RFK Jr’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état

Guest Post by Edward Curtin

With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, RFK Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwell’s 1984 totalitarian boot to stamp on his face.

His is a very rare moral courage, and he is asking us to join him, before it is too late and we enter into a new dark age, in recognizing and resisting the evil forces intent on stamping out democracy around the world.

He is not pulling his punches with language as he accuses the political-intelligence-media-money-medical-corporate-pharmaceutical conspirators of executing “the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy.” 

For a brilliant and highly accomplished lawyer and excellent writer and speaker, the choice of those words “controlled demolition” is clearly intentional.

For anyone who doubts that the Covid-19 crisis is an intelligence-run operation controlled by spooks working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci, billionaires such as Bill Gates, the military, media, Big Pharma, the World Economic Forum, etc., a close reading of this book – with its 2,194 references – will disabuse one of that illusion.

The CIA has long been deeply involved with vaccines, viruses, drugs, weaponizing cancer, biological weapons, and of course massive mind-control operations – deadly propaganda in plain English – for use in controlling US Americans and foreigners alike.

As Kennedy writes in an ironically understated way, “The pervasive CIA involvement in the global vaccine putsch should give us pause.”  Yes, a long pause. He continues [my emphasis]:

There is nothing in the CIA’s history, in its charter, in its composition, or in its institutional culture that betrays an interest in promoting either public health or democracy. The CIA’s historical preoccupations have been power and control. The CIA has been involved in at least seventy-two attempted and successful coup d’état between 1947 and 1989, involving about a third of the world’s governments. Many of these were functioning democracies. The CIA does not do public health. It does not do democracy. The CIA does coups d’état.

Just as it does Kennedy assassinations.

Character assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is what the CIA and its media mouthpieces have been doing for years. This has become more and more necessary as they have realized the great growing danger he poses to their agenda.

Calling him an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and names far worse, is part of a concerted smear campaign to turn the public away from his message, which is multi-faceted and supported by deep research and impeccable logic.

Like his father and uncle, he has become an irrepressibly eloquent opponent of the demonic forces intent on destroying the democratic dream.

With The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, he has pinned his indictment of those forces to the world’s wall for all to read.

Just as this new book will not be reviewed by the corporate mainstream media, not even negatively for fear of promoting it by doing so, so too the last book he wrote, American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, was completely ignored by such media.

As I wrote three years ago in the only review of that book:

When a book as fascinating, truthful, beautifully written, and politically significant as American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, written by a very well-known author by the name of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and published by a prominent publisher (HarperCollins), is boycotted by mainstream book reviewers, you know it is an important book and has touched a nerve that the corporate mainstream media wish to anesthetize by eschewal.

American Values is part memoir, part family history, part astute political analysis, and part-confessional, and is in turns delightful, sad, funny, fierce, and frightening in its implications.

What implications?

It is the heart of that book that had the obedient reviewers avoiding it like the plague, a plague introduced by a little mockingbird, as in Operation Mockingbird.  No member of the Kennedy family since JFK or RFK had dared to say what RFK, Jr. did in that book.

He indicted the CIA in a carefully crafted and fully factual way for a vast array of crimes. He spelled out the long war between the Kennedys and the CIA that resulted in the deaths of his father, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and his uncle President John Kennedy.

He threw a gauntlet down in the midst of telling an entertaining and touching family saga, which included a critique of his own youthful transgressions.

But the nation’s spooks smelled danger in the tale and they are now more acutely aware that they must censor him because his message is finding an expanding audience of people sick of government lies and very hungry for the truth.

More and more people are willing to follow this brave man into the darkness of our history and the ongoing coups d’état underway at home and abroad.  They smell a demonic author behind the Covid-19 propaganda.

While Dr Anthony Fauci understandably stands at the center of this new book, and deservedly so for his evil machinations over so many decades, it is important to recognize that he is an obedient, albeit very powerful, underling in a systemic structure of evil, who has greatly materially profited from the sale of his soul.

Yet while this is true, to read Kennedy’s chapters on Fauci’s commanding role in the HIV/Aids fraud, the AZT shakedown, illegal experiments on children that killed at least 85, etc., is enough to make your blood boil and to realize that such actions must spring from a source far deeper than the thirst for lucre.

Something fiendish and sinister is at work with all this with the suffering and death it has caused, and in the ways it has foreshadowed the COVID-19 propaganda and the complicity of the mass media in fronting for Fauci and his allies, then and now.

Kennedy exhaustively details Fauci’s work as a drug dealer for Big Pharma, even while his job at NIAID is to protect and improve the people’s health, which has deteriorated dramatically over his tenure.  (It is important to mention parenthetically but not at all incidentally that the CIA “manages” the so-called war on drugs in a similar manner.)

Thus we have a war of drugs and a “war on drugs” working in tandem in a perfect scheme to drug as many people as possible. Here are a few details:

  • Fauci has an annual $6 billion budget, most of which goes toward the research and development of new drugs.
  • He is the highest paid federal employee, more than the President, with an annual salary of $417, 608.
  • He controls 57 percent of global biomedical medical funding directly and indirectly via the NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust, and therefore controls the scientists looking for research money.
  • He has for decades overseen the regulatory capture of government health agencies by Big Pharma.
  • The CDC, a paramilitary organization, spends $4.9 billion of its $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines, the vaccines that Fauci has been pushing. It also owns 57 vaccine patents.
  • Fauci and other officials receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help to develop and push through the approval process.
  • He has for many years promoted false pandemics to promote novel vaccines, drugs, and pharmaceutical company profits.
  • Forty-five percent of the FDA’s budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry through what are euphemistically called “user fees.”
  • Fauci has a “strange fascination with,” and has invested in “gain of function” experiments to engineer superbugs, which is part of a long CIA history of weaponizing viruses, etc.

RFK Jr’s detailed exposure of Fauci’s role reminds me of reading Moby Dick and meditating on Melville’s description of Ahab – one has to enter a different mental space to begin to comprehend such evil, and even then one is struck dumb by its extent and the media’s complicity in covering it up for so long.

When I use the word evil, I am not using that word loosely, but very precisely, for the actions of Fauci and his ilk are evil, although the human being Anthony Fauci is still capable of contrition and redemption. Anything is possible if not probable, but I am not holding my breath.

Just as the actual people who shot JFK, RFK, MLK Jr, et al. were obedient servants of the system that produced them – listen to Bob Dylan’s Only A Pawn in Their Game – Fauci is a product of a structural system of evil.

This is not to excuse him but to place his actions in an historical and structural context.

Obviously, he is not a poor southern unschooled white man used by the KKK as in Dylan’s song, but a sophisticated and Jesuit-educated New Yorker brought to political consciousness within a system that amply rewards obedience to the authorities.  He is a graduate of the same Jesuit high school I attended, the elite Regis High School in NYC (and then the Jesuit College of the Holy Cross), and is considered by many of my classmates to be a national hero bordering on a saint.

Such schooling made me well aware of how the system gobbles up its youth with promises of wealth and prestige if they yoke their intellectual acumen to allegiance to the rules of the game and become what Hannah Arendt termed “schreibtischtäter” – desk killers, or what the great American poet Kenneth Rexroth called hyenas with polished faces in the offices of billion dollar corporations devoted to “service.”

That such socialization is presented as being “a man for others” within the Jesuit tradition of mind-control, doubles its effectiveness as a confidence game. That is why so many decent young people succumb to this siren call.  It then, however, demands the quelling of an uneasy conscience.

Jean Paul Sartre called this bad faith (mauvaise foi), a form of mental trickery in which one tries to “lie” to oneself – an impossibility since the liar and the one lied to are the same person – which means the deceiver must really know the truth that he is trying to conceal from the deceived.

This form of split consciousness allows those who serve a rapacious system to attempt to deceive themselves and others that they are serving a just cause. Such attempts demand an actor’s skill and the quelling of one’s inner voice.

But there are very many actors among us, as Nietzsche said, not genuine ones, but bad actors.  Fauci, Gates, et al. are bad actors in a propaganda film, at least for those who know how propaganda is produced and bad acting exposed.  Robert Kennedy is such an astute critic.

My purpose here is not to go into detail about Fauci and Gates’s connections to the U.S. intelligence and defense industries, for this is a meditation, not a review.  But those connections are massive.  Read the concluding chapter 12 in The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.

Check his sources, 298 for this chapter alone.  This is not speculation or theory, but fact.  Do your homework.  Study. Kennedy says:

After twenty years [since the insider anthrax attacks following September 11, 2001: see Graeme MacQueen’s, The 2001 Anthrax Deception (isbn.nu)] of modeling exercises, the CIA – working with medical technologists like Anthony Fauci and billionaire internet tycoons – had pulled off the ultimate coup d’état: some 250 years after America’s historic revolt against entrenched oligarchy and authoritarians rule, the American experiment with self-government was over. The oligarchy was restored, and these gentlemen and their spymasters had equipped the rising technocracy with new tools of control unimaginable to King George or any other tyrant.

Yet the fight is far from over, and those with the tools and the mechanistic, material mindsets must contend with a rising tide of opposition to their plans for a “Great Reset” and a transhuman world.

We may be in the final battle of this war, but the human spirit is stronger than those who wish to stamp out human freedom.  Robert Kennedy, Jr. is leading the fight for the soul of the world, and it is both a political and spiritual one.

It does not take great intelligence to realize that when countries throughout the world act in a synchronized way in locking down their populations and repeat the same message on cue that such events are centrally coordinated.

The entire COVID-19 propaganda campaign, culminating with its push to enforce multiple vaccines that are not vaccines and are based on fraudulent PCR tests, has been long in preparation and the intelligence agencies’ fingerprints are all over its planning.

War game scenarios, weaponized vaccines, the CIA, the NIH, Gates, Fauci, the NIAID, DARPA, Wired magazine, the financial elites and their power centers such as the World Economic Forum, etc. – they are all involved in a conspiracy to impose a rigid global tyranny over regular people for the benefit of the world’s super-rich.

Since Fauci’s coordinated lockdowns early in 2020, there has been a 3.8 trillion dollar shift in wealth upwards to the super-rich, creating 500 new billionaires, while pulverizing the middle class, destroying small businesses, enriching Fauci and his Pharmaceutical and robber baron corporate partners, and causing vast suffering and death all around the world.

None of this is accidental. Kennedy documents it all.  He writes:

Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, and Global Mercury were only three of over a dozen Germ Games staged by military, medical, and intelligence planners leading up to COVID-19. Each of these Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny predictors of a dystopian age that pandemic planners dubbed the “New Normal.”

The consistent feature is an affinity among their simulator designers for militarizing medicine and introducing centralized autocratic governance.

Each rehearsal ends with the same grim punchline: the global pandemic is an excuse to justify the imposition of tyranny and coerced vaccination.

The repetition of these exercises suggests that they serve as a kind of rehearsal or training drill for an underlying agenda to coordinate the global dismantlement of democratic governance…

…Virtually all of the scenario planning for pandemics employ technical assumptions and strategies familiar to anyone who has read the CIA’s notorious psychological warfare manuals for shattering indigenous societies, obliterating traditional economics and social bonds, for using imposed isolation and the demolition of traditional economies to crush resistance, to foster chaos, demoralization, dependence and fear, and for imposing centralized and autocratic governance.

US and foreign intelligence agencies have dominated the COVID-19 military project from the start.  The CIA and Fauci are central to the official “conspiracy theory” – accurately called fact – including “Operation Warp Speed” under Trump.

Trump simply carried on the work of his predecessors, including Obama, but acted as if he was opposed to it.  It has always been a bi-partisan program because the CIA runs both parties.

When he was in prison in Germany after returning in 1939 from Union Theological Seminary in NYC to oppose Hitler, the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote the following from his prison cell before he was executed:

Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved — indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

By stupid he did not mean that such people lacked intellectual ability, for they were often very smart, but that they had fallen under the spell of public power and lost all independence of mind.

Thus he adds, “He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil.”

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. is still trying to reach these people.  His is an heroic task.  No wonder Kennedy is named for St. Francis to whom he is devoted; St. Francis taught him and us that courage and sacrifice are what God asks of us all.

One of his father’s favorite quotes defines the son as well; it is from Edith Hamilton, the author of The Greek Way, who wrote:

Men are not made for safe havens. The fullness of life is in the hazards of life…To the heroic, desperate odds fling a challenge.

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. has stepped up to the challenge.  He is brave and brilliant.  We are blessed to have his witness.

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Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 4:15 pm

Released just in time to purchase for all those conspiracy theorists on your Christmas list. And Amazon is promoting this book? Yeah, ok, sounds legit.

Let’s say it is legit: Who needs to read this book? The sheep. Who won’t read this book? The sheep.

I won’t be purchasing this. BUT…will not be surprised if I get it as a gift. 🤣

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 6:40 pm

Whelp, it has over 200 footnotes, so if it’s a conspiracy theory,
it the most footnoted in history. Those all can be investigated for truth.
And a #1 best selling book is being read by a lot of sheep.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Colorado Artist
December 12, 2021 6:44 pm

Not saying it’s filled with non-truths. I’m saying something about this feels off. But, that’s just me…and I AM a conspiracy theorist for sure.

So…you think this book will have an impact on those who are still undecided about this whole sham? Also, sheep don’t usually read books.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 7:51 pm

Have you seen his documentary? He is genuine and not a crank.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 8:00 pm

I have not seen his documentary, but have seen several of his speeches. When I used to be on Facebook, I was in a group that posted his content regularly. That group, nor his content, was ever censored. Why?

I’m not necessarily dogging him. But I do not idolize any of these powerful people. None of them. Give me your regular Joe…that’s who I stand behind.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 8:39 pm

I agree. Is he still a climate change believer?
I don’t comment about him but he’s a definite part of the the freak families, too. Beware.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 8:42 pm

Guest…I could be wrong, but I just see red flags with this one.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 8:59 pm

Oh yes, and the fact he seemed to be a sleeze bag on the order of bill Clinton. (President Kennedy obviously).
Also I’m swayed by the fact as a very little girl I remember that my dad hated him. He also hated the Vietnam war and kept my brother out of it. My dad was pretty smart.

There is the usual happiness of the freedom side that somebody famous likes us! The Camelot mystique. Plus the Kennedy family is notorious.

However usually I say nothing about this Kennedy because he may wake up some people. But as climate change totalitarianism is the real goal, we’ll see.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 9:17 pm

Your dad was smart.

“But as climate change totalitarianism is the real goal, we’ll see.”

Yep, exactly.

Like I said, I could be wrong, but I am more cautious than most, I think. I am jaded though. For example, there is a gun-toting Congresswoman who myself and a group of friends put every ounce of energy into getting her elected. (when we still had hope in the system)

There is now a situation with a really good friend of this Congresswoman who needs her help and support with fund-raising for legal expenses. Turns out she refuses to support her “friends” and backs an ongoing FBI investigation instead. It has been very enlightening, to say the least.

Politics and Washington change these people. So…I’m just careful who I praise and who I trust these days.

  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 9:43 am

Must be Boebert — it may be that DC changes them (or threatens them), or they just know how/what to say to get a seat at the trough. Either way we get screwed… Vote harder !!!

December 13, 2021 6:53 pm

They all must pledge allegiance to the little hats. Regardless of fake party. See Cynthia McKinney.

December 13, 2021 10:32 pm

If voting changed anything, it would not be allowed.

December 14, 2021 10:07 pm

Boebert was from a modeling agency, like the Candace Owens and others. Seems they were groomed for their positions.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 2:13 pm

Get the real story if you can. A stopped clock is right twice a day and the FBI might be too, although I want proof. 🤔

December 13, 2021 4:36 pm

Your dad hated a teenager?
This is RFK Jr., not RFK. RFK has been dead for 53 years.

That aside, Jr. is a “climate warrior”, and if he wrote a book about it (which he probably has) it would be filled with hundreds of footnotes … all to sources that are wrong.
You could write a 1000 page book of nothing but footnotes to alleged “facts” about global warming and not footnote 1/1000th of the garbage so-called “evidence” that’s out there.

As for RFK Jr., I haven’t heard him say things about this plannedemic that I disagree with; but trust? No, trust is not a thing I indulge in with people like RFK Jr.

That said, he has a famous name, so that may persuade some of the sheeple to listen to things they otherwise would not.

December 13, 2021 6:36 pm

It’s not the number of footnotes/documentation/evidence at the end of each chapter…it’s what the footnotes/documentation/evidence at the end of each chapter… ‘proves’.

Who ‘proves’ it is meaningless.

If a grand Jury can indict a ham sandwich…this book could indict a gaggle of Orcs and Flying Monkeys.
comment image
comment image

December 13, 2021 7:58 pm

I said the president. The family is notorious, and mentioned to be aware.

  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 10:00 am

Then you have the “irregular Joe” who occupies the WH, almost certainly chosen by those who control the BIS and central banks, who in their turn control the “regular Joes” in ways the latter do not fully understand. Efforts to teach them are thwarted at every turn by the “Panopticon” controlled by the “heritage rich” and their lackey finance institutions spread globally. If and only if large-scale popular outrage can be focused on them is there any realistic hope of reversing the present situation.

A frontal assault against such enormous wealth and widespread, well-dug-in institutions staffed by quislings with no sense of shame, a sociopathic lust for wealth, power and narcissistic fulfillment, the unfillable hole in the soul.

  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 11:07 am

RFK shouldn’t be idolized, no one should…but he’s been dead right on everything…All 16 child vaccines produce worse health in children, as studies have shown (which are on this website).

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 13, 2021 2:22 pm

The more I research. There has never been a good vaccine. Just propaganda that they were good.

  John Pietrusiewicz
December 13, 2021 7:31 pm

Both pyrrhuis & John are right:

There has never been a good IDOL or a good VACCINE.

Just propaganda that they were good.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 10:06 pm

Yes I do.
Merry Christmas, good lady.

Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 9:36 am

Personally, I think all Kennedy’s are dirt-bags. I have lived in their political districts, and have lived close enough to them. Back in the day when there were newspapers we would often read of their disgusting antics that often would not get national coverage. Spitting ice cream on cops, trashing charter boats, drugs, stuff like that. Is RFK junior any different? Probably not, at heart.

But I don’t care about any that. Even if he wants to run for political office some day, even if his book is a limited CIA hangout, that does not matter. His character is not what matters. What matters is the possibility that his book will wake up millions of people to the facts. The message is what matters, not the messenger.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
  Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
December 13, 2021 7:14 pm

Mista Ed. Yes I think this book has a unique niche. It may help wake up a lot of people–and it may not. But I’m going to read it quick and recommend it to a number of rabid liberals (unfortunately mostly relatives) who will read anything “Kennedy”. I confess that my motives are not squeaky clean; I merely want to torture them with a little dose of truth that happens to be written by another liberal. Therefore, this book is a “dissonance generator” for liberals. I hope it sells millions even if it persuades no one. Stupidity is spiritual blindness and facts will not change many minds, no matter how well researched, documented, or annotated..

Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
  daddy Joe
December 13, 2021 9:49 pm

Yes there are many people this book would be wasted on. There’s still plenty of people who can be influenced though. Maybe in the big picture this book won’t change the world, but we have to make our advances where we can.

  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 3:08 pm

I hear you– my default setting is cynicism. I also agree that those who need to read it the most are the Covid Cultists and those least likely to read it are also the covid cultists.

However if it is a legit expose’, then it is great to have these publications for posterity and historical record.

  Abigail Adams
December 14, 2021 10:42 am

The man has the courage to tell the truth, and you are a bunch of shills trying to sensor and silence the truth. This book should be required reading for every Citizen.
We are quickly reaching the point where we must decide if we will be slaves, or risk everything for freedom and sovereignty…

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Abigail Adams
December 14, 2021 11:23 am

You’re the one who’s “off”.

  Abigail Adams
December 14, 2021 5:04 pm

I agree the book will not convince those who will follow the other lemmings over the cliff. However, it is documented and Dr. Mengele Faucci belongs in jail for life if not before a firing squad for his decades of malpractice. As Eisenhower once proclaimed he wanted the concentration camps documented so people could not deny their existence. Robert Kennedy has documented the crimes of this evil individual.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
  Colorado Artist
December 12, 2021 8:46 pm

I believe the book has over 2,400 references

Parrell L. Parker
Parrell L. Parker
  Steve Z.
December 12, 2021 9:13 pm

2,194 according to this article

  Steve Z.
December 12, 2021 9:21 pm


Yep…3 to 4 pages of supporting footnotes after each chapter! If the Justice Dept wasn’t totally in the tank for the globalists it reads more like a grand Jury Indictment for a lot of evil people bedsides Fauci the Demon.

It also provides indisputable evidence supporting many good people and proving how Fauci railroaded and destroyed the careers and the funding of those who opposed his deadly money making ‘Scientism’ while building his empire of death and corruption.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Steve Z.
December 12, 2021 10:08 pm

I mistyped. I meant that number.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 9:13 pm

Abby it’s amazing how you got 10 downvotes for such a sensible comment. Reading all your comments on this thread I would say you made too much sense.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 9:26 pm

Thank you, Fritz. I don’t mind the downvotes, really. But I like to know why others disagree.

It’s been a very turbulent two years in my world, and I just think I may see things a little differently than the majority. Doesn’t mean I know everything, but I don’t believe everyone who appears to be on ‘our side’ without careful vetting.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 9:34 pm

I have visited sites where each vote up or down is credited to that persons moniker. Like “Fritz voted this comment up”. Wouldn’t that be lovely. No harm in dreaming a little.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 9:39 pm

Lol. I’m not sure I want to see. 😂

December 12, 2021 10:34 pm

I will tell you that a LOT of effort has gone into making the site’s thumbs up/down count hard to manipulate. LOL… there are those of us who used to play that game for great fun around here!

No more… it requires driving 30 miles or so to another cell tower.

Just ain’t worth it no more.

  Abigail Adams
December 15, 2021 8:14 am

After the first couple of chapters and his constant hatred for President Trump showing through his snarky comments, I laid the book down and said to hell with it. If he’s so damn smart, why the TDS?

December 13, 2021 11:09 am

Not really, the truth does not have DNA, and he is speaking the truth with tremendous factual support…

  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 11:05 am

Your point is?

  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 6:31 pm

People don’t realize that we HAVE NEVER had a choice on anything that has ever gone on in this country. Every single politician is some asset to some Elitist Family, and there are two who have been fighting over the United States for years- the Rothschilds and the Black Rock people.
John F Kennedy was an asset for the Black Rocks, and his printing of United States Notes is what got him rubbed out by the Rothschilds. Supposedly Mr. Trump is another one controlled by the Black Rocks- they hold control all of his debt!
My point is that right now, EVERY politician is allied to either group, and until we have definite proof of who worked for who and what they did, ALL are suspect and can not be trusted. I wouldn’t trust much any Kennedy has to say, and will never trust Mr. “Get your Fucking Vaccine” Donald Trump again. It’s time to get over those people, and dig out the scoundrels who are behind everything.

December 14, 2021 11:58 am

A book you might enjoy on this topic: When the World Will Be as One : The Coming New World Order by Tal Brooke. He saw this coming in the ’80’s and shows the connections between the world’s richest and influential families and control mechanisms of the financial systems. It’s used, may be out of print, but is in stock at Amazon, eBay, and ABEbooks.com as of this comment.

  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 6:40 pm

Hopefully someone can help you pull your head out of your hind quarter for Christmas this year Abigail. Probably no though, it appears to be lodged up there quite deep.

  Abigail Adams
December 14, 2021 7:22 am

where the ef is amazon promoting this book, why not read it first, then comment

  Abigail Adams
December 14, 2021 10:19 am

Let me guess: he’s controlled opposition, right? No wonder normies call us paranoid. The guy is on our side. He’s taken on the case of some workers who lost their jobs because of the fake mandates. The guy is digging out. But you can ignore all that and wait for Trump or Q to save you.

Bull Gator
Bull Gator
  Abigail Adams
December 14, 2021 4:47 pm

And so we hear from “the STUPID”!

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 12, 2021 4:38 pm

In the old days he would have just been wacked like Dad and Uncle. Now the media is so in control. They’ll just get the media to hush it and call him a conspiracy theorist. Bu it is nice to know that there is at least one good Kennedy left.

  John Pietrusiewicz
December 12, 2021 6:00 pm

Right again, JP. I like the cut of your job.

December 12, 2021 7:06 pm


Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 7:09 pm

Are you downvoting me, Stucky? If so, tell me why.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 7:55 pm

Stop taking anonymous general opinions so personal. It is just an indicator of interest and agreement not your self worth. Don’t make it a skinner box.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 8:06 pm

I don’t take it personally. But Stucky, in particular, is being passive aggressive. It’s irritating. It would be nice if he would explain why he disagrees. I am persuadable.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Abigail Adams
December 13, 2021 1:57 am

I down voted your initial comment about RFK Jr and his latest book, but I also up voted your comment saying “yup” abut climate change. He doesn’t get it that climate change is another means of controlling people. If they get the vaccine passports in place, they’ll use them for other stuff like switching off your ability to go to the store if you said something against the climate change narrative. RFK Jr may someday understand that. Or not. At least he’s right about the vaccines mandates and Fauci being a sociopath. He’s in a unique position due to his famous name where it’s harder for him to be censored.

  Iska Waran
December 13, 2021 4:47 pm

Now, if RFK Jr. were to wake the hell up regarding the global warming scam based on the revelations he’s uncovered about this coronahoax; then …. well, I probably still wouldn’t exactly trust him, … but it would help.

December 13, 2021 6:39 pm

His book isn’t about him or what he is wrong about on another subject.

His book is a chest rig of 40 round mags.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 12, 2021 7:38 pm

Jib, job, jab. Whatever.

December 12, 2021 7:51 pm

Typo. Phone

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 12, 2021 7:37 pm

I like it too. Whatever it is.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  John Pietrusiewicz
December 12, 2021 7:22 pm

Whack one pesky Kennedy and no one thinks about it.
Whack two pesky Kennedy’s and folks start waking up.
Whack the third pesky Kennedy and lots of people start
to realize our government is a bunch of assassins and
might need to be overthrown.

Safer to Operation Mockingbird him as a kook with American Pravda.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Colorado Artist
December 12, 2021 7:25 pm

But, people already think that…and yet, we do nothing about it. They can whack this one and nothing will happen.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 7:57 pm

We affect our own sphere by walking outside our door. Leave the do gooders to their perditions.

Colorado Artist.
Colorado Artist.
  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 10:11 pm

No good lady, “people” don’t already think that. Not by a country mile.
(And I don’t downvote anyone here except the “Anonymous” douchebag troll who is so obvious that everyone here knows the recalcitrant creature.) I don’t have to agree with anything here to give it a fair hearing and shake my head at how wrong it is and move on.
Ain’t no Karen.

  John Pietrusiewicz
December 13, 2021 10:10 am

I met his father in my living room at age six, when he was involved with McCarthy and Roy Cohn. He taught me the “politician’s handshake” which I use to this day, 69 years later. The Kennedys had their good points and I’ve begun to appreciate JFK and his presidency more and more with the years. He )and RFK) played no small part in preventing a very possible nuclear war. I know little about his son, but plan to learn more.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 13, 2021 2:29 pm

A young woman I knew from back in the 1980’s told me a wonderful story of meeting Jackie Onasis on a cruise ship. She was a single Mom that won the trip. Jackie O treated her as family and invited her to meet the whole clan many times. Jackie paid for it all. Many of the Kennedy’s are fine people. Some as Ted, were terrible. Kind of like most families. Jackie O was a very fine person. Trump has stories of being gracious with others just like Jacki O.

  John Pietrusiewicz
December 14, 2021 9:26 am

Yep, just your regular old family next door. Sarc

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 14, 2021 12:24 am

My deceased mother-in-law had a blind date with Jack Kennedy in the early 50’s
she described him as “a drunken, shallow, pompous, self absorbed jerk” in their single encounter.
She was a consummate lady and didn’t abbreviate him as a “complete asshole”

  Colorado Artist
December 14, 2021 11:43 am

Lem Billings may or may not disagree

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 4:41 pm


Nothing fishy about this at all.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 5:17 pm

You raise an interesting point. Maybe it is being allowed because it contributes to their goal of divide and conquer…utter chaos.

December 12, 2021 6:05 pm

I was thinking Kennedy’s book would be an effective tool to pry open the eyelids of the sleepy sheeple because he is RFK’s son and JFK’S nephew.

He is also a champion of liberal causes including environmentalism.

But, at this late date, and given the power of the MSM, plus the widespread availability of smear merchants willing to write hit pieces like the NY Post article below, the Borg doesn’t seem overly concerned.

Anti-vax, conspiracy theorist RFK Jr. is the dumbest Kennedy

Yet Bobby ’s anti-vax nonsense, which he has been peddling for years — traveling all over the world even now, in a pandemic, getting paid to spread his anti-vax propaganda! — has been enough.

“RFK Jr. is Our Brother and Uncle,” read a 2019 Politico op-ed by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Joe Kennedy II (who left Pamela Kelley paralyzed after flipping a Jeep in 1973), and the late Maeve Kennedy McKean. “He’s Tragically Wrong about Vaccines.”

His niece, Dr. Kerry Kennedy Meltzer, in the New York Times, December 2020: “I love my uncle. But when it comes to vaccines, he is wrong.”

Instagram banned Bobby in February “for repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,” according to a company statement.

Yet someone at Skyhorse, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, thought it was a great idea to give him a book deal on this very topic…

OR… instead, could it be the hit pieces are propagating as a result of the Borg’s overall concern?

Either way, I wouldn’t be surprised if Fauci is returned back to the island of misfit toys soon following the 12 days after Christmas.

December 12, 2021 7:09 pm

Maureen Callahan is a dumb cunt.

Looks like I’m gonna stop buying the NY post.

December 12, 2021 7:35 pm

Dipshits say he’s wrong without refuting a single data point. Classic. What a shit family. Very common the last few generations of no fault divorce and feminism. Let it burn.

The NPC “doctor” is precious. If you can’t understand the science or the ethics, you have no claim to the title.

December 14, 2021 2:51 pm

His relatives are full of shite. He is a modern day hero. His book is well researched and factual. I have yet to hear one critique that has substance. Most attacks are against his character and not the facts. Most harangues against him assert that he is a conspiratorialist. The biggest conspiracy in the world today is that no conspiracies are real. Tell that to his uncle and his father.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 6:04 pm

Organic things can and do happen. If his limited hangout is the scam that is the vaccine industry, then God bless his efforts. This shit show started a long time ago with the shady vaccines. 1 or 3 exceptions does not justify perpetual trust in the technology. We can’t even be sure vaccines were responsible for certain disease eradication because the technology wasn’t there to confirm them.

Pecos River
Pecos River
December 13, 2021 9:04 pm

When I see how many children are autistic now, and how the number of ‘vaccines’ has risen exponentially that are required of the little ones…..I see a problem and I thank RFK, Jr. for lending his voice to the exposure of these vaccines.

  Pecos River
December 14, 2021 11:43 am

^ this, 100%

another Doug
another Doug
  Abigail Adams
December 14, 2021 7:34 pm

Is Fauci being scapegoated?

  another Doug
December 15, 2021 11:43 am

comment image?auto=format&fit=max&h=1200&w=1200

Fauci says: HOLD MY BEER!
comment image

dered bythem
dered bythem
December 12, 2021 4:42 pm


RFK, Jr takes on a true power base, the CIA. He obviously has a good incentive for doing so in that his father, uncle, ML King, and Malcolm X (among others) were murdered by them. He now only has to make the connection to the CIA’s real customer; the banksters to complete the circle.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
December 12, 2021 4:53 pm

An honorable man as was his father before him.
He doesn’t need money nor does he desire power.
A life well lived.

December 12, 2021 5:01 pm

Finally a Kennedy I can find common ground with and cheer for.

dered bythem
dered bythem
December 12, 2021 6:22 pm

I did it again. This is CCRider.

I agree. That he and Kennedy are soul mates speaks volumes about his true intentions.

  dered bythem
December 12, 2021 6:23 pm

There, fixed it.

December 12, 2021 6:27 pm

comment image?w=300&h=300
How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chemtrails & Vaccines in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland

#detox #grapheneoxide

Graphene Oxide (GO) discoveries:

GO fibres are in plastic masks.
GO fibres are on PCR test swabs.
GO is in all Covid-19 vaccines.
GO creates thromboses.
GO causes blood clots.
GO disrupts the immune system.
GO can trigger a cytokine storm.
GO toxicity can instigate pneumonia.
GO creates a metallic taste in the mouth.
GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes.
GO produces a loss in the sense of taste and smell.
GO is magnetic (especially at the injection site.)
GO blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione.
GO may be activated by 5G frequencies.
GO was already included as an adjuvant in the flu shots in 2019.
GO passes thru the blood-brain barrier.
So graphene oxide can act as a solo trigger for most COVID symptoms. This is not a VIRUS or spike protein, but a chemical warfare agent.


December 12, 2021 7:39 pm

Thanks for reposting this, Mark. I had saved it before and several friends has found this useful. I had to take a PCR test in October in order to have a needed medical procedure. The day after I had it I woke up in the middle of the night with a burning pain in my sinuses and a bad headache/migraine. I knew it was from the covid test. The nurse who had given it must have lived a prior life as a Nazi nurse. She was brutal in administering the test and thought I was a baby because I told her to stop pushing it so hard. The swabs definitely have something on them that is toxic. I have never felt such burning in my sinuses. It took hours for the burning to subside and my sinuses were tender for a few days. I started the detox the next day and felt some relief almost immediately but it did take a few days for all the symptoms to disappear. It is evil stuff being promoted all around.

December 12, 2021 8:50 pm

You are more than welcome LindaM…

I’m a detox kinda guy…they are coming at us with so many poisons in so many ways for so many decades…I think it is foundational to help your body keep your health.

But, they have upped the attack with the Covid Con!

I rotate taking a host of detox substances (since the 80’s) and toss in a relaxing home Infrared sauna many days. 155ish for 30 minutes will flush out just about everything.

If you really want to get seriously into it…fresh juice fasting and colonic irrigations are simply amazing in their results.

December 13, 2021 6:08 pm

I have been a supplement/vitamin person for a long time. I am a big believer in the healing powers of Vitamin C especially after I ended my bout of West Nile Virus after 2-3 days with 1000mg Vit C every waking hour along with elderberry syrup. Now I would add Ivermectin to that mix.

I have been interested in fresh juice fasting for a bit now. After the holidays I will be adding this to my health regimen.

December 13, 2021 7:13 pm

Yep…I cured myself of a Flu bout in three and a half days with liquid Liposomal Vitamin C ‘SATURATION’.

This may be TMI…but with a detox program…juice fasting…and colonic treatments I had stuff come out of my sewer system that looked like chunks of old tire.

Juice Fasting with Colonic treatments are the closest experience of fountain of youth experiences I have ever had…and I started doing both in my mid 30’s.

Do some research…understand the details to be successful…and if you have the determination and the will power, and actually follow through the experience you will shed toxins, impacted crud from your colon, weight, and many – many years of aging.

December 12, 2021 8:10 pm

It is both. The spike could be in the wild or they could be releasing it. I think the vaccinaoare releasing it but large gatherings are prime too. All conjecture on my part. But I keep getting hit with something goofy and if NAC and supplements don’t clear it up ivermectin does. Based on experience I rule out placebo, because I have lots of experience with that effect. But that’s not science. She they refuse to use science for this “pandemic”. It is the damndest thing I’ve seen in my 20 years of studying math and science.

December 12, 2021 6:31 pm

My biggest problem with the book is the author never missed a chance to bash Trump.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 6:35 pm

Please tell me you do not have a Trump 2024 bumper sticker on your car.

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 8:48 pm

Please tell me you do not have a Trump 2024 bumper sticker on your car.

Why? Does he need your permission to decide who to vote for or what to think? Who made you the alpha and omega here? Your arrogance is boundless, while your ignorance is greater than your arrogance.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 8:50 pm


  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 9:04 pm

Stucky voted you down again….😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣

December 12, 2021 11:28 pm

This must be her week to push hard. If only she’d get laid more often she might be more useful.

December 13, 2021 1:30 pm

Wow, what insight !! As to being useful, how can anyone assess your usefulness to this site if we cannot distinguish you from among a plethora of “Anonymous” commenters?

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 13, 2021 8:21 pm

That’s rude and uncalled for.
Have a modicum of decency.

December 15, 2021 8:23 am

Trump was the first business man that I had the opportunity to vote for for president and he accomplished a great deal in three years. I have no time to argue with fools who cannot see that. Thanks for your comment. Cheers!

December 15, 2021 11:51 am

You are the bigger fool for not seeing Trump for the Trojan horse he was. Hos many times does that add loan have to throw you under the bus before you get it?

December 15, 2021 11:52 am

Assclown..not loan

December 15, 2021 12:23 pm

comment image

Ok WTF…I’ll answer your possible bait…just for shits and giggles….who knows you could be for real…maybe?

Thanks for putting us all straight…almost nobody on TBP argues…good thing we have you to call many of us of fools with your mike drop pronouncement…especially considering Trump was a ‘Businessman’ (bailed out by the Rothschild’s over and over O blind Trusting One) then you can walk away into the sunset unscathed…smug in your know nothing blind trust.

By the way been jabbed yet Sweet Pea? If not WHY NOT??? Your hero is 100% behind them TO THIS DAY??? GET IN LINE and start Baaaaaaing…there has to be a slaughter house hospital or drug store close to you.

Have any loved ones who have been poisoned because they trusted Trump too???

Have any children or grandchildren with graphene oxide coursing through their blood stream at WARP SPEED?



Posted on December 4, 2021 by State of the Nation
“Any POTUS Who Continually Brags About Leading the Covid Vaccine Depopulation
Scheme is a Genocidal Maniac, a Traitor to the Republic, and a Complete and Utter Fool.”
—The Armchair Political Analyst (December, 2021)
Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst

SOTN Exclusive

Let’s be very clear, any former POTUS who takes credit — UP TO THIS VERY DAY — for ordering Operation Warp Speed, the most injurious and deadly vaccination program in world history, is nothing but a highly dangerous MENACE TO SOCIETY.

In light of so much hard scientific evidence that the Covid vaccines are lethal bioweapons which actually cause AIDS, now known as VAIDS[1], one would think that former President Trump would take after his fellow conservative leader in Brazil—President Jair Bolsonaro. As follows:

• NWO Globalist Cabal Determined to Take Out Covid Vax Truth-teller Bolsonaro
• Global Mainstream Media Goes Ballistic After Brazil’s Bolonsaro Correctly Links Covid


Now here’s Trump’s real problem; political problem, that is.
The Left despises him with an extreme passion and that will never change. However, when they start dying by the tens of thousands due to the Covid killshots and/or getting deathly ill from the clotshots, the crazy liberals will hold him directly responsible for this greatest health catastrophe in U.S. history.

And that’s the good news…for him!

As for the Right, they now know that Trump was really installed in the White House by his Zionist masters, Bankster financiers and GOP handlers to Make Israel Great Again, not America! Which he dutifully spent four years doing quite well.

However, his most serious problem with his conservative base is that many folks are now aware that the Covid injections were formulated to be exceedingly poisonous and frequently fatal. As POTUS, he’s ultimately accountable for this ongoing egregious crime against humanity, as is POTUS imposter Joe Biden.

Quite astoundingly, Trump still loves to boast about Operation Warp Speed at every rally, before he encourages his diehard fans to quickly “get the vaccine”. Which many of them have done, but only because President Trump highly encouraged them to get it.

What this means is, when the folks on the Right start dropping dead and falling ill after their Covid jabs (which is already happening at an increasing rate), who but Trump will there be to blame. After all, they all trusted him with the single most important medical decision of their lives. And, he betrayed them, as he continues to do so today. See: 5 times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House

Not good, President Trump! Not good at all, and there will be hell to pay. Like never before in American history.

Bottom Line: As for 2024, how can Trump even run when he totally capitulated to the Democrat communists who outright stole 2020—IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Trump’s own people have provided mutually corroborating testimony and irrefutable evidence that he gave up the fight with extreme cowardice. Hence, Trump has no business running for any office in the land ever again. And, his main concern should be staying out of “prison for life” in view of his Covid vaccine crime spree that amounts to nothing short of mass murder of the American people.

SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s only one way that Trump will ever be allowed to run for POTUS again by his Zionist masters; he must become the greatest salesman in the world for the weaponzied Covid vaccines. Which is why he’s still pitching them like a mad man! This is Trump’s only way back into the Oval Office, and most assuredly why he still promotes the illusory success Operation Warp Speed like here’s no tomorrow. Because if he doesn’t, there won’t be a tomorrow for him.

[1] VAIDS PLANDEMIC: The Real Pandemic Caused by the Bioweaponized Covid Vaccines

Donald Trump Traitor to America
comment image?fit=764%2C430&ssl=1

Largest shareholder in Trump’s investor Digital World Acquisition Corp. (Patrick Orlando’s fund) is

See page 122 for the top 2 investors:
ARC Global Investments II
Patrick Orlando


Trump Financier Patrick Orlando’s Wuhan-Based SPAC Suffered Loss on Mismanaged Trust
comment image?w=466&ssl=1

The moneyman behind Trump’s media company runs a firm in Wuhan.

Who is Wuhan-Linked Patrick Orlando, the Man Taking Donald Trump’s Media Company Public?


TRUMP TO FOX NEWS’s Maria Bartiromo: “It’s a great vaccine. It’s a safe vaccine.” March 2021

Bartiromo asked Trump if he would recommend “the vaccine” to the Fox News audience:

“I would recommend it to a lot of people who don’t want to get it. And a lot of those people voted for me frankly. We have our freedoms. But it’s a great vaccine. It’s a safe vaccine.”


Cheering cheers for the masses to WTF up!

  Abigail Adams
December 12, 2021 10:30 pm

I do not.
I have it on my beater 4×4 truck.
Parked next to my trailer somewhere
In the swamps of the Deep South
My cousin who is my wife
loves it. Does that fulfill the caricature?

DJT is the only politician in my lifetime
who put American interests and Americans before everyone else. And never started a war. Wake up, good lady. The man loves his country. Unlike ALL of DC.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 12, 2021 11:56 pm

^Colorado Artist^
The above is me, typed this from my phone that doesn’t remember my name.

Archeaopteryx Phoenix
Archeaopteryx Phoenix
December 13, 2021 9:16 am

DJT is the only politician in my lifetime
who put American interests and Americans before everyone else*.

*except Israel, jews, chabad, more jews, and laws against criticizing jews.

Other than that, you are semi-correct.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
December 13, 2021 12:36 pm

He put America ahead of all that.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Colorado Artist
December 13, 2021 2:24 pm

Did you somehow miss Trump saying “Fuck him” publicly about Netanyahu last week? How ungrateful they were after all he did for them?

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Harrington Richardson
December 13, 2021 6:47 pm

“Fuck him”
DJT again putting America first.
To argue DJT put Israel’s interests before America’s
is ignorance and sophistry of an amazingly high order.
The reason he so eloquently dismissed The Chief Hebe publicly.
My point is he put America first, and he still does.

  Colorado Artist
December 13, 2021 7:46 pm

I love ya Colorado…but at this point this is who I think Trump and Netanyahu are:
comment image

This a jab but at least it is not at WARP SPEED…

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 13, 2021 8:24 pm

Perhaps, but I have not seen DJT as Janus to The Chief Hebe.

  Colorado Artist
December 13, 2021 8:48 pm

Cheers back at you my friend!

December 15, 2021 8:25 am

You just made my day! ROFLMAO! Have a good day!

  Abigail Adams
December 15, 2021 8:21 am

No I don’t. I don’t have any bumper stickers on my vehicles. I don’t believe in advertising. “Have your plans be black as night, then strike like a thunderbolt”. Sun Tsu.

Henry Ford
Henry Ford
December 12, 2021 7:45 pm

Truth does not belong to any political party.

  Henry Ford
December 12, 2021 11:29 pm

Said more affirmatively: all politicians lie.

December 12, 2021 7:46 pm

I have spoken with CIA operatives. I think around 5. They are all true believers. That is , they are all compartmentalized people who believe they are patriotic when they are in their allegory of the cave. It’s just so exciting stopping all those evil countries!!!

I am not bullshitting. I have no idea what the executives are like. I only had contact with operators. The banality of evil.

December 12, 2021 9:40 pm

One of those is a permenant resident here.

December 12, 2021 10:34 pm

More than one.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 13, 2021 2:02 am

He may be coming around … slowly.

December 12, 2021 11:31 pm

Read the book on Alan Dulles that come out 3 or 4 years ago if you want a better understanding of what makes the executives click.

December 13, 2021 8:51 am

First time I’ve ever agreed with a Kennedy

December 13, 2021 9:03 am

I’m with you Robert. Keep up the good work. The book is most excellent and well documented. When you read the very few negative reviews they have no factual substance and are merely ad hominem attacks. The books title is a bit of a misdirection in that it is not really about Fauci…it is really a well documented, factual indictment of the rising tyranny around the world and Fauci is clearly one of its leaders. Our time is wearing thin.

December 13, 2021 10:13 am

It should have been obvious at the time the CIA recruited hundreds of nazis into their ranks after the war , that Uncle Scam and the CIA were up to no good.
But I guess it wasn’t.

Lachesis Atropos
Lachesis Atropos
December 13, 2021 10:38 am

I have the greatest respect for RFK Jr. However, his defense of uncle Ted Kennedy is misplaced. Someone should remind him of how uncle Ted was communicating with the USSR to help undermine Ronald Reagan. I believe this is called treason.

December 13, 2021 11:03 am

Great book! Meanwhile, world death rate in 2020 was completely unchanged by the Covid pandemic/panic…https://charltonteaching.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-birdemic-of-2020-had-zero.html. It was a complete scam…

December 13, 2021 12:16 pm

I’m glad to see that I am not alone in my skepticism about RFK jr. If he is in fact he is genuine, he would be forgiving of us considering his background.

Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
Harrington Richardson: #I Stand With Steve
December 13, 2021 1:03 pm

They fear Kennedy because he, along with Naomi Wolfe and others from the Demonocrat establishment are linking with Steve Bannon and the MAGA adherents in recognition of the attack on this Republic. They are saying the evil fuckers are trying to enslave us and poison us for profit.
Couple this with Hispanic majorities and now a majority of Black men leaving the Democrats and they now face what could become an unbeatable resistance movement.
Their camel can’t take much more straw. People like Kennedy and Bannon are delivering it by the bale.

December 13, 2021 2:06 pm

“It does not take great intelligence to realize that when countries throughout the world act in a synchronized way in locking down their populations and repeat the same message on cue that such events are centrally coordinated.”

Yes indeed. The entity that is doing the central coordination is the NWO. The NWO has nearly every country on earth working together to perpetuate the COVID-19 scamdemic. The author doesn’t use the term NWO, but when he says things like “the CIA, the NIH, Gates, Fauci, the NIAID, DARPA, Wired magazine, the financial elites and their power centers such as the World Economic Forum, etc.” he is referring to elements of the NWO. The lower levels of the NWO, which include (among many other entities) the CIA, NIH, NIAID, DARPA, and Wired magazine, are the enforcement arm of the NWO, i.e., the Deep State. The WEF is one of the many Roundtable Groups (such as the CFR, Bilderberg Group, etc.) that comprise the middle hierarchal levels of the NWO.

December 13, 2021 2:21 pm

“Trump simply carried on the work of his predecessors, including Obama, but acted as if he was opposed to it. It has always been a bi-partisan program because the CIA runs both parties.”

I don’t know if Trump was acting as if he was opposed to the work of his predecessors, or if he actually believed he was opposed to them. To this day I still haven’t figured out if Trump knows he is being used by the NWO, of if he is just a clueless useful idiot. But either way, he is definitely part of the NWO plan, including his election in 2016.

The author of this post is not quite right when he says the CIA runs both parties. Actually it is the NWO that runs both parties, and as I said in my previous comment, the CIA is only one part of the NWO.

December 14, 2021 7:40 pm

Trump was and is in on it… Chip

John Sharman
John Sharman
December 13, 2021 3:07 pm

“He [the stupid person] is under a spell … capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil.”

Yes indeed. But it’s probably only Christians, or others with some biblical knowledge, who are aware that the “spell” is spiritual deception. It’s everywhere, and it explains why you just can’t reach these people. Once someone falls victim to spiritual deception, a veil is cast over their eyes and all common sense evaporates.

To counterbalance the spiritual deception, though, there is also the biblical gift called discerning of spirits. Those who are fortunate enough to have this gift can easily see through the deception that clouds the reasoning of those who are deceived.

Biblical wisdom gives context to what’s happening in the world now through its spiritual perspective. Many can see that that what’s happening is first and foremost a spiritual crisis. You don’t have to embrace Christianity to appreciate that spiritual deception is both real and ubiquitous. And just being aware that there is such a gift as spiritual discernment may help to awaken it.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
  John Sharman
December 13, 2021 6:46 pm

Amen, John. Bonhoeffer’s thoughts on stupidity are priceless, giving insight into the spiritual aspects of the stupid. Has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with deception and the veil that cannot be removed except by the mercy and grace of God. Not everyone is gifted with a three digit IQ; those people are not stupid they are merely slow. I believe God holds gifted people accountable for the deceptions that they accept and agree to. “To whom much is given much is expected”.
We need more Bonhoeffers today. And yes , we also need more RFK Jrs. I certainly don’t share all of his views, but on this topic he is both correct and very brave.

  daddy Joe
December 13, 2021 11:18 pm

For sure Bonhoeffer was describing Churchill and Rosenveldt.

December 13, 2021 3:39 pm

The correct title is “The Real Anthony Fauchi”. Already got my copy from Barnes and Noble. As soon as I finish “7 Year Apocalypse” by Michael Snyder I will start on it. Really looking forward to what Mr. Kennedy has to say. His organization is Children’s Health Defense http://www.childrenshealthdefense.org

December 13, 2021 5:15 pm

Great article. The top Jesuits have always been Crypto-Jews, as Fauci is. He’s just another murderous tribe-member who needs to be arrested and put on trial as fast as possible (and found guilty of course).

December 13, 2021 7:36 pm

Until we get rid of their ‘Magic Money’ (and cut off/hang some heads/necks) nothing else will really matter.

It’s that simple on the secular side.

December 13, 2021 7:20 pm

comment image




I wrote this book so that Americans — both Democrat and Republican — can understand Dr. Fauci’s pernicious role in allowing pharmaceutical companies to dominate our government and subvert our democracy, and to chronicle the key role Dr. Fauci has played in the current coup d’état against democracy.
comment image

December 13, 2021 9:03 pm

Forgot to put the link in to Kennedy’s above website.


The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance.

December 13, 2021 7:32 pm

Rather than USE THE LAW and arrest Faucteeth he finds it more profitable to write a book. God help us ALL if there is anybody UP THERE that will NFARCE the law up there.

Just pretend do-gooders and we all know what that does. Yes, make it worse. Where is the Long Ranger or Superman when you need them? They’ll get it done.

December 13, 2021 8:52 pm

We don’t need any superheroes…just God’s blessing…a small army of Minutemen…and a dozen re-founding Fathers.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 14, 2021 12:42 am

Be one of those Minutemen, and be prepared to take up arms.
God will bless that. Because real darkness is descending on the world, AGAIN.
If America falls, all the (semi) free world falls with us and another Dark Age
comes. The previous one lasted almost 1000 years. If the Chinks prevail,
we are all Uighurs.

  Colorado Artist
December 14, 2021 10:43 am

Colorado Artist…I am!

  Colorado Artist
December 15, 2021 8:29 am

Damn straight.

December 13, 2021 11:15 pm

There is no Covid. Government’s own numbers prove it.

WORLDWIDE- https://tinyurl.com/Covid-Dec-1-2021-Worldwide
UNITED STATES – https://tinyurl.com/Covid-Dec-1-2021-UnitedStates

December 14, 2021 7:21 am

I’m jesuit educated and I was taught to question everything and think for myself. I love the book by Kennedy. I disagree that jesuit educated means that you get in line and accept the party line. Quite the opposite in fact. But Fauci is a scum sucking murderer imo.

December 14, 2021 7:34 am

RFK’s book ranks up there with Michael Chrichton’s State of Fear. Chrichton, who was an MD turned writer, exposed the global warming fallacy for what it was and thoroughly documented it in this important book.

Kennedy’s book is an aggregation of knowledge of how governments and those in power work, of personal experience with TPTB, of knowledge of the legal system as a trial attorney, and extensive research into vaccines, all thoroughly cited and referenced.

It would be wise to not dismiss what this man says.

December 14, 2021 9:10 am

Times are a changing, things are being undone.
The current narrative it can’t continue on…
Some are now saying it out loud
“we are just going to have to live with it”
instead of being locked down.

Breakthrough infections show the virus has still not won.
Vaxx compliance only leads to moar restrictions beyond.

Governments still blind to the mistake, rest assured
they’re going to keep doubling down,
December 17 they start again in my town.
Another Christmas lost.
Thank Gawd for the TheBurningPlatform.

Biding time, while mistakes are being wrung.
Becuz a wise man once said
Never interrupt your enemy
While the song they insist on
Is still being sung

Drink my whiskey
This war will be won

In the meantime
The clown show continues..
on this rock we’re living on…

December 14, 2021 11:59 am

Hang in there R — your integrity and commitment to truth is what matters most, and it is caustic spit in their eye…

December 14, 2021 1:11 pm

Thanks DS… sure glad I have access to the like minds on this place.
Not sure where I’d be with without TheBurningPlatform…

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
December 14, 2021 3:59 pm

Amen to that RiNS. I’ve decided if my company blocks TBP like they’ve blocked most of my other favorite sites then it’s time for Atlas to shrug and me to withdraw from the workforce.

December 14, 2021 5:01 pm

To read the Communist News Network saying he is a shame to his family seems to be a very good enemy to have. What legitimacy does CNN retain? The prospective buyer of the struggling network has stated publicly he wants to return the news organization to one of Journalism and integrity. i.e. clean house and start over

It is this discredited organization that cries foul when Robert Kennedy published documented facts.

May these political hacks one day have their heads shorn and marched in public through the streets.

December 15, 2021 9:20 am

The CIA is the enemy of everything decent and good. It is anti-American, anti-Christian and 100% unadulterated evil.


Southern Sage
Southern Sage
December 15, 2021 9:42 am

CIA, CIA, CIA. Right. I spent thirty years there. I never heard about anybody involved in viruses. The Covid nonsense is more easily explained by greed, incompetence, and stupidity. I most certainly believe that many major figures and governments have seized on this with both hands to advance their sick, anti-democratic agendas.
Soros and Gates are criminals. Fauci and the rest of the “scientists” are nerds who, for the first time in their lives have real power and they are drunk with it; Fauci is a morbid egotist and a fool, but a corrupt and evil one.

Our “own leaders” have done this to us. Yeah, good old Ralph, your local mayor or Congressman.

The CIA has no interest in running around vaxxing people.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Southern Sage
December 15, 2021 9:48 am

The CIA appears to be in the business of lying and concealing, am I mistaken? Anything that promotes The Narrative.

How did you ever reconcile the fact that Brennan was a communist and later converted to Islam? Was that bullshit too or was it okay because muh freedum?

I know I could never work under an avowed communist.

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