Letter From A Banished RCMP Officer

Canada is set to lose upwards of 20% of it’s federal police force because of the first round of vaccine mandates. As the 3rd jab follows and is a requirement for employment, more will follow. Municipal police forces are rejecting the mandates because they can see the endgame. The federal government does not appear to share their concern.

The system is breaking.

Via the Easton Spectator

Hi everyone,

Since most members make a goodbye email before they leave, I figured I should as well, despite the “special” circumstances around my departure. Anyways, my time here in the RCMP is up. For now. The low T wannabe tyrants in Ottawa have decided that I can no longer serve as a police officer because I refuse to tell them if I have submitted to their “vaccine” edict. I’ve served in the RCMP for 21 years and one of the first things I said to any person I ever arrested was “you don’t have to say anything to me.” Unfortunately, our government has told me that I have to tell them what’s in my body, and if the right drug is not inside me, I have to get it as condition of my continuing employment, human rights be damned. Why did I put vaccine in quotations above you ask? More on that later. Buckle up and tighten the straps on your government mandated shame muzzle, this goodbye email will likely ruffle some feathers.

My journey to this point of our dystopian, medical, apartheid state started like many of yours. Watching the television almost 2 years ago as reports started coming in of some strange virus out of Wuhan. I was a little concerned, but not much. You see, for the last 10 years of my life I had spent a lot of time as an amateur researcher of history and learned to my dismay that the official narrative of most events is usually a little suspect at best. Like weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or the January 6th “insurrection” in D.C., the examples are sadly numerous.

I’ve also always been a very independent person. Following the herd has never appealed to me. When a belief is put forth to me I always evaluate it for myself and don’t simply accept it’s veracity based on the authority behind it. For example, during the last Federal Government census, I could not help but notice that the gender section had 3 boxes. Male, Female and other, which was a blank box. For real, the Federal Government of Canada allowed you to make up your own gender on the last official census. I found this to be a combination of amusing and insane. Feeling particularly bull headed and cheeky at the time, I naturally chose Minotaur as my gender. Yes, that’s right, on the Canadian government census my gender is that of a mythical giant man with the head of a bull.

So back to my Covid journey. I was skeptical of the pandemic from the start but decided to wait and see what evidence would surface of this dangerous pandemic. So I sat back and quietly observed. At that time, and still at the time I’m writing this, I was the admin NCO on the watch. I was in the unique position of seeing every file that came through PRIME in the 46 hour window I was at work each week. Naturally, this included all sudden death files. Pay attention now, have another sip of your latte if you have to. Since the pandemic began, until now, I was in a position to see every single sudden death file that came through our detachment area. What did I notice in this position? Nothing. No upwards trend whatsoever. Funny enough, I didn’t see people dropping dead in my neighbourhood either.

This was a very stark contrast to what I saw in media. A non-stop chorus on TV, radio, and internet, of case counts, hospitalizations and deaths. At no time in my life had I seen anything like it. A complete disconnect between my observed reality and that which was portrayed by my government and the government subsidized mainstream media. And they were reporting deaths in care homes. Care homes? When did the media ever report deaths in care homes unless it was some sort of instance of gross negligence? It’s called end of life care for a reason. People go to care homes at the end of their life. Death is the natural consequence, and this fact used to be understood as common sense.

When the statistics started showing that the vast majority of anyone dying from Covid, either had one or more co-morbidities, or was older than the average life expectancy, my skepticism of the pandemic narrative only grew. Then in the summer of 2020, I got Covid. For a few days I was really tired and shivered a lot. Then it was over. I survived the “deadly” disease like the vast majority of anyone else who caught it. To be honest, I’ve had worse Flus, and worse hangovers.

At the end of 2020 I became convinced we were all being force fed a giant load of absolute bullshit. Don’t believe me? Look at world population statistics. Here’s a sample. At the end of 2018, the world population was 7,631,091,040 and that year 57,625,149 people died. This showed an overall death rate of .76%. I know some of you are shocked by this, but yes, 57 million people died of all types of causes in 2018. When you reach the end of your life, you die. At the end of 2019, the world population was 7,713,468,100 and 58,394,378 died. Naturally, because we had more people reaching the end of their lives, more people died. The death rate that year was .76%. Now let’s see what 2020 brought us. The year of the pandemic. At the end of 2020, the world population was 7,794,798,739 and 59,230,795 died. The death rate was .76%. Yes. That’s right. In the year of the deadly pandemic the world’s population grew by 81,330,639 people and the death rate did not change by even a hundredth of a percent. The media never once pulled back the lens to show this, they continued to show the narrow focus of case counts and Covid deaths. Even going so far as to change causes of death so that someone who died “with” Covid in their system was counted as someone who died “of” Covid. The Western world shut down over a disease about as deadly as the common flu. And our rights were shut down along with it.
Despite this disease having a non existant effect on the overall death rate of the world’s population the call came out for a mass vaccination. Since I was already skeptical of the pandemic, I was naturally skeptical of the need for a “vaccine”. Oh look, vaccine is in quotations again. Why am I doing that?

Because it’s not a f^#king vaccine!!!

A vaccine is created when a virus from nature is made harmless in a lab and then cultivated there. The vaccine, created from the neutered virus, is then injected into a person. The body then reacts to the vaccine just like it would to the unaltered, dangerous virus. However, because the vaccine is a modified harmless version of the virus, it doesn’t cause disease and the body’s natural immunity is able to “learn” how to cope with the virus. This “learning” is lifelong and is why people develop an immunity to whatever they were inoculated against. People who have been vaccinated against Measles do not get Measles, and the same with mumps etc etc. None of the so called Covid “vaccines” meet this definition. If you were wondering why “vaccinated” people are still getting Covid, and spreading it, this is why. The fact that “vaccinated” people still get Covid and spread it should tell you that this madness will never end as long as you buy into the official narrative.

How these new Covid “vaccines” work is based on a brand new technology never used on a massive scale. Particularly in regards to the 2 “vaccines” most heavily promoted, Moderna and Pfizer. These drugs use artificial Mrna technology. Think of Mrna as the software of our bodies. The operating instructions. Pfizer and Moderna use artificial Mrna based on a computer algorithm. These instructions are encapsulated in something called a nano lipid. A nano lipid is a tiny envelope of fat. There are trillions of these nano lipids in the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Once injected they circulate through your body through your body’s lymphatic system. Upon the nano lipids dissolving, your body receives new instructions for its immune system. These instructions tell your immune system to make spike proteins which resemble the spike proteins of the Covid virus. This is the key distinction you need to be aware of. Your body is being instructed to make the very pathogen that your immune system builds a defense against. This is completely uncharted territory and nothing like this has ever been done on the human population on such a large scale. The drug companies themselves have admitted they don’t know the long term side effects. When a recent FOIA request was sent to the FDA in the US, requesting the safety data they had on the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA asked a judge for 75 years to comply with the request. Nothing sketchy there.

To make matters worse. Every single Western nation has passed legislation shielding these drug companies from civil liability, if their vaccines harm people. While this legislation was passed years ago, it still applies to the Covid “vaccines.” You heard right. If the Moderna Covid “vaccine” harms you, you cannot sue Moderna. Same with every other drug company that makes any vaccine, Covid “vaccine” or not. They all have civil liability immunity for the vaccines they manufacture. Vaccine injury compensation has been paid out in the US under a tax funded program called the vaccine injury compensation fund, not as a remedy through civil lawsuits. Established in 1986, this fund has paid out $4.4 billion in claims. In Canada, we had no such vaccine injury fund until June of 2021. Hand on chin emoji goes here.

Make no mistake here. This is a large scale drug trial and whoever was jabbed is taking part. Having educated myself about these new drugs I was very skeptical when they started promoting them. Additionally, nearly all the drug companies making Covid “vaccines” have a very checkered history in quality control and ethics. J and J has payed 9 billion in settlements throughout it’s lifetime and Pfizer has payed $4.6 billion. Not for their vaccines of course, for their other pharmaceuticals. Moderna was founded in 2010 and their Covid “vaccine” is the first product they have ever put on the market. Information has since come to light that the Moderna “vaccine” was finishing in development in December of 2019, immediately before the pandemic hit. It’s almost like they were anticipating something. Do I dare put my hand on my chin and gaze thoughtfully upwards a second time?

As I was already skeptical about the entire pandemic narrative, I decided a long time ago that I was not going to take any of these “vaccines”. So as I had decided to sit back and watch how the so called pandemic unfolded, I decided to observe the vaccination campaign. One of the first things I noticed is that people like me were completely ignored and never talked about. What do I mean by people by like me? I mean people who had Covid and recovered. Suddenly, natural immunity didn’t exist anymore. Everyone had to get the vaccine regardless of whether they had natural immunity or not. Wait….. what? No one would ever suggest someone who had measles or polio should get vaccinated against those diseases. Why was natural immunity suddenly not talked about anymore? But if you knew where and how to look, it was talked about, and studied. The largest study was in Israel where the researchers concluded that natural immunity conveyed 27 times more protection than vaccination. Not double, not triple, 27 times! Fast Forward to recent times where an attorney in the US submitted a FOIA request, to the CDC, requesting records of any patient, who had a previous Covid infection, who was subsequently re-infected and then transmitted the Covid to another person. The CDC could not produce a single record of this ever happening. Yet for some bizarre reason, neither the government nor the media will ever talk about natural immunity and Covid together.

And now we are able to see much of the results of this mass vaccination campaign. And despite what you’ve been told, it’s not good. Data from the UK is showing that vaccinated adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of the unvaccinated. American VAERS data shows these Covid “vaccines” have caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years. In Europe, FIFA data has revealed a 500% increase in cardiac events and sudden deaths in soccer players. Very recently, the American Heart Association released a study which demonstrated that Mrna “vaccines” dramatically increase markers related to heart conditions. A recent German study showed that the higher a jurisdictions’ vaccination rate, the higher it’s mortality rate. On November 11th of this year, a Doctor Nagase came forward to report a record 13 still born births, in a 24 hour period, at BC Children’s hospital. They average 1 per month. During a very recent Ontario provincial parliament debate, MP Rick Nicholls confronted the health minister about a sharp rise in still births from vaccinated pregnant women in Ontario. All he got for his efforts was deflection. Despite this new evidence beginning to come light, there has been absolute silence in the media. Instead, they now want to vaccinate our children. Children are at a near zero risk from Covid. Vaccinating children with these experimental drugs, with unknown long term side effects, which are starting to show increasing adverse effects, is absolutely criminal.
Since I refuse to go along with this coerced “vaccination” campaign, I am being forced onto Leave without pay. Despite the fact that approximately 70% of the Federal workforce gets testing as an option, for some inexplicable reason, the RCMP, the CBSA and Federal Corrections have a mandatory vaccination order. I refuse to go along with this. This is nonsensical, illegal and unethical. I will continue to refuse and I have obtained legal representation, along with hundreds of other federal employees. We will get our day in court and we will win. Some may ask where our union stands on the issue. The answer is they didn’t. Our union leadership immediately bent the knee and offered no resistance whatsoever. Despite these setbacks, those who are fighting this know we have the truth on our side. The truth, at the moment, may be mere pebbles rolling down a slope. This will inevitably become an avalanche. So in reality, this isn’t a goodbye email, it’s a “see you in 2022” email.

Before I go, let me say this. Don’t be afraid. The government, and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, have promoted a nonstop campaign of fear for almost 2 years now. Turn off your television and radios. Do your own research and question everything. Knowledge begins with asking questions. With each new variant they will try and frighten you, despite the fact that never in the history of virology has a virus ever mutated to become more deadly. Selective pressures always favour a more contagious, but less deadly mutation. The new “scariant” is Omicron. They don’t tell you that they skipped Mu and Xi in the Greek alphabet. Why? Because Mu or Xi just don’t sound scary. When you hear some brain dead parrot repeat the talking point “trust the science,” politely ask them to provide a definition of science. They never can because they don’t know. What they are really saying, but are too stupid to realize, is that they are saying “trust authority and don’t ask questions.” This, my friends, is the antithesis of science.

And get some sunshine. The latest German study, you know, actually science, showed an inverse relationship between vitamin d and Covid mortality rates. The study showed, given high enough vitamin d levels, a mortality rate of zero could be achieved. In addition, please don’t let them inject this “vaccine” into your children. Why on earth would you allow an experimental drug to be injected into your children, from pharmaceutical companies that have a history of civil litigation settlements, where these same companies have blanket legal immunity from the vaccines they create, for a disease that your children are completely safe from? It’s insanity. And the latest video where Trudeau explains he is excited to begin vaccinating children, looks completely psychotic and unhinged. Keep these lunatics away from your children. Your children are going to be just fine with their natural immunity.

I don’t know how many people will get to read this. I suspect that once certain ranks are aware of this email it will be pulled from the server. That right there speaks volumes in itself. Silencing the last message of a 21 year veteran who was forced to leave simply because he didn’t tell the government whether he had a drug in his body or not, doesn’t portray a leadership of transparency or good faith. On the contrary, it demonstrates both cowardice and a complete betrayal of any professed principles. Before I go, if any of you believe in courage and freedom. You aren’t alone. In fact, many members feel this way and they have created their own website: mounties4freedom.com. Another concerned group of freedom loving Canadians has created action4canada.com. Check them out when you have time.

Anyways, I have taken up too much of your time as it is. Always laugh at those who would spread fear, and see you in 2022.

Corporal Richard Mehner, your “vaccine” free Minotaur
P.S. Chief Supt. De La Gogondiere,
I taped a copy of this letter on your office door, Martin Luther style. If you don’t understand the historical reference I invite you to look it up.

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January 4, 2022 11:02 am

With all the money saved from getting rid of CanCopFuks … maybe they can buy some actual motor vehicles. Give the horses a break. (To Canadian readers … motor vehicles are a means of transportation … invented about 100 years ago.)

January 4, 2022 11:19 am

Gas or grass… which is cheap and takes you further???

January 4, 2022 1:15 pm

or ass (apologies – I couldn’t resist)

January 4, 2022 3:12 pm

One of my favorite big and rich songs… it always cracked me up to see Gretchen on the sidelines, but I think they edited that scene out.

January 4, 2022 11:21 am

What a sad feeble attempt at humour.
Why even bother making such a lame ass comment.

January 4, 2022 12:02 pm

The greatest hitter of all time, Ty Cobb, batted .366 over 24 seasons.

That means for every one hundred at-bats, that he failed to get a hit 64 times.

In other words, you have to step up to the plate to get a hit. Sometimes a joke “works” sometimes it doesn’t. It’s hard work sometimes.

What’s not hard work is being like you. Sitting on your ass, doing nothing, except flinging shit at those who try. There’s just so many of you and your types here. Right? Right. See ya around.

  Francis Marion
January 4, 2022 3:07 pm

I think the term; ‘horse’s ass’ works here.

January 4, 2022 3:11 pm

I have an old picture for that!

comment image

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
January 4, 2022 6:36 pm

No more photos of AOC please. Saw enough of that ass on local tv this last weekend with her soul stealing cuck.

Thst does look like her good side though.

  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
January 4, 2022 7:36 pm


January 4, 2022 2:06 pm

Some would say that the Splendid Splinter was the best evah

January 4, 2022 10:02 pm

Spare me the indignation.
You’re no Ty Cobb. When he went to the plate he didn’t know he was going to strike out.
You wrote a lame joke and posted it. You knew what you wrote and posted it. If you actually thought that limping gag was funny and posted it without realizing how lame it was, well, that’s lame. If you knew it was lame and posted it anyway, you had already struck out (Struckyed out?). Worse than lame.
Getting all brittle about it just tells me how delicate a tough guy can be.
I’ll be here.

January 4, 2022 10:14 pm

Ciao? Is that latin for fuck you? Does typing that make you more urbane and sophisticated than the rest of the unwashed masses? You want him, admit it.

January 5, 2022 12:14 pm

Dude, give it a rest mmmK?

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
January 4, 2022 10:23 pm

Shit…I thought you hit a grand slam, Stuck Laughed my ass off. Go figure.

January 5, 2022 12:13 pm

I liked it. I didn’t know Canadians were so thin skinned. Ya’d think all that cold would have toughened them up a bit but they’re as bad as Obama.

January 4, 2022 2:02 pm

Yes, but then they would need roads

January 4, 2022 5:16 pm

Uh Stuckman……..,they are leafs!

They are supposed to be riding moose!

January 4, 2022 11:06 am

Very well written; some notable quotes I saw….

Buckle up and tighten the straps on your government mandated shame muzzle, this goodbye email will likely ruffle some feathers….

Before I go, let me say this. Don’t be afraid. The government, and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, have promoted a nonstop campaign of fear for almost 2 years now. Turn off your television and radios. Do your own research and question everything. Knowledge begins with asking questions. With each new variant they will try and frighten you, despite the fact that never in the history of virology has a virus ever mutated to become more deadly….

P.S. Chief Supt. De La Gogondiere,
I taped a copy of this letter on your office door, Martin Luther style. If you don’t understand the historical reference I invite you to look it up.

Red River D
Red River D
January 4, 2022 12:02 pm

Martin Luther didn’t use tape. He nailed his letter to the church door using the butt of his Colt Peacemaker as a hammer.

  Red River D
January 4, 2022 12:56 pm

Martin Luther the guy who said “Be a sinner and sin boldly…”, and who altered the Epistle of James from “faith” to his own “faith alone” doctrine? (i am not catholic). i guess he wanted to protect his own continuing sinful actions.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 4, 2022 1:47 pm

If Martin Luther said that, he didn’t read Romans 6…

And James wasn’t talking to you. His audience is very clear; if one knows how to read.

James 1:1 KJB… “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.”

  grace country pastor
January 4, 2022 2:27 pm

i’m certain that James wasn’t talking to me too. and i’m no Luther fan either if that’s your assumption. that is, if one knows how to readily infer intent as implied…

Stephen Morgan
Stephen Morgan
  Red River D
January 4, 2022 1:41 pm

Dude, The Colt Peacemaker didn’t exist in Martin Luther’s day. But instead, he used the femur of his dead boyfriend Russell.

Red River D
Red River D
  Stephen Morgan
January 4, 2022 1:52 pm

Please. How many John Wayne movies have you seen where the action took place in 1868 and Duke was still carrying his Colt (1873)and an 1892 Winchester lever action?

The Reformers weren’t bound by any timetable of inventions.

The ELB Flux Capacitor was invented in 1985.


  Red River D
January 4, 2022 2:09 pm

The Flux capacitor was invented in 1955, but it was only developed and made operational in 1985.

Red River D
Red River D
January 4, 2022 6:03 pm

Ah HA!!! Emmett L Brown Enterprises (offering 24 HR. SCIENTIFIC SERVICES) wasn’t incorporated until 1981, and the Flux Capacitor was patented in July of 1984. It didn’t even have a proper name until shortly after the Kennedy assassination. The first prototype, which burned down Doc’s mansion, was never finished. The second model didn’t work because Doc tried using Uranium 235, which yielded a reaction insufficient to generate the full 1.21 gigawatts of electricity necessary to create a full temporal displacement envelope large enough to encompass the entire DeLorean Time Machine.

So Doc may have drawn a rude diagram in 1955, and even claimed to have invented time travel on November 5th of that same year, but the functioning device was only a theoretical project until it was tested in the parking lot of the Twin Pines Mall at 1:20 am (PST) on Saturday, October 26th, 1985. As we all know and bore witness.

Hence, you may be right. But I’m RIGHTER!!!

January 4, 2022 11:09 am

These officers need to form militias filling their ranks with fellow ousted leos and military. The average citizen will need some leadership and basic tactics instruction.

January 4, 2022 11:31 am

That was my thought also. Good letter but where’s the action? The one thing for sure THEY fear is their Praetorian Guard rebelling against them. Get to your fellow cops Corporal and turn them back into patriots instead of chumps for the illegitimate bastard son of a dictator.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 4, 2022 12:20 pm

“…where’s the action” you ask; removing your productivity from the system is the action. I suspect many of the airline cancelations over the holidays were a result of the same action, i.e., pilots quitting rather than get jabbed.

In a sense we are entering an Atlas Shrugged scenario where the most productive members of society are removing their skills from society and society is grinding to a halt because of it. 2022 could be the year where everything falls apart and stops working.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 4, 2022 12:28 pm

pilots quitting rather than get jabbed.

Kudos to them if this is happening but it needs to go further. Those flying the scum suck’n parasites around need to NOT fly them, even for all the tea in china. But we know that’ll never happen, most like their money and the crumbs the elitists toss’m.

January 4, 2022 7:44 pm

trust me, those pilots aren’t being forced to get the clot-shot. The scummies know better than to go 3 dimensional w/ some pilot who was recently jabbed.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 4, 2022 5:19 pm

It’s certainly a helping gesture to withdraw compliance. Now get the other Gestapo agents you left to do the same (as John Galt did with his peers).

Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
January 5, 2022 6:45 am

Yes, this is what I would also like to see. If these 20% separate from everything to form new coalitions, we are on the road to new nations.

AK John
AK John
January 4, 2022 11:21 am

F****n A. Wonderful to see someone fighting the tyranny in the free country once known as Canada.

  Francis Marion
January 5, 2022 6:10 am

There are reasons to be optimistic, it maybe based in delusion but the evidence abounds. Everywhere change happening and cracks forming in matrix in surprising places..


January 5, 2022 6:50 am

I agree w you on this, RiNS.

Irks me a bit when commenters dismiss any signs of hope; that small gains are being made to fight back against the Borg and its evil plans to demoralize those who will not submit.

Happy New Year, brother.

January 5, 2022 6:57 am

RiNS- I echo lgr by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR friend! It’s always darkest before the dawn guys and there are many twists and turns in the road. Hopefully the cracks will open eyes and some fingers will be pointed in the right direction soon.

January 5, 2022 7:08 am

For all the Canucks near Wingham Ontario, Joe and Buck’s Restaurant has announced that anyone entering their establishment wearing a mask will be arrested for trespassing and now have a NO FIREARMS ALLOWED policy to keep the cops out. They are sick of the whole thing obviously.

January 5, 2022 7:11 am

Let’s hope Bea!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you my friend as well!
And if worse comes to worst there is still shelter in the holler down Copperhead Road.

January 5, 2022 7:08 am

Happy New Year to you, my brother, as well.

This movie has been played many times.

January 4, 2022 11:32 am

The letter is well written and thought out. It’s too bad no one in charge up here will listen or care.

I say this as my province of Ontario prepares to lock down again tomorrow because our Premier claims we need just two more weeks to flatten the curve and prevent our hospitals from being overrun.

I hope those of you who rushed out to get vaccinated so you could travel, eat in a restaurant or go to the gym and restaurants who supported the vaccine passports realize our governments just f*cked you over yet again. You supported every ridiculous government dictate and tomorrow you’re no different from us pure bloods, and we’re the people Trudeau calls uneducated, racist misogynists.

January 4, 2022 12:15 pm

just a little more compliance and then it will allllll go back to normal…

January 4, 2022 1:00 pm

aren’t you run by an obese coke-head? 2 comorbdities right here tells you why he likes the clot shot.

Stephen Morgan
Stephen Morgan
January 4, 2022 1:44 pm

Trudeau is nothing more that a degenerate Pedophile that has had more cocks in his mouth that the urinal at a train station.

January 4, 2022 11:40 am

Well,this is rare,a leaf that actually makes sense!

I wish this leaf and the rest of you leafs fighting back the best,you are doing the right thing!

Us like minded Ameromutts and the leafs may at some point need to meet up and work together.

January 4, 2022 12:08 pm

man, all i can say is, bravo, well said!

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
January 4, 2022 12:12 pm

Yes! A good cop.
And they are getting rid of him.
Nothing to see here, move on.

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
January 4, 2022 12:43 pm

Exactly. Purging the ranks of LEO’s who might not “do their duty”.

AK John
AK John
  Francis Marion
January 4, 2022 5:41 pm

I used to like to visit Canada. The drive from Whitehorse to Skagway is one of the most beautiful in the world, and Whitehorse to Dawson, and the road to Chicken is also a fun drive. Many blessings and keep up the good fight from your Northern neighbor.

January 4, 2022 1:02 pm

Why the no-exceptions policy on RCMP? I’m guessing it’s because they’ll be asked to do things that nobody in their right mind would do. However, someone who’s been hypnotized might, and they need to know who’s been hypnotized and who hasn’t. RCMP will undoubtedly be used to fill up the Covid camps that the CD government has already released RFPs on, if construction hasn’t already begun.

Archeaopteryx Phoenix
Archeaopteryx Phoenix
January 4, 2022 1:06 pm

Great letter.

January 4, 2022 1:14 pm

Bravo to the author. The world needs more Minotaurs like you.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
January 4, 2022 1:42 pm

If everyone took the time and effort to reason their way through the past two years of bullshit as this Mountie has this scamdemic would be over and the perpetrators would be swinging across the land like dirty laundry. Alas and unfortunately the truth has taken time to bubble to the surface (total death data, vaccinated death data, athlete death data, isolated population data, and less vaccinated foreign country data). The time lapse is explainable and deliberate.
Like this: 1. Most humans believe that coincidence in time equals causation. 2. Most humans have a very short time horizon/attention span and therefore that event A causes event B within a very short time bite. Therefore, knowing these two facts the perpetrators selected a disease contagious enough to provide the scare factor (with a lot of media push and coercion by authorities) and by design selected the “fix” much more deadly and sure than covid, but NOT pointing to a covid death. People are dying of many and all kinds of other things and mostly a while after the jabs and boosters. I’m sure it has been an embarrassment to the vaccine producers when folks die two days post injection. It is supposed to work months later and be classified a non covid death. In the sheeple mind no coincidence in time equals no causation. So they still line up; but the lines are getting shorter as the jabbed are dying in numbers too big to hide. The truth is oozing out all over. Only the truly insane will be able to deny it much longer.

GDP, usually gruntled
GDP, usually gruntled
January 4, 2022 2:03 pm

This is the best summation of the problem and the best response by someone directly affected by it that I’ve seen yet. I’m sending this to everyone I know.

  GDP, usually gruntled
January 4, 2022 3:09 pm

Me, too.

Bob P
Bob P
January 4, 2022 2:08 pm

Fun to read; thanks for posting.

Trouble is men like this–men who have a brain and dare to use it–are the ones being shunted out fo the police/armed forces, leaving us with a bunch of jackboots who mindlessly do their dictator’s bidding. We’re all worse off for it.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
  Bob P
January 4, 2022 2:41 pm

Bob P, The jackboots will begin to die because just like the athletes, they failed the IQ test. More required jabs and boosters will hasten to solve the problem. Meanwhile in the short to medium term we’ve all got problems. Crime waves coming.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Bob P
January 4, 2022 5:45 pm

“Trouble is men like this–men who have a brain and dare to use it–are the ones being shunted out of the police/armed forces…”

And these are the men we need to support and engage. Don’t let them disappear off into the sunset. They obviously have valuable skills. They need to come together and strategize, discuss, and think of options…and, whatever else is necessary.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 4, 2022 2:19 pm

The new “scariant” – I love this term and will add it to my vocabulary.

Excellent piece, Francis. A logical, well thought out summary of what has been observed by many of us over the past 22 months.

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
  Francis Marion
January 4, 2022 5:34 pm

FM, True indeed. Many have taken the jab for many a varied reason (jobs, fear, to fly or to save granny, whatever). All the reasons are bad. The only line this plandemic hasn’t crossed is the Stupid line. It clearly sets them apart.

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
  Francis Marion
January 6, 2022 8:33 pm

Yes, the vaccinated-but-disenchanted-afterwards will join us – briefly. Then they will learn about the adjuvenants that aren’t widely mentioned yet.
I really suspect that when enough sterilized men and women learn from tests that they can never have children, the pot will boil over. Possibly from them (although the propaganda not to have children is strong in the West) but even more likely from all the grandparents who will have no great-grands, and the parents who will never become granparents; when you’re sixty-plus and learn your children and grandchildren were lied into taking a sterilizing shot, prison or even death is less of a deterrent than when you’re sixteen and just interested in the opposite sex.
A hundred thousand determined, deprived and durable granparents could burn down a society – and those running it wouldn’t stand a chance (they’re also devious, and talented).

  Francis Marion
January 4, 2022 6:29 pm

It’s completely crossed over the various ghettos we were all in. All that remains is… either you’ve come through as a freedomista, or you’ve made your stand with the controllers.

Bob P
Bob P
January 4, 2022 2:57 pm

My latest letter to Trudeau:

I read with alarm your quote last week. Assuming it was translated correctly you said, “They (unvaxxed) don’t believe in science and progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space. This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?”

Given your absolute failure as a leader throughout the pandemic, this shouldn’t have shocked me, but you managed to do it. For the so-called leader of a great nation to address any citizen with such condescending and threatening words is an absolute disgrace. In a real democracy you’d be drummed out of Parliament in a heartbeat. If there is any justice in this world you will some day face a Nuremberg-like tribunal for the major part you played in ruining our economy and turning Canada into a dictatorship where our cherished rights and freedoms were tossed into the trash over a virus less serious than a flu for anyone under age 70. You are easily the worst prime minister in Canada’s history, and you should be deeply ashamed.

And my latest letter to the Ontario premier:

Well, given your perfect track record of failure during this pandemic, your decision this week to tighten measures against the virus came as no surprise. I mean, having utterly failed to stem the spread of the virus across four waves with unconstitutional lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates, why not just do more of the same, right? I look at a graph of Ontario cases and I see a vertical line; this despite some of the most stringent measures on the continent. Anyone with an IQ above single digits would conclude we should do something different.

According to Ontario government data, as of Dec 31, the fully vaxxed are one-third more likely to get covid than the unvaxxed. In case you don’t know this, here is the website: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data#casesByVaccinationStatus

Most of these are likely omicron cases, which is a common cold for the vast majority of people who get it, so it’s not something anyone with common sense would concerned about, but that lets you out. It certainly prompts the question: why the hell is Ontario pushing boosters? The boosters are the same formulation as the first shots; they obviously don’t work. In fact, they’re manifestly counterproductive; according to your own data they make it more likely to get covid. Your own data highlights how utterly ridiculous vaccine mandates are. Yet there you are on TV urging people to get the booster, shutting us down yet again, keeping the useless, immoral, unconstitutional vaccine mandates in place.

Honestly, sir, how do you look in the mirror? You will go down in history as the worst premier in Ontario history. I pray you’ll face trial for crimes against humanity in the near future.

  Bob P
January 4, 2022 6:24 pm

Well done sir… well done

  Bob P
January 4, 2022 10:11 pm

…pushing vaccine–MONEY/CONTROL

January 4, 2022 3:05 pm

Twice-Infected Fox Business Host Rants: “Like a Fool I Figured if I Had Been Previously Infected and Vaccinated, Well, I’d Be Safe”

“As a vaccinated person, I contracted Covid from another vaccinated person,” she said. “So whoever is still chirping that this God-forsaken bug is being solely transmitted by the unvaccinated is also full of the hottest garbage and they suck, too.”

Twice-Infected Fox Business Host Rants: “Like a Fool I Figured if I Had Been Previously Infected and Vaccinated, Well, I’d Be Safe”

AK John
AK John
January 4, 2022 5:45 pm

Obviously, it’s the 4th shot that works. To get a top media job these days. Being mentally deficient must be the main qualification.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
January 4, 2022 10:39 pm

Notice very clearly that the main target here is China. The “Ones Who Fail” want us to go to war. Be very wary!

January 4, 2022 9:43 pm

A fantastic letter written by a bold and courageous guy. Good thread, too.

Thanks for posting, Mario.

What better hill to die live on than the truth?

January 4, 2022 10:02 pm

comment image


Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
January 5, 2022 6:34 am

Incredible letter.

never trust a "cop"
never trust a "cop"
January 5, 2022 10:06 am

Until this “cop”, or any “cop” for that matter is in the “trenches” with us hardened trained and experienced men pulling triggers exterminating our enemy they will NEVER be trusted no matter what comes out of their mouths.

Where do you “cops” stand on pulling triggers with us against other “cops” who come for our “unvaccinated” children and our guns government are trying to steal ? This is how you’re gonna find out where they really stand. You got what it takes Sir ?

I see lots of “cops” out and about giving the public a very hard time or worse over “covid mandates”. Maybe I missed it in your letter but the problem is not just the supervisors on up. Far from it. It’s very street level as well. Not to mention this is support of these “cops” behaviour

Government tyranny doesn’t mean a damned thing without cops. Did you never learn or realize this throughout your historical investigations ?

This is nothing more than a letter from a “cop”. Prove it sir, we’ll be watching. It’s a very target rich environment these days. These are the realities of the obvious coming guerrilla war.

  never trust a "cop"
January 5, 2022 2:20 pm

Agreed. The time does seem to be coming for this sort of thing. We’ll see, but not yet.