do.

March 14, 2021 9:29 am

The fact that you were trying to have a rational conversation about a woman to other women is a terrifying concept. In the words of my father, “don’t do that again”.

March 14, 2021 11:22 am

To paraphrase something actor Jack Nicholson once said, it becomes easier if the expectations are lowered regarding reason and accountability. Of course, that doesn’t apply to many of the female readers here, ya know?

March 14, 2021 12:00 pm

Of course, that doesn’t apply to many of the female readers here, ya know?

Well, of COURSE not, no way, no how. Nope, sure don’t.

I’ve reached this magic age and place in life where I don’t really give a crap about a huge amount of stuff. I don’t care if someone takes the vaccine (except if it’s someone I care about, then the conversation becomes heated and intense) I don’t care if the senile insect dodders along while the promiscuous snake of a VP waits gleefully in the wings for his demise, I don’t care if people are so stupid that they wear triple masks while alone in the car. I don’t care about how many illegals enter illegally, I don’t care if they grab guns, nope, I truly do not give a shit anymore.

I sit on the sidelines, hopefully far enough from the coming train wrecks that I only catch glancing blows if any bits travel that far. I can’t stop the train wreck, I know it’s coming and have done the best I can and the rest I leave in God’s hands.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
March 14, 2021 12:54 pm

And now you’re a stoic.

Welcome to the club.

March 14, 2021 1:53 pm

I’ve also recently arrived to the state of mind you’ve achieved. Never been so free in my entire life.

March 15, 2021 1:22 am

I’ve also recently arrived to the state of mind you’ve achieved. Never been so free in my entire life.

Odd how that works, isn’t it. I have very little control over things, I do what I can and where I can’t do anything I do the ol’ let go and let God thang. I have enough on my plate to keep me busy without having to go in search of more than I can deal with.

March 15, 2021 6:56 am

That… is the correct stance to take. There is this immovable point in life where it becomes obvious that we have very little control…because life is happening anyway. I let God sort out the details.

March 15, 2021 7:30 am

Well done!

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
March 17, 2021 4:23 pm

Well said, Mygirl. I’ve pretty much been out of the education business for a couple decades. Not giving a shit is basically being the opposite of a Karen. Karens pretend to give a shit but really just want everyone to be molded into their own image–a kind of echo chamber/ hall of mirrors kind of world that if finally achieved would give them no reason to exist. Truly not giving a shit is much easier and more satisfying. I enjoy watching a would be do-gooder twist and stew in their self imposed angst and especially the unintended consequences of their overflowing stupidity. But watch out, Our apathy is Karens’ anger trigger driving them even more insane.. Hell hath no fury like a Karen ignored!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 14, 2021 9:38 am

I seriously doubt the Royals are not racist. They are of a Royal bloodline and those bloodlines have a way of trying to protect their bloodline. They can push their fake non-racist crap if it helps keep the peasants happy but it’s all nonsense.

“It’s like the Political Left is cannibalizing itself in Trump’s vacuum. Look at what’s happening with Cuomo in New York.”

While it’s amusing, it’s also puzzling. Until I remembered a verse someone quoted in response to these types of things happening.

Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.

Ps 34:21 KJV

I think that is what we are beginning to see. Expect more of it but don’t relish it too much because it will affect us, too. We will get caught in the crossfire.

By the way, it’s nobodies business whether you get the injection or not. Do not call it a vaccine. It’s not a vaccine. Or it wasn’t until they changed the definition of vaccine. It’s a gene therapy. They could not get EUA if they didn’t call it a vaccine.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Mary Christine
March 14, 2021 11:21 am

It’s not a vaccine per se because it’s not really about the CV-19 virus (hell, CV-19 is history now esp with HCQ, Ivomeck, etc); it’s about compliance taking The NWO’s Shot that contains some nefarious secret things TPTB has been long working on for years and put into The Shot, and about what those things are going to do to the millions that took The Shot. We are really dividing ourselves into those who are accepting the Mark of the Beast Pogrom and those who are refusing the Mark of the Beast Pogrom.

  Mary Christine
March 14, 2021 11:30 am

RE: Political Left cannibalizing itself

It is curious, MC. Another example is now Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer is currently being served up on a platter. But The Left always has to have some great cause of injustice to justify its existence, so it’s probably not surprising they are eating their own now in Trump’s absence. And surely this plays into the .001% (puppetmaster’s) hands. Also, consider how Islamic sects war on each other until one tribe or the other takes control

March 14, 2021 2:25 pm

I told you, Doug, you had to write this article a few days ago; I could see the fire was burning. It’s tough to sit on the sidelines and not cry foul when the rules of the game keep changing and the referees are bought. Like you, like so many of us, I have to bite my tongue constantly when I’m around groups of people, because if I really spoke my mind I’d be a racist, misogynist, conspiracy theorist, whatever-the-hell-else, object of blatant hatefulness from obviously people better enlightened than me.

So great job, I think this is one of the best articles of yours I’ve read. No, really. I’m not just saying that.

Final note: Since we’re on the subject of Romans, via Epictetus, I am reminded of this lyric, courtesy of The Doors:

Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

March 15, 2021 2:21 pm

Thanks, Captain. When we were discussing these topics several days ago on that other thread, I was deciding whether to focus on the left cannibalizing itself (which would have been another article) or go with what I posted with this one above.

In my previous response to MC (above on this thread), regarding the left eating its own currently, I wrote this:

And surely this plays into the .001% (puppetmaster’s) hands.

Both Governors Gretchen Whitmer (MI) and Emmy Award-Winning Andrew Cuomo (NY) packed the covid-infected into nursing homes in order to kill more people thus adding momentum to the fake pandemic at its onset.

But, of course, the headlines are, instead, focusing on how Best-Selling Author and Emmy Award-Winning Andrew Cuomo (in particular) covered-up the number of deaths during this terrible pandemic.

So, presto chango, the Leftist middle-management and useful idiots get to virtue-signal their way through another grand pursuit of justice (i.e. distraction) while, at the same, ever-confirming the danger of Covid in the minds of said useful idiots.

And so it goes.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 15, 2021 10:25 pm

RE: Political Left cannibalizing itself

Another example of the cannibalizing?

In what appears yet another case of “do as I say, not as I do”, Goldman Sachs CEO has sparked a barrage of abuse and perhaps more notably, a hit-piece by Bloomberg.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Mary Christine
March 14, 2021 3:58 pm

It would seem highly improbable that a family which claims sovereignty based on lineage by way of blood could believe anything else.

Yet we are asked to believe their lies.

It’s almost as crazy as asking healthy people to wear masks so they won’t spread an illness they do not have.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 15, 2021 11:29 pm

Dr. Rima’s YouTube account has been suspended. Sad and blatant attack on free speech! Truly Orwellian!
comment image

  Mary Christine
March 16, 2021 12:53 pm

EVERYONE is a racist. Some less so, some more so.

March 17, 2021 7:53 am

I hate all races equally!

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
March 14, 2021 10:05 am

Well said, sir.

Creators and producers harvest from the bounty of their character as everything desired by the looters turns to ash; even as celebrity theatrics manifest in dramatic distractions and occupy the minds of millions.

Let’s get on with it.

  Robert Gore
March 14, 2021 10:39 pm

Answered your questions.

March 14, 2021 11:00 am

What did the ‘royals’ expect when they allowed a negro jew to marry in? Of course she’s going to whine about ‘racism’.

Yoko Ono: “I’m going to destroy the Beatles!”
Markle: “Hold my beer!”

March 14, 2021 11:12 am

I’ve never understood why retards in America care about the british royal family.
I’ve also never understood why retards in britain care about the british royal family.
Talk about being cucked. Brits worship and simp for the very people who terrorized them for generations.
In the modern age, I would assume we would be smart enough to realize royalty is a stupid lingering reminder of a more stupid, brutish age in man’s development, a throwback to one of the least reliable ways of governing or finding the best man for the job.
Then again, if we’re going to go by modern standards, the best man for the job is at least 12% black, 75% gay female or 100% trans and/or handicrippled.

Watching an entitled actress marry into an entitled inbred bunch of powerful freaks and then complain about how hard it is to be rich and world-famous is just amusing. More of that, please.

March 14, 2021 8:28 pm

All one has to do is go to any commonwealth country and go to any town and see the Great War memorials dedicated to “Our Glorious Dead”. Their men were slaughtered and their only solace is that they died for king and country.

March 14, 2021 11:30 am

Can minds be changed?

In my opinion, yes, but not without the media.

And, either way, is the effort worth it?

It’s worth everything.

March 14, 2021 4:40 pm

Interesting answers, Glock. Thanks

Also, wasn’t it you, who, at one time here, in another Work In Progress, speculated on the following question: What if the mRNA vaccines actually will defend against the new (deadlier) Covid strains that would kill those who didn’t receive the shots?

Was that you? Because in an earlier version of the above article, I included a segment exploring that theory (i.e. the trick being on us or, rather, the old Bioweapon Bait and Switch) but decided to take it out. It was only a few paragraphs but I thought it was too sharp of a turn in the above piece.

However, the gist was this: Just as people put hope in Trump and then lost on election day, their hopes were renewed by attorneys Powell, Wood, & Giuliani only to have them dashed by the courts and by the Storming of the Capitol® which transitioned peaceful rally attendees into homegrown terrorists.

Therefore, what if the new vaccines were engineered to withstand the next strains that would kill off the unvaccinated? So people are now trusting in their immune systems and truth tellers online like Rappaport, Sardi, Mercola, Tenpenny, and others, only to realize it was a trick play. What better way would there be to simultaneously wipe out the anti-vax conspiracy theorists and generate global enthusiasm for the vaccine agenda, ya know?

Obviously, I’m going with my immune system, but it is something to think about. And given all we’ve seen in the last year not much would surprise me.

Anyway, another reason I didn’t include those paragraphs in the above pieces because I didn’t think of them and I could not remember who to credit.

So was that you? Or someone else? I remember reading the post here but didn’t commit the title or author to my long-term memory

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
March 14, 2021 5:21 pm

If the government could sing it would sound like this.

And the question you’re asking- parenthetically- is that same government capable of this?

March 14, 2021 8:03 pm

“…another reason I didn’t include those paragraphs in the above pieces because I didn’t (originally) think of them…”, that is (i.e. it wasn’t my idea),

Regardless, here are those first-draft paragraphs that I removed early in the revision process for the above article:

Or, given all we’ve witnessed so far, what if the trick was on us once again? Just as Trump gave many patriotic Americans hope for a time, those dreams became a nightmare on the morning of November 4, 2020 – the day after last year’s presidential election. But, then, hope was renewed by the post-election efforts of Attorneys Sydney Powell, Lin Wood, and Rudy Giuliani only to be dashed once more in the aftermath of rejected court cases and the January 2021 Storming of the Capitol® which transitioned Trump supporters into homegrown terrorists.

Could the same sort of trickery be occurring again? Just as our natural immune systems have given us hope against the likely lab-engineered Covid Bioweapon 1.0 and, as we are inspired by the courage of truthtellers like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and others… what if the lab-engineered Covid Bioweapon 2.0 ends up killing the non-vaccinated conspiracy theorists? Can you imagine a better way to simultaneously eliminate the opposition to The Great Reset while generating increased enthusiasm for the vaccine agenda?

Is it possible? Maybe so, especially in light of all we have experienced over the past year.

It’s a sobering thought but I’m still going with my natural immune system.

March 14, 2021 9:56 pm

It’s a sobering thought but I’m still going with my natural immune system.

Me too.

Another thought…if the plan was to introduce another virus that will kill the non vaxxers but spare the vaxxers, why are they so adamant to get everyone vaccinated (no, it isn’t a vaccine)?

March 14, 2021 10:05 pm

Perhaps the plan is not to kill them but to weaken your subjects. Make them dependent on government largess, much easier to control.

March 15, 2021 11:36 am

If that is their plan they can, after the die-off, step up on their soapbox and say “See, we tried to warn you. You should have obeyed us. ”
Just to encourage the survivors to be good little serfs.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
March 14, 2021 11:45 pm

Very thoughtful Un.
The take away in my mind being, Always March to the beat of your own drummer.
Clearly the entanglements of lock step are too self defeating regardless of what hill I’m on at any given day.

March 18, 2021 8:46 am

Me too. I had the flue in ’57, and again in ’67. Both were bad versions.
I’ve had the flue a couple of times since, but they didn’t amount to much.

March 14, 2021 9:54 pm


Yes, I did posit that some time ago. Wouldn’t that just be a kick in the nuts? Anything is possible, I guess. A truly sad time in history. This line of thinking is why I often say “The truth does not exist”.

March 14, 2021 11:14 pm

Thanks for confirming. I thought it was you who put it out there and it seemed sort of far-fetched to me at the time. But perhaps less so now given all that’s happened

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
March 14, 2021 11:30 pm

You really need to read the post on SLL about Dr. Greet Bossche, the vaccine designer who says just the opposite. Basically he said you cannot use a vaccine as a prophylactic when a virus is active; it has the potential to destroy immune systems and can turn the virus into a bioweapon. Scary stuff.

  Craven Warrior
March 15, 2021 12:24 am

I will check it out, Craven, but also keep in mind the mRNA “vaccines” are not vaccines, per se. Regardless, I suppose it comes down to this: If depopulation is the goal then the “shots-in-arm” may be the smoking gun. However, if multiple rounds of vaccinations are the end-goal in order to rewire humanity into The Borg, then it would make sense to kill the conspiracy theorists via the same trickery Trump supporters were fooled by the Stop the Steal rally two months ago.

March 15, 2021 11:46 am

The psychopath/satanists who want to rule humanity have been consistently hinting at depopulation as a key part of their plan. What do the Georgia guide stones say the human population will be? Half a billion or something like that? That would mean more than 9 out of 10 have to go. Western Civilization has to be destroyed too, because its morality and attitudes stand in the way.

If they can pull that off they really don’t have much to worry about from a few dissident stragglers surviving in a depopulated grid-down wasteland. So I am going with simple depopulation as the plan, and not clearing out the troublemakers. The slave labor gulags that will dot the countryside will be well protected.

That aside, the Geert Vanden Bossche content is worth checking out. In the interview I saw he did not hint an evil plan, more that the premature vaccine rollout was a dumb political mistake, which will cause many to lose natural immunity to other existing and future Covid/Corona strains. Millions of deaths resulting.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 15, 2021 10:19 am

Therefore, what if the new vaccines were engineered to withstand the next strains that would kill off the unvaccinated?

I seriously doubt that’s the case. Too many people have been convinced they need them to survive when it’s obvious you don’t need them to survive. Nearly 99.9 % survival rate by the CDC’s own standards. There is also a lot of evidence that the injection (stop calling it a vaccine!) could do the opposite.

In previous tries to concoct a coronavirus injection like this (they have been trying for decades) the animal studies showed initial antibody response but when the animals came in contact with the wild virus the animals died. I believe this is the reason they skipped the animal trials. Remember the goal is to reduce the population, not save it.

March 14, 2021 12:08 pm

“Obviously, many in America have forgotten once they once knew or, worse, they forgot to learn.”

I’ve been trying not to be so picky, but “once they once knew”?

March 14, 2021 3:16 pm

Typo. Thanks for catching that, Grampy. It should be: “..forgotten what they once knew…”. I can’t fix it on this blog will make the change on my own blog

March 14, 2021 12:17 pm

Your post today was another good one, IMO.

Mind if I add verses 2 and 3, to the Serenity prayer here, Unc?

Living one day at time, enjoying one moment at a time,
taking, as He did, this world as it is, and
not as I would have it.

{for me, that’s grabbing the small victories in the here and now,
while trying to practice that acceptance mentioned in verse 1, even if desiring something more to our liking}

Trusting, that He will make all things right,
if I surrender to His will,
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely happy with Him in the next.

{practicing faith thru kindness, focusing on simple blessings and victories, with the hope of
eventually ending up in a place or a realm where peaceful bliss reigns, with an absence of conflict}

March 14, 2021 12:25 pm

Someone telling women what to think, Not very bright. I wonder why people are so into the British royal family. People here fought a revolution to get away from these people.

March 14, 2021 12:46 pm

Cultural Learnings of Relationships for Make Benefit Glorious TPBer Uncola;

—1) “Unfriend” those women. Immediately.

—2) Thereafter, read “How To Find Good Friends”.

March 14, 2021 1:15 pm

Gandhi’s system of Satyagraha could be defined as the insistence of truth and this can be accomplished only by those who have not forgotten what is true.

This portends to the permanence of the schizm; we are faced with segments of multiple generations of people who have been exposed to truth but brainwashed not to believe it, and for the last twenty years or so (since the bipartisan passage of the Telecom Act of 1996, which encouraged the conglomeration of information publication), exposure by media and education of the truth has decreased steadily until, since the Obammy regime, is almost nil. Thus the youngest adults understand almost nothing of actual, factual, practical, applicable truth, except for what they have seen/heard/learned from their elders, and when the entire WORLD and every public face in it says/does/believes otherwise, they defer from REALITY and ACCEPT the narrated agenda.

Covid has been used to address numerous facets of THE agenda, as the takeover is truly in full-throttle mode now, from the destruction of independent businesses to the subjugation/dehumanization of much of the population en route to complete dependency/servitude, as well as being a “beta test” for medical/martial law and actual universal imprisonment (NOT TO MENTION being used as the EXCUSE for stealing the election), but I think that there is also ample evidence to suggest that both the “virus” AND the “injected treatment” are tools for depopulation OF THE ELDERLY, the living, breathing, surviving human archives of truth.

When everyone is young (See the warnings from The Time Machine and Logan’s Run and I’m sure there are other examples) . . . no one will be wise. Just look at them now, the young (the majority of them, I mean) . . . they KNOW the truth, are awake to patriarchy and bigotry (they think), embrace “equality” but listen to no one, hearken to no cautionary tales, are unable to think critically, do not consider or heed to reason yet demand their own way. They are slaves to folly. Imagine how pliable they will be when they have no remaining landmarks of truth.

I do not mean to sound nihilistic, but I kinda am. The delusion is nigh unbreakable. They do not embrace the truth; how will they ever know it or insist upon it?

March 14, 2021 4:21 pm

one of the most under rated comments on this thread…. chip

March 14, 2021 6:59 pm

My husband was scrolling through his own summaries of bad news and uncharacteristically blurted out “How in the world can any of this be fixed?”

And I said “It cannot be fixed.”

It cannot.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
March 14, 2021 7:32 pm

Actually “the fix” has been in for a long long time

March 15, 2021 11:41 pm

And whoever from the older generations is left standing can be marginalized and rationalized away with scientific consensus taught as law like the anthropogenic global warming narrative or the Mandela effect.

March 14, 2021 1:48 pm

The right was castigated for wanting to go back to the fifties. They have done the same too. We have a plague (?)(Covid), royalty (two sets of laws ), religion (global warming), feudalism (own nothing and like it)… They have gone back to the fifties. The 1450’s

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 14, 2021 2:08 pm

Powerful video that young girl made. I imagine her sentiments are shared by the majority.

Is it worth it??? Damn right it is. There are lives at stake.

March 14, 2021 2:09 pm

Fortunately there’s a lot of wiggle room in the following International Bible Students definition:

A lie is false statement made to one by another, who is entitled to hear & know the truth and which false statements tend towards injury to the other.

I can think of many who fall into that gray area.

March 14, 2021 4:54 pm

The Bible is so universal it’s hard not to reference it always. So the story of Rahab assisting the spies in Joshua chapter 2 (and lying to the authorities) comes to mind.

Who is entitled to know the truth? Good question, huh?

March 14, 2021 2:49 pm

“This is because telling the truth now may, in time, put a target on my back.”

You’re concerned about telling the truth (to those whom you do not trust — which should basically be everyone) …. but, but, but … you’re posting you won’t take the shot on THE WORLD WIDE INTERNET???

Now, that’s odd.

March 14, 2021 4:58 pm

It’s because I’ve had a good life, Stuck. Far better than I deserved. I trust the people that read this blog in good faith. And the others who are doing it because they’re getting paid, must know that I am waiting for them.

March 14, 2021 3:03 pm

“So if someone I don’t trust asks me if I’ve been vaccinated, I will tell them I have allergies and I’m in the process of consulting with medical experts …..”

You can’t just say “Nope! Not taking it!”??

You gotta go through this mental gymnastics of whether or not to lie …. and then decide that because you really do have allergies, you will tell them ‘hey it’s Muh allergies” …. which you know damned good and well that’s only a half-truth, because you have other real reasons (which you will tell those you trust). So, the whole thing is a well choreographed exercise in White Lies.

Stop being a Scaredy Cat. Be a man. Just say, “Nope! Not taking it!”.

You’ll feel better afterwards.

March 14, 2021 3:12 pm

My body, my choice. I love using their line against them.

March 14, 2021 4:24 pm

Notice how that mantra has disappeared in the age of Covid… Chip

March 14, 2021 5:47 pm

My favorite line is from my favorite Austrian, Ahnold, in da Terminator …….. “Fuck You, Asshole!”.

It is pronounced as follows …

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
March 15, 2021 8:39 am

That’s a classic Stucky

The Orangutan
The Orangutan
March 15, 2021 11:46 am

The Orangutan approves.

March 14, 2021 5:07 pm

Like I said in the piece, Stuck:

…at times, the solution may be to act towards a specific outcome, or, on other occasions, to speak truth to power and, in some instances, stepping out of the way and NOT interrupting the enemy in the middle of their mistakes.

And, mentioned above as well: Sometimes I will engage and other times I will go gray like Gandalf 1.0 on a foggy day.

For people with closed minds, the allergy deflection saves a lot of time in the moment and provides me with better (and more) options in the longer term because I will discern them through their actions.

I’m also of the opinion that the hysteria will be dialed up several notches in the next rounds of covid, should it go that way.

We’ll see.

March 14, 2021 5:54 pm

Ok, that’s cool.

Frankly, I don’t know how you even have the energy to deal with such mental midgets.

I’m with several others commenting in this thread …. I. Just. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck. (Except for my loved ones.)

The answer to your question is “No! Minds can’t be changed.” At least on this topic. After one full year of — Da Covid!! Da Covid!! Da Covid!! Da Covid!!” —- everyone’s mind is already made up. So, why bother?

March 14, 2021 10:48 pm

With all due respect, I think Stucky is right over the target on this.

We are where we find ourselves today because conservatives/libertarian/constitutionalist types are inherently non-interventionist, live and let live types. If people want to believe absurdities we’re OK with their choice to do so.

The Left not so much, as in AT. ALL. They are so insecure in their own ideologies they cannot abide rejection, and must use compulsion. They know no limits to their compulsion because they are not tethered to reason, reality or empathy for other perspectives.

What you describe is a tactical response. As of Jan. 20, tactical responses are a nullity. The Left is making nothing but strategic moves. When you steal an election, corrupt the highest court in the land, outlaw dissent, fabricate in plain sight and ignore the law whenever you wish you are corrosive of the fabric of society as we know it. Tactical won’t cut it because by the time a tactic works–if it does, you will not be allowed to use it. Denying what the TRUTH of your God given right to an opinion is to you, you are engaged in a never ending tactical withdrawal. We have been doing that as conservatives for 50+ years and we are on the verge of total capitulation to tyranny.

No more. EVERYTHING IS STRATEGIC NOW. There is nothing to be gained by avoiding conflict, in fact the sooner the better because we will never be allowed to be as strong as we are today.

Forget politeness, forget convenience, forget “live to fight another day”…that time has passed. It’s trench warfare from here on out and last man standing to determine the outcome. There is nothing to be gained and everything to be lost to consider it any other way.

March 14, 2021 11:18 pm

You may be right, Jersey. Definitely worth seriously considering.

However, I will tell you that the people who keep asking me have all had both shots and are extremely happy and relieved to have the mRNA in their blood.

How would you think they would respond to what I believe is the truth?
And, especially, while I’m standing there in front of them without any “smoking gun” evidence and having a ton of other stuff to do?

March 15, 2021 2:16 am

Uncola, it is not for their benefit. They are beyond salvage. It is for YOU and for those of us who believe the same truths to be self-evident. One of the hard lessons I had to imbibe was that the time for my “enlightening” humanity is over. I, we, lost that opportunity…or it was never going to work against the weight of propaganda in education, public discourse and the social/cultural milieu.

It is for our light to shine in the darkness. I know how I feel when I avoid those uncomfortable, unproductive exchanges. And I know how I feel when I say exactly what I believe, just as the zombies are doing in their own perverse way. And the latter is infinitely the better of the two.

I think the most concise and powerful summation of where we are at this very moment comes from the words of Winston Churchill:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

March 15, 2021 9:10 am

Food for thought, Jersey. And that’s one of the reasons why I write these articles. So thank you.

The choice between survival or martyrdom raises the question: What are we fighting for?

And the Churchill quote makes the argument of choosing one’s battles (and hills upon which to die) earlier as opposed to when it’s too late.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 15, 2021 10:27 am

You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

Indeed, there are worse things than death.

  Mary Christine
March 17, 2021 8:05 am


Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
March 14, 2021 11:53 pm

Well put Jersey. It’s all cleverly disguised as “not interrupting your enemies mistakes” I’ve heard and read it so often it becomes excuse- like.

March 15, 2021 7:51 am

Fantastic response. And not because you agree with me … although it doesn’t hurt. 🙂

Your analysis of Strategic vs. Tactical is one I have not seem mentioned here before (or, if so, I missed it). That’s brilliant … because it defines how we ought to fight.

March 15, 2021 2:49 pm

I keep thinking of strategy vs. tactics.

According to Merriam Webster:

Definition of strategy

1a(1) : the science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war

(2) : the science and art of military command exercised to meet the enemy in combat under advantageous conditions
b : a variety of or instance of the use of strategy

2a : a careful plan or method : a clever stratagem
b : the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal

3 : an adaptation or complex of adaptations (as of behavior, metabolism, or structure) that serves or appears to serve an important function in achieving evolutionary success

Definition of tactics

1a : the science and art of disposing and maneuvering forces in combat

b : the art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end

2 : a system or mode of procedure

Strategy is the plan for specific outcomes? Whereby tactics are the specific actions and reactions within the strategic plan?

Am I missing anything? In any event, and as I have written in my past articles, a decision must first be made as to what can be won. Or, rather, the specific outcome desired and… once again… (as Epictetus contends) what we can control and what is beyond our control. Ya know? And may the odds ever be in our favor.

March 15, 2021 5:02 pm

We posted these responses in the same minute, Doug. Great minds, you know. 🙂

The Battle vs the War is the simplest way to think about it.

March 15, 2021 6:04 pm

I had a Sales Manager at Hewlett Packard who would rant and rave about all the bullshit “Sales Strategy” meetings his bosses rained down on him … which, indeed, seemed endless and ever changing. We need more tactical help he would rant.

I (eventually) understood what he meant. Strategy is thinking about selling. Ivory Tower edicts. Tactics is actually selling. In the trenches fighting.

March 15, 2021 6:20 pm

I like the sales analogy.

Marketing is a sales strategy…get more “ups.”

A commission structure is a sales structure…maximally incentivize each individual salesman.

The Tactics of Sales are the old:

1. Prospecting
2. Establishing Rapport
3. Qualification
4. Demonstrating Value
5. Overcoming Objections
6. Closing the Deal
7. Follow Up

Or some such. Taught in basically every sales class.

March 15, 2021 4:49 pm

Good thread here. Tactical vs. Strategic is the big dividing concept. But to say that “There is nothing to be gained by avoiding conflict, in fact the sooner the better because we will never be allowed to be as strong as we are today” is just plain wrong. Way too simplistic to be a strategy. Give ground and take it. Long/short positions rather than simple dialectics.

As the most simple example, what can be gained by not fighting someone over masks or wokeness? Time and trust. Coming to grips with reality (vs the BS/propaganda version of it) is a PROCESS for everyone. Start the process small. If a person trusts you as a rational and ethical person, they are far more likely to move to our side when the anties are upped.

I have a pretty solid concept of reality and I see things that piss me off all the time…does that mean I should fly into a rage daily? Nonsense. And, for God’s sake, there is just personality differences. I am a quite agreeable person, naturally. Up to a point. I can also have a temper. I have to manage these immutable factors of my being.

Then there is just plain timing. Strategy is all about timing. Move to soon and you’re exposed, too late and the war is lost. I will bide time and do what small good I can, push back in small ways when I see the opportunity. Some day, I will explode in a rant. I know it. I just have to try and time it right. I need to have the right arguments in mind ahead of time. I will need to manage my temper, not suppress it, but use it to my advantage, without letting it take control.

THIS, this type of thinking, of self-examination, is what strategy must look like.

Most of what I hear is just impotent and/or reckless rage.

March 15, 2021 6:17 pm


As usual, you make some very good points.

I really like the strategy/war vs tactic/battle comparison. Also what you say about buying time and establishing trust. In my life experience, I have learned the importance of establishing a rapport, or at the very least, common ground, before attempting to persuade anyone. But once judgment occurs, a closed mind will not be receptive to anything that follows in the conversation.

So, yes, sometimes it might be best to sow seeds of doubt (as I state in my piece) regarding the covid “vaccines” with words such as “experimental” and “synthetic” and “Emergency Use Authorization”. Then, as things escalate, folks might be more open-minded. Or not.

In any event, I always try to envision my actions and reactions ahead of time and, in the moment, go with my gut – particularly, in answering these questions: What can be won? What can I control? What is beyond my control? What are the odds (right now) of achieving what I think can be won?

I have found this entire thread to be quite thought-provoking and, therefore, beneficial. Thanks for posting your thoughts

March 15, 2021 6:49 pm

Thank you for this and all your articles.

Of course, some minds cannot be changed. There is something in the Gulag Archipelago about a woman (I think) sent to a tenner in the Gulag for a complete non-offense and still she would never renounce the Communist system or the Godlike Stalin. There is no hope for such.

What people’s minds can be changed cannot be known ahead of time. This is just another meta-level to strategy. Sow seeds when and where you can. Try to dig too deep and you may turn people off completely.

What I think most people fail to see is that the current tide of nonsense will change at some point. Maybe gradually, maybe very suddenly. There will be a point, I believe, where the courage of a few good leaders can change the course of history. It may be walking a knife’s edge, but I think it is there.

If it is missed, there are only the twin paths of global, digital tyranny or complete collapse…or perhaps the former followed at some point by the latter.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
March 15, 2021 12:48 pm

You don’t need to explain. To thine own self be true.

March 15, 2021 8:18 pm

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March 14, 2021 3:18 pm
March 14, 2021 3:21 pm

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March 15, 2021 12:05 pm

I just had to share this here. For Bea and you too!

March 14, 2021 8:17 pm

Unc- So many nuggets of truth in this article. I always announce, ” Oh God… it’s a slow news day, the Brit royals are the lead story ” ,when they drag those putrid actors out for the latest family row. I don’t waste time on those freeloaders who have amassed great wealth off the backs of humans around the world.

Hardscrabble’s comments were outstanding and much more polite than I would have stated. Unc, this is truly out of our hands UNLESS we as a group have the courage to take OHMAMA’s advice. Stop discussing made up shite as though it has merit and get serious.

March 15, 2021 12:08 am

The “made up shite” was used as a means to discuss what has merit, Bea: eternal principles, knowledge versus its lack; truth or deception; forgetting or remembering; and what can be done as opposed to what can’t.

March 15, 2021 7:55 am

How’s your health BL? Seriously … I read your comments and I immediately think “I hope BL is doing OK.” Are you?

March 15, 2021 9:43 am

I hope so too… nosey nosensteins want to know.

As far as Diana’s love-child? I figured he got the memo and is situated to take the throne of North America when the British Monarchy re-establishes their Divine Right of Kings. :O /s

March 15, 2021 7:03 pm

Mags & Stucky- I am in great health (cough), just working on healing a torn rotator cuff…. BY MYSELF, so far so good. Hint- I am using bone broth and a collagen powder with 5 different types of collagen. Also using a hand weight exercise. I think it is really a rotator muscle problem but I would treat it the same either way.

This is a very good thread and I’m hoping Unc didn’t take my “shite” comment personally. We all just keep discussing shite day after day. I don’t say much anymore as it is painful to type. I try to always add a little something to Stucky’s articles. Unc usually gets a fairly nice count but rest assured, I do read his wonderful articles.

March 15, 2021 7:13 pm

Maggie- Some may remember that in the last few years I related that TPTB want to move all of the developed countries to monarchies again. Awesome that you posted your belief that we are headed in that direction. I honestly quit talking about it as people would give me downers every time. I may sound like a lunatic but believe me, I can figure out a puzzle faster than a Libfuk can be offended.

When the club sent the half-niglet and the guy born on the wrong side of the sheets over here under the guise of ill treatment, I figured they will be our monarchs-in-waiting. What a dismal f’n thought. It’s the replacement for the cartoon non-functional CONgress and judiciary we have. I won’t even throw in the executive as that is purely a acting gig.

March 15, 2021 7:37 pm

“Give us a king!”

It is coming

March 15, 2021 7:44 pm

I guess Merikans have forgotten why we came to these shores….. MONARCHY.

March 17, 2021 8:15 am

The Rights of Englishmen were well established long before the American Revolution, but colonists were being denied their rights.

I’d say most people came here for opportunity, the opportunity to escape a mercantile economic system. And because land was essentially free for the taking.

March 17, 2021 11:53 pm

Ya think Underwood? We declared independence from the crown and soon boatloads came for opportunity in a free land, but thanks for clarifying.

In truth, we never really gained freedom and are still owned. Monarchs, aka Emblematic Freemasonry pondered how hard the sheep would work if they believed themselves completely free. Would they get a pound and a half of flesh instead of the usual pound? It worked better than they imagined, Americans were extremely productive chasing the American dream.

The Queen/Crown is a shareholder in the Federal Reserve. Rothschild Banks own the lion’s share of the Fed, guess who owns them?

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
March 15, 2021 8:35 pm

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 15, 2021 8:52 pm

HF-Notice that they offered up the guy who was in DC hanging politicians as the New American King? If only the world worked the way it does in novels. 🙂

Our new American King and Queen will be of a certain bloodline per usual.

March 15, 2021 8:07 pm

All good, BL. I always appreciate what you have to say; especially when we don’t agree. 😉 Get well soon

March 15, 2021 12:05 pm

I came across this and thought of you immediately.

March 14, 2021 9:02 pm

Markle needs come to terms with the fact, that she is moar white than she is black.

March 15, 2021 2:07 am

Not Even Once

March 15, 2021 12:13 pm

Markle is doing it arse backwards but the logic is the same.
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She classifies herself like the Nazis she no doubt distains.

March 15, 2021 2:14 am

This gay shit is all a distraction, and yet the people who will inherit da throne are fucking (((goldsmids))) or whatever.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 15, 2021 3:33 am

A preacher told me twenty some years ago, that I can “be too brutal with the truth”. And so I remain.

I don’t comment much anymore-my position is always the same. History had a beginning, and it will have its’ end.

Interesting about Rahab, and Jericho, the City of Giants. How could such a ‘loving god’ order the destruction of every man, woman, and child?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <——====

  ordo ab chao
March 15, 2021 9:52 am

how could such a ‘loving god’ order the destruction of every man, woman, and child? because those who are kind to the cruel, in the end will be cruel to the kind.

  ordo ab chao
March 15, 2021 10:07 am

The last few minutes are well worth the time. I listened to all, but really got drawn in with Build Back Better and then, of course, Paul Harvey is always mesmerizing.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  ordo ab chao
March 15, 2021 12:21 pm

How could he order the destruction of woman and children? So the mixed DNA from the nephilim bloodline could be wiped out. But they disobeyed orders and we are paying the consequences to this day. Now they are trying to alter DNA again by mixing with ai. Expect things to get really interesting.

March 15, 2021 4:07 am

“I find myself wondering if a “lack of knowledge” includes forgetting what we once knew.”

If it can be remembered, then it isn’t lacking, its mislaid.

March 15, 2021 8:44 am

The derangement runs deep these days. When I go outside in public areas or even private areas I see the mad masked Covidians wearing their masks of virtue. They could be walking on a path through the woods, driving a car, mowing the lawn, gardening or just walking down the street. Are they afraid the virus is lurking in the wind ready to bite them? Is this just a form of virtue signaling. I have also seen that the vaccine seems to be changing people making them ever more compliant. I have actually witnessed this with friends and former friends. If this vaccine effects RNA and gene expression then is perfectly possible that the virus makes people more compliant in their thinking and in how they act. I suspect that this is a political statement as well. If you were to divide the masked with the liberated and mask free you would find that the former are Demoncrats who supported Crazy Unca Joe and the latter being red state Republicans and conservatives and this by a wide margin.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
March 15, 2021 12:55 pm

In that case Trump lost big. Every where I go over 90% are wearing the rag or two.

March 15, 2021 8:43 pm

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Taras 77
Taras 77
March 15, 2021 10:09 pm

I never trusted anything oprah was connected with, nor her close proximity to the obummers and to weinstein.

She has a reportedly lurid record with young actresses and the weinstein connection.

It is no mystery as to why meghan and the guy with the ring in his nose chose oprah to ring the cash resister and the gong show.

March 16, 2021 9:07 pm

EXCLUSIVE: NYC Judge Removes 6-Year-Old From Mother Because She Didn’t Wear a Mask While Dropping Her Off at School

March 16, 2021 10:09 pm

KaD- That is just beyond my comprehension, what’s next? Back in the day, right thinking people would have had some asshole(s) tarred and feathered before sundown. Now the spineless jellyfish just wear their face diaper and keep their mouths shut….. sad.

March 17, 2021 2:41 pm

And in a pop/cancel culture where a woman can profess her undying love for a black man only to be labeled a racist because she attended an antebellum fraternity formal three years prior:

“On The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Matt explained to Rachael why they can’t be together.”

He expressed his hurt in discovering her social media past, and the “most disappointing thing” was having to explain to her why what she shared was “problematic.”

Matt told Rachael they can’t be together, because her learning and growing from this is a journey she must do without him.

This goes beyond social justice and virtue signaling. It has become brainwashing.

Here is the racist photo:

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March 17, 2021 10:57 pm

I stand by my comment that these people (royals) are freeloaders. Megan should get her agent to line up some acting jobs if she needs to pay for her residence. She is an actress playing her biggest part, doing the same job to pay the bills won’t hurt her. Harry is suited to sell used cars to earn a few Benjamins.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
March 17, 2021 6:41 pm

I truly believe that there are some women that should be stood on their head and quikrete poured into their cooch to prevent further gene pool corruption. She is definitely one of the toilet circlers that needs it.

She is about as black as my ass cheeks are.

ZFG, out.

P.S. She wipes back to front.

March 19, 2021 1:58 am

The actual problem is that the royal family isn’t nearly racist enough. If they were, Harry would never have hooked up with the high-mileage mulattrix in the first place.

Magnus Stout
Magnus Stout
April 7, 2021 1:56 pm

Excellent article with solid advice.

Three thoughts:

1) The “Elites” are as arrogant as they are incompetent. The only thing better than being contemptuous of them is to simply ignore them and their ideas to the maximum extent possible. History is replete with examples that: “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18.

2) The only certainty about Covid and the not-vaccine is this: it is never exactly what (((they))) tell us. Even if the result (from immune dysfunctions) does not wreck civilizations, it seems certain to create the first true global ID system, which should lead to the eventual Mark.

3) The Covid hysteria (the pointless masking, 6ft rule, etc…) as well as the current state-sanctioned racism (“anti-racism”) are really outgrowths of a perverted new religiosity. Put differently, our “myth-making” system directs our goals and provides meaning and purpose. Here is an interesting (long, but fascinating) article that explores this idea in regards to wokeness here.

Covid-hysteria, like the “two minutes hate” propaganda in Orwell’s “1984,” highjacks this important system to serve the State. The biggest issues we face actually relates to this “flight from reason,” or what others (like EMJ) would call, “A flight from Logos.” As the phrase goes: “You can take the person out of the religion, but you can’t take the religion out of the person.”