Reckoning With Insanity, Part One

Finland and Sweden have asked to join.

The time many people will have to grasp the insanity of the Russian situation may be measured in microseconds.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

What they fear the most is you, thinking for yourself. Within those three words are two implicit concepts. Thinking is the fundamental essential for human existence. It can be hard work, but nobody will disparage it on that basis. Attacks on thought, and there have been many, tend to be more subtle.

The for yourself is more problematic. For one thing, it sounds selfish. Nowadays you can present yourself as damn near any kind of humanitarian, even when you’re carrying all sorts of obviously hypocritical baggage, and you’ll go unchallenged. State that your first concern is your own welfare, not the common good or the public interest, and most people will mentally consign you to the ninth circle of hell. Sixty-five years after publication, Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand’s tribute to the self-interested mind, is still denounced. Soon it will be banned in those jurisdictions that have not already done so.

And who wants to be consigned to the ninth circle of hell? Think for yourself and worse, dare to speak your questions, speculations, hypotheses, and conclusions, and you open yourself to isolation and attack. The killer bees in the hive mind mind are viscous, relentless, and remorseless, inflicting stinging, sometimes deadly, cancellation. Then there’s that part of thinking many don’t like—the hard work. It’s easier to join the hive. Never underestimate laziness as a human motivation.

For those that do think for themselves, dispelling the smokescreen of obfuscation, propaganda, and lies that now constitute communications from politicians, other public officials, their allies, and their string-pullers has become routine, Citizens of totalitarian regimes know well the guiding precept: all such communications are lies unless conclusively demonstrated otherwise.

Armed with skepticism, adepts see the lie machine for what it is. They dismiss virtually everything and are rarely wrong. As the U.S. has slid towards totalitarianism, a not exhaustive list of such instances includes the second Iraq war, Obamacare promises, Russiagate, the fixed 2020 election, the government-prompted January, 6, 2020 “insurrection,” and the supposed scientific consensus concerning both global climate and Covid-19. Anyone who doubts that these were detectable lies from inception can check the record. In every instance there were publicly expressed doubts.

Raw power allows liars to get away with lying. Policies are promulgated, protest stifled, protestors confined to the fringe, and although the truth sometimes surfaces into a more general awareness, liars are rarely called to account or punished. They’re often rewarded. Those who understand the game are resigned to it, but now we are confronted with two situations—one developing for decades, one recent—that threaten the livelihoods and lives of every person on the planet. These consequences cannot be met with resignation.

Lying every step of the way, monetary mandarins have incrementally shifted the U.S. from the gold-exchange standard of the late 1800s and early 1900s to a system in which the government and Federal Reserve, joined at the hip, issue unlimited fiat debt instruments. The Federal Reserve’s must—by force of legal tender laws—be accepted as a means of exchange. The Fed buys the government’s fiat debt instruments with its fiat debt instruments and calls it sound economic policy rather than the shell game it is. The coup de grâce lie was President Nixon’s in 1971, when he claimed his suspension of the last vestiges of the gold exchange-standard would be temporary. Fifty-one years later, pure fiat is still in place. The skeptics of 1971 are not surprised.

Nobody knows what random wind will blow away the towering pile of debt. It’s probably already begun; the breeze is certainly picking up force. If so, it’s the nature of financial crises that they accelerate into collapse. Whether or not we’re in the midst of it, the mathematics of ever-increasing principle and compounding interest mean that collapse is inevitable. Production and existing wealth are not enough to cover debt service and principle repayment on the debt already incurred; a problem exacerbated by rising interest rates. Debt having become the liars’ all-purpose economic and political tool, you can be sure that as debt implodes, they’ll throw more of it at the ensuing crisis. It won’t work.

The debt situation is an insanity that has become almost normalized because it’s gone on for so long. There has not yet been the kind of catastrophic financial and economic crash that will serve as conclusive proof of its insanity. Absent such a crash, many people ignore, or worse, actively court the looming disaster, dancing on the rim of a rumbling, smoking volcano. Perhaps to divert attention, the liars have started a war with Russia.

The time many people will have to grasp the insanity of the Russian situation may be measured in microseconds. A brilliant, blinding flash and millions are instantly incinerated. The U.S. government is playing chicken with the one nation on the planet that has more nuclear weapons than it does. And for what? The claimed right to expand NATO to the most corrupt nation in Europe, whose kleptocratic government and military are riddled with neo-Nazis. A nation that Barack Obama noted is far more important to Russia than it is to the U.S.

The Ukraine-Russia war began on March 12, 1999, when former Warsaw pact nations Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic were admitted to NATO. Their admittance broke a promise that was made to the Russian government after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 that NATO would not expand eastward. Since then that promise has been broken repeatedly. Although Ukraine’s prospective NATO membership is in limbo, it appears that Finland and Sweden will also join.

Knowledge of history, comprehending any perspective other than one’s own, or even glancing at a map are considered weaknesses and markers of traitorous tendencies in Washington. A glance at a map reveals that Russia does not have the benefit of the U.S.’s Atlantic and Pacific moats. And here’s a brief history lesson: Russia has been invaded repeatedly from both the east and west.

Vladimir Putin’s oft-stated objections to NATO on Russia’s western doorstep stem from that history, yet the West has dismissed those objections as irrational paranoia. How can Putin doubt the West’s sincerity and goodwill, notwithstanding: the repeatedly broken NATO promise, the 2014 coup in Ukraine, the U.S. withdrawal from arms control treaties, the missiles positioned a few minutes flight time from Moscow in eastern Europe, Ukrainian bioweapons labs, the ongoing demonization of Putin, and the publicly expressed desire for Russian regime change? He’s a madman, they tell us, without ten seconds thought as to how he and the rest of Russia might perceive the situation.

It’s a wonder anybody in Russia sleeps at night. The U.S. and Europe are clearly waging war on them via their Ukrainian proxy and the U.S. is upping the ante $40 billion. Ignoring the Minsk agreement it signed, Ukraine’s government waged war on the Donbass region—which has strong ties to Russia—for eight years and escalated in mid-February. This was the last straw and Russia invaded.

Previous straws were Ukraine’s desire for NATO membership, president Volodymyr Zelensky’s pledge to take back Crimea, and his February 19 Munich speech in which he threatened to withdraw from the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. Per that agreement Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in return for security guarantees from the U.S., Great Britain, and Russia. How well would you sleep if Russia had nuclear weapons in Mexico or Canada and its officials publicly speculated about “winnable” nuclear wars? The Soviet Union’s deployment of nukes in Cuba in 1962 caused a lot of insomnia. The crisis was only resolved through skillful negotiations between Kennedy and Khrushchev, cooler heads than the lunatics on both sides plumping for nuclear war.

How well would you sleep if Russia had bioweapons labs in Mexico or Canada that were doing research aimed at American genotypes? What part of the $40 billion appropriation will be covertly directed towards eliminating incriminating evidence concerning Ukraine’s U.S.-funded bioweapons labs and the nature of their research? And what part will buy off accomplices and eliminate evidence that Ukraine has been a bribe spigot and money laundromat for Democrat eminences since the U.S.-sponsored coup?

Part Two will be posted June 2.

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May 31, 2022 2:28 pm

A very thorough introduction, RG. I look forward to Part 2.

May 31, 2022 2:31 pm

Have not seen any articles here tying the many recent mass shooting scams together. so… Lets review the Gun Confiscation through Mass Shooter game. The Uvalde event is just the most recent card played in this game. But we tend to forget the lessons of the past.
Yes the Uvalde mass shooting was a textbook “Stand Down Operation,” – that is, law enforcement was deliberately ordered to stand down so that the massacre could take place and the killer could build a larger death count. The goal? Gun confiscation of average citizens (not criminals or mass shooters).
This scam has been run countless times and each time new more draconian ‘gun control’ legislation (blocking law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves while making it easier criminals and murders to do their worst) is magically ready to go and is passed by Repubs and Dems.
The fact that such legislation just makes the problem worse should be obvious to all by now. Remember when then-Senator Biden introduced the “Gun-Free School Zone’ law in 1990 banning law-abiding citizens from defending themselves on school property? Since then 92% of large mass shootings have been at SCHOOLS! Easy pickings.
And cops mandating Stand Down orders to give mass killers more time to kill and blocking parents from saving their kids is not a new program either.
This same shit happened in Palm Beach County FL at the 2018 Parkland school shooting. Sheriff Scott Isreal ORDERED HIS COPS TO BLOCK RESCUE of the kids and STAND DOWN TO delay any take down of the shooter so the killer had time to rack up more dead bodies. [See:
Sheriff Israel also let the shooter remain free and attend school for two years leading up to the event despite 39 run-ins with the police involving his mental instability and criminal intent including a posting on the internet where he stated his intent to “shoot up the school” two years before it actually happened. When informed of this the sheriff did nothing.- see:
This evil sheriff was briefly suspended and then put back on the job.
But people soon forgot about Sheriff Israel and turned to new legislation to disarm law-abiding citizens.
Immediately after this evil sheriff helped the Parkland shooter complete his massacre, crisis actor and gun confiscation zealot David Hogg (predictably, also the son of a deep state gun control zealot FBI agent) was trotted out on all media outlets as a celebrity god with a ready-made script to bully law-abiding citizens into disarming themselves. Scores of gun control laws (which do nothing to stop criminals who already own and use guns illegally) were immediately enacted.
Now cops who pull this shit don’t even get a slap on the wrist. This scam has been run on us countless times and we always forget it and let them do it again.
In the 2017 MGM Las Vegas mass killing, the COPS WAITED IN THE HALLWAY during the entire six minutes that the shooter(or shooters) used high-power automatic weapons to murder 58 and wound 500 + and the cops made NO attempt to breach his room until AFTER all the shooting was over.

Video shows officers waiting in hallway during Las Vegas shooting

Then the FBI came in and for days repeatedly changed their story on the timeline and the failure to act in clownish ‘change-the-lie-of-the-day briefings’. Only a security guard who got there before the cops did, actually tried to breach the shooters room and take him down before all the damage was done.

This time in Uvaldi the US Marshalls and cops were ACCESSORIES TO MASS MURDER once again. Blocking parents from saving their kids and giving the shooter 40 minutes to kill with impunity (until an off-duty border patrol guy in flip flops went in and finally ended the the cops stand down to help the mass shooter).
As always after a mass shooting like this, ‘gun control’ laws to disarm more law-abiding citizens are ready to pass immediately after the massacre.
Now McConnell is finalizing rifle ban legislation with Dems that will disarm Joe Six Pack. Criminals, who already own guns illegally, and thus disregard gun laws anyway, wont be affected. And mass shooters will have even more defenseless citizens to kill (aided by Stand Down Cops who, as always, will block any ‘Mr. Concealed Carry,’ who happens to be on the scene and willing to do the cops job for them, from getting inside to stop the shooter until he has had time to do his worst).
This evil scam is obvious but unfortunately it still works.

Cedartown Mark
Cedartown Mark
May 31, 2022 3:32 pm

Same old playbook, keep running the same play until it doesn’t work anymore.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
May 31, 2022 3:33 pm

OR, they are just too damned scared to confront the shooter(s). One of those long hallways with a cement floor and concrete block walls is a kill box if the guy on the other end knows what he’s doing.


Which he didn’t….

June 2, 2022 2:48 pm

Right, there is no evidence that the guy had any training whatsoever. Nor did he seem to have resources to buy all the new guns and gear that he possessed.


Harrington – Making lame excuses for evil people is not the right answer to this scam.
The corrupt scum with badges and the hacks bureaucrats who ordered and engineered this stand down to facilitate mass murder for political purposes were never in harm’s way they did not do it because they were “scared.”. And when they lie about it and dont get fired for it, they don’t get off scot free because they are “scared.”
They get away with their crime because evil has permeated the political. law enforcement and media elites. The US Marshal and the satanic cops who decided to handcuff a mom trying to go in and save her child (who actually did later because a good cop who knew her let her free) had nothing to fear from her, they did not commit that evil because they were “scared”.
The politicians, who exploit this government-facilitated mass murder to pass laws stealing guns from law abiding citizens so that criminals can rampage, don’t do it because they are “scared” of the murderer they wound up and let lose on children.
They do it because they know some people are tougher and more realistic and dont make lame excuses for deliberate evil as just being “ignorant” or “scared” or “mistaken” or “foolish” or any other bullshit excuse for evil. Some people – the three-percenters – know that evil can only be stopped by an armed and determined resistance that faces harsh facts. And that evil knows who needs to be neutralized. Hence the disarmament campaign.
If you can’t identify evil by it’s real name and instead choose to put lipstick on that pig to make it look less ugly an threatening than it is, then you are choosing to serve evil.
Biden’s handlers and these satanic cops and the ‘make-citizens-defenseless” zealots are not “scared” or “ignorant” or “incompetent” or “foolish”. They know exactly who their enemy is (us) and how to subdue it and they have crafted and implemented specific strategies and tactics over several decades to do it. And they are executing that plan with relentless determination. And they are willing to instigate WW III to get what they want. And they are winning in a rout. Doesn’t sound very scared or ignorant or silly or mistaken to me. Just evil.

ran t 7
ran t 7
May 31, 2022 7:54 pm

thank you for laying it all out. might want to print it up and save it for later.

June 1, 2022 4:57 pm

Then there’s what’s behind Door #3:

June 2, 2022 3:30 pm

He has some great writings, bitcoin article a standout.
Your link was much appreciated, been too long.

June 2, 2022 4:25 pm

Thank You for the EXCEPTIONAL essay and supporting links.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
May 31, 2022 3:22 pm

Speaking of a madman, what the hell is Dementia Joe on the madman scale?

ran t 7
ran t 7

zero. he’s not mad, he’s almost jello.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
June 1, 2022 12:44 pm

My first reaction to that is why would the Russians in an understandable fit of pique not send some group or country a missile or torpedo that would perhaps take out some thing of value to us? One need only use their imagination. Imagine something less sophisticated like a few crates of RPG launchers and rockets for Antifa or MS-13. “Dimetry, please to be holding my beer.”
Dementia Joe has got to go.


Hot day here in NC. Thank God for air-conditioning, or the black guy that invented it once finishing inventing television and airplanes.
The missile launchers will be fair game anywhere once they drive across the border into the Ukraine, so guess they will have to fire from Poland or some other country. Those Russians are very crafty, shoot they got Trump elected, and poison people all the time with umbrellas it seems according to CNN.
But it is good to remember back to the 1980s when hostages such as Terry Anderson were being taken left and right in Lebanon. Seems as if a Russian was taken but then a bunch of Lebanese people were found with there dicks cut off and shoved down their throats so that monkey-shine soon stopped, as far as Russians being kidnapped.


Oh, just wait until serious social unrest breaks out in the US. A proxy war? How fast will we see full-auto and heavy weaponry show up in the hands of thugs and gangs in the inner-cities, smuggled cross-border from the south? Pay-back’s a bitch and there are several countries that would LOVE to see this country have to deal with that scenario. And how.

June 2, 2022 12:51 pm

Can’t wait for Russia and China to start shipping arms to the “freedom fighters” when the US goes civil war.

Good for the goose, good for the gander.

June 2, 2022 1:43 pm

Look at any failed state around the world. Improvised armor will be pickups with mounted heavy guns.

One of the first places to be looted when it is obvious TSHTF? Armories. The bigger and better organized gangs already have plenty of people IN the army.

A good portion of the US army will melt away when things go hot. Few of the leaders have any real combat experience against a real enemy and far too many foot soldiers are now happier wearing heels and dresses. Many will go fetal position if you get their pronoun wrong.

Plus, how many of the still capable will ship off to defend DC if their homes in the south are at risk? Will Texas send the NG to DC? Alabama?

June 2, 2022 3:32 pm


Anon amous
Anon amous

Joe is only the face you are supposed to blame. The entire systemic corruption must be ended and the only way that happens is by dissolving the central evil government into as many pieces as quickly as possible. Working within THEIR framework is a fail. A new declaration of Independence and a new Independence Day must arise before the blinding flash engulfs the east and west coasts Americans must unite against the District of Corruption and put humans before profits.

May 31, 2022 5:22 pm

Excellent.. Look forward to #2

May 31, 2022 5:30 pm

You know as well as me that the economy crashed pre-CONVID and has been since propped up by sticks, just long enough for the elites to finish looting the treasury, and once it’s all gone the economy will look like a trailer park after the tornado. Right now anyone with sense can see Biden and crew are using Ukraine to continue laundering the money we send them, as they have been since 2014 at least. They are doing everything on purpose, including false flag shootings, to keep our eyes away from what they have and still are doing with our money, and of their unholy crime against humanity called CONVID. They are manipulating our emotions with constant propaganda and disinformation and above all, fear.

What can we do about it at this late stage? Do we still have the power to stop it?

May 31, 2022 5:38 pm

Probably not, and not even the will to even try for the most part. A few may try, but they will be Wacoed. And the sheep will cheer the death of those “horrible domestic terrorist white supremacist Trump supporting meat eaters”.

ran t 7
ran t 7
May 31, 2022 7:53 pm

“Do we still have the power to stop it?”

sure, if you don’t mind breaking a whole bunch of laws and becoming a casualty yourself.

short of that, you can try to survive through it and help others survive through it.

May 31, 2022 8:00 pm

I only disagree with characterizing Putin as a lunatic. If he was the war would be nuclear by now. Biden and his handlers make him look like Gandhi.

June 1, 2022 8:20 pm

Putin has been really patient with the West. He would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump was still President.

May 31, 2022 9:52 pm

I don’t understand why folks don’t see that Ukraine being in NATO is not all that different than the Soviet Union putting nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1963.

We could have avoided all this if our President had just said, “Ukraine will never be a part of NATO.” I suspect he didn’t say anything because he is neck deep in the corruption in Ukraine and it will all be exposed if he didn’t keep his mouth shut.

May 31, 2022 10:21 pm

He is not ‘our President’.

He is the selected traitor.

June 1, 2022 11:09 pm

Same as it ever was.

June 1, 2022 12:12 am

I don’t understand why folks don’t see that Ukraine being in NATO is not all that different than the Soviet Union putting nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1963.

NATO is a intergovernmental military alliance and is not a country. The Ukraine will not be to NATO as Cuba was to the Soviet Union. There are different strategies taking place. Immunity is another strategy.

Note this is my brief thoughts as a response. I am opposed to crimes against humanity. NATO is definitely at the top of my list.

Though NATO has a hand in sex trafficking in various regions, I am not linking info about how NATO and the UN took part in trafficking Eastern European female youths throughout these regions and abroad, of which Canadian author Malarek reports became a genocide of white Eastern European girls.

NATO claims immunity for crimes against humanity in this lawsuit. (Yugoslavia did not declare war against NATO.)

NATO Claims ‘Immunity’ to Serbian Lawsuits on Use of Depleted Uranium in 1999 Bombings

By Ilya Tsukanov | Samizdat | May 25, 2022
The Western alliance spent 78 days bombing Yugoslavia in 1999, contaminating the Balkan nation with at least 15 tonnes of highly toxic depleted uranium (DU) munitions. Serbian attorneys have filed multiple lawsuits against NATO, but have yet to receive any formal admission of wrongdoing by the alliance for its actions.

NATO has formally responded to lawsuits filed by Serbs with the Belgrade High Court over the bloc’s DU munitions use during the 1999 bombing campaign, claiming immunity from prosecution, Srdan Aleksic, a lawyer representing victims, has told Sputnik Serbia.

“In its statement to the court, NATO’s liaison office in Serbia indicated that the alliance has full immunity under Serbian jurisdiction on the basis of the 2005 agreement between the alliance and the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro ‘On the transit participation and support of peacekeeping operations,’ and the 2006 agreement under which the liaison office in Belgrade was created,” Aleksic said.

The attorney dismissed the ‘immunity’ claims, insisting that “none of these agreements gives immunity to NATO as an organization, and immunity cannot be applied retroactively. Therefore, NATO cannot receive immunity for war crimes against civilians and for its illegal aggression under the 2005 agreement.”

Also, here is a list of US wars and US/NATO wars.

U.S. Wars and Hostile Actions: A List

June 1, 2022 10:07 am

I DO see that Ukraine in Nato is no different than the USSR putting nuclear missiles in Cuba. Those missiles were a direct response to the nuclear missiles the US had already installed in Turkey.

So, yes, once again Russia is responding to a provocation by the US.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
May 31, 2022 11:25 pm

I’ll say this again and again, as follows to the best of my memory, from “Rancho Deluxe” circa 1975:

Harry Dean Stanton: “How’d you catch us?”

Slim Pickens: “Son, all large scale crime is ALWAYS an inside job.”

’nuff sed.

June 1, 2022 12:51 am

Gore’s article serves as a baseline of accuracy against the agitprop purveyed by prevaricating politicians and propagandists.

Contrary to convoluted Ukraine news “stories”, this post is, indeed, logic presented in a straight line.

Looking forward to the next installment.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 1, 2022 1:02 am

The problem is asymmetrical warfare.

The more the NATO (Evil Fucker’s military tools) push against the Russians (and other non compliant nations) the more likely asymmetrical actions will occur to counterbalance the existential NATO threat.

For example: a few EMP events can be used to cause the “lights out” that will destroy NATO as well as Western civilization. Adversary bio-engineered pandemic closes the human shit-show with horrible disease. Same with a special chemical warfare operation.

Be careful what you wish for you Evil Fuckers; you may just get it back in spades.

June 1, 2022 6:42 am

The crash begins with a creak.

“The head of the Treasury Department, Janet Yellen, said last month that the confiscation of Russian funds in favor of Ukraine would be illegal. According to the New York Times, officials within the Biden administration are debating whether such a move would “encourage other countries to put their central bank reserves in other currencies and keep it out of American hands.” No decision has yet been made on the issue.

Washington and its allies have reportedly blocked $300 billion of Russia’s reserves as part of sanctions imposed in response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. The actual amount may be smaller, however. Of these funds, around $100 billion was reportedly frozen by the US, $24.5 billion by the EU, with the remainder apparently scattered in central banks across the globe.

Senior EU official weighs in on seizure of Russian assetsREAD MORE: Senior EU official weighs in on seizure of Russian assets
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky estimated last month that the cost of his country’s reconstruction could be $600 billion, meaning that Russia’s central bank assets abroad would only cover a portion of the costs.

Russia has called the possible confiscation of its foreign-exchange reserves an act of “complete lawlessness” that would undermine the very basis of international relations.”

June 1, 2022 12:55 pm

You or anyone believe the confiscation of Russian funds is just temporary, Nixon-style? 😉

June 1, 2022 6:49 am

EXCELLENT recap of the current situation Robert. Looking forward to part two and your conclusions… Chip

June 1, 2022 12:53 pm

“It’s a wonder anybody in Russia sleeps at night.”

Why should they have big problems sleeping. They will not loose this ongoing WW3.
Putin has laid down what his ultimate goals are [in the December 2021 draft treaties.]
Those will be achieved, and now it’s entirely on the West to decide if they want it to occur with or without Global Thermonuclear War. There is nothing further that Russia really can do, except than continuously hand-feed that reality, in small bites.

Call me Jack
Call me Jack
June 1, 2022 6:01 pm

It’s not Putin looting my pay check to support bureaucrats and dead beats.It’s Uncle Sam.

June 1, 2022 9:44 pm

Reckoning with SOP? “The avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds:
“the fear of being brought to reckoning”, Soon.

June 1, 2022 11:15 pm

USA fighting against Nazis during the WII conflict. And now we are sending 40 billion $$$$$ to help the Nazi factions in Ukrainian. How dismally hypocritic is the USA and the NATO sycophants that once put togeather the demise of Germany and the Nazis under the control of the Federal Reserve Board and Rothschilds Jacob Schiff’s financing both side of that conflict??? The wisdom of dementated US house and Senate representatives is astounding, except the controllers who control them, are Israeli AIPAC deviants under control of the Israeli Knesset and the rabbis that control Nazi Israel! Biden is a chump working for the latter, just like FDR was controlled by his administrative Jewish counter parts. “Stupid is as stupid does” in the history of repeating the same mistakes that have always been represented by those that care nothing for the country they inhabit and the Diaspora of Jewish retardation that screws money out of our USofA citizens and there needs… What is the Ukraine going to do to help us? Not a god dam thing. And Russia is holding all the cards because they see through the abomination of desolation satanic forces controlling the deep state of worldwide false WEF Reset CFRians and totalitarians of the deep state administrative diaspora and their dual citizen tyranny.