Behold the new “500-meter-diameter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST),” China’s mega-science project and the world’s largest single-dish radio observatory for “the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).” Global Times reports.

Beijing has been to the moon and Mars and is planning power plants and settlements, claims Politicoa leftist outlet. The government is determined to name and explore neighboring galaxies and preemptively claim resources and territories for the Global South before Western capitalists can do so. Socialism in space is coming.

In between Washington and Beijing lies ancient Brussels that is yet undecided about the Interstellar Galactic Order. The Europeans have no BIG Tech and anyway tend to rationalize that it is all some Israeli hoax or bigotry to drive them schizoid. They clearly underestimate the power of belief.

Circling back to the beginning of this article, all our attention is now on our leaders‘ delivery of the impossible task: KEEPING US INVESTED.