Go All the Way

ADE is a metaphor for government—they both make things worse.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

A phenomenon known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) may be developing from the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. ADE leaves a population more vulnerable to a disease and its variants after widespread administration of a vaccine during a pandemic. While the early indication may be that the vaccine prevents or ameliorates the disease, if it only kills some of the virus, mutant variants can develop that resist the vaccine and spread to the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. The process is analogous to bacterial resistance. ADE was a known risk of mRNA technology from earlier efforts to develop coronavirus vaccines, which were halted when new exposures to the underlying virus led to lab animal deaths.

A phenomenon known as Monetary Dependent Enhancement (MDE) is a debilitating side effect of contemporary economic prescriptions. The belief is that fiat debt units—Federal Reserve Notes, credit entries on Federal Reserve computers, and Treasury debt—can create economic growth, jobs, and wealth. Injection of fiat debt units may initially stimulate economic activity and elevate asset prices. However, they’re not a substitute for savings, investment, and production, which actually produce growth, jobs, and wealth. Rather, fiat debt debasement discourages savings, eventually retarding investment and production. Of course, as proponents of fiat debt units like to say, in the long run we’re all dead, but MDE has rendered entire economies dead while people are still alive and will do so again.

A phenomenon known as Intervention Dependent Enhancement (IDE) repeatedly presents as an adverse effect of US foreign and military policy. The US foreign policy establishment—“the blob”—believes that its conceptions of governance can and should be exported to other nations. Revolutions are fomented, invasions launched, and regimes changed in benighted nations that refuse to acknowledge the superiority of the American way and accept the blob’s beneficence and guidance.

Intervention carries staggering costs in blood and treasure and leaves both the recipient nation and the US in worse shape than they were before the intervention. The US-backed regime is invariably corrupt and has no real support among the people it purports to rule. The satrapy’s depredations inflame the locals’ antipathy towards it and its US government sponsor. The locals have the incentive, moral imperative, and staying power to fight for their land, all of which the invader lacks. Afghanistan is a classic example of IDE.

IDE has destroyed the goodwill the US government enjoyed after WWII as leader of the free world. It has produced death and destruction across the globe, and helped plunge the US government into debt. The US’s self-anointed designation as the world’s exceptional nation are fingernails grating across the global backboard. The dollar’s reserve currency status, which allows the blob to fund its empire with IOUs, has much of the world searching for alternatives to the buck.

A phenomenon known as Law Dependent Enhancement (LDE) stems from the ever-growing mountain of statutes, regulations, executive orders, and administrative promulgations emanating from every level of government. A problem is identified and a solution proposed. The proponents’ interest lasts only until a law is passed and regulations are imposed, then they’re on to the next problem. Those who must then live with the laws and regulations have every incentive to bend them to their own ends.

They influence, corrupt, and capture the politicians and bureaucrats promulgating and enforcing the legal diktat. The millions of rules regulating every aspect of American life have failed to produce government-directed Nirvana. They have instead dramatically worsened the problems they were supposed to solve. LDE has, however, enriched legions of politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, and lawyers, and made Washington D.C. the richest region in the country.

Equality Dependent Enhancement (EDE) exacerbates inequality. Measures are enacted to ameliorate the inequality of outcomes that always result from differing levels of ability, talent, ingenuity, ambition, effort, persistence, and the other qualities that spell the difference between failure and success. Ostensibly, resources are taken from the successful and given to the unsuccessful.

Like the other syndromes, EDE produces the opposite of what’s touted. Unearned largess destroys the incentive to earn. The successful have far more influence in the government than the unsuccessful and bend equality measures to their own ends: suppress the plebeians; cement their own power (EDE is closely related to LDE).

Most of the plunder ends up with the government and its cronies, only a pittance dribbles out to the less fortunate. Systems ostensibly devoted to equality invariably devolve into a highly privileged caste subjugating masses of the impoverished and stifling any chance of their advancement. The only equality is that of the subjugated—they’re equally miserable.

ADE, MDE, IDE, LDE, and EDE stem from the same root cause—government. As political philosopher Ringo Starr sagaciously noted, everything it touches turns to crap. The foundation of government is violence. The theoretical best case is that its constituents grant it the right to initiate force against those who violate or threaten to violate individual rights to life, liberty, property, contract, exchange, expression, due process and the other rights that are our natural civil liberties. In this conception, the government is subordinate to its constituents and their rights and exists solely to protect them.

While this principle informed some of the writings and discussions of the founding fathers, it was imperfectly realized in the Constitution and the government they instituted. The number of governments that have, throughout history, limited themselves to this subordinated role—the only moral conception of government—remains zero.

Which is why all governments fail or, in the case of present governments, will fail. Violence cannot be the animating principle of human action. Outside of self-defense it’s not just a zero, it’s a negative. It retards and destroys progress and every other value. It is always accompanied by an ideology and propaganda that justifies its imposition, the special privilege of those who impose it, the deprivation of individual rights, and the subjugation of the unprivileged.

ADE has been instructive. While its origin remain murky, the Covid-19 virus may well have been produced in a lab funded by either the Chinese or US government or both. In other words, government stole money from productive citizens, or pledged their money for future repayment of debt, and granted it to scientists who produced a virus whose dangers far outweigh any conceivable benefit.

Once released, the virus sparked a panicked campaign of induced fear out of all proportion to the actual danger, which served as cover for governments’ imposition of totalitarian controls. An experimental class of vaccines—not vaccines as they have previously been defined but rather gene therapy—were quickly developed (according to the mainstream story) and rushed to market. Contrary to regulations, the vaccines were given emergency use authorizations although effective drugs were already on the market, their safety established over many years of use.

Governments now control whether people may leave their homes, work their jobs, open their businesses, gather with other people or even get close to them, and freely breathe unobstructed air. The commissars are making access to society contingent on a vaccine passport. There’s scant evidence that any of these restrictions do any good and evidentiary mountains of their harms.

Governments are now pushing for third shots—tacit admission that the first two didn’t work—although the reported adverse events and deaths are already greater than previous drugs and vaccines combined. In the past, a drug or vaccine with such a record would have been pulled from the market after a few weeks. Covid vaccines are neither effective nor safe, the benchmark for drug approval from the FDA, yet they’re still on the market. Insanely, governments and their corporate, media, Hollywood and academic minions have amped up propaganda, censorship, and draconian restrictions on the unvaxxed in a drive for universal vaccination.

By accident or design, ADE appears to be in play. As predicted by those who first warned of it (and were censored), variants have developed around the vaccines, which were never meant to eradicate, prevent infection from, or stop transmission of the virus, but only to alleviate the severity of the disease. The “leaky” nature of the vaccines allows mutant, vaccine-impervious variants to propagate.

That some of the worst outbreaks of the Delta variant are occurring in some of the most heavily vaccinated countries lends support to the ADE hypothesis. The consensus is that this variant is more contagious than original Covid. There is less of a consensus on whether it is less or more dangerous, although the propaganda intimates that it is less. Time will tell. In the meantime, the propaganda will blame the variants on the unvaxxed without a coherent explanation as to how that can be true. If the vaccines work the unvaxxed should pose no threat.

ADE is a metaphor for government—they both make things worse. How can benefits flow from coercion and the wholesale violation of individual rights? What gives a small minority the right to coerce and subjugate the rest? Why is the burden of proof always on those who oppose coercion and defend individual rights? Why are those who arrogate to themselves the power to rule by violence never called to account for their many and massive failures, even as the world they’ve created slides into an abyss from which it may never emerge? Why, if people are supposedly unfit for freedom and running their own lives, are some people fit to run everyone else’s lives? Why are words and phrases like “lockdown,” “masking,” “mandatory vaccines,” and “vaccine passports” not treated as the obscenities they are, while words and phrases like “freedom,” “liberty,” “individual rights,” “individual autonomy,” and “personal sovereignty” are freakish, beyond-the-pale concepts that cannot be mentioned among those who consider themselves polite society?

“Screw polite society” is a phrase that should have been uttered long ago, and which has to be uttered now. If someone claims the right to lock you down, close your business, destroy your job, make you wear an ineffective mask, decree your life’s activities contingent on proof you’ve been injected with an ineffective and dangerous vaccine whose makers cannot be sued, and prevents you from questioning or protesting this tyranny; if someone claims the right to force you to accept as legal tender a piece of paper or computer entry whose value is entirely dependent on the value of promises not to create too many of them from thieves who never keep their promises; if someone claims the right to invade countries which pose no threat, and to pay for it with your taxes, your credit, and the lives of you, your fellow citizens, and the invaded; if someone claims the right to impose regulations, laws, and decrees that destroy your ability to act in your own best interest, render you guilty until you prove yourself innocent, extort your compliance at the price of your job, business, or freedom, and only benefit—through extortion, bribery, and the peddling of influence and favors—those who promulgate and enforce them; if someone claims the right to the products of your mind, work, imagination, and integrity to promote the “equality” of those who offer nothing but their screeching “needs”; then their claims versus your resistance are not polite differences of opinion. They are matters of life and death.

Consider these people who want absolute power over you. They’re several layers removed from the realities that confront the rest of us. Many of them have never put in an honest day’s work—where someone willingly pays them because the value of what they produce is greater than what they’re paid—never met a payroll, never had to stretch $5.16 until the end of next week. From their sinecures they prattle and preach, lobby and legislate, censor and suppress, tax and tyrannize, revolving satellites in a firmament centered on government and its power. The revere their credentialed aristocracy and drip contempt for those not in it. Publicly they don’t hide their condescension, privately they stifle any doubts that it’s not merited. If they take any notice of the outsiders’ resentment, they attribute it to jealously and mentally move on.

It’s a beautiful bubble for those who are in it, but it’s destined to pop, indeed it’s popping. At the heart of their philosophy—or religion—is faith in violence, as long as they’re on the right end of the gun. Substitute club for gun and their philosophy—or religion—is indistinguishable from that of primitive savages. Just as surely as savages don’t build civilizations their intellectual descendants tear them down. Coercion doesn’t build, it destroys. Every problem they address—there’s never a shortage—and supposedly solve they Dependently Enhance.

And now all those Dependent Enhancements are coming together in an awesome and terrifying maelstrom that will render life unimaginably different from what we now know. Take the chaos at the Kabul airport and multiply it by a billion—no, too twentieth century—a trillion. It won’t just be governments, geographic subdivisions, and peoples that are jumbled, mangled, and obliterated beyond recognition, it will be the malevolent notion that society can be ordered by a special caste entitled to wield violence against everyone else. That formulation has a butcher’s bill, accrued over millennia, now coming due. If humanity is to survive, the idea will have to meet the fate President Kennedy wanted for the CIA—splintered into a thousand pieces and scattered to the wind.

A great reordering is coming. It won’t be imposed by behemoth institutions, it will organically evolve from individuals, families, and small communities of interest. The behemoths are centralized, bureaucratic, parasitic, and corrupt dinosaurs. They won’t survive the decentralized chaos they’re unknowingly fomenting. There is no ecological role for the Potomac brontosaurus or any other mega-government. They and the gargantuan states over which they preside and plunder have outlived whatever usefulness they may have once had. Nature ruthlessly winnows the useless. The behemoths will be winnowed.

Survival requires adaptation and adaptive order can emerge from chaos. Historically, order has been imposed in a myriad of violent variants, superficially different political philosophies but at root all the same. The coming chaos will present an opportunity for organic order to emerge, based on freedom, individual rights, and voluntary interaction and exchange. It’s order for those who seek neither to control nor be controlled, a philosophical and psychological evolution many will never attain. Those that do will find a patch of territory and stake their claim to freedom, defend it, and flourish. It may not be large, but an acre of freedom is better than a continent of tyranny.

What’s required are the people who are unafraid to claim their individual rights, every single one of them, and will go all the way to secure them. It will be no victory to “win” some slight rollback in tyranny—fewer Covid mandates, lower taxes, a tapering of fiat debt monetization, military withdrawal from an occupied nation, etc. Rollbacks are a fool’s errand, later rerolled forward. Nothing short of total victory—the elimination of tyranny—will do.

If you reflexively cringe when someone calls you selfish for claiming what’s yours, if you’re unwilling to defend your life and rights, so be it, assuredly they will be taken from you. If you want to be free from tyranny, if you want to peaceably live your life as you see fit, if you want to go all the way and create something entirely new, and if you’re willing to work and fight for it, that can be your and your posterity’s future.

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ursel doran
ursel doran
August 25, 2021 12:07 pm

Sir Robert,
EXCELLENT work as usual Sir. Some support for the view of the government and industry collusion.

Fauci & FDA relationship reviewed.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., explains what a corrupt piece of excrement Anthony Fauci is, and America’s “public health agencies” are run by gangsters.

‘The Real Anthony Fauci’

The FDA properly reviewed.

The FDA Has Proved Itself To Be A Totally Corrupt And Criminal Organization

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
August 25, 2021 12:25 pm

We are witnessing the intentional and systematic takedown of our country from the top down and inside out by a NWO Marxist clan of satanic progressives.
When she finally goes, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, fast, imagine a dam breaking or the falling down one floor upon another from top to bottom as the world trade Center towers one and two collapsed.
Now would be a perfect time to get outta Dodge via the Rapture of course.
Come quickly Lord Jesus.

  Eyes Wide Shut
August 25, 2021 12:54 pm


Pentagon: US troops must get their COVID-19 vaccines ASAP
47 minutes ago

Now who are the four horsemen again?

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
August 25, 2021 1:08 pm

I think Clint Eastwood rides the grey in Pale Rider.
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

  Eyes Wide Shut
August 27, 2021 3:55 am

The pale horse is those fucking “doctors” in blue white.

August 25, 2021 1:13 pm

They have to inject the poison into as many as possible before the hockey stick deaths start the first winter explosion upwards…that with 5G firing up has always been part of the plan…

FDA Lied–Vax Not Approved Still Experimental
on: 08/24/2021 by Greg Hunter 188 Comments
comment image


Ghost (2 BN will die!)
Ghost (2 BN will die!)
August 26, 2021 9:54 am

This is something GNL needs to see…

You are welcome…

August 27, 2021 1:20 am

The kaflik rosery aint gonnna help that bald four-eyed yank when the shite cometh

August 25, 2021 1:33 pm


Here is a detailed vid from my favorite prophecy site. My Brother Eyes and I believe in different Rapture times (he is Pre-Trib before the opening of the first Seal & I am Pre-Wrath – sometime at the beginning of the 6th Seal) but otherwise we are simpatico in all ways, and he is one of my favorite posters…as are you!

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Eyes Wide Shut
August 25, 2021 8:54 pm

Good analogy. From top to bottom of world trade center…of course, makes no sense if the cause was jet fuel burning in the middle, at lower-than-steel-melting temps. But I like the idea of connecting the war against terror with the war against the deadly vapor. It is all part of the Great Plot.

  Eyes Wide Shut
August 26, 2021 5:09 pm


Glad to see you milquetoast boomer retards are finally starting to come around. I’ve been slapping the shit out of the overton window here for years, and all I ever get is a fuckyuveddymuchseh.


It’s you lot who keep sprinting into the brick wall of reality, telling me I’m wrong- because I hurt yur widdle fuckin feewingz! I’m the one who has been right about all of my predictions. You guys love to keep your heads in the sand- remaining at least a year behind the times. I should expect less of you wretched boomers, but since there are genuine intelligentsia among the crowd here, I can’t really soften my tone, and dull the reality of what stands before you. I have to tell you straight, and honest, even if it hurts yur wittle feewingz. I care about you too much to sugarcoat things, or lie to you.


I could spoon-feed you lovely, happy, feelz-good claptrap like we’re in public-school kindergarten, or like something from msnpc news. But that’s intellectual junk-food, and would harm you.

I told you merle haggards that ole glory (the American flag) would become the banner of your foes. America is not your friend anymore. The government hates you, and (mostly) always has. BLM commies are more of an ally to you now than good ole Auntie Samantha (uncle sam), because Auntie Samantha is that far gone now.

I’ve been telling you thick-headed boomers that the federal guvv aint your friend anymore. America only exists in your spirit. You are the one keeping it alive.

You guys gotta accept that we lost, BADLY, and the enemy is not taking prisoners. Please read that last sentence again.

I’ve basically given up trying to save you. Unfortunately, that was literally the only thing standing between you and apocalypse. Nobody cared. You imbeciles laughed like jews. I think it’s funny because I couldve easily fixed all of the major issues coming down our throats. But YOU GIRLS think it’s funny, because a sad majority of you are pitiful, nihilistic mouth-breathers.

Honestly. I am not impressed with any of the solutions proposed by anyone- particularly here at tbp, where there are so many brilliant minds wrestling with all of these problems. It’s depressing.

I’m just the guy deeply analyzing all of it like you are. I’ve just reached paradigm-shifting conclusions, whereas the best you lot can muster amounts to a tax-revolt, or bugging out. I’d lol in your faces at such sorry solutions, but it’s not even funny… It’s just pitiful, and sad. But. That’s what you get when you reject and exclude authentic genius- the other side invents the bomb. Please change your ways just a bit. For your own sake..

I could solve all of the major problems facing you and your family- and I could do it easily, single-handedly, with less than $100,000 in funding. It’s clear I’m your champion. I’m your David against Goliath. I could drop that big, badass monster with a single stone.


I’ve seen enough. Get with the program, or die. These are going to be your options. Most of you are already half-zombie anyhow, abandoning freedoms as if they were trends, and shedding authentic values as if they were old clothes. Most of you. Not all. You know who you are- but if you don’t- just keep calm and carry on.

Anyway. I wish you guys the best, you’re gonna need it. You have no fucking chance without me, I’m sorry to spray it like that. You won’t win a revolution, even if you “win”. Our geopolitical adversaries will make sure of that.

I guess i can’t get too upset at hecklers and trolls. My claims are “too good to be true”. That right there, tells me everything i need to know about your destiny and your childrens future. That’s too dark for even me to imagine. Hell is coming. Not literally hell, but yknow.

If frodo came to you holding the ring, what would you do?…

…Your children want to know what kind of man you are.

Welcome to project mayhem. You’re in the club now. Stay tuned. Remember the rules.

-OfftheHingeZ/ LilHoneyBadger

August 26, 2021 7:47 pm

Replying to my own comment.

I’m fully aware of how ridiculous this sounds, but it’s the truth. Here goes.

I will make any man among you a living legend and spectacularly wealthy and powerful, for the relatively cheap price of $100,000. Not a penny less.

This $100,000 will be put towards your childrens’ own futures, to make something which will profoundly shape the future. This thing is coming, however you feel about it. At this point in time, we’re fortunate to be much further along in the research and prototyping than our enemies are. But they are making rapid progress, and will have this world-changing thing in their paws in just a few years. All will be lost if we dont get there first. We have an obligation to get there first, and to be more fair and good than our foes.

Fuck spiderman, but peter parker was right when he said, “with great power comes great responsibility.”

I would prefer whoever decides to become one of the most powerful men on earth to be good-at-heart, or pious, and ideally a classic political moderate. But it’s an imperfect world, the hour grows extremely late, and i’ll take what i can get at this point, because somebody has to make a way forward. Man this must be what it feels like to date online lol.


This is real though. You will be shocked and shaken to the core when you realize the implications of this extremely important idea that I’ve been guarding for over a year now. It might scare you. That much power is dangerous, for so many reasons. But. Do with it what you will. I will be pursuing a similar, parallel project of my own with the 100k. The 100k does not include consultation or advice- it merely comes with a paradigm-shifting concept. The most powerful in the world at this point.

I will have to make a lil profile here to interact I suppose. But honestly, I dont really want to muck up this blog. I like it the way it is, without me. My profile would probably short-lived, so as to be kind to this place.

The world is going to shit, so let’s make some changes. Technically, you don’t have to do anything. Just sit here and witness me gore the machine with its own karma.

Cheers to victories, large and small.


August 25, 2021 12:29 pm

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result

August 25, 2021 1:13 pm

Yeah – The first two shots are failing so lets have another.

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
August 25, 2021 1:19 pm

Oh yeah and from the same guys who made the first ones that didn’t work. That’s smart!

August 25, 2021 2:54 pm

And another…and another…and…..that’s all she wrote…

August 26, 2021 8:39 am

And blame the unjabbed for the consequences. These people are beyond reasoning.

August 26, 2021 5:19 pm

It’s also called the contemporary right.


August 25, 2021 12:32 pm

But the Pres. Joe and Doctor Tony show says, we can “Booster Back Better!”

August 25, 2021 1:56 pm

Trump Wants Credit for ‘Modern day Miracle of the Vaccines’

Joe Blow have hemp rope, will travel...
Joe Blow have hemp rope, will travel...
August 25, 2021 5:55 pm

Give him credit, then find his lamp post.

August 25, 2021 1:09 pm

Catherine A Fitts says the Vax Passport in particular is the keyhole through which the reset will be unlocked. Robert Gore’s writing here pulls light from some dark places. In New Mexico things like that happen and I fondly remember that light seeming to emanate from the ground , the same New Mexico I fled when the kids were ready for school.

  Robert Gore
August 26, 2021 12:56 pm

NM’s Been last or close to it for a couple hundred years. Because patronage I think but the gambling lobby sure didn’t help . Well , some of the pueblos got some money for lawyers to increase their acreage. I miss green chile.

August 26, 2021 1:30 pm

I also miss adobe homes and the landscape. My mom died a year and a half ago in Alb. My regards to yours.

Ray Jason
Ray Jason
  Robert Gore
August 26, 2021 8:21 pm

Another fine essay, Robert. When it is time for your next move, let me find you a boat. The sea gypsy template is possibly the most free and responsible and moral option out there. You should see how smart and polite and magical our kids in the fleet are. We are abundant in community and preparedness and we have the best chance against marauders – be they governmental or civilian. Come and join us. We would welcome you!

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
August 25, 2021 1:14 pm

BRAVO sir! Perhaps your best ever. Brilliant the way you connected all the DE’s and just about everything else of significance in one piece. It’s all in there whether every subject is called by name, certainly every current ill is at least implied by some part of this.
As for the sentiment of this, I will amplify it by stating these Biden assclowns are proving by the minute they cannot run a two car funeral, while the increasing complexity of runaway systems they thought they controlled now hold THEM prisoners of their incompetence and tunnel vision which shall present opportunities to “set things a’right.” We must seize these opportunities and the momentum to drive this toward the liberties Americans have struggled for since Day 1.

August 25, 2021 1:33 pm

In a word, an escalating total collapse of everything. Globally. Draw your own conclusions, but for your own sakes don’t ignore the reality that informs those conclusions.
Pretty much preaching to the choir, I know, but it doesn’t hurt to re-emphasize.
As long as it doesn’t become hectoring. 🙂

August 25, 2021 10:13 pm

So, could we discuss the linguistic origins of “hectoring?”


August 26, 2021 2:06 am

hector (v.)
“to bluster, bully, domineer,” 1650s, from slang hector (n.) “a blustering, turbulent, pervicacious, noisy fellow” [Johnson], 1650s, from Hector of the “Iliad,” in reference to his encouragement of his fellow Trojans to keep up the fight. Earlier in English the name was used generically for “a valiant warrior” (late 14c.). Related: Hectored; hectoring.

August 25, 2021 1:36 pm

A phenomenon known as Intervention Dependent Enhancement (IDE) repeatedly presents as an adverse effect of US foreign and military policy.

Caitlin puts music to it.

August 25, 2021 1:40 pm

ADE is caused by the spike proteins killing off the type 2 antibodies that are supposed to follow the type 1 and eat up the inflammation. Without the type 2s, the type 1 inflammation gets progressivly worse and is not cleaned up by the type 2s.

The ferret testing in 2012 showed that the ferrets died from ADE (cytokine storm). There were no type 2 antibodies in their bodies. SInce the type 2 antibodies are made up of ACE2 proteins, and the spike proteins lock on to the ACE2 wherever it is found, the type 2s were eliminated before they could leave the lymph nodes.

Joe Blow have hemp rope, will travel...
Joe Blow have hemp rope, will travel...
August 25, 2021 5:58 pm

Wish a down voter to something like this would at least comment as to why.


It’s Mrs Fauci.

August 26, 2021 9:51 am

Who happens to be in charge at the NIH.

August 25, 2021 2:10 pm

An excellent article that I hope goes viral. Thank you, Robert

August 25, 2021 2:45 pm

Bravo, sir

August 25, 2021 2:56 pm

Excellent piece!

Evil nab
Evil nab
August 25, 2021 3:06 pm

VERY good article.

Since many will TLDR this, the most important point. (to me anyway)

“Rollbacks are a fool’s errand, later rerolled forward. Nothing short of total victory—the elimination of tyranny—will do.”

  Evil nab
August 26, 2021 8:43 am

Yep. And they are like begging for things that are already ours. They make it seem as THEY are doing US a favor by giving us back a few freedoms.

August 25, 2021 4:55 pm

Hmmmm…..,fda saying no to pony paste ect. seems to set off a buying spree,no more at valley vet,hope folks bought while they could,will keep searching for reasonably priced alternatives.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
August 25, 2021 6:47 pm

How am I gonna worm the horses now?

August 25, 2021 5:04 pm

Who said….”Something bad is going on. We’ve got to realize that.”

the time is come, enough is enough,”…

And the rope keeps coming.

August 25, 2021 5:18 pm

P.S. exceptional article in every way

August 25, 2021 5:26 pm

Nice article Robert.

I was not aware of what ADE was. Sounds like the secret sauce they are so hush-hush about. I think your very detailed and well laid out analysis of the problem contains the solution, where by we can change the coarse of this false narrative. We can at least change the outlook of these subhumans who crave absolute power over everyone, you said “They’re several layers removed from the realities that confront the rest of us.” And “Its a beautiful bubble for those who are in it.”

Bingo, that my friend is the solution. Find where they live. I used to think I could not participate in this kind of action. The bad guys all being well protected far away in DC, New York, LA, whatever. As this has grown worse I have lowered the bar and set my sights on local leeeaderz. They are everywhere, Health department Covidiots, City council, County officials, school board, shills writing for the local paper. Wherever you live theres a good chance these people are living within 15-20 miles from you. This country is full of petty tyrants, everywhere you look they run their mouths and agitate for needle rape, and their own little version of Sharia law.

Everyone who still has some balls pick out three or four of the worst. Don’t worry about party affiliation. If you are still stuck on that slink away in shame. We need not your opinion, or anything else. Go sit with the women and children. So back to the solution. Find where these people live. It is not hard, trust me. Now I’m not advocating anything illegal for you glow niggerz here. Just drive by their house, on a Sunday. Confirm that they live there. Maybe share the info with two or three drinking buddies. Don’t release it across the web as you will probably get a 2 AM visit yourself. Let them and there staff know you know where they live. This is not a threat or illegal. After all if they have done nothing wrong, they have nothing to fear. Isn’t that what they try to tell us? And at the end of the day we still pay their obscene salaries.

Truly if enough people did this, they would know our reality. The illusion of their beautiful bubble would dissolve like dust in the wind. And if you wanted to take it a step further you could make wanted posters with their pictures, and plaster them around their neighborhood. The ones I envision would show them in full glory hole face and say “wanted for needle rape, dog murder, and crimes against the children.”

August 25, 2021 8:14 pm

We need to read this again. Robert is not prone to crazy stuff. When he and the farmer talk it is good to pay attention.

August 25, 2021 10:16 pm

OTC! I found the perfect response to this!

Who remembers?

Ned Kelly
Ned Kelly
August 25, 2021 9:06 pm

Covid cases going vertical in lockdown NSW and VIC in Australia. Gee, what a surprise…
Note to Aussie premiers and “health experts”: there are things called “libraries” inside which there are things called “books” inside which there are things called knowledge and facts. These describe history, disease, medicine, effective treatments etc.
ie all the things you obviously don’t have a frigging clue about!comment image
There is no return to normal. Anywhere. Ever. Global insurrection imminent.

I need a holiday from this totalitarian bullshit..

  Ned Kelly
August 26, 2021 8:46 am

If they are using the useless PCR test, there will China flu “cases” till the end of time. It ain’t a diagnostic test, is set at amplification levels that produce 90% false positives, and even the crooked CDC is going to stop using it.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
August 25, 2021 9:11 pm

“It may not be large, but an acre of freedom is better than a continent of tyranny.”

Great line. And the foundation upon which everything will be built.

That was a really well thought out piece, the concept that every system can be enhanced for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many seems to fit like a glove.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
August 25, 2021 10:26 pm

An interesting development not explored.

Just saying.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
August 26, 2021 8:47 am

An acre of freedom is fine – if you can defend it against the fascists. I suggest claymore mines and full sized pictures of HRC on Hamptons beach.

August 25, 2021 9:30 pm

The paragraph that begins with “Screw polite society” is very compelling and something I think far too many in society have taken time to comtemplate. I copied and sent that as something to think about for a couple family members on the fence over the not a vax who do not want it but are under relentless pressure from friends and work to get it. I do not comment often but I have been lurking since the beginning. I have always enjoyed your posts. Thank You!

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
August 25, 2021 9:59 pm

Here’s a case in point.
While school board honchos wear masks and parents speak out against the mandating of masks in schools…
I wondered why so much time is spent by parents fighting to involve themselves in an already corrupted school system.
Better time spent to just yank their kids out, pool their funds and create their own communal schools.
Imagine that.

August 25, 2021 10:28 pm
August 26, 2021 12:29 am

Add an ‘s’ to either “origin” or “remain” [ 14th paragraph ] and you have a perfect article. Comparable in timeliness to “The American Crisis” of Thomas Paine.

August 26, 2021 1:11 am

To the Anon who posted the Valley Vet and cheap pony paste,I owe you a beer or two and lunch!The Vet sold out an prices when available raised(thanks fda nonsense!),anyhow,my order came thru and will help many without raising the price by even a penny,just stocking up and helping others.I will push alts till they become the helpful norm,thanks also TBP,will drop another keep the lights on/beer/pizza fund this week,times getting short folks,lets do what we can to help one another.

August 26, 2021 2:37 pm

Dealing with a problem in such a way as to make it worse is an old concept. It includes making antibiotics available to treat some disease, STDs for example, at a high enough price that do it yourself treatment usually doesn’t completely finish it, but leaves the more resistant bacteria behind. Saw lots of this in Viet Nam. The other example is fighting a war in incremental stages, and giving the enemy time to adapt to your methods. Again, LBJ did this in Viet Nam, dragging the war out interminably. Everyone did this in Afghanistan trying to avoid being called a bully by the non-participants. The Chinese are next up. I don’t think they’ll make that mistake.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
August 26, 2021 7:52 pm

They’re (chinese) proving their resilience in the African continent. Nobody gets to shad on their grand plan.

Doc Adams
Doc Adams
August 27, 2021 2:19 am

Take a look at the concept of cross reactivity. Once understood, one does not have to think much about why they are pushing the “booster” shot. If they didn’t get you the first or second time, the booster may-thanks to cross reactivity-get you. If not the first booster, then the second, or the third. Each cycle will take out another group of people who up to that point had successfully fended off the engineered china virus. All according to plan. No need for boxcars, no need for gas chambers. We’re from the government and we are here to kill you.

olde reb
olde reb
August 27, 2021 10:26 am

Eminent Dr. Young [read the bio] analyzes jabs are lethal with graphene. [this is not the Spanish analysis]   https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/transmission-electron-microscopy-reveals-graphene-oxide-in-cov-19-vaccines. 

You cannot tell a person to kill theirself, can you ???