Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend (The Ivermectin Disinformation Campaign)

This is the next installment of the “letter to a friend” series by Margaret Anna Alice. Yet another terrific read, with many excellent videos and copious links.  [Note: Unfortunately, through the entire essay there is not once reference to the historical lies of the Official Holocaust Narrative! ….. /sarcasm]

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Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend

Case Study: The Ivermectin Disinformation Campaign

I noticed your pumpkin spice horse dewormer meme on Facebook. I didn’t react because none of the emojis captured the mixture of sadness, disappointment, and surprise I felt upon seeing it.

I am dismayed to see that you, as scientifically literate as you are, fell for the pharmaceutical corporations’ smear campaign against a Nobel-Prize–winning medication. If someone as intelligent, savvy, and rational as you could be deceived by such a brazenly undisguised disinformation campaign, what hope is there for the stupefied masses?

Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend: Case Study, the Ivermectin Disinformation Campaign (Illustration of a Hand Holding an Atomic Model)

That said, I believe you are intellectually honest enough to consider the possibility that exceedingly lucrative lies are being peddled by the media, self-appointed mouthpieces, celebrities, politicians, and agencies lavishly paid for and wielded by BigPharma. And I would hope you would want to investigate to determine the truth for yourself rather than religiously Trusting The Science™ and attendant sound bytes being shoveled down our gullets every conscious moment.



Recall the escalating levels of duplicity, corruption, and malevolence depicted over the course of Breaking Bad—and multiply that cumulative nefariousness a thousandfold. Then add a few trillion dollars of captive, globally mandated profits, and you’ll begin to grasp why the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel has harnessed every available mechanism of mass formation to induce hypnosis, coerce compliance, and mute the voices of scientists and medical professionals who persist in speaking the truth at grave risk to their livelihoods, reputations, and lives.

Understand that it was necessary for the pharmaceutical corporations to discredit any proven, cheap, effective alternatives to the vaccines to secure the Emergency Use Authorization that granted the manufacturers 100 percent immunity from liability—an appealing arrangement considering Pfizer was surely eager to avoid another landmark penalty like the $2.3 billion the U.S. Justice Department described as the largest health care fraud settlement in its history.

The fox is guarding the henhouse, the wolf is howling incessantly about his trustworthiness, the snake is strangling any roosters who sound the alarm, and the coyote is stringing barbed wire around the farm. Meanwhile, the Stockholm Syndrome–afflicted hens are gobbling up their feed, clucking proudly about their beloved guards, echoing every talking point, and furiously defending the predators against those who remain skeptical about their motives.



Getting back to ivermectin. As The Dude would say, “New shit has come to light.”

You probably heard the viral hit piece about the Oklahoma hospital turning away gunshot victims due to an influx of people overdosing on horse dewormer paste. You may not have heard the hospital issued a statement refuting that lie, which included the following:

“NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose.

“All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.”

Rolling Stone was forced to issue a retraction, albeit still laden with biased language reinforcing the original unsubstantiated claims about ivermectin.

Perhaps you also heard about the Mississippi Health Department alert claiming “at least 70% of the recent calls [to the Mississippi Poison Control Center] have been related to ingestion of livestock or animal formulations of ivermectin.”

I suspect you didn’t know that, too, was bunkum. It was actually 2 percent. And out of that 2 percent (eight people), just four called with questions about ingestion of the livestock form of ivermectin—and only one was advised to seek care.

Thanks to the tenacious detective work of investigative reporters Mary Beth Pfeiffer and Linda Bonvie as described in this exposé, the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Guardian, and the Associated Press were all forced to issue corrections. (Incidentally, Mary Beth was subsequently locked out of her Twitter account for performing actual journalism instead of toeing the propaganda line.)

The New York Times appended its correction two weeks after the original article was published, casually noting, “An earlier version of this article misstated the percentage of recent calls to the Mississippi poison control center related to ivermectin. It was 2 percent, not 70 percent.”

The bogus 70-percent figure was then used by the FDA to launch its viral “You are not a horse” tweet, which raked up 23.7 million views in two days. How many of those people know that campaign was based on fallacious information? How many of those people care that they were ingesting and spreading lies about an exceptionally safe drug responsible for saving billions of lives since its genesis?

Still trust Big Media/Big Tech/the Ministry of Truth?

These are far from isolated examples of deceit. There are myriad instances of unabashed deception occurring in the pharma-funded media and technosphere. You’re right in that bots are a concern, but not in the way the propagandists are telling you. Rather, BigPharma fabrications of supposedly personal anecdotes are being propagated verbatim across thousands of social media accounts, and influencers are being paid to prop up a methodically crafted yet eminently fragile narrative that cannot survive unimpeded speech.

Also by the award-winning Mary Beth Pfeiffer, this heavily documented article dispels many of the falsehoods about ivermectin BigPharma has been cropdusting the public mind with. Here is another overview of the scientific literature by Dr. Colleen Huber, NMD.

A PubMed search of ivermectin currently returns 9,085 results. Do you think there would be more than 9,000 peer-reviewed journal articles on a horse dewormer? Antibiotics are used by veterinarians, too—who in their right mind would deny the efficacy of antibiotics for humans because of that?

Add COVID to the ivermectin PubMed search, and you get 296 results as of this writing—many documenting the extraordinary potential and success of treating COVID patients with ivermectin.1

In addition to inspecting the peer-reviewed literature, I recommend watching videos by credible scientists and medical professionals who are following the ethical demands of their profession and genuinely trying to discover the facts rather than serving as propaganda dissemination machines.

Dr. Mobeen Syed, for instance, examines the peer-reviewed literature and often draws helpful illustrations to walk viewers through the findings at a granular level. His videos are aimed at medical students, but because of that, he tends to delve deeper into the science than most. Here is Dr. Syed’s YouTube channel. You won’t find his videos on ivermectin there, though, because, as I hope you now realize, there is a media/Big Tech blackout on scientific facts that interfere with their disinformation campaigns. You can find those videos by going to his Odysee channel and typing “ivermectin” into the search. This video on Ivermectin in Action offers a quick overview to help you understand how it can be used to combat SARS-CoV-2.

This real-time analysis of more than 1,000 studies compares the effectiveness of different medications for early treatment. Ivermectin presently has the most studies (63) after hydroxychloroquine (294), and the pooled effects indicate ivermectin resulted in a 66-percent improvement in symptoms. Studies focusing on the use of ivermectin in combination with zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, and other components of many early-treatment protocols suggest even higher efficacy levels.

This probably goes without saying, but hydroxychloroquine was subjected to the same slanderous tactics for the same reasons as ivermectin, and there are plenty of peer-reviewed scientific articles documenting its efficacy for treating SARS-CoV-2..


Man Sticking His Head in the Sand

An unwitting Goldstein, Trump played right into BigPharma’s strategy to discredit hydroxychloroquine by praising it—giving Trump Derangement Syndrome (a psychological disorder manufactured by and spread to tremendous monetary benefit and turnkey mass control by the media) sufferers the best and only reason they needed to dismiss it. They have been trained to plug their ears, cover their eyes, scream at the top of their lungs, and stamp their feet the instant any one of the Deplorables opens his mouth. One of the most effective instruments in the plutocracy’s toolkit, TDS has been brandished to misdirect the public for years, and it continues to work its magic despite Trump’s declining relevance, the embers of which the media will continue to fan as long as it pays dividends—just as Goldstein’s detested image is deployed in culturally unifying activities such as Two Minutes Hate:



In this undercover exposé featuring a Health & Human Services whistleblower, you’ll see that medical professionals at this federal facility are being threatened with loss of their jobs if they prescribe ivermectin to COVID patients (@ 10:44):.



Think about this for a moment—why wouldn’t the public, the media, governments, health agencies, and everyone in the world be ecstatic about the possibility of an exceptionally cheap drug with more than four billion doses administered since 1998 and four decades’ worth of clinical data proving its safety and efficacy having the potential to save the lives of those who contract a disease people have been living in terror of for nearly two years now? What kind of contorted, harlequin world are we living in where lifesaving early-treatment protocols are being maligned as a threat? Don’t you find that suspicious?

If, after honestly examining the extensive scientific evidence demonstrating the value of ivermectin as a therapeutic against COVID—uncolored by the blinding biases that have been implanted in your consciousness to deter you from questioning, thinking for yourself, and researching the claims made in press releases issued from on high and regurgitated by talking heads, bots, and the unthinking public—you do come to realize they’ve been lying to you about ivermectin, ask yourself, What else are they lying about? Why would you believe anything they say, including their relentless efforts to demolish all who have the moral fortitude, intellectual prowess, and chutzpah to reveal the Big Lies being inflicted on the eagerly submissive populace?

And then consider this—what kind of next-level psychopaths would purposely sully the reputation of a drug that has the potential to drastically reduce mortality rates in COVID-19 patients? Again I ask, Why would you trust their credibility on any other aspect of the narrative they’ve concocted to drag us toward their rapacious and tyrannical ends?

Are you with me? Instead of permitting those malefactors to define your perception of reality, unplug from the Matrix (television, newspapers, radio, mainstream sources), detox from social media, and start conducting your own independent research outside the confines of what Big Brother allows you to see.

Scientific inquiry requires transparency, freedom from fear of reprisal, the liberal exchange of ideas, and encouragement of the pursuit of scientific truth—none of which are present in today’s COVID-1984 climate.

I realize this lengthy letter may seem like an overblown reaction to a meme intended to serve as light humor. When you understand that the vilification of a lifesaving medication has likely caused innumerable unnecessary deaths and will continue to do so if we serve as purveyors of such lethal smears, you might begin to fathom why I am responding this way.


Man Drawing Himself into an Imaginary Box


If you want to understand the full scope of the mass subterfuge that has been staged since the beginning of this fiasco, you’ll need to venture off the trodden path and into the forest, where the free exchange of information is still permitted. You’ll need to shed the psychological barriers the cult leaders have installed to make you fear transgressing the perimeters they’ve defined for your mind.

They’ve lied about the people questioning the narrative. The people out here, in the forest, are nothing like what you’ve been bamboozled into believing. I am one of them. We are scientists; doctors; nurses; medical professionals; psychotherapists; professors; engineers; journalists; attorneys; writers; artists; musicians; filmmakers; truckers; teachers; construction workers; retirees; and creatives, independent thinkers, researchers, laborers, and ordinary folks of all stripes and colors. Some are Nobel Laureates; one knowingly risked a Nobel Prize.

We are the Book People of François Truffaut’s Fahrenheit 451:



You will find we share many of your values—especially your respect for science, your commitment to truth, your critical thinking skills, and your concern for humanity. It is for all those reasons and many more that we are standing against this new religion masquerading as science, its self-appointed priests, their colluders, and the tyranny they are facilitating.

People of every political persuasion and philosophy can be found here. What unites us above the superficial partisan partitions is a sincere desire for truth, justice, and freedom to prevail. We are anti-propaganda, anti-oppression, anti-censorship, and anti-corruption—basically, we are aligned with those who have opposed totalitarianism throughout history.

I understand it can be unnerving departing from the comfort zone mapped out for you, but it is also exceptionally liberating to take ownership of your own knowledge and to begin awakening from the mass psychosis that has befallen the globe.

You will be astonished at how evident the puppet strings become on others once you’ve severed your own. You will be able to observe the puppetry from afar, with a clarity of vision that renders the manipulation laughably apparent. And you will have freed your mind from their control, having begun the arduous yet infinitely rewarding process of recovery from menticide.

If you have questions about any aspect of the COVID narrative, please don’t hesitate to ask. While you will need to follow your own path to discovery, I can point you to resources I have found helpful along the way. I have invested thousands of hours’ worth of research into nearly every aspect of this phenomenon, having gotten well over a year’s head start. Yes, you have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to deprogramming from the Covidian cult beliefs and discovering the genuine science that has been censored, but you can also benefit from hindsight and the revelations that have emerged in the meantime.

For example, this well-documented crib sheet covers 30 basic facts you may be unaware of due to BigPharma/Big Media/Big Tech’s suppression efforts.

Since my blog is aimed at awakening people precisely like you, perusing past posts may answer some of your questions. I suggest starting with my first article, A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer, and working your way forward. You will also find a surfeit of resources in my Recommendations Roundups (e.g., Recommendations Roundup #1 and the subsequent Down Under Edition).

Here are a few Einstein quotes to inspire you on your journey of discovery:

“Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.”

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence.”

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

“A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.”

“The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.”

Finally, understand that I am saying all this because I respect and care for you. I have faith in your integrity, critical thinking skills, reasoning capacities, and willingness to explore content untainted by dubious funding and conflicts of interest.

I firmly believe that if you detach from the immersive, mind-controlling mainstream media; start reading and listening to the voices of the thousands of silenced scientists, medical professionals, and other individuals of profound knowledge and conscience speaking out; and start formulating your own conclusions based on scientific evidence instead of the illogical and constantly fluctuating baby food taradiddles being spooned into the public’s gaping mouth, the scales will fall from your eyes and you will recognize the catastrophic depth and breadth of the fraud that has been wreaked on the world. When that happens, you will switch allegiance from the tyrants to the people, adding your talents to the growing phalanx of conscientious objectors doing everything within our capacity to resist the totalitarian technocratic dystopia the compliant have been sleepwalking toward like hens to the fox.

SOURCE: Margaret Anna Alice


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
October 20, 2021 12:11 pm

No doubt, one of the usual suspects will provide all of the Holocaust revisionism the writer “overlooked.”


No reason to deny the Holocaust. The powers that be would NEVER lie about something as catastrophic and horrible as that. Right? They only thing they would totally and completely lie about is … COVID. On everything else, the government is completely trustworthy. I’m sure you would agree. That’s what I think.

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
October 20, 2021 2:01 pm

They are the epitome of all things good and decent. We all marvel at how they protect the border among other awe inspiring heroic feats.

October 20, 2021 12:16 pm

I gave my mom a glass of milk last night, CNN would probably report that as I fed her cat food.

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
October 20, 2021 12:41 pm

My biggest takeaway from the Dr. Gupta, CNN official medico interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast was when Rogan held up a box of Ivermectin pills and Gupta asked with alarm in his voice “Where did you get that?!”
The coquesuqueres won’t do anything about the fentanyl crossing the border in unprecedented amounts but if Joe had said who gave him the cheap medicine, they would have raided them by now and frog marched them for CNN and the rest.


For years ivermectin was given to nursing home and other institutionalized residents to prevent and treat scabies and lice. It is widely used in places like India and Peru and Japan to prevent and treat Covid, with remarkable success. I’ve taken Ivermectin for a condition know as ‘ground itch’ and anyone who has livestock has probably ingested lots of the stuff by accident, like when a horse slobbers it out and you get in in your eyes and mouth. Ivermectin, like hydroxychloroquine, opens the ‘little cell doors’ to allow zinc, the REAL cure, to enter and do it’s job of viral destruction.

Ivermectin is one of several ionophores, others including hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and resveratrol, the latter two available over the counter. These ionophores simply open a cellular door, allowing zinc to enter the cell, where it then interferes with viral replication, providing potential therapeutic benefit in viral and other infections.

I have no problem with eating horse paste or taking antibiotics used for fish, dogs, cats, etc. It’s the same stuff, no different from the human stuff. Dosage goes by weight and my vet prescribed the same 500mg keflexin amount for my dog that the doc prescribed for me.

October 20, 2021 2:40 pm

Great post!

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
October 20, 2021 9:39 pm

Is ground itch a type of anthrax? I recall hearing something about it being present in soil. Your reply here is very informative, especially regarding zinc.

Doc Adams
Doc Adams
October 21, 2021 3:51 am

Dr. Paul Marik, one of the founders of the Frontline Doctors (along with Dr. Pierre Kory) found that zinc works wonders for patients suffering from sepsis. That was around 2017, and he did a You Tube video extolling the benefits of zinc supplementation, especially since zinc deficiency can be a problem with older patients. He made the bold assertion that zinc supplements are essentially free, with most of the ~4 cent/pill cost being due to shipping and packaging.

Then in spring of 2020 he and the FLCCC started making noises about how zinc is very helpful in combating the Government Virus. I was lucky to have seen his video about a week before it vanished, never to be seen again. As it turns out, it was discovered a couple months later that autopsies were routinely showing complete depletion of zinc in covid victims. TPTB are having a harder time de-legitimizing zinc, apparently because it is not a “horse dewormer” and has previously shown its usefulness in fighting the common cold, among others. No small wonder that ivermectin and zinc-taken together-are complementary and therefore are more effective than if taken alone.

BTW, I take pony paste with a big dollop of peanut butter, once every two weeks. At least until the bastards make the purchase of ivermectin illegal.

Also, the writer could have mentioned the nefarious efforts on the part of Merck to kill off its low cost, proven ivermectin (which it commercialized a couple decades ago both for animal and then for human use) in favor of its new “wonder drug” that is claimed to fight covid (but-as we all know-for what will be a hefty price). Screw ’em.

  Doc Adams
October 21, 2021 12:59 pm

I’ve been using Ivermectin on my face for nearly 2 years now. I had a developed a skin problem after decades of clear skin and after visits to 2 unhelpful dermatologists, I took the critical thinking path and did massive research. I found anecdotal evidence that ivermectin was helpful when the skin biome was off-balance with too many demodex skin mites. I did a lifestyle change, new bedding, pillows, towels. Etc. Then tried to get an Rx for Soolantra, which is Ivermectin. At $300 per month, I declined and bought Durvet Ivermectin gel. In short, it really, truly worked. 50% reduction within 7 days, 99% in 35 days. I dropped dosage from daily to 1x week, then 1x every 2 weeks.
I’m sure this is absorbing into my system through my skin. Probably not as much as taking it orally, but I have not been taken down by Covid-19, even after working months in a nursing home 16 hours per week. My client passed away late February 2020; I recall about 30% of residents in the section I visited were sick with ‘respiratory’ diagnoses.

October 20, 2021 12:22 pm

I’m so tired of the “horse dewormer” ruse. At least I know to not trust any talking head who uses the term.
I don’t care if the medicine that helps me is the same thing the taliban uses as lube when they fuck goats. Safe and effective is all I want.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 20, 2021 2:01 pm

Horse de-wormer worked for me! Yummy apple flavor… 😉

  grace country pastor
October 20, 2021 2:11 pm

Yummy? Ah, Well, sorta. You bet. On a cracker and washed down with something sweet like apple juice. The apple flavor is hard to find these days and the price is through the roof if you do get it. I found some non-apple flavor that I put aside for the horses…and me…if necessary. Someone said it tasted like drywall, or chalk. More yummy.

October 20, 2021 6:09 pm

Lots of vegetable capsules out there you can load up with the not so tasty meds.

Doc Adams
Doc Adams
October 21, 2021 3:53 am

Noticed the apple flavor missing from the shelves when I made my last buy a month ago.

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
October 20, 2021 1:05 pm

The “healthcare industry” makes profits off prescriptions and procedures. Take that along with the fact that “everything is a business model” (h/t Urban Survival blog) and you understand where your health falls in the scope of their “care”. This has been the case for several decades now. Sad to say that 90% of “doctors” out there are just licensed drug pushers for the pharmacy cartels, nothing more.

Do your own research!!!! Most studies are available online for free. If you’re lucky you will find one of the 1-in-a million doctors out there that’ll actually help you.

Just Sayin’

  Just Sayin'
October 20, 2021 6:15 pm

Excellent short sermon!

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
October 20, 2021 1:16 pm

Bla, Bla, BLA!!!
I just want to see the horse drug Meme.
Don’t you people realize, it is all on the level?
Tried to explain the ex-vaxx risks to a chemistry school buddy. He told me he just wants to see Trump prosecuted.
I give up on this. I do say prayers, thank God for my blessings and ask him for guidance through this madness.
is this it? Cannot post the link, oh well.

Those Who Post Pumpkin Spice Horse Dewormer Memes
Those Who Post Pumpkin Spice Horse Dewormer Memes
October 20, 2021 1:19 pm

Are you with me?

No! You’re a conspiracy theorist!

October 20, 2021 2:10 pm

Margaret Anna Alice…Letter To A Friend

Hey Margaret….this is how you write a letter to a Branch Covidian

Dear Friend,
Fuck Off.

Without Regret,


October 20, 2021 2:16 pm

“one [Dr. Robert Malone] knowingly risked a Nobel Prize”

Now that is next-level sarcasm, in my eyes.
WTF is a Nobel Prize worth anymore?? It’s now a honor to be ignored by the marxist Nobel committee.

October 20, 2021 2:24 pm

Pre Obama and Arafat, the prize meant something. Now it’s tossed around like a party favor.


October 20, 2021 6:20 pm

Remember where the BLM signs are in your area. When the shooting starts there will be NO bag limits at those sights. These critters (young girls with green hair) are dangerous so please use hollow points.

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
October 20, 2021 9:43 pm

Alternate fmj with soft points or hollow points. Get some through and throughs and some ripping up internals. Cover all bases.

October 20, 2021 2:37 pm

Thank you for posting Stucky… but you’re still a jooo luver ;0

October 20, 2021 5:06 pm

Here is my personal experiences with Ivermectin, one place to buy it, and human nature:

I ordered HCQ and then human Ivermectin from ‘Insulin Hub’ early on after it became obvious Ivermectin was more effective than HCQ…and after I received two orders (one of each) I posted the Insulin Hub order information here and e-mailed it to family and friends.

I know at least two regular TBPers bought some from Insulin Hub as well. As the months flew past two friends contacted me a week apart about five people (I only knew one of them):

1. A couple (early 50’s)
2. A father & son (60 something and 40 something)
3. A mutual friend (mid 50’s)

All five had come down with serious Covid, a five were on the verge of going to the hospital. None were jabbed, all were already really sick for a couple three four days, all were terrified of going to the hospital, and all were Christians.

Through the two friends who came to me I sent all five each 10 12mg tablets of Ivermectin and detailed e-mails on dosage along with other immune support to immediately start taking.

I also included where to order the human Ivermectin from Insulin Hub to pay me back.

I had also bought 5 tubes of the Horse Ivermectin at my local Feed Store ‘Southern States’ for $7.99 a tube, but I gave them the human pills.

All five felt noticeably better in two to three days…and all five were 100% recovered in a week to 10 days.

Weeks and then a month went by.

Not one of the five made an attampt to pay me back by ordering Ivermectin from Insulin Hub, and only the one person I knew bothered to thank me by e-mail, but he never paid me back either.

To be honest I was surprised…and pissed…and told my two friends I expected to be paid back by them if their friends were not going to honor the debt directly to me. They both ordered it…kept some for themselves (they were believers of Ivermectin now) and made good to me on what I had given them to pass on to their friends.

I have since placed a third order with Insulin Hub, also have 100 100mg capsules of Doxycycline from them and plenty HCQ. Have never needed any for me…but keep it for family.

The last order for 30 12mg of Ivermectin came with 100 100mg capsules of Doxycycline, it was $125.00. It takes about 3 weeks.

Here is where to go if your interested. This is one of their e-mails to me.

Dear ——,

We have confirmed your order. It will be shipping in the next few days. Once it ships, we will forward you the tracking number. Your order has not been billed and will only be billed upon delivery by the Post Service.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you!
Andrew James
direct line is 1-718-312-8727

** NOW AVAILABLE ABBOTT ANTIGEN TEST FOR COVID: https://insulinhub.com/product/1307/buy_Abbott_COVID_Antigen_Self-Test

Live Chat: https://direct.lc.chat/12078399/

Please rate my service!
Rated #1 online pharmacy by TrustPilot !

October 20, 2021 6:07 pm

They must be showing different prices to other countries.
Here in Europe I’m offered 30x 12mg Ivermectin with Doxy for $175.

On the positive side you only get charged if the shipment arrives at your address. In other words, if customs confiscates the shipment, it’s on Insulinhub.com, no loss to you.

October 20, 2021 8:45 pm


“On the positive side you only get charged if the shipment arrives at your address. In other words, if customs confiscates the shipment, it’s on Insulinhub.com, no loss to you”.

Yep…I believe Canada has recently completely blocked them! (Now, there is an endorsement).

The guy I deal with at Insulin Hub (Andrew James) is Canadian and the little bit of what I know about Insulin Hub is linked below.

What I do know is they have been reliable…and I remember you mentioned them in a post awhile back. I found them really early on for HCQ (took the first version in Nam).

I must have sent a lot of customers to James from TBP & Family – friends during the early stages of the Condemic…as he sent me an e-mail I didn’t expect thanking me offering an order at 50% off because of so many referrals. I took it. That was what I gave away to the five in my post above.

I was hoping having HCQ and then Ivermectin would be enough comfort to my family and friends who were being gas lighted would help them decide against the Jab…some I never thought would have taken the jab…did. But almost none of them ordered it???

You can lead horses/people who you love to water/prevention/cures…but you know the rest.

I’m all about feeding the immune system daily…but having the right back up is critical in any fight.



October 21, 2021 12:33 am

Was either the big or little anti-malaria pill ivermectine ? Well over a half century has dulled my memory.

October 21, 2021 4:13 am

I am not aware Ivermectin was ever associated with working against Malaria.
So I believe the answer is No, even though I have no idea what you mean by “big or little anti-malaria pill.”

October 21, 2021 12:03 pm

PSBindy, m,

Nam 1969

It was the earlest two pill version of HCQ…there was a small white daily pill…and a weekly large orange one the Corpsman gave us.

The treatment stopped malaria that was taking Marines down…but the orange pill gave some guys the shits and many (including me) threw it away.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
October 20, 2021 6:32 pm

I have ivermectin on hand. Do I need zinc. What do I get? TIA

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
  Ben Lurken
October 20, 2021 8:09 pm

Generally, yes, it can’t hurt. What you want is a “bioavailable” variety of zinc, as metal pellets can be hard on your gut. Try zinc gluconate, zinc picolinate, whatever handy form is at the natural foods store or online. Usually not too expensive, depending on which variety you get.

  Ben Lurken
October 20, 2021 9:06 pm


“Do I need zinc”.


I avoid Amazon when I can but this is a hard to find threefer…

Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
Harrington Richardson: Have Lamp Posts-Will Travel
October 20, 2021 9:51 pm

Always take the Doxy on a full stomach. It says to on the bottle but one time years ago I was running late taking the kids to school and popped it in and drove across town, dropped off the kids and on the way home puked in the car.
Thanks for the info!


Thanks for that insight HR…I have never taken the Doxy…just store it for the Shitstorm.

I have built up an immune system support, vitamin, herb, amino acid, Colloidal Silver, covid/flu preventive treatment, anti-shedding spike protein treatment, essential oils, fish anti-biotics, etc. etc. etc. frigging Prepper Pharmacy.

Have a tabbed binder for everything…dosages, benefits, uses, etc.

Just got in four bottles of C-60, after taking three one at a time…It is amazing the increase in energy it noticeably brings after about a week of half a tea spoon in the morning.

I ran out once and really noticed the difference.

Never take it in the evening…it will keep you up.

Both my wife and my father-in law love it too and now demand it!

Here is the least expensive creditable source I have found…some companies are cashing in and are expensive…this company seems to be fair and solid:


  Ben Lurken
October 21, 2021 2:30 am

<zinc can be purchased at any drugstore. 50mg daily I believe is the usual dose

Doc Adams
Doc Adams
October 21, 2021 4:04 am

50mg may be a little high, especially if you get zinc from food and/or other supplements-like multi-vitamins. Zinc is one of those that you can get too much of in addition to too little of. As stated elsewhere, different forms of zinc are metabolized to different extents-just like a lot of supplements-so be aware of that also.

  Ben Lurken
October 21, 2021 10:39 pm

Ben,50mg daily is a common recommendation

i forget
i forget
October 20, 2021 5:34 pm

The sweet science. Somebody characterized boxing that way. Not slugging. No sweet, or science, to that. What’s more feet (& brain…on its way to “official” dementia pugilistica) of clay than toe-to-toe?

What makes it sweet? Well, what was it, for instance, about Cassius feet-not-of Clay?

And not just within the smaller ring, either?

When the mountain came to Muhammad & said he stood convicted & sentenced to 4 years conscription in Vietnam prison, what’d he reply?

“Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would cost me millions of dollars. But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality. If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail, so what? We’ve been in jail for 400 years.”

So here’s the thing. “Scientifically-minded” isn’t enough. Not even close. Kuhn’s paradigm stuff, indicting as it is, doesn’t mention the pair o’ dimes that bought & paids most people, cradle to grave: “codependent” enabling of “authority” – despite being lied to over & over & forever by that same “authority.”

Nobody can swallow that much lie without it being tastiest mainstay of their diet. It’s the original junkfood from which all neo-junkfood is mere projection. And junkfood junkies ain’t ever gonna’ quit it.

As for Nobel & his prize:

From Human Smoke (Nicholson Baker): “Alfred Nobel, the manufacturer of explosives, was talking to his friend the Baroness Bertha von Suttner, author of Lay Down Your Arms. Von Suttner, a founder of the European antiwar movement, had just attended the fourth World’s Peace Conference in Bern. It was August, 1892. ‘Perhaps my factories will put an end to war even sooner than your congresses,’ Alfred Nobel said. ‘On the day when two army corps may mutually annihilate each other in a second, probably all civilized nations will recoil with horror & disband their troops.’”

Even the least sweet scientists will have no trouble reading that telegraph.

October 20, 2021 6:13 pm

I got my pony paste ready. I already had the ‘rona so I hope I am done with this stuff. Just had 2 friends get ‘rona. Quite sick but old doctor gave them Ivermectin. Both still tired but back to work.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 20, 2021 6:23 pm

“If someone as intelligent, savvy, and rational as you could be deceived by such a brazenly undisguised disinformation campaign, what hope is there for the stupefied masses?”

There is little to no correlation between intelligence and common sense.

  Francis Marion
October 20, 2021 8:51 pm

Yep…it is really uncommom-common sense.

Especially in the media & street sense.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
October 20, 2021 8:06 pm


Let’s talk about Mississippi. My good friend from Jr. HS through college at State, was Bill Waller, Jr. Father was gov from 71-75 when we were in Starksville. Jr. was Chief Justice (an elective office) forever. Lost the Rep. Gov. primary, have no idea if he was pro-Trump or not. Would think pro-Trump, Jr. being a General in the MS Natl Guard. If so, that Yazoo City sh*tter Haley Barbour F*ed it up.

Everybody asks me, when moving back? From Charleston & Beaufort, SC?