Bonfire of the Governments, Part Two

Welcome to the bonfire of the governments, history’s greatest conflagration.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Part One

Think of an activity that’s essential for a government bent on subjugation: censorship and the suppression of expression. Governments on both sides of the present conflict have further jacked up their efforts to control expression from the plateau reached with Covid. Russia just passed a law imposing a 15-year prison sentence for anyone spreading “fake news” about its invasion of Ukraine. The U.S. and European governments and lapdog legacy and social media have blanketed populaces with official propaganda. Just as with Covid, questions and deviations from the approved narrative are stifled, censored, and punished.

It was all so much easier back in the post World War II, pre-internet good old days. In the U.S. and Europe, there were several “papers of record” that had been infiltrated by intelligence agencies, and state-licensed radio and television stations. In the Soviet Union there wasn’t even that, just a few official propaganda organs.

Yet even with that degree of control, government repression wasn’t wholly effective. In the U.S. the truth got out about the Vietnam War. The Soviets could stop everything but people talking with each other, albeit in hushed tones. The cynical humor became legendary. (“They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.”) Humor always contains an element of truth, which is why statists can’t do humor. The number of citizens red-pilled to Soviet corruption and incompetence and the comparative freedom and wealth of the West reached critical mass and the government fell. It took way too long, but it happened.

Today, there are billions of potential journalists and video producers—anyone with a cell phone and access to the internet—and trillions of text and email communications. People still occasionally engage in face-to-face conversations. The infrastructure needed to monitor all this is complex, gargantuan, and costly. Only algorithms and artificial intelligence can sort through it to identify threats to the state. Once identified, a separate infrastructure is necessary to apprehend, arrest, process, incarcerate and perhaps execute those engaged in wrongthought, wrongspeak, wrongwrite, and wrongact.

Repression’s seen costs are dwarfed by its unseen costs. Neither the jailers or the jailed are doing anything productive. Persecuting people for telling the truth amounts to cutting off a society’s eyes, ears, and tongue. Deliberate ignorance imposes costs of which the ignorant will, to their detriment, remain forever ignorant.

There is a meaningful cost imposed even on those who escape state persecution. Through fear or cupidity they trim their own sails, conforming, flattering, and propagating the party line. There are undoubtedly capable journalists in today’s legacy media, but they’ve smothered themselves as it’s become a purveyor of state propaganda.

The best and brightest have migrated to the alternative media, perhaps the freest endeavor left on the planet. From its cacophony—freedom is never quiet—has emerged 99 percent of disclosed truths and counter-narrative analyses these past few years.

The legacy media is comatose, having lost all credibility and whatever control it had of the narrative. Its dwindling though still sizable audience is simple-minded sheep and predatory wolves. The alternative media will continue to expose mainstream depredations, but it has other concerns as well.

Covid threw a curveball. It posed complex issues of medicine and science and evoked widespread fear—even within the alternative media —amplified by the barrage of propaganda. The alternative media was on its back foot until it became apparent that Covid wasn’t going to be the predicted scourge; most people who got it recovered.

The trickle of articles that questioned and debunked became a flood. Junk science was exposed. More importantly, so was Covid tyranny as alarms sounded about the totalitarian design behind masks, physical distancing, lockdowns, job loss, mandatory vaccinations, quarantine camps, vaccine passports, digital IDs, and digital currencies. In many instances exposure amounted to telling readers what the designers themselves were saying.

Debunking Ukraine propaganda will take some work, but it’s less demanding than Covid and will be punctured in far less time. There’s the historical record that runs counter to the “narrative”: the U.S.-backed 2014 coup, the government’s corruption, payola to American political figures and their children, neo-Nazis, the war on eastern Ukraine’s Russians, the failure of the Minsk accords, and U.S. supported bioresearch labs. These are facts, and while the mainstream media is ignoring them, the alternative media isn’t.

For all its ramifications Ukraine is also easier to understand than Covid’s scientific complexities and unknowns. The Covid commissars hid behind them and peddled fear: You could die! That gave everyone a personal stake in Covid that’s lacking with Ukraine, which most Americans can’t find on a map.

The Russians’ methodical military strategy drains the drama from the Ukraine story. An invasion with indiscriminate attacks on cities and civilians would have been over in a week or two and would have been far more spectacular. The Russian strategy has been the boa constrictor’s slow strangulation, not the viper’s venomous quick kill. The Russians want to break Ukraine and achieve their objectives, but they don’t want to own it.

Skepticism that they can do so is warranted. Invasions are easy, withdrawals difficult. Regardless, the butcher’s bill from laying waste to the country and slaughtering civilians would be far higher than it will be if Russia hews to its present course and the outcome will be the same—Ukraine will capitulate.

By then the West will have grown bored with the story, assuming Western leaders don’t do something stupid—military intervention or nuclear weapons deployment. Provided they don’t (not a sure thing), Ukraine flag emojis will be replaced by ones suitable for the next manufactured crisis, maybe Cyber Polygon.

Meanwhile, the West’s sanctions against Russia will bite . . . the West. The Russian-Chinese alliance can cut off natural resources, minerals and materials vital for agriculture, industrial production, and high tech, although in Russia’s case the West has—suicidally—already cut itself off. De-dollarization will continue, and perhaps payment in gold will be demanded for whatever trade remains. Rubles, yuan or both could be backed with gold—Russia and China have plenty—instantly making them more attractive money than the West’s fiat crap.

It’s been suggested that Ukraine is merely the opening salvo, and a relatively minor one, in the alliance’s war against the West. The real war, according to this view, is the economic and financial one. With the Belt and Road initiative and related multilateral arrangements Russia and China are consolidating an Eurasian federation encompassing half the world’s population and a substantial share of its natural resources and production. Western sanctions on Russia have received little support from the federation or across the global South. Notwithstanding Western propaganda to the contrary, Russia is hardly “isolated.”

If such a war is in store, economic and financial salvos may be followed by military ones. China could invade Taiwan and consolidate control of its own neighborhood and Russia might do the same, perhaps conducting another “special military operation” in Georgia.

Massively over-indebted Western economies and governments are vulnerable, an avalanche awaiting the one-too-many snowflake. Russia and China have avalanche guns that can leave the West buried in its own debt and ruins, which all the central banks’ horses and central banks’ men won’t put back together again. Their proposed digital currencies will be no panacea. They’re just another mechanism for control and will be the same worthless fiat as what they replace.

If that’s the victory Russia and China seek, it will be Pyrrhic. Western financial and economic collapse will be a black hole that sucks in the entire world. The debt daisy chain is global and will unravel as it did in the last financial crisis. The U.S. and EU economies are the first and third largest in the world. If they are prostrate, where’s the replacement market for Russian natural resources and Chinese manufactured goods? The “Stans” don’t quite cut it.

The Belt and Road Initiative is a better approach to Eurasia than the U.S.’s bullets, bombs, and bribes, but it’s still a debt-funded, top down, state-directed project. It supposedly doesn’t infringe on the sovereignty of member nations, but every one of those nations heavily infringes on the sovereignty of their own people and bear the ever-increasing costs of repression.

In throwing out the bathwater of the West, they also throw out the baby that was the foundation of its advancement: the still radical idea of individual rights protected rather than infringed by the state. The evolution of the British common law’s protection of contract and property, the gradual acceptance of the once heretical notion that the state is to be subordinate to its people, and the ideal of protected, individual, inalienable rights—never fully realized and now abandoned—served as the philosophical springboard for the nineteenth and twentieth centuries’ innovation and progress.

Progress and the fulfillment of human potential require much more than just population and natural resources. How many people immigrate to Russia or China? Millions did so to the U.S. during its heyday of freedom, drawn by the opportunity to live their lives as they saw fit. Nowadays such opportunity is unavailable in Russia, China, the U.S., or anywhere else. Most of the immigrants now flooding the U.S. are here for the handouts rather than for its residual and dwindling freedom.

It’s been argued that Russia and China are not the counterweights to the New World Order crowd and the Great Reset they appear to be, that they’ll eventually stand revealed as integral components of the nefarious design. It doesn’t matter whether or not that’s the case. For ordinary citizens anywhere on the planet, it’s enough to know that would-be tyrants intend to exercise full control over their expression, actions, and thoughts. Their lives will be state property, regardless of who’s running the state.

The globalist plan is order emerging from the ashes of a world in ruins, built back better per their totalitarian design. By whom? With what? There’s that crucial contradiction: the chaos they will have fomented will destroy the energy, resources, and production necessary to control it.
The globalists’ slaves will neither build much beyond their own barracks nor produce much beyond their own subsistence. Innovation is out of the question.

The transhuman fantasy is that they’ll be programmed to be highly productive and innovative, but docile and obedient—Einsteins under a social credit system. Good luck with that. Einstein escaped the social credit system of his day. Our money is on a world where the energy, resources and production needed to monitor, terrify, control, and murder the slaves, even transhuman ones, will be far greater than anything they collectively produce. The totalitarians will never be able to make subjugation and murder paying propositions—nobody ever has—even when, or more correctly, particularly when their power is absolute.

If human energy, thought, creativity, expression, individuality, and freedom are enemies of the state, the state is doomed. If that means every government on the planet is doomed, so be it. Welcome to the bonfire of the governments, history’s greatest conflagration.

Fully incinerated will be the idea that humanity is unfit for freedom but some humans are fit to exercise power over others. Somebody, somewhere is going to get it right, because freedom is the only system that works. It is noisy and dynamic, but it has its own organic and adaptive order, based on enlightened self-interest and private, mutually beneficial cooperation and arrangements. It is the one order that unleashes rather than chains or destroys human potential.

Freedom, not subjugation, will build back better. It will be a beacon for the best and brightest. They’ll be roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over the embers from the bonfire of the governments.

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March 23, 2022 9:54 am

Government is evil by its nature. Whenever one man is given power over another, he will abuse that power. It is human nature. To the degree government grows, the freedoms and liberty of men shrink. It can be no other way.

March 23, 2022 11:31 am

A+ Jdog

March 23, 2022 12:09 pm

Which is why the US originally had a very weak government…

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
March 23, 2022 6:25 pm

The framers knew this to the core of their beings and did the best they
could to address that human nature in The Constitution.
Jefferson and Madison were no fools. They knew what was
coming and wrote the 2nd, and Jefferson specifically predicted
human nature would assert itself and he addressed that in The Declaration. Washington as well:
“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.”

March 24, 2022 7:18 am

On July 16, 1790, the Residence Act authorized President George Washington to choose a 100-square-mile site for the nation’s capital. Under his direction, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson selected Major Andrew Ellicott to survey a 10-mile square on the Potomac River between Alexandria, Virginia, and Williamsport, Maryland. Ellicot began his work on February 12, 1791.

With the help of Benjamin Banneker, the first boundary stone was placed on the southernmost point of the D.C. diamond. Then working clockwise, the team placed 39 additional stones. Each block of Aquia Creek sandstone, which weighed about a half ton, was chiseled with inscriptions indicating the territory it faced, the year it was placed, and a compass reading.

1791. Same year as and

What a coincidence.

March 24, 2022 12:45 pm

Now we have a weak minded government

Time for blood
Time for blood
March 25, 2022 10:52 am

Well they are stupid but mostly corrupt. And they must go now.

March 23, 2022 11:16 pm

You’re right and it’s high time we lanced this “bureaucracy boil”!

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 24, 2022 11:32 am

It’s a ZOG Communist Cancer, if it’s not removed, it will destroy America.

March 24, 2022 11:32 am

Yes, and this problem won’t be solved while humans are the the way we are now. The root problem is that humans are sinful in nature and we live in a world currently ruled by the Evil One. So evil comes from many sources, but from within the human hearts and from Satan and his minions. Until those problems are completely dealt with, no human system of government will ever be perfect.

March 23, 2022 10:03 am

We have two parties… One is the Evil Party and the other is the Stupid Party… Occasionally the two parties get together to do something that’s both evil and stupid.

That’s called bipartisanship.

— M. Stanton Evans

  Robert Gore
March 23, 2022 1:35 pm

Lara Logan has a good quote !
When she hears bipartisan her BULL SHIT DETECTORS go on high alert !

Red River D
Red River D
March 23, 2022 7:15 pm

I think my Bullshit Detector is broken. For some reason these days, the needle is always pinned to max bullshit, 24/7.


  Robert Gore
March 23, 2022 3:27 pm

I saw that quote this morning while surveying the shit show online and around me in real life that is the world right now. Stumbled here to TBP to recharge my batteries and read your article Mr. Gore. Thank you for your efforts in writing it.. the quote I thought complimented it.

A very good article by the way.

Just an update from here in Nova Scotia, for what it’s worth. The restrictions on masks and jabs have ended this week. People who were banished from Provincial Public Sector have been allowed to return to work. With regards to my work situation I no longer have to live in the shadows. Can’t fly though…

One would think that most would be glad to throw off their masks but it isn’t so. Last night I went to grocery store to get a few things and to see for myself the sad state of the citizenry of my town. Most of the people walking the aisles there were still wearing their Rona rags. I was disgusted by their need to still comply but not surprised. One would think that two years of abuse would be enough but ashes to ashes they all fall down. Everywhere are broken people and prime pickings to do the bidding of government wanting to burn everything to the ground…

March 23, 2022 4:49 pm

RiNS. Even here in anally-retentive Switzerland, the masks and other BS have gone. However, I was sitting in my local cafe with a coffee and happened to glance up at the TV. It was set on a French sports channel that was covering a horse race. The jockeys all wore masks. The French are beyond lost.

March 24, 2022 12:51 pm

The mental health disaster that this is creating and has created, especially among the young people, is going to be horrific.

  Robert Gore
March 25, 2022 1:51 am

Robert Gore. That is why you are a dupe. The people I lobbied against and knew. like McConnell and his satanicCHICOM bitch wife Elaine Chao (who I had to work with at the fake conservative Heritage Foundation til i created my own gig) and Biden and Dole and Bush were not “stupid’. they are way smarter than you. The just know how to use ‘I am stupid’ to cover for their willful evil because they know that YOU are dumb enough to fall for it every time.
Globalist-Klaus-Schwab-groupie Nazi Mitt Romney (along with his CIA career plumber Cofer Black chaperoning for Hunter Biden stealing billions from Burisma) LED the Nazi takeover of UKR in lockstep with Soros and McCain and Obama etc. That is not ‘stupid’ that is willful. YOU are the one who is stupid. Because you are sucking satan’s d*ck and telling me how good it tastes. F8CK you.

March 25, 2022 8:50 am

Read the same article as you and I am having a hard time understanding your vitriol CrashDavis.

March 25, 2022 8:54 am

Some of us just wake up angry these days, Rob.

March 25, 2022 10:51 am

That’s true Ghost…. my first thought was what was crash doing when he wrote what he wrote… was he stuck in traffic, was he trying to figure out how he was going to pay to fill up his car, was he kicking his dog because he could or was he just wondering about the taste of sucking Satan’s dick because of a foul mood….

The ALL CAPS were a nice touch though… next time he should just spell out dick and FUCK. Writing it the way he wrote it just makes him look like a retard.

March 23, 2022 11:33 am

RiNS. A fantastic quote that fits quite well to our current debacle.

March 23, 2022 4:47 pm

The GOP aren’t stupid. They are evil too. And still, the idiots on the Right believe that excrement like Romney and Graham are going to pull America out of the mess. Too many people are wasting their energy trying to make a broken system work again. We need something new.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
March 23, 2022 9:59 pm

I don’t personally know any that dumb.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 24, 2022 11:47 am

We need someone better than Trump.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 24, 2022 11:43 am

The Wildlife have agreed to eat People.

  rhs jr
March 25, 2022 8:56 am

Only the non-GMO kind, though. the wildlife have their standards.

March 23, 2022 10:25 am

Russia just passed a law imposing a 15-year prison sentence for anyone spreading “fake news” about its invasion of Ukraine.
Close, but no cigar:

From auto-translated

Criminal liability is established for the dissemination of deliberately false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
March 4 , 2022

Amendments are being made to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of the Russian Federation.

According to the document, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is supplemented by a new Article 2073, which provides for liability for public dissemination under the guise of reliable reports of deliberately false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens, maintaining international peace and security (the maximum penalty is imprisonment for up to three years).

In accordance with the law, the qualifying signs of the specified crime are recognized as acts committed by a person using his official position, a group of persons, a group of persons by prior agreement or an organized group, with the artificial creation of evidence of accusation, out of selfish motives, motivated by political, ideological, racial, national, religious hatred or enmity, or motivated by hatred or hostility towards any social group (maximum penalty — in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years), as well as serious consequences (the maximum penalty is imprisonment for up to 15 years).

In addition, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is supplemented by Article 2803, which establishes responsibility for public actions aimed at discrediting the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens, maintaining international peace and security, including public calls to prevent the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for these purposes, committed by a person after his involvement in administrative responsibility for a similar act within one year (maximum penalty — in the form of imprisonment for up to three years) and for the same acts that caused death by negligence or harm to the health of citizens, property, mass violations of public order or interfered with the functioning of life support facilities, transport or social infrastructure, credit institutions, energy, industry or communications facilities (the maximum penalty is imprisonment for up to five years).

According to the law, a new Article 2842 is introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability for calls for the introduction of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation or Russian legal entities committed by a citizen of the Russian Federation after he was brought to administrative responsibility for a similar act within one year (the maximum penalty is imprisonment for up to three years).

Also, articles 31 and 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation are amended to regulate the issues of jurisdiction and jurisdiction of criminal cases on new elements of crimes.

– – –
This is basically an anti-hypocrisy law.

So your example above will lead to 3 years max, I’d think.
In the US you’d need to do some more serious things – for example calling for a boycott on paying taxes.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 23, 2022 10:33 am

the next manufactured crisis, maybe Cyber Polygon.

Seems like that’s almost a given. I would be surprised if it doesn’t happen.

  Mary Christine
March 23, 2022 11:35 am

Oh no! They might trash my 9 year old Samsung that is on it’s last legs any how.

March 23, 2022 11:48 am

last Friday, I finally upgraded my “second hand in 2014” laptop

it’s worth it, although when I went to Fred Meyer’s to buy it, there were only 2 models, 3 computers total for sale – don’t wait too long

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
March 23, 2022 8:11 pm

Aahaaa! My smart air conditioner will be belching fire!

March 24, 2022 9:00 am

Upgraded mine and installed Linux Ubuntu Operating System, getting rid of Windows. Takes a little getting used to but it’s much faster than Windows without any of the crash or hang up problems… Chip

March 24, 2022 9:01 am

Oh and BTW, Linux is open source and free for download… Chip

March 24, 2022 1:01 pm

Wrap the old one in paper and aluminum foil. Make sure that none of the foil is touching the computer. Put it in your basement if you have one.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Mary Christine
March 24, 2022 12:05 pm

I do not fear the Russians taking down our utilities etc but I do fear the CIA working for the NWO Banksters.

  rhs jr
March 24, 2022 4:06 pm

You mean continuing to work for them. Since Inception?

  Mary Christine
March 24, 2022 12:58 pm

It’s almost certain that Putin has had some FSB agents slip across the wide open southern border.

March 23, 2022 11:00 am

I first thought “great article”, but then towards the second half you were slowly losing it, and slipping back into something between whistling-past-the-graveyard and Western exceptionalism.

“It’ s been suggested that Ukraine is merely the opening salvo, and a relatively minor one, in the alliance’s war against the West […] Taiwan […] Georgia”
To me, that sounds like nothing more than projection, i.e. expecting the alliance to act in exactly the same way the West would do it. It could happen, sure, but I doubt that is their [China and Russia’s] master plan.

“If they are prostrate, where’s the replacement market for Russian natural resources and Chinese manufactured goods? The “Stans” don’t quite cut it.”
{scratch head} You mean Russia and China will be deeply sorry not be be able to buy freshly minted ‘Treasuries’ anymore, from the proceeds of their resource and product sales to the West?

“In throwing out the bathwater of the West, they also throw out the baby that was the foundation of its advancement: the still radical idea of individual rights protected rather than infringed by the state.”
Oh that’s why Putin said on 3/16 after the West’s freeze/confiscation of a big part of their Central Bank’s foreign currency reserves:
  “However, unlike Western countries, we will respect property rights.”

“How many people immigrate to Russia or China?”
  Well I’m trying to [emigrate there].

“The globalist plan is order emerging from the ashes of a world in ruins, built back better per their totalitarian design. By whom? With what?”
Don’t you see any similarities to Marxist “class-less society” that somehow, magically, in an unspecified way emerges after capitalism collapses on it’s “inherent self-contradictions”? Problem with those theories is they all try to “fix” something that only worked [pre-collapse] on the foundation of Christian ethics – and exactly the latter Marxists and Globalists wish to annihilate.

Now you’re left with the theory that Putin has done all the things, like rebuilding Russia economically, letting or even helping the Orthodox Church revitalize, and so on, only as a part of a nefarious 7-D and 30-years planned-in-advance evilest-of-evil scheme.
On that, you will need to make a probability decision yourself.

March 23, 2022 11:40 am

The world faces terrible times ahead. For a primer of these things read Daniel and Revelation in the bible. It starts with the Devil entering a man who will be called the antichrist and the event is called the tribulation. All of man’s speculations are nothing compared to the truth of God’s word, the bible.

March 23, 2022 11:45 am

I prefer to take those things metaphorically, not literally.

So the hard part is not the reading, but the getting the associations to the metaphors [mostly] right.

March 23, 2022 4:51 pm

Spare us all the negative Christian crap. Many of us aren’t just going to roll over and die with the words “It’s the End Times so we can’t do anything!” on our lips. No-one is looking for Christianity to get us out of this mess.

March 24, 2022 4:03 am

That’s exactly why you won’t get out of “this mess.”

And why I’m trying to emigrate to Russia.

March 24, 2022 8:22 am

Personally never ‘thumbs down’ anyone, Not sitting in the Colosseum. Up-vote to acknowledge/encourage. “No One gets out alive” album slightly before my time. Sides/factions are not even clearly defined yet, as is often the case.

“It’s the End Times so we can’t do anything!” on our lips. No-one is looking for Christianity to get us out of this mess.”

” negative Christian”…could be considered an oxymoron?

Not sure what the final straw, or combination of straws, will lead to what you seem too be looking forward to. Or what the ‘Enemy’ will look like, and how they will present themselves.

Lots of Boy Scouts out here. None know when The End will be. ‘Sleeping Virgin’ Parable and all that.

Good Luck.

March 23, 2022 12:32 pm

Lot of interesting stuff here:

It was all so much easier back in the post World War II, pre-internet good old days. In the U.S. and Europe, there were several “papers of record” that had been infiltrated by intelligence agencies, and state-licensed radio and television stations. In the Soviet Union there wasn’t even that, just a few official propaganda organs.

Everything is a double-edged sword, of course. It is so much easier to get alternative reporting and ideas out to the masses than ever in history. But, the ability to get propaganda effectively to everyone’s eyeballs is beyond Goebbels’ wettest of wet dreams. It will be interesting to see how this plays out–or should I say would be from very, very far away. It will probably be terrifying to see how it plays out from here on Earf.

Massively over-indebted Western economies and governments are vulnerable, an avalanche awaiting the one-too-many snowflake. Russia and China have avalanche guns that can leave the West buried in its own debt and ruins, which all the central banks’ horses and central banks’ men won’t put back together again.

There’s a few similar ideas running through the piece, but this is probably the most pertinent to what I’ve been thinking of late. What no analyst I’ve read or listened to (David Morgan comes closest) imagines as a possibility is a genuine environmental shift–deeper even than systemic shifts…all systems exist in the environment. Fundamentally, the shift is from an environment of healthy negative feedback, to an environment of positive feedback. The simplest example is the idea that “the cure for high prices is high prices.” The very definition of negative feedback. But what happens if “high prices beget higher prices?” What happens if that plays out across many systems at once? Well, put simply, the Death of Empire. This is pithy version of Tainters’ “The Collapse of Complex Societies.”

Somebody, somewhere is going to get it right, because freedom is the only system that works.

Yes. In my mind there is a very pragmatic way to separate good ideas from bad ones. (Perhaps even good from evil, but I do believe this concept transcends pragmatism–but that is fodder for a whole other thread.) Good ideas work, for the broadest scope for the longest time. Bad ideas work very well short term and then are destructive. This seems axiomatic, fundamental to me. Jordan Peterson has a rule “do what is meaningful not what is expedient.” Albus Dumbledore similarly says there is a choice between “what is right and what is easy.” It’s all the same. The hard choice between what is good for the now and what is good for the long term is, as far as I can tell, engrained in the very structure of the Universe. An eternal battle.

Team “easy” is in charge now and the conflagration they cause will be epic. But freedom will never be destroyed and will re-emerge at some point. It is simply the nature of things.

March 23, 2022 1:32 pm

Sounds great Robert but do not for a second believe the Leviathan that is government with its army of badge wearing armed blind parasites claiming the age old tyrannical excuse “Sorry Just Doing My Job , Must Follow Orders” !
A huge majority will do just that so now the question : Will there be a Nuremberg Rope waiting for the enforcers necks ?
Yes : then let’s start that cook out !
No : Then things will go hot and then who knows the outcome !

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
March 23, 2022 3:11 pm

Robert, Thank you. I hope the controlling elite soon figure out that their costs have already outrun their control because until they do it looks like hell on earth. It will be slow because to them it’s just “other peoples money”.
Their costs are not just suppression and enforcement against truthtellers and truththinkers. There are enormous cost to concoct, maintain, promote, and enhance all the false realities that pass for modern life. We can’t get our hands dirty and actually make anything because we are too busy analyzing mountains of data, complying with ever changing regulations, learning new pronouns to keep HR compliant, getting it in writing to cover our collective asses, upgrading the software (then the hardware, then the software, repeat). And computers were sold to make our lives better and more productive! Right…
This Potemkin facade is so costly and non-productive that we have impoverished ourselves under a mountain of lies, damned lies, and statistics to the point that the chief function of government has become the maintenance of falsehood. The costs even exceed the costs of war
The living part of our economy is now already insufficient to support the dead part. We will subsist for while longer on the stored fat of this one-blessed nation. Then reality will surface like a submerged beachball and people will adapt as always by dying or learning to work again without all the false baggage.

March 23, 2022 4:00 pm

We can only hope what RG is saying is more than wishful thinking. I was speaking with a younger friend of mine last week and his comment was that everything he was ever taught about this country is basically a lie to him now. I said yup. Sucks don’t it?

March 23, 2022 4:55 pm

Yep. These last few years have made me reconsider everything. I’m partly Jewish, so I’ve always believed that Israel was right in most things. However, after seeing how the Nazis in charge over there enforced the most draconian Covid laws on the planet on their people, I realized that I had been naive. Israel is not a biblical repository of wisdom inhabited by God’s people; it is just a modern state run by psychopaths. As for the US, I’ve come to realize just how much evil these “good guys” have caused in the last hundred years.

March 24, 2022 8:37 am

Try reading the Old Testament?

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 24, 2022 12:31 pm

Ditto; The Elite (Oligarchs) are like Wolves in Sheep’s clothing. They ran Russia about 80 years, why don’t Americans and Israelis see they are being led by the same type Shyster Schmucks. Liberals are so stupid; they lined up to take the CV-19 mRNA Genocide Shots (like Zyklon Showers); they believe the MSM Propaganda (Pravda); they are Kapo and don’t even know it.

March 23, 2022 5:10 pm

Surely, the conflagrations have manifested throughout history: Truth versus deception, just law against tyranny, reason above insanity, innovation overcoming entropy… and no doubt the flames burned brightest during the deepest darkness before the dawn.

Secular Humanism and Collectivism are twin sloughs eroding national institutions into a muddy swamp of self-indulgence, corruption, and relativism. Now we’ve even fallen to the point of a prospective Supreme Court Justice not being able to discern the biological differences between genders.

Dissolution and coagulation. But whatever is coagulated can’t hold together for long before it implodes upon devouring itself like a snake swallowing its own tail.

Regarding the Alternative Internet: It seems the deceptions are more subtle because more truth is used to deceive than is necessary to fool the mainstream sheeple. For example, Q-anon used truth to pacify and mislead just as Covid As Bioweapon tricked many of the red-pilled, too. Yet the results were the same then, as now… in Ukraine.

I predict at some point, long into the future, perhaps even into the next century, some liberty-minded author utilizing some unforseen medium or meme will cite (and attribute) the following quote from the above article as follows:

Humor always contains an element of truth, which is why statists can’t do humor.

– Robert Gore, early 21st Century author and blogger

  Robert Gore
March 24, 2022 1:27 pm

Just remember that the cherries in the pies are never mutually exclusive. They go together like coffee & cream and copy & paste. 🙂

  Robert Gore
March 24, 2022 4:26 pm

You always write well. A phrase from somewhere…”A 100 years from now, they may not know my Name, But they will know my work. Good Enough For Me”

Applies to You 2, and many others. Some of the comments are astounding as well.

Thank You All, encouraging to say the least.

March 23, 2022 5:33 pm

One minute we are told the Ukie civilian population is trapped like a rat, brutalized, blah blah …. the next minute they talk about the 2-3 million refugees (most of them looking well fed and not brutalized). So, which is it?

One minute we’re told how totally inept the Russian army is …. the next minute you see maps of Russian advances and military depots being blown up and Ukieland being decimated. So which is it?

One minute they’re cheering their asses off at the mere mention of “moar sanctions” cuz they are huring Russia, bad, real bad, man ……. then they talk about our economy going down the shitter because of the war. So which is it?

Don’t watch TV. It’s your only hope of staying sane in this klown world.

March 24, 2022 9:16 am

Bravo. Ditched cable five years ago… Chip

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 24, 2022 12:49 pm

The Ukranian Azov Nazis in Mariupol have been fighting like Stalingrad so the pictures of destruction are from there. Otherwise, Russians are trying to spare property and civilians. The Maternity Ward, the Turkish Mosque and the Theater were all False Flags done by Ukraine to try to get NATO involved esp to provide a no fly zone or a lot more anti-air defenses.

norman franklin
norman franklin
March 23, 2022 7:15 pm

I’m pretty spent trying to win hearts and minds, change opinions, help others see the truth. I find what you wrote to be true Robert, all of it. Yet I cant shake the feeling that freedom is destined to fail. It is a system only suited for certain types of individuals. The types of which are in short supply. They cant be made, shaped, or educated into it. It comes from the heart, as well as the head. Most people on this planet at this particular time react solely on emotion. Not a lick of thought goes into how they view the world around them.

The evidence is everywhere, stupid Ameri-mutts lapping up the ukraine hoax like dogs in the kennel at feeding time. We were making progress, having shredded their bat flu narrative. Now its as if narrative engineers shouted out in unison, “LOOK SQUIRREL” and they all fell for the next strong delusion.

  norman franklin
March 24, 2022 4:15 am

Your post is one giant self-contradiction.

To call for
– MOAR freedom
– MUH individuality

in our ‘permissive society’, which is coming apart at the seams…

norman franklin
norman franklin
  Robert Gore
March 24, 2022 2:18 pm

Robert, I didn’t chose my words very careful. Freedom as a concept, held in the heart of man, can never fail. As a system of Governance it is unsuited for the human grocery store we now find ourselves in. It is as many in these parts expound, local and through voluntary association it is the best way of ordering the affairs of man.

I’m afraid at this time in history we simply have to many psychopaths for it to prevail on a large scale. That will change, just as everything does during these fourth turnings. The next episode of humanity will look much more promising.

As for power we all know what that tends toward.

ursel doran
ursel doran
March 24, 2022 1:50 am

The Trump Derangement Syndrome cult are now very happy to have another second syndrome.
The Putin Derangement Syndrome.

They are blissfully unaware the the Trump derangement syndrome was created by Hillary’s employees, lawyers and law firm, for the election, and after the election continued by that paragon of virtue, the FBI. Kept it running for two years lining Mueller’s retirement fund with huge cash.

IMHO, Trump was a naïve virgin to such political wars and when they, the Deep State, installed the warmonger whores, Bolton et al, on his staff he had no idea they were out to destroy him.

The 75 million people that voted for him are still out there, aka the silent majority, and with the current administration’s yeoman efforts to destroy the hydrocarbon industry out of the monstrously stupid belief in the green new deal bringing $5 gasoline, and likely higher the folks are becoming grumpy.

March 24, 2022 8:09 am

“The trickle of articles that questioned and debunked became a flood. Junk science was exposed. More importantly, so was Covid tyranny as alarms sounded about the totalitarian design behind masks…”

Well masks are still a thing… Chip

Darth Vader…

March 24, 2022 8:15 am

If there is ever a missing link, that gorilla sure seems to be it.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 24, 2022 1:23 pm

To be more scientific, he is more a throw back (Recidivism) to the unknown archaic jungle hominoid (possible a branch off from about 800,000 years ago) that crossed with a modern Homo sapien (probably of the Koi San type race which is the race that most Whites and Asians came from) in North West Africa about 60,000 years ago to create the modern Negro race which is much larger and rapidly took over almost all of Africa.

March 24, 2022 9:20 am

Excellent finish Robert. Our age group may not see the final outcome (I’m 62) but I do believe that God and freedom win in the end… Chip

March 24, 2022 1:58 pm

Can’t happen soon enough. I’m tired and pissed, and I’m sure that line forms to the left.

March 24, 2022 7:08 pm

“Screaming” Mark Levin. Yes, correct spelling , Levin. Today, “conservative” talking head guru, Mark…I don’t believe in war…must support Ukraine for (our) national security interests…FOX, best grip on the situation in Ukraine…join Mark (Levin) on Sunday, FOX, special guest , Newt Gingrich.
It doesn’t get much better than this.

Signed, If you cannot dazzle them with brilliance, dazzle them with bullshit.

Send your kid to die for Mark F Levin, must stand with Israel.

March 25, 2022 1:22 am

If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. 🙂

March 24, 2022 7:18 pm

Ok, so “Screaming” Mark Levin…we’re not sending troops to Ukraine, we are muscling up NATO. 🤔

The Boogie Man
The Boogie Man
March 24, 2022 10:49 pm

Run towards the light my children, run as fast as you can! It will be over in a blink of an eye if you can get close enough. Woe to those that miss the big flash in the sky for they will surely know the meaning of human suffering.
“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is lost
The best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity.”

― W.B. Yeat

March 25, 2022 1:30 am

re cyber polygon

Did Biden’s handlers just give us their ‘final warning’ about the next big crisis that will be used to reset the world?

March 25, 2022 1:33 am

re cyber polygon

Did Biden’s handlers just give us their ‘final warning’ about the next big crisis that will be used to reset the world?

Time for blood
Time for blood
March 25, 2022 10:37 am

The government is parasitic. It is too large and has created too many rules and regulations. It must be jettisoned and “built back better aka smaller.” It is completely corrupt including the courts to the point that there is no redress. Money is no longer a store of wealth.

Mark Vossler MDnonymous
Mark Vossler MDnonymous
March 25, 2022 7:34 pm
