Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny

Guest Post by Margaret Anna Alice

A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like ‘people’ and means ‘riffraff,’ to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson to the effort which probably employed more Germans in inhumanity than any other in Nazi history, the standing of ‘sentry’ in front of Jewish shops and offices in the boycott of April, 1933.”
Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45

I’m willing to die to defend my liberty. Are you willing to die to take my liberty?

No? Good. Then stop enforcing totalitarian measures against your neighbors on behalf of the tyrants, who wouldn’t hesitate to annihilate you. Stop planning, directing, supervising, controlling, and performing their dirty work. Become part of the resistance instead of an enabler of democidal despots.

Whether you are a law enforcement officer, public health official, psychologist, scientist, medical professional, educator, employer, censor, propagandist, or any other agent of complicity in this war against the people, you are what makes dictatorships possible.

You are what makes enslavement possible.
You are what makes genocide possible.
You are what makes the Biggest Lie in history possible.

You may not be one of the Gestapo agents beating individuals entering a public space without their vaxxportwrenching children away from their vaxx criminal parentspummeling anti-injection protestersstripping and needle-raping resistersreverting Australia to a penal colony; or restraining and forcibly injecting the elderly and mentally disabled (otherwise known as “useless eaters” by your predecessors).

You may not be one of the public health officials instituting ineffectual and deleterious mask guidelines and lockdowns based on fraudulent PCR teststesting wastewater to justify iron-fisted measures; or falsifying the numbers to magnify a fabricated threat and conceal the deadly factual consequences and statistically astronomical number of adverse reactions to the injection.

You may not be one of the psychologists devising the mass persuasion campaign that has hypnotized the obedient, the gullible, and the ignorant around the globe.

You may not be one of the scientists too frightened of losing your career, credibility, grant funding, and future to denounce the fraud being perpetrated under the cloak of Science™.

You may not be one of the physicians violating the Hippocratic Oath and Nuremberg Code as you deny potentially life-saving medications, deploy murderous injections, administer lethal drugs such as Remdesivir, inflict ventilator-associated lung injuries, apply high-risk interventions like intubationgang-inject patients, coerce pregnant mothers into risking miscarriagerefuse to treat non-GMO humans, and contemplate prioritizing ICU beds for the injected.

You may not be one of the nurses flouting the nursing code of ethics while pinning down screaming children as you plunge in the poison death jab.

You may not be one of the daycare employees torturing toddlers into wearing a mask.

You may not be one of the fascist institutions complying with the merciless edicts to fire the rational dissidents in your organization.

You may not be one of the censors suppressing evidence of all of the above atrocities while simultaneously silencing and smearing the honorable scientists, medical experts, whistleblowers, and other truth-tellers valiant enough to refute the preposterous narrative you have swindled so many into believing.

You may not be one of the propagandists blaring the Biggest Lie talking points over the loudspeakers through every conceivable mechanism 24/7/365 until the feeble-minded succumb to your relentless coercion from exhaustion, peer pressure, menticide, and Orwellian doublethink.

You don’t have to be any of those abominable scoundrels to be an enabler of tyranny.

You simply need to hold your tongue. You simply need to look the other way. You simply need to turn a deaf ear. You simply need to stifle your gut feeling that something is profoundly, irrevocably wrong about every venomous lie, absurd policy, and malignant mandate that has bombarded the public since spring 2020.

You simply need to live in fear. You simply need to cling to your ignorance. You simply need to follow the leader. You simply need to surrender to cowardice.

Every act of collusion, every stain on your conscience, every bureaucratic compromise of your values etches an ineradicable scar into your soul.

As a philologist colleague of Milton Mayer’s explains in They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45:

And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying “Jew swine,” collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all.

The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed.

Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.

You have gone almost all the way yourself. Life is a continuing process, a flow, not a succession of acts and events at all. It has flowed to a new level, carrying you with it, without any effort on your part. On this new level you live, you have been living more comfortably every day, with new morals, new principles.

You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things that your father, even in Germany, could not have imagined.

Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven’t done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we do nothing). You remember those early meetings of your department in the university when, if one had stood, others would have stood, perhaps, but no one stood. A small matter, a matter of hiring this man or that, and you hired this one rather than that. You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair.

In Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland*, Christopher R. Browning ponders why only twelve men out of a battalion of nearly 500 kindled the courage to decline participation in the Józefów massacre of Polish Jews when Major Wilhelm Trapp (who himself “wept bitterly” at the command but ultimately complied, saying, “But orders are orders”)—offered to excuse anyone who asked.

Browning lists such factors as “the pressure for conformity”; Himmler’s “exalting obedience as one of the key virtues of all SS men”; “wartime brutalization, racism, segmentation and routinization of the task, special selection of the perpetrators, careerism, obedience to orders, deference to authority, ideological indoctrination”; and fear of “isolation, rejection, and ostracism.”

Thanks to the “growing callousness” that comes from habituation, the soldiers discovered “killing was something one could get used to.”

Browning found Zygmunt Bauman’s explanation especially compelling, noting:

For Bauman ‘cruelty is social in its origin much more than it is characterological.’ Bauman argues that most people ‘slip’ into the roles society provides them, and he is very critical of any implication that ‘faulty personalities’ are the cause of human cruelty.”

What set those twelve brave men apart? Browning summarizes Bauman’s observation:

The exception—the real ‘sleeper’—is the rare individual who has the capacity to resist authority and assert moral autonomy but who is seldom aware of this hidden strength until put to the test.”

Browning goes on to cite the conclusion Philip Zimbardo drew from his notorious Stanford Prison Experiment:

Most dramatic and distressing to us was the observation of the ease with which sadistic behavior could be elicited in individuals who were not “sadistic types.”’ The prison situation alone, Zimbardo concluded, was ‘a sufficient condition to produce aberrant, anti-social behavior.”

He then recaps the findings of another famous experiment, Obedience to Authority conducted by Stanley Milgram:

Milgram adduced a number of factors to account for such an unexpectedly high degree of potentially murderous obedience to a noncoercive authority.… Socialization through family, school, and military service, as well as a whole array of rewards and punishments within society generally, reinforces and internalizes a tendency toward obedience. A seemingly voluntary entry into an authority system ‘perceived’ as legitimate creates a strong sense of obligation.

Those within the hierarchy adopt the authority’s perspective or ‘definition of the situation’ (in this case, as an important scientific experiment rather than the infliction of physical torture). The notions of ‘loyalty, duty, discipline,’ requiring competent performance in the eyes of authority, become moral imperatives overriding any identification with the victim. Normal individuals enter an ‘agentic state’ in which they are the instrument of another’s will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform.

Once entangled, people encounter a series of ‘binding factors’ or ‘cementing mechanisms’ that make disobedience or refusal even more difficult. The momentum of the process discourages any new or contrary initiative. The ‘situational obligation’ or etiquette makes refusal appear improper, rude, or even an immoral breach of obligation. And a socialized anxiety over potential punishment for disobedience acts as a further deterrent.

But Browning doesn’t solely focus on those who pulled the triggers. He also addresses the “desk murderers,” for whom homicidal acts were almost mundane thanks to “the desensitizing effects of division of labor.”

He describes Raul Hilberg’s emphasis on “the bureaucratic and administrative aspects of the destruction process”:

This approach emphasizes the degree to which modern bureaucratic life fosters a functional and physical distancing in the same way that war and negative racial stereotyping promote a psychological distancing between perpetrator and victim. Indeed, many of the perpetrators of the Holocaust were so-called desk murderers whose role in the mass extermination was greatly facilitated by the bureaucratic nature of their participation. Their jobs frequently consisted of tiny steps in the overall killing process, and they performed them in a routine manner, never seeing the victims their actions affected. Segmented, routinized, and depersonalized, the job of the bureaucrat or specialist—whether it involved confiscating property, scheduling trains, drafting legislation, sending telegrams, or compiling lists—could be performed without confronting the reality of mass murder. Such a luxury, of course, was not enjoyed by the men of Reserve Police Battalion 101, who were quite literally saturated in the blood of victims shot at point-blank range.”

Soldiers and bureaucrats weren’t the only ones responsible for executing enemies of the Third Reich. Medical personnel were also enlisted, as revealed in the REMI Platinum Award–winning documentary Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich:

Few of the individuals who slaughtered their fellow human beings were psychopaths initially. They were average folks just like you. They were simply doing their jobs, which required increasing levels of savagery over time. That is the process by which well-meaning individuals metamorphose into barbarous sociopaths.

The only way to keep yourself from transmogrifying into a monstrous sadist is to alchemize your cowardice into courage NOW.

Instead of being a tread in the panzer that is razing humanity, you can become a wrench in the gears.

You have the power to fell the Goliaths. You have the power to expose the corrupt. You have the power to subvert the technocrats. You have the power to uncloak the transhumanists. You have the power to bring to justice the self-installed oppressors demolishing and reconstructing the world in their own malevolent image.

You have the power NOT TO FOLLOW ORDERS.

When I snap my fingers, you will awaken from your hypnosis.


It is time to wake up. It is time to redirect your aggression from the people to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be. It is time to recognize you are one of the targets of this fiendish agenda, too.

Eventually, you will be replaced by robots. Then you will become one of the plebeians you presently persecute—and the few of us who survive the democide will be equally disempowered, dependent, divested of possessions, and enslaved to a totalitarian technocracy. Mass surveillance will monitor our every twitch, tallying credits and demerits to our social credit score in accordance with the autocratic algorithms.

There will be no humans left to administer mercy. There will be no halfway decent enforcer to let this one slide. There will be no compassionate official to consider mitigating circumstances.

All grays will be washed into an unending, unflinching, unsparing blackness from which the dawn never emerges.

The totality of this New World Tyranny is unprecedented in human history. Indeed, it may signal the end of all human history, now and forevermore.

Unless you stop colluding. Unless you stop enforcing. Unless you stop enabling.

Will you be one of the intrepid dozen to defy orders, setting an example for other colluders to follow while tipping the dominoes in favor of the people over the parasitic patriciate?

Stand up for truth. Stand up for freedom. Stand up for justice. Stand up for humanity—before you ensure our mutual destruction.

Take courage from the letter written by Police Constable Adrienne Gilvesy, in which she denies her consent to the illegal Mandatory Vaccination Requirement for Toronto Police Service Members.

Draw inspiration from Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, who has chosen to protect the rights of his employees rather than comply with the vaccine mandate.

Look to the Massachusetts State Troopers Union, which filed a lawsuit requesting that a hold be put on Governor Baker’s spike mandate.

Listen to Irish physician Dr. Anne McCloskey, who was suspended for bearing witness to the perils associated with the injection.

Take a lesson from Dr. Julie Ponesse, who was terminated from her position as professor of ethics at the University of Western Ontario for not consenting to a coercive and unethical decree:

Consider the example of the nineteen United States governors refusing to comply with the mandate—or Oregon State Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, who have filed a formal petition for a federal grand jury investigation into the CDC and FDA for willful misconduct.

Join the heroic whistleblowers such as this ICU nursethis senior NHS nurse, and the following nurses who stepped forward to expose the corrupt and toxic practices at their institutions:

Follow in the footsteps of the Niagara Police Department, whose members formed the Niagara Regional Police United for Human Rights group, issuing the following statement in response to vaccine mandates:

Niagara: We stand behind you. We stand beside you. And if you need us to, we will stand in front of you. Discrimination has no place in Niagara, Ontario, or Canada. We took an oath to uphold the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and respect everyone in this Country which thrives in diversity and inclusivity. We hear you, and we are here for ALL of you.”

We CAN break the tyrannical spell that has been cast over the world—but we need you to stand behind us, stand beside us, and, if needed, stand in front of us.

It is my sincere desire to provide readers of this site with the best unbiased information available, and a forum where it can be discussed openly, as our Founders intended. But it is not easy nor inexpensive to do so, especially when those who wish to prevent us from making the truth known, attack us without mercy on all fronts on a daily basis. So each time you visit the site, I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from The Burning Platform and the community of which you are a vital part. I can't do it all alone, and I need your help and support to keep it alive. Please consider contributing an amount commensurate to the value that you receive from this site and community, or even by becoming a sustaining supporter through periodic contributions. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal

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November 13, 2021 10:01 am

Just watching a portion of a Tim Poole podcast. Wow, this guy has been red pilled and moreso every day. His early podcasts were definitely left, then he started stating he was a centrist. I think hes probably leaning a lot more right today now that hes seeing the communists doing what they do best, lying, stealing, corruption, defaming, isolating… hhmmm Alinksy rules…

In this segment ol Timmy gets pretty wound up over fbi leaking Veritas…. great to see…

Fight back now or lose it all…

ursel doran
ursel doran
November 13, 2021 10:07 am

IMPORTANT REVIEW: Money – Currency – Cryptos.
A proper understanding of this for what is going on.

November 13, 2021 10:47 pm

Margaret Anne is preaching to the choir. I know some very loving, kind and dear older ladies. They are the epitome of goodness, kindness, and they would give you their last dime and…they were first in line to get the clot shot. I tried to talk them out of it, it was like talking to the wall. They had the teevee and the facebook and they knew the Covid was very, very bad and they never ever questioned authority because the government knew what was best for them and Big Brother lovedand cared for them.

So far they’re fine, no side effects and if I say anymore then I look like an idiot so I leave them be. Most people that I know who’ve gotten jabbed are doing fine, no side effects, no issues. These folk don’t question authority, they wear their seatbelts, pay their taxes and do whatever the propaganda machines tell them to do and think whatever they’re told to think. They generally don’t think and want to be left to their reality and turn on you if you disturb them so…why bother?

There is another group, a group that likes to bully and throw their weight around, you see them in committees and HOA’s and you see them wielding guns and badges and they get off on hurting people and bullying them. The groups in the medical professions are status quo and very much in the ‘I’m educated and know better than you’ clan. They seek approval from the clan and will do whatever and say whatever the clan tells them to do and say…just keep on with the gravy/money train.

December 9, 2021 8:26 pm

Yes, and they wear masks outside in the sunshine and while driving…terrorized by a phantom..I have a female friend age 70, who does all manner of good works, who was not invited to a Xmas party by a group of long time friends because she refused the vaxx, and is totally against it…She dropped them completely…having principles requires sacrifice.

Diane Drayton Buckland
Diane Drayton Buckland
January 23, 2022 8:37 am

How to pull up the Queensland covid tyranny
An opinion of the unlawful Covid mandates and why the state cannot enforce any form of penalty.
By David Walter former Northern Territory Police Prosecutor and Constitutional Analyst

How to pull up the Qld Covid tyranny

Pfizer trials: All injected mothers lost their unborn babies
Dr Mark Trozzi
January 19, 2022
These injections are criminal; period. Help us serve the Cease and Desist Declaration of the World Council for Health, to any and all governments, clinics, hospitals, medical regulatory bodies, doctors, nurses, politicians, or anyone participating in any way in the manufacture, shipping, distribution, promotion, or administration of these injections. The message to anyone involved in these injection campaigns is “Stop now. This is a crime. You will be criminally and civilly responsible. The cat is out of the bag. Justice is coming.”

Pfizer trials: All injected mothers lost their unborn babies


The FDA and Pfizer are a match made in hell
These corrupt bedfellows laugh at citizens’ rights… again.
FDA takes 108 days to approve the nefarious injection, but demands 55 years to edit and share the documents.

The FDA and Pfizer are a match made in hell

To those increasing number of tyrants dictators grossly violating the Nuremberg principles Nuremberg code under the orders of a totally lawless totalitarian bunch of psychopathic politicians!!! The IGA Conglomerate ALDI Woolies BIGW COLES and all the other tyrannical corporations individuals or any other must immediately abolish all mandates and and other tyrannical actions on behalf of tyrannical governments. You have failed all due diligence and duty of care and the precautionary principle as well as the obscene gross violations of the Nuremberg principles Nuremberg code. You followed the government into vile totalitarianism !!!!

Dr Christian Perronne all who voted for vaxx obligations can be prosecuted at international tribunals


The corrupt lying Australian government tyrants dictators have been cooking the covid books. They the Australian government bureau of statistics were instructed by the totally corrupt WHO to inflate the covid figures they want robust figures and they were instructed how to do it, this was on the ABS website.

This is what has been and is going on with the totalitarian regime aka state and federal governments of Australia.

The entire Australian vaccination policy is totally corrupted with massive systemic and extensive conflicts of interest everywhere including the deeply conflicted mainstream media empires with huge ownership by the Murdoch media empires and their extensive interests.

There is and has never been any independent body to stop these criminal tyrants. The whole system is totally corrupted.

They should all be charged with gross violations of Nuremberg principles/Nuremberg code for the tyrannical crimes against innocent populations.

Unvaccinated lockdown in NT extended for Alice Springs, remote communities restricted – TOTT News

Unvaccinated lockdown in NT extended for Alice Springs, remote communities restricted

Everyone everywhere in our world please watch this video and rise up United against these totalitarian regimes that have destroyed our lives and our countries and our democracies and all our Civil rights and human rights and medical rights and freedoms so lets go and put a dagger through the totalitarian beasts..

The Center for research on globalization by Professor Michel Chossudovsky

The Agenda is to Vaccinate 7.9 BILLION People WorldWide; This is a Political Agenda-2019 COV Novella By POWERFUL Financial Interests (British Empire-Bill Gates & Fauci Are Members)

DECEMBER 12, 2021

The Agenda is to Vaccinate 7.9 BILLION People WorldWide; This is a Political Agenda-2019 COV Novella By POWERFUL Financial Interests (British Empire-Bill Gates & Fauci Are Members)

A Non A Mous
A Non A Mous
November 13, 2021 12:42 pm

To guide me almost every day I find myself asking What Would Jesus Do. Then I try to do likewise. This is why we are missionaries to the poor because it is what Jesus would do and I can not wait to go back to Nigeria after we are done raising support. Nigeria is a poor country but is happier than the United States. Would Jesus be a Nazi? I believe a much better case can be made that Jesus would choose communism.

  A Non A Mous
November 13, 2021 1:24 pm

“My kingdom is not of this world.” John 18:36

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  A Non A Mous
November 13, 2021 1:58 pm

A far more effective mode of operation to follow: what would Paul do?

Jesus was God in flesh, perfectly sinless and died for humanity; the propitiatory sacrifice. You can’t follow Him.

1 Corinthians 4:16 KJB… “Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.”

  A Non A Mous
November 13, 2021 7:12 pm

Ahem? Is Abbie correct? Is it YOU in disguise?

November 13, 2021 6:25 pm

Constant parallelism to a worn out fairy tale causes rapid scrolling.

November 13, 2021 11:04 am

I’m willing to die to defend my liberty. Are you willing to die to take my liberty?

No? Good. Then stop enforcing totalitarian measures against your neighbors on behalf of the tyrants, who wouldn’t hesitate to annihilate you. Stop planning, directing, supervising, controlling, and performing their dirty work.

But, … but, … but … they’re “Private Businesses”. They have every right to control what happens on their property.

Plus, they’re doing what they need to to stay in business. To protect the bottom line. Business owners can’t have morality applied to them; they’re above all that.

prester kahn
prester kahn
November 14, 2021 2:18 am

Employees are not property.

December 9, 2021 8:41 pm

They aren’t the government, so they can’t control everything that happens in their business….

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 13, 2021 11:35 am

IMHO, that Stucky hooked a keeper!

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-===

fwiw….stevequayle.com is where I saw the headline

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 13, 2021 12:00 pm

“I’m willing to die to defend my liberty. Are you willing to die to take my liberty?”

This. This is what it all boils down to. If there are more of us then them, we win.

NC Rob
NC Rob
  grace country pastor
November 13, 2021 1:49 pm

Not all it boils down to, but a lot. One side has to have the conviction and drive. You can have more people but if they are cowards, the other side wins.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  NC Rob
November 13, 2021 2:00 pm

The people on “my” side are, by definition, not cowards. They are prepared to die defending liberty.

  grace country pastor
November 13, 2021 3:02 pm

Are you sure about that?

November 13, 2021 12:22 pm

Compliance is complicity.

November 14, 2021 2:54 am

Silence implies consent.

Lachesis Atropos
Lachesis Atropos
November 13, 2021 12:51 pm

How do you defeat a useful idiot? Facts mean nothing even when supported by evidence. As Yuri Bezmenov said, the UI doesn’t realize their role or comprehend reality until they are lined up against a wall. Would love to know what the solution would be? I can only see one possible solution at this point as we are far beyond the point of no return.

i forget
i forget
November 13, 2021 1:11 pm

Letter to a leopard: change your spots.

That’s not the rhetorical question. This is: Are you willing to die rather than disobey orders (including peer pressure), rather than to think?

(Why do continental clods have such voracious affinity for islands?)

There is, among other shivs & shanks many leopards spot themselves “spike protein” inside out with, a shibboleth•argy that reclines more or less permanently on a chaise these cats like to call “change.” The belief in the possibility of change, in the actuality of fostering change, hardwired in there, innate & inalienable, gets purrrr-jected outward as a religion that shamancats shamelessly ~ despite all obvious contrary evidence ~ just gotta’ proselytize.

And so when the domesticated wildfire apparently burns itself out at cyclical fuel/air lows, it’s “See? Change happens.”

Hungry eyes are so caked that cake is everywhere, all that can be seen, so…let’s eat.

(Continental clod washes up on deserted island, discovers his true voracious affinity.)

  i forget
November 13, 2021 7:21 pm

Stephen King went into subject matter better left unexamined, in my opinion. He crossed a lot of lines.

i forget
i forget
November 14, 2021 5:09 pm

Ghost…Lines wrap specialties, specializations. Those have uses.

Unfortunately the temptation to “elevate” those lines into one firmly postholed & a second perpendicular-crossing that vertical, more than tends to “meta” the uses into abuses, & so into as good a description of “the cross to be borne” as any. “In the beginning was the words…” is false. Then, & now. (Felt-sense, then a-labeleering we all go is the process.)

Specialist-terrorists, cashing checks from generalist-terrorists, & the uncritical mass…go boom. ∞

Lines also make “the maps.” Which are more ficticious than anything King, or L’amour, ever wrote. As in fictions used to tell lies instead of its other use, spoken of in V for Vendetta.

There’s a piece of mountain road nearby that was recently, in a sop to infrastructure maintenance, blacktopped afresh. The dashed lines “sign” was re-painted over solid. So? Mine own sightlines are the only lines that matter, that go into determining what lines I take.

My late night King-reads overlapped the riding into the sunset L’amour reads back in days & nights of youth.

What both of those writers did/do was/is as mechanical, formulaic-repetitive, as Frankenstein ~ the monster, which is to say the good doctor, not ol’ boltneck ~ which is not to say the Mary Shelley storylines.

And ol’ Frank, like The Mummy, & the Walking Dead, was never a threat to anyone who wasn’t paralyzed. Or if paralyzed, was mounted to a decent motorized wheelchair. Or if just barcalounger’d in place had sufficient tools close to hand…& the sufficiency to use those tools.

I used to have a more open mind, somebody said. The purpose of an open mind is to close the door on falsity & untruth, I responded. A mind that never closes (in) on anything is one type of the terrible wastes (indulging in theoretical-ideals, platonic forms, here) that “this is your brain on drugs” commercials used to tsk-tsk lament…before the Sacklers reframed that horror story with new lines.

So imo, King’s lines couldn’t hurt anybody (& for a fact didn’t hurt me). But they could be, possibly, a litmus test ~ not a PCR test ~ for some already hurt, or who has particular designed-in hurts.

  i forget
November 14, 2021 10:40 pm
November 13, 2021 3:21 pm

The people who need to understand this article the most will never see it, or if someone sends them a link they likely won’t read it. Not even the rona shook their world enough for them to wake up. If they see armies marching in the streets, they will likely cheer as if our saviors have arrived. Famine is planned for us in the near future. Will starvation wake them up, or will they still trust Papa government? How do we convince people that war has already been declared against us? How do we convince people that dangerous freedom is far more valuable than peaceful slavery? Which, BTW, isn’t going to start out with peace. There’s a lot of bloodshed between the here and now, and you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.

November 13, 2021 4:57 pm

J6 Defendant Ryan Nichols Speaks with Greg Kelly From DC Gitmo – Prisoners are Beaten, Denied Calls, Denied Communion, Locked Up Indefinitely (VIDEO)

November 13, 2021 5:53 pm

Note the following comment may be deleted by the site because it makes FOOL sense.

If their army did not listen to them, if their police did not protect them, if their judges did not rule in favor of them, if the populace did not obey them they would be NOTHING but FOOLS up there mouthing off every day.

BUT they get their power because all of the above do believe them, coddle them, protect them, admire them, support them, etc.

So your leaders DO represent what you have BECOME.

i forget
i forget
November 13, 2021 6:46 pm

Yes. But “leaders” have always been, so are reps for what Normymandias *is.* No becoming is involved.

Steel leaders, haywire twist:

another Doug
another Doug
November 13, 2021 8:03 pm

Some of us ignore them, but that also gives them power since we don’t interfere.

i forget
i forget
  another Doug
November 14, 2021 5:10 pm

another Doug…Those who ignore them are not the ones “powering” them up…nor will those be the ones who power them down when the redline is crossed. The deathwish that Freud wrote about, that Bronson acted about, that the recent “the means are the end” piece by Gore was about…is real. Boston’s Cool the Engines is a good tune but as advice, or Rx, has no traction at all; it’s just like this:

November 13, 2021 7:27 pm

Old pal JC in Pittsburgh is livestreaming right now. I want to let Margaret Anna Alice know about his stream and his continued presence online researching and seeking out the truth about the science.


November 13, 2021 7:48 pm

Before Joshua entered the Promised Land, he said that the Hebrews needed to “choose this day whom you will serve”, followed by, “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”

Almost 4,000 years later the choice is still the same.
Will we comply with evil, “go along to get along”, or will we stand up to evil and REFUSE to participate in any way, shape, or form?

That goes for buying things from globalist corporations that are complicit in this tyranny, and paying for Netflix, Hulu, Disney, and cable TV, propaganda factories that are shaping our culture and
Are you still sending your children to government schools, going to feel good churches and synagogues, churches and synagogues that are little more than nightclubs and/or social justice agitprops?
Do you support immoral and often Satanic “celebrities”, i.e. rock stars, sports celebrities, and actors/actresses by buying their products, going to their movies, concerts and games?

Eventually ALL of us will be effected and eliminated, even the collaborators.
Choose this day whom you will serve.

November 14, 2021 1:32 am

GLORIFING STANDFORD STATE UNIVERSITY,hahaha,YEA RIGHT,THAT UNIVERSITY is as demonic as they come,ITS not a college I would send my worse enemies children to,I’ve been to seveal colleges in california,THEIR ALL RAN BY DEVILS AND DEMONS,MY WIFE went to UC DAVIS to become a VET ,she was in school 11years ready to get her PHD,and then she did something that was forbidden by me,.GOING TO ANY HOSPITAL without me with her,SHE went to US DAVIS MEDICAL CENTER to have a mole on her leg removed,they put her to sleep and removed some of her ORGANS THEN LET HER DIE,SHE WAS 30 years old ,and she lost her life,trusting the DEVILS IN THE HOSPITAL TO DO THE RIGHT THING,that was many years ago,NOTHING HAS CHANGED,SATAN RUNS ALL AGENCIES INCLUDING THE MEDICAL FIELD..as many discover to late..

Mr Anon
Mr Anon
November 14, 2021 8:17 am

If you have not read Milton Mayer’s They Thought They Were Free I suggest you do. It is timeless and eye opening.

Those enforcing tyranny today would do well, prior to their coming reckoning, to contemplate the “I was only following orders” line not as a viable declaration of innocence but as the admission of guilt that it is.

The all black American Flag is hoisted all over America and there will be no quarter.

An Ex-Con
An Ex-Con
December 9, 2021 7:36 pm

Interesting article.

Have you noticed the common underlying theme?


Nothing, and I mean nothing changes without violence.

No people ever freed themselves by writing letters and standing in lines holding banners.

They freed themselves through violence – the fist, the sword, the bow, the musket, the rifle, the canon, the bomb, the missile – this is what history shows. Heck the US was born from revolutionary violence.

The State and state employed scum who wear costumes called uniforms currently think they have a monopoly on violence – simply because so few choose to resist violence when it comes from someone wearing a costume called a uniform. When people recognise that the costume called a uniform does not give the wearer any rights above your own God given rights – especially self defence when faced with violence and threats of violence – then the percieved power of the costume wearer vanishes.

The US has a Constitution to support this, and many other countries especially those with ancient and bloody histories such as in Europe have centuries of precedents of evil Kings and mad Tyrants being overthrown by the people – through violence.

In Prison men get together in groups and gangs for protection from other groups and gangs and from the costume wearers overstepping their remits. One or two men, or even 10, can be sidelined/split up and attacked and defeated, but 100 men, a 1000 men – then we are talking real violent potential that few would want to touch off.

This is how the state work with Police – they divide through violence any small gathering and use overwhelming numbers and violence against small groups. They will send a 100 armed Cops to raid one building if necessary, or 10.000 armed cops to “Police” a protest and intimadate and dominate the crowd.

But if that crowd shows they have the will to use violence at a level equal to or greater than the costume wearers and state thugs, then that crowd can make real changes – if they are organised and can react to dynamic situations.

Anyone who has observed Cartel members, Gang mebers, old school Mafia members, and certain armed religious groups in action, will recognise that they command respect from the costume wearers called Cops and are generally left alone by them (especially if the bosses in costumes and suits get their cut / 10%) because they know a world of hurt pain and violence will head thier way if intervene. This is how gettos form – especially ethnic gettos of heavily armed men with the ability and will to use extreme violence against costume wearers whos authority over them they do not recognise.

In Mexico I have seen armed running battles between heavily armed cartels members and militarised Police – with the militarised Police often coming off worse because the Cartel members are willing to use more extreme levels of violence.

Once people recognise that their power comes from their ability to organise and use violence against those who organise and use violence against them, the steps towards freedom become much more clearly defined.

I am sure that the Founding Fathers in the US had something to say about this, and they have also made a few ammendments in the Constitution to remind those who go to sleep after decades of easy living.

Other nations have stories of Revolutions, of Civil Wars, and of fighting for freedom against people who sought to dominate them, enslve them, and eventually kill them.

History is violent and bloody, because that is when real change occurs – when the tyrants are put to the sword and the people take back what they allowed to be taken from them. The cycle repeats every few decades in a country or two around the World. It looks like its time for the US, UK, and the EU (and Australia, New Zealand and Canada) to water their respective trees of liberty with the blood of both tyrants and Patriots.

But what do I know, I’m just an Ex-Con.

God Bless.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  An Ex-Con
December 9, 2021 8:06 pm

Loved that. Although I despise violence.

If you expand on the theme a bit (or even just as it is) this could be a fine stand alone article on own.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  An Ex-Con
January 23, 2022 9:09 am

You know enough to be able to articulate the truth, And it would make a fine stand alone piece.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 23, 2022 9:28 am

Curious what makes you revisit a thread from better than 2 months ago.?
You are one of the few commenters that I automatically click, when perusing recent activity,
as I believe you to be one of the few around here with above average intellect. I learn from you. Thx!